Category Archives: Cell Biology

Regulatory protein ensures that egg precursor cells boost their numbers during embryonic development – Phys.Org

June 14, 2017

Female babies are born with a full set of egg precursors in their ovaries, yet the molecular mechanism by which these cells proliferate during embryonic development was unclear. Now, using a mouse model created at A*STAR, an international team of researchers has pinpointed the regulatory factors needed for this rapid cell division to occur in the developing female gonad.

"We have paved the way to study different cell cycle regulatory pathways that may go awry during development," says study author Philipp Kaldis, a senior principal investigator at the A*STAR Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. Future research in this area, he notes, could lead to new treatments for cancer and infertility.

The embryonic cells that give rise to eggs are known as primordial germ cells, or PGCs. In micewhich have a similar but faster gestation than humansPGCs are identifiable at around the 7th day of development. By day 8, these cells temporarily stop dividing as they migrate inside the embryo. Then, around day 9.5, the cells enter a three-day period of frenetic growth in which they duplicate every 12 hours and the total number of PGCs increases around 50-fold.

Kaldis suspected that a protein called MASTL might be involved in this 72-hour bonanza of cell division since he and others had previously shown that MASTL is essential for the cell cycle to move forward in other cell types and other species.

He thus genetically engineered a mouse in which he could selectively delete the gene encoding MASTL from PGCs. Kaldis then sent the mice to Kiu Liu and Sanjiv Risal at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden, and collectively they showed that the PGCs in these mice could not complete the anaphase step in the cell cycle, in which the duplicated sets of chromosomes are meant to separate inside the dividing cell.

As a result, the PGCs were defective and died instead of multiplying. However, Kaldis and his team showed that proper cell division could be restored in the MASTL-deficient mice if they simultaneously wiped out another cell cycle regulator called PP2A.

The researchers concluded that MASTL normally functions to suppress the activity of PP2A to enable anaphase to proceed properly. And since defects in these germ cells often lead to tumors or infertility, it's possible, Kaldis notes, that MASTL and PP2A are implicated in these health problems as well. "We hope this work will stimulate new research in PGCs," he says.

Explore further: A protein that ensures correct chromosome segregation during cell division can lead to cancer if mutated

More information: Sanjiv Risal et al. MASTL is essential for anaphase entry of proliferating primordial germ cells and establishment of female germ cells in mice, Cell Discovery (2017). DOI: 10.1038/celldisc.2016.52

A protein linked to cancer helps ensure that chromosomes are apportioned evenly after each round of cell division. This protein, called Mastl in humans, is essential for creating two identical copies of the cell. Its discovery ...

Germline cells are the only cells that develop into eggs or sperm, while somatic cells develop into the body. Progenitors of the germline, known as primordial germ cells (PGCs), differentiate into eggs or sperm after embryonic ...

Genetic studies in mice have identified a molecular mechanism crucial to maintaining egg cells in a dormant state to ensure female fertility. This work by A*STAR identifies a potential method to prevent infertility when the ...

Researchers have shown that a recently identified protein, called Speedy A, plays an essential role in the early stages of meiosisa special type of cell division that produces sperm and egg cells.

Researchers have found a way to turn mouse embryonic stem cells into sperm. This finding, reported in the journal Cell in a special online release on August 4th, opens up new avenues for infertility research and treatment. ...

Scientists at the University of Cambridge working with the Weizmann Institute have created primordial germ cells - cells that will go on to become egg and sperm - using human embryonic stem cells. Although this had already ...

Male birds tend to be better singers than femalesbut does the basis for this difference lie in the brain or in the syrinx, the bird equivalent of our larynx? The researchers behind a new study from The Auk: Ornithological ...

Animals living in areas where conditions are ideal for their species have less chance of evolving to cope with climate change, new research suggests.

The arrangement of the photoreceptors in our eyes allows us to detect socially significant color variation better than other types of color vision, a team of researchers has found. Specifically, our color vision is superior ...

Using high magnification imaging, a team of researchers has identified several never before seen structures on bacteria that represent molecular machinery. The research is published this week in the Journal of Bacteriology, ...

UNC School of Medicine researchers have cracked a long-standing mystery about an important enzyme found in virtually all organisms other than bacteria. The basic science finding may have implications for understanding cancer ...

One of the main types of fossil used to understand the first flowering plants (angiosperms) are charred flowers. These charcoals were produced in ancient wildfires, and they provide some evidence for the types of plants that ...

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Regulatory protein ensures that egg precursor cells boost their numbers during embryonic development - Phys.Org

Mitochondria behind blood cell formation – – Phys.Org

June 13, 2017 Mitochondria are tiny, free-floating organelles inside cells. New Northwestern Medicine research has discovered that they play an important role in hematopoiesis, the bodys process for creating new blood cells. Credit: Northwestern University

New Northwestern Medicine research published in Nature Cell Biology has shown that mitochondria, traditionally known for their role creating energy in cells, also play an important role in hematopoiesis, the body's process for creating new blood cells.

"Historically, mitochondria are viewed as ATPenergyproducing organelles," explained principal investigator Navdeep Chandel, PhD, the David W. Cugell Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. "Previously, my laboratory provided evidence that mitochondria can dictate cell function or fate independent of ATP production. We established the idea that mitochondria are signaling organelles."

In the current study, Chandel's team, including post-doctoral fellow Elena Ans, PhD, and graduate students Sam Weinberg and Lauren Diebold, demonstrated that mitochondria control hematopoietic stem cell fate by preventing the generation of a metabolite called 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG). The scientists showed that mice with stem cells deficient in mitochondrial function cannot generate blood cells due to elevated levels of 2HG, which causes histone and DNA hyper-methylation.

"This is a great example of two laboratories complementing their expertise to work on a project," said Chandel, also a professor of Cell and Molecular Biology and a member of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Paul Schumacker, PhD, professor of Pediatrics, Cell and Molecular Biology and Medicine, was also a co-author on the paper.

Chandel co-authored an accompanying paper in Nature Cell Biology, led by Jian Xu, PhD, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, which demonstrated that initiation of erythropoiesis, the production of red blood cells specifically, requires functional mitochondria.

"These two studies collectively support the idea that metabolism dictates stem cell fate, which is a rapidly evolving subject matter," said Chandel, who recently wrote a review in Nature Cell Biology highlighting this idea. "An important implication of this work is that diseases linked to mitochondrial dysfunction like neurodegeneration or normal aging process might be due to elevation in metabolites like 2HG."

Explore further: Novel method enables absolute quantification of mitochondrial metabolites

More information: Elena Ans? et al. The mitochondrial respiratory chain is essential for haematopoietic stem cell function, Nature Cell Biology (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncb3529

Whitehead Institute scientists have developed a method to quickly isolate and systematically measure metabolite concentrations within the cellular organelles known as mitochondria, often referred to as the "powerhouses of ...

A new University of Colorado Boulder study shows for the first time the final stages of how mitochondria, the sausage-shaped, power-generating organelles found in nearly all living cells, regularly divide and propagate.

Using yeast cells as a model, scientists from the A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University investigated the mechanisms that allow cells to protect themselves from invasion of ...

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have discovered that mitochondria, the major energy source for most cells, also play an important role in stem cell developmenta purpose notably distinct from the tiny organelle's ...

Aging, neurodegenerative disorders and metabolic disease are all linked to mitochondria, structures within our cells that generate chemical energy and maintain their own DNA. In a fundamental discovery with far-reaching implications, ...

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have uncovered the mechanism that cells use to find and destroy an organelle called mitochondria that, when damaged, may lead to genetic problems, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, ...

Male birds tend to be better singers than femalesbut does the basis for this difference lie in the brain or in the syrinx, the bird equivalent of our larynx? The researchers behind a new study from The Auk: Ornithological ...

Animals living in areas where conditions are ideal for their species have less chance of evolving to cope with climate change, new research suggests.

The arrangement of the photoreceptors in our eyes allows us to detect socially significant color variation better than other types of color vision, a team of researchers has found. Specifically, our color vision is superior ...

Using high magnification imaging, a team of researchers has identified several never before seen structures on bacteria that represent molecular machinery. The research is published this week in the Journal of Bacteriology, ...

UNC School of Medicine researchers have cracked a long-standing mystery about an important enzyme found in virtually all organisms other than bacteria. The basic science finding may have implications for understanding cancer ...

One of the main types of fossil used to understand the first flowering plants (angiosperms) are charred flowers. These charcoals were produced in ancient wildfires, and they provide some evidence for the types of plants that ...

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Mitochondria behind blood cell formation - - Phys.Org

Scientists solve a mystery in cellular ‘droplet’ organelles – – Phys.Org

June 13, 2017 Credit: The Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have solved a cellular mystery that may have important implications for fundamental biology and diseases like ALS. Their new research suggests that RNA may be the secret ingredient that helps cells to assemble, organize internal architecture, and ultimately dissolve dynamic droplet-like compartments.

These droplet-like structures are commonly known as membraneless organelles, and they are key to how cells compartmentalize their biochemistry and regulate processes such as gene expression and response to stress.

For 200 years, scientists have known of the existence of membraneless organelles in cells and wondered how they are regulated. Recent studies suggested that increasing the fraction of RNA can lead to the formation of protein-RNA droplets by a process called liquid-liquid phase separation.

"It is basically the same type of immiscibility phenomenon that drives oil to form droplets in water," said TSRI Associate Professor Ashok Deniz, who co-led the study published recently in the journal Angewandte Chemie as a Very Important Paper (VIP). "While several weak biomolecular forces collectively result in protein-RNA droplet formation, we focused on one particular type in this study: electrostatic interactions driven by oppositely charged biomolecules. A major discovery was that further increase in RNA concentration can dissolve these droplets, bringing back a homogeneous liquid phase."

The speed at which these droplets form and dissolve may be key to cellular survival. "Droplets can form and dissolve as they are needed, which allows cells to adapt very quickly to cellular stress," said Research Associate Priya Banerjee, who co-led the study and served as co-first author with graduate students Anthony N. Milin and Mahdi Muhammad Moosa of TSRI.

The new study suggests that the negative charge of RNA molecules is a key to both creating and dissolving droplets. "RNA is like a double agent," said Banerjee.

How Droplets Form and Disappear

RNA has an overall negative charge. When it initially comes in contact with positively-charged proteins, the oppositely charged molecules attract each other. Together, they create a molecular assembly and form liquid droplets. These droplets allow cells to carry out important functions.

The researchers also found that droplets will quickly dissolve when one increases RNA in the system.

"Adding more RNA to this system disrupts the fine balance between negative and positive charges, leading to the formation of negatively-charged assemblies that now repel each other, thus dissolving the droplet," said study co-author Paulo L. Onuchic, a graduate student in the Deniz Lab.

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This unique finding sheds light on an unexpected regulatory pathway. The research also challenges the previous conception that biomolecular forces that create droplets should be reversed to dissolve them. Instead of reversing the processthrough either removal of RNA or posttranslational modification of the protein to destroy its positive chargethe researchers found that the system can simply add more RNA to dissolve a droplet.

"The window-like behavior of droplet formation as a function of RNA concentration observed here exhibits a unidirectional route that can be exploited by cells using processes such as transcription," said Banerjee.

In further experiments, the team demonstrated that RNA synthesis by cellular machineries indeed forms and dissolves these droplets.

Creating "Hollow" Droplets

The fact that RNA can dissolve droplets gave the researchers a unique chance to control RNA addition and watch the dissolution process. "To our surprise, instead of a simple process of droplet dissolution, we observed hollow spheres forming inside droplets. Taking a step back, you see that by adding more RNA, we are creating low-density droplets inside high-density droplets," said Deniz.

Deniz compared this phenomenon to an ice cube melting from the inside. Interestingly, these internal droplets, called vacuoles, resemble the complex internal substructures that are typically observed in a number of cellular droplet-like organelles.

"The key to creating vacuoles is this unidirectional transition from an initial homogeneous liquid to two immiscible liquid phases and back to a homogeneous phase just by increasing the fraction of RNA," added Banerjee.

The team went on to test whether these findings would apply to a key protein found in stress-granules, important "droplet" organelles that protect cells during stress. They investigated an RNA-binding protein called FUS, which has been implicated in ALS.

"With FUS, we found that RNA can both form and dissolve droplets in the same fashion as the simpler model system. Remarkably, FUS droplets also exhibited complex internal substructures, which paves the way for ascertaining the biological role of these vacuoles," said Milin.

While this research is still in its early stages, the researchers believe mutations in FUS may interfere in the normal droplet dynamics in some patients with ALS, possibly stopping their cells from coping properly with cellular stress.

The work opens a number of avenues for future research in cell biology and disease, including quantitative studies of this specific type of phase transition in other biological systems, understanding the molecular determinants in proteins and RNA that control the droplet dynamics, and further studies of complex patterning of droplets.

Explore further: Acetone experiences Leidenfrost effect, no hotplate needed

More information: Priya R. Banerjee et al. Reentrant phase transition drives dynamic substructure formation in ribonucleoprotein droplets, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2017). DOI: 10.1002/anie.201703191

In doing his due diligence, cleaning his lab equipment, fluid physicist Stoffel Janssens from the Mathematical Soft Matter Unit in the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan, took notice of the ...

Liquid-like droplets are highly dynamic cytoplasmic aggregates of proteins with no apparent structure. Over the last two years they have attracted considerable attention due to their key functions in the cell and their relation ...

As interest and demand for nanotechnology continues to rise, so will the need for nanoscale printing and spraying, which relies on depositing tiny drops of liquid onto a surface. Now researchers from Tsinghua University in ...

Researchers from the University of Twente have succeeded in clearly identifying why droplets on soft, squishy surfaces react differently than on hard surfaces. A water droplet, for example, moves very differently over jelly ...

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have shown that in phase separation in liquids, as is seen when oil and water separate, occurs as a result of the ordered motion of droplets. Initially, a great number of small droplets ...

For most people, the drip, drip, drip of a leaking faucet would be an annoyance. But for Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D. candidate Alexandros Fragkopoulos, what happens inside droplets is the stuff of serious science.

Producing semiconductor lasers on a silicon wafer is a long-held goal for the electronics industry, but their fabrication has proved challenging. Now, researchers at A*STAR have developed an innovative way to manufacture ...

Developing a superconducting computer that would perform computations at high speed without heat dissipation has been the goal of several research and development initiatives since the 1950s. Such a computer would require ...

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have solved a cellular mystery that may have important implications for fundamental biology and diseases like ALS. Their new research suggests that RNA may be the secret ...

Chemical reactions necessarily involve molecules coming together, and the way they interact can depend on how they are aligned relative to each other. By knowing and controlling the alignment of molecules, a great deal can ...

The scientific community has known about the existence of electrons for over a hundred years, but there are important facets of their interaction with matter that remain shrouded in mystery. One particular area of interest ...

A multi-institutional team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) discovered a way to create new alloys that could form the basis of next-generation semiconductors.

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Scientists solve a mystery in cellular 'droplet' organelles - - Phys.Org

Revealing New Details of Cancer Biology with Automated Kinetic Live Cell Imaging – Bioscience Technology

Decades of research into characterization, prevention, detection and treatment have substantially expanded our collective understanding of cancer biology. However, these insights elicit a new generation of unanswered questions about the complexity of this group of often-deadly diseases. Historical investigations yielded the key understandings that cancer cells arise from indigenous cells, and most, if not all, tumors are derived from a single parent cell1. In 2000, Hanahan and Weinberg simplified the many aspects of transformation from normal human cells into cancerous ones through six essential cell physiology alterations. These so-called hallmarks of cancer include self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to anti-growth or inhibitory signals, evasion of apoptosis, unlimited replication capability, sustained angiogenesis, and tissue invasion and metastasis2. They later added deregulating cellular energetics and avoiding immune destruction as emerging hallmarks; genome instability and mutation and tumor-promoting inflammation as enabling characteristics3. The impact of external stimuli, interactions with neighboring cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM), heterogeneity, inherited traits, and other factors further complicate the elucidation of cancer biology.

Along with the expanding scope of research interests, methodologies have evolved to include live cell studies in addition to conventional biochemical and fixed cell assays. Live cell assays allow researchers to dynamically study a cells function in an environment that better represents in vivo conditions. Kinetic imaging of live cells provides a useful framework in which to gather meaningful details of cellular dynamics in real time, however, applications are often constrained by the limited versatility of available instruments. Most imaging systems are not suitable for capturing the widely ranging timelines in which cellular events occur from sub-second responses to events manifesting over days or weeks. Thus, multiple, dedicated instruments or bulky external accessories are often required, taking up precious bench space. Similarly, integrated image processing and data analysis is frequently limited or requires additional software to properly quantify the captured information.

Here, we describe an automated live cell imager designed for a wide range of temporal dynamics in live cell assays. Specifically, we demonstrate its capabilities for short-, medium- and long-term kinetic assays typically used when investigating cancer hallmarks. The integrated design of this system precludes the use of multiple instruments, while the advanced image capture and data analysis features deliver powerful and actionable insights.

Dysregulation of cellular signaling is a significant foundation for most of the aforementioned hallmarks of cancer4. Capturing a rapid, short-lived signaling event, such as calcium flux following GPCR activation, requires high temporal resolution. The automated live cell imager provides image capture rates of up to 20 frames per second, while in-line injectors enable reagent addition with continuous monitoring of cellular response. In the provided calcium mobilization example, we characterize the ATP-induced activation of endogenously expressed P2Y receptors in HeLa cells, using the cell membrane permeable calcium indicator dye Fluo-4 AM. Binding of calcium ions to Fluo-4 causes a structural change that results in a significant increase in fluorescence quantum yield and more than a hundred-fold increase in fluorescence relative to the unbound state. Per Figure 1, ATP (10 M final) was injected at t=5 seconds, an increase in intracellular calcium was detected approximately 3 seconds after the addition, and peak calcium mobilization for the entire field of cells was reached 13 seconds post-ATP addition. Image preprocessing and object masking tools reduced background fluorescence and a generated a larger assay window compared to total fluorescence measurements, resulting in a seven-fold increase in relative Fluo-4 fluorescence following ATP addition.

The relationship between wound healing and tumorigenesis is well-established5,6. Additionally, although migration is a function of normal cells, it is considered one of the hallmarks of cancer when dysregulated signals lead to cancer metastasis. Scratch assays are widely used to investigate in vitro cell migration and wound healing, where a monolayer cell culture is manually scratched to generate an area free of cells into which surrounding cells can migrate and proliferate. The imaging chamber of the automated live cell imager maintains cell health through consistent environmental conditions, including temperature, gas and humidity levels, over the entire incubation period, which is cell-dependent, but typically lasts no more than twenty-four hours. Automated phase contrast (label-free) imaging tracks the migratory characteristics of the cell model at pre-determined time points, while advanced software automatically places object masks to track parameters such as object size, area and total signal over the incubation period. In the provided scratch assay example, an approximately 500 m wide wound was created using HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells and ibidi culture inserts. Per Figure 2A, the wound was treated with different concentrations of the migration inhibitor, cytochalasin D; and kinetic images were captured over twenty-four hours, while the cells were incubated under controlled conditions of 37 C, 5 percent CO2. Percent confluency was calculated (Figure 2B), showing that wound closure inhibition is proportional to cytochalasin D concentration, to the point where cytotoxicity begins to affect the cells neighboring the wound.

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Revealing New Details of Cancer Biology with Automated Kinetic Live Cell Imaging - Bioscience Technology

Chicago Medical School Launches Stem Cell Biology Center – Peoria Public Radio

A medical school in Chicago is launching a new center to study tissue regeneration and stem cell biology.

The College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago says there will be a symposium to commemorate the opening of the center, which will be housed at the medical school.

Officials say researchers will study molecular signals that drive stem cells to mature into different types of cells, among other topics. They'll also investigate issues such as the best ways to transplant engineered cells.

Several different professors will be involved, including the head of the university's pharmacology department.

University officials say there's a search underway to find a director and additional faculty.

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Chicago Medical School Launches Stem Cell Biology Center - Peoria Public Radio

Mitochondria Behind Blood Cell Formation – Northwestern University NewsCenter

Mitochondria are tiny, free-floating organelles inside cells. New Northwestern Medicine research has discovered that they play an important role in hematopoiesis, the bodys process for creating new blood cells.

New Northwestern Medicine research published in Nature Cell Biology has shown that mitochondria, traditionally known for their role creating energy in cells, also play animportant role in hematopoiesis, the bodys process for creating new blood cells.

Historically, mitochondria are viewed as ATP energy producing organelles, explained principal investigator Navdeep Chandel, PhD,the David W. Cugell Professor ofMedicinein the Division ofPulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Previously, my laboratory provided evidence that mitochondria can dictate cell function or fate independent of ATP production.We established the idea that mitochondria are signaling organelles.

In the currentstudy, Chandels team, including post-doctoral fellow Elena Ans, PhD, and graduate students Sam Weinberg and Lauren Diebold, demonstrated that mitochondria control hematopoietic stem cell fate by preventing the generation of a metabolite called 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG). The scientists showed that mice with stem cells deficient in mitochondrial function cannot generate blood cells due to elevated levels of 2HG, which causes histone and DNA hyper-methylation.

This is a great example of two laboratories complementing their expertise to work on a project, said Chandel, also a professor ofCell and Molecular Biologyand a member of theRobert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Sam Weinberg, a graduate student in the Medical Scientist Training Program, and Lauren Diebold, a graduate student in the Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences, were co-authors on the paper.

Paul Schumacker, PhD, professor of Pediatrics, Cell and Molecular Biology and Medicine, was also a co-author on the paper.

Chandel co-authored an accompanying paper in Nature Cell Biology, led by Jian Xu, PhD, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, which demonstrated that initiation of erythropoiesis, the production of red blood cells specifically, requires functional mitochondria.

These two studies collectively support the idea that metabolism dictates stem cell fate, which is a rapidly evolving subject matter, said Chandel, who recently wrote a review in Nature Cell Biology highlighting this idea. An important implication of this work is that diseases linked to mitochondrial dysfunction like neurodegeneration or normal aging process might be due to elevation in metabolites like 2HG.

This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R35CA197532, T32GM008061, T32 T32HL076139, K01DK093543 and R01DK111430, and Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas New Investigator award RR140025.

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Mitochondria Behind Blood Cell Formation - Northwestern University NewsCenter

Celgene bags option on NK cell-based blood cancer assets – FierceBiotech

Celgene has landed an option on four natural killer (NK) cell-based blood cancer therapeutics in a deal with Dragonfly Therapeutics. The agreement sees Celgene hand over $33 million and commit to more in milestones to access next-generation immuno-oncology candidates aimed at some of its core therapeutic areas.

Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Dragonfly has given Celgene the exclusive option to license up to four assets designed to treat acute myeloid leukemia, multiple myeloma and other hematological cancers. The candidates will emerge from a platform that Dragonfly sees establishing NK cell alongside T cells as a critical component of the push to weaponize the immune system to defeat cancers. Celyad and Innate Pharma have landed deals on the strength of their own attempts to use NK cells.

Dragonflys platform generates bridges designed to bind to proteins found on the surface of tumor cells and NK cells. The aim is to stimulate NK cells. Once activated and aware of the presence of the cancer cells, NK cells attack tumors directly while also enlisting the support of T and B cells. T cells, the cornerstone of current immuno-oncology approaches, then join the direct attack on the tumor, while B cells produce antibodies to help the fight against the cancer.

The potential of the approach has attracted the attention of Celgene.

NK-cell biology and immunotherapy are increasingly critical areas of hematologic research and we are looking forward to working with Dragonflys team of world-leading experts, Rupert Vessey, D.Phil., Celgenes president of research and early development, said in a statement. This collaboration will leverage the strengths of each company as we work together to bring innovative therapies to patients.

The discovery-stage biotech is a long way from showing its biological linker molecules can trigger the desired immune responses. But Celgene, in keeping with its willingness to make early bets on promising biotechs, has seen enough potential in Dragonfly to follow up last months equity investment with the R&D pact.

At this early stage, the perception of potential rests partly on the identities of the people involved with Dragonfly. Tyler Jacks, Ph.D., who heads up the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT and co-chairs the White Houses Cancer Moonshot, is one cofounder. UC Berkeley NK cell specialist David Raulet, Ph.D., is another. Jacks and Raulet are joined by serial environmental entrepreneur Bill Haney, who brings his experience of building startups, albeit outside of life sciences, to the role of CEO of Dragonfly.

The trio have put together a scientific advisory board that features Nobel Prize winner Harold Varmus, M.D.a former director of the National Cancer Instituteand other researchers from MIT, Stanford University and MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Dragonfly has used these credentials to raise an undisclosed amount of cash from an unusual mix of investors. Celgene sits alongside members of the Disney family and the Duke of Bedford on the list of people and organizations to put money into Dragonfly to date.

The involvement of Celgene in a discovery-stage company that has largely eschewed traditional sources of investment in favor of cash from family offices is in line with its history of spotting and backing biotechs earlier than its peers. Celgene, under the management of George Golumbeski, Ph.D., andTom Daniel, M.D., got in on the ground floor at companies including Agios Pharmaceuticals, Bluebird Bio and Foundation Medicine. And it has had the confidence to put up eye-watering sums of money, such as the $1 billion it gave Juno Therapeutics in return for equity and an option on its immuno-oncology programs.

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Celgene bags option on NK cell-based blood cancer assets - FierceBiotech

A single molecule is missing and the cell world is empty – Phys.Org

June 12, 2017 Dynamic remodeling in ESCRT-III polymers. Vps4 mediates turnover of ESCRT-III subunits within growing and constricting polymers - analogous to Lego figures exchanging the building blocks within a large spiral assembly. Credit: Beata Edyta Mierzwa,

Cells multiply by duplicating themselves: they grow, replicate their components, and finally split into two. Many diseases are related to defective cell division; cancer is one of them. Understanding mechanisms conducting this division is therefore essential in the search for cancer treatments. Researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, in collaboration with the IMBA- Institute of Molecular Biotechnology at the Vienna BioCenter (VBC) and the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, have turned their attention in particular to the role of ESCRT proteins, which are responsible for severing cell membranes. These proteins assemble in spirals that gradually bring about cleavage of the membrane, spirals that are constantly renewing themselves with the help of the Vps4 molecule. Without this molecule the renewal stops, eventually preventing the membrane from being severed. This research, reported in the journal Nature Cell Biology, sheds new light on the fight against cancer and HIV, both of which depend on cell division.

In a previous research, the team led by Professor Aurlien Roux of the Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the UNIGE, discovered that ESCRT proteins assemble in the form of spirals, a structure that is unique amongst the many forms created by the organism's filamentous proteins. Why this unique form? During cell division, the cell contracts at its centre to separate the two daughter cells. At the end of this stage, called cytokinesis, a very thin link remains between the cells, a tube of plasma membrane - the cell's skin - called the "cytoplasmic bridge". The spirals formed by ESCRT proteins coil around the inner surface of this tube and constrict it in order to sever it, a stage called abscission. Professor Roux's team showed that these spirals behaved like the springs of a watch, suggesting a scenario wherein the more the ESCRT proteins assembled, the more tightly they were compressed.

Research conducted simultaneously in vitro and in vivo

After discovering why these molecules assembled in spirals, the UNIGE researchers examined the dynamics of the assembly. Until now scientists have thought that they assembled like Lego blocks, the proteins being added progressively to the structure without ever leaving it. In this new study, biochemists were able to invalidate this hypothesis. To do so they joined forces with the Gerlich group at IMBA, Vienna Biocenter, to conduct the experiment simultaneously in vivo (the Viennese scientists' part) and in vitro (the Genevan scientists' part).

"On our side, we observed the dynamics of the ESCRT proteins by isolating them on a flat artificial membrane that we created using lipids, onto which we placed the ESCRT protein complexes," explains Nicolas Chiaruttini, a research scientist at UNIGE. "And contrary to what we thought, the proteins do not form a rigidly fixed spiral that is compressed; instead there is a constant renewal of proteins, creating supple, mobile spirals in constant motion." Using a new imaging technique, the team led by Simon Scheuring in New York, working in collaboration with the UNIGE team, was able to directly visualize the dynamics and flexibility of these spirals. Conducting further research, the biochemists noted that this renewal cannot occur without the Vps4 molecule, which is an integral part of ESCRT protein complexes. "Vps4 is known for disassembling molecules in polymeric structures," says Aurlien Roux. "So it is the indispensable ingredient for the severing of membranes insofar as it enables the renewal of spirals."

It is worthwhile noting that the Viennese researchers reached exactly the same conclusions. "During our observations in the cell in motion, Vps4 was revealed to be necessary for the renewal of spirals," explains Beata Mierzwa, a researcher at IMBA-VBC. More importantly, the team observed that the absence or inactivation of Vps4 inhibited cell division in 50% of cases and delayed it significantly in the other 50%. Vps4 and the constant renewal of ESCRTs appear, therefore, to be essential for abscission. "It is rare to be able to conduct experiments in vivo and in vitro simultaneously, and the fact that the results coincide firmly establishes our study."

Another way to approach cancer and HIV

Cancer is characterized by excessive multiplication of diseased cells. By elucidating the role of the Vps4 molecule in cell division, researchers have decipher mechanisms that could be targeted as new treatments that would, for instance, block ESCRT protein renewal directly, thereby preventing the proliferation of the disease. Similarly, when a cell is infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, virus particles bud from the membrane, then eventually break off from it to infect other cells. The virus must also sever the cell membrane in order to be released and spread the diseasea stage that is also carried out by ESCRT proteins. Here again, targeting the Vps4 molecule could prevent the virus from leaving the infected cell.

The primary role of fundamental research is not to find new drugs for cancer or AIDS traitements, but rather, by understanding how ESCRT and Vps4 participate in cell division and virus replication, "to provide knowledge essential to treat those diseases, and clues about potential interactions between treatments", concludes Aurlien Roux.

Explore further: Researchers discover a new mechanism that deforms cell membranes

More information: "Dynamic subunit turnover in ESCRT-III assemblies is regulated by Vps4 to mediate membrane remodelling during cytokinesis," Nature Cell Biology (2017). DOI: 10.1038/ncb3559

Cell membranes are very elastic. They can become distorted when they are asked to do so, when the cell divides, or when a virus detaches itself from the cell. In both cases, the membrane is deformed by a protein complex called ...

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( remove waste from cells, a class of membrane-sculpting proteins create vesiclesmolecular trash bagsthat carry old and damaged proteins from the surface of cellular compartments into internal recycling ...

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A single molecule is missing and the cell world is empty - Phys.Org

Hat Grab: Cells Take Extreme Measures to Rescue Their DNA – Discovery Institute

Theres a famous scene in an Indiana Jones movie where the hero barely makes it under a closing gate descending on him in an underground tunnel. He rolls under the gate in the nick of time, but his signature fedora comes off. With fractions of a second to spare, he reaches his arm under the gate and snatches the hat.

Something like that happens in the cell. Sometimes, when chromosomes are being winched apart by the spindle into the daughter cells, fragments of DNA break off and become entangled in the spindles microtubules. Unless they are rescued and make it into the nuclei of the new cells, disaster could result. The resulting cells will become unstable, resulting in cancer or cell death. Time is of the essence! The cell is following a precisely choreographed screenplay, where thousands of actors must play their roles perfectly at the right time and place. Like the gate descending on Indiana Jones, the cleavage furrow is rapidly constricting the midpoint of the spindle, with those fragments stuck there. Can the cell rescue them in time?

This crisis happens daily in life. Like the city folk above ground, oblivious to Indiana Jones and his frantic brush with death under the streets, we hear and see nothing of the near-catastrophes happening inside our cells. But if it werent for the cells fast-acting hand, all would be lost. The dramatic true story is told in fascinating news from the University of California, Santa Cruz, under the title, Hail Mary mechanism can rescue cells with severely damaged chromosomes. The authors liken what happens to a quarterbacks all-or-nothing long pass in the last seconds of a critical football game. It calls for desperate plays.

William Sullivan calls this a worst case scenario for the cell. The potential consequences include cell death or a cancerous cell growing out of control. But Sullivan, a professor of molecular, cell, and developmental biology at UC Santa Cruz, has found that the cell still has one more trick up its sleeve to rescue the broken chromosome.

The latest findings from Sullivans lab, published in the June 5 issue of Journal of Cell Biology, reveal new aspects of a remarkable mechanism that carries broken chromosomes through the process of cell division so that they can be repaired and function normally in the daughter cells. [Emphasis added.]

Sullivans research team studied a strain of fruit flies that they mutated to increase the incidence of DNA fragmentation. By inserting fluorescent tags, they were able to witness this amazing mechanism, like a Hail Mary pass with time running out. What they saw was not unlike Indiana Joness arm reaching for his hat.

The mechanism involves the creation of a DNA tether which acts as a lifeline to keep the broken fragment connected to the chromosome.

Sullivans research has shown that chromosome fragments dont segregate with the rest of the chromosomes, but get pulled in later just before the newly forming nuclear membrane closes. The DNA tether seems to keep the nuclear envelope from closing, and then the chromosome fragment just glides right in at the last moment, Sullivan said.

Its a good thing this tether works most of the time. When it doesnt, the action-adventure movie turns into a horror flick.

If this mechanism fails, however, and the chromosome fragment gets left outside the nucleus, the consequences are dire. The fragment forms a micronucleus with its own membrane and becomes prone to extensive rearrangements of its genetic material, which can then be reincorporated into chromosomes during the next cell division. Micronuclei and genetic rearrangements are commonly seen in cancer cells.

Think about what is required for this trick to work. Genes have to construct the tether, and enzymes have to know where to attach it. This means that all the information to pull off this whole stunt has to be written into the script before the director calls, Action! Could evolution write a script like that? In the neo-Darwinist version, cells that did not have the tether would die or grow cancerous. The cost of selection would be enormous. All the players and their props would have to learn their roles by chance, figuring out by sheer dumb luck where to be and what to do before a cell could succeed at this stunt and survive. We dont think Sullivan or his funding agencies are relying on chance to pull that off.

We want to understand the mechanism that keeps that from happening, Sullivan said. We are currently identifying the genes responsible for generating the DNA tether, which could be promising novel targets for the next generation of cancer therapies.

Sullivan has just received a new four-year, $1.5 million grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences to continue this research.

The Hail Mary pass is just one of a whole catalog of strategies the cell can draw on to protect its genome. Heres another strategy announced at Rice University, where researchers determined that Biologys need for speed tolerates a few mistakes.

Biology must be in a hurry. In balancing speed and accuracy to duplicate DNA, produce proteins and carry out other processes, evolution has apparently determined that speed is of higher priority, according to Rice University researchers.

Rice scientists are challenging assumptions that perfectly accurate transcription and translation are critical to the success of biological systems. It turns out a few mistakes here and there arent critical as long as the great majority of the biopolymers produced are correct.

Although the researchers are evolutionists, we can see that what they really found is optimization at work (a form of intelligent design in action).

A new paper shows how nature has optimized two processes, DNA replication and protein translation, that are fundamental to life. By simultaneously analyzing the balance between speed and accuracy, the Rice team determined that naturally selected reaction rates optimize for speed as long as the error level is tolerable.

When you think about what a cell has to do before it divides, theres not much room for evolution in the mistakes. Millions of base pairs must be duplicated in a time crunch, while the molecular machinery is in operation. Its like duplicating a factory while the machinery is running! A smart manager will recognize that the cost of being too precise is not worth the delay if the results are adequate to meet the requirements. They use an analogy we are familiar with:

Kinetic proofreading is the biochemical process that allows enzymes, such as those responsible for protein and DNA production, to achieve better accuracy between chemically similar substrates. Sequences are compared to templates at multiple steps and are either approved or discarded, but each step requires time and energy resources and as a result various tradeoffs occur.

Additional checking processes slow down the system and consume extra energy, Banerjee said. Think of an airport security system that checks passengers. Higher security (accuracy) means a need for more personnel (energy), with longer waiting times for passengers (less speed).

Despite the one evolution reference, these researchers smell design:

That makes just as much sense for biology as it does for engineering, Igoshin said. Once youre accurate enough, you stop optimizing.

We see a similar optimization strategy in news from Brandeis University about double-stranded break (DSB) repair. When one strand of DNA breaks, thats bad. When both strands of DNA become separated, thats really bad. Specialized enzymes can inspect and repair these DSBs, but they also have to sacrifice accuracy for speed. The enzymes look for similar sequences to use as a template for the bandage that will re-join the strands.

But how perfect does the match have to be? Ranjith Anand, the first author on the Nature paper, said this was one of the central questions that the Haber lab wanted to answer.

They found that repair was still possible when every sixth base in a stretch of about 100 bases was different. Previous studies of RAD51 in the test tube had suggested that the protein had a much more stringent requirement for matching.

That one of the six base pairs could be a mismatch surprised the scientists. The process is permissive of mismatches during the repairing, says Anand.

We begin to see a kind of molecular triage going on, as if battlefield medics use whatever is on hand to keep the soldier from dying. Most damage gets accurately repaired, so the cell is unaffected, the article says. For somatic cells, imperfect bandages will probably cause no significant harm. Darwinism would require that the mistakes (1) become incorporated into the germline, and (2) provide functional innovations that are positively selected. And thus a wolf became a whale, and a dinosaur took flight into the skies.

Sensible viewers of these action adventures undoubtedly sense good directing, acting, and optimization behind them. Clifford Tabin expressed his amazement about lifes development in back in 2013.

When I teach medical students, theyre more interested in the rare people who are born with birth defects, They want to understand embryology so they understand how things go awry, but Im more interested in the fact that for everyone sitting in my classroomall 200 of those medical students and dental students it went right! And every one of them has a heart on the left side and every one of them has two kidneys, and how the heck do you do that?

You are not just a ball of cells, he says; you are the result of mechanical principles that guide the growth of structures through many stages, subject to physical forces, that usually work. And that is indeed astonishing.

Photo: Hat from Indiana Jones movie, for sale at auction, by Deidre Willard (Indys hat) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.

See the article here:
Hat Grab: Cells Take Extreme Measures to Rescue Their DNA - Discovery Institute

12-hour biological clock coordinates essential bodily functions – Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)

Some bodily activities, sleeping, for instance, mostly occur once every 24 hours; they follow a circadian rhythm. Other bodily functions, such as body temperature, cognitive performance and blood pressure, present an additional 12-hour cycle, but little is known about the biological basis of their rhythm. A team of scientists from various institutions, including Baylor College of Medicine, has revealed that, in addition to 24-hour clocks, mammals and other organisms have 12-hour clocks that are autonomous, work independently from 24-hour clocks and can be modified by external factors. Studying 12-hour clocks is important because altered 12-hour cycles have been linked to human disease. The study appears in Cell Metabolism.

Our lab has been working on how the 24-hour cycles are regulated, and we and others have shown that disturbing these clocks may lead to diseases of metabolism, said senior author Dr. Bert OMalley, chair and professor of molecular and cellular biology and Thomas C. Thompson Chair in Cell Biology at Baylor College of Medicine. For instance, experimental evidence shows that night-shift workers who periodically change their night and day shifts or people who travel overseas often alter their sleep cycles, and this seems to make them prone to gain weight and develop diabetes and other alterations of metabolism that may lead to disease. Its not a good idea to disturb the circadian rhythm on a regular basis.

In addition to physiological activities that cycle every 24 hours, mammals and other organisms have activities that repeat every 12 hours. For example, it has been reported that blood pressure, body temperature, hormone levels and response to therapy fluctuate in 12-hour cycles. In addition, altered 12-hour cycles have been associated with human diseases. Other researchers had identified about 200 genes that are activated in 12-hour cycles. In this study, OMalley and his colleagues set out to determine whether there was a larger number of 12-hour genes and whether their cycles followed the definition of a biological clock, that is whether they worked autonomously and their oscillation could be adjusted by the environment.

Math meets biology to indentify the bodys internal clocks

Dr. Bokai Zhu, first author of this study and a postdoctoral fellow in the OMalley lab, carried out biological analyses to determine the activity of thousands of mice genes in time. Then, co-author Dr. Clifford Dacso, professor of molecular and cellular biology at Baylor College of Medicine, and co-author and mathematician Dr. Athanasios Antoulas, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Rice University, applied mathematical analyses to these biological data.

We were surprised to identify more than 3,000 genes that were expressed following 12-hour rhythms. A large portion of these genes was superimposed on the already known 24-hour gene activities, Zhu said.

The 12-hour clock is autonomous and can be synchronized by external cues

Further work showed that the 12-hour rhythms of genetic activity work as biological clocks. They occur regularly and autonomously in the cells, and their oscillation can be synchronized by certain external stimuli. OMalley and colleagues discovered that 12-hour clocks are independent from 24-hour clocks. When they experimentally eliminated a 24-hour clock, 12-hour clocks continued ticking. Furthermore, the external cues that can synchronize 24-hour clocks, such as sunlight, do not affect 12-hour clocks.

Of all the genes we analyzed, two sets with 12-hour cycles stood out; those involved with protein quality control and processing, which mainly occur in a cellular structure called endoplasmic reticulum, and those related to the energy supply of the cell, which involves the mitochondria, Zhu said. The activities of the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria depend on each other, and we have shown here that the 12-hour genes in the endoplasmic reticulum are synchronized with the 12-hour genes in the mitochondria, which provide the energy needed for protein processing.

In addition, we found that certain liver conditions are associated with disturbed 12-hour gene expression in mice. We anticipate that further study of 12-hour cycles might lead to opportunities to improve prevention of or treatments for diseases of the liver and other organs in the future, OMalley said.

Other contributors to this work include Qiang Zhang, Yinghong Pan, Emily M. Mace and Brian York. The authors are affiliated with one or more of the following institutions: Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, the University of Houston and the Max Planck Institute.

This research was supported by grants from the NationaI Institutes of Health (U24 DK097748 and R01 HD07857), the Brockman Foundation, the Center for Advancement of Science in Space, Peter J. Fluor Family Fund, Philip J. Carroll, Jr. Professorship, Joyce Family Foundation, the National Science Foundation Grant CCF-1320866 and the German Science Foundation Grant AN-693/1-1.

See more here:
12-hour biological clock coordinates essential bodily functions - Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)