Category Archives: Cell Biology

Building Cells from the Bottom Up – The Scientist

designed by erin lemieux

In pursuit of a deeper understanding of cellular life, biologists use patterns in data as a springboard for probing specific elements in complex systems. Delete a gene here; express a protein there; and through these meticulous molecular manipulations, the components necessity and sufficiency emerges, bringing clues about the nuts and bolts of cellular functioning. In recent decades, scientists from fields outside of the life sciences have entered the biological arena, bringing with them a potpourri of alternative perspectives and approaches for studying complex systems.

Cees Dekker, a biophysicist at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), is part of a growing community of synthetic biologists who are exploring the design principles of living systems by engineering cells from the bottom up.1 Just by engineering it, you are faced with certain problems that you didnt realize when you were studying the system top-down, said Dekker, echoing a sentiment put forth by the late physicist Richard Feynman, who once said, What I cannot create, I do not understand.

Just by engineering it, you are faced with certain problems that you didnt realize when you were studying the system top-down.

Cees Dekker, Delft University of Technology

In the future, synthetic cells may become factories that produce proteins and deliver drugs to treat human disease, but for now, they reside in the realm of curiosity-driven research with the goal of answering fundamental questions about biology. Dekkers dream is to create a synthetic cell from a minimal collection of functional components.2 However, en route to this goal, he needed to learn how to build biology, and how to become a biologist, from the bottom up.

What I appreciated about [Dekker] was that he was always going for the big aim, for the very juicy target, said Nicola De Franceschi, a molecular biologist at the International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines and former postdoctoral researcher in Dekkers team.

At the end of the 1990s, a 40-year-old Dekker reflected on what he wanted to do with the next 30 or so years of his career. Up until then, he researched solid-state physics and nanotechnology; he worked on superconductors, explored how electrons traverse carbon nanotubes, and developed the first carbon nanotube transistor.3 Although he found the work rewarding, his interests were changing along with the zeitgeist of the turn of the century. There was a mood that solid-state physics is 20th century, and in the 21st century, the big open questions are really in biology, said Dekker. Fascinated by the immense complexity of cellular life, he rerouted his research agenda.

Cees Dekker, a biophysicist at Delft University of Technology, started his career working on quantum effects in semiconductors. Now, he works to build fully autonomous synthetic cells from minimal components.

Wilmar Dik

A curiosity about molecular motorsproteins that gobble up energy molecules to fuel their transport throughout the celldrove him to attend an ATP synthase conference. He eagerly sat through every talk. I didnt know anything about it, but I was totally fascinated by it, said Dekker, who hit the ground running. He added, I even started studying first year cell biology books.

To support this transformation, his lab needed a makeover: ultra-high vacuum millikelvin scanning tunneling microscopes made way for polymerase chain reaction machines and protein purification reagents. However, Dekker didnt leave everything from his past behind; he leveraged his background in nanotechnology to ease his entry into the biological sphere. His team has since developed nanotechnology-based single-molecule techniques to sequence single proteins, tease apart DNA-protein interactions, and probe how bacteria organize and distribute their chromosomes during replication.4-6

In the last decade, Dekker expanded his research portfolio further into the synthetic world to get closer to understanding natures blueprint. Im intrigued to understand the spatial and temporal organization of molecules that together form a system that has the attributes of life. Single DNA molecules are not alive; single proteins are not alive; but the combination of these hundreds of components makes an object that can grow, divide, sustain itself, evolve over time, and all that. I find that intriguing, said Dekker.

In 2016, biotechnologist Craig Venter and his colleagues at the eponymous J. Craig Venter Institute stripped down the genome of Mycoplasma mycoides to the bare minimum 473 genes required to sustain a living bacterium.7,8 After chemically synthesizing the genome, they transplanted it into an empty host. And then there was life! These synthetic microbes exhibited behaviors of living bacteria, including colony formation and continuous self-replication.

This top-down approach of genetic plug and play to filter out nonessential genes gives scientists new insights into the basic biology of life and whole-genome design. However, complex systems are incompletely defined or understood, as evidenced by the 149 genes of unknown function in Venters minimal synthetic genome. Flipping the script, some scientists are building synthetic cells from the bottom-up to ask fundamental questions in biology. Dekkers current quest is to discover the minimal components a cell needs to divide, a fundamental feature of cell life.

I even started studying first year cell biology books.

Cees Dekker, Delft University of Technology

He was, from the beginning on, someone who looked at this problem really from an engineering perspective, said Oskar Staufer, a biophysicist at the Leibniz Institute for New Materials and a peer in the synthetic biology field. Staufer noted that Dekkers techniques for building synthetic cells influenced his own research.

The first step in building a synthetic cell was to create a chassis to contain the synthetic machinery.9 Liposomes fit the bill since they are versatile, efficient, and easy to assemble. To build liposomes in the lab at scale, Dekker harkened back to his physics days where he created new equipment to test hypotheses. He and his team engineered a microfluidic system to encase an aqueous solution in a lipid membrane.10 A previous study showed the potential of such an approach using the alcohol oleic acid to shuttle lipids along as they developed into an outer bilayer.11 However, oleic acid takes more than 15 hours to separate from the newly formed liposome, a timeframe that could render potential cargo useless due to molecular and enzymatic degradation.

With speed in mind, Dekker and his team explored alternative lipid-carrying solutions and landed on the alcohol 1-octanol. Like a miniaturized bubble blowing machine, a solution consisting of 1-octanol and dissolved lipids envelopes an aqueous phase, and as this passes through a second aqueous phase, a droplet gets pinched off and dumped into a sea of vesicles. Within minutes, the encasing solution begins to separate; the dissolved lipids assemble into an outer membrane and the 1-octanol pools to the side of the vesicle before separating completely from the nascent liposome. They called the method octanol-assisted liposome assembly.

[Dekker] sees molecules as machines that perform functions, and that is not the typical perspective a biologist would have, said Stauffer. Because he perceives them as a machine, he can also take a screwdriver and start to tweak them and modify them to do certain functions.

To generate synthetic cells at scale, Dekker and his team created a novel microfluidic device. The octanol-assisted liposome assembly system produces a versatile chassis for shuttling molecular machineries.

Siddharth Deshpande, Cees Dekker

Dekker has been focusing on incorporating synthetic modules for cell division into his liposomes, borrowing inspiration from living cells along the way. Dekker is not alone in his efforts; others have found that a cocktail of five proteins successfully assembled a ring-shaped structure that emerges in the build up to bacterial cell division; however, these cell mimics have not achieved autonomous cell division.12

In what Staufer said was a major breakthrough for synthetic biology, Dekker and his team recently published their findings on a simple, straightforward module capable of inducing the complete separation of synthetic daughter cells, making it the first synthetic system capable of autonomous cell division.13,14 To achieve this milestone, they incorporated external DNA nanoparticles to coerce the liposomes into the classic dumbbell formation that occurs during late-stage natural cell division.15Alongside these synthetic membrane shapers, Dekker and his team added the bacterial protein dynamin A, which accumulates at points of high curvaturesuch as the neck of the dumbbell liposomeand triggers full separation of the membrane.

He was able to focus and also helped me to focus on the real objective, and that was very inspiring, said De Franceschi, who helped build these synthetic systems for cell division.

Researchers interest in building biological complexity from the ground up has burgeoned over the last two decades. This synthetic cell effort is something that no single group can do. Its really a joint effort. Its super multidisciplinary, said Dekker, who is a member of the European Synthetic Cell Initiative, which is coordinated by TU Delft.

Molecular puppeteers are developing minimal synthetic modules to mimic other important cell functions, including chromosomal configuration, transcription and translation, and DNA replication and segregation. The next phase is going to be the most challenging one, said Dekker. On their own, each system presents a unique set of considerations and challenges. However, scientists must also find a way to integrate the different modules to maintain the spatial and temporal fidelity that is required to build a prototype synthetic cell.13 Thats our dream, said Dekker, who hopes to adopt emerging artificial intelligence and directed evolution techniques to tackle these challenges.

Given Dekkers experience with the protein mechanics of cell division and the organization of DNA, Staufer noted, That will be very important when one aims to achieve synthetic cell division, and the division of any kind of a genetic polymermost likely DNAinto daughter cells. That combination of expertise is very rare in the field.


The rest is here:
Building Cells from the Bottom Up - The Scientist

From Code to Creature – The Scientist

It began with little pieces of embryos scooting around in a dish. In 1998, these unassuming cells caught the attention of Michael Levin, then a postdoctoral researcher studying cell biology at Harvard University. He recalled simply recording a video before tucking the memory away. Nearly two decades later, Levin, now a developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, experienced a sense of dj vu. He observed that as a student transplanted tissues from one embryo to another, some loose cells swam free in the dish.

Levin had a keen interest in the collective intelligence of cells, tissues, organs, and artificial constructs within regenerative medicine, and he wondered if he could explore the plasticity and harness the untapped capabilities of these swirling embryonic stem cells. At that point, I started thinking that this is probably an amazing biorobotics platform, recalled Levin. He rushed to describe this idea to Douglas Blackiston, a developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University who worked alongside Levin.

At the time, Blackiston was conducting plasticity research to restore vision in blind African clawed frog tadpoles, Xenopus laevis, a model organism used to understand development. Blackiston transplanted the eyes to unusual places, such as the back of the head or even the tail, to test the integration of transplanted sensory organs.1 The eye axons extended to either the gut or spinal cord. In a display of dynamic plasticity, transplanted eyes on the tail that extended an optic nerve into the spinal cord restored the tadpoles vision.2

Levin and Blackiston decided to explore this remarkable ability to adapt to changes in function and connectivity, a key feature for regenerative medicine applications. By leveraging natures proficiency in building and rebuilding, they wanted to understand the limits of cell and tissue plasticity outside of their natural contexts to perform new functions.

Its more like craftsmanship than it is science at times because youre doing very fine manipulations.

Douglas Blackiston, Tufts University

In a similar vein, Josh Bongard, an evolutionary roboticist at the University of Vermont and Levins longtime colleague, pondered how robots could evolve like animals. He wanted to apply biological evolution to a machine by tinkering with the brains and bodies of robots and explored this idea with Sam Kriegman, then a graduate student in Bongards group and now an assistant professor at Northwestern University. Kriegman used evolutionary algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to simulate biological evolution in a virtual creature before teaming up with engineers to construct a physical version.

Levins biology and Bongards computational work intersected for a program called Lifelong Learning Machines(L2M). With this project, the researchers aimed to understand how biological systems adapt to their environments and integrate these living algorithms into robotics. Together, the team dovetailed developmental biology using different biological tissues as the building blocks and AI programs to generate synthetic lifeforms as the blueprints for biological robots (biobots), also known as xenobots.

At the beginning of this project, the team planned to build lifelong learning machines from AI systems, which was a challenging enterprise. Kriegman used evolutionary algorithms to design and evolve synthetic lifeforms in simulation, but the major stumbling block lay in translating these designs to the physical world. During weekly virtual meetings between the biologists and roboticists, Bongard recalled explaining to the biologist group what was easy and hard for roboticists to do; the conventional materials used to construct robots werent working.

Josh Bongard, Michael Levin, Douglas Blackiston, and Sam Kriegman (left to right) teamed up to build synthetic organisms with an unlikely building material: frog stem cells.

Its really difficult to realize [this idea] in hardware; no ones figured out how to create a robot that crawls out of a 3D printer, explained Kriegman. We tried to build robots out of rubber, 3D printers, and electronics, but theres always this problem. Its very difficult.

As Kriegman presented a video of little blob-like robots running around in a virtual environment, he described this challenge to the team. Within the computer simulations, these robots could be manipulated like a video game; it was easy to simulate physics principles like friction or modulate the virtual environment. However, the roboticists didnt think that they could translate these theoretical designs and simulations into the real world with the existing tools.

Blackiston rose to the challenge. He conceptualized a virtual robot built out of a different material: cells. In developmental biology and stem cell biology, this isnt a super difficult trick because the technology exists, but no ones thought about doing this, said Blackiston.

Blackiston got to work in the laboratory using extra cells from his X. laevis project. Through delicate micromanipulations of stem cells in the microscope room, he crafted a replica of Kriegmans virtual creature. About a week after Kriegman shared his simulations, Blackiston revealed his creation, affectionately dubbed the Bongard-bot, in a Slack thread.

When Sam and I were looking at this image, we werent sure what we were looking at. It looked like Sams virtual robot that he had shown the week before, but it was clearly made of cells, said Bongard. Although it was a rough approximation, floating in freshwater at only a few millimeters wide, it matched the virtual design.

While this creation emerged as an unexpected tangent to the initial L2M goal, it quickly became clear that this approach could breathe life into their simulations. Levin and Bongard encouraged Blackiston and Kriegman to explore this whole new space, moving between running thousands of simulations and sculpting the best designs out of cells. From there on, it was off to the races, recalled Kriegman.

See also:

Since the initial biobot remained static, the team wanted to see if they could make the newer version move. Kriegman initiated the iterative design of synthetic living machines by using AI to create virtual creatures; these innocuous blobs shuffled along the floor of a virtual world before gradually developing proto-legs or -arms. Then he and Blackiston selected the most viable designs to construct out of frog cells.

Xenobots are AI-designed organisms (red) crafted from frog stem cells (green).

In his initial simulations3 for locomotion, Kriegman based the iterations on frog skin and heart cells given their propensities to aggregate and contract, respectively.3 With heart cells, they hoped to leverage motor movements from the heart muscle, like a piston, that would coordinate a form of locomotion.

Kriegman needed the computer to determine the optimal position and shape for these cellular motors in the xenobots. However, there was no guarantee that the evolved simulation would be feasible in the real world. With limited information, Kriegman sought the expertise of heart researchers to gain some insights into heart cell synchronization and to learn how unconventional shapes may influence cellular function. We know how these cells work in the heart shape, but what would happen with these cells in the context of xenobots? he wondered. Its difficult to predict ahead of time, so the AI or evolutionary algorithm must find designs that work regardless of how the motors are moving. Its making reliable machines with unreliable parts.

The team had to get creative during this process. Based on the AI, Doug would build it, and then they would modify the AI and build the next iteration, recalled Levin. Going back and forth, it was amazing because every week there was something new to look at.

Its a great reminder that when it comes to robotics and AI, humans tend to overthink things. Its better to let evolution, either biological or artificial, figure out how much complexity is needed for the task at hand.

Josh Bongard, University of Vermont

As Kriegman generated numerous iterations of xenobots, Blackiston used the 3D image as the working blueprint in his microscope room. Blackiston gathered his ingredients using different biological tissues harvested from blastula stage X. laevis embryos. Then, as if building a sandwich, he arranged the different cell layers one at a time into a cube of tissue.

When the tissue healed together, it formed a sphere. Then Blackiston sculpted the tissue using a microsurgical tool with a wire smaller than a human hair to achieve the desired shape. Each cell type differed by color, and he rotated between filters to maintain the correct orientation. Its more like craftsmanship than it is science at times because youre doing very fine manipulations, remarked Blackiston. The final product resembled a speck of pepper moving in a petri dish. These biodegradable xenobots lived for about a week, sustaining themselves on their own food source (a yolk of lipid and protein deposits) before they degraded and ceased functioning.

One of the designs featured heart muscle cells on the bottom and skin cells on top with two stumpy legs on one side. As a result, it leaned over on its chest and could walk by moving forward in a straight line. However, when flipped onto its back, the simulated design became immobile due to the alteration in shape and tissue distribution. To verify whether the computer-generated in silico matched what was created in the laboratory, Kriegman compared the trajectories of the physical xenobot and those of the virtual xenobot. To the teams surprise, the two trajectories almost perfectly overlapped with one another. It wasnt just for one trajectory; there were lots of pairs, recalled Bongard. It confirmed that what happened in simulation matched what happened in reality.

The team next wanted to see if they could make a xenobot swim. To do this, the researchers employed another type of motor: cilia.4 Instead of layering different tissues, Blackiston used whole explants from developing frog embryos.

These explants, known as animal caps, have been used to study cell differentiation and tissue formation.5 The team repurposed the animal cap to create living machines with new specific functions. Once the X. laevis explants balled up into a spherical mass, they gained motility from cilia, which propelled them through their aqueous environments.

While their movements were less predictable compared to their walking counterparts, these ciliated xenobots could navigate. The xenobots swam through open fields, mazes, and even narrow capillaries. In environments with debris or silicone-coated beads, xenobots collectively swarmed together to push the debris into piles.

Not only did the xenobots demonstrate self-locomotion, but they could also be modified to record an experience. The team tested the biobots ability to sense their environments by microinjecting mRNA with a photoconvertible reporter that caused them to fluoresce green. Xenobots freely explored their surroundings, but if any xenobot passed through an area exposed to blue light, the reporter underwent a permanent conformational change, causing the xenobot to glow red. Otherwise, xenobots glowed green to indicate that they did not detect the blue light.

Xenobots also exhibited inherent robustness and could automatically self-repair after injury from surgical forceps. Every single xenobot could close a wound, resolve the injury, and reform into a spherical shape within minutes. From a robotics perspective, cells are like a technology from a thousand years in the future that have just been plopped on our desks. They work when you stick them together. They survive; theyre self-powered; and they heal, remarked Kriegman.

See also:

As they watched the xenobots scoot and shuffle across the dish and push debris into piles, the researchers envisioned adding another feature. If the debris was replaced with other materials such as stem cells or even microplastics, the ability to collect materials could open up new areas for xenobot applications. They just needed a new design.

The presence of cilia, marked in orange fluorescence, enabled xenobots to swim in their environments.

The initial spheroid shape wasnt the best for this task. When Kriegman returned to the computer drawing board, he was surprised by the simplicity of the suggested design: a C-shape. Its a great reminder that when it comes to robotics and AI, humans tend to overthink things. Its better to let evolution, either biological or artificial, figure out how much complexity is needed for the task at hand, said Bongard.

This C-shape, reminiscent of Pac-Man or a snowplow, led to an unexpected discovery. C-shaped xenobots spontaneously replicated in a manner dubbed as kinematic self-replication.6 When the team replaced debris with loose, white-colored stem cells, the xenobots immediately set to work collecting cells.

Over time, the piles of collected cells grew big enough to begin swimming themselves. These baby xenobots, although smaller than their makers, were created without evolution or genetic manipulation. Interestingly, this process occurred entirely within the dish. If there werent enough loose cells around, self-replication ceased; parent xenobots could only produce a round or two of self-replication before petering out.

The concept of kinematic self-replication was first proposed in the 1940s by a mathematician named John von Neumann.7 In this hypothetical model, a machine could assemble parts to create a duplicate of itself. However, true replication only occurs in nature, while machine replication is limited to generating computer viruses. [With xenobots], this is a new way that people havent thought about where biological systems, namely cell clusters, can replicate, said Kriegman. Maybe this will help people think differently about replication.

By leveraging existing techniques, the team built something that was not found in nature and reconfigured it to fulfill a new function. These xenobots have challenged conventional categories: Are they robots, living things, or machines? While the categorization of these synthetic living organisms may need to be redefined into a new box altogether, one thing remains certain: the team has only scratched the surface of biobots capabilities.

Its a green technology in every sense of the word. What is the probability that it will never have an application? To me, Im biased, but I think its close to zero. Its going to find a use somewhere, but who knows how many uses and how long it will take? said Bongard.

People thought this was a one-off froggy specific result, but this is a very profound thing. Whats the furthest from an embryonic frog? Well, that would be an adult human.

Michael Levin, Tufts University

Potential avenues for these biodegradable machines primarily revolve around environmental applications, from serving as biosensors to detect pollutants to gathering materials like microplastics or even sequestering and breaking down harmful chemicals.

People thought this was a one-off froggy-specific result, but this is a very profound thing, emphasized Levin. To demonstrate its translatability in a non-frog model, he wondered, Whats the furthest from an embryonic frog? Well, that would be an adult human.

He enlisted the help of Gizem Gumuskaya, a synthetic biologist with an architectural background in Levins group, to tackle this challenge of creating biological robots using human cells to create anthrobots.8 While Gumuskaya was not involved with the development of xenobots, she drew inspiration from their design. By using adult human tracheal cells, she found that adult cells still displayed morphologic plasticity.

Xenobots (C-shaped; beige) push loose stem cells (specks; white) into piles as they move through their environments.

The resulting anthrobots swam using cilia, but they unexpectedly also moved across a layer of damaged human neurons. To Gumuskayas surprise, the anthrobots aggregated and formed what she described as an ant bridge between the two damaged edges. While how they accomplished this remains unknown, the anthrobots aided in healing the neuronal tear, indicating that they may offer therapeutic potential.

There are several key differences between xenobots and anthrobots: species, cell source (embryonic or adult), and the anthrobots ability to self-assemble without manipulation. When considering applications, as a rule of thumb, xenobots are better suited to the environment. They exhibit higher durability, require less maintenance, and can coexist within the environment, said Gumuskaya.

Meanwhile, there is greater potential for the use of mammalian-derived biobots in biomedical applications. This could include localized drug delivery, deposition into the arteries to break up plaque buildup, or deploying anthrobots into tissue to act as biosensors. [Anthrobots] are poised as a personalized agent with the same DNA but new functionality, remarked Gumuskaya.

Gumuskaya hopes that this work in frogs and human cells inspires the scientific community to explore the new and unexpected functionalities of these bioconstructs. There are a lot of big challenges in this world, but were developing new kinds of technologies and tools for the next generation. I hope that these bots become one tool in that toolkit, remarked Bongard.


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From Code to Creature - The Scientist

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Bah, A. & Forman-Kay, J. D. Modulation of intrinsically disordered protein function by post-translational modifications. J. Biol. Chem. 291, 66966705 (2016).

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Hofweber, M. & Dormann, D. Friend or foePost-translational modifications as regulators of phase separation and RNP granule dynamics. J. Biol. Chem. 294, 71377150 (2019).

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Simandi, Z. et al. Arginine methyltransferase PRMT8 provides cellular stress tolerance in aging motoneurons. J. Neurosci. 38, 76837700 (2018).

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Das, T. et al. Metastable condensates suppress conversion to amyloid fibrils. Preprint at bioRxiv (2024).

Mann, J. R. et al. RNA binding antagonizes neurotoxic phase transitions of TDP-43. Neuron 102, 321338.e8 (2019).

Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar

Maharana, S. et al. RNA buffers the phase separation behavior of prion-like RNA binding proteins. Science 360, 918921 (2018).

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Adding intrinsically disordered proteins to biological ageing clocks -

Advancing Cell Biology and Cancer Research via Cell Culture and Microscopy Imaging Techniques – Lab Manager Magazine

Tech Trends Webinar

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 1 PM EDT

Cell culture is a fundamental technique in biology and biotechnology that involves the growth and maintenance of cells outside their natural environment, typically in a laboratory setting. Cells can be cultured from various sources, including animal tissues, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Cell culture techniques are widely used in various fields, including basic research, drug discovery, regenerative medicine, and biotechnology. They allow researchers to study cell behavior, function, and interactions in controlled conditions, providing insights into biological processes and disease mechanisms. Additionally, cell culture is essential for producing biological products like vaccines, therapeutic proteins, and tissue-engineered constructs for transplantation.

Cell culture and microscopy imaging are integral to biological research, with microscopy enabling high-resolution visualization and analysis of cellular structure, function, and behavior. Techniques such as live cell imaging allow researchers to directly observe cell health and growth patterns in real time. Meanwhile, fluorescence microscopy provides detailed views of specific cellular structures and organelles, helping to elucidate cellular interactions and the impact of environmental changes on biological systems. Additionally, microscopy imaging is extensively used to examine cellular responses to treatments, thereby aiding in the development of new therapeutic approaches and medical diagnostics.

Overall, the combination of cell culture and microscopy imaging is essential for advancing our understanding of cell biology, disease mechanisms, and drug development. It enables researchers to observe and analyze cellular processes with high precision and detail, leading to discoveries that drive scientific progress and innovation.

Zulin Yu Head of Light Microscopy Stowers Institute

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Advancing Cell Biology and Cancer Research via Cell Culture and Microscopy Imaging Techniques - Lab Manager Magazine

Study explores how different modes of cell division evolved in close relatives of fungi and animals – News-Medical.Net

Cell division is one of the most fundamental processes of life. From bacteria to blue whales, every living being on Earth relies on cell division for growth, reproduction, and species survival. Yet, there is remarkable diversity in the way different organisms carry out this universal process. A new study from EMBL Heidelberg's Dey group and their collaborators, recently published in Nature, explores how different modes of cell division evolved in close relatives of fungi and animals, demonstrating, for the first time, the link between an organism's life cycle and the way their cells divide.

Despite last sharing a common ancestor over a billion years ago, animals and fungi are similar in many ways. Both belong to a broader group called 'eukaryotes' organisms whose cells store their genetic material inside a closed compartment called the 'nucleus'. The two differ, however, in how they carry out many physiological processes, including the most common type of cell division mitosis.

Most animal cells undergo 'open' mitosis, in which the nuclear envelope the two-layered membrane separating the nucleus from the rest of the cell breaks down when cell division begins. However, most fungi use a different form of cell division called 'closed' mitosis in which the nuclear envelope remains intact throughout the division process. However, very little is known about why or how these two distinct modes of cell division evolved and what factors determine which mode would be predominantly followed by a particular species.

This question captured the attention of scientists in the Dey Group at EMBL Heidelberg, who investigate the evolutionary origins of the nucleus and cell division.

By studying diversity across organisms and reconstructing how things evolved, we can begin to ask if there are universal rules that underlie how such fundamental biological processes work."

Gautam Dey, Group Leader at EMBL Heidelberg

In 2020, during the COVID-19 lockdown, an unexpected path to answering this question grew out of discussions between Dey's group and Omaya Dudin's team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne. Dudin is an expert in an unusual group of marine protists Ichthyosporea. Ichthyosporea are closely related to both fungi and animals, with different species lying closer to one or the other group on the evolutionary family tree.

The Dey and Dudin groups, in collaboration with Yannick Schwab's group at EMBL Heidelberg, decided to probe the origins of open and closed mitosis using Ichthyosporea as a model. Interestingly, the researchers found that certain species of Ichthyosporea undergo closed mitosis while others undergo open mitosis. Therefore, by comparing and contrasting their biology, they could obtain insights into how organisms adapt to and use these two cell division modes.

Hiral Shah, an EIPOD fellow working across the three groups, led the study. "Having recognized very early that Ichthyosporea, with their many nuclei and key evolutionary position between animal and fungi, were well-suited for addressing this question, it was clear that this would require bringing together the cell biological and technical expertise of the Dey, Dudin, and Schwab groups, and this is exactly what the EIPOD fellowship allowed me to do," said Shah.

Upon closely probing the mechanisms of cell division in two species of Ichthyosporeans, the researchers found that one species, S. arctica, favours closed mitosis, similar to fungi. S. arctica also has a life cycle with a multinucleate stage, where many nuclei exist within the same cell another feature shared with many fungal species as well as the embryonic stages of certain animals, such as fruit flies. Another species, C. perkinsii, turned out to be much more animal-like, relying on open mitosis. Its life cycle involves primarily mononucleate stages, where each cell has a single nucleus.

"Our findings led to the key inference that the way animal cells do mitosis evolved hundreds of millions of years before animals did. The work therefore has direct implications for our general understanding of how eukaryotic cell division mechanisms evolve and diversify in the context of diverse life cycles, and provides a key piece of the animal origins puzzle," said Dey.

The study combined expertise in comparative phylogenetics, electron microscopy (from the Schwab Group and the electron microscopy core facility (EMCF) at EMBL Heidelberg), and ultrastructure expansion microscopy, a technique that involves embedding biological samples in a transparent gel and physically expanding it. Additionally, Eelco Tromer, from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and Iva Tolic, from the Ruer Bokovi Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, provided expertise in comparative genomics and mitotic spindle geometry and biophysics, respectively.

"The first time we saw an expanded S. arctica nucleus, we knew this technique would change the way we study the cell biology of non-model organisms," said Shah, who brought back the expansion microscopy technique to EMBL Heidelberg after a stint at the Dudin lab. Dey agrees: "A key breakthrough in this study came with our application of ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM) to the analysis of the ichthyosporean cytoskeleton. Without U-ExM, immunofluorescence and most dye labelling protocols do not work in this understudied group of marine holozoans."

This study also demonstrates the importance of going beyond traditional model organism research when trying to answer broad biological questions, and the potential insights further research on Ichthyosporean systems might reveal. "Ichthyosporean development displays remarkable diversity," said Dudin. "On one hand, several species exhibit developmental patterns similar to those of early insect embryos, featuring multinucleated stages and synchronised cellularisation. On the other hand, C. perkinsii undergoes cleavage division, symmetry breaking, and forms multicellular colonies with distinct cell types, similar to the 'canonical view' of early animal embryos. This diversity not only helps in understanding the path to animals but also offers a fascinating opportunity for comparative embryology outside of animals, which is, in itself, very exciting."

The project's inherent interdisciplinarity served not only as a good testbed for this type of collaborative research but also for the unique postdoctoral training afforded at EMBL. "Hiral's project nicely illustrates the virtue of the EIPOD programme: a truly interdisciplinary project, bundling innovative biology with advanced methods, all contributing to a truly spectacular personal development," said Schwab. "We (as mentors) witnessed the birth of a strong scientist, and this is really rewarding!"

The Dey, Dudin, and Schwab groups are currently also collaborating on the PlanExM project, part of the TREC expedition an EMBL-led initiative to explore and sample the biodiversity along European coasts. PlanExM aims to apply expansion microscopy to study the ultrastructural diversity of marine protists directly in environmental samples. "The project grew out of the realisation that U-ExM is going to be a game-changer for protistology and marine microbiology," said Dey. With this project, as well as others currently underway, the research team hopes to shed further light on the diversity of life on Earth and the evolution of the fundamental biological processes.


Journal reference:

Shah, H., et al. (2024). Life-cycle-coupled evolution of mitosis in close relatives of animals.Nature.

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Study explores how different modes of cell division evolved in close relatives of fungi and animals - News-Medical.Net

Solving the Wnt nuclear puzzle –

Authors and Affiliations

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Esther M. Verheyen

Centre for Cell Biology, Development, and Disease, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Esther M. Verheyen

Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Cara J. Gottardi

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Cara J. Gottardi

Correspondence to Esther M. Verheyen or Cara J. Gottardi.

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Solving the Wnt nuclear puzzle -

One essential step for a germ cell, one giant leap for the future of reproductive medicine – EurekAlert


Image inspired by NASA's Apollo Program, representing the successfulin vitrogerm cell differentiation from TFAP2C-EGFP +ve human primordial germ cell-like cells (hPGCLCs; labeled in green) to DAZL-tdTomato +ve human mitotic pro-spermatogonia (labeled in red).

Credit: WPI-ASHBi/Kyoto University

KYOTO, Japan May 20, 2024

Infertility affects approximately 1 in 6 people in their lifetime worldwide according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Infertility as defined by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is a disease, condition, or status characterized by the inability to achieve a successful pregnancy based on a patients medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, physical findings, diagnostic testing, or any combination of those factors or requiring medical intervention such as the use of mature donor gametes to achieve a successful pregnancy either as an individual or with a partner. Although assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), have had a tremendous impact in treating certain forms of infertility not all forms of infertility (as defined by the ASRM) can be targeted with existing strategies.

Recently, one powerful technology has emerged known as human in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) using pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patients, to generate human germ cells with the capacity to potentially give rise to mature gametes in culture, offering a gateway to treating all form of infertility independent of gender. Nevertheless, human IVG research still remains in its infancy, with the current goal being to reconstitute the complete process of human gametogenesis. To date, one major challenge has been to recapitulate in the founder population of germ cells, or the human primordial germ cells (hPGCs), a hallmark event known as epigenetic reprogramming in which the inherited parental memory of cells, present on its DNA, is reset/erased that is required for proper germ cell differentiation.

Now, in a study published in Nature, researchers at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi) in Kyoto University, led by Dr. Mitinori Saitou, identify robust culture conditions necessary to drive epigenetic reprogramming and germ cell differentiation into precursors of mature gametes, the mitotic pro-spermatogonia and pro-oogonia with the capacity for extensive amplification, achieving a new milestone for human IVG research.

Previous work from Saitous team and other groups were successful in generating so-called human primordial germ cell-like cells (hPGCLCs) from PSCs in vitro, which recapitulated several fundamental features of hPGC, including the capacity to propagate. However, these hPGCLCs were unable to undergo epigenetic reprogramming and differentiation. Although such limitations could be bypassed by aggregating hPGCLCs with mouse embryonic (non-germinal) gonadal cells to mimic the microenvironment of the testis/ovary, thereby effectively reconstitute the tissue(s). However, this process is highly inefficient (with approximately only 1/10th of cells differentiating). Furthermore, the introduction of non-human cells is neither ideal nor practical from a clinical application perspective. Therefore, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of human IVG research, it is essential to identify the minimal culture conditions necessary to generate mature human gametes.

In their new study, Saitou and colleagues conducted a cell culture-based screen to identify potential signaling molecules required to drive epigenetic reprogramming and differentiation of hPGCLCs into mitotic pro-spermatogonia and oogonia. Surprisingly, the authors found that the well-established developmental signaling molecule, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), played a crucial role in this reprogramming and differentiation process of hPGCLCs.

Indeed, considering that BMP signaling already has an established role in germ cell specification, it was highly unexpected that it also drives hPGCLC epigenetic reprogramming comments Saitou.

Remarkably, these hPGCLC-derived mitotic pro-spermatogonia/oogonia not only displayed similarities in gene expression and epigenetic profiles to that of actual hPGC differentiation in our bodies, but also underwent extensive amplification (over 10 billion-fold). Our approach enables near-indefinite amplification of mitotic pro-spermatogonia and oogonia in culture and we now also have the ability to store and re-expand these cells as needed says Saitou.

The authors also revealed the potential mechanisms of how BMP signaling may be leading to epigenetic reprogramming and hPGCLC differentiation. BMP (signaling) appears to be attenuating the MAPK/ERK (mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular-regulated kinase) signaling pathway and both the de novo and maintenance activities of DNMT (DNA methyltransferase), but further investigation will be necessary to determine the precise mechanism and whether this is direct or indirect, explains Saitou.

Our study represents not only a fundamental advance in our understanding of human biology and the principles behind epigenetic reprogramming in humans but also a true milestone in human IVG research says Saitou.

Saitou comments, although many challenges remain and the path will certainly be long, especially when considering the ethical, legal, and social implications associated with the clinical application of human IVG, nevertheless, we have now made one significant leap forward towards the potential translation of IVG into reproductive medicine.

These findings were published in Nature on May 20th 2024.



Spyros Goulas, PhD

Scientific Advisor

Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi)/Kyoto University


Lead Principal Investigator

Mitinori Saitou, MD PhD

Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi)/Kyoto University



About Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi), Kyoto University

What key biological traits make us human, and how can knowing these lead us to better cures for disease?ASHBi investigates the core concepts of human biology with a particular focus on genome regulation and disease modeling, creating a foundation of knowledge for developing innovative and unique human-centric therapies.

About the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI)

The WPI programwas launched in 2007 by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to foster globally visible research centers boasting the highest standards and outstanding research environments. Numbering more than a dozen and operating at institutions throughout the country, these centers are given a high degree of autonomy, allowing them to engage in innovative modes of management and research. The program is administered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Experimental study


In Vitro Reconstitution of Epigenetic Reprogramming in the Human Germ Line.


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One essential step for a germ cell, one giant leap for the future of reproductive medicine - EurekAlert

Prof. Jay Shendure Joins Somite Therapeutics as Scientific Co-founder – BioSpace

[[To comply with academic institution guidelines, the founders' academic affiliations and roles are listed only at the end of the statement.]]

BOSTON, May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Somite Therapeutics, a tech-bio company harnessing big data and AI to pioneer novel cell replacement therapies, is thrilled to announce the addition of Prof. Jay Shendure as its newest Scientific Co-Founder.

Prof. Shendure, an HHMI Investigator and world leader in single-cell and functional genomic assays, has pushed the envelope on the scale of analyses that are possible today. He has developed massively parallel measurement approaches that solve open problems in biology and has increased the throughput of digital twin embryos by several orders of magnitude.

His addition to the team will help Somite advance its AI platform, AlphaStem, to develop cell replacement therapies for diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and muscular dystrophies.

"Our plan is to generate massive amounts of data to lay the foundation of our AI/ML platform, Alphastem," commented Dr. Micha Breakstone, Co-founder and CEO of Somite. "Prof. Shendure's addition marks a pivotal moment for our company as we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in cell therapy."

About Prof. Jay Shendure

Jay Shendure, M.D., Ph.D. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a Professor of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington, and Scientific Director of the Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology (Allen-CZI-UW), the Allen Discovery Center for Cell Lineage Tracing, and the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine. His lab is known for the development and application of genomic technologies to outstanding challenges in genetics, molecular biology and developmental biology. Dr. Shendure is the recipient of the Curt Stern Award from the American Society of Human Genetics, the Richard Lounsbery Award from the National Academy of Sciences and the Mendel Award from the European Society of Human Genetics. He is also an elected member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences. He received his MD and PhD degrees from Harvard Medical School.

About Somite is a venture-backed company aiming to become the OpenAI of stem cell biology, developing AI foundation models to produce human tissue for cell therapies at scale for diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and muscular dystrophies. Somite's AI platform, AlphaStem, fuels a virtuous cycle: It enables new cell therapies, generating massive data that further improve the platform, empowering even faster therapy creation with broader applications.

Incorporated in Oct. 2023, has raised $5.3m to date.

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Prof. Jay Shendure Joins Somite Therapeutics as Scientific Co-founder - BioSpace

May: academy-medical-sciences | News and features – University of Bristol

Two Bristol academics, Professors Eugenia Piddini and Gene Feder OBE, have been elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences respected and influential Fellowship. They join 58 exceptional biomedical and health scientists selected for their exceptional contributions to the advancement of medical science.

The new Fellows, announced on Tuesday 21 May, have been recognised for their remarkable contributions to advancing biomedical and health sciences, groundbreaking research discoveries and translating developments into benefits for patients and wider society.

Awardees join an esteemed Fellowship of over 1,400 researchers who are at the heart of the Academy's work, which includes nurturing the next generation of researchers and shaping research and health policy in the UK and worldwide. The expertise of Fellows elected this year spans a wide range of clinical and non-clinical disciplines, from midwifery to cancer stem cell biology.

Eugenia Piddini, Professor of Cell Biology in the School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, is conducting innovative work to identify cell competition-based strategies to gain control over tissue colonisation, its impact in tissue colonisation in regenerative medicine and to prevent tumour expansion in cancer.

A cell and developmental biologist,Eugenia is known for her seminal work in the field of cell competition the mechanism of tissue quality control that removes damaged cells from tissues. Eugenias discoveries have helped widen the scope of cell competition in terms of physiological relevance and potential therapeutic impact. Recently, Eugenias group demonstrated that cell competition acts in adult tissues. There it can potentially slow down the onset of disease/ageing by eliminating damaged cells.

Eugenias team has also shown that tumour cells kill surrounding normal cells via cell competition to free space for their own growth. Their work has identified many mechanisms and signals that cells use to compete. By explaining the mechanisms that cells use to compete the Piddini group aims to identify cell competition-based strategies to gain control over tissue colonisation.

In recognition of her work Eugenia, who is also School Research Director, was awarded the British Society for Cell Biology Hooke Medal in 2019 and in 2023, was elected as a Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation.

Gene Feder, is a GP and Professor of Primary Care at Bristols Centre for Academic Primary Care, Bristol Medical School and Director of VISION, a UK Prevention Research Partnership (UKPRP) consortium.

Professor Feder leads ground-breaking national and international research on domestic violence and abuse (DVA) from epidemiology to health care response. He is the architect of IRIS, a national DVA programme for general practice, and co-founded IRISi, a social enterprise implementing IRIS nationally. He has extended his research globally through EU and Medical Research Council grants, and co-leadership of HERA, a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Global Health Group in collaboration with researchers in Brazil, Nepal Sri Lanka, and the occupied Palestinian territories (oPT).

Committed to developing and evaluating effective and compassionate health care, Professor Feder has championed the use of randomised controlled trials to test improvements in general practice care of patients with heart and respiratory conditions, and robust methods to develop and implement clinical guidelines that make a difference to patients. He extended epidemiological, trial and meta-analytic methods to research on gender-based violence, combining quantitative and qualitive data to evaluate interventions, collaborating with statisticians, epidemiologists, economists, and social scientists. He has chaired four NICE guidelines and the World Health Organisation (WHO) intimate partner and sexual violence guideline development group.

In 2012, he co-founded the Foundation for Family Medicine in Palestine, which aims to support universal health coverage throughout the occupied Palestinian Territories based on effective, efficient and high-quality primary care. In 2016, Professor Feder was awarded an OBE for services to health care and survivors of domestic violence. In 2022, Gene was appointed Director of VISION, a five-year UKPRP inter-disciplinary consortium researching the intersection of violence and health to reduce and mitigate the effects of violence through better measurement and analysis of health care, police, criminal justice, and voluntary sector data. He is an expert advisor to UK Government and WHO.

Professor Andrew Morris PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, said: It is an honour to welcome these brilliant minds to our Fellowship. Our new Fellows lead pioneering work in biomedical research and are driving remarkable improvements in healthcare. We look forward to working with them, and learning from them, in our quest to foster an open and progressive research environment that improves the health of people everywhere through excellence in medical science.

This year's cohort marks a significant milestone in the Academy's efforts to promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within its Fellowship election. Among the new Fellows, 41 per cent are women, the highest percentage ever elected. Additionally, Black, Asian and minority ethnic representation is 29 per cent, an 11 per cent increase from the previous year. The new Fellows hold positions at institutions across the UK, including in Edinburgh, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Nottingham and York.

Professor Morris added: It is also welcoming to note that this year's cohort is our most diverse yet, in terms of gender, ethnicity and geography. While this progress is encouraging, we recognise that there is still much work to be done to truly diversify our Fellowship. We remain committed to our EDI goals and will continue to take meaningful steps to ensure our Fellowship reflects the rich diversity of the society we serve."

The new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at a ceremony on Wednesday 18 September 2024.

The Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent, expert body representing the diversity of medical science in the UK. Its mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society. The Academy's elected Fellows are the most influential scientists in the UK and worldwide, drawn from the NHS, academia, industry and the public service.

About the Academy of Medical SciencesThe Academy of Medical Sciences is the independent, expert voice of biomedical and health research in the UK. Our Fellowship comprises the most influential scientists in the UK and worldwide, drawn from the NHS, academia, industry, and the public service. Our mission is to improve the health of people everywhere by creating an open and progressive research sector. We do this by working with patients and the public to influence policy and biomedical practice, strengthening UK biomedical and health research, supporting the next generation of researchers through funding and career development opportunities, and working with partners globally.

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May: academy-medical-sciences | News and features - University of Bristol

Universal tool for tracking cell-to-cell interactions – ASBMB Today

One of the fundamental goals of basic biology is understanding how diverse cell types work in concert to form tissues, organs, and organ systems. Recent efforts to catalog the different cell types in every tissue in our bodies are a step in the right direction, but only one piece of the puzzle. The great mystery of how those cells communicate with one another remains unsolved.

The LIPSTIC technology can track the physical interactions between cells, such as a dendritic cell activating T cells.

Now, a new paper in Nature describes uLIPSTIC, a tool capable of laying the groundwork for a dynamic map tracking the physical interactions between different cellsthe elusive cellular interactome. The authors have been perfecting the technology since 2018 and the latest iteration can in principle allow researchers to directly observe any cell-to-cell interaction in vivo.

With uLIPSTIC we can ask how cells work together, how they communicate, and what messages they transfer, says Rockefellers Gabriel D. Victora. Thats where biology resides.

Ever since single-cell mRNA sequencing came into its own, researchers have been scrambling to connect the dots and explain how diverse cells unite to form tissue. Several methods of cataloging cell-to-cell interactions have already emerged, but all have considerable shortcomings. Early efforts that involved direct observation under a microscope failed to retrieve interacting cells for further analysis; subsequent attempts leaned on advanced imaging techniques that intuit how cells might interact based on their structure and proximity to other cells. No approach captured true physical interactions and signal exchange between cell membranes.

Enter LIPSTIC, an innovative approach from the Victora lab that involved labeling cellular structures that touch when two cells make fleeting, kiss-and-run contact before parting ways. The labels ensured that, if one cell kissed another, it would leave a mark akin to a lipstick, enabling easy identification and quantification of physical interactions between cells.

Originally, the platform had narrow applications. Victora and colleagues designed LIPSTIC to record a very specific kind of cell-to-cell interaction between T cells and B cells, a major focus of their lab. Other researchers, however, began clamoring for a version of LIPSTIC that would work on other cellular interactions too. We could have tailored a LIPSTIC for every type of interaction, Victora says. But why not try to make a universal version, instead?

In the original version of LIPSTIC, a donor cell uses an enzyme borrowed from bacteria to place a labeled peptide tag onto the surface of an acceptor cell upon contactthe biochemical equivalent of applying lipstick to one cell and looking for a kiss print on another. That method required knowing exactly how the kiss would occur, identifying molecules the donor cell uses to interact with recipient cells and painstakingly forcing the tags onto those molecules. But over time the team discovered that dousing the cells with a high volume of enzyme and its target would ensure that any interaction that one cell had with another cell would be tracked just as efficiently.

If you cram partner cells with enough enzyme and target, you can make any any cell pair capable of LISPTIC labeling without needing to know in advance what molecules these cells will use for their interaction, Victora says.

The result was uLIPSTIC, a universal platform not bound by foreknowledge of molecules, ligands, or receptors. Scientists can now theoretically smear uLIPSTIC on any cell, without preconceived notions of how it would interact with its environment, and observe physical cell-to-cell interactions. To demonstrate the power of the platform, the team showed that uLIPSTIC could expand beyond LIPSTICs narrow repertoire of B cells and T cells to track how dendritic cells kickstart the bodys immune response against tumors and food allergens.

The reception to uLIPSTIC has been great, says Sandra Nakandakari-Higa, a PhD student in the Victora lab and lead author on the paper. Were already getting a lot of inquiries from other labs about how they can adapt our system to their models.

The team hopes to eventually use uLIPSTIC to discover the receptor-ligand pairs key to cellular interactions, in an effort to better understand how cells unite into tissue at the molecular level. Eventually, the team envisions uLIPSTIC as a key tool in the effort to generate comprehensive atlases describing how cells interact to form tissuea key to the long-awaited interactome.

Universal tool for tracking cell-to-cell interactions - ASBMB Today