Category Archives: Cell Biology

Postdoctoral Researcher, Varjosalo laboratory of Molecular Systems Biology/Pathology job with UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI | 244729 – Times Higher Education…

The HiLIFE - Institute of Biotechnology (BI) is a research institute that operates at the highest international level. It includes 40 research groups and 250 researchers. The Institute is situated in the Viikki science park. For more information on the Institute, please visit

The HiLIFE - Institute of Biotechnology, Varjosalo laboratory of Molecular Systems Biology / Pathology, invites applications for a


The Varjosalo lab has a longstanding interest in the global and comprehensive understanding of how key cellular signaling molecules; protein kinases, protein phosphatases and transcription factors mediate their signaling potential and how the signaling is changed in diseases in the immunology and oncology axis, and more recently Covid-19. For this purpose, we have developed experimental and computational methods to identify the protein-interactions formed by these signaling molecules. Additionally, we employ quantitative mass spectrometry -based proteomics to assess the protein abundance changes, as well as phosphorylation status of the tissues/cells. Furthermore, combining the data from the different sets of omics data (proteomics, HTS and HiSeq), allows us to generate global and systems level understanding on how disease-causing mutations mediate their effects, also enabling the development of therapeutic or diagnostic approaches.

We are seeking a post doc that has extensive practical experience in standard biochemistry/molecular biology/cell biological methods, ideally encompassing proteomics and microscopic techniques and/or bioinformatics. The ideal candidate is an adaptable team-player with excellent communication skills in English , both oral and written, and good organizational skills.

This position will provide multiple opportunities for collaborations with potential lab visits abroad and cross-disciplinary scientific exchange, when applicable. An attitude to drive own research and work in an intra and inter team fashion is highly appreciated. In return, the candidate is offered access to a wide variety of methodologies and advanced techniques, appropriate supervision and help in career development.

More information about the lab, including the latest research and news, can be found here:

The position is initially limited to 2 years with a possibility of extension starting from March 2021. A trial period of 6 months will be applied, and the salary will be based on the Universities salary scheme for teaching and research personnel composed of both task specific and personal performance components.

The deadline for the applications is 15th of March, but the position will be filled immediately once a suitable candidate has been identified.

Application should include the following documents as a single pdf file: CV, list of publications, motivation letter including a description of your research interests, and the names and telephone numbers of at least two referees.

Please submit your application, together with the required attachments, through the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system by clicking on the Apply for job button. Internal applicants (i.e., current employees of the University of Helsinki) submit their applications through the SAP HR portal.

For further information please contact Research Director Markku Varjosalo, PhDmarkku.varjosalo(at)

For technical support regarding the recruitment system, please contact

Finland is a member of the EU, has high quality free schooling (also in English), generous family benefits and healthcare, and was recently ranked as the best country in the world for expat families and in the worlds top ten most livable cities. Finland and the Helsinki region possess top expertise in sciences in terms of a vibrant talent pool, leading research, strong support services and functioning collaboration networks. For more information about working at the University of Helsinki and living in Finland, please see

Helsinki Institute of Life Science

Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) is a new institute established in 2017 that supports high quality life science research across the University campuses and faculties. HiLIFE builds on existing strengths and new recruits and partnerships to create an attractive international environment for researchers to solve grand challenges in health, food, and environment. HiLIFE coordinates research infrastructures in life sciences and provides research-based interdisciplinary training.

The University of Helsinki, founded in 1640, is one of the worlds leading universities for multidisciplinary research. The university has an international academic community of 40,000 students and staff members. The University of Helsinki offers comprehensive services to its employees, including occupational health care and health insurance, sports facilities, and professional development opportunities. The International Staff Services office assists employees from abroad with their transition to work and life in Finland.

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15.03.2021 23:59 EET

Postdoctoral Researcher, Varjosalo laboratory of Molecular Systems Biology/Pathology job with UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI | 244729 - Times Higher Education...

How Coronavirus Damages Lung Cells Within Mere Hours And What Drugs Could Halt COVID-19 Infection – SciTechDaily

Human lung cells (blue) infected with SARS-CoV-2 (red). Courtesy of Hekman, et al. Credit: Courtesy of Hekman, et al.

Multipronged BU research team finds 18 FDA-approved drugs that could halt coronavirus infection earlier.

What if scientists knew exactly what impact the SARS-CoV-2 virus had inside our lung cells, within the first few hours of being infected? Could they use that information to find drugs that would disrupt the virus replication process before it ever gets fully underway? The discovery that several existing FDA-approved drugsincluding some originally designed to fight cancercan stop coronavirus in its tracks indicates the answer is a resounding yes.

A team of Boston University researchershailing from BUs National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL), the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM) at BUs Medical Campus, and BUs Center for Network Systems Biology (CNSB)embarked on a months-long, collaborative and interdisciplinary quest, combining multiple areas of expertise in virology, stem cellderived lung tissue engineering, and deep molecular sequencing to begin answering those questions. They simultaneously infected tens of thousands of human lung cells with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and then tracked precisely what happens in all of those cells during the first few moments after infection. As if that was not complicated enough, the team had to cool their entire high-containment research facility inside the NEIDL to a brisk 61 degrees Fahrenheit.

The result of that challenging and massive undertaking? The BU team has revealed the most comprehensive map to date of all the molecular activities that are triggered inside lung cells at the onset of coronavirus infection. They also discovered there are at least 18 existing, FDA-approved drugs that could potentially be repurposed to combat COVID-19 infections shortly after a person becomes infected. Experimentally, five of those drugs reduced coronavirus spread in human lung cells by more than 90 percent. Their findings were recently published in Molecular Cell.

Now, academic and industry collaborators from around the world are in contact with the team about next steps to move their findings from bench to bedside, the researchers say. (Although COVID-19 vaccines are starting to be rolled out, its expected to take the better part of a year for enough people to be vaccinated to create herd immunity. And there are no guarantees that the current vaccine formulations will be as effective against future SARS-CoV-2 strains that could emerge over time.) More effective and well-timed therapeutic interventions could help reduce the overall number of deaths related to COVID-19 infections.

What makes this research unusual is that we looked at very early time points [of infection], at just one hour after the virus infects lung cells. It was scary to see that the virus already starts to damage the cells so early during infection, says Elke Mhlberger, one of the studys senior investigators and a virologist at BUs NEIDL. She typically works with some of the worlds most lethal viruses like Ebola and Marburg.

The most striking aspect is how many molecular pathways are impacted by the virus, says Andrew Emili, another of the studys senior investigators, and the director of BUs CNSB, which specializes in proteomics and deep sequencing of molecular interactions. The virus does wholesale remodeling of the lung cellsits amazing the degree to which the virus commandeers the cells it infects.

Viruses cant replicate themselves because they lack the molecular machinery for manufacturing proteinsthats why they rely on infecting cells to hijack the cells internal machinery and use it to spread their own genetic material. When SARS-CoV-2 takes over, it completely changes the cells metabolic processes, Emili says, and even damages the cells nuclear membranes within three to six hours after infection, which the team found surprising. In contrast, cells infected with the deadly Ebola virus dont show any obvious structural changes at these early time points of infection, and even at late stages of infection, the nuclear membrane is still intact, Mhlberger says.

The nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus, which holds the majority of a cells genetic information and controls and regulates normal cellular functions. With the cell nucleus compromised by SARS-CoV-2, things rapidly take a bad turn for the entire cell. Under siege, the cellswhich normally play a role in maintaining the essential gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that occurs when we breathedie. As the cells die, they also emit distress signals that boost inflammation, triggering a cascade of biological activity that speeds up cell death and can eventually lead to pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, and lung failure.

I couldnt have predicted a lot of these pathways, most of them were news to me, says Andrew Wilson, one of the studys senior authors, a CReM scientist, and a pulmonologist at Boston Medical Center (BMC), BUs teaching hospital. At BMC, Bostons safety net hospital, Wilson has been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020, trying to treat and save the sickest patients in the hospitals ICU. Thats why our [experimental] model is so valuable.

Science is the answerif we use science to ask the lung cells what goes wrong when they are infected with coronavirus, the cells will tell us. Darrell Kotton

The team leveraged the CReMs organoid expertise to grow human lung air sac cells, the type of cell that lines the inside of lungs. Air sac cells are usually difficult to grow and maintain in traditional culture and difficult to extract directly from patients for research purposes. Thats why much coronavirus research to date by other labs has relied on the use of more readily available cell types, like kidney cells from monkeys. The problem with that is kidney cells from monkeys dont react the same way to coronavirus infection as lung cells from humans do, making them a poor model for studying the viruswhatever is learned from them doesnt easily translate into clinically relevant findings for treating human patients.

Our organoids, developed by our CReM faculty, are engineered from stem cellstheyre not identical to the living, breathing cells inside our bodies, but they are the closest thing to it, says Darrell Kotton, one of the studys senior authors. He is a director of the CReM and a pulmonologist at BMC, where he has worked alongside Wilson in the ICU treating COVID-19 patients. The two of them often collaborated with Mhlberger, Emili, and other members of their research team via Zoom calls that they managed to join during brief moments of calm in the ICU.

In another recent study using the CReMs engineered human lung cells, the research team confirmed that existing drugs remdesivir and camostat are effective in combating the virus, though neither is a perfect fix for controlling the inflammation that COVID-19 causes. Remdesivir, a broad-use antiviral, has already been used clinically in coronavirus patients. But based on the new studys findings that the virus does serious damage to cells within hours, setting off inflammation, the researchers say theres likely not much that antiviral drugs like remdesivir can do once an infection has advanced to the point where someone would need to be put on a ventilator in the ICU. [Giving remdesivir] cant save lives if the disease has already progressed, Emili says.

Seeing how masterfully SARS-CoV-2 commandeers human cells and subverts them to do the manufacturing work of replicating the viral genome, it reminded the researchers of another deadly invader.

I was surprised that there are so many similarities between cancer cells and SARS-CoV-2-infected cells, Mhlberger says. The team screened a number of cancer drugs as part of their study and found that several of them are able to block SARS-CoV-2 from multiplying. Like viruses, cancer cells want to replicate their own genomes, dividing over and over again. To do that, they need to produce a lot of pyrimidine, a basic building block for genetic material. Interrupting the production of pyrimidineusing a cancer drug designed for that purposealso blocks the SARS-CoV-2 genome from being built. But Mhlberger cautions that cancer drugs typically have a lot of side effects. Do we really want to use that heavy stuff against a virus? she says. More studies will be needed to weigh the pros and cons of such an approach.

The findings of their latest study took the four senior investigators and scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from their laboratories almost four months, working nearly around the clock, to complete the research. Of critical importance to the teams leaders was making sure that the experimental setup had rock-solid foundations in mimicking whats actually happening when the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects people.

Science is the answerif we use science to ask the lung cells what goes wrong when they are infected with coronavirus, the cells will tell us, Kotton says. Objective scientific data gives us hints at what to do and has lessons to teach us. It can reveal a path out of this pandemic.

Hes particularly excited about the outreach the team has received from collaborators around the world. People with expertise in supercomputers and machine learning are excited about using those tools and the datasets from our publication to identify the most promising drug targets [for treating COVID-19], he says.

Kotton says the theme thats become obvious among COVID-19 clinicians and scientists is understanding that timing is key. Once a patient is on a ventilator in the ICU, we feel limited in what we can do for their body, he says. Timing is everything, its crucial to identify early windows of opportunity for intervention. You can keep guessing and hope we get luckyor you [do the research] to actually understand the infection from its inception, and take the guesswork out of drug development.

Reference: Actionable Cytopathogenic Host Responses of Human Alveolar Type 2 Cells to SARS-CoV-2 by Ryan M. Hekman, Adam J. Hume, Raghuveera Kumar Goel, Kristine M. Abo, Jessie Huang, Benjamin C. Blum, Rhiannon B. Werder, Ellen L. Suder, Indranil Paul, Sadhna Phanse, Ahmed Youssef, Konstantinos D. Alysandratos, Dzmitry Padhorny, Sandeep Ojha, Alexandra Mora-Martin, Dmitry Kretov, Peter E.A. Ash, Mamta Verma, Jian Zhao, J.J. Patten, Carlos Villacorta-Martin, Dante Bolzan, Carlos Perea-Resa, Esther Bullitt, Anne Hinds, Andrew Tilston-Lunel, Xaralabos Varelas, Shaghayegh Farhangmehr Ulrich Braunschweig, Julian H. Kwan, Mark McComb, Avik Basu, Mohsan Saeed, Valentina Perissi, Eric J. Burks, Matthew D. Layne, John H. Connor, Robert Davey, Ji-Xin Cheng, Benjamin L. Wolozin, Benjamin J. Blencowe, Stefan Wuchty, Shawn M. Lyons, Dima Kozakov, Daniel Cifuentes, Michael Blower, Darrell N. Kotton, Andrew A. Wilson, Elke Mhlberger and Andrew Emili, 18 November 2020, Molecular Cell.DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.11.028

This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, the Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness, the Digital Transformation Institute, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and Fast Grants.

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How Coronavirus Damages Lung Cells Within Mere Hours And What Drugs Could Halt COVID-19 Infection - SciTechDaily

Researchers uncover the physics behind formation of branching microtubules during cell division –

As any cook knows, some liquids mix well with each other, but others do not. For example, when a tablespoon of vinegar is poured into water, a brief stir suffices to thoroughly combine the two liquids.

However, a tablespoon of oil poured into water will coalesce into droplets that no amount of stirring can dissolve. The physics that govern the mixing of liquids are not limited to mixing bowls; it also affects the behavior of things inside cells.

It's been known for several years that some proteins behave like liquids and that some liquid-like proteins don't mix together. However, very little is known about how these liquid-like proteins behave on cellular surfaces.

"The separation between two liquids that won't mix, like oil and water, is known as 'liquid-liquid phase separation', and it's central to the function of many proteins," said Sagar Setru, a 2021 Ph.D. graduate who worked with both Sabine Petry, a professor of molecular biology, and Joshua Shaevitz, a professor of physics and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics.

Such proteins do not dissolve inside the cell. Instead, they condense with themselves or with a limited number of other proteins, allowing cells to compartmentalize certain biochemical activities without having to wrap them inside membrane-bound spaces.

"In molecular biology, the study of proteins that form condensed phases with liquid-like properties is a rapidly growing field," said Bernardo Gouveia, a graduate student chemical and biological engineering, working with Howard Stone, the Donald R. Dixon '69 and Elizabeth W. Dixon Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and chair of the department. Setru and Gouveia collaborated as co-first authors on an effort to better understand one such protein.

"We were curious about the behavior of the liquid-like protein TPX2. What makes this protein special is that it does not form liquid droplets in the cytoplasm as had been observed before, but instead seems to undergo phase separation on biological polymers called microtubules," said Setru.

"TPX2 is necessary for making branched networks of microtubules, which is crucial for cell division. TPX2 is also overexpressed in some cancers, so understanding its behavior may have medical relevance."

Individual microtubules are linear filaments that are rod-like in shape. During cell division, new microtubules form on the sides of existing ones to create a branched network. The sites where new microtubules will grow are marked by globules of condensed TPX2. These TPX2 globules recruit other proteins that are necessary to generate microtubule growth.

The researchers were curious about how TPX2 globules form on a microtubule. To find out, they decided to try observing the process in action. First, they modified the microtubules and TPX2 so that each would glow with a different fluorescent color.

Next, they placed the microtubules on a microscope slide, added TPX2, and then watched to see what would happen. They also made observations at very high spatial resolution using a powerful imaging approach called atomic force microscopy.

"We found that TPX2 first coats the entire microtubule and then breaks up into droplets that are evenly spaced apart, similar to how morning dew coats a spider web and breaks up into droplets," said Gouveia.

Setru, Gouveia and colleagues found that this occurs because of something physicists call the Rayleigh-Plateau instability. Though non-physicists may not recognize the name, they will already be familiar with the phenomenon, which explains why a stream of water falling from a faucet breaks up into droplets, and why a uniform coating of water on a strand of spider web coalesces into separate beads.

"It is surprising to find such everyday physics in the nanoscale world of molecular biology," said Gouveia.

Extending their study, the researchers found that the spacing and size of TPX2 globules on a microtubule is determined by the thickness of the initial TPX2 coating -- that is, how much TPX2 is present. This may explain why microtubule branching is altered in cancer cells that overexpress TPX2.

We used simulations to show that these droplets are a more efficient way to make branches than just having a uniform coating or binding of the protein all along the microtubule."

Sagar Setru, 2021 PhD Graduate, Princeton University

"That the physics of droplet formation, so vividly visible to the naked eye, has a role to play down at the micrometer scales, helps establish the growing interface (no pun intended) between soft matter physics and biology," said Rohit Pappu, the Edwin H. Murty Professor of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, who was not involved in the study.

"The underlying theory is likely to be applicable to an assortment of interfaces between liquid-like condensates and cellular surfaces," adds Pappu. "I suspect we will be coming back to this work over and over again."


Journal reference:

Setru, S. U., et al. (2021) A hydrodynamic instability drives protein droplet formation on microtubules to nucleate branches. Nature Physics.

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Researchers uncover the physics behind formation of branching microtubules during cell division -

How Covid-19 mutations are changing the pandemic – BBC News

Early in its existence, Covid-19 gained an ability that would prove decisive in its relationship with human beings. The virus picked up a seemingly small change in its genetic code. It was likely an unfortunate accident a fragment of genetic information from another virus got muddled up with that of the coronavirus while they were both infecting a bat.

Included within this tiny piece of genome, however, were the instructions that altered a key part of the virus its spike protein. This important protein studs the outside of the coronavirus and is the part that attaches to the outside of cells, helping the rest of the virus to sneak inside where it can replicate.

This change to Covid-19's spike protein meant it could hijack an enzyme found in the human body called furin. This enzyme acts like a pair of molecular scissors, normally cutting open hormones and growth factors to activate them. But when furin snips part of the Covid-19 spike protein, which is normally folded in a series of loops on the outside of the virus, it opens like a hinge.

"This exposes a new sequence in the spike protein," says Yohei Yamauchi, a reader in viral cell biology at the University of Bristol, UK, who has been studying how this change may have led Covid-19 to become more infective in humans. "It is one of the changes that make this virus really different from previous coronaviruses that caused Sars and Mers."

This new mutation meant Covid-19 could suddenly latch onto an important molecule found scattered around the outside of human respiratory cells called Neuropilin 1. This molecule helps to transport material inside cells and deeper into tissues the mutation was like handing Covid-19 the keys to a new door into our cells and meant the virus could replicate in greater numbers in the human airways.

Although this mutation was just one in Covid-19's short existence, it proved to be important. Some researchers believe it may be one of the key mutations that allowed the coronavirus to jump species and begin causing a rapidly spreading disease in humans. But almost as soon as it did this, it began picking up other mutations.

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How Covid-19 mutations are changing the pandemic - BBC News

People in the News: New Appointments at Adaptive Biotechnologies, BD, Seven Bridges, More – GenomeWeb

Adaptive Biotechnologies: Mark Adams, Nancy Hill

Adaptive Biotechnologies has appointed Mark Adams as chief operating officer effective Jan. 25, 2021.Adams, 53, joined Adaptive in April 2020 as chief technical officer.

Adams holds a PhD in cell biology from Baylor College of Medicine and completed his postdoc in computational biology at Boston University.

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People in the News: New Appointments at Adaptive Biotechnologies, BD, Seven Bridges, More - GenomeWeb

Cell Expansion Market: Ethical concerns regarding research in cell biology investigated in the latest research – WhaTech

The Global Cell Expansion Market size is estimated to be USD 14.9 billion in 2020 and projected to reach USD 30.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 15.1%.

The Cell Expansion Market size is estimated to be USD 14.9 billion in 2020 and projected to reach USD 30.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 15.1%.

Growth in this market is primarily driven by the increasing incidence of chronic diseases, government investments for cell-based research, growing focus on personalized medicine, increasing focus on R&D for cell-based therapies, and increasing GMP certifications for cell therapy production facilities.

The media segment accounted for the largest share of the consumables segment in the cell expansion market

Based on product type, consumables are segmented into media, reagents, sera, and disposables. The media segment accounted for the largest share of the consumables segment in the cell expansion market.

The large share of this segment can be attributed to its high requirement during the production of pharmaceutical products and rising R&D investments on cell-based therapies.

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Biotechnology & biopharmaceutical companies accounted for the fastest-growing end user segment of the cell expansion market

Based on end-users, the cell expansion industry market has been segmented into research institutes, biotechnology & biopharmaceutical companies, cell banks, and other end users (includes hospitals, diagnostic centers, and laboratories). In 2019, biotechnology & biopharmaceutical companies were the largest end-users in the cell expansion market, and the trend is the same throughout the forecast period.

North America accounted for the largest share of the cell expansion market

North America accounted for the largest share of the cell expansion industry market.

The large share of this segment can primarily be attributed to the rising incidence of cancer, increasing government funding, rising research activates on stem cell therapies, growing awareness regarding advanced treatment methods, increasing geriatric population, and the strong presence of industry players in the region.

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Leading Companies

Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US), Danaher (US), Becton, Dickinson and Company (US), Lonza (Switzerland), Corning, Inc. (US), Merck KGaA (Germany), Sartorius Stedim Biotech (France), Getinge AB (Sweden) Terumo Corporation (Japan), and Miltenyi Biotec (Germany)

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Cell Expansion Market: Ethical concerns regarding research in cell biology investigated in the latest research - WhaTech

Protein identified that may help treat Parkinsons disease – Medical News Today

Scientists have identified a protein that can slow or stop some signs of Parkinsons disease in mice.

The team found that the bone morphogenetic proteins 5 and 7 (BMP5/7) can have these effects in a mouse model of the disease.

This research, which appears in the journal Brain, may be the first step toward developing a new treatment for Parkinsons disease.

This type of brain disorder typically affects people over the age of 60, and the symptoms worsen with time.

Common symptoms include stiffness, difficulty walking, tremors, and trouble with balance and coordination.

The disease can also affect the ability to speak and lead to mood changes, tiredness, and memory loss.

Parkinsons Foundation report that about 1 million people in the United States had the disease in 2020, with about 10 million affected globally.

Despite this prevalence, scientists are still unsure why Parkinsons disease affects some people and not others, and there is currently no cure.

The National Institute on Aging note that some cases of Parkinsons disease seem to be hereditary. In other words, the disease can emerge in different generations of a family but for many people with the disease, there appears to be no family history.

Researchers believe that multiple factors may affect a persons risk, including genetics, exposure to environmental toxins, and age.

Since there is currently no cure for Parkinsons disease, treatments typically focus on alleviating its symptoms.

Existing treatments can help alleviate of Parkinsons disease, such as stiffness. However, they may work less well, or not work, for others, such as tremors or a loss of coordination.

Though researchers are still unsure why some develop the disease and others do not, they understand what occurs in the brain of a person with Parkinsons.

The disease causes the neurons in the part of the brain that controls movement to stop working or die. The brain region, therefore, produces less of the chemical dopamine, which helps a person maintain smooth, purposeful movement, as the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke observe.

Also, Lewy bodies occur in the brains of some people with Parkinsons disease. These bodies are clumps primarily made up of misfolded forms of the protein alpha-synuclein.

In their recent study paper, the scientists refer to research suggesting that neurotrophic factors molecules that help neurons survive and thrive could, in theory, restore the function of neurons that produce dopamine. However, the clinical benefit of these factors had yet to be proven.

The team focused on bone morphogenetic proteins 5 and 7 (BMP5/7). They had previously shown that BMP5/7 has an important role in dopamine-producing neurons in mice.

In the latest study, the scientists wanted to see whether BMP5/7 could protect the neurons of mice against the damaging effects of misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins.

To do this, they injected one group of mice with a viral vector that caused misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins to form in their brains. They used other mice as a control group. The scientists then injected the mice with the BMP5/7 protein.

The researchers found that the BMP5/7 protein had a significant protective effect against the misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins.

According to senior study author Dr. Claude Brodski, of the Israel-based Ben-Gurion University of the Negevs Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, We found that BMP5/7 treatment can, in a Parkinsons disease mouse model, efficiently prevent movement impairments caused by the accumulation of alpha-synuclein and reverse the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. He continues:

These findings are very promising, since they suggest that BMP5/7 could slow or stop Parkinsons disease progression. Currently, we are focusing all our efforts on bringing our discovery closer to clinical application.

The universitys technology transfer company, BGN Technologies, is currently looking to bring the development to the market.

Dr. Galit Mazooz-Perlmuter, the companys senior vice president of bio-pharma business development, notes that There is a vast need for new therapies to treat Parkinsons disease, especially in advanced stages of the disease.

Dr. Brodskis findings, although still in their early stages, offer a disease-modified drug target that will address this devastating condition. We are now seeking an industry partner for further development of this patent-pending invention.

View original post here:
Protein identified that may help treat Parkinsons disease - Medical News Today

Unboxing: the Best Beauty Items We Tried in January – Prestige Online

Were starting the new year fresh with new skincare routines that help beat the harsh and dry winter, and beauty products to keep our glow on.Drunk ElephantThe Drunk Elephant Trunk 3.0 isnt exactly a new product. It came out in 2019, but the fully functional mini-fridge, which can chill (even warm!) your essential skincare products is still a favourite in our office. The trunk set comes with 10 best-selling, full-sized Drunk Elephant products, including the Sweet Biome Fermented Sake Spray.La MerLa Mers eye treatment combo is a lifesaver during the harsh winter days. The Eye Concentrate is a more advanced treatment that can help reduce dark circles and fine wrinkles even before visible damage begins. A pro tip: you could keep the eye treatment applicators in the fridge for a couple of minutes before you use them to massage the eye area for a quick microcirculation boost.DiorThe Dior Capture Totale Super Potent Rich Creme targets skin dryness with its heavily-researched science in mother cells and floral expertise. The rich creme combines bio-cellular technology with French peony oil extract.BenefitOur eyes and eyebrows are what most people tend to see these days, so its extremely pertinent that we keep our brows beautifully shaped and well-groomed. Benefits Brow Microfilling Pen mimics natural brow hair, comes in four versatile shades and is all-around the most essential beauty product you need these days.NarsNars is celebrating Chinese New Year with a new limited-edition collection that is beautifully packaged in a rich red floral design. To bring in good fortune for the Year of the Ox, the eyeshadow palette comes in soft neutral hues with a slight shimmer. There are two new shades of lipstick: Wen Wo (a brownish neutral shade) and China Rose (with a more rosy tint).TatchaTatchas Dewy Sin Creme is formulated with Hadasei-3, the brands proprietary complex of double-fermented Uji green tea, Akita rice and Mozuku algae. The result is super rich, smoothing cream that allows your make-up to glide on without a glitch.Laura MercierAlso perfect for Chinese New Year is Laura Merciers limited-edition beauty set, wrapped up in glorious shades of red and gold. The set comes with the Flawless Lumire Radiance-Perfecting Cushion, the Rouge Essentiel Silky Crme Lipstick, and the Translucent Loose Setting Powder that comes with a puff.YSL BeautyGlass skin was a term that came from K beauty to mean skin that appears poreless, luminous, clear as glass. YSL Beautys Soft Polish Double Essence is extremely gentle but comes with an effective peeling effect. Used alongside the Night Reboot serum and the Perfect Plumper Cream, glass skin is at your fingertips.AesopCold winter weather is not always the culprit sometimes, its the unpredictability of it, colder days and milder days, that disrupt our skin. Aesops latest winter skincare essentials are here to help. The selected products are gentle and nourishing on the skin, while keeping a balance, and comes in a range to suit different skin types.OribeOur focus is so often on skincare and make-up, but we shouldnt forget to care for our hair too. Available at Joyce Beauty, Oribes Signature Shampoo and Conditional set is a rich daily cleanser that is formulated to silken, detangle and protect.Este LauderThe Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond Transformative Eye Serum is part of Este Lauders premium line, and comes infused with Black Diamond Truffle Extract that lifts tired eyes instantly.Augustinus BaderFounded by Professor Augustinus Bader, globally recognized as one of the leaders in stem cell biology, theres no doubting the potency of the brands products. Its creams and oils are backed by 30 years of proprietary research, which resulted in its TFC8 complex, said to kickstart the skins natural abilities to rejuvenate itself. Available at Joyce Beauty.

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Unboxing: the Best Beauty Items We Tried in January - Prestige Online

$25 Million Anonymous Gift Made to Brown for Brain Science Initiatives – GoLocalProv

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

GoLocalProv News Team

The university says the donation is intended to allow Brown to attract and retain world-class teachers and scholars, and it will endow an innovation awards program at the Universitys Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science to provide seed funding for new high-impact research in computation and other areas of brain science.

This transformational gift recognizes the momentum that continues to build at Brown University, where our talented faculty are leading scientific discovery including in the rapidly emerging specialty of computational brain science, said Diane Lipscombe, director of the Carney Institute and a professor of neuroscience. This gift will allow us to sustain a culture of innovation, which has led to an impressive number of discoveries and returned countless new grants to Brown that forge new areas of research.

With more than 180 affiliated faculty members in 20 units and eight affiliated graduate programs, theCarney Instituteis pursuing research that has real-life, human applications, Lipscombe said. Core areas of research include work on innovative advances in computational brain science to investigate cognition, behavior and mood disorders; novel technologies to interface with the brain to understand brain circuits and restore lost functions; and research into the mechanisms of cell death to identify therapies for neurodegeneration, such as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases.

This new $25 million gift is part of the Universitys $3-billionBrownTogethercampaign, which has raised $2.74 billion to date. It also builds upon significant philanthropic investment in Browns cutting-edge work in brain science of the total contributed by donors to date, more than $187 million has been raised to support research and education in brain science, including a$100 million giftthat named the institutein 2018. The gifts support a core research priority in BrownsBuilding on Distinctionstrategic plan: understanding the human brain.

In 2014, the Carney Institute launched aninnovation awards program to support early-stage research projects that are too new to attract external funding but have great potential to advance science and benefit society. The new gift will endow a similar innovation awards program, ensuring that the Carney Institute will be able to sustainably invest in innovation for years to come.

Ashley Webb, an assistant professor of molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry at Brown, received an innovation award in 2019 to establish a new system to study how neurons age. She is developing a cell reprogramming platform, called direct reprogramming, to study aging in the hypothalamus brain region. The hypothalamus controls critical processes, such as sleep, temperature regulation, eating and metabolism, which can become dysregulated with aging. With direct reprogramming, Webb is able to convert a skin cell, for example, into a brain cell that maintains the hallmarks of aging.

Aging is the greatest risk factor for a number of diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Webb said. If we understand whats going wrong during aging, this will give us important insight into the mechanisms of disease. But right now, we dont have very good systems for studying these diseases in the context of aging. This is the problem we are working to solve.

Promoting computational brain science at Brown

According to Brown, the anonymous gift will allow Caarney to continue to lead in the emerging field of computational neuroscience. Last summer, Brownestablishedthe Center for Computational Brain Science at the institute to harness the Universitys expertise in computation, cognition and systems neuroscience. A portion of the new gift will support research in the center.

Computational neuroscience is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to understand the functions of the brain at all levels from cells to cognition using principles from physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, biology, cognitive science and psychology. The center creates collaborations between basic brain science researchers and engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists, and brings computational neuroscience innovations to clinical applications and commercialization.

According to Michael Frank director of the Center for Computational Brain Science andthe recent recipientof the National Academy of Sciences Troland Award for early-career researchers the gift is a statement of support, confidence and appreciation for the contributions of computational neuroscientists at Brown. The $25 million gift will fuel the growing momentum to establish the newly minted computational brain science center as a world leader, he said.

It will expand the scope with which brain scientists can leverage powerful computational methods to understand neural mechanisms of complex behavior; to learn from, and reciprocally inspire, development in artificial intelligence; and to facilitate translation to improve brain health, Frank said.

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$25 Million Anonymous Gift Made to Brown for Brain Science Initiatives - GoLocalProv

Medicine by Design researchers focus on promoting self-repair of the brain – News@UofT

If you asked Freda Miller 10 years ago if stem cells could be harnessed to repair brain injuries and disease, she would have said it was too early to tell.

Today, she describes the progress that she and other regenerative medicine experts have madein understanding what regulates populations of stem cells cells with the potential to turn into many different cell typesand the rapid advances those discoveries have driven.

The approaches were using allow us to find so much information on things we could only dream of before.

Miller, who is also a professor at the University of British Columbia, is leading a Medicine by Design-funded team with expertise in computational biology, neurobiology, bioengineering and stem cell biology that is investigating multiple strategies to recruit stem cells to promote self-repair in the brain and in muscle. If it succeeds, the research could improve treatments for diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral palsy, as well as brain injury.

Millers team is one of 11 at U of T and its partner hospitals that are sharing nearly $21 million in funding from Medicine by Design over three years. Funded by a $114-million grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, Medicine by Design is a strategic research initiative that is working at the convergence of engineering, medicine and science to catalyze transformative discoveries in regenerative medicine and accelerate them toward clinical impact.

This is the second round of large-scale, collaborative team projects that Medicine by Design has funded. The support builds on the progressmade in the first round of projects (2016-2019) and is spurring further innovation to push regenerative medicine forward. It alsoled to a 2017 publicationby many of the same researchers on Millers current project in Cell Reports that essentially provided a roadmap for how brain stem cells build the brain developmentally, and then persist to function in the adult brain.

Miller, a neuroscientist, has always been fascinated by the brain and neurons, the network of billions of nerve cells in the brain. Around 15 years ago, when she started to take an interest in the potential regenerative capabilities of stem cells, she began to wonder if she could use stem cells to treat brain injury or disease. Though too little was known about stem cells at the time, she knew that it was a question worth investigating. But she also realized that making and integrating new nerve cells, which are the working parts of brain circuits, would be a daunting task.

Even if you can convince the stem cells to make more neurons, those neurons then have to survive and they have to integrate into this really complex circuitry, says Miller. It just made sense to me that if were really going to test this idea of self-repair in the brain, we should go after something thats more achievable biologically.

So, Miller turned her attention to a substance called myelin, which covers nerves and allows nerve impulses to travel easily. In many nervous system diseases MS is a well-known example and brain injuries, damage to and loss of myelin is a main factor in debilitating symptoms. Thanks in part to the team project award from Medicine by Design, Miller leads a team that has a focus on recruiting stem cells to promote the generation of myelin.

Miller says repairing myelin, also called remyelination, will eventually help to better understand the effects of the target disease or injury, possibly even leading scientists to discover how to reverse it. Boosting myelin is a promising area of research, she adds, because its not an all-or-nothing situation.

Even a little bit of remyelination could have a big impact. You dont have to win the whole lottery; you dont have to have 100 per cent remyelination to have a measurable outcome.

The teams work is not limited to generating myelin to treat nervous system diseases or brain injury. They are also looking at how they could recruit stem cells to generate more muscle. They are specifically looking at muscular dystrophy, but Miller says the applications from that work can be used in other diseases or situations where damage to muscles has occurred, such as age-related disorders.

Millers team includes experts from diverse fields: Gary Bader, a professor at the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research and a computational biologist; bioengineers Alison McGuigan, a professor in the department of chemical engineering and applied chemistry in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, and Penney Gilbert, an associate professor at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering; Sid Goyal, a professor at the department of physics in the Faculty of Arts & Science; ProfessorDavid Kaplan and Assistant ProfessorYun Li, both in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and a senior scientist and a scientist, respectively, at SickKids; stem cell biologist Cindi Morshead, a professor and chair of the division of anatomy in the department of surgery in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine; and Peter Zandstra, a University Professor in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and director of Michael Smith Laboratories at the University of British Columbia.

Miller says Medicine by Designs contribution in bringing teams like hers together is immeasurable.

There are tangible results you can measure like publications and other grants and clinical trials, Miller says. But there are a lot of intangible things Medicine by Design brings to the table like developing a culture of people from very diverse places and allowing them to do science together at a time when the biggest breakthroughs are going to be made by combining technological and biological approaches. Its hard to do that if youre on your own.

This large, interdisciplinary team effort combines data and computer modelling to look at individual stem cells in the brain and predict their behaviours. Through experimentation, they can then test if the cells behave the way they predicted, which Miller says they have had great success with. From there, the team casts a wide net, testing various ways to try to control cells behaviour with the end goal of convincing the stem cells to turn into cells that aid in healing and repair.

One approach they use is testing already approved pharmaceuticals to see if they have the desired effect on the stem cells behaviour. This approach has had success. In summer 2020, Morshead, Miller and their collaborators, led by Donald Mabbott, a SickKids senior scientist and professor in the department of psychology in the Faculty of Arts & Science, published a paper in Nature Medicine that showed that metformin, a common diabetes drug, has the potential to reverse brain injury in children who had had cranial radiation as a curative therapy for brain tumours.

Miller says that, to her knowledge, this is the first paper that demonstrates that this type of brain repair is possible in humans.

Medicine by Design researchers focus on promoting self-repair of the brain - News@UofT