Category Archives: Embryology

XX v Whittington: Another nail in the coffin for the Surrogacy Act? – Legal Cheek

BPTC student Callum Reid-Hutchings analyses Lady Hales last ruling

The claimant had several smear tests taken over a four-year span with each being negligently diagnosed by the defendant.

Consequently, by the time the errors were detected, the cervical cancer was too far advanced. Thus, the hospital admitted negligence. If the first smear test taken in 2008 was done correctly then there was a 95% chance of a cure and not developing cancer. A further consequence was that the surgery she needed to take would mean inability to have children. Prior to this surgery, the claimant had eight mature eggs frozen in storage.

The Supreme Court had to address the question whether damages would be payable for the loss of ability to bear her own child.

The area of damages involving surrogacy and other similar issues like wrongful birth are a legal minefield and incredibly complex delving into legal as well as moral issues.

The appeal raised three issues:

1. Can damages to fund surrogacy arrangements using the claimants own eggs be recovered?2. If so, can damages to fund arrangements using donor eggs be recovered?3. Can damages to fund the cost of commercial surrogacy arrangements in a country where this is not unlawful be recovered?

The Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 (SAA 1985) is arguably one of the most controversial laws surrounding medical and family law today. Its clauses speak of a time which opposed surrogacy in the 80s and unaware of the development it would have in modern society. Surrogacy is a phenomenon in todays world: celebrities have commercial surrogacies to avoid the consequences of bearing a child for nine months. The complexity of the Act isnt helped by how it has developed in a relatively piecemeal fashion over time and has been supplemented by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 (HEFA 1990) and the 2008 version (HEFA 2008).

Nonetheless the point is clear: any contract or arrangement entered into for surrogacy is unenforceable. The woman who has the child on behalf of the commissioning parents is the legal mother when that child is born (s27 HEFA 1990). If the commissioning parents want to become the legal parents, they need to gain a court order that the child is to live with them for the future. Applications are made via s54 and s54A of the HEFA 2008 and cannot be made until after the child is born but before six months after it was born. However, this deadline has arguably been given lip service after the decision by the president of the Family Division in A v C [2016] where orders could be made when a child was 12 or 13.

One of the most important features of the Act is that commercial surrogacy arrangements are banned. The court must be satisfied that no money or other benefit other than expenses which have been reasonably incurred have been given to the applicant or the agreement in general, unless authorised by the court (s54(8) and s54A(7)). Indeed, parliaments intention was clear here. They didnt want commercial surrogacy to take place at all but understood some expenses to be incurred for this process. However, the provision leaves the court in a tricky place, especially as Lady Hale points out in paragraph 16: what are they meant to do with a fait accompli

This is further reinforced by the fact that the Law Commission has yet to find a case which has been refused for exceeding reasonable expenses. An average derived from the Surrogacy UK Working Group on Surrogacy Law Reform found that payments are usually between 12,000- 15,000. It would be an unlikely scenario that a judge would take the defiant step to draw the line as to what is reasonable expense given the legal consequences of refusing an order, leaving a child parentless.

The SAA hasnt been reformed and is still governed by a scathing report by Dame Mary Warnock who described the practice of commercial surrogacy in 1984 as an intrinsic wrong and leaves many to become susceptible to exploitation. However, times have moved on since then. Surrogacy is governed in many countries with successful results. Leaving it unregulated allows a greater chance of exploitation than if the government were to take a grip on these matters and provide many with important regulation to end the piecemeal legislation the courts have to interpret. The Act bans third parties from arranging commercial surrogacies and being paid for doing so. However, the HEFA 2008 made slight reforms to this in that reasonable costs could now be recovered.

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The issue which XX v Whittington explores is: what happens if the surrogacy takes place elsewhere, not in the UK, where it is lawful for commercial surrogacy? This case is the sequel to Briody v St Helens and Knowsley Area Health Authority decided in 2001 where Hale LJ (as she was then) sat. The facts were, overall, the same. Hale LJ stated that to give damages for a claimant to have commercial surrogacy was indeed, contrary to public policy. Nonetheless, this case was only 15 years after the SAA 1985. It is for this reason that Hale in the current case notices that times have moved on since Briody. There have been developments in the law through case law and statute but also societys stance has invariably changed and surrogacy is now seen as a genuine way of creating a family. A YouGov survey in 2014 found that more than half (59%) of adults in the UK supported using surrogacy to have children. A significant development.

The first two issues in the appeal were resoundingly dismissed. It was held that the court should ask itself whether it was reasonable to remedy the inability to bear a child through surrogacy depended on probability of success. Unlike in Briody, where there was a 1% chance, the chances for XX were reasonable and she even delayed treatment to harvest eggs. In relation to the second issue, Hale said the law derived in Briody was probably wrong then and certainly now. Briody expressed the view that donor-egg surrogacy arrangements could not be recovered as this is not what the claimant lost. This was rejected. Put simply, this is because there have been changes to what constitutes a family in current times. The baby is as much theirs as if they had carried it themselves (XX v Whittington Hospital NHS Trust [2018], King LJ in the Court of Appeal).

It was a 3:2 majority on the third issue, which is the most controversial point.

It is well-established that the UK courts will not enforce a foreign contract which is contrary to public policy. This is where the analysis differs between the Justices.

Hale drew similarities between UK surrogacy and those conducted in California, with many of the costs claimable in California being able to be claimed in the UK. Further, it is not against the law in this country for commissioning parents to do any of the acts which are prohibited by s2(1) of the SAA 1985. The object of the legislation was not to criminalise the surrogate or commissioning parents. The developments since Briody and the governments support for other methods of assisted reproduction are now socially acceptable and becoming very frequent methods to make families. It was for these reasons, amongst others, that Hale decided that it is no longer a public policy concern to award damages for costs for a foreign commercial surrogacy. This marks a significant shift from Briody and that the SAA 1985 is perhaps on its last legs with reform imminent.

But it is worth noting the dissenting passage on this third issue by Lord Carnwath (with whom Lord Reed agreed). He notes that there must be an objective of consistency between the civil and criminal law systems and just because another jurisdiction reflects different policy choices, this should not infiltrate the UKs decision. This principle would be offended if the UK courts were to allow damages to be recovered under civil law but not criminal law. Despite societal reforms and shifting attitudes towards surrogacy, the laws of commercial surrogacy have not changed. Therefore, to allow damages, as has been done in this case, offends this principle.

Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on whether damages should be awarded, the case highlights the importance for the Act to be reformed. The current law does not represent the current stance of society. Further, not only would society benefit, but so will the courts, who have to continuously balance commercial surrogacy laws with the welfare of the child. The latter will almost always prevail.

Callum Reid-Hutchings is a first-class law graduate from Swansea University. He is currently studying the Bar Professional Training Course at City, University of London, and will then commence an LLM at the University of Cambridge.

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XX v Whittington: Another nail in the coffin for the Surrogacy Act? - Legal Cheek

Fertility treatments in the age of COVID-19 – The Miami Times

Infertility is deeply personal and affects 15% of the population. Many who struggle to conceive may never access care because of cost, inertia, or embarrassment associated with having difficulty conceiving. Those with infertility endure many anxieties, uncertainties, feelings of helplessness, and fears about the future -- and now, there's theCOVID-19 pandemicon top of it all.

Amid rapidly evolving public health guidelines, COVID-19 places healthcare providers in a similar climate of anxiety, uncertainty, feelings of helplessness, and fears about the future. Some of us physicians are developing a finer appreciation of the fear of the unknown that regularly complicates decision-making for our fertility patients. For those of us who see things as "black-and-white," and who may be overly dependent on guidelines and algorithms, it is likely a particularly difficult time. We all need to start appreciating nuances and gray areas in medicine. In learning to live with uncertainty, we should learn that with every plan, we must be flexible, ready to absorb new information, and ready to change direction with very little notice.

Over the past month, we have had many questions from our patients about COVID-19, pregnancy, and fertility. Here is a summary of common questions, current data, and recommendations from our national societies:

What are the risks of birth defects with COVID-19?

There are inadequate data to suggest any increased risk of birth defects with COVID-19 infection in the mother. This is reassuring, especially compared to the clearly increased risk of birth defects with varicella, rubella, and Zika virus infections in the mother. Further studies are needed.

Is there evidence of vertical transmission (mother-to-fetus transmission) of COVID-19?

There are inadequate data to suggest that COVID-19 can be passed from mother to fetus. Further studies are needed.

What do we know about the impact of COVID-19 virus infection in utero?

There are few reports of COVID-19-positive women who have given birth. One report from China suggests a possible increased risk of preterm delivery or intrauterine growth restriction; however, these limited data only address COVID-19 infection in late pregnancy. More data will emerge as women who were infected during the early stages of pregnancy progress to delivery over the coming months.

It is unclear whether the reported implications and outcomes associated with COVID-19 are the same as those with other types of coronavirus infections (such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) during pregnancy. Further studies are urgently needed.

What are the national recommendations?

On March 17, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)published guidance for fertility specialists, which included five key recommendations: (1) suspend initiation of new treatment cycles; (2) strongly consider cancellation of all embryo transfers; (3) continue to care for patients who require urgent stimulation and cryopreservation (such as in cases of fertility preservation prior to impending cancer treatment); (4) suspend elective surgeries and non-urgent diagnostic procedures; and (5) minimize in-person interactions and increase utilization of telehealth.

In a March 31 update, ASRM reaffirmed this guidance and noted that they plan to reassess and issue updated recommendations every 2 weeks.

ASRM further noted that infertility should *not* be considered elective. Indeed, the World Health Organization and the American Medical Association have recognized infertility as a disease and a global public health issue.

What services are available and considered "urgent" during this pandemic?

This is a loaded question that likely needs to be individualized in different geographic regions. Regarding "urgent" surgeries, the American College of Surgeons states, "The medical need for a given procedure should be established by a surgeon with direct expertise in the relevant surgical specialty to determine what medical risks will be incurred by case delay."

Can patients begin treatment cycles right now?

For those couples desiring to start fertility treatments, unfortunately, there is currently a national stoppage in America (and also in Europe). While infertility is not elective, fertility treatments (except for very specific indications) are considered non-urgent treatment. While this will be re-evaluated every 2 weeks, we are currently in a "wait and see" situation. While everyone wants to reinstate care as soon as possible, we also need to be conscious of the rapidly evolving nature of COVID-19, and the need for our healthcare system to preserve, conserve, and even hopefully build up some reserves of valuable personal protective equipment during this worldwide COVID-19 public health emergency.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted with fertility treatments?

Specifically, can a woman without COVID-19 acquire it using sperm from a man with COVID-19? There are no data on this question, and further studies are needed.

Regarding fertility treatments, do we need to "quarantine" frozen sperm, oocytes, or embryos from COVID-19 patients?

Most fertility laboratories keep cryopreserved sperm, oocytes, or embryos from HIV-positive individuals in separate freezing tanks to "quarantine" them from frozen genetic material from the general population. Should these labs similarly "quarantine" frozen genetic material from COVID-19 patients separately? Further studies are needed.

Are there any risks of complications for fertility treatments in COVID-19 patients?

One potential risk with in vitro fertilization (IVF) is a phenomenon called "severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome," which may result in respiratory and cardiovascular difficulties. Given that COVID-19 infection can similarly result in respiratory and cardiovascular difficulties, it is unknown how women with COVID-19 will handle severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. There are currently no reports of such complications.

Is it safe to try to conceive naturally?

For those couples who wish to try to conceive on their own, we individualize counseling based on patient health status. According to the CDC: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, morbid obesity, and immunocompromise are risk factors for critical illness from COVID-19 infection.

Similar to the 1918 flu pandemic, there are also some concerns that there may be a second wave of COVID-19 cases this fall or winter. Furthermore, we know that a small percentage of pregnant women may have a pregnancy complication (such as preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, or eclamptic seizures) that may require a hospital stay; however, hospitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic may confer an increased risk of COVID-19 infection. Labor and delivery during this time of COVID-19 may be complicated by recommendations for early epidural placement, a higher chance of cesarean section, and emerging policies to separate mom and baby to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 to the newborn.

For healthy patients who are willing to accept these risks if they conceive now and deliver during a possible resurgence of COVID-19 cases this fall or winter, it would be reasonable to try to conceive naturally.

Should the non-COVID-19 patient delay pregnancy during the current pandemic?

For those debating whether to continue contraception (versus whether to immediately start trying for a natural cycle pregnancy) during these uncertain times, it would be reasonable for certain patients to continue contraception.

While there are no recommendations about contraception for the American public, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology advises that "all fertility patients considering or planning treatment, even if they do not meet the diagnostic criteria of COVID-19 infection, should avoid becoming pregnant at this time." This difference may be due to healthcare systems in certain European countries becoming overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases, leaving those healthcare workers with a lack of resources, personal protective equipment, and availability to treat routine patients outside of their pandemic response.

Finally, there remains much uncertainty about COVID-19, in general.

Infection rates: we will not have reliable data on true infection rates until widespread and accurate testing is more readily available.

Prevalence rates: we will not have reliable data on the number of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 until we have an accurate and reliable test for COVID-19 antibodies.

Fatality rates: without knowing how many cases we truly have, any estimate of true case fatality rates is doomed, except for closed systems like theDiamond Princesscruise ship.

We also have important unknowns, regarding the course of the pandemic, local hospital resources, and the effects on small businesses and the economy.

We empathize with our fertility patients who want to be pregnant already; unfortunately, so much remains unknown about COVID-19. The decision to try for conception, or to continue with contraception, is highly personal and needs to be individualized based on personal health, local conditions, and the current state of the pandemic in your local area.

Here are three questions that fertility patients should consider asking themselves:

Is my personal health and lifestyle in a place where I believe I can have a safe pregnancy?

Am I comfortable becoming pregnant and seeking care (including emergency care if complications arise) in an environment that may be wholly focused on combating COVID-19?

Am I confident that I will have the support I need during and after the pregnancy in a society that may still be practicing high levels of social distancing?

Our state and national leaders are right: this is a war, and we need to band together, so that we don't get overwhelmed. Our hope is that our collective global response to this pandemic will increase our sense of community and togetherness. We need to fight fear, panic, social isolation, and coronavirus cabin fever, while also remembering to take care of ourselves and each other. This too shall pass.

Nikki Kagan is a medical student, and Albert Hsu, MD, is a reproductive endocrinologist at the University of Missouri. All opinions expressed here are their own.

See the original post:
Fertility treatments in the age of COVID-19 - The Miami Times

Women to Lose Their Chances of Having a Baby as Clinics Stop Treatments due to the Coronavirus – Tech Times

In recent reports, the British government has now ruled that all NHS and private clinics should stop IVF treatments. They said that they made this decision based on expert advice with regards to the coronavirus pandemic.

(Photo : Screenshot from: Pexels Official Website)

Read Also: WHO Reveals That More Than 70 COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Developed Worldwide, 3 in Human Trials Phase

Thousands of women across the United Kingdom could miss their chance of becoming mothers as IVF treatment centers are forced to close this week due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The NHS and private clinics will now halt treating women that are currently undergoing IVF treatment according to the April 15 ruling of the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA). According to HFEA, as told by The Daily Mail, patients who are currently in the middle of an IVF cycle will most likely have their treatment suspended indefinitely.

All procedures have already been banned and outlawed for safety precautions due to the novel coronavirus.

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Some 68,000 women who chose to have IVF treatments in the United Kingdom every year are either in their late 30s or early 40s. There are now fears that some of these women will likely be too old to undergo IVF by the time lockdown is lifted.

A member of the UK-based reproductive research charity Progress Educational Trust, Dr. Catherine Hill, told the The Guardian that "You can't rewind your biological clock, Time is of the essence when it comes to fertility treatment. For some people, this shutdown means they may never become parents. This was going to be their last chance and they're not able to have it - that is deeply distressing and traumatizing."

According to the NHS, when it comes to the success rates, these have gone from 23% with women between 35 to 37 years old, down to 9% for those women 40 to 42 years old. Private clinics have usually refused to treat those who are 45 years old and above, while clinical commissioning groups of the NHS do not generally allow women a second chance at IVF after they turn 40 years old.

All women are now being urged to not have IVF treatments done during this time, as there are fears that the coronavirus will negatively affect their pregnancy.

Medical chief advisor of the United Kingdom, Professor Chris Whitty, has stated that although mothers-to-be are strongly advised to follow social distancing, there is currently no way of knowing if there is, indeed, any kind of coronavirus-related complication that could be expected in pregnancy.

Whitty has also said that "Infections and pregnancy are not a good combination in general and that is why we have taken the very precautionary measure while we try and find out more."

Read Also: COVID-19 Might Stop 117 Million Children From Getting Their Measles Vaccine, UNICEF warns

2018 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

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Women to Lose Their Chances of Having a Baby as Clinics Stop Treatments due to the Coronavirus - Tech Times

‘Lockdown may mean we never have children’: Heartbreak for thousands as coronavirus halts IVF – inews

NewsHealthSeetal and Neil Savla are devastated to be told that their fourth attempt at IVF has been put on hold

Wednesday, 15th April 2020, 6:10 pm

Thousands of couples may have missed their last chance of having a child via in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as fertility clinics have been forced to shut their doors to patients today due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) which regulates the UK fertility industry, ruled that all current treatments must be completed by 15 April.

All new treatments had already been banned for safety reasons and now patients who are in the middle of an IVF cycle at NHS and private facilities will have their treatment suspended indefinitely.

As women are often in their late 30s or early 40s when they seek treatment, a significant proportion of the 68,000 patients who have IVF every year have little time to delay. Some fear the delay will decrease their chances of conception by the time the restrictions are lifted, which no-one can say will be.

Many women are also worried about the impact on their funding. NHS clinical commissioning groups do not generally allow a second cycle of IVF after they turn 40, and will not offer any treatment at 42. Private clinics often refuse to treat women aged 45 or over.

Each year around 20,000 children in the UK are born through IVF and donor insemination treatment. The restrictions will prevent thousands of desperately wanted babies, the exact amount depending on how long the shutdown is in place.

'Time isn't on our side'

Seetal and Neil Savla were heartbroken to be told that their fourth attempt at IVF has been put on hold.

The couple, aged 38 and 39 respectively, have been trying to conceive for four years. Seetal has a low ovarian reserve, which she's been told is likely age-related. They were due to have their frozen embryos implanted a few weeks ago.

"I was on the fence about children until I accidentally fell pregnant in 2016 and had a miscarriage which made me realise how much I did want a family," said the PR worker from north London. "It's devastating to be told our IVF is on hold. We're acutely aware that time isn't on our side. For us, lockdown may mean we never have children."

Seetal was told about the process being paused three days after she had her eggs collected, which involves taking fertility drugs and then being sedated for the actual procedure.

"We have our embryos frozen but we're all too aware that there are no guarantees as we have had three failed cycles where implantation of our frozen embryos didn't take," she said. "My egg reserves will only decline.When restrictions are lifted we'll have to decide whether to go ahead with a final fresh cycle or choose to give up on having a child that's biologically mine and go with donor eggs.

"IVF is stressful enough I call it the hope and heartbreak cycle without what's going on with coronavirus. The worst part of what's happening now is not knowing when we'll be allowed to try again."

'We cannot give a date'

A statement from HFEA said: "We will do all we can to lift this restriction as soon as possible but we cannot give a date when this will happen given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic."

It said while its aim is for the UK fertility sector to "restart as soon as possible", the decision would need to consider the views of professional societies, the impact that resuming treatment would have on NHS services, and general guidance from Government designed to slow the spread of Covid-19 on safe distancing.

Fertility Network UK said calls to its counselling helpline increased by 50 per cent over the past three weeks due to the distressing and traumatising impact of the developments.

Social media envy

Social media posts about family life during lockdown could be proving painful for many people who are childless not by choice.

Amanda, who didn't want to provide her surname, had been trying to get pregnant for two years. She is about to turn 43 later this year, the cut off point for being offered one IVF cycle on the NHS. She told i: "I will likely miss my chance at having IVF and we can't afford to go private. It's propelled me into a deep depression and state of grief for the family I could have had.

"There's a lot online about parents home schooling their children or even some complain about how irritating it is to be around their kids all day, which can be painful to see.

"And there are also jokes about how there is going to be a baby boom in nine months time and that's difficult to hear when you have fertility problems."

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Follow this link:
'Lockdown may mean we never have children': Heartbreak for thousands as coronavirus halts IVF - inews

Thousands lose last hope of having a baby as lockdown closes IVF clinics – The Guardian

Thousands of couples may have missed their last chance of conceiving via IVF as fertility clinics shut their doors to patients on Wednesday. Some women who are only just young enough to be eligible for treatment will be too old in a few months time.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates Britains fertility industry, has ordered private and NHS clinics to stop treating patients who are in the middle of an IVF cycle by 15 April. All new treatments have already been banned, a decision which is likely to prevent the births of at least 20,000 desperately wanted babies if it remains in place for 12 months.

Some couples say they have had scans and treatments cancelled hours or even minutes before they were due to take place, and many fear their chance of conceiving will have disappeared completely by the time the lockdown ends.

You cant rewind your biological clock, said Dr Catherine Hill, of the reproductive research charity Progress Educational Trust. Time is of the essence when it comes to fertility treatment. For some people, this shutdown means they may never become parents. This was going to be their last chance and theyre not able to have it. That is deeply distressing and traumatising.

The latest figures from the HFEA show that more than 54,000 patients underwent 75,000 fertility treatments in 2017, resulting in 20,500 births. If these numbers are similar for 2020 and we expect them to have increased this pandemic is silently affecting the lives of many more people than is immediately obvious, said Gwenda Burns, chief executive of the charity Fertility Network UK.

She said women in their late 30s and early 40s were feeling particularly anxious, fearing that clinicians may decide they are too old to continue their IVF treatment when the shutdown ends. NHS clinical commissioning groups do not generally allow women a second round of IVF after they hit 40, and stop offering any treatment at 42; private clinics typically refuse to treat women aged 45 or over.

It would be beneficial if the government could give assurances that patients will not be disadvantaged as a result of treatment being paused due to Covid-19, said Burns.

Calls to the charitys counselling helpline have increased by 50% over the past three weeks, with psychologists warning that the coronavirus shutdown is having a devastating impact on the mental health of IVF patients and putting a big strain on the marriages of infertile couples.

For a lot of people, their hope of a family life has just been taken away, said Christina Fraser, a relationship counsellor at Coupleworks. The infertile couples she is counselling are experiencing the same emotions people typically suffer when they are bereaved, she said. For a lot of couples its a secret they havent told people. So theyre grieving on their own. And they cant even go round the corner to their mum for a hug.

Hearing others complain about how irritating it is to be around their children all day or joke about how there is going to be a baby boom in nine months time is often particularly painful for these couples, causing displaced resentment and triggering dreadful rows about insignificant grievances. Theres nowhere for them to put all their anger and grief. And if people sit on those feelings and cant express them, that can really lead to depression, Fraser said.

I broke down. Im aware that every day, at my age, my eggs diminish

The Observer has been contacted by more than a dozen couples who were expecting to start treatment just as the shutdown began. One woman, whose husband can no longer produce sperm after undergoing chemotherapy for testicular cancer, will turn 39 next month and was recently told her egg reserves have begun to decline. She fears that, by the time the shutdown ends, she will be unable to conceive. Essentially, the situation with Covid-19 is my worst nightmare becoming a reality, she said.

Rose (not her real name), 41, and her husband sold their home to pay for private IVF treatment after struggling to conceive for three years. She spent the first three weeks of March injecting herself with hormones every day, before being told, just 45 minutes before she was due to attend a scan, that her entire treatment was cancelled. I broke down. Im aware that every day, at my age, my eggs diminish, she said.

She has been having terrible mood swings ever since and getting into huge arguments over very small things with her husband. Weve even had discussions where weve told each other to go and find someone else, someone younger or more fertile. Although she is seeking counselling for her feelings of despair and depression, he doesnt want to. Its absolutely awful.

Worst of all, she said, is the lack of recognition that infertile couples are suffering as a result of Covid-19. You havent even got anything to show for your grief, if that makes sense. You havent got a grave to sit by. You just have to internalise it or it will drive you insane.

Follow this link:
Thousands lose last hope of having a baby as lockdown closes IVF clinics - The Guardian

Women fear missing out on families in IVF freeze – The Times

Fertility treatment has stopped in Ireland amid the Covid-19 outbreak, and some women fear they will miss out on having a family due to new Europe-wide restrictions.

Irish clinics are following recommendations from the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) issued earlier this month. It said new treatments should not start, and women who have started should freeze embryos for later use. This also applies to cancer patients who may suffer infertility.

Anna Veiga, a spokeswoman for the ESHRE, said: We want to avoid complications that may arise from assisted reproduction and pregnancy. We cannot recommend anyone assumes a risk when the treatment could be considered at a later time.

She said there is no clear evidence of negative impact from Covid-19 on

Read more here:
Women fear missing out on families in IVF freeze - The Times

Spring term courses at the UO canceled due to remote learning – Oregon Daily Emerald

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Oregon has turned to providing classes remotely to its students. But some classes cant be taught online, and a number of students have experienced course cancellations, including courses taught at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology campus and art and design classes.

Students in courses that included field or lab work were canceled due to the hands-on nature of these classes.

Marine biology majors at UO are required to spend a minimum of three terms at the OIMB campus in Charleston, Oregon. There, they engage in intensive field and lab classes that include working with live animals and going dredging on OIMBs research vessel, said Maya Watts, the education program coordinator for OIMB.

OIMB canceled four of its spring term courses, Watts said: Marine Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Embryology and Larval Ecology and Habitats of the Oregon Coast.

These courses couldnt be offered remotely as we cannot replicate full-day classes with numerous field trips, lab and microscope work, Watts said. It would be doing an injustice to the experience our students are expecting and looking forward to at OIMB.

Because of the requirement to spend academic terms in residence at OIMB, graduating seniors will face the challenge of meeting requirements for the marine biology major, said Craig Young, the director of OIMB.

The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology is located in Charleston, Oregon. (Cplow/Wikipedia)

Without these kinds of courses, the training of marine biologists is severely compromised, Young said. We are working to find ways that we can remedy these potential deficiencies as soon as the pandemic is over.

A few small studio classes offered to students in the UO School of Art + Design have also been canceled due to distance learning.

The Intro Jewel and Metals course, which explores developing and constructing jewelry and objects rooted in material culture, was canceled, according to the course catalog.

Josh Morris, a freshman and a product design major, registered for the course in early-March and was notified a week before spring term began that the class had been canceled.

It was kind of upsetting at first just because I had to figure out what I was going to do or like what class I was going to register for, Morris said. And it is a required studio class for product design, so that kind of messed up some of my overall four-year plan.

Landscape architecture classes such as Urban Farm and the topic class Trees Across Oregon, which teaches students about the diversity and wonder of Oregons trees, were also canceled, according to the course catalog.

Julia Treacy, a freshman who registered for Urban Farm, had been excited to immerse herself in the class and learn about farming.

That was going to be the class where I got to farm and learn about plants, Treacy said. Honestly, I thought it would be moved digitally somehow, so I was disappointed that didnt happen.

Urban Farm is offered during spring, summer and fall terms to students from any discipline at UO. In the class, students learn about where their food comes from and how their food choices affect change, according to the website.

Treacy felt like the participatory aspect of her learning had been disrupted due to spring term going online.

Urban Farm canceling took away another hands-on learning class, Treacy said. And I am more hands-on than a remote learner.

See the original post:
Spring term courses at the UO canceled due to remote learning - Oregon Daily Emerald

Former GOP Rep. Campaigning With Gun Giveaway To Fend Off ‘Looting Hordes From Atlanta’ – TPM

Use your AR-15 to fend off looting hordes from Atlanta. So says a former congressman whos trying to get back to the D.C. swamp.

As part of former Rep. Paul Brouns (R-GA) bid to get back to Congress, hes holding an AR-15 giveaway, he announced in a campaign video released Friday.

In uncertain times like these, the right to defend yourself, your property and your family could not be more important, the former member of Congress explains in the ad.

Give Brouns campaign your email, and you could win a liberty machine to protect yourself from looting hordes from Atlanta or a tyrannical government from Washington, he says.

Brouns well-known among observers of the right-wing fever swamps.

Ive come to understand that all that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and big bang theory all that is lies from the pit of hell, he famously told the Liberty Baptist Church Sportsmans Banquet in 2012, before adding that he believed the earth was 9,000 years old.

Broun, who proudly claimed in a previous Senate campaign to have been the first member of Congress to call former President Barack Obama a socialist, has pulled the gun-giveaway stunt before.

During that campaign, he said Obama would like nothing more than to ban the AR-15 and that, as a result, he was giving one way just fork over your name, email address and zip code.

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) beat Broun in that primary and ultimately won the Senate seat.

Brouns latest video ends with him shooting at something off-camera. God bless America, the Georgia Republican says.

See the original post here:
Former GOP Rep. Campaigning With Gun Giveaway To Fend Off 'Looting Hordes From Atlanta' - TPM

GOP Rep. Who Said Evolution Was a Lie from the Pit of Hell Wants His Seat Back – Patheos

For eight years, from 2007 to 2015, Paul Broun was a Republican member of Congress, representing Georgias 10th district. In 2012, as a sitting member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, he made nationwide news when video emerged of him speaking at a Baptist church and telling the crowd that evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang were lies straight from the pit of Hell.

Gods word is true. Ive come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell. And its lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior. You see, there are a lot of scientific data that Ive found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I dont believe that the Earths but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. Thats what the Bible says.

And what Ive come to learn is that its the manufacturers handbook, is what I call it. It teaches us how to run our lives individually, how to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all of public policy and everything in society. And thats the reason as your congressman I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and Ill continue to do that.

Broun also anointed the doorway through which President Obama walked before delivering his first inaugural address and co-sponsored a bill reaffirming In God We Trust as our nations official motto. Thats besides all the deranged right-wing policies he supported.

Now hes running for his old seat, now in the 9th district, once again. (Collins has that seat right now, but hes running for U.S. Senate.)

Broun is already stirring up controversy with an AR-15 giveaway to help the (mostly white) residents in his district protect themselves against the looting hordes from Atlanta. (Wink wink nudge nudge)

Guns and racism, all in one. What else is new from a conservative Christian?

In a phone interview Tuesday, Broun defended the reference to looting hordes from Atlanta as not racial.

Only the liberal press would take that kind of position, he said. There are a lot of white people in Atlanta as well.

Youre the racist, he added.

This is the best Jesus followers can do, apparently. Its appalling that in the middle of a pandemic, a candidate who openly rejects science could get anywhere close to Congress. But when Republicans are in the majority, the dumbest people get elected.

See the rest here:
GOP Rep. Who Said Evolution Was a Lie from the Pit of Hell Wants His Seat Back - Patheos

4-H Incubation and Embryology online program – Times Herald-Record

MIDDLETOWN Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County 4-H Program will be beginning a new online series called Incubation and Embryology Online hosted by Maggie Smith, 4-H Animal Science Program Manager.

Typically, Incubation and Embryology is a Program that 4-H would partner with local schools to implement in grades one through three to spend twenty-five days learning all about the importance of incubation and embryology. Teachers and students would participate in this great hands-on science activity and physically watch the transformation of embryo to chick.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and schools being closed, Maggie Smith and the Orange County 4-H Youth Development team are working to bring their programming to youth and families who are now spending most of their time home and social distancing. Smith will be completing the entire Incubation and Embryology Program herself and creating videos for youth to be able to watch and learn.

Incubation and Embryology Online will be separated into two 15-20 minute video recordings twice a week and will be viewable on Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange Countys YouTube Channel, social media accounts and website at Videos will be launched Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m.

Here is the entire class date and lesson schedule for the Incubation and Embryology Online Program:

April 7 Introduction to Incubation and Embryology for Chickens and Ducks

April 14 Parts of the Egg

April 16 Candling our Chicken and Duck Eggs

April 21 Science Experiments with Eggs

April 23 Getting our Brooder Boxes Ready

April 28 Watching our Chicken Eggs Hatch!

April 30 Play Date and Chick Facts

May 5 Watching our Duck Eggs Hatch!

May 7 Play Date and Duckling Facts

For more information, follow on the CCE Facebook page, Orange County 4-H Facebook page, by visiting and their YouTube channel: CCE Orange.

For more information call Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County at 344-1234.

See the rest here:
4-H Incubation and Embryology online program - Times Herald-Record