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Ants evade harmful food by active abandonment | Communications Biology –

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Ants evade harmful food by active abandonment | Communications Biology -

Key moment in the evolution of life on Earth captured in fossils – EurekAlert


The Welsh countryside near the Coed Cochion Quarry, where the fossils were found.

Credit: Curtin University

Curtin-led research has for the first time precisely dated some of the oldest fossils of complex multicellular life in the world, helping to track a pivotal moment in the history of Earth when the seas began teeming with new lifeforms - after four billion years of containing only single-celled microbes.

Lead author PhD student Anthony Clarke, from the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group within Curtins School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said to determine the age of the fossils, researchers used volcanic ash layers like bookmarks in the geological sequence.

Located in the Coed Cochion Quarry in Wales, which contains the richest occurrence of shallow marine life in Britain, we used outfall from an ancient volcano that blanketed the animals as a time marker to accurately date the fossils to 565 million years, accurate down to 0.1 per cent, Mr Clarke said.

With similar Ediacaran fossils found at sites around the world including in Australia, dating the fossils identifies them as being part of an ancient living community that developed as Earth thawed out from a global ice age.

These creatures would in some ways resemble modern day marine species such as jellyfish, yet in other ways be bizarre and unfamiliar. Some appear fern-like, others like cabbages, whereas others resembled sea pens.

Study co-author Professor Chris Kirkland, also from the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group at Curtin, said the fossils are named after the Ediacara Hills in South Australias Flinders Ranges, where they were first discovered, leading to the first new geological period established in over a century.

These Welsh fossils appear directly comparable to the famous fossils of Ediacara in South Australia, Professor Kirkland said.

The fossils, including creatures like the disc-shaped Aspidella terranovica, showcase some of the earliest evidence of large-scale multicellular organisms, marking a transformative moment in Earths biological history.

Ediacaran fossils record the response of life to the thaw out from a global glaciation, which shows the deep connection between geological processes and biology.

Our study underscores the importance of understanding these ancient ecosystems in order to unravel the mysteries of Earths past and shape our comprehension of lifes evolution.

Available online here once published, the full research paper, UPb zircon-rutile dating of the Llangynog Inlier, Wales: constraints on an Ediacaran shallow 1 marine fossil assemblage from East Avalonia will appear in the.Journal of the Geological Society (JGS), which is owned and published by the Geological Society of London. JGS publishes topical, innovative and interdisciplinary research with global reach across the full range of Earth and planetary sciences.

Journal of the Geological Society

Imaging analysis


UPb zircon-rutile dating of the Llangynog Inlier, Wales: constraints on an Ediacaran shallow 1 marine fossil assemblage from East Avalonia


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Key moment in the evolution of life on Earth captured in fossils - EurekAlert

Temporally Multiplexed Imaging (TMI) – A Breakthrough Technique in Cell Biology Research – Medriva

The world of cell biology is abuzz with a groundbreaking technique that is set to revolutionize the study of cellular processes Temporally Multiplexed Imaging (TMI). A recent study published in Cell uses TMI to visualize multiple signaling dynamics within a cell using a conventional microscope. This technique surpasses previous methods by allowing the imaging of multiple reporters without requiring specific hardware.

TMI is a novel imaging technique that allows for high-throughput imaging of cellular dynamics. Unlike traditional imaging techniques that focus on one specific process or component at a time, TMI enables simultaneous imaging of multiple cellular processes by temporally separating the signals from different fluorophores. This means that scientists can study several different proteins or cellular processes at the same time, in the same cell.

Traditional imaging techniques often require specialized hardware and can only capture one process at a time. This can be limiting, especially when studying complex cellular processes that involve multiple components or occur simultaneously. TMI, on the other hand, does not require specific hardware and allows for the simultaneous study of multiple processes.

Moreover, TMI can provide high-speed, high-resolution imaging of dynamic cellular processes. This characteristic of TMI is particularly beneficial in studying cell behavior and interactions in real-time, providing valuable insights into cell function and behavior that were previously impossible to obtain.

The advent of TMI has the potential to significantly impact the field of cell biology. The ability to observe multiple cellular processes in real-time opens up new possibilities for understanding cell behavior, tracking protein organization and movement, and studying response to stimuli. This could potentially lead to breakthroughs in understanding disease mechanisms, drug development, and more.

Moreover, TMIs high-speed and high-resolution capabilities make it ideal for studying dynamic cellular processes. This could be particularly beneficial in fields such as neurobiology, where understanding the dynamic interactions between neurons is crucial.

In conclusion, TMI is a promising new technique in cell biology research. Its ability to capture dynamic cellular processes in real time, without the need for specific hardware, makes it a versatile tool for scientists. As we continue to uncover its full potential, we can expect TMI to pave the way for significant advancements in our understanding of cellular processes and mechanisms.

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Temporally Multiplexed Imaging (TMI) - A Breakthrough Technique in Cell Biology Research - Medriva

A biological signature of desire helps explain the selective nature of pair bonds – News-Medical.Net

Hop in the car to meet your lover for dinner and a flood of dopamine-; the same hormone underlying cravings for sugar, nicotine and cocaine -; likely infuses your brain's reward center, motivating you to brave the traffic to keep that unique bond alive. But if that dinner is with a mere work acquaintance, that flood might look more like a trickle, suggests new research by University of Colorado Boulder neuroscientists.

What we have found, essentially, is a biological signature of desire that helps us explain why we want to be with some people more than other people."

Zoe Donaldson, senior author, associate professor of behavioral neuroscience at CU Boulder

The study, published Jan. 12 in the journal Current Biology, centers around prairie voles, which have the distinction of being among the 3% to 5% of mammals that form monogamous pair bonds.

Like humans, these fuzzy, wide-eyed rodents tend to couple up long-term, share a home, raise offspring together, and experience something akin to grief when they lose their partner.

By studying them, Donaldson seeks to gain new insight into what goes on inside the human brain to make intimate relationships possible and how we get over it, neurochemically speaking, when those bonds are severed.

The new study gets at both questions, showing for the first time that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays a critical role in keeping love alive.

"As humans, our entire social world is basically defined by different degrees of selective desire to interact with different people, whether it's your romantic partner or your close friends," said Donaldson. "This research suggests that certain people leave a unique chemical imprint on our brain that drives us to maintain these bonds over time."

For the study, Donaldson and her colleagues used state-of-the art neuroimaging technology to measure, in real time, what happens in the brain as a vole tries to get to its partner. In one scenario, the vole had to press a lever to open a door to the room where her partner was. In another, she had to climb over a fence for that reunion.

Meanwhile a tiny fiber-optic sensor tracked activity, millisecond by millisecond, in the animal's nucleus accumbens, a brain region responsible for motivating humans to seek rewarding things, from water and food to drugs of abuse. (Human neuroimaging studies have shown it is the nucleus accumbens that lights up when we hold our partner's hand).

Each time the sensor detects a spurt of dopamine, it "lights up like a glow stick," explained first-author Anne Pierce, who worked on the study as a graduate student in Donaldson's lab. When the voles pushed the lever or climbed over the wall to see their life partner, the fiber "lit up like a rave," she said. And the party continued as they snuggled and sniffed one another.

In contrast, when a random vole is on the other side of that door or wall, the glow stick dims.

"This suggests that not only is dopamine really important for motivating us to seek out our partner, but there's actually more dopamine coursing through our reward center when we are with our partner than when we are with a stranger," said Pierce.

In another experiment, the vole couple was kept apart for four weeks-;an eternity in the life of a rodent -; and long enough for voles in the wild to find another partner.

When reunited, they remembered one another, but their signature dopamine surge had almost vanished. In essence, that fingerprint of desire was gone. As far as their brains were concerned, their former partner was indistinguishable from any other vole.

"We think of this as sort of a reset within the brain that allows the animal to now go on and potentially form a new bond," Donaldson said.

This could be good news for humans who have undergone a painful break-up, or even lost a spouse, suggesting that the brain has an inherent mechanism to protect us from endless unrequited love.

The authors stress that more research is necessary to determine how well results in voles translate to their bigger-brained, two-legged counterparts. But they believe their work could ultimately have important implications for people who either have trouble forming close relationships or those who struggle to get over loss a condition known as Prolonged Grief Disorder.

"The hope is that by understanding what healthy bonds look like within the brain, we can begin to identify new therapies to help the many people with mental illnesses that affect their social world," said Donaldson.


Journal reference:

Pierce, F. B., et al. (2024) Nucleus accumbens dopamine release reflects the selective nature of pair bonds. Current Biology.

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A biological signature of desire helps explain the selective nature of pair bonds - News-Medical.Net

Some wild misadventures of a college biology instructor – The Boston Globe

While teaching a field lab for a class of ecology students in the woods behind the Merrimack campus, I was telling them that if you flip over logs and rocks, sometimes you can find snakes, salamanders, and other interesting animals.

As I stooped down and turned over a small log, I was promptly stung on my finger by a centipede. The pain was pretty intense, like that of a bee sting, and the next thing the students heard me say was [bleep]! I looked up to see 15 shocked, wide-eyed students staring at me. Embarrassed by my involuntary outburst of profanity, I quickly apologized to the group of stunned students, who laughed when they realized what had happened.

For one of our lab exercises, we waded into a small man-made pond behind the science building at Merrimack to catch crawfish and goldfish and do population estimates. I put on my rubber chest waders and told my students they had to enter the water carefully because the plastic lining on the bottom of the pond was very slippery. I sat down at the edge of the pond, lowered my legs into the water, and as soon as I stood up, I slipped and fell in. In addition to being embarrassed, I had to walk around in cold wet clothes for the remainder of the day.

While co-leading a college biology trip to the Galapagos Islands, I was snorkeling with several students. I was floating at the surface a few feet from the rocky shoreline and decided to take a photo of a small, bright orange anemone that was attached to an underwater rock. I took several photos and when I was through, the students swam over to me and excitedly asked if I had seen the giant manta ray.

What manta ray? I asked.

It was about 10 feet wide, one of the students told me. It swam right behind you!

Manta rays are the largest rays in the world, and one of the species I had hoped to see on our trip. Apparently, it swam within a few feet of me, and I missed it because I was preoccupied with photographing an anemone? Arrrggghhh!

On a college biology trip to Australia, after a 20-hour-plus flight, we landed at the Cairns Airport in Queensland at around 2 in the morning. Half asleep, we all had to go through customs before heading to our hotel. The two head professors were leading the group at the front of the line, so I decided Id take up the rear to make sure everyone got through OK.

The last student in line was an affable young man named Lou. The customs agent asked Lou to open his duffle bag, and then began to ask him some questions.

You did fill out the customs declaration form on the plane, didnt you?

Yes, I did, Lou replied.

And you read it carefully?

Yes, I did, said Lou.

And you do know youre not supposed to bring any meat or agricultural products into the country, right?

At this point I thought, uh-oh, somethings wrong.

The customs agent reached into Lous duffle bag and pulled out a plastic bag that contained about half a pound of pork fat.

Whats this, mate? asked the customs agent.

Its pork fat, sir, Lou replied. I brought it to use for fishing bait.

Fishing bait? I interjected.

Ya, Lou responded. I didnt know if Id be able to get any bait down here, and I wanted to go fishing.

Lou, I said, First of all, Australia is surrounded by ocean. Its a gigantic island. Im sure theyve got fishing bait. Secondly, I dont think any self-respecting fish would even eat pork fat!

The customs agent just smiled, gave Lou a warning, and confiscated his fishing bait.

On the Belize trip I mentioned earlier, a group of us were standing outside the general store in a village. Tropical developing countries always seem to have mangy stray dogs hanging around human settlements, and Belize was no exception.

A group of three or four skinny, sickly-looking dogs were milling around near the general store. Im always afraid of stray dogs because they could carry diseases, including rabies. Suddenly the dogs started to fight with each other, and the snarling, snapping pack rapidly moved toward us. Instinctively, I grabbed the person closest to me who happened to be one of our students and put her in front of me as protection. She screamed and said, What are you doing?

Thankfully, no one was bitten.

I still get teased about that one.

Don Lyman can be reached at

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Some wild misadventures of a college biology instructor - The Boston Globe

Kuru Disease: Bridging the Gap Between Prion Biology and Human Health – Cureus


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Kuru Disease: Bridging the Gap Between Prion Biology and Human Health - Cureus

UC biologist tells NY Post spiders are probably not attracted to Sephora body lotion – University of Cincinnati

The Post was following up on a one-star brand review posted to Reddit that suggested the lotion attracted spiders and not just any spiders but wolf spiders, which have a fearsome name but are actually so harmless that UC biology students routinely catch them by hand.

By Tuesday, the post on Reddit generated nearly 800 comments and reviewers on the brand page were promising new product reviews free of spider talk.

The brouhaha even made the storied pages of The New York Times.

The new urban legend gained traction when other posters suggested the body cream contained spider sex pheromonesor chemicals used to signal receptivity.

But Uetz, who has published more than 200 studies primarily on spiders, told the New York Post that pheromones are highly species-specific.

The internet is a great source of information, but its not always accurate, and someone putting a dab of body butter on a tissue and reporting in Reddit that it attracts spiders doesnt count as research, Uetz said.

Read the New York Post story.

Featured image at top: UC students study wolf spiders in a biology lab. Photo/Joseph Fuqua II/UC

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UC biologist tells NY Post spiders are probably not attracted to Sephora body lotion - University of Cincinnati