Category Archives: Biology

Dan Bush named a pioneer member for the American Society of Plant Biology – College of Natural Sciences – Colorado State University

Dan Bush, a renowned plant biologist and former chair of the Department of Biology and vice provost for faculty affairs at CSU, was recently named a pioneer member for theAmerican Society of Plant Biology (ASPB).

This prestigious recognition honors the work of researchers who have made significant contributions to the field of plant science and the scientific community, and who take seriously the mentorship of future researchers. The recognition includes fundraising of $5,000by the members former graduate students, postdocs, colleagues and friends that is used to support outreach and mentorship of young scientists.

Dan has been a tremendous mentor and friend to me. His impact on plant science is only overshadowed by his positive impacts on his mentees, said Cris Argueso, an associate professor of agricultural biology at CSU.

Bush said that the ASPB had a profound impact on his career and development as a plant biologist. He attended his first society meeting in 1983, coincidentally held at CSU.

I was awestruck by the diversity of plant science presented at the meeting, he said. The society played a central role in my career ASPB has had a profoundly positive impact on the plant biology discipline and I am proud of my service to the society.

Throughout Bushs career, he took on leadership roles within ASPB: organizing annual meetings, serving on the editorial board on the societys journal, chairing the Midwest section of the society, elected secretary and president of the society, and serving as chair of the board of trustees.

Dr. Dan Bush is a visionary scientist and a leader with a tireless commitment to advancing science, especially plant biology, said Anireddy S.N. Reddy, professor of biology at CSU. His decades of distinguished service and contributions to the plant science community at the national and international level in many leadership roles in different societies, including the ASPB, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and at Colorado State University, are impressive.

Beyond ASPB, Bushs career ethos was marked by a strong sense of scientific inquiry, collaboration and thoughtful mentorship.

He started as an art student at Humboldt State University in California (HSU), before finding inspiration from his first mentor, Dan Brant, a biology professor at HSU. Brant lived a life of inquiry, said Bush. He had an enormous curiosity about everything I spent a summer building a house with him and shortly thereafter became a biology major!

Bush later earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley and did postdoctoral research at the University of Maryland.

He joined the Agricultural Research Service and the Plant Biology Department at the University of Illinois in 1984 where he made his first significant research achievements describing the transport properties of proton-coupled sucrose and amino acid transporters in purified membrane vesicles, and eventually cloning many of them by complementing yeast transport mutants with plant cDNA expression libraries. It was also at Illinois that he discovered sucrose is a signal molecule that controls carbon allocation from leaf tissue to the non-photosynthetic organs of the plant.

While I consider these and many other discoveries to be important contributions to plant science, I believe my most important contributions have been in the training of many Ph.D. and postdoctoral students, he wrote in his autobiography for ASPB. I am exceedingly proud of their successes and contributions to basic understanding of plant biology.

This philosophy of mentorship extended beyond lab work and into his classroom as well.

As an educator, I tried to assist students in engaging in active learning, as I helped them build a foundation of basic concepts and knowledge of biological systems.One of the challenges of any biology class is walking students through the depth of understanding we have of many biological processes while also exciting them about the plethora of unsolved biological questions, he said.

Bush brought this passion for plant biology education to CSU, where he served as chair of the Department of Biology from 2003 2012. In 2012 he became vice provost for faculty affairs, where he served CSU until his retirement in 2020.

As chair of biology, I am very proud of the many talented young faculty we hired and our conscious efforts to mentor them as they crafted their successful careers at CSU, he said. Many are now leaders in their fields and at CSU. As vice provost for faculty affairs, I am very proud of our work with departments making sure they set clear expectations for young faculty. It is exceeding important that young faculty understand the expectations for scholarly and teaching achievement, as well as their role as engaged citizens in academia.

Bush said he feels extremely lucky to have spent a career engaged in solving challenging scientific questions, working with likeminded colleagues and training the next generation of inquiry-driven plant scientists.

Read more about Bushs legacy in his biography and on SOURCE.

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Dan Bush named a pioneer member for the American Society of Plant Biology - College of Natural Sciences - Colorado State University

Real-time simultaneous refractive index and thickness mapping of sub-cellular biology at the diffraction limit … –

Figure1 illustrates the main idea of the proposed RI measuring technology. It leverages a suitably engineered ultra-dark hydrophilic surface of palladium (Pd). When a specimen carried inside a droplet of phosphate buffer solution (PBS) deposits on the Pd surface, it anchors itself to the surface at multiple points. The hydrophilic nature of the Pd surface causes the PBS to spread over the sample, resulting in the evaporation of the liquid within one minute of the deposition. The lack of liquid produces progressive dehydration of the specimen, causing it to flatten and stretch on the surface, forming a suspended, thin biological film. When a white light source illuminates this structure, the reflection spectrum shows complex frequency modulations based on interference-generated structural colors (Fig.1b). A conventional red, green, and blue (RGB) camera converts every pixels input spectral power distribution (SPD) into a triplet of RGB values.

a Deposition of a biological specimen using a PBS droplet onto a nanostructured Pd surface. b Stretched specimen acting as a thin film that exhibits interference-based colors when illuminated. Recording of spatially dependent colors by a digital camera. c Camera conversion of analyte SPD into RGB values. d Recovered thickness map for an HCT-116 colon cancer cell. e Micrographs of an HCT-116 cell. The color overlays indicate subcellular regions with similar refractive index.

The camera integrates its color-matching functions (CMFs) with the input SPD during the conversion. The CMFs (Fig.1c, b(), g(), and r() curves) represent the devices sensitivity to the three primary color bands. The output RGB value encodes unique information on the biological properties of the analyte, such as its thickness and refractive index. After imaging, machine learning software performs a pixel-by-pixel segmentation by recovering the thickness and refractive indices from the RGB features encoded by the camera. Figure1d shows an example three-dimensional reconstruction of the thickness map of an HCT-116 colorectal cancer cell. The layered colors on the panels of Fig.1e highlight distinct sub-cellular clustered structures with similar refractive indexes. This approach does not rely on cell preparation and is free from chemical alterations. At the same time, it enables automated measurement of the thickness and refractive index information in a single parallel acquisition with diffraction-limited spatial resolution. This technique requires only a conventional camera and a reflection microscope, opening up the possibility of in-situ integrated setups compatible with equipment for cell culture growth and development studies.

Figure2a shows an example of the experimentally fabricated Pd surface used for the analysis. Surface manufacturing uses electrodeposition of Pd on a gold-coated glass piece (more details in Methods). We optimize the deposition potential and time to create large and prominent tree-like features (Fig.2a, black area) and achieve broadband light absorption. The combination of the Pd surface texture and its low reflectivity produce the cell stretching to thin film effect while simultaneously allowing the thin film interference colors to be detectable. Figure2b, d shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) images obtained from the top and cross sections of the sample. The deposited Pd grows on a layer approximately 30 m in height and comprises irregularly shaped pillars, producing a pattern reminiscent of a rainforest canopy. The insets in panels b and d show that each pillar is further textured at the nanometer scale, contributing to their hydrophilic nature. Figure2c shows a photograph of the Pd surface at 100 magnification under a brightfield reflection microscope. The image highlights the highly absorbing nature of the sample, with only minor light reflection at the tips of the Pd pillars under direct Khler illumination. The inset in Fig.2c reports the regions reflectivity across visible wavelengths measured with an integrating sphere, showing that the nanostructured Pd reflects less than 2% of visible light relative to a silver mirror. Most of the light scattering from the pillars occurs at high angles, enabling the detection of thin film interference components that scatter within the numerical aperture of the microscope objective.

a Photograph of nanostructured Pd sample. The color squares correspond to the regions imaged in (bd). b Overhead SEM micrograph of nanostructured Pd. c Optical micrograph of nanostructured Pd. The inset shows the reflection average reflection spectra of the area. d Cross-sectional SEM micrograph of nanostructured Pd.

The RGB color features of a stretched biological specimen depend on its local thickness and refractive index uniquely. Figure3a illustrates this point quantitatively. The figure presents examples of standard RGB (sRGB) colors generated via thin-film interference at four representative film thicknesses (see Methods for more detail). For each thickness, the refractive index varies in the biological range from 1.33 to 1.55. Figure3a shows that sRGB features encode unique combinations of thickness and refractive index that do not intersect, thus permitting the retrieval of these quantities with no ambiguity. This feature allows for overcoming the limitation of QPM methods, which require pre-existing knowledge of the sample thickness.

a Biological thin film colors in the sRGB colorspace for four different thicknesses as the refractive index varies from 1.33 to 1.55. b, c Sensitivity limits for refractive index and thickness values recovery as a function of the channel bit depth of the camera used and the stability of the image values. The plot is composed of discrete points with the dashed lines intended to help visualizing the trends.

Figure3b, c present a theoretical analysis of the resolution limits of this method. The y-axis of the plots represents the level of variation, in units of bits, that the image file may suffer from due to thermal, electrical, or illumination fluctuations in the experimental setup. This value can be estimated by examining the variation in pixel values between images of the same object taken at different times. For a given bit variation, each circle marks the thickness or refractive index resolution below which two distinct biological structures yield the same RGB triplet. The dotted lines of the image help visualizing the resolution dependence on bit depth, but the plots are not continuous as a discrete variation of camera bit depth yields a discrete variation in the sensitivity of the technique. Figure3b, c shows that this technique achieves state-of-the-art refractive index resolutions (104) for a 16 bit per color channel camera. Likewise, this method reaches nanometer thickness resolution when employing cameras of 14 bits per channel or higher.

While the mapping between a spectrum and an RGB triplet is unique within the expected biological thickness and RI ranges, in a limited number of cases, the conversion of an SPD to the bit-limited RGB space of the camera yields very close RGB values, a phenomenon known as metamerism. Figure4a shows an example of this by plotting the theoretical reflection spectra of two metameric films, S1 and S2. The two spectral curves represent the response of thin films deposited over a silicon substrate with RI values of 1.41, 1.49 and thickness values of 588 nm and 356 nm, respectively. These thicknesses and RI values lie within the expected range of biological specimens27. While the two films have different properties, when integrated through an 8-bit cameras CMFs they map to RGB colors that are almost indistinguishable to the human eye: RGB = [149,251,122] (S1) and RGB = [141,251,134] (S2). We designed and implemented a machine learning recovery procedure that retrieves thickness and RI without human bias or intervention for these challenging metameric scenarios.

a Reflection spectra and RGB color of metameric thin films S1 and S2. b Clustering of thin film sample into two pixel groups. c Cost maps for four pixels of cluster 1. d Expanded view of the cost map of pixel ii, the pink and blue areas indicate the probability of the thickness and RI values respectively. e Pooled cost function for the pixels of cluster 1.

The process starts by accurately characterizing the cameras CMFs through supervised learning. In this step, we used a training and validation experimental dataset of 65 thin films of known thickness and RI. We manufactured these thin films via the spin coating of PMMA photoresist on silicon wafer pieces at different speeds and measured their thickness and RI through spectroscopic ellipsometry (see Supplementary Figs.1 and 2ad). We then acquired reflection spectra and photograph pairs for each film sample. Using these samples, we trained a regression model using non-linear basis functions (see Supplementary Note1 for implementation details). This approach yields the CMFs up to the desired resolution in frequency, controlled by the size of the regression model. This training process allows the measurement of any biological thin film imaged by the camera, as the ML algorithm is agnostic to the type of cell or imaged material, learning only the relation between the spectral power distribution of the specimen and the color outputted by the camera.

After estimating the CMFs, the ML recovery algorithm can extract the thickness and RI values for each pixel of a samples image. However, due to metamerism, working with each pixel as an isolated element can result in incorrect recoveries. The ML algorithm addresses this by pooling information from pixels with close RGB values, generating groups of adjacent pixels possessing similar RGB colors in the image. This process uses an unsupervised k-means clustering algorithm that labels pixels of similar RGB colors as belonging to the same cluster. The ML recovery procedure automatically sets the number of clusters to yield an average variation of less than 2% between the RGB values of the pixels in each cluster and the cluster centroid RGB value. We set this value as a threshold found through successive iterations of the algorithm, with the condition that a lower value would result in the differences in recovered RI and thickness values for the pixels in a cluster being below the sensitivity of our setup. Slight RGB differences between adjacent pixels correspond to nanometer scale fluctuations in the materials thickness, which the camera perceives even at the single nanometer. (see Fig.3c).

Figure4b illustrates clustering for an experimental thin film sample manufactured with the parameters of S2. Running the clustering process results in two clusters for the image, one corresponding to the green area of the thin film and another for the black edge of the field stop of the microscope used to take the image. The average difference between the RGB triplets in the green cluster and the centroid RGB value is 0.86%.

In each cluster, ML recovery employs a pooling strategy similar to using pooling layers in convolutional neural networks28. For a subset of 1000 randomly sampled pixels within the cluster, we compute a mean square error (MSE) cost map:

$${{{{{{{rm{MSE}}}}}}}}=frac{1}{3}{leftvert {{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}-hat{{{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}}rightvert }^{2}=frac{1}{3}mathop{sum}limits_{i}{left({X}_{i}-{hat{X}}_{i}right)}^{2},$$


where X=[X1,X2,X3]=[R,G,B] is the measured RGB triplet of the pixel, and (hat{{{{{{{{bf{X}}}}}}}}}=[{hat{X}}_{1},{hat{X}}_{2},{hat{X}}_{3}]=[hat{R},hat{G},hat{B}]) a numerically computed thin film RGB value from a table of RGB values corresponding to thin films of known RI and thickness values (see Supplementary Fig.2e, f). We calculate the RGB table only once, and the cost map executes in parallel for each cluster. Figure4c illustrates the cost maps associated with four random pixels in the cluster, and Fig.4d presents an expanded view of the map of pixel ii. Because of metamerism, the MSE cost map shows two local minima (yellow areas), one corresponding to the thickness and RI values of S1 and the other to the values of S2. The ML recovery procedure computes the probability of each of these RI and the correct thickness values by slicing the MSE map along each axis and comparing the minimum values (Fig.4d pink and light blue probability areas). This step results in a 0.62 probability that the acquired RGB value belongs to the RI and thickness of S1 for pixel ii.

The algorithm then pools together the cost maps of each pixel within the same cluster to improve the low-confidence probabilities and correctly identify the thickness and RI values of the film. This procedure averages out outliers and yields the MSE map depicted in Fig.4e. This map presents a single minimum, which correctly corresponds to the samples thickness and RI values with unitary confidence and no ambiguity.

Figure5 summarizes validation results for the ML RI and thickness recovery on synthetic cell-like objects with engineered thickness and refractive index. These synthetic cells are 30 m wide squares of cured SU-8 photoresist (see Methods for fabrication details). We measured the cells thickness t using optical and contact profilometry (see Supplementary Fig.1), obtaining t=(5676)nm, and obtained the ground truth RI from the resist manufacturer datasheet. Figure5a shows a photograph of a synthetic cell through a reflection microscope at 100 magnification. The blurring on the right side of Fig.5a does not originate from a thickness variation but is the result of a slight tilt of the cell, which places this area outside the depth of field of the 100, 0.9 NA, objective we use to acquire the image. The cell is of a near uniform green color except for two dark spots within its area, which correspond to supporting Pd pillars seen through the cell. Figure5b presents a three-dimensional image of the cell positioned on the Pd substrate, illustrating how the cell is supported at a slight angle by these two pillars. Figure5c, d shows the ML calculated thickness and RI maps of the artificial cell structure. As the cell is uniform in both thickness and refractive index, the plots present constant values for both quantities over the cells surface, save for the areas where the Pd pillars are detected. Our algorithm treats the Pd pillars background as a black thin film during the calculations, and will not further processes these areas for RI and thickness recovery. Figure5e, f presents the absolute uncertainty against the ground truth values. We calculated the uncertainty as the difference between the values recovered by our algorithm and ground truth measurements of the refractive index and thickness. The procedure yields results with an average discrepancy of 0.6 nm in the thickness recovery compared to the average cell thickness obtained with the profilometer measurements and of 3103RIU compared to the datasheet RI over the synthetic cell area.

a Photograph of a synthetic cell as seen under 100 magnification on top of the Pd substrate. The two dark spots correspond to Pd pillars visible through the cell. b 3D model showing the relative positioning of the synthetic cell on the Pd pillars. c, d 3D reconstruction of the thickness and refractive index maps obtained for the synthetic cell. e, f Uncertainty maps for the thickness and RI of the synthetic cell.

Figure6 presents the results of the recovery process applied to a natural cell. Figure6a shows a photograph of an HCT-116 colon cancer cell after deposition and stretching on the Pd surface. Spatially varying thin film interference colors are visible across the specimen. The dark spots in the central part of the cell correspond to debris from a Pd pillar that moved over the cell during the deposition process. The blurriness on edge results from the short depth of field of the 100, 0.9 NA objective used to capture the image. We set the microscope to focus on the largest possible cell area as the sample must be in focus to prevent overlap between neighboring pixels RGB values and allow the technique to obtain sharp RI and thickness maps. Figure6b, c shows the ML computed RI and thickness maps of the specimen using 50 color clusters. This number results in a maximum variation considering all clusters of 1.98% between the RGB values of the pixels and their cluster centroid RGB triplet. Consistently with previously reported RI maps for HCT-116 cells, no sharp nucleous-cytoplasm boundary is apparent, however, the RI values shown in Fig.6b are larger than those reported in the literature for living HCT-116 cells by approximately 0.1 RIU29,30. This RI increase is a consequence of cell dehydration, and is consistent with the previously reported RI increase of up to 0.15 RIU across the visible wavelength range for dehydrated tissues and isolated cells undergoing dehydration31,32. The ML algorithm correctly isolates the Pd background in both results, grouping all pixels with low RGB values into the background cluster. This clustering step produces a sharp boundary separating the cell from the Pd according to whether the RGB values of the pixels are above the threshold the algorithm defines as the background. The algorithm likewise identifies and groups the Pd debris on the cell with the background pixels. Figure6d illustrates the ten most significant clusters, excluding the background, that the algorithm finds for the photographed cells. The cells dark gray interior represents the remaining smaller clusters. Each cluster corresponds to groups of pixels the algorithm identifies as having equal RI and thickness values. Figure6e is an SEM close-up of the specimen. The panel shows the thin film nature of the cell and the raised height of the specimen edges relative to the rest of the body that cause the edge blurriness of Fig.6a. We ensured the SEM imaged cell was the same as the cell shown in Fig.6a by scratching markings in the Pd surrounding the cell. We estimated the cell thickness from the SEM image by measuring the number of pixels in the image corresponding to the raised border of the cell, and then multiplying this value by the size in nanometers of one pixel. The estimated cells thickness from the SEM image lies between 250 nm and 800 nm, in good agreement with reconstructed values in Fig.6c. Figure6f presents a complete 3D reconstruction of the cell thickness profile with a color overlay that varies according to the point-to-point RI value.

a Photograph of an HCT-116 cell stretched on the Pd substrate showing thin film interference based spatially dependent colors. b, c. ML recovery results for the thickness and RI of the specimen in (a). d Ten largest clusters found for the cell depicted in (a), the remaining clusters are grouped as the dark gray interior of the cell. e SEM micrograph of the cell on the Pd substrate. f 3D reconstruction of the thickness map of the cell with overlayed RI information.

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Real-time simultaneous refractive index and thickness mapping of sub-cellular biology at the diffraction limit ... -

Clownfish: Studying their Complex Lives and Anemone Homes | The Brink – Boston University

The social dynamics of clownfish are not as simple as the adoring father-son relationship of Marlin and Nemo in Disneys iconic films Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. The reality for these brightly hued orange-and-white fish is far more complexand one that has long stumped evolutionary biologists. Peter Buston, a Boston University College of Arts & Sciences associate professor of biology, has been studying clownfish for over two decades, and has housed hundreds of these fish in his Marine Evolutionary Ecology lab.

One major difference between Nemo and real-life clownfish is that they dont always live with their biological relatives. Instead, groups of up to six cohabiting fish are led by a femalethe queen bee of the clownfishwhile living in friendly competition with one another based on their size and color. Only the largest of the group mates with the reigning queen.

Fascinatingly, all clownfish are born male, with the capacity to change gender later in life. Once the female of a group dies, the next largest in the group changes gender from male to female, and becomes the new leader. The smaller fish all move up one spot in the social ladder, waiting their turn until theyre next in line to mate.

The idea that the smaller, duller-colored clownfish put up with this arrangement fascinates Buston. Through his research, he has tried to figure out why this social hierarchy doesnt lead to the smaller fish leaving their home anemonewhich live attached to the seafloor or coral reefs and have long tentaclesto breed elsewhere. In a 2020 paper, Buston found that a combination of ecological and social constraints seem to be the reason for them staying. Clownfish didnt even leave when presented with a nearby alternative, because of the risks of entering a new home, and most of them returned to their original anemone after being moved to a different one.

Their behaviors can be quite complex, says Buston, who has studied clownfish behavior both in the lab and in the wild. And clownfish and anemones have a quintessential symbiotic relationship. In the ocean, sea anemones trap food with stinging cells on their tentacles that paralyze their prey. Clownfish, though, secrete a mucus that shields them from the stings. The bright-colored clownfish attract predator fish to the anemone, which then stings and eats the fish. And in return, the anemone provides a safe, protected environment for the clownfish.

To make matters more complicated, Buston and his team have found that clownfish can control their growth depending on the specific social contextso two rival males put together will race to get bigger and become dominant. The team is currently investigating the genetic mechanisms that allow the fish to do this. Theyve also learned how to introduce baby clownfish to new social groups in different-size anemones and created more than 10 social groups in the labwith aims to create more soon.

Watch the video above to see the clownfish in action.

See the original post here:

Clownfish: Studying their Complex Lives and Anemone Homes | The Brink - Boston University

Rucaparib and its major metabolite exhibit differential biological activity and synergy – News-Medical.Net

Once they enter the body, drugs, apart from carrying out their therapeutic function, are biochemically transformed by the action of the metabolic machinery, a process that facilitates their expulsion. This biotransformation results in a gradual disappearance of the drug, which is converted into its metabolites. These, in turn, can reach high concentrations in the body and also show a biological activity that may be different from that of the original drug. That is, the metabolites and the drug coexist in the body, and can cause effects different from those obtained with the individual molecules. This is the case of Rucaparib, a drug used in chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, breast cancer and, more recently, prostate cancer, and its metabolite, the M324 molecule. Rucaparib is part of a group of drugs designed to treat several types of cancers that show alterations in DNA repair. Specifically, they are inhibitors of the PARP1 enzyme, involved precisely in the process of repairing mutations in the genetic material.

A study led by researchers Albert A. Antolin, from the Oncobell program of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and ProCure of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), and Amadeu Llebaria, from the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC ), has shown that Rucaparib and its main metabolite M324 exhibit differential activities. Published in the journal Cell Chemical Biology, the paper has analyzed Rucaparib and M324, making a computational prediction of the metabolite's activity. The article describes the synthesis of M324 and its biological assay, demonstrating that the drug and its metabolite have differentiated activities and act synergistically in some prostate cancer cell lines. And that, surprisingly, M324 reduces the accumulation of the protein -synuclein (an important component of Lewy bodies) in neurons derived from patients with Parkinson's, a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a movement disorder, and in which neurons do not produce sufficient amounts of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Specifically, the synergy demonstrated between Rucaparib and M324 in prostate cancer cell lines could have an impact on clinical trials for advanced stages of this type of cancer. On the other hand, the fact that M324 is capable of reducing the abnormal accumulation of -synuclein in neurons derived from stem cells of a Parkinson's patient, highlights the therapeutic potential of this metabolite and its possible pharmacological application for the treatment of this neurodegenerative disease. These results have been obtained thanks to the collaboration of the IDIBELL and ICO groups led by Miquel ngel Pujana and lvaro Ayts, and the group of Antonella Consiglio, from IDIBELL and the UB.

Researchers have used computational and experimental methods to comprehensively characterize, and for the first time, the pharmacology of the M324 molecule. The first author of the work, Huabin Hu, has made an exhaustive prediction of the differential activity of the original drug and its product, which translates into different spectra of the phosphorylation pattern of cellular proteins. Carme Serra, from the MCS group at IQAC-CSIC, has synthesized the metabolite M324, which has allowed experimental verification of the computational prediction in biological and cellular assays. The results obtained could have implications for clinical treatment with Rucaparib and, in turn, open new opportunities for drug discovery.

In summary, the study points towards a new conceptual perspective in pharmacology: one that considers drug metabolism not as an undesirable process that degrades and eliminates the therapeutic molecule from the body, but rather as one that can have potential advantages from a therapeutic point of view. Indeed, the work highlights the importance of characterizing the activity of drug metabolites to comprehensively understand their clinical response and apply it in precision medicine.


Journal reference:

Hu, H., et al. (2024). Identification of differential biological activity and synergy between the PARP inhibitor rucaparib and its major metabolite.Cell Chemical Biology.

Here is the original post:

Rucaparib and its major metabolite exhibit differential biological activity and synergy - News-Medical.Net

Beyond Nature’s Limits: Ethical Dilemmas in the Age of Synthetic Biology – Medium

Synthetic biology, a relatively new interdisciplinary field that combines engineering, biology, and chemistry, is revolutionizing the way we design and produce biological systems. Its an exciting and rapidly evolving area of research, with potential applications ranging from medicine and agriculture to energy production and materials science. As 2030 year olds who are digitally savvy and intellectually curious, you may have heard about synthetic biology but arent entirely clear on what it is or how it could impact your lives. In this article, we will explore the rise of synthetic biology, its applications, and the ethical implications that come with this revolutionary technology.

Synthetic biology can be defined as the design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems not found in nature. Using a combination of molecular biology techniques and engineering principles, synthetic biologists create functional DNA sequences or genetic circuits to program living cells to perform specific tasks. These engineered cells can then be used for various applications, such as producing medicines, biofuels, or even creating new organisms with novel characteristics.

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Beyond Nature's Limits: Ethical Dilemmas in the Age of Synthetic Biology - Medium

Biological Research And Self-driving Labs In Deep Space Supported By Artificial Intelligence – Astrobiology – Astrobiology News

Sickbay Aboard Starship Enterprise Star Trek Strange New Worlds / Paramount

Space biology research aims to understand fundamental effects of spaceflight on organisms, develop foundational knowledge to support deep space exploration, and ultimately bioengineer spacecraft and habitats to stabilize the ecosystem of plants, crops, microbes, animals, and humans for sustained multi-planetary life.

Multi-hierarchical levels of space biological research and data. Space biology research seeks to characterize the effects of spaceflight on living systems across hierarchical biological levels. Our current understanding of the biological responses to spaceflight incorporates multiple types of evidence at the cellular, tissue, and whole organism level. q-bio.OT

To advance these aims, the field leverages experiments, platforms, data, and model organisms from both spaceborne and ground-analog studies. As research is extended beyond low Earth orbit, experiments and platforms must be maximally autonomous, light, agile, and intelligent to expedite knowledge discovery. Here we present a summary of recommendations from a workshop organized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and modeling applications which offer key solutions toward these space biology challenges.

Self-driving labs are automated experimental platforms with AI closed-loop control for knowledge gain and experimental design. In spaceflown research programs, implementation of self-driving labs will aid comprehensive characterization of the effects of spaceflight on living systems, ultimately feeding research findings into applications such as in situ analytics, Earth-based open science research programs, and precision astronaut health systems. q-bio.OT

In the next decade, the synthesis of artificial intelligence into the field of space biology will deepen the biological understanding of spaceflight effects, facilitate predictive modeling and analytics, support maximally autonomous and reproducible experiments, and efficiently manage spaceborne data and metadata, all with the goal to enable life to thrive in deep space.

Deep space biological and biomedical data collection and transfer. The diagram shows the data and information flow in which a cloud-based data management environment serves as the nexus between space-based data and research and Earth-based researchers and analysts, enabling Open Science access to data and analytics and facilitating preparation of AI-ready datasets. q-bio.OT

Comments: 28 pages, 4 figures Subjects: Other Quantitative Biology (q-bio.OT); Machine Learning (cs.LG) Cite as: arXiv:2112.12582 [q-bio.OT] (or arXiv:2112.12582v1 [q-bio.OT] for this version) Focus to learn more Submission history From: Lauren Sanders [v1] Wed, 22 Dec 2021 05:18:26 UTC (4,520 KB) (full article) Astrobiology, space biology, space life science,

See original here:

Biological Research And Self-driving Labs In Deep Space Supported By Artificial Intelligence - Astrobiology - Astrobiology News

Surprising behavior in one of the least studied mammals in the world – EurekAlert


Bairds beaked whale, The Commander Islands

Credit: Olga Filatova, University of Southern Denmark

Some animals live in such remote and inaccessible regions of the globe that it is nearly impossible to study them in their natural habitats. Beaked whales, of which 24 species have been found so far, are among them: They live far from land and in deep oceanic waters, where they search for food at depths of 500 meters and more.

The record holder for the deepest dive by a mammal is a Cuvier's beaked whale, which in 2014 was measured to dive at least 2992 meters. A beaked whale also holds the mammalian record for the longest dive; 222 minutes.

Now, the world gets a new and surprising insight into the world of distant beaked whales through a scientific study of a population of Baird's beaked whales. The population has unexpectedly been found near the coast and in shallower waters than previously observed.

The study is led by whale biologists Olga Filatova and Ivan Fedutin from the University of Southern Denmark/Fjord&Blt, and it ispublished in the journal Animal Behaviour.

Filatova and Fedutin have many years of whale studies in the northern Pacific behind them, and it was during an expedition to the Commander Islands in 2008 that they first saw a group of Baird's beaked whales near the coast.

"We were there to look for killer whales and humpback whales, so we just noted that we had seen a group of Baird's beaked whales and didn't do much about it. But we also saw them in the following years, and after five years, we suspected that it was a stable community frequently visiting the same area. We saw them every year until 2020, when Covid 19 prevented us from going back to the Commander Islands," explains Olga Filatova,a whale expert and postdoc at Department of Biology and SDU Climate Cluster, University of Southern Denmark.

The studied population of Baird's beaked whales came close to the coast - within four km from land, and they were observed in shallow water; less than 300 meters.

"It is uncharacteristic for this species," says Olga Filatova, who also points out that the population likely has adapted to this particular habitat and thus deviates from the established perception that all beaked whales roam far out at sea and in deep waters.

"It means that you cannot expect all individuals within a specific species to behave the same way. This makes it difficult to plan species protection - in this case, for example, you cannot plan based on the assumption that beaked whales only live far out in deep sea. We have shown that they can also live in shallow and coastal waters. There may be other different habitats that we are not aware of yet," says Olga Filatova.

There are many examples of individuals from the same whale species not behaving the same. In the whale world, it is common to find groups of the same species living in different places, eating different prey, communicating differently, and not liking to mingle with fellow species in other groups.

Some killer whale groups only hunt marine mammals like seals and porpoises, others only herring. Some humpback whales migrate between the tropics and the Arctic, others are residents in certain areas. Some sperm whale groups develop their own dialects for internal communication and do not like to communicate with others outside the group.

According to Olga Filatova, social learning is at play when groups develop preferences for, for example, habitats and prey.

There are many forms of social learning in the animal world. Imitation is the most complex form; the animal sees what others do and understands the motivation and reasoning behind it. Then there is "local enhancement," where an animal sees another animal heading to a specific place, follows, and learns that the place has value. This has been observed in many animals, including fish.

Olga Filatova believes that the population of Baird's beaked whales at the Commander Islands learns through "local enhancement": They see that some peers go to the shallow water near the coast, follow, and discover that it is a good place, probably because there are many fish.

"It becomes a cultural tradition, and it is the first time a cultural tradition has been observed among beaked whales," she says.

Other examples of cultural traditions in whales include when they develop specific hunting traditions: some slap their tails to stun fish, some generate waves to wash seals off ice floes, some chase fish onto the beach.

The researchers observed a total of 186 individuals of the Baird's beaked whale species at the Commander Islands from 2008-2019. 107 were only observed once and thus assessed to be transient whales. 79 individuals were spotted for more than one year and were thus assessed to be residents.

61 of the transient whales were seen interacting with the residents, and seven of them were seen in shallow water.

"The transients are not as familiar with local conditions as the residents, and therefore, they usually seek food at the depths that are normal for their species. But we actually observed some transients in the shallow area. These were individuals who had some form of social contact with the residents. It must be in that contact that they learned about the shallow water and its advantages," says Olga Filatova.

It is unclear how many Baird's beaked whales exist in the world.

The study was supported by Rufford Small Grants, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Animal Welfare Institut and Russian Fund for Fundamental Research.Olga Filatova's research is also supported by Human Frontier Science Program.

Beaked whalesWe know 24 species of beaked whales, which belong to the toothed whales. Some are known only from strandings and skull finds, and photos of them are generally rare. Baird's beaked whale is the largest of the beaked whales, reaching a length of up to 10 meters. The female is slightly larger than the male. Both females and males have a characteristic underbite with two pairs of teeth in the lower jaw.

Observational study


Unusual use of shallow habitats may be evidence of a cultural tradition in Baird's beaked whales


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Surprising behavior in one of the least studied mammals in the world - EurekAlert

Exploring the Role of Non-Protein Ubiquitination in Cellular Biology – Medriva

Ubiquitination, a process fundamental to cellular biology, has traditionally been associated with protein regulation. However, recent research has expanded its scope to non-protein biomolecules, diving into a whole new realm of biological complexity. This article delves into the concept of non-lysine ubiquitination and its extension to biomolecules other than proteins, exploring the challenges, potential, and significance of this emerging field.

Ubiquitination, the process of attaching ubiquitin protein to biomolecules, is well-known for regulating protein degradation, localization, and activity. Recently, scientists have discovered that ubiquitination can also occur on non-protein molecules such as bacterial lipopolysaccharides, phosphatidylethanolamine, saccharides, and ADP-ribose. This has opened up new avenues of study, but has also presented unique difficulties in terms of quantification and detection.

E3 ligases, the enzymes that facilitate the transfer of ubiquitin to the target molecule, play a critical role in non-proteinaceous ubiquitination. Understanding the biological functions of these ligases can be complex, mainly due to the vast variety and specificity of E3 ligases. Nevertheless, their study is crucial for unravelling the intricacies of non-protein ubiquitination.

Proteasomes, cellular complexes that break down proteins, have been found to interact with ubiquitinated molecules. Research has shown that proteasomes can catalyze peptide splicing of full-length proteins, producing a variety of peptides with regulatory activities in cells. On the other hand, proteasome inhibitors (PIs) have demonstrated the potential to target the 26S proteasome in hematologic malignancies, prevent the degradation of tumor suppressor proteins, and inhibit the NF B signaling pathway. However, the resistance to these inhibitors remains a significant limitation.

Ubiquitinations role extends beyond normal cellular function and into disease pathology. For instance, Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), a rare and life-threatening condition, has been linked to the ubiquitin transfer system. Expansion mutations of the poly-alanine tract in PHOX2B have been found to disrupt proper ubiquitin transfer to neural proteins, leading to cell death and triggering CCHS.

Despite the challenges in studying non-proteinaceous ubiquitination, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and therapeutic development is immense. Antioxidant activity of protein-derived peptides, for example, has shown promise in disease prevention, management, and treatment, hinting at the diverse applications of ubiquitination knowledge. To fully realize this potential, interdisciplinary collaboration is needed, along with the development of novel methods for research in this field.

In conclusion, non-protein ubiquitination is a complex and promising field of study that can revolutionize our understanding of cellular biology and disease mechanisms. By overcoming the challenges associated with studying this process, we can unlock new therapeutic avenues and contribute to a deeper understanding of lifes intricate processes.

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Exploring the Role of Non-Protein Ubiquitination in Cellular Biology - Medriva