Category Archives: Cell Biology

BU researcher wins $3.9 million NIH grant to develop novel therapeutic modalities for Alzheimer’s – News-Medical.Net

Julia TCW, PhD, assistant professor of pharmacology & experimental therapeutics at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, has received a five-year, $3.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute on Aging. The award will fund her research project, "Elucidating endolysosomal trafficking dysregulation induced by APOE4 in human astrocytes."

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia, affecting more than 5.8 million individuals in the U.S. Scientists have discovered some genetic variants that increase the risk for developing Alzheimer's; the most well-known of these, for people over the age of 65, is APOE4.

"APOE4 is the major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, however we do not fully understand how APOE4-driven endolysosomal trafficking defects influence disease risk in human AD brain cells. The goal of this project is to understand the molecular mechanisms of APOE4 and identify targets that can reverse the phenotype," says TCW, who also is a director of the Laboratory of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapeutics.

One of the important questions is whether these endolysosomal pathway genes reveal novel mechanistic defects that can be targeted for therapeutics.

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) model application, and the knowledge gained from this proposal, will be essential to the development of novel AD therapeutic modalities."

Julia TCW, PhD, assistant professor of pharmacology & experimental therapeutics at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

TCW received her PhD and AM in molecular and cellular biology from Harvard University. She then pursued her postdoctoral research in the department of neuroscience at the Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. Subsequently she served there as research faculty in the department of genetics and genomic sciences and neuroscience where her research focus was on the development of iPSC models and AD genetics.

In addition to this grant, TCW has been awarded the Druckenmiller Fellowship award from New York Stem Cell Foundation, a K award from the National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Aging, a BrightFocus Foundation grant, and was named a 2022 Toffler Scholar by the Karen Toffler Charitable Trust.

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BU researcher wins $3.9 million NIH grant to develop novel therapeutic modalities for Alzheimer's - News-Medical.Net

Providing critical insights for animal development – HKU biologists … – EurekAlert

A research team led by Dr Chaogu ZHENG from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has made a significant discovery about the evolutionary age of different type of cells in a small animal calledCaenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). By using single-cell transcriptomic data and refined phylostratigraphy, the team determines the transcriptomic age of individual cells, which means they are able to estimate the evolutionary origin of different cells based on the age of the genes expressed in the cells.

Their findings shed light on the cellular basis of the hourglass pattern of animal development, revealing significant variation in the transcriptome age of different cell types. These results also provide insights into the varying contribution of different cells and tissues to adaptation, and the evolutionary relationship among cell types. These findings offer new perspectives on the genetic mechanisms that drive the evolution of species and have been published in the leading multidisciplinary journalPNAS.

Insights from Molecular Studies on Hourglass ModelThe embryos of all animals share similar morphology at the middle stage of embryonic development while having larger morphological divergence at earlier and later stages. This pattern is often referred to as the hourglass pattern of development, meaning that all animal development experiences an evolutionarily conserved phase during mid-embryogenesis.

Recent molecular studies have shown that embryos at the middle stage of embryogenesis express the oldest transcriptome, which means that the oldest and most conserved genes are used at this stage during gene expression. In contrast, younger genes are expressed in the earlier and later stages of embryonic development. This was discovered by analysing gene expression of the embryos in different developmental stages using a technique called phylostratigraphy, a method used to determine gene ages by comparing their sequences across different species.

However, these studies are limited in that they could only determine the transcriptome age of the entire organism throughout development but not in individual cells or tissue. This limitation is significant because obtaining information about the age of genes expressed in specific cells and tissue is crucial for gaining a more detailed understanding of the evolution of developmental patterns among species, as well as the genetic mechanismsdriving it. Additionally, it can shed light on how individual tissue and cells contribute to the hourglass pattern, which is a crucial aspect of understanding how different organs and tissues contribute to the evolution and adaptation of the overall developmental process in animals.

From Whole-Organism to Single-Cell AnalysisTo fill this knowledge gap, the research team studies the transcriptome age of the nematodeC. elegansat the single cell level using RNA sequencing. They look at RNA expression from both whole embryos (or organism) and individual cells to gain a comprehensive understanding of how different genes are used during embryonic and larval development.

The team first identifies a period of the oldest transcriptome duringC. elegansmid-embryogenesis, which starts after gastrulation, a process that forms different germ layers in the embryo and continues into the early development of an organ. More importantly, the research team finds that in early embryos, certain cells used older genes than other cells. For example, cells that would later become the germline (which is responsible for passing on genetic information to offspring) use older genes than somatic tissues in the body. Similarly, cells that would later become the endoderm (which gives rise to the digestive tract) use older genes compared to other cell types during early development. Among differentiated cells, muscles appear to have the oldest transcriptome than other cell types.

It is also observed that the variation in transcriptome ages among the cell and tissue types remain small in early embryonic stages and grow bigger at late embryonic and larval stages as cells differentiate. Tracking the dynamics of transcriptome age along lineages identifies certain tissues, such as the skin, that contribute to the rise of the transcriptome age in late embryos.

Further analysis of the variation in transcriptome ages among the 128 different types of neurons inC. elegansnervous system reveals that a specific group of chemosensory neurons and their downstream interneurons express very young transcriptomes, which may have contributed to adaptation in recent evolution, as many newly evolved young genes are associated with sensing environmental factors. Finally, by analysing the variation in transcriptome age among the different neuron types, as well as the age of the genes that regulate their development (fate regulators), the research team is able to hypothesize about the evolutionary history of some of these 128 neuron types.

UsingC. elegansas an example, we showcase how the transcriptome age at the single-cell level can provide insight into the cellular basis of developmental innovation and help understand the functional diversity and evolutionary origin of cell types, said Dr Fuqiang MA, a Postdoctoral Fellow of HKU School of Biological Sciences and the first author of the paper.

Dr Zheng, the supervisor of the research project, highlighted that this study serves as an example of using the cutting-edge single-cell transcriptomics to study old problems in evolutionary biology. Dr Zheng envisions that the possibility of determining the evolutionary age of individual cell types at the transcriptome level can open up new research directions and advance our understanding of the genetic mechanisms that drive the evolution of species.

About the research paper:Ma F, Zheng C. Transcriptome age of individual cell types in Caenorhabditis elegans.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2023 Feb 28;120(9):e2216351120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2216351120.

The journal paper can be accessed from

This work is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation of China, the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, and The University of Hong Kong.

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Transcriptome age of individual cell types in Caenorhabditis elegans


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Providing critical insights for animal development - HKU biologists ... - EurekAlert

Students Express Frustrations About the Middle Class Scholarship – The Triton

On the UC San Diego subreddit, multiple UCSD students have made posts asking if others had delays receiving their Middle Class Scholarship (MSC), with commenters saying that they were also either experiencing delays, the amount they received was lowered, or their scholarships were applied in a way that they did not expect.

The Middle Class Scholarship is for University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) students who are California residents and have a family income of $201,000 or less.

The delay with the Middle Class Scholarship is not specific to UCSD all CSU campuses have also experienced delays in awarding the MCS for the 2022-23 school year.

Iris Chen, a second-year Clinical Psychology major, shared some of her experience with the scholarship. Chen received an email from the UCSD Financial Aid and Scholarships Office in October 2022 that said the scholarship would be sent out by late November 2022.

I did not receive my amounts for Fall and Winter until mid-January after Winter [tuition] fees were due, Chen said.

In addition to the delay, Chen had to have a Zoom meeting with a UCSD financial aid advisor and then wait a week for the scholarship amount to be added to her financial aid because it was not done automatically. The amount she received was also $2,000 less than what was expected because of institutional aid. Institutional aid is money that comes from the university, and is usually given in the form of grants or scholarships.

Despite the inconvenience of these issues, Chen stated, I am grateful that the MCS exists because the extra $3,000 helps me cover textbooks, online homework access codes, and gas.

Arlene Nagtalon, a second-year Molecular and Cell Biology major, is another student who qualified for the scholarship. She stated that she had very mixed feelings about it this year and that the waiting period was nerve-wracking.

As a way to try to relieve her concerns, Nagtalon continued to apply to other scholarships. After looking through Reddit and seeing that other people were also experiencing the same issues as she was, Nagtalon thought it was reassuring to know she was not the only one who had to wait.

The amount of scholarship money Nagtalon received this year in January was lower than the amount she received last year, which she did not expect.

Its really frustrating to know that the amount I was offered last year was decreased now considering that, you know, my family is still considered middle class and we havent done anything to either increase or decrease [the amount]; our family income has stayed pretty much the same, Nagtalon stated.

Nagtalon continued to convey the concerns she had, not only for herself, but for other students who would hope to benefit from this scholarship.

Im lucky to still be living at home, and this is my second year commuting as well, but I do know friends who rely on these types of scholarships for rent, and you know, groceries and other things basic needs essentially, Nagtalon said.

For Nagtalon, receiving an email or other form of communication to let her know that the scholarship amount she was receiving this year would be less compared to last year would have been preferred to the unpleasant surprise of the decrease. She still does not know the reason for the change in the amount she was given.

Silvia Marquez, Executive Director of the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, explained that the amount of scholarship funds that were awarded had changed for some students due to adjustments made to the MCS program.

The MCS program was expanded beginning in the 2022-23 academic year as part of the state budget agreement, which included a $515 million ongoing augmentation to increase the number of eligible students in California, Marquez said. Overall, students saw an increase in the amount of gift aid awarded.

As a result of this expansion, the formula that determines the award amount a student receives was updated to take into account a students total cost of attendance instead of just tuition costs.

Marquez said that as a result of this new formula, At UC San Diego, the number of eligible students grew by approximately 800%, from just over 1,200 eligible students in 2021-22 to over 11,000 in 2022-23.

According to Marquez, MCS funds are still being awarded weekly, and the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is in communication with colleagues across the UC system to give feedback on the updated MCS program.

Alorah Atondo is a Copy editor and News writer for The Triton.


Students Express Frustrations About the Middle Class Scholarship - The Triton

Mendus redeems the outstanding convertible bonds from Negma … – GlobeNewswire

Mendus AB (Mendus publ; IMMU.ST), a biopharmaceutical company focused on immunotherapies addressing tumor recurrence, today announced that the Company has agreed with Negma Group Ltd (Negma) to redeem the remainder of the first tranche of convertible bonds issued to Negma on 3 January 2023 for an amount of SEK 3.9M, corresponding to the nominal amount for the outstanding convertible bonds, plus paying an 8% premium in accordance with the provisions in the agreement with Negma.

The decision by Mendus to redeem the convertible bonds was triggered by the Mendus share price reaching the floor conversion price set for the first tranche of convertible bonds. Conversions below the floor conversion price result in higher conversion costs for Mendus.

The Negma financing is part of a total SEK 250M financing commitment by Van Herk Investments and Negma, which Mendus announced in August 2022. The use of the Negma facility is at the discretion of the Company. Following this redemption, there will be no remaining outstanding convertible bonds.

For further information regarding the financing arrangements in place with Negma and VHI, please refer to the press releases published on 26 August 2022, 26 October 2022, 5 January 2023 and 7 March 2023.

Please refer to the section Convertible Bonds of the Investors page at Mendus website for a summary of previously issued shares upon conversion in regard to the financing arrangement with Negma.

This information is such information that Mendus AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (No. 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact persons set out below on April 6, 2023, at 17:15 CEST.


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Mendus is dedicated to changing the course of cancer treatment by addressing tumor recurrence and improving survival outcomes for cancer patients, while preserving quality of life. We are leveraging our unparalleled expertise in allogeneic dendritic cell biology to develop an advanced clinical pipeline of novel, off-the-shelf, cell-based immunotherapies which combine clinical efficacy with a benign safety profile. Based in Sweden and The Netherlands, Mendus is publicly traded on the Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker IMMU.ST.

Mendus redeems the outstanding convertible bonds from Negma ... - GlobeNewswire

Sustainability in research: If you want to green your lab, start with the … – McGill Reporter

Members of the Reinhardt lab use ultra-low temperature freezers to store reagents and other biological samples. Siddhi Aubeeluck

If you spend time in the Reinhardt Laboratory, you will likely see members of the lab reach into the ultra-low freezers to access biomedical samples needed for their work. What you wouldnt notice is that the freezer is several degrees warmer than it was in the past. In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of their research as well as the strain on their equipment, Dieter Reinhardts team raised the temperature of their freezers from the standard -80 degrees Celsius.

While ultra-low temperature freezers are crucial to preserving tissues, enzymes, antibodies, and other biological research samples, often the temperature is chosen based on convention rather than necessity.

Despite these machines being dubbed -80 freezers, there is no scientific reason behind that number when it comes to maintaining the quality and safety of samples. Whats more, increasing a freezers temperature from -80 C to -70 C or even -65 C can cut energy use by up to 30 per cent. With hundreds of ultra-low temperature freezers at McGill, this would be no small change in terms of the Universitys total energy consumption and the associated financial savings.

Compressors have to work very hard to maintain these ultra-low temperatures, said Reinhardt, PhD, and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 Laureate in Cell-Matrix Biology. This requires a lot of electricity, but its also hard on the compressors and will shorten the lifespan of your equipment, which is expensive to repair and replace. Increasing the temperature by just a few degrees can add years to this equipment and decrease how often you have to defrost it.

The answer isnt quite as simple as one-temperature-fits-all. Experience has taught me that for my reagents, theres not too much difference between -80 C and -65 C, which is what were using now, Reinhardt said. But if youre storing lots of messenger RNA, for example, your freezer might need to be colder because these reagents are the most sensitive to degradation.

For researchers working with samples that are difficult to acquire or take years to cultivate, the hesitation to change the temperature of their cold storage is understandable. This is why lab users around the world are working together to address this uncertainty by sharing their findings on how well specific reagents keep when stored in less cold but still very, very cold temperatures. Campaigns such as the Just Call Me Ultra-Low initiative, led by longtime independent sustainable research consultant Allen Doyle, are also encouraging scientists not to associate a specific temperature with their freezers.

This movement isnt novel on McGill campuses either. In 2011, researchers in the Faculty of Medicine received support from the Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) for a Green Biobanking project, which helped labs implement a safe and effective technique for storing DNA samples at room temperature as an alternative to long-term freezer storage.

The reality is probably 80 to 90 per cent of the typical items stored in an ultra-low freezer are not being actively used and may never be, Reinhardt said. Since it takes so long to generate sophisticated reagents, you dont just get rid of the unused materials. You store them because they could very well be used in future experiments. As well as minimizing the energy used to keep research leftovers, its very important to have an accurate inventory of what is in the freezer and periodically review it, he added, to avoid losing track of samples due to high user turnover in the lab.

These sustainable lab practices and others are all steps that lab users can take as part of the International Freezer Challenge. This year, McGill is even offering its own prizes for labs that participate in the free competition, which has helped save more than 24 million kWh of energy worldwide since its creation six years ago.

Sign your lab up for the International Freezer Challenge and find McGill-specific resources and tips for how to take action on the Office of Sustainability website.

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Sustainability in research: If you want to green your lab, start with the ... - McGill Reporter

Two-organ chip to answer fatty liver questions – EurekAlert

image:The interaction between the small intestine and the liver of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been reproduced on a small chip view more

Credit: Mindy Takamiya/Kyoto University iCeMS

A new chip that holds different cell types in tiny, interconnected chambers could allow scientists to better understand the physiological and disease interactions between organs. The integrated-gut-liver-on-a-chip (iGLC) platform was designed by scientists at Kyoto Universitys Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), to improve understanding of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The researchers, together with colleagues in Japan, published their findings in the journal Communications Biology.

NAFLD affects a significant percentage of the population, but no effective treatments have been established, explains iCeMS bioengineer Ken-ichiro Kamei, who led the study. This is because NAFLD is a complex condition, involving a wide range of interactions inside and between the gut and the liver, known as the gut-liver-axis. It is very difficult to model these interactions using animals, such as mice, due to the many differences between species.

NAFLD involves the build-up of fat inside the liver, which can become severe. Currently, the only way to treat severe cases is with liver transplantation. Scientists need better approaches to study the condition to be able to discover improved options for treatment.

This isnt the first time scientists have developed organ-on-a-chip platforms, nor is it the first gut-liver platform, but previous devices have been imperfect. The platform developed by Kamei and his colleagues overcomes some but not all the issues with previous attempts.

The scientists tested their iGLC platform by placing cells from a liver cancer cell line and from a gut cancer cell line into separate chambers. The chambers are connected by tiny fluidic channels with strategically positioned valves that can be opened and closed. The platform also includes a pump for pushing fluid between the chambers. They allow a fluid medium to pass through both chambers while keeping the cells separate, mimicking the circulation moving between the gut and liver in the human body. It also allows the scientists to introduce new substances into the platform for example free fatty acids to test their impacts on the two interacting organs.

Importantly, the platform is made of a silicone material, called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), that is coated with two other substances: one that prevents the chip from absorbing fatty molecules that could affect experiments, and another that increases cell growth.

Significant changes in gene expression were seen in gut and liver cells cultured in the iGLC platform when compared to the same cells cultured on their own. The scientists also documented the specific changes that happened in the cells when free fatty acids were introduced for one or seven days. One day of free fatty acids led to the initiation of DNA damage inside the cells. Seven days of circulating free fatty acids led to their accumulation in the cells to the point that the DNA damage led to cell death, similar to severe cases of NAFLD.

The platform does not take into account the impacts of gut microbes or other factors on the gut-liver-axis. The experiments also used cancer cell lines, which dont represent the full diversity or functionality of cells in living human tissue, but the platform is a significant step forward.

We next plan to use liver and gut organoids derived from human stem cells so we can investigate NAFLD under precisely controlled conditions that more closely mimic patients physiological contexts, says iCeMS mechanical engineering researcher, Yoshikazu Hirai, the studys corresponding author.


About Kyoto Universitys Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS):

At iCeMS, our mission is to explore the secrets of life by creating compounds to control cells, and further down the road to create life-inspired materials.


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I. Mindy Takamiya/Christopher Monahan


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Communications Biology

Experimental study

Human tissue samples

Integrated-gut-liver-on-a-chip platform as an in vitro human model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


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Originally posted here:
Two-organ chip to answer fatty liver questions - EurekAlert

Blind dating in bacteria evolution – Newswise

Newswise Proteins are the key players for virtually all molecular processes within the cell. To fulfil their diverse functions, they have to interact with other proteins. Such protein-protein interactions are mediated by highly complementary surfaces, which typically involve many amino acids that are positioned precisely to produce a tight, specific fit between two proteins. However, comparatively little is known about how such interactions are created during evolution.

Classical evolutionary theory suggests that any new biological feature involving many components (like the amino acids that enable an interaction between proteins) evolves in a stepwise manner. According to this concept, each tiny functional improvement is driven by the power of natural selection because there is some benefit associated with the feature. However, whether protein-protein interactions also always follow this trajectory was not entirely known.

Using a highly interdisciplinary approach, an international team led by Max Planck researcher Georg Hochberg from the Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg have now shed new light on this question. Their study provides definitive evidence that highly complementary and biologically relevant protein-protein interactions can evolve entirely by chance.

Proteins cooperate in a photoprotection system

The research team made their discovery in a biochemical system that microbes use to adapt to stressful light conditions. Cyanobacteria use sunlight to produce their own food through photosynthesis. Since much light damages the cell, cyanobacteria have evolved a mechanism known as photoprotection: if light intensities become dangerously high, a light intensity sensor named Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) changes its shape. In this activated form, OCP protects the cell by converting excess light energy into harmless heat. In order to return into its original state, some OCPs depend on a second protein: The Fluorescence Recovery Protein (FRP) binds to activated OCP1 and strongly accelerates its recovery.

Our question was: Is it possible that the surfaces that allow these two proteins to form a complex evolved entirely by accident, rather than through direct natural selection? says Georg Hochberg. The difficulty is that the end result of both processes looks the same, so we usually cannot tell why the amino acids required for some interaction evolved through natural selection for the interaction or by chance. To tell them apart, we would need a time machine to witness the exact moment in history these mutations occurred, Georg Hochberg explains.

Luckily, recent breakthroughs in molecular and computational biology has equipped Georg Hochberg and his team with a laboratory kind of time machine: ancestral sequence reconstruction. In addition, the light protection system of cyanobacteria, which is under study in the group of Thomas Friedrich from Technische Universitt Berlin since many years, is ideal for studying the evolutionary encounter of two protein components. Early cyanobacteria acquired the FRP proteins from a proteobacterium by horizontal gene transfer. The latter had no photosynthetic capacity itself and did not possess the OCP protein.

To work out how the interaction between OCP1 and FRP evolved, graduate student Niklas Steube inferred the sequences of ancient OCPs and FRPs that existed billions of years ago in the past, and then resurrected these in the laboratory. After translation of the amino acid sequences into DNA he produced them usingE. colibacterial cells in order to be able to study their molecular properties.

A fortunate coincidence

The Berlin team then tested whether ancient molecules could form an interaction. This way the scientists could retrace how both protein partners got to know each other. Surprisingly, the FRP from the proteobacteria already matched the ancestral OCP of the cyanobacteria, before gene transfer had even taken place. The mutual compatibility of FRP and OCP has thus evolved completely independently of each other in different species, says Thomas Friedrich. This allowed the team to prove that their ability to interact must have been a happy accident: selection could not plausibly have shaped the two proteins surfaces to enable an interaction if they had never met each other. This finally proved that such interactions can evolve entirely without direct selective pressure.

This may seem like an extraordinary coincidence, Niklas Steube says. Imagine an alien spaceship landed on earth and we found that it contained plug-shaped objects that perfectly fit into human-made sockets. But despite the perceived improbability, such coincidences could be relatively common. But in fact, proteins often encounter a large number of new potential interaction partners when localisation or expression patterns change within the cell, or when new proteins enter the cell through horizontal gene transfer. Georg Hochberg adds, Even if only a small fraction of such encounters ends up being productive, fortuitous compatibility may be the basis of a significant fraction of all interactions we see inside cells today. Thus, as in human partnerships, a good evolutionary match could be the result of a chance meeting of two already compatible partners.

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Blind dating in bacteria evolution - Newswise

White blood cells play unexpected role in clearing out dead liver cells – EurekAlert

A type of white blood cell usually associated with immune responses to foreign particles may have another role in clearing out liver cells that have undergone apoptosis where cells are programmed to die in a controlled manner.

The study, published today as a Reviewed Preprint in eLife, provides what the editors describe as solid evidence that neutrophils destroy liver cells going through apoptosis by burrowing into them a process the authors have called perforocytosis. The findings also suggest that a lack of neutrophils may be a cause of human autoimmune liver disease (AIL), with potential implications for new therapeutic strategies against the disease.

Billions of apoptotic cells are removed daily in adults by a group of immune cells called phagocytes. Neutrophils represent around 5070% of the total white blood cell population in humans and are a type of phagocyte. However, unlike other phagocytes, they were widely assumed to be excluded from apoptotic cells, as they promote inflammation which could damage nearby healthy cells and tissues. The current findings now challenge that assumption.

Although apoptotic cells are well characterised, they are not often found within human samples, possibly because they are removed so efficiently by phagocytes, says co-lead author Luyang Cao, Associate Investigator in the Department of Neurosurgery, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China. This means that the specific phagocytes responsible for the removal of apoptotic cells remain unknown, and we do not know if they are specific to different tissues in the body.

To identify the phagocytes responsible for removing apoptotic cells in the liver, the team obtained cells from the liver tissue of patients with tumours caused by hepatocellular carcinoma or hepatic hemangioma. They used two different staining techniques to confirm which cells in the sample were apoptotic.

In a total of 281 apoptotic liver cells from the livers of 32 patients, the team noticed that each cell was engorged by the presence of up to 22 neutrophils. It has previously been suggested that a type of phagocyte called Kupffer cells were responsible for the clearance of apoptotic liver cells, but when the researchers searched for Kupffer cells in the samples, they found that very few were present. They therefore hypothesised that neutrophils were the primary phagocyte for the removal of dead liver cells through the process they called perforocytosis. This contrasts to the usual process of engulfing apoptotic cells that most other phagocytes use.

To confirm the mechanism by which neutrophils remove apoptotic liver cells, the team sought to visualise the process in mouse livers using intravital microscopy a live imaging technique that allows biological processes to be viewed in real time within living organisms. They labelled liver cells with a protein called Annexin V and neutrophils with an anti-Ly6G antibody. Consistent with their findings in human samples, the team observed that neutrophils burrowed into and cleared dead liver cells in the mice. The process was fast and rigorous, with the dead cells completely digested in four to seven minutes.

Our discovery of neutrophils burrowing into and clearing out apoptotic liver cells helps to solve some of the mysteries surrounding the apoptotic clearance process, says co-corresponding author Hexige Saiyin, Assistant Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, School of Life Sciences,Fudan University, China.

Next, the team sought to investigate whether reducing the neutrophil population in mice impacts the clearance of apoptotic liver cells. In a sample of cells from the livers of neutrophil-depleted mice, the percentage of apoptotic cells was significantly higher than in normal mice 0.92% and 0.2%, respectively suggesting that neutrophil depletion impairs the clearance of apoptotic cells. They also noticed the presence of other phagocytes in the neutrophil-depleted mice, implying a compensatory role of other phagocytes in the absence of neutrophils.

The defective clearance of apoptotic cells is often linked with autoimmune diseases, such as AIL. In the neutrophil-depleted mice, the team noticed an increase in autoantibodies immune cells that mistakenly attack the bodys own healthy cells instead of foreign bodies such as viruses or bacteria. This increase was unaffected by antibiotic treatments and present only in neutrophil-depleted mice, not in mice with other phagocyte depletions. This implies that neutrophil depletion is associated with impaired apoptotic liver cell clearance and, subsequently, the generation of autoantibodies that may lead to AIL disease. The team consolidated this finding by analysing biopsy samples from human patients with AIL disease. Once again they found that, in each patient, the neutrophil-mediated clearance of apoptotic cells was impaired.

The authors say that more research is needed to better understand the process and significance of perforocytosis, as well as whether perforocytosis occurs in other organs besides livers. The next important step is how to apply this newly identified apoptotic clearance mechanism to the clinical treatment of AIL.

Since the failure to clear dead cells is linked to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, further insights into the critical role that neutrophils play in apoptotic clearance may have important implications for the treatment of these diseases. We recently have screened and identified several compounds which markedly enhanced neutrophil perforocytosis and demonstrated great therapeutic values to cure AIL in mouse models. concludes senior author Jingsong Xu, former Principal Investigator at the Department of Neurosurgery, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University (current address: Department of Pharmacology, Center for Lung and Vascular Biology, University of Illinois, Chicago).



The Reviewed Preprint, An unexpected role of neutrophils in clearing apoptotic hepatocytes in vivo, is available to view at Contents, including text, figures and data, are free to reuse under a CC BY 4.0 license.

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An Unexpected Role of Neutrophils in Clearing Apoptotic Hepatocytes In Vivo


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White blood cells play unexpected role in clearing out dead liver cells - EurekAlert

Woolly mammoths evolved smaller ears and woolier coats over the 700,000 years that they roamed the Siberian steppes – Newswise

Newswise A team of researchers compared the genomes of woolly mammoths with modern day elephants to find out what made woolly mammoths unique, both as individuals and as a species. The investigators report April 7 in the journalCurrent Biologythat many of the woolly mammoths trademark featuresincluding their woolly coats and large fat depositswere already genetically encoded in the earliest woolly mammoths, but these and other traits became more defined over the species 700,000+ year existence. They also identified a gene with several mutations that may have been responsible for the woolly mammoths miniscule ears.

We wanted to know what makes a mammoth a woolly mammoth, says paleogeneticist and first author David Dez-del-Molino (@indianadiez) of the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm. Woolly mammoths have some very characteristic morphological features, like their thick fur and small ears, that you obviously expect based on what frozen specimens look like, but there are also many other adaptations like fat metabolism and cold perception that are not so evident because theyre at the molecular level.

To identify genes that were highly evolved in woolly mammoths meaning they had accrued a large number of mutationsthe team compared the genomes of 23 Siberian woolly mammoth with 28 modern-day Asian and African elephant genomes. Twenty-two of these woolly mammoths were relatively modern, having lived within the past 100,000 years, and sixteen of the genomes had not been previously sequenced. The twenty-third woolly mammoth genome belonged to one of the oldest known woolly mammoths, Chukochya, who lived approximately 700,000 years ago.

Having the Chukochya genome allowed us to identify a number of genes that evolved during the lifespan of the woolly mammoth as a species, says senior author Love Daln (@love_dalen), professor of evolutionary genomics at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm. This allows us to study evolution in real time, and we can say these specific mutations are unique to woolly mammoths, and they didn't exist in its ancestors.

Not surprisingly, many genes that were adaptive for woolly mammoths are related to living in cold environments. Some of these genes are shared by unrelated modern-day Arctic mammals. We found some highly evolved genes related to fat metabolism and storage that are also found in other Arctic species like reindeer and polar bears, which means theres probably convergent evolution for these genes in cold-adapted mammals, says Dez-del-Molino.

While previous studies have looked at the genomes of one or two woolly mammoths, this is the first comparison of a large number of mammoth genomes. This large sample size enabled the team to identify genes that were common among all woolly mammoths, and therefore likely adaptive, as opposed to genetic mutations that might only have been present in a single individual.

We found that some of the genes that were previously thought to be special for woolly mammoths are actually variable between mammoths, which means they probably weren't as important, says Dez-del-Molino.

Overall, the 700,000-year-old Chukochya genome shared approximately 91.7% of the mutations that caused protein-coding changes in the more modern woolly mammoths. This means that many of the woolly mammoths defining traitsincluding thick fur, fat metabolism, and cold-perception abilitieswere probably already present when the woolly mammoth first diverged from its ancestor, the steppe mammoth.

However, these traits developed further in Chukochyas descendants. The very earliest woolly mammoths weren't fully evolved, says Daln They possibly had larger ears, and their wool was differentperhaps less insulating and fluffy compared to later woolly mammoths.

More modern woolly mammoths also had several immune mutations in T cell antigens that were not seen in their ancestor. The authors speculate that these mutations may have conferred enhanced cell-mediated immunity in response to emerging viral pathogens.

Working with ancient mammoth DNA comes with a slew of hurdles. Every step of the way, things are a bit more difficult, from fieldwork, to lab work, to bioinformatics, says Dez-del-Molino.

Apart from the field work, where we have to battle both polar bears and mosquitos, another aspect that makes this much more difficult is that you have to work in an ancient DNA laboratory, and that means that you have to dress up in this full-body suit with a hood and face mask and visor and double gloves, so doing the lab work is rather uncomfortable to put it mildly, says Daln. I would like to highlight Marianne Dehasque, the second author of this paper, who did the herculean effort of performing lab work on most of these samples.

All the mammoths whose genomes were included in this study were collected in Siberia, but the researchers hope to branch out and compare North American woolly mammoths in the future. We showed a couple of years ago that there was gene flow between woolly mammoths and the ancestors of Colombian mammoths, so thats something that we will need to account for because North American woolly mammoths might have been carrying non-woolly mammoth genes as well, says Daln.


This research was supported by the Swedish Research Council, FORMAS, the Carl Tryggers Foundation, the SciLifeLab, the Wallenberg Data Driven Life Science Program, the Wallenberg Academy, and the Russian Science Foundation.

Current Biology, Dez-del-Molino et al. Genomics of adaptive evolution in the woolly mammoth

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Woolly mammoths evolved smaller ears and woolier coats over the 700,000 years that they roamed the Siberian steppes - Newswise

Pathogen mapped: Evolution and potential treatments – Science Daily

A parasite which has devastating impacts on agriculture and human health is the first pathogen to have its proteins located and mapped within its cells -- providing clues to their function and helping to identify potential drug targets.

African trypanosomes are parasites transmitted by tsetse flies that cause sleeping sickness in humans (presenting as fever, anaemia and, in serious cases, death) and a similar disease celled nagana in cattle. These parasites have made large areas of Africa unsuitable for livestock production, costing rural farmers up to ~3.7 billion pounds each year in lost revenue.

For the first time ever, scientists have developed a detailed "protein atlas" of a pathogen -- a kind of biological map that locates proteins in cells. They conducted the research on Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei), helping to understand where proteins are within its cells, providing functional insights that may ultimately help treat parasite infections.

The benefits of this ground-breaking research by the Universities of Warwick, Oxford and Oxford Brookes do not stop there. In mapping the proteins within T. brucei, scientists now understand more about its evolutionary cell biology. Like humans, T. brucei are eukaryotes -- meaning their cells have a nucleus. However, T. brucei evolved in a very divergent way to human cells. Exploring protein mapping sheds light on how it evolved to be so different.

Samuel Dean, Assistant Professor of parasitology at the University of Warwick, said: "In this study, we genetically modified trypanosome parasites to make proteins attached to a green fluorescent dye. This helped to show exactly where its proteins are within the cell. Using this information, we are able to understand more about what these proteins might be doing. Up until now 50% of the proteins in T. brucei had unknown functions.

"This has significant impacts on our understanding of pathogen evolution and provides functional clues for thousands of otherwise uncharacterised proteins. This will help further investigations and may help to inform on new treatments for these terrible diseases."

Professor Keith Matthews, expert in parasite biology at the University of Edinburgh, added: "This important resource will be of immense long-term value to researchers focused on these devastating pathogens, but also helps to understand the protein function and evolution of all nucleated cells, including our own."

University of Ghana senior lecturer, Theresa Manful Gwira, who is Head of Research Training at the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, added: "This is a very important work, and a powerful resource that will be useful to many researchers including African scientists that work on the devastating African trypanosomiasis, thus contributing to a better understanding of the parasite biology."

This research was funded by The Wellcome Trust.

See the original post here:
Pathogen mapped: Evolution and potential treatments - Science Daily