Category Archives: Cell Biology

Uncovering Genetic Traces to Discover How Humans Adapted to Historical Coronavirus Outbreaks – SciTechDaily

Coronavirus graphic. Credit: Gerd Altmann

An international team of researchers co-led by the University of Adelaide and the University of Arizona has analyzed the genomes of more than 2,500 modern humans from 26 worldwide populations, to better understand how humans have adapted to historical coronavirus outbreaks.

In a paper published in Current Biology, the researchers used cutting-edge computational methods to uncover genetic traces of adaptation to coronaviruses, the family of viruses responsible for three major outbreaks in the last 20 years, including the ongoing pandemic.

Modern human genomes contain evolutionary information tracing back hundreds of thousands of years, however, its only in the past few decades geneticists have learned how to decode the extensive information captured within our genomes, said lead author Dr. Yassine Souilmi, with the University of Adelaides School of Biological Sciences.

This includes physiological and immunological adaptions that have enabled humans to survive new threats, including viruses.

Viruses are very simple creatures with the sole objective to make more copies of themselves. Their simple biological structure renders them incapable of reproducing by themselves so they must invade the cells of other organisms and hijack their molecular machinery to exist.

Lead author Dr. Yassine Souilmi Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide. Credit: The University of Adelaide

Viral invasions involve attaching and interacting with specific proteins produced by the host cell known as viral interacting proteins (VIPs).

In the study, researchers found signs of adaptation in 42 different human genes encoding VIPs.

We found VIP signals in five populations from East Asia and suggest the ancestors of modern East Asians were first exposed to coronaviruses over 20,000 years ago, said Dr. Souilmi.

We found the 42 VIPs are primarily active in the lungs the tissue most affected by coronaviruses and confirmed that they interact directly with the virus underlying the current pandemic.

Dr. Ray Tobler, Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, within the University of Adelaides School of Biological Sciences. Credit: The University of Adelaide

Other independent studies have shown that mutations in VIP genes may mediate coronavirus susceptibility and also the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. And several VIPs are either currently being used in drugs for COVID-19 treatments or are part of clinical trials for further drug development.

Our past interactions with viruses have left telltale genetic signals that we can leverage to identify genes influencing infection and disease in modern populations, and can inform drug repurposing efforts and the development of new treatments, said co-author Dr. Ray Tobler, from the University of Adelaides School of Biological Sciences.

By uncovering the genes previously impacted by historical viral outbreaks, our study points to the promise of evolutionary genetic analyses as a new tool in fighting the outbreaks of the future, said Dr. Souilmi.

The researchers also note that their results in no way supersede pre-existing public health policies and protections, such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and vaccinations.

Reference: An ancient viral epidemic involving host coronavirus interacting genes more than 20,000 years ago in East Asia by Yassine Souilmi, M. Elise Lauterbur, Ray Tobler, Christian D. Huber, Angad S. Johar, Shayli Varasteh Moradi, Wayne A. Johnston, Nevan J. Krogan, Kirill Alexandrov and David Enard, 24 June 2021, Current Biology.DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.05.067

The team involved in this study also included researchers from Australian National University and Queensland University of Technology.

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Uncovering Genetic Traces to Discover How Humans Adapted to Historical Coronavirus Outbreaks - SciTechDaily

Frequent testing improves the detection of SARS-CoV-2 – News-Medical.Net

Detecting SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, improves with regularity of testing, whether using rapid antigen tests or PCR molecular tests. The PCR test is considered the gold standard for diagnosing COVID-19 infection, but cost and infrastructure issues, as well as wait times for PCR results, have limited its use more broadly as a screening tool for asymptomatic people because rapid results are needed to interrupt the chain of transmission.

In a highly anticipated study that compares rapid antigen and laboratory PCR approaches for COVID-19 serial screening, researchers affiliated with the National Institutes of Health's Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative reported results from 43 people infected with the virus. They found that both testing methods were equally effective in detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection when tests were given on a regular cadence every three days.

While individual PCR tests are more sensitive than antigen tests, particularly early in infection, the results showed that both testing approaches can give 98% sensitivity when taken regularly as part of a screening program. Because antigen tests at the point of care or at home can deliver immediate results and are less costly than laboratory tests, these results suggest that they could be a highly effective screening tool to prevent disease outbreaks.

Rapid antigen testing at home, two to three times per week, is a powerful and convenient way for individuals to screen for COVID-19 infection. With schools and businesses reopening, an individual's risk of infection can change from day to day. Serial antigen testing can help people manage this risk and quickly take action to prevent spread of the virus."

Bruce Tromberg, PhD, Director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institues of Health

Dr. Tromberg leads the RADx Tech program, which supported the study. For the past year, the RADx initiative has been a catalyst for dozens of diagnostic device technologies-;including both antigen and PCR tests-;accelerating the development and commercialization of COVID-19 diagnostic tests.

Authors of the study in the June 30, 2021, Journal of Infectious Diseases, are researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC); University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore; and NIBIB.

Employees and students at UIUC participate in SHIELD Illinois, a COVID-19 screening program implemented this past year on campus. SHIELD Illinois participants who tested positive or lived in close contact with a person who received a positive result were invited to participate in this research study. The goal was to investigate the sensitivity of specific types of diagnostic tests during infection by having participants take PCR and antigen tests daily during the course of their infection. Daily samples were also tested for the presence of infectious virus as a measure of how easily individuals may transmit virus to others at different stages of infection.

The team began their participant recruitment in early December 2020, which continued into spring 2021. To capture daily test results across the entire course of infection, participants were enrolled within days after their exposure to the virus, having received negative test results in the seven days prior to enrollment. None of the participants in the study experienced symptoms that required hospitalization.

Participants supplied a saliva sample and two forms of nasal swabs for 14 consecutive days. A courier retrieved the samples daily. To obtain a rough measure of the period during which subjects could spread infection to others, the research team sent one of the nasal samples to a laboratory at Johns Hopkins University to observe the growth of live virus in culture. Viral culture is labor- and cost-intensive and is not practical for testing large numbers of people but provides a high degree of certainty that live virus can be derived from the sample. By culturing samples in this study, the researchers could estimate the onset and duration of COVID-19 infectiousness.

"Antigen tests and PCR tests detect the presence of different molecules found in virus particles," explained Christopher B. Brooke, senior author and assistant professor of molecular and cell biology at UIUC. "Most tests detect genetic material associated with the virus, but that doesn't mean there is live virus there. The only way to tell with certainty if live, infectious virus is present is to perform an infectivity assay, or culture," such as was performed at the Johns Hopkins laboratory.

The researchers then compared three COVID-19 viral testing modalities-;PCR testing of saliva, PCR testing of nasal samples and rapid antigen testing of nasal samples. The saliva sample results were performed with an authorized saliva-based PCR test developed at UIUC, called covidSHIELD, that can generate a result after about 12 hours.

A separate PCR test performed with an Abbott Alinity device was used to obtain results from a nasal swab. Rapid antigen testing was performed using a Quidel Sofia SARS Antigen Fluorescent Immunoassay device that is authorized for use at the point of care and can generate a result after 15 minutes.

The researchers calculated the sensitivity of each test modality to detect SARS-CoV-2 and measured the presence of live virus over a two-week period following initial infection. They found that PCR molecular tests-;both from saliva and nasal samples-;are more sensitive than rapid antigen tests at detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus prior to the infectious period. If the result from PCR tests could be quickly returned, the person receiving the result could undertake measures much sooner to prevent transmitting the virus to others. Unfortunately, results from PCR are rarely returned the day of testing.

The authors calculated test sensitivity based on test frequency, finding that a cadence of tests every three days achieved better than 98% sensitivity to detect infection, whether using rapid antigen tests or PCR tests. When they assessed frequency of testing once per week, nasal and saliva PCR testing sensitivity remained high, at around 98%, but antigen test sensitivity declined to 80%. These results show, for the first time, that testing at least twice per week with rapid antigen tests has comparable performance with PCR testing and maximizes the likelihood of detecting people infected with SARS-CoV-2.

The sensitivity of PCR molecular tests and rapid antigen tests is highest when viral cultures are positive for SARS-CoV-2, as might be expected. Even beyond this infectivity period, though, PCR tests continue to detect particles of virus, when the virus is most likely no longer transmissible.

"Silent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from individuals with no symptoms contributes significantly to the spread of the virus," said co-author William Heetderks, M.D., Ph.D., a RADx Tech program advisor at NIBIB. "Faster, cheaper and broader testing with antigen tests can be a big help in the kind of large-scale screening scenarios that can find these silent transmitters."


Journal reference:

Smith, R. L., et al. (2021) Longitudinal assessment of diagnostic test performance over the course of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

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Frequent testing improves the detection of SARS-CoV-2 - News-Medical.Net

Cell Biology Test Kits Market to Show Incredible Growth by 2027 The Manomet Current – The Manomet Current

In this Cell Biology Test Kits market report, the research analyses important industry trends such as product launches, agreements, expansions, alliances, mergers, and so on in order to appreciate current market structure and their impact over the 2021-2027 forecast period. A graphical analysis of prominent corporations global marketing strategies, market contribution, and current developments in marketing is also included in the report. This Cell Biology Test Kits market report comprises an in-depth review of the competitive marketplace, product market size, product comparisons, consumer preferences, product developments, financial analysis, strategic planning, and other topics. Nothing surpasses a market analysis research when it comes to presenting the most relevant facts regarding the business scenario. Other essential aspects of the study include market share, development, and statistical analysis and forecasting from 2021 to 2027.

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Major Manufacture:NanoEntek Promega Bio-Rad Merck Thermo Fisher Scientific PerkinElmer TaKaRa MOLECULAR DEVICES BIOQUOCHEM PromoCell Universal Biologicals Bio Basic

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Worldwide Cell Biology Test Kits Market by Application:Pharmaceutical Research Institutes Biotech Laboratories Others

Segmentation on the Basis of Type:Bacteria Test Kits Protein Test Kits Others

Table of Content1 Report Overview1.1 Product Definition and Scope1.2 PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) Analysis of Cell Biology Test Kits Market2 Market Trends and Competitive Landscape3 Segmentation of Cell Biology Test Kits Market by Types4 Segmentation of Cell Biology Test Kits Market by End-Users5 Market Analysis by Major Regions6 Product Commodity of Cell Biology Test Kits Market in Major Countries7 North America Cell Biology Test Kits Landscape Analysis8 Europe Cell Biology Test Kits Landscape Analysis9 Asia Pacific Cell Biology Test Kits Landscape Analysis10 Latin America, Middle East & Africa Cell Biology Test Kits Landscape Analysis 11 Major Players Profile

Clear understanding of the target market is critical for the advancement of business development, and this Cell Biology Test Kits market Report provides critical statistics to identify the markets aim. It provides a clear view of the market in rich areas such as Europe, North America, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. In addition, this Cell Biology Test Kits market Report focuses on offering relevant business metrics such as current market progression, market size, characteristics, and future opportunities and threats. This Cell Biology Test Kits market Report contains a comprehensive analysis of the industry, competitive pressures, growth regulators, restraints, business projections, perceptions of the target market, and best practices to follow in order to make the business profitable. It describes the current state of the business and suggests where it is likely to go in the future.

In-depth Cell Biology Test Kits Market Report: Intended AudienceCell Biology Test Kits manufacturersDownstream vendors and end-usersTraders, distributors, and resellers of Cell Biology Test KitsCell Biology Test Kits industry associations and research organizationsProduct managers, Cell Biology Test Kits industry administrator, C-level executives of the industriesMarket Research and consulting firms

The most important is that it not only reveals the real market scenario, but also covers the most prime effects of COVID-19 on the growth of different industries in the market. It covers a range of data covering all the important aspects that will assist the industry players to make a good and profitable decision. It serves as great guide and a model report for the new entrants by offering information on emerging developers, growth rate and industry segments. One can make higher gains by inverting precisely in the market because this Cell Biology Test Kits market analysis also graphs the most resourceful market strategies.

About Global Market MonitorGlobal Market Monitor is a professional modern consulting company, engaged in three major business categories such as market research services, business advisory, technology consulting.We always maintain the win-win spirit, reliable quality and the vision of keeping pace with The Times, to help enterprises achieve revenue growth, cost reduction, and efficiency improvement, and significantly avoid operational risks, to achieve lean growth. Global Market Monitor has provided professional market research, investment consulting, and competitive intelligence services to thousands of organizations, including start-ups, government agencies, banks, research institutes, industry associations, consulting firms, and investment firms.ContactGlobal Market MonitorOne Pierrepont Plaza, 300 Cadman Plaza W, Brooklyn,NY 11201, USAName: Rebecca HallPhone: + 1 (347) 467 7721Email: info@globalmarketmonitor.comWeb Site:

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Cell Biology Test Kits Market to Show Incredible Growth by 2027 The Manomet Current - The Manomet Current

Cell Biology Test Kits Market COVID -19 Impact | Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast To 2028 by Growing Players: Thermo Fisher Scientific,…

The Cell Biology Test Kits market is one of the fastest-growing markets in the US and the world. In just a short period, many innovations, the emergence of key players, and positive regulations by the authorities have resulted in consistent growth. Despite the slowdown in the global economy, the Cell Biology Test Kits Market has shown resistance to the recession and is one of the first markets to open in the green. To know how the Cell Biology Test Kits market has emerged from the slowdown and its future prospects, growth plans, risks analysis, and more, you need to have a comprehensive Cell Biology Test Kits market research report.

Post-COVID Global Cell Biology Test Kits Market Condition:

Just like all the markets in the world, the Cell Biology Test Kits market had also been affected by the COVID-19 global lockdown and the post-COVID rules and regulations. However, the market was quick to get off the slump thanks to the key players adapting to the best practices, safety measures, hygiene standards, and the government set regulations. The future prospects and business opportunities in the Cell Biology Test Kits market look good. If you want to gain in-depth insight into the Cell Biology Test Kits market, know what the post-COVID prospects and business revenue look like, check out the Cell Biology Test Kits market research report.

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Analysis of the major industry players based on their company profiles, annual revenue, sales margin, growth aspects are also covered in the Global Cell Biology Test Kits Market 2021 report, which will help other Cell Biology Test Kits market players in driving business insights.

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By the product type, the market is primarily split into:

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The Cell Biology Test Kits market takes a lot of its cues from the US market, and sometimes the Asian markets. However, the biggest mover is the US market which is seeing a resurgence thanks to a change in the government. Sweeping policy changes are to boost business and this will positively impact the Car AVN (Audio, Video, Navigation) market. Sine lockdown and trade restrictions have been eased, theres been a significant demand and supply increase with consumer behavior returning to normal. All of this and more has been covered in the Car AVN (Audio, Video, Navigation) market research report through which you will gain a deep understanding of the Car AVN (Audio, Video, Navigation) market and its facts & figures.

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Cell Biology Test Kits Market COVID -19 Impact | Growth, Analysis, Opportunities and Forecast To 2028 by Growing Players: Thermo Fisher Scientific,...

The Future Of Synthetic Biology and The Companies Using These Technologies – BioSpace

The market of synthetic biology is estimated to worth 11 billion by 2028. The increasing demands by biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies have greatly contributed to the growth of its market.

Well look at what synthetic biology is all about and the latest trends of this technology.

RELATED: Current Trends in Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology is defined as the design and fabrication of biological systems and components that do not exist in the real world thru editing alteration of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). At the same time, it is referred to as the redesign and fabrication of existing biological systems and DNA.

With this, we can re-engineer DNA sequences of anything and re-assemble them to new genomes.

It means we can eventually create synthetic things such as a flower changing color, sterile mosquitos, create fuel or perfume by programming microbes, or plants that glow, among others.

However, the downside of this is that it could harm us if used or engineered the wrong way. Synthetic biology can potentially be a threat if we create a harmful virus that can wipe out humanity.

The opportunities for the growth of this new technology are endless, such as manufacturing good chemicals from agricultural waste, discovering petroleum substitutes, and replicating rubber tires.

As this type of technology is starting to grow, companies that focus on synthetic biology are starting to grow. Some companies sell synthetic DNAs, and some do the building themselves.

Companies that sell synthetic DNAs:

Companies that build DNAs for multiple purposes such as healthcare, biofuels, and bioproducts:

Amyris, Inc.

Codexis, Inc.

Genencor International, Inc.(A Division of Danisco)

Life Science Technologies


CODA Genomics, Inc.

Modular Genetics, Inc.

Verdezyne, Inc.


Myriant Technologies LLC

Gevo, Inc.

LS9, Inc.

OPX Biotechnologies

Solazyme, Inc.

Synthetic Genomics, Inc.

RELATED: De-Bottlenecking Molecular Biology

Scientists can now produce small molecules with the use of synthetic biology. The new products are commonly used for drug development.

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LPand has been using this technology for therapeutics. They have produced drugs that can be taken orally or through the cell membranes.

Amgenalso uses small molecules for drugs. These drugs can only treat some diseases because they can penetrate cell walls to target specific cells.

Numerous other laboratories are now resulting in this kind of discovery. However, there are some downsides to it. Even though they can design and manufacture new kinds of molecules, the process can be tedious and have a long trial and error process.

It is because it is difficult to engineer new microbes that nature didnt intend. It may be a long process overall, but it can be rewarding what the final product can do.

It is slowly taking shape, but scientists are now using synthetic biology to create a new technology that could treat cancer patients.

In addition to transformational improvements in healthcare, patients can now enjoy chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) technology which attacks cancer cells. This technology engineers the T-cells (immune cells) of a patient to recognizes the cancer cells and eliminates them.

Some of the companies that use T-cell therapy include Kite Pharma, REGENXBIO, Autolus, American Gene Technologies, and Arcellx Inc..

Kite Pharma has its Yescarta, which is used for CAR T cell therapy. It is used as therapy for some non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

REGENXBIO has its ZOLGENSMA, a treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) for children below two years.

Autolus focuses on solid tumors and hematological cancer treatments and is now developing treatments for CAR T cell therapy.

American Gene Technologies is developing a cure for HIV-positive patients by using their cells from T cells to disable diseases and build immunity.

Lastly, Arcelix is in its early stages of development for CAR T-Cell therapy.

In relation to the creation of chimeric antigen receptors, scientists are also engineering viruses to treat inherited diseases like Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) or epidermolysis bullosa.

This technology is possible by using a patients stem cell to replicate and create new cells to replace the mutated genes that cause diseases.

St. Jude Research Hospital managed to develop a genetically engineered virus to treat SCID on young children. They created a lentivector, a virus delivered to the genes to fix certain medical conditions without activating any genes that may cause cancer.

Computational protein design builds proteins from scratch (de novo design) and makes calculated variants of protein structures and variants (protein design).

Researchers build new enzymes that have never been seen and not common to nature using amino acids and co-factors that are not part of the standard macromolecular toolkit.

One company that uses this technology is Ginkgo Bioworks, which uses computer automation to create new organisms.

Arzeda is another company developing new enzymes from scratch to develop the production of rare sugars and natural sweeteners.

Cellular agriculture is replicating the way food is produced by animals without the need to have animals. Researchers are looking at how the by-products of animals we consume are made and done through tissue engineering and biotechnology.

Some examples of these are creating milk just like how a cow would produce them or creating eggs just like how chickens would produce them. This includes the creation of lab foods such as meat and fish.

One of the companies that use this technology is New Harvest. As mentioned above, this company is responsible for creating milk and eggs from cells instead of getting them from animals.

Another one is Meatable, which uses cellular agriculture for creating cell-based meats.

The future of synthetic biology is vast because of all the opportunities this technology can make.

From the development of pharmaceutical products to answer humanitys problems to producing agricultural products for our daily consumption, the possibilities are endless. They could lead to a very successful future for humankind.

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The Future Of Synthetic Biology and The Companies Using These Technologies - BioSpace

Presence of certain stem cells linked to nongenetic resistance mechanisms of cancer cells – News-Medical.Net

Cancer cells can develop resistance to therapy through both genetic and non-genetic mechanisms. But it is unclear how and why one of these routes to resistance prevails. Understanding this 'choice' by the cancer cells may help us devise better therapeutic strategies. Now, the team of Prof. Jean-Christophe Marine (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology) shows that the presence of certain stem cells correlates with the development of nongenetic resistance mechanisms. Their study is published in the prestigious journal Cancer Cell.

Even though cancer therapy has made great strides in the last few years, resistance remains a major problem. When cancer cells develop resistance against the drugs targeting them, they can continue to spread, even when the patient is going through therapy.

Until recently, it was thought that this resistance arises exclusively through mutations - genetic alterations - in the cancer cells. However, new studies have suggested that resistance against cancer drugs can also arise via non-genetic mechanisms that change the expression of certain genes without altering the DNA sequence.

Prof. Jean-Christophe Marine (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology): "The importance of nongenetic reprogramming as a driver of therapy resistance is not yet widely accepted in the field. Although my group has demonstrated that drug tolerance can be driven by nongenetic mechanisms, strong evidence that resistance can be acquired in absence of a genetic cause is still lacking."

In their study, the team of Prof. Marine firmly establishes that nongenetic mechanisms contribute to resistance to therapy in melanoma. The key question has become: "How do cancer cells 'choose' between the different routes to resistance?"

Surprisingly, the team demonstrates that the road to resistance is predetermined and not randomly selected. They show that the presence of a specific group of cells, neural crest stem cells, leads to non-genetic rather than genetic drug resistance in melanoma. A possible reason for this is that these neural crest stem cells exhibit 'epigenetic plasticity', which means that these cells have an increased ability to select which genes they express and how much. These cells literally reprogram themselves to evade the therapeutic pressure.

The researchers also identified the signaling pathway that drives the emergence of the neural crest stem cells and promotes their survival. This signaling pathway depends crucially on the protein Focal Adhesion Kinase (or FAK). By blocking the activity of this protein, the team was able to drastically reduce the occurrence of non-genetic drug resistance in patient-derived xenografts - tumor cells from human patients that were implanted in mice.

This combination of new basic insights into tumor cell biology and recently discovered non-genetic resistance mechanisms to cancer drugs has far-reaching clinical consequences.

Florian Rambow, senior postdoc who contributed to the study, explains:

These findings have several important clinical implications. Not only did we show a viable way to suppress non-genetic resistance, but we also demonstrated that the presence of specific cells dictates which resistance mechanism is likely to occur. This observation is the key to predicting potential resistance routes in patients and developing personalized therapies."


Journal reference:

Marin-Bejar, O., et al. (2021) Evolutionary predictability of genetic versus nongenetic resistance to anticancer drugs in melanoma. Cancer Cell.

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Presence of certain stem cells linked to nongenetic resistance mechanisms of cancer cells - News-Medical.Net

New Super-resolution Microscopy Method Approaches the Atomic Scale – Weill Cornell Medicine Newsroom

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Scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine have developed a computational technique that greatly increases the resolution of atomic force microscopy, a specialized type of microscope that feels the atoms at a surface. The method reveals atomic-level details on proteins and other biological structures under normal physiological conditions, opening a new window on cell biology, virology and other microscopic processes.

In a study, published June 16 in Nature, the investigators describe the new technique, which is based on a strategy used to improve resolution in light microscopy.

To study proteins and other biomolecules at high resolution, investigators have long relied on two techniques: X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. While both methods can determine molecular structures down to the resolution of individual atoms, they do so on molecules that are either scaffolded into crystals or frozen at ultra-cold temperatures, possibly altering them from their normal physiological shapes. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can analyze biological molecules under normal physiological conditions, but the resulting images have been blurry and low resolution.

"Atomic force microscopy can easily resolve atoms in physics, on solid surfaces of silicates and on semiconductors, so it means that in principle the machine has the precision to do that," said senior author Dr. Simon Scheuring, professor of physiology and biophysics in anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine. The technique is a bit like if you were to take a pen and scan over the Rocky Mountains, so that you get a topographic map of the object. In reality, our pen is a needle that is sharp down to a few atoms and the objects are single protein molecules."

However, biological molecules have many small parts that wiggle, blurring their AFM images. To address that problem, Dr. Scheuring and his colleagues adapted a concept from light microscopy called super-resolution microscopy. "Theoretically it wasn't possible by optical microscopy to resolve two fluorescent molecules that were closer together than half the wavelength of the light, he said. However, by stimulating the adjacent molecules to fluoresce at different times, microscopists can analyze the spread of each molecule and pinpoint their locations with high precision.

Instead of stimulating fluorescence, Dr. Scheuring's team noted that the natural fluctuations of biological molecules recorded over the course of AFM scans yield similar spreads of positional data. First author Dr. George Heath, who was a postdoctoral associate at Weill Cornell Medicine at the time of the study and is now a faculty member at the University of Leeds, engaged in cycles of experiments and computational simulations to understand the AFM imaging process in greater detail and extract the maximum of information from the atomic interactions between tip and sample.

Using a method like super-resolution analysis, they were able to extract much higher resolution images of the moving molecules. Continuing the topographic analogy, Dr. Scheuring explained that "if the rocks (i.e., atoms) wiggle a little bit up and down, you can detect this one, then that one, and then you average all detections over time and you receive high-resolution information."

Because previous AFM studies have routinely collected the necessary data, the new technique can be applied retroactively to the blurry images the field has generated for decades. As an example, the new paper includes an analysis of an AFM scan of an aquaporin membrane protein, originally acquired during Dr. Scheuring's doctoral thesis. The reanalysis generated a much sharper image that matches X-ray crystallography structures of the molecule closely. "You basically get quasi-atomic resolution on these surfaces now," said Dr. Scheuring. To showcase the power of the method, the authors provide new high-resolution data on annexin, a protein involved in cell membrane repair, and on a proton-chloride antiporter of which they also report structural changes related to its functional.

Besides allowing researchers to study biological molecules under physiologically relevant conditions, the new method has other advantages. For example, X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy rely on averaging data from large numbers of molecules, but AFM can generate images of single molecules. "Instead of having observations of hundreds of molecules, we observe one molecule a hundred times and calculate a high-resolution map," said Dr. Scheuring.

Imaging individual molecules as they carry out their functions could open entirely new types of analysis. "Let's say you have a [viral] spike protein that's in one conformation and then it gets activated and goes into another conformation, said Dr. Scheuring. You would in principle be able to calculate a high-resolution map from that same molecule as it transits from one conformation to the next, not from thousands of molecules in one or the other conformation." Such high-resolution single molecule data could provide more detailed information and avoid the potentially misleading results that can occur when averaging data from many molecules. Furthermore, the map might reveal new strategies for precisely redirecting or interrupting such processes.

Additional study co-authors include Drs. Ekaterina Kots, Shifra Lansky, George Khelashvili, and Harel Weinstein from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Weill Cornell Medicine and Dr. Janice Robertson from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University.

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New Super-resolution Microscopy Method Approaches the Atomic Scale - Weill Cornell Medicine Newsroom

Post-doctoral Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences job with THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG | 257563 – Times Higher Education (THE)

Work type: Full-timeDepartment: School of Biomedical Sciences (22600)Categories: Academic-related Staff

Applications are invited for appointment asPost-doctoral Fellow (several posts) in the School of Biomedical Sciences (Ref.: 504335), to commence as soon as possible for one year, with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree preferably in Biomedical/Biological Sciences, Cell Biology, or a related discipline. Preference will be given to those with research experience in at least two of the areas including stem cells, regenerative medicine, cancer, heart disease, liver disease, animal models, immunology, embryology, genomics, genome-editing or drug screening. Applicants should have a good command of written and spoken English, strong communication skills, and a demonstrated track record of publishing academic research papers. They should also be self-motivated, innovative, and able to work well in an interdisciplinary team. The appointees are expected to contribute to a translational research programme in stem cell biology, and conduct research projects in a multidisciplinary team of clinicians and scientists. Working outside campus may be required. Enquiries about the posts should be sent to Professor Liu Pengtao

A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits.

The University only accepts online applications for the above posts. Applicants should apply online and upload an up-to-date C.V. Review of applications will start from July 1, 2021 and continue until September 30, 2021, or until the posts are filled, whichever is earlier.

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Post-doctoral Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences job with THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG | 257563 - Times Higher Education (THE)

3D Cell Culture Market Size, Share, Worth, Latest Trend, Research Insights, Overview & Industry Forecast till 2027 The Manomet Current – The…

Global 3D Cell Culture Market

3D Cell Culture is defined as a practice of growing biological cells and allow them to interact with their surroundings in all three dimensions. This technique enables the cells to grow in their natural environment in an in vivo condition. Numerous techniques are used to carry out culturing of cells in all the three dimensions. 3-dimension cell culture is a man-made environment. Cells grown in 3-dimension cell culture with similar properties of cells found inside living organisms in terms of cellular characteristics & behavior.

As three-dimension cell cultures can mimic the structure, activity, as well as microenvironment of the in-vivo tissues, this technique has varied applications in the fields of regenerative medicine, drug screening, stem cell therapies, cancer research & cell biology. The extracellular matrix in three-dimension cell cultures alows cellcell communication by direct contact as in in-vivo environment by secreting cytokines & trophic factors. These factors are changed in a 2D environment which can significantly affect the cellcell communication, which in turn can alter the cell morphology & proliferation. As 2-Dimesion cultures cannot recapitulate the architecture & complex cellular matrices as in 3-Dimension cultures, this technique is gaining popularity in healthcare research industry. Also, 3D cell cultures can offer results with improved efficiency & reduce the cost of overall research and development process.

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The cancer and stem cell segment is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR over the forecast period. On the basis of application, the 3D cell culture market is categorized into drug discovery & toxicology testing, cancer & stem cell research, and tissue engineering & regenerative medicine. The cancer and stem cell research segment hold the largest revenue share of the market and is projected to register the highest CAGR during this forecast period. The increase in prevalence of cancer and significant funding for cancer research are major prominent factors driving the growth of this application segment.

Lack of consistency in products is anticipated hamper growth of the global 3D cell culture market. The lack of consistency between wells & batches of cell culture are the other major challenges in the adoption of 3D cell culture. In addition, matrices made from animal tissues may contain unwanted growth factors & viruses, which could negatively affect the cell culture productivity &reproducibility.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in nationwide lockdowns, thereby impacting every industry, Likewise, market is also affected by the pandemic. The 3D cell culture industry is facing various challenges to cope up with the demand & supply of 3D cell culture components due to the COVID-19 crisis. Furthermore, inconsistent &interrupted supply chain activities and availability of human resources are projected to impact the market growth. Moreover, surge in research practices for developing novel therapies against COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is serving as a huge opportunity for the key market players. Research associated with stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine has shown promising results for treating the COVID-19, this is anticipated to compensate the deleterious impact caused by lockdowns across the globe. Thus, the overall COVID-19 impact is expected to remain moderate for the prominent players in the global 3D cell culture market.

Market Segmentation

The Global 3D Cell Culture Market is categorized into product including Scaffold-based 3D Cell Cultures, (Solid Scaffolds, Hydrogels/ECM Analogs, and Micropatterned Surfaces), Scaffold-free 3D Cell Cultures (Low Attachment Plates, Hanging Drop Plates, 3D Bioreactors, 3D Petri Dishes), Microfluidics-based 3D Cell Cultures , and Magnetic & Bioprinted 3D Cell Cultures, by application market is segmented into Cancer & Stem Cell Research, Drug Discovery & Toxicology Testing, and Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine. Further, market is segmented into end user such as Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, Research Institutes, Cosmetics Industry, and Others.

Also, the Global 3D Cell Culture Marketis segmented into five regionssuch as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.

Regional Analysis

North America led the market share in the year 2020 & accounted for the highest revenue share throughout the forecast period. Due to availability of private & government funding for the development of advanced 3D cell culture models, high healthcare spending, and the presence of a large number of universities & research organizations investigating various stem cell-based approaches. For instance, in December 2020, researchers from Mayo Clinic & Terasaki Institute, U.S., had developed visible hydrogels which can be used for the monitoring & control of hemorrhage. However, the Asia Pacific region is estimated to be the fastest-growing market due to the increase investments by various international companies in the emerging economies of this region.

Market Key Players

Various key players are listed in this report such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Merck KGaA, PromoCell GmbH, Corning, Inc., Greiner Bio One International GmbH, 3D Biomatrix,Lonza, Tecan Trading AG, 3D Biotek LLC, Global Cell Solutions, Inc., InSphero, etc.

Market Taxonomy

By Product

By Application

By End User

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Could Regenerative Biology Work in Humans? – Harvard Magazine

Chop a three-banded panther worm in half, and the head and tail will swirl around as if nothing had happened. Even more astonishing, a few days later, the halves will grow to become two complete and almost indistinguishable worms.

Loeb associate professor of the natural sciences Mansi Srivastava has studied this process of healing and regeneration for more than a decade. Together with members of her research group, she has been working to uncover the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying whole-body regeneration, and tracing their evolutionary history. Understanding both these aspects of regeneration, she believes, could aid in efforts to develop the field of human regenerative medicine.

Srivastava chose to study the three-banded panther worm because this tiny, carnivorous Bermuda native is especially adept at whole-body regeneration: able to heal and then recreate an entire organism from even a small fragment of its body. Moreover, the species is sufficiently similar to planarians, worms widely studied in the field of regeneration biology, that scientists can make comparisons between the two species, whose last common ancestor lived 550 million years ago. If there are similarities in the molecular mechanisms they use to regenerate, Srivastava explains, identifying and investigating these shared elements could lead to an understanding of the fundamental principles controlling this feat.

An advance in this direction came in 2019 when her research group reported the discovery of a pioneer factor, a molecular agent responsible for initiating the cascade of genetic signals necessary for regeneration. In the moments after an injury, she explains, cells around the damaged site sound an alarm by generating proteins that activate the choreography of regeneration. But what intracellular factor causes the genes encoding those proteins to switch on? How does an incomplete animal know what is missing, and how to recreate it? Who or what decides how to proceed?

Her team probed these questions using a technique known as ATACseq that allowed them to zoom in on the structure of chromatinthe packaging material of cellular DNA. They focused on regions of the chromatin structure that opened up soon after amputation. These sites marked genes likely activated in response to injury. By analyzing the commonalities among multiple regions of open chromatin across many cells found near the damage site, Srivastava and colleagues were able to identify one such decision-maker, or factor responsible for the observed changes in the products of these activated genes. Known as EGR, the protein proved crucial for regeneration: when the researchers turned off its production, many of the genes that should have been switched on werentand the worm never regenerated.

This work provided a broad look, Srivastava says, at the early steps following amputation. Her team is currently developing a more detailed picture of these molecular events. To do so, they have applied the same analysis of the chromatin structure to individual cells of the worm. By looking at chromatin changes within single cells, they hope to learn exactly how the process that directs regeneration unfolds.

By tagging a single potentially pluripotent cell (above, at far left) with a red fluorescent protein, researchers can watch as it divides, eventually becoming a complete worm.

Courtesy of Mansi Srivastava

At the same time, Srivastava has turned her attention to the raw material the worms use to regenerate tissues, a form of adult stem cell called a neoblast. In response to amputation, these typically dormant cells wake up and undergo rapid bursts of division. A sort of cellular alchemy ensues, she explains: like embryonic stem cells, which are active during development, the neoblasts turn into neurons, muscles, skin, whatever you need. This ability to become any cell type, known as pluripotency, is a well-described feature of embryonic stem cells. But panther worms are somehow able to maintain pluripotency of neoblasts into adulthood.

By investigating the cellular origins of the worms embryonic and adult pluripotent stem cells, and characterizing the differences and similarities between the two, Srivastava hopes to learn how neoblasts persist and reawaken, and why human and other mammalian stem cells are limited in their regenerative capacities.

Using ultraviolet light to tag cells of interest and follow them during their life cycle, her team has made significant progress toward identifying the cellular lineage that gives rise to stem cells during the worms early development. We now want to use that same approach in adults, she says, to understand how the worms make and then maintain a neoblast, to keep it hanging out, happily pluripotent, in its body. I dont think my work is going to help anyone grow a limb five years from now, she adds, but I do think it could lead to an understanding of pluripotency, and how genomes are regulated during regeneration. That could lead to breakthroughs in the nascent field of human regenerative medicine.

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Could Regenerative Biology Work in Humans? - Harvard Magazine