Category Archives: Cell Biology

UCD’s Jodi Nunnari elected to National Academy of Sciences – Davis Enterprise

Professor Jodi Nunnari, chair of the department of molecular and cellular biology in the College of Biological Sciences at UC Davis, has been elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nunnari studies mitochondria, tiny structures that provide energy to living cells and that are implicated in a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, stroke and inherited conditions.

Jodi Nunnari. Courtesy photo

Beginning as a postdoctoral researcher, Jodi has made discoveries that have transformed her field and helped demystify the genesis of a broad range of diseases, said Ralph Hexter, interim chancellor of UCD.

Her pioneering work is a prime example of our universitys commitment to fundamental research to improve the human condition. I could not be happier to see her receive this much-deserved recognition.

Nunnaris lab studies the behavior of mitochondria which have their own DNA, separate from the cell nucleus inside cells. Her work looks at the mechanisms through which mitochondria divide and fuse together, and at how mitochondrial DNA is organized and transmitted.

Nunnari is among 84 new members and 21 foreign associates elected to the academy this year. She is one of 27 current or retired UCD faculty who are members or foreign associates of the academy.

Election to the National Academies of Sciences is among the highest honors a scientist can receive in recognition of their distinguished scholarly contributions, said Mark Winey, dean of the College of Biological Sciences.

Jodis election is very well deserved for her groundbreaking work on mitochondria. As powerhouses of the cell, mitochondrial failure is linked to a variety of inherited diseases, as well as neurological disorders and aging.

Nunnari earned her bachelors degree from the College of Wooster in Ohio and her doctorate, in pharmacology, from Vanderbilt University. She carried out her postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Peter Walter at UC San Francisco, where she discovered that mitochondria form a dynamic network with the cell. This concept has led her to fundamental insights into how mitochondria grow, divide and function.

The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit institution that was established under a congressional charter signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Together with the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Medicine, it provides advice on science, engineering, and health policy to the federal government and other organizations.

UC Davis News

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UCD's Jodi Nunnari elected to National Academy of Sciences - Davis Enterprise

New study uses 10x Genomics’ Single Cell 3′ Solution to unravel stem cell self-renewal mechanism –

May 4, 2017

10x Genomics, a company focused on enabling the mastery of biology by accelerating genomic discovery, today announced publication of an article in the journal Nature of a collaborative research study with researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The article entitled, "Non-equivalence of Wnt and R-spondin ligands during Lgr5+ intestinal stem-cell self-renewal," utilizes the 10x Genomics' Single Cell 3' Solution for single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) to unravel the priming and self-renewal mechanisms of intestinal stem cells (ISCs).

The renewal and differentiation of Lgr5+ ISCs is critical to the continuous regeneration of the epithelial lining of the gut, which enables us to absorb nutrients and provides a barrier to protect us from the external environment. Disruptions in this process can lead to or worsen human intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), gastrointestinal cancer and Celiac disease.

This carefully regulated process occurs within a stem-cell niche called the intestinal crypt, and depends on Wnt signaling, which can be turned up by Wnt and R-spondin (RSPO) ligands. The authors sought to identify the unique functional roles of Wnt and RSPO ligands for regulating Lgr5+ ISCs and the relative contributions of both ligands to in vivo Wnt signaling and stem-cell biology.

The authors were able to show using in vivo experiments that Wnt and RSPO are not redundant signals. RSPO was shown to expand stem cell number. Although Wnt was needed to maintain Lgr5+ ISCs in the presence of RSPO, Wnt was not sufficient to induce additional numbers of Lgr5+ ISCs above a certain threshold, demonstrating that RSPO, and not Wnt, establishes the set point for Lgr5+ ISC number. The authors performed single-cell RNA-seq to definitively show that the signaling contributions of Wnt and RSPO elicited distinct effects on ISCs, by fully characterizing the expression profile for each unique cellular subtype on a cell-by-cell basis upon perturbation of those signals in vivo.

By characterizing gene expression from 13,102 single cells, Yan and colleagues were able to show that Lgr5- control cells represented differentiated cell types of the small intestinal lineages, including Paneth, goblet, enteroendocrine, enterocyte, pre-enterocyte, and tuft cells. The Lgr5+ cells consisted of three cellular sub-populations, corresponding to cycling stem cells, non-cycling stem cells, and transit amplifying cells. The authors were able to further show that these three distinct sub-populations of Lgr5+ cells were each uniquely affected by perturbations in Wnt and RSPO signaling, conclusively demonstrating that Wnts are priming factors that enable stem cells to be competent by expressing RSPO receptors on their cell surface, whereas RSPOs are actual self-renewal factors that expand stem cell number.

"Single-cell analysis provided conclusive evidence for the unique roles of Wnt and RSPO signaling to their respective function, either co-operatively priming Lgr5+ cells for competency, or for RSPO-mediated self-renewal," said Grace Zheng, Ph.D., research scientist at 10x Genomics. "This powerfully illustrates the utility of single-cell RNA-seq to monitor discrete stem-cell states and their dynamic perturbation. To do this with any other technology would have been extremely cumbersome, if not impossible."

"We are very excited about this result, and it opens up the possibility that analogous multi-tiered regulation by priming and self-renewal factors may be a generalized property of stem cells across other organ systems, either through Wnt and RSPO or functionally equivalent stem-cell niche components," said Ben Hindson, Ph.D., president, co-founder, and chief scientific officer of 10x Genomics. "This could have wide-reaching implications for stem-cell research and potentially yield new insight towards therapeutic applications in the future."

See the article here:
New study uses 10x Genomics' Single Cell 3' Solution to unravel stem cell self-renewal mechanism -

Starvation causes atypical cell death – Phys.Org

May 3, 2017 The cover image of the MCB journal. Credit: IDIBELL

Researchers from the Cell death group of the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL), led by Dr. Cristina Muoz-Pinedo, have characterized the cell death process due to starvation, in which the endoplasmic reticulum plays a leading role. Their work, chosen as the cover of the latest Molecular and Cellular Biology journal, was carried out within TRAIN-ERs, a European collaborative action that studies diseases associated with this cellular organelle.

"Usually, programmed cell deathalso called apoptosisfollows a biochemical pathway related to the permeabilization of mitochondria; However, we observed that in cases of cell death due to lack of glucose, cells die in an unexpected way, following a process similar to what we would expect from an immune response", explains Dr. Cristina Muoz-Pinedo, last author of the study.

In cell-death-related treatments such as chemotherapy, the mitochondrial pathway is activated. Instead, when starved, cells activate the so-called "death receptors" on their membrane, which are normally used by the lymphocytes of the immune system to attack and destroy infected cells.

IDIBELL researchers have been able to relate the activation of these membrane receptors to the endoplasmic reticulum, a cellular organelle involved in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism, as well as intracellular transport. "Feeling the stress produced by the lack of nutrients, the reticulum send an alarm signal that triggers the appearance of death receptors in the membrane", says Dr. Muoz-Pinedo.

"According to our in vitro results, we assume that this is how the tumor cells located in the center of a tumorthe so-called necrotic coredie, because there are never enough nutrients in those areas", adds the IDIBELL researcher. "On the other hand, in ischemia, besides the lack of oxygen there is also cell death due to lack of glucose, so this process could also be related to the activity of the endoplasmic reticulum at a biochemical level".

Explore further: Scientists reveal alternative route for cell death

More information: Raffaella Iurlaro et al, Glucose Deprivation Induces ATF4-Mediated Apoptosis through TRAIL Death Receptors, Molecular and Cellular Biology (2017). DOI: 10.1128/MCB.00479-16

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In almost every mammalian cell, you will find the endoplasmic reticulum, a network of continuous membranes responsible for controlling metabolism as well as the folding, assembly and secretion of proteins. Since the endoplasmic ...

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Research by wildlife biologists from Clemson University and the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center near Georgetown is shattering conventional scientific understanding about American alligator growth and reproduction.

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Starvation causes atypical cell death - Phys.Org

Deans Vanderlick and Cooley among those honored by YSEA – Yale News

Yale deans Kyle Vanderlick and Lynn Cooley, faculty member Dr. Arthur Horwich, alumnus Jonathan Ayers, and outstanding undergraduates were honored at the 103rd annual meeting and awards dinner of the Yale Science & Engineering Association (YSEA), held on April 28 in the Presidents Room at the Quinnipiack Club.

At the event, YSEA officials announced that the organization had created the Dean Kyle Vanderlick Research Grantin recognition of the deans legacy in establishing the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science as a bridge between the sciences and the humanities on the Yale campus and beyond. YSEA President John Siemon credited Vanderlick with greatly expanding the scope of the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) since she was appointed dean in 2008. Through this transformation, he said, interest and enrollment in Yales engineering programs and student groups have flourished.

He also cited the numerous cross-disciplinary collaborations between SEAS and other fields of research at Yale. The grant will be available annually to Yale science and engineering undergraduates who demonstrate the values that Dean Vanderlick has exemplified throughout her tenure at SEAS.

YSEA officials also announced the awardees for three honors:

Lynn Cooley, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, theC.N.H. Long Professor of Genetics, and professor of cell biology and of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, received the YSEA Award for Meritorious Service.

Cooley has focused her research on the mechanisms and regulation of oogenesis inthe fruit fly (drosophila). In her work, she has elucidated numerous aspects of Drosophila biology, utilizing techniques for genetic analysis in Drosophila that she has pioneered in her career.

At Yale, she has served as a member of the Biological Sciences Advisory Committee (20052007), director of the Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (20012014), director of the Medical Research Scholars Program (20062014), and director of the China Scholarship CouncilYale World Scholars Program (20062014).

Dr. Arthur Horwich, Sterling Professor of Genetics and Pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine and an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, received the YSEA Award for Advancement of Basic & Applied Science

His research into protein foldingestablished the existence of a large class of proteins termed chaperonins, which help proteins fold correctly in various cellular locales. Previously, researchers believed that proteins folded into shape by themselves

In addition to their significance in fundamental biology, chaperonins have been recognized as being of great medical significance: Derangement of protein folding has been connected with numerous disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases. Most recently Horwichs laboratory has been studying the role of misfolding of the enzyme known as superoxide dismutatse I (SOD1), which leads to a specific type of amyotrophic laterals sclerosis (ALS).

Jonathan Ayers 78, chair, president and CEO of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. received the YSEA Award for Distinguished Service to Industry, Commerce or Education

IDEXX is a leading innovator in veterinary medicine, producing test protocols, novel chemistry, diagnostic equipment, and software to deliver rapid and accurate results. IDEXX also protects water supplies for millions of people worldwide through their drinking water and wastewater quality tests. In addition, IDEXX tests help to protect dairy, poultry and livestock around the world.

IDEXXs growing global workforce of 7,000 includes over 700 veterinariansand Ph.D.s who bring a consistent stream of diagnostic and software innovations to the veterinary industry.

Siemon cited the companys sponsorship of STEM activities in local schools and universities, adding that IDEXX expands this culture of innovation far beyond its walls, both retaining and attracting top talent.

The YSEA Awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement were presented to the science and engineering undergraduates with the highest GPAs in their classes after five and seven terms, respectively. The winners are

Malini Gandhi 17 Molecular, cellular & developmental biology, GPA of 4.0

Anna Russo 17 Applied mathematics, GPA of 4.0

Christopher Chute 17 Mathematics, GPA of 3.99

Yumi Koga 17 Chemistry, GPA of 3.99

Stan Swidwinski 17 Electrical engineering/computer science, GPA of 3.99

Christopher Chute 17 Mathematics/computer science, GPA of 3.99

Julia Borowski 18 Chemistry, GPA of 4.00

Martin Lim 18 Economics/chemistry, GPA of 4.00

Adam Lowet 18 Cognitive science/molecular, cellular & developmental biology, GPA of 4.00

Scott Stankey 18 Mathematics, GPA of 4.00

Sara Meyers 18 Molecular, cellular & developmental biology, GPA of 3.99

Lionel Jin 18 Molecular, cellular & developmental biology, GPA of 3.99

Ilana Kaufman 18 Physics, GPA of 3.99

James Diao 18 Molecular biophysics & biochemistry, GPA of 3.99

Alexander Epstein 18 Molecular, cellular & developmental biology, GPA of 3.99

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Deans Vanderlick and Cooley among those honored by YSEA - Yale News

Leading Protein Scientist Dr. Asya Grinberg Joins Dragonfly … – Markets Insider

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --Dragonfly Therapeutics, Inc. ("Dragonfly"), today announced the addition of Dr. Asya Grinberg to its senior team. Dr. Grinberg joins Dragonfly from Acceleron Pharma (Nasdaq: XLRN), where she led a multidisciplinary team in cell biology and protein chemistry. As Dragonfly's Head of Biologics, Dr. Grinberg leads its protein engineering, purification, characterization and structural biology team.

Dr. Grinberg brings to Dragonfly an extensive track record of scientific accomplishments and creativity in protein-based drug development. "Asya's experience developing multiple drug candidates from concept deep into the clinic represents a great addition to our company," stated Dragonfly co-founder and head of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, Dr. Tyler Jacks.

Prior to joining Dragonfly, Dr. Grinberg spent 12 years at Acceleron Pharma discovering and developing novel protein therapeutics for treatment of hematopoietic diseases and cancer. She most recently served as Senior Director of Cell Biology and Protein Chemistry and has been a strong scientific and strategic driver of internal innovation. Dr. Grinberg's efforts were instrumental to the development of five clinical candidates, including Luspatercept (currently in Phase III testing) for treatment of beta-thalassemia and MDS. Dr. Grinberg is the key inventor of the IntelliTrap drug discovery platform targeting the TGF-beta superfamily. Dr. Grinberg received her M.Sc. in Bioorganic Chemistry from Moscow State University and did her Ph.D. studies at Max Delbrck Centre for Molecular Medicine in Germany. She completed her post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan supported by the at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Grinberg is a co-author of more than 40 scientific publications, and co-inventor on a number of patents.

"We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Grinberg to Dragonfly," said Dragonfly co-founder and CEO Bill Haney. "Her depth of understanding of protein therapeutics, coupled with her talent for innovation, will accelerate our development of novel cancer therapies, which use Natural Killer cells to both enhance the effectiveness of T cell performance and attack cancer directly."

About Dragonfly

Dragonfly Therapeutics is a discovery-stage company developing drugs to stimulate immune responses against cancer.

Our scientific founders are major figures in cancer biology and immunology and launched Dragonfly to harness the power of the innate immune system to provide breakthrough cancer treatments for patients.

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Media Contact: Maura McCarthy 617-588-0086 x702 rel="nofollow">

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SOURCE Dragonfly Therapeutics, Inc.

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Leading Protein Scientist Dr. Asya Grinberg Joins Dragonfly ... - Markets Insider

Recent Study Published in Nature Unravels a Novel Pathway for … – Business Wire (press release)

PLEASANTON, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--10x Genomics, a company focused on enabling the mastery of biology by accelerating genomic discovery, today announced publication of an article in the journal Nature of a collaborative research study with researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The article entitled, Non-equivalence of Wnt and R-spondin ligands during Lgr5+ intestinal stem-cell self-renewal, utilizes the 10x Genomics Single Cell 3 Solution for single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) to unravel the priming and self-renewal mechanisms of intestinal stem cells (ISCs).

The renewal and differentiation of Lgr5+ ISCs is critical to the continuous regeneration of the epithelial lining of the gut, which enables us to absorb nutrients and provides a barrier to protect us from the external environment. Disruptions in this process can lead to or worsen human intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), gastrointestinal cancer and Celiac disease.

This carefully regulated process occurs within a stem-cell niche called the intestinal crypt, and depends on Wnt signaling, which can be turned up by Wnt and R-spondin (RSPO) ligands. The authors sought to identify the unique functional roles of Wnt and RSPO ligands for regulating Lgr5+ ISCs and the relative contributions of both ligands to in vivo Wnt signaling and stem-cell biology.

The authors were able to show using in vivo experiments that Wnt and RSPO are not redundant signals. RSPO was shown to expand stem cell number. Although Wnt was needed to maintain Lgr5+ ISCs in the presence of RSPO, Wnt was not sufficient to induce additional numbers of Lgr5+ ISCs above a certain threshold, demonstrating that RSPO, and not Wnt, establishes the set point for Lgr5+ ISC number. The authors performed single-cell RNA-seq to definitively show that the signaling contributions of Wnt and RSPO elicited distinct effects on ISCs, by fully characterizing the expression profile for each unique cellular subtype on a cell-by-cell basis upon perturbation of those signals in vivo.

By characterizing gene expression from 13,102 single cells, Yan and colleagues were able to show that Lgr5- control cells represented differentiated cell types of the small intestinal lineages, including Paneth, goblet, enteroendocrine, enterocyte, pre-enterocyte, and tuft cells. The Lgr5+ cells consisted of three cellular sub-populations, corresponding to cycling stem cells, non-cycling stem cells, and transit amplifying cells. The authors were able to further show that these three distinct sub-populations of Lgr5+ cells were each uniquely affected by perturbations in Wnt and RSPO signaling, conclusively demonstrating that Wnts are priming factors that enable stem cells to be competent by expressing RSPO receptors on their cell surface, whereas RSPOs are actual self-renewal factors that expand stem cell number.

Single-cell analysis provided conclusive evidence for the unique roles of Wnt and RSPO signaling to their respective function, either co-operatively priming Lgr5+ cells for competency, or for RSPO-mediated self-renewal. said Grace Zheng, Ph.D., research scientist at 10x Genomics. This powerfully illustrates the utility of single-cell RNA-seq to monitor discrete stem-cell states and their dynamic perturbation. To do this with any other technology would have been extremely cumbersome, if not impossible.

We are very excited about this result, and it opens up the possibility that analogous multi-tiered regulation by priming and self-renewal factors may be a generalized property of stem cells across other organ systems, either through Wnt and RSPO or functionally equivalent stem-cell niche components, said Ben Hindson, Ph.D., president, co-founder, and chief scientific officer of 10x Genomics. This could have wide reaching implications for stem-cell research and potentially yield new insight towards therapeutic applications in the future.

The lead author of the study is Kelley Yan, M.D. Ph.D., lead author of the study, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford and now an Assistant Professor of Medicine and of Genetics and Development in the Columbia Center for Human Development at Columbia University Medical Center. The senior author is Calvin Kuo, M.D. Ph.D., Professor of Medicine at Stanford.

The article entitled, Non-equivalence of Wnt and R-spondin ligands during Lgr5+ intestinal stem-cell self-renewal, can be accessed from Nature online:

For more information about this research, visit the Kuo Lab at Stanford:

About 10x Genomics

10x Genomics is changing the definition of sequencing by providing an innovative genomics platform that dramatically upgrades the capabilities of existing sequencing technologies. This is achieved through a combination of new microfluidic science, chemistry and bioinformatics. By implementing GemCode Technology within the Chromium System, researchers can now, for the first time, find new structural variants, haplotypes and other valuable genomic information with comprehensive workflows for Single Cell, V(D)J, Genome, Exome and de novo Assembly applications that incorporate their pre-existing sequencing technologies.

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Recent Study Published in Nature Unravels a Novel Pathway for ... - Business Wire (press release)

From pro volleyball to biology: USC scientist is at the top of his game – USC News

For USC Stem Cell researcher Leonardo Morsut, the word set refers to a collection of scientific data. Set is also the prelude to spiking a volleyball over the net something he used to do for a living as a professional athlete in Italy.

Morsut in action on the volleyball court (Photo/Courtesy of Leonardo Morsut)

In my mind, professional volleyball was always a side project, said Morsut, who played for seven years for the professional teams in his hometown of Padova and in Trentino. It was science that was the main thing.

True to his words, Morsut has always put research first. Even while playing pro volleyball for seven hours a day, he found the time and energy to attend the University of Padova, where Galileo was once a lecturer. Morsut earned bachelors and masters degrees in medical biotechnologies before pursuing a second bachelors in mathematics.

Then, at age 25, at the peak of his volleyball career, he quit. He walked away from fame and a handsome salary to lead the humble life of a PhD student at the University of Padova. His decision made national headlines in Italy.

People ask me if I regretted it, he said. I dont even think about leaving that way. There wasnt really a turning point. There was just one path.

As a PhD student, he pursued research in bioscience, genetics and the molecular biology of development. He spent years focused on mouse gastrulation, the early embryonic phase during which a ball of cells organizes itself into distinct layers as a prelude to organ formation.

In the midst of this research, he picked up an unrelated side project: how stem cells behave differently depending upon whether theyre on a hard or a soft surface. Specifically, he and his colleagues found that when stem cells are on a hard surface, they react by producing two signals called YAP and TAZ that encourage them to become bone cells. The side project quickly became his main project, and Morsut and his team published their discovery in the journal Nature.

It was really a rush and a blast, Morsut said. And it was what launched my career because then it was easier to get a postdoc in a bigger lab.

After receiving his PhD and spending an additional postdoctoral year at the University of Padova, he became increasingly fascinated by the emerging field known as synthetic biology.

Synthetic biology is pretty much trying to bring the engineering approach of building things into biology.

Leonardo Morsut

Synthetic biology is pretty much trying to bring the engineering approach of building things into biology, Morsut said. You think about the biological system not as something that you want to learn about, but as something that you want to use to achieve a goal.

Inspired by this approach, he accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in the lab of one of the founders of synthetic biology: Wendell Lim at the University of California, San Francisco.

Wendell and I didnt even know what I was going to work on, but we liked each other, Morsut said.

After some early experimentation, Morsut settled on his main project: building a synthetic cellular communication system known as synNotch, which enables scientists to direct the behavior of cells in useful ways.

Morsut created synNotch by co-opting a relatively simple natural communication system, called Notch, in which a cell uses a sensor on its surface to recognize and trigger a particular response to a specific signal. In Morsuts synthetic version of Notch, he swapped in a new sensor, allowing him to control which signal the sensor recognizes, as well as what the cell does in response.

SynNotch or a similar system could have many potential medical applications. For example, scientists could swap in a sensor that enables an immune cell to recognize a signal from a tumor and then respond with an attack. Alternatively, researchers could use this technology to prompt cells to differentiate and organize into tissues with special properties, such as enhanced injury resistance or regenerative capacity.

The breakthrough earned Morsut a position as the newest assistant professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at USC. At the same time, his wife Sabina accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in art history at the university. Other big changes are on the horizon: The couple, who originally met when they were 12 years old in their hometown of Padova, will expand their family with the arrival of their second child in June.

When hes not enjoying his family or building tissues in the lab, Morsut can be found on the yoga mat, developing his meditation and hatha yoga practice under Yogarupa Rod Stryker.

As he starts his own lab at USC, Morsut plans to use synNotch to direct the differentiation of stem cells into blood vessels, which can supply oxygen and nutrients to engineered tissues and organs in the future. He is also working to develop additional synthetic biology tools and looks forward to collaborating with researchers from across the university, especially at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience, slated to open this fall.

The stem cell department is very exciting, and it has a lot of potential and a lot of forward thinking, Morsut said. Engineering is also a strength of USC, and there is interest on both sides to grow more at that interface. That is definitely something that will benefit my research program and vice versa. I have high expectations.

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Read more here:
From pro volleyball to biology: USC scientist is at the top of his game - USC News

Unlocking the secrets of the cell to heal humanity – Quad (subscription)

Humanity has come a long way in understanding human biology and the applications of this knowledge to the reduction of human suffering by disease; however, we still have a long way to go. Some of the most basic processes of the cell are still not completely understood, and this lack of understanding leaves humanity in a particularly precarious position.

There are some 20,000 gene-coding proteins in the human cell, and some of the most devastating diseases arise from the dysfunction of just a single gene-product. Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) represents one of these diseases, and arises when one of two critical NPC genes is mutated in both parents and passed onto their offspring.

When the NPC proteins are mutated, the recycling center of the cell, the lysosome, is unable to recycle certain moleculesmost notably, cholesterol. As a result of this inability to recycle certain molecules, they accumulate inside the cell and ultimately lead to the symptoms associated with NPC disease. Some of the more prominent symptoms associated with this devastating disease include an enlarged liver and spleen, balance problems, seizures, and many other neurological symptoms that usually develop during childhood or early adolescence. The prognosis is very poor, and this disease always results in death.

Though NPC disease is not yet completely understood, there are passionate researchers who have dedicated their careers to understanding how this disease develops and how it might be treated. Understanding NPC disease requires scientists to better understand basic processes of cell metabolism and NPC proteins.

These researchers are committed to unlocking these secrets of the cell and using their findings to develop treatments for NPC. One particularly relevant area of NPC research is focused on understanding why neurons are so disproportionately affected by the disease.

Dr. Steven Walkley, a leading researcher in the field of NPC research, is a Neuroscientist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Walkley has a strong interest in genetic brain diseases and strives to understand not only how NPC disease affects neurons, but is also committed to investigating and developing therapies to treat the disease. Unlike most other cells in the body, the neurons that you are born with do not replicate, and must be maintained for a lifetime.

Walkley stresses that this static nature of brain cells contributes to their keen sensitivity of even the slightest changes in homeostasis. As a result, these cells are disproportionately damaged by the accumulation of cholesterol and other molecules as a result of NPC, and Walkley is determined to understand why this happens and how it can be mitigated.

To better understand how neurons are affected by NPC disease, Walkleys lab studies mice with a naturally occurring NPC disease to understand the disease pathology and potential treatments. In fact, he discovered one of the first treatments for NPC diseasemiglustat, a drug that was originally developed as a potential therapy for Tay-Sachs and Gaucher diseases.

Furthermore, his labs discovery of the amazing therapeutic effects of a compound called cyclodextrin was one of his most significant contributions to the field. Cyclodextrin has been shown to significantly increase the lifespan of mice and cats with naturally occurring models of NPC disease.

Another leading researcher in this field is Dr. Charles Vite, a veterinary Neurologist at the University of Pennsylvania. Vite uses a cat as a model to study NPC disease in the brainstriving to understand why neurons are disproportionately affected and how therapies might mitigate this. He explained that sometimes larger models of the disease better mirror what is seen in the human diseaseand he often works in close collaboration with Walkley to understand how findings in the mouse model compare to the larger cat model. A prominent and vital component of Vites contributions to the field are his investigations on how cyclodextrin treats NPC in his cat model; the results have been extremely uplifting. Upon treatment with cyclodextrin, cats with the disease live about three years longer, on average, than they do when left untreated!

I had the great honor of speaking with both of these leading researchers. During our conversations, I came to realize how truly committed these researchers are to their fields. Their love for neuroscience, deep curiosity and passion to better the lives of individuals afflicted with this disease left me in awe. Thanks to dedicated researchers like Walkley and Vite, scientists are understanding more about NPC and basic cell biology every day. Things are finally starting to look brighter for those who are afflicted with NPC and their families.

Walkley and Vite both agree that cyclodextrin is one of the most promising therapies out there for NPC today, and it is currently in clinical trials. Vite believes that one of the greatest difficulties in working with this disease is that too often, individuals do not receive these developing treatments until the disease has already progressed significantly. To avoid this problem, researchers are looking into the development of newborn screening for NPC, and this is something that will likely be established as a concrete treatment for NPC is developed.

As current students, it is critical to realize the importance of the scientific pursuit of knowledge for humanity. With a better understanding of biology comes an ever- increasing freedom from human disease and suffering. With this in mind, we should dive into our coursework with vigor, and look for opportunities to get involved with current research. Walkley stressed the importance for college students to reach out to local scientists to get involved.

The fight for knowledge is by no means finishedwe will continue this trek into the unknown where scientists of today leave off. With every increase in knowledge, we will bring humanity one step closer to a freedom from human suffering by disease.

Denston Carey is a student majoring in cell and molecular biology. He can be reachedat [emailprotected]

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Unlocking the secrets of the cell to heal humanity - Quad (subscription)

Human cartilage has been successfully 3D printed – ZME Science

3D printers have been causing revolutions in many different fields, with materials as different as food, mud, plastic, and plants. The game-changer is that you can create very precise, complex shapes that werent able to be created before. Another use of 3D printing is a potentially life-saving one. 3D bioprinters are being developed that can print out tissues and organs. Some that are being tested now areskin cells, bone, heart tissue, and now cartilage. A team of researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy has created cartilage tissue by printing stem cells with a 3D-bioprinter. It appears to be just like human cartilage and could be used to replace damaged cartilage.

In nature, the differentiation of stem cells into cartilage is a simple process, but its much more complicated to accomplish in a test tube. Were the first to succeed with it, and we did so without any animal testing whatsoever, says Stina Simonsson, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, who led the research.

The lead researcher, Stina Simonsson, holding some 3D-printer cartilage. Image credits: Elin Lindstrm Claessen.

The researchers took cartilage cells from patients who had recently had knee surgery and their cells were manipulated to become pluriplotent, so they can develop into many different types of cells. Next, they created a scaffold to print the cells on. The stem cells were coated withnanocellulose to survive the printing process. Once printed, the stem cells multiplied and were given growth factors so they differentiated into cartilage tissues. The cells formed cartilage cells on the printed structure. After a few weeks, the cells lost their ability to change into other cells. This change is good because pluripotency increases the risk of tumour formation.

We investigated various methods and combined different growth factors. Each individual stem cell is encased in nanocellulose, which allows it to survive the process of being printed into a 3D structure. We also harvested mediums from other cells that contain the signals that stem cells use to communicate with each other so called conditioned medium. In laymans terms, our theory is that we managed to trick the cells into thinking that they arent alone, says Stina Simonsson.

Cartilage can be 3D-printed. Image credits: United States NIH National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

The 3D bio-printed structure is very similar to human cartilage. Experienced surgeons did not see a difference between natural and bio-printed cartilage. The cells appear well-formed under the microscope and similar to the patients own cartilage.

When this method is perfected, cartilage could be 3D printed from a patients own stem cells to repair damaged cartilage or heal osteoarthiritis(cartilage decay in the joints). The method can create a lot of cartilage, making it very useful for cartilage replacement. Right now, it isnt known how compatible it is in the human body. The structural material needs to be ableto break down and be absorbed safely by the body so only cartilage is left. Further development and testing needto be conducted. Bioprinting has a lotof potential;in the near future, tissues and organ could be printed on demand.

Journal reference: Nguyen, D. et al. 2017. Cartilage Tissue Engineering by the 3D Bioprinting of iPS Cells in a Nanocellulose/Alginate Bioink. Scientific Reports.

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Human cartilage has been successfully 3D printed - ZME Science

LMU professor awarded grant to study pediatric cancer – Citizentribune

Adam Gromley, Ph.D., associate professor of molecular/cellular biology at Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU-DCOM) has been awarded a $15,000 grant for pediatric cancer research from The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation.

Gromleys interest in studying pediatric cancer on the cellular level began at the University of Massachusetts Medical School while researching cell biology. Gromley took a particular interest in a component of the cell called the centrosome. The grant will be used to identify the role the centrosome plays in the development of the rare pediatric cancer rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS).

It was during my postdoctoral studies at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital that I saw firsthand how devastating pediatric cancers are and I decided that I wanted to do whatever I can to contribute to the understanding of how these cancers arise, Gromley said.

According to the American Cancer Society(r), approximately three percent of all childhood cancers are RMS, with 350 new cases occurring annually.

Pediatric cancers like RMS are developed from DNA changes within cells that take place early in life and often before birth. RMS is a type of sarcoma, which are cancers that develop from connective tissues in the body like muscles, fat or bones.

A hallmark of cancer is the accumulation of genetic abnormalities, many of which arise through improper cell division. These dysfunctional cell divisions are typically due to defects in the centrosome. Gromleys research seeks to identify the specific ways by which defective centrosomes lead to cancer by manipulating the protein components of the centrosome.

We will use rhabdomyosarcoma cells in culture to determine if specific centrosome proteins contribute to the unregulated cell divisions that are characteristic of this type of cancer, Gromley said. These studies will help us understand the process by which tumors form, and hopefully this will lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic strategies for combating this disease.

Gromley earned his Ph.D. in biomedical sciences at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2004. From 2006 to 2010 Gromley completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Howard Hughes Medical Institute in the Department of Genetics and Tumor Cell Biology at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. In addition to pediatric cancer research, Gromley is working on a project using genome editing technology to counteract the molecular defects responsible for Angelman syndrome with Jesse Riker, a second-year osteopathic medical student at LMU-DCOM.

The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation is a charity based in Knoxville, Tennessee, and was established by the families of two young girls who were diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. This fund supports research, treatment and services dedicated to the defeat of childhood cancers.

The DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine is located on the campus of Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee. LMU-DCOM is an integral part of LMUs values-based learning community, and is dedicated to preparing the next generation of osteopathic physicians to provide health care in the often underserved region of Appalachia and beyond. For more information about LMU-DCOM, call 1-800.325.0900, ext. 7082, e-mail, or visit us online at

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LMU professor awarded grant to study pediatric cancer - Citizentribune