Category Archives: Cell Biology

Harvard’s Pamela Silver recalls journey from Silicon Valley to synthetic biology – Harvard Gazette

Life stories from Annette Gordon-Reed, Martin Karplus, Joseph Nye, E.O. Wilson, and many more, in the Experience series.

In 1960s Silicon Valley Pamela Silver came of age part math nerd, part rebel, absorbing the spirit of both time and place. Think space race. Think Grateful Dead.

She set out on her scientific career without a plan, propelled by an aptitude for math, an interest in science, and a love of the sometimes frenzied life of the laboratory. That love fueled groundbreaking work on how proteins make their way from the cytoplasm of a cell into the nucleus, a process called nuclear localization. Decades and many discoveries later, the same passion helped establish her as a leader in the fledgling field of synthetic biology.

Silver was recently named a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the Elliot T. and Onie H. Adams Professor of Biochemistry and Systems Biology.

Q: Lets start at the beginning. You grew up in Atherton, Calif., in Silicon Valley?

A: [My parents] were both psychotherapists, and it made for an interesting childhood. I think they must have met here [in Boston] and then they moved to the Bay Area probably right after the war, late 40s, early 50s. And my father became one of the founders of the Palo Alto Medical Clinic; it was one of the first group practices, sort of soup-to-nuts. [He] was also on the Stanford faculty. They moved to California right at the beginning of the rapid growth of Silicon Valley. We lived in Atherton before it was the richest town in the world. It was kind of cool, these old estates, built by James Flood and his children big mansions and big land. They were just starting to subdivide it. Our house was one of the first ranch-style homes. It was already kind of upper class, but I didnt realize that at the time; it was just where we lived.

Q: You never do when youre a kid. You just grow up in your surroundings.

A: The roads were still dirt. The Flood granddaughters still lived there and had horses, so we could walk around and feed the horses. It all seemed very idyllic to me, I guess if I think back on it, which I do more and more. My parents were very high-level thinkers and very intelligent. That obviously set the tone in our household, maybe a little overdoing it. My sister was actually 10 years older, so it was more like I was an only child.

Q: Is your sister your only sibling?

A: Yes. My parents did get divorced. We were not a tightknit family but more highly dysfunctional. And in retrospect that was OK in terms of my own independence and things like that.

At that time in Silicon Valley, everything was very science-oriented. How do we promote science in schools it was all about the space race and stuff like that. I apparently had precocious math ability. Some on my fathers side of the family had an inclination to mathematics. He nurtured this. He taught me how to play Go when I was 6. Chess, maybe, but Go? Really?

I won an IBM math contest when I was in junior high, but nobody was pushing me. My parents were so preoccupied with themselves, they just wanted to make sure that I didnt do anything bad.

Q: I read that you got a slide rule as a prize?

A: Yeah, that was the prize. What a hoot. It wasnt just any slide rule. My slide rule had a beveled edge, so the slider thing was here and you could still use it as a straight edge. What an amazing slide rule. Ive never been able to find one like it. I also loved homework. I would beg the teachers in elementary school to give me homework, partly because I think it was a way to get lost from the family dysfunction and also it was just interesting.

Q: What about your early schools?

A: I went to the public high school, which was nearby, for a year. Then my parents sort of decided that I wasnt getting the right education. They sent me to a local all-girls high school called Castilleja. Its one of the few all-girls high schools left. It didnt seem to emphasize science very much. The times were very disruptive. There was a lot of protest and the Vietnam War, and there you are in the all-girls school. It was a bit odd.

Q: You said it wasnt heavy on science. Was your interest in

A: My interest was independence. I have to say I was kind of a wild kid in high school. Lets be honest, there was a fair amount of recreational drug-taking and going to the Fillmore Auditorium I was heavily into the music of the times. The Grateful Dead were still kind of a local band and we were big fans it was a big part of the local culture. Bob Weir grew up nearby, and they used to practice locally. Even when we were kids, we would go listen to them. They would play at local parks and pizza parlors.

The great thing about my school is that the teachers took a personal interest in me. I had one teacher that thought I was a good writer. No idea why. The Palo Alto Times the school was in Palo Alto would have a student from each school write columns, and so she assigned me to be the reporter for Castilleja. So I really got into that. Then there was this whole culture around personal computers and electronic hacking. There were so many wacky things going on, and even as teenagers we were very much part of that. Not clear how the parents felt about it.

Q: What about college?

Castilleja was very much a college prep school. I applied to Stanford and Yale, but my real top choice was UC Santa Cruz, which is where I ended up going. I knew from the start that I wanted to do science, so the other good thing was that there werent very many course requirements or grades. I took as many advanced placement tests as possible, so I wouldnt have to take anything but science classes, which probably made my whole undergraduate experience very warped. I started as a math major, maybe, then went to physics, and then ended up in chemistry. One thing I wanted to do, which Santa Cruz was very big on, was independent research, and so as fast as possible I just wanted to get into that, and I did.

Q: Where did your initial interest in science come from?

A: I would say its a combination of this uber-intellectual family life and also the school system, for sure. There were science contests and endless science projects, and my father fed that a little bit. I remember, in first grade, he brought a dissected cat to the class, because he was an M.D. Hed take me to the hospital all the time. A lot of our family friends were somehow connected to either the medical or engineering [fields]. My father used to play poker with [Nobel Prize-winning chemist] Linus Pauling, and one of my first job interviews in high school was at his institute. Other fathers gave me early programmable personal calculators for homework.

Q: So, youre in college, and youre wending your way from math to physics to chemistry. How did that go?

A: The math part I dont remember much about. Physics was transient also. What I realized about myself was that I wanted to do experiments. So I think I ended up in chemistry because of the opportunity to do experiments. Im sure it was a product of people I met and knew and things like that teachers but also I always was kind of a rebel. Everyone was majoring in psychology, that was the thing. There was just no way I was going to do what everyone else did.

Q: No temptation, given your parents background?

A: Absolutely none. Zero. Med school off the table. Forget it. College was meeting up with just crazily interesting people. And Santa Cruz was just idyllic. Youd go off in the woods and the trees and surfing oh, and sailing. Big deal, sailing. Probably the one thing that I got out of that was being on the sailing team and having something organized in my life. So that was different and fun.

Our whole goal was to make the engineering of biology faster, cheaper, and more predictable. Lets say we succeed. So then what? Do we have the perfect planet? Is everything wonderful? Is there misuse? Im thinking about things I dont know the answer to.

Q: Are you still a sailor?

A: Yeah, its [in the picture] right behind you. Thats my boat.

Mostly I worked in the lab a lot. I liked the lab culture. I liked the all-night thing and feeling like you belonged and you were working on something. I really liked that part of it. I just characterize my life as not having a plan. And people say to me: But youre at Harvard, howd that happen? It just kind of happened. Im not saying that was a good thing or a bad thing, but I do compare it to these kids now who start out so early with a plan. I am glad I had time to explore and be kind of a dreamer.

So college is ending. I heard about this graduate school thing, and maybe I should apply. Id heard of two chemistry programs that I thought would be, for some reason, good. One was Berkeley and one was Harvard. Those were my only two grad school applications. I remember somehow deciding that I didnt want to go to grad school, though. I forget why. My father had died. I just didnt feel right. I had no money, and so I decided, maybe Ill just get a job. It was all complicated with boyfriends and husbands and lots of stuff. I did get a job at a startup chemical company, literally in Silicon Valley. It was across the street from Hewlett-Packard, really in the thick of it.

Q: So how did you end up going back to graduate school?

A: With my then-spouse, I moved to Los Angeles. The short story is thats how I ended up going to UCLA for grad school. Id actually spent an extra year at Santa Cruz doing this protein structure work, so I bargained with UCLA. If I could pass the equivalent of their qualifying exam, could I not take any classes and therefore finish my Ph.D. as fast as possible? I passed it, and so I got my Ph.D. in three years. I had a very supportive adviser who said you should just get your Ph.D. really fast. It was a good experience.

Q: How was choosing Harvard for a postdoc different from not choosing it for grad school?

A: Maybe there was finally an element of careerism starting to emerge. All these guys at UCLA were super young hotshots, and they had all come from Stanford and Harvard. So there was probably an element of hey, I can do that.

At the same time, my adviser kept trying to push me, which just was perfect for me. He kept saying, try to do something where you set up your own research program. I did formulate a question in my mind of what I thought I wanted to solve. That was the question of how do things proteins and RNAs move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm? I had some hypotheses about this, so I approached a couple of faculty here.

One was well known for letting people come to do whatever they wanted, so I went there. But I spent the summer before at Cold Spring Harbor. I went there to take the yeast course, which was a big deal then. That was just a total eye-opener.

Q: Learning how to manage and use yeast as an experimental organism, essentially?

A: Yes, but it was also about learning how to think as a geneticist, and it was just transformative for me. In many ways being at Cold Spring Harbor was amazing. Being in this community of scientists where it had that kind of 24-hour science-is-the-big-thing, interesting people to talk to left and right. Id never seen anything like it. Youre just kind of away from all your responsibilities. It was just very magical and crazy, and I thought, jeez, this is how it should be.

So when I got back to Boston, I started working in the lab Id chosen. And I met people in Mark Ptashnes lab, which was kind of a happening place. There was a lot of energy.

I realized that I was initially not in the right lab nothing wrong with it, it just wasnt right for me. So I went to Mark, and I said, I have this idea, and Ive thought more about it. I think I could test it better using yeast. And he was starting up this yeast group. So I joined Marks lab, and it was an amazing experience. The people there were just insanely smart. I mean, there were ups and downs, for sure, and some of those people could fight like dogs. It was either politics or science. It was just a crazily intense environment and I solved my problem. I discovered how proteins have a sequence that targets them into the nucleus, and that was one of the first examples of that. And I really did it on my own.

[At the end of the postdoc] everyone else seemed to have a plan. I said, hey, if this whole nuclear localization thing doesnt work out, Ill do something else. I did not have the Im-going-to-be-a-professor-for-sure mentality at all. I remember picking a couple schools that I thought I might actually go to if they offered me jobs, places that had openings. It was a very short list. One was Harvard. And one was Yale. One was Princeton. And one was Cornell.

I had interviews everywhere. I did not think about gender bias back then. I really did not. There were times I realized in college I was the only woman in the class. I just never felt anything [sexist] until I went on those job interviews and there were almost no women faculty mostly dinners with all guys. Then I had an offer at Princeton. And then at Yale. Princeton was sort of: Were growing, were new. And I thought, well, that sounds interesting. And I went to Princeton but did not stay for long.

Q: You went to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and were there for a while, right?

A: Yeah. I was hired in BCMP [Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology], and Chris Walsh was the chair. And he essentially saved my scientific life. I always say they took a risk on me. Many people said something like, Oh my God, youre going to go to Harvard? Theyre so mean. Its going to be horrible. It was the antithesis of all those things super-supportive and they wanted me.

Q: So you were here as an associate professor?

A: Based at Dana-Farber. My full appointment was in BCMP. It was back in the old days, when getting tenure took forever. The agreement was that when I was hired, they would start the process. And back then, the process sometimes took two to three years. So I had to sweat it a bit, but I had good friends there and good support. Ive been blessed with regard to funding for my research, so far. I was worried being at Dana-Farber would be odd for me as a basic scientist, but it turned out it was fabulous. I was worried I wouldnt get grad students. That turned out not to be true got great students, great postdocs. And I continued to work on cell biology combined with molecular biology, and then it expanded into what you loosely might call systems biology.

And my work had some cancer overtones to it in that we did discover we did a small molecule screen where we discovered small molecules where, in principle, we could decipher the mechanism by which they would revert cancer cells away from cancer.

Q: How did you transition from Dana-Farber to what was then the new Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School?

A: My own research was transitioning. I was taking a more systems-wide view of the cell biological problems I was working on. And also I was starting to feel like it was a time in my life where I was looking to change.

It was a really good time for Dana-Farber. They were starting to get a handle on making targeted drugs for cancer, the kinase inhibitors. And I felt good about Dana-Farber, that they were going in a good direction, that they were closer to real cancer cures. But I wasnt sure that my work was still a good fit. It had been so I mean that in a positive way.

The other thing that happened that was probably more consequential was that my now-husband, Jeff Way, who works here at the Wyss Institute, was helping a friend of ours start a new institute in Berkeley. He met a young postdoc there named Drew Endy and they became good friends. Drew had come from civil engineering, I think, and [he was] thinking about where biology should go. And then he came here this was in the early 2000s, late 1990s and started this group at MIT. It was bioengineers, computer scientists, and included me as the token real biologist. And that became the Synthetic Biology Working Group.

It was nearby, so I could go over there a lot. I became pretty engaged in that. Then, simultaneously, Marc Kirschner [of Harvard] was starting this new department [of systems biology]. Marc asked me if I wanted to be part of this department.

Q: And this was in around 2004, right?

A: Right. It was fun to be around new people, new ideas, and also I was given the charge of starting the new grad program.

Q: Lets talk about the grad program and your thoughts on graduate education.

A: Ive had a ton of grad students, and I watched them matriculate and turn into scientists. Id been thinking a lot about it and what that meant, and also this engagement with MIT was giving me a different perspective. One idea was it shouldnt be that you come to grad school and just take a bunch of classes. You come to grad school to do research. They should engage in research soon and they would get custom mentoring. Also, we tried to attract students from a diversity of areas. They could come from computer science or math. So they didnt necessarily have to have a biology background.

The other thing I encouraged was collaborative projects, so you could have, for example, two advisers. A lot of students took us up on that. That would increase collaboration amongst the faculty through the students.

It goes to the idea that the students are empowered and theyre helping define their education. It was about getting a mix of faculty across the University from different disciplines, not just the Medical School. Have a big umbrella. I liked that component of it. We got a significant number of applicants, and they were just amazing; they were some of the top students in the country. And then it stayed that way, and we got these interesting, quirky students. Im not running it anymore. Its still a great program.

Q: During this period, you were starting to focus more on synthetic biology, right?

A: Right.

Q: So tell me a little bit about that. You were at the meetings at MIT. Were you coming to understand the potential of looking at biology as modular, that it could be engineered in a rational way once you figured it all out?

A: The modularity of biology was something that resonated for me, because it was the essence of much of my work in molecular biology. I had done things like take parts of proteins and fuse them to other proteins and show they could move to the nucleus in the cell. So thats one essence of modularity. I was primed to think about it that way. I dont know if I called it synthetic biology or anything, but it was very much in my wheelhouse.

Q: Lets talk about your lab. What do you consider milestones?

A: Well, the first one was programming yeast to sense radiation. You can build sensors, but we wanted to build cells that not only sensed, but remembered. That was one of our first successes: building predictable circuits in yeast.

Q: How do you get a cell to remember?

A: There are a lot of different ways. Our way was to use transcriptional control, which is regulating how genes are made. One theme of our research is to draw from what we know about nature and try to apply that to practical problems. What nature tends to do with transcription is to use different kinds of feedback control that can either be positive or negative. So we took advantage of that. If you have a signal, instead of just having one burst, [we engineered it to] keep itself going, so it has this continuous feedback control. Thats a process used by nature that we deployed in our work.

Q: So exposure to radiation would trigger a process that

A: Yes. Imagine it triggers a pulse and something happens, and then that promotes a more sustained response over time.

Q: And that sustained response is the memory?

A: We call that the memory, yes. Memory of course means a lot of things to a lot of people, especially in neurobiology. So were using the term memory in a loose way here.

Q: And without this, the cell would respond and then stop?

A: And stop, yes.

Q: So youd be able to look at it and say, since this process is ongoing, something happened in

A: That it happened sometime in the past. My overall dream, which I think were close to achieving, is not only would something happen in the past, but a cell then could count and tell you when it happened, so it would be a true computer. And it would tell you when it happened and then ultimately do something. That doing of something, hopefully, could be something practical, like emit a signal that tells you there are poisonous chemicals somewhere or that theres a pathogen, or produce a therapeutic on-demand at the right time. We havent gotten there, but, at the time of me getting involved in synthetic biology, that was the overarching dream. Now weve taken a lot of different side paths.

We have this paper coming out in a few weeks about sensing inflammation in the gut. That, of course, is a huge problem in general. Theres no good treatment and its a chronic disease. Many people suffer from it. So we can create intestinal bacteria that will report on inflammation. Now the question is, can we get them to make a therapeutic for it? Thats one of the examples of the dream getting close to reality.

Q: Another project youve worked on is the bionic leaf.

A: Its super exciting. There are just so many opportunities here at Harvard, sometimes you look back and you say, oh my God, this thing happened. I was working on cyanobacteria, which are one of the simplest organisms that do photosynthesis, and we had engineered them to make hydrogen. We were believers in the hydrogen economy, which kind of didnt turn out so well. It might come back someday.

I got invited to be part of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, and Dan Schrag, the director, introduced me to Dan Nocera at the holiday party. Dan Nocera he had just moved [to Harvard], and he said something like, Ive been trying to meet you. Ive got this artificial leaf. It makes hydrogen. And I responded with, Ive got these bacteria, and theyll eat hydrogen and fix CO2. It was like two synergistic personalities; it just clicked.

Q: Looking ahead in synthetic biology 10 years from now what do you think will be most important?

A: In the perfect world, I would say on-demand drugs would be a big deal, whether that be protein-based drugs, cell-based drugs, or chemicals. For example, a friend of mine who is a professor at Stanford has made yeast that will make opiates. Think about the consequences of that. One is economic and the other is to make designer opiates that get rid of some of the bad things about them. I think thats just an example of the power of biology to make things weve never seen before.

We are at a tipping point around DNA synthesis. Its not yet cheap enough where a grad student could say, Im going to build a whole new organism. We need another kind of technological leap.

Our whole goal was to make the engineering of biology faster, cheaper, and more predictable. Lets say we succeed. So then what? Do we have the perfect planet? Is everything wonderful? Is there misuse? Im thinking about things I dont know the answer to. How do you find the genetically engineered organisms [released into the environment]? How do you respond quickly to a pandemic? These are things I think we are poised to do well. Can we make a vaccine in a day? Can we figure out what a pandemic is in a few hours? That really fits the bill of faster, cheaper.

How do we marry the coming firestorm of AI with synthetic biology? There was a time when young people wanted to work on molecular biology. That was the cool thing. AI is the cool thing now. Hundreds of undergrads at MIT want to take Intro AI. So we have to capture that imagination and meld it with synthetic biology.

Q: Do you look at young women in science today and think about how things are either different or the same as when you were coming up?

A: There are still a lot of males in charge and, as you get higher up the food chain, you start to notice different things. There are still times Im the only woman in the room. I have my one activism thing, where if I see meetings with no women speakers, I write a letter. I have some things that I call out, like science advisory boards with no women. So I make a pest of myself every now and then, but so do a lot of other people.

But about the trainees that is something I think were all worried about. Its a complicated problem. It feels like its harder to get women applicants and have them stick with it. I try to encourage the women in my own group. But at the same time, they have to make choices that make them happy. There just still arent a lot of women at the top. How much impact does it have if youre a younger woman and you dont see women in [leadership]?

If Harvard holds a symposium, it should never be all male. Any topic theres no reason. These, to me, are cheap, simple fixes. You should never have posters for conferences that have all males. That costs you almost no money. So I think there are lots of things you can do that dont require major investments that send signals that are positive.

Q: They say that science is at least partly about failure and learning from failure. Do you have advice on how you deal with failure?

A: Its very hard to say to someone, Look, its just not working. So I try to do it early and then say, Lets move on. Why dont you work on this thing that is working for a while so you can feel what its like to have something work, and then maybe thatll get you a paper or chapter in your thesis. Then you can go back to something riskier.

But at the same time, I like to encourage people to be risk takers, because if you dont take risks, youre not going to get anywhere. So there has to be some balance. I will say its the thing I most lose sleep over. Forget not getting grants and all that. Its the people you worry about you want everyone to succeed. At my stage, this is not about me anymore. Its about them.

Read the original:
Harvard's Pamela Silver recalls journey from Silicon Valley to synthetic biology - Harvard Gazette

Health and reproductive biology: a research record of paradigm-shifting discoveries – Nevada Today

At the moment of reproductive fertilization, much of a person's health perspective is determined by the genetic and epigenetic information contained within the sperm and egg. This research finding has changed our understanding of health and disease.

Wei Yan, foundation professor of physiology and cell biology at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, was one of the first to validate this important finding. In recognition of his distinguished research record and paradigm-shifting discoveries, Yan, who holds a medical degree and a PhD, has received the University's 2017 Outstanding Researcher Award.

Yan's research on the genetic and epigenetic regulation of human and animal reproduction is internationally recognized, and his research has been continuously supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and various foundations.

Factors such as nutrition, lifestyle, or environmental exposures all impact health. But Yan's research indicates that the quality of the gametes (sperm and eggs) has a huge impact on the health perspective of the offspring. His research has discovered that environmental insults can lead to genetic and epigenetic alterations in the gametes, which not only compromise fertility, but also predispose the offspring to many common diseases, which sometimes can even be inherited across multiple generations.

"We were among the first putting forward this provocative idea that may explain the development of many common diseases," Yan said. "Researchers and science no longer look for one generation's impact on disease development."

A significant discovery by Yan's team is the quality of sperm in determining the overall health of the offspring. It was once thought sperm only deliver the father's DNA into the egg, but Yan's research has shown that, in addition to genetic information, sperm also carry over a large amount of epigenetic information during fertilization.

"They carry not only the DNA blueprint but also the regulators of DNA," Yan said of the role of sperm. "This finding has allowed us to link sperm quality to disease development in the offspring."

The study of sperm in Yan's lab has also contributed to new ideas and approaches to reproductive health, including advances toward the development of non-hormonal, male contraceptives.

"Dr. Yan is an outstanding scientist of international reputation whose expertise in epigenetics and reproductive medicine has led to discoveries of great importance to human health," Tom Schwenk, dean of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. said.

Considering his contributions, it is all the more incredible to think his career in research almost didn't happen.

As Yan worked toward his medical degree from China Medical University, which he earned in 1990, he found himself drawn to laboratory settings rather than clinical practices. He pursued a fellowship in forensic pathology, and the timing of his entry into this medical and scientific arena coincided with the expanding application of new DNA technologies.

"I saw the birth and emergence of DNA testing, and my background in medicine and pathology positioned me to study this new area," he said.

Yan became the first person in China to develop and use these technologies to solve criminal cases. His time as a coroner with the Institute of Forensic Sciences for China's Liaoning Province was, as he said, "real-world CSI."

At crime scenes the most common finding is hair - not blood or bodily fluids - and because the hair shaft is enriched in mitochondrial DNA, the application of DNA testing is very effective. Yan's application of the science resulted in a dramatic increase in solved criminal cases, particularly sexual assault cases, and he was called upon by agencies across the country looking to apply the science to their investigations.

His family was proud to see Yan achieve this early-career success, but Yan was ready to head in a new direction. He quit his job to embark on a career in research and explore his newfound passion: "Doing something new, exploring something new, always looking at new questions."

He earned his PhD in physiology in 2000 from the University of Turku in Finland where he was part of an internationally renowned research lab in the study of endocrinology and reproduction science. He later completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pathology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

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Foundation Professor and Chair of the Department of Physiology and Cell Biology Kenton Sanders recruited Yan because of his extraordinary skills and ideas regarding reproductive biology, transgenics and molecular biology.

"He rapidly developed a productive laboratory and has consistently been one of the most productive and well-funded members of the faculty," Sanders wrote in his nomination of Yan for the Outstanding Researcher Award. "Wei has made significant contributions in the field of reproductive biology ... and has recently developed ideas and new techniques for the study of epigenetics and has worked hard on contraceptive development."

Yan has published more than 110 peer-reviewed articles with more than 5,400 citations. He holds three patents, and he has received numerous awards, including the 2009 Nevada Regents' Rising Researcher Award, the 2009 Society for the Study of Reproduction Young Investigator Award, the 2012 American Society of Andrology Young Andrologist Award and the 2013 Nevada Healthcare Hero Award for Research and Technology. In 2016, Yan was named a University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Professor, the highest honor the University bestows upon its faculty.

Yan recently received a prestigious appointment to serve as editor-in-chief of the journal Biology of Reproduction as of July 2017.

Looking back at his career, Yan places great value on the role of mentorship.

"I came here as a young assistant professor and started to look for role models," Yan said. "I sought out high-achieving scientists to learn from."

He learned a great deal from Sanders, who Yan describes as visionary and always watching where the science is going.

"I'm lucky to be in UNR Med, surrounded by top-tier scientists," Yan said. "I appreciate the collegiality in this relatively small research community, especially the support from the department chair and the dean."

He appreciates the importance of giving back and mentoring others. "My goal is to create a competitive and supportive environment, to have enthusiastic graduate students and post-doctoral fellows and contribute to their development, to make many more discoveries beneficial to human health."

"He is an expert mentor who has built strong and productive research teams," Schwenk said. "The School of Medicine is proud that Dr. Yan has been selected to join a long line of scientists and investigators recognized as outstanding researchers at UNR."

Yan formally received the 2017 Outstanding Researcher Award and a $5,000 award grant at the University's Honor the Best Ceremony on May 16. For more information about this and other awards presented through Research & Innovation at the University, visit

See original here:
Health and reproductive biology: a research record of paradigm-shifting discoveries - Nevada Today

Dragonfly Therapeutics Announces Head of Biology – Canada NewsWire (press release)

Dragonfly announces that Dr. Ann Cheung will become its Head of Biology, leading critical development of the company's novel Natural Killer cell-based immunotherapies.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 16, 2017 /CNW/ --Dragonfly Therapeutics, Inc. ("Dragonfly"), today announced that Dr. Ann Cheung will become its Head of Biology, directing key immuno-oncology functions for the development of its novel Natural Killer ("NK") cell-based therapies.

"Ann is an outstanding scientist," said Dragonfly co-founder and head of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, Dr. Tyler Jacks. "After working with her for six years in MIT labs earlier in her career, I know that she will bring immense creativity, innovation, experience and drive to her important role as Dragonfly's Head of Biology.

As Dragonfly's Head of Biology, Dr. Cheung manages all immune-oncology functions for the development of the company's proprietary NK cell engagers, directing research into NK cell biology and mechanism of action. She works closely with the Head of Biologics, Dr. Asya Grinberg.

At the Jacks lab, Ann studied the interface of between lung tumors and anti-cancer T cells, and initiated the group's forays into cancer immunology. Ann's postdoctoral work was at Caltech, and included a collaboration with Drs. Antoni Ribas and Nobel Laureate David Baltimore to assess T cell multi-functionality in a clinical trial using engineered T cells for immunotherapy in advanced melanoma patients. Ann received her undergraduate degree from Brown University with a concentration in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and received her Ph-D from the MIT Department of Biology.

About DragonflyDragonfly Therapeutics harnesses its novel TriNKET technology to develop drugs that leverage the power of the innate immune system to provide breakthrough cancer treatments for patients.

For more information visit:,,

Media Contact: Maura McCarthy 617-588-0086 x702

SOURCE Dragonfly Therapeutics, Inc.

See the original post here:
Dragonfly Therapeutics Announces Head of Biology - Canada NewsWire (press release)

Michael Botchan named dean of biological sciences – UC Berkeley

Michael Botchan, interim dean of the Division of Biological Sciences in the College of Letters and Science at UC Berkeley, has been appointed to be permanent dean of the division. He has held the position on an interim basis since July 1, 2016.

Michael Botchan

In a message to the campus community, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and Chancellor-designate Carol Christ said Botchan will continue to have direct responsibility for the Department of Integrative Biology, the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, and the Physical Education Program, overseeing 123 regular faculty and total divisional expenditures of over $100 million. He will report directly to the executive vice chancellor and provost and will join the Council of Deans, serving as an important advocate for the biological sciences on campus.

Dean Botchan received his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1972, and in 1980 was recruited to become an associate professor in the Molecular Biology Department. His scholarly work at UC has included contributions to virology and to unraveling the mechanisms of DNA replication.

He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is a fellow of the American Microbiology Society. At Berkeley, he has served as a division head and chair of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. He chaired the biochemistry section of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and currently chairs the Medical Advisory Board at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Please join me in congratulating Dean Botchan on his appointment, said Christ.

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Michael Botchan named dean of biological sciences - UC Berkeley

Spatiotemporal Control of 3D-Cultured Stem Cells Using Light – Technology Networks

Nothing beats nature. The diverse and wonderful varieties of cells and tissues that comprise the human body are evidence of that.

Each one of us starts out as a mass of identical, undifferentiated cells, and thanks to a combination of signals and forces, each cell responds by choosing a developmental pathway and multiplying into the tissues that become our hearts, brains, hair, bones or blood. A major promise of studying human embryonic stem cells is to understand these processes and apply the knowledge toward tissue engineering.

Researchers in UC Santa Barbaras departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology have gotten a step closer to unlocking the secrets of tissue morphology with a method of three-dimensional culturing of embryonic stem cells using light.

The important development with our method is that we have good spatiotemporal control over which cell or even part of a cell is being excited to differentiate along a particular gene pathway, said lead author Xiao Huang, who conducted this study as a doctoral student at UCSB and is now a postdoctoral scholar in the Desai Lab at UC San Francisco. The research, titled Light-Patterned RNA Interference of 3D-Cultured Human Embryonic Stem Cells, appears in volume 28, issue 48 of the journal Advanced Materials.

Similar to other work in the field of optogenetics which largely focuses neurological disorders and activity in living organisms, leading to insights into diseases and conditions such as Parkinsons and drug addiction this new method relies on light to control gene expression.

The researchers used a combination of hollow gold nanoshells attached to small molecules of synthetic RNA (siRNA) a molecule that plays a large role in gene regulation and thermoreversible hydrogel as 3D scaffolding for the stem cell culture, as well as invisible, near-infrared (NIR) light. NIR light, Huang explained, is ideal when creating a three-dimensional culture in the lab.

Near-infrared light has better tissue penetration that is useful when the sample becomes thick, he explained. In addition to enhanced penetration up to 10 cm deep the light can be focused tightly to specific areas. Irradiation with the light released the RNA molecules from the nanoshells in the sample and initiated gene-silencing activity, which knocked down green fluorescent protein genes in the cell cluster. The experiment also showed that the irradiated cells grew at the same rate as the untreated control sample; the treated cells showed unchanged viability after irradiation.

Of course, culturing tissues consisting of related but varying cell types is a far more complex process than knocking down a single gene.

Its a concert of orchestrated processes, said co-author and graduate student researcher Demosthenes Morales, describing the process by which human embryonic stem cells become specific tissues and organs. Things are being turned on and turned off. Perturbing one aspect of the system, he explained, sets off a series of actions along the cells developmental pathways, much of which is still unknown.

One reason were very interested in spatiotemporal control is because these cells, when theyre growing and developing, dont always communicate the same way, Morales said, explaining that the resulting processes occur at different speeds, and occasionally overlap. So being able to control that communication on which cell differentiates into which cell type will help us to be able to control tissue formation, he added.

The fine control over cell development provided by this method also allows for the three-dimensional culture of tissues and organs from embryonic stem cells for a variety of applications. Engineered tissues can be used for therapeutic purposes, including replacements for organs and tissues that have been destroyed due to injury or disease. They can be used to give insight into the bodys response to toxins and therapeutic agents.

Research on this study was also conducted also by Qirui Hu, a postdoctoral fellow in Dennis Cleggs lab at UCSBs Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and Yifan Lai in the lab of Norbert Reich in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided byUCSB. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.


Huang, X., Hu, Q., Lai, Y., Morales, D. P., Clegg, D. O., & Reich, N. O. (2016). Light-Patterned RNA Interference of 3D-Cultured Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Advanced Materials, 28(48), 10732-10737. doi:10.1002/adma.201603318

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Spatiotemporal Control of 3D-Cultured Stem Cells Using Light - Technology Networks

Cell Atlas Study Reveals New Insights into Human Biology – Technology Networks

The first analysis of the physical arrangement of proteins in cells has been published in Science, revealing that a large portion of human proteins can be found in more than one location in a given cell.

Using the Sweden-based Cell Atlas, researchers examined the spatial distribution of the human proteome that correspond to the majority of protein-coding genes, and they described in unprecedented detail the distribution of proteins to the various organelles and substructures of the human bodys smallest unit, the cell.

Within a cell, the organelles create partitions that form an enclosed environment for chemical reactions tailored to fulfill specific functions in the cell. Since these functions are tightly linked to specific sets of proteins, knowing the subcellular location of the human proteome is key knowledge for understanding the function and underlying mechanisms of the human cell.

The study was led by Emma Lundberg, associate professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and responsible for the High Content Microscopy facility at the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) in Stockholm, Sweden. The team generated more than 100,000 images to systematically resolve the spatial distribution of human proteins in cultivated cell lines, and map them to cellular compartments and substructures with single cell resolution.

The Cell Atlas is the result of more than 10 years of research within the Human Protein Atlas program, and was launched in December 2016. The article in Science describes the detailed analysis of hundreds of thousands of images created as part of this international effort, which also involved groups in the UK, China, South Korea, India, Denmark, and Germany.

Only by studying the molecular components of the bodys smallest functional unit the cell can we reach a full understanding of human biology, says KTH Professor Mathias Uhln, director of the Human Protein Atlas. The Cell Atlas provides researchers with new knowledge that facilitates functional exploration of individual proteins and their role in human biology and disease.

The published article also includes a comparative study performed by Kathryn Lilley, director of the Cambridge Centre for Proteomics, at Cambridge University, UK, which enabled the antibody-based immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy analysis to be validated by an alternative mapping strategy that used mass spectrometry.

A total of 12,003 proteins targeted by 13,993 antibodies were classified into one or several of 30 cellular compartments and substructures, altogether defining the proteome of 13 major organelles. The organelles with the largest proteomes were the nucleus and its substructures, such as bodies and speckles (6,930), and the cytosol (4,279).

Interestingly, about one-half of the proteins are found in more than one compartment revealing a shared pool of proteins in functionally unrelated parts of the cell. Lundberg says:

The Cell Atlas is an open access resource that can be used by researchers around the world to study proteins or organelles of interest, Lundberg says. The Atlas enables systems biology and cell modeling applications, and it is also a highly valuable resource for machine learning applications in image pattern recognition.

This article has been republished frommaterialsprovided by the KTH. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.


Thul, PJ et al. A subcellular map of the human proteome. Science; 11 May 2017; DOI: 10.1126/science.aal3321

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Cell Atlas Study Reveals New Insights into Human Biology - Technology Networks

Biological Industries USA to Support Training Programs for Young Scientists through Partnership with Non-Profit … – Business Wire (press release)

CROMWELL, Conn. & MONROVIA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Biological Industries USA (BI-USA) is proud to announce an exciting partnership designed to support real-world laboratory skills training in regenerative medicine for early career scientists (high school to college level and beyond). As part of their commitment to help support and train the future generation of scientists in the field of stem cell biology, BI-USA has partnered with the non-profit institute Pathways to Stem Cell Science to help aspiring scientists gain hands-on experience culturing human pluripotent stem cells in state-of-the-art facilities in Southern California. As a part of this agreement, BI-USA will provide stem cell product and technology support through program scholarships for the Pathways to Stem Cell Science training programs.

Featuring both classroom and laboratory-based courses, students participating in the Pathways to Stem Cell Science programs are equipped with unique skills to help them gain a competitive edge in pursuing future educational and professional goals.

Despite the growth and availability of bioscience jobs, many college graduates still find it difficult to transition from university degree programs into the right bioscience career, said Victoria Fox, Ph.D., President and Founder of Pathways to Stem Cell Science. This situation exists in part because graduating students lack the real-world experience needed to navigate the biosciences jobs and gain work-specific or specialized laboratory skills, which are required for many bioscience professions. We launched Pathways to Stem Cell Science to provide more opportunities for early career scientists to gain this valuable hands-on training and laboratory experience.

Every great scientist started as a student, said Tanya Potcova, CEO of BI-USA. We are proud to play a role in supporting science education for young students. By sharing our knowledge and experience in the field of stem cell research, we hope to help empower the next generation of scientists.

To kick off this new partnership, BI-USA will host a webinar presented by Dr. Victoria Fox on Wednesday, May 17 at 2:00 PM ET. Dr. Fox will discuss the benefits of STEM exposure to early career scientists and present an overview of the Pathways to Stem Cell Science training programs. To learn more and register for this free webinar, please visit

About Biological Industries (BI)

Biological Industries ( is one of the worlds leading and trusted suppliers to the life sciences industry, with over 35 years experience in cell culture media development and GMP manufacturing. BIs products range from classical cell culture media to supplements and reagents for stem cell research and potential cell therapy applications, to serum-free media and many other products for animal cell culture and molecular biology. BI is committed to a Culture of Excellence through advanced manufacturing and quality-control systems, regulatory expertise, in-depth market knowledge, and extensive technical customer-support, training, and R&D capabilities.

Biological Industries USA (BI-USA) is the US commercialization arm of BI, with facilities in Cromwell, Connecticut. Members of the BI-USA team share a history and expertise of innovation and success in the development of leading-edge technologies in stem cell research, cellular reprogramming, and regenerative medicine.

To receive ongoing BI communications, please join our email list or connect with the company on LinkedIn,Twitter, andFacebook.

About Pathways to Stem Cell Science

Pathways to Stem Cell Science is a non-profit institute and unique provider of real-world training in molecular cell biology, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine.We work collaboratively with both academic and industry partners to offer innovative programs for students of all ages to learn hands-on science with human stem cells. Our laboratory-based courses feature novel classes, designed and taught by publishing scientists who are also exceptional teachers.Equipped with unique skills, our graduates gain a competitive edge, attend top-tier universities, pursue professional science careers and make measurable contributions to the field of stem cell research.

For more information on the training programs provided by Pathways to Stem Cell Science, please visit

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Biological Industries USA to Support Training Programs for Young Scientists through Partnership with Non-Profit ... - Business Wire (press release)

Cromwell’s Biological Industries inks stem-cell training pact with Calif. Institute – Hartford Business

PHOTO | Steve Laschever

Biological Industries has a distribution-storage depot in Cromwell for its line of cell-culture media in which human and animal stem cells are grown.

Cromwell-based Biological Industries USA is partnering with a Monrovia, Calif.-based nonprofit stem cell institute to provide training for aspiring young scientists.

Biological Industries' partner, the Pathways to Stem Cell Science institute, will host early career scientists ranging from high school to college-level students and beyond and provide hands-on experience in culturing human pluripotent stem cells. Biological Industries will provide stem cell product and technology support through program scholarships for the Pathways to Stem Cell Science training programs.

The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Biological Industries, which specializes in stem cell research, cellular reprogramming and regenerative medicine, is a division of Biological Industries Israel LTD. Pathways to Stem Cell Science programs provide classroom and laboratory-based courses in molecular cell biology, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine to equip students with the skills to help them gain a competitive edge in the industry.

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Cromwell's Biological Industries inks stem-cell training pact with Calif. Institute - Hartford Business

Cell-free synbio: a technology whose time has come – PLoS Blogs (blog)

By former Community Editor Steven Burgess

Its like instant noodles just add water exclaims Dr. Keith Pardee, now an assistant professor at the University of Toronto. He is describing a small black object developed during his postdoc in the Collins lab. This unassuming device is one of the most advanced biosensors ever built it is able to detect the presence of the Zika virus. This is achieved by using an RNA toehold switch which provides the molecular precision required to identify and outbreaks and help guide efforts to combat virus spread. But things get really interesting when you look at the transformative technology behind the sensor.

Rather than use the common approaches of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or a genetically modified bacteria to detect the virus, Keith decided to use a cell free system. The principle is simple: grow up bacteria, smash open the cells, and use the contents to perform reactions in a test tube or on paper (for a guide on how to make extracts see this JoVE article). This has a number of advantages over the alternatives: unlike PCR, the assay can be used in remote locations without the need for expensive lab equipment, thereby allowing instantaneous field testing, and unlike genetically modified bacteria, cell-free systems avoid concerns about uncontrolled escape of genetically modified organisms into the environment.

Once realized, the simplicity of the approach provides a host of possibilities. Keith followed up the Zika work by demonstrating the potential of cell-free systems for on demand biomanufacturing: producing antimicrobial peptides, vaccines, antibody conjugates and small molecules all in a test tube. He explains [we aim] to use cell-free synthetic biology to extend the reach of molecular tools beyond their current range to address needs into low and middle-income countries.

The success of these approaches has seen initiatives such as the Bakubung Workshop Report highlighting cell-free systems as a key component of capacity building in efforts to grow the African bioeconomy, sidestepping the need for investment in expensive facilities and biocontainment procedures and the potential to transform research. Additionally, development projects such as OpenDiagnostics have adopted the technology to develop low-cost, open-source crop, livestock and environmental biosensors.

Turbo charging the design-build-test cycle

The use of cell-extracts in biology goes back a long way. The first experiments were carried out in the 1960s, but ever since the dawn of synthetic biology the benefits of cell free systems for applied goals have also been getting scientists excited.

It is not just low cost applications that have been gaining traction, the potential advantages of cell free systems have also caught the attention of tech firms such as Sutro biopharma and Synvitrobio which are using them for the production of high value proteins that would otherwise be difficult to generate using conventional cell culture systems such as those that are toxic.

At Imperial College, Dr. Richard Kelwick has been exploring ways cell-free systems may contribute to speeding up the design-build test cycle during his postdoc in Prof. Paul Freemonts lab. He has been working on an improved cell-free system for B. subtilis, a bacterium which is often used in industrial fermentation for the production of products ranging from antibodies to washing powders. We think that cell-free systems can help researchers and companies to innovate explains Richard. In a recent publication he demonstrated the applicability of the technology for quickly screening DNA regulatory elements and a model enzyme getting results in hours rather than days.

An Idea whose Time Has Come

There is a growing sense that the use of cell-free systems is an idea whose time has come; 2017 has seen the 1st European Congress on Cell Free Synthetic Biology, call for papers to be included in a special issue in Synthetic Biology, workshops aimed at using cell free systems to bring biology to engineers.

There are, of course, some limitations to these methods. Batch variability is an ongoing concern in the field, though experienced cell-free biotechnologists can minimise these effects. Cost is also a potential issue, Richard Kelwick explains small scale reactions (e.g. for prototyping) have been quoted as low as 10-30 cents per reaction [not including sample preparation] but bringing costs down much further may involve using picoliter volumes on a high-throughput phenotyping platform.

These issues have slowly been addressed through years of hard slog through modification of energy production systems to removing proteases (reviewed in an excellent bioRxiv article), and standardization of preparation methods. Richard also pointed out the choice of strain is important, he explains [systems] may benefit from the unique biochemistries of specific organisms whether that is the presence of specific enzymes, or cofactor recycling systems. For example he found that by simply switching strains of B. subtilis used in his cell free system he was able to improve performance ~70 fold. As a result, the Freemont group has already begun to explore (test) the potential of cell extracts, from diverse organisms that have unique biochemistries in the hope of building more robust cell-free systems.

The result of these developments is that you can now buy extracts such as Mytxtl or PURExpress to perform cell free reactions without the need of preparing your own. So will we see cell-free systems commonly used anytime soon? In everyday labs costs will come down, and the performance will continue to be improved through better strains and development of standardized protocols. In regards to applied research Keith explains the challenges going forward include streamlining patient sample preparation and validation of the tools under field conditions, and he is currently looking to begin field trials of the Zika sensor in Latin America.

The technology is there, all it takes is your imagination to decide what to do with it. Note by the author: I want to thank Dr. Keith Pardee and Dr. Richard Kelwick for their input and email correspondence following presentations organised by the University of Cambridge Synthetic Biology Research Initiative on the 16th of March 2017.

Note by the editor: You can follow Steven on Twitter@sjb015

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Cell-free synbio: a technology whose time has come - PLoS Blogs (blog)

UCI Prof Gets Alzheimer’s Funds – Orange County Business Journal

The Orange County Chapter of the Alzheimers Association will give UCI professor Matthew Inlay $150,000 over three years for research critical to developing more-effective strategies for understanding and treating the disease, the association said.

The local chapter of the Chicago-based national association is in Irvine; a separate Alzheimers organization not affiliated with either also has an OC presence.

The national Alzheimers Association is the largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimers research in the world, having awarded more than $385 million for more than 2,500 scientific investigations, according to the organization.

The research program is part of a global grant effort by the national group.

Alzheimers is the fifth leading cause of death in California and about 89,000 people in OC over age 65 will have the disease by 2030, the association said.

Inlay is an assistant professor of molecular biology and biochemistry at the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center at University of California-Irvine.

He has degrees in molecular cell biology and biology from two UC System universities and did post-doctoral work at Stanford University, focusing on stem cell biology and development of the blood system.

He joined the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center as an assistant professor in 2013

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UCI Prof Gets Alzheimer's Funds - Orange County Business Journal