Category Archives: Embryology

Spontaneous Abortions and Moral Theology | voxnovablog – Patheos

Vox Nova is pleased to welcome a guest post from long time reader Joseph Georges.

More than half of all human fertilizations end in spontaneous abortions at one stage or another in miscarriages if pregnancy ends before the 20th week or in stillbirths, as pregnancy losses after the 20th week are generally called. According to a paper by evolutionary geneticist, William Rice, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, abortion is nearly as common as live-birth for conceptions that occur in a womans early-twenties, but after the mid-twenties, abortions are the norm rather than the exception. Rices paper, The high abortion cost of human reproduction, is based upon data gathered from diverse sources. It focuses on pregnancies mainly in economically developed countries and is available at a preprint site while it undergoes peer review. Rice was also able to develop an estimate for the age-specific abortion rate ina natural fertility population in the county of Bangladesh. Not surprisingly, given the likely differences in socio-economic circumstances, including access to medical care, the Bangladeshi rate was substantially higher.

Until now it has been common to find estimates that 10-20% of known pregnancies in the United States end in miscarriages, though the estimates have sometimes been accompanied by cautions like the one from the Mayo Clinic that the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur so early in pregnancy that a woman doesnt realize shes pregnant. Such cautions apparently have had little impact upon public opinion in the US. In one study of 1,000 American men and women, more than half thought that a miscarriage was a rare event occurring in fewer than 5 percent of pregnancies.

There are earlier studies that found relatively high rates of miscarriage. But William Rices 2018 meta-analysis of years of data attempts with as much statistical rigor as possible to incorporate estimates of occult abortions. Occult in this context refers to abortions that are unperceived. Rice believes that most spontaneous abortions are occult and go completely unnoticed by women. The most common reason for such pregnancy losses is genetic chromosomal abnormalities and these tend to increase with the age of the mother and the aging of her ova. In the end, Rice concludes, miscarriage is the predominant outcome of fertilization and a natural and inevitable part of human reproduction at all ages.

If Rices analysis and earlier studies with similar results are accurate, then Catholic theology has an issue that has received too little attention. The Church teaches that abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. The science of embryology states that from the moment of conception, a human being is formed, the website of the Archdiocese of Baltimore proclaims.No matter how one looks at it, abortion is murder.

Very well. This suggests that every conceptus has an immortal soul and is thus truly human or hominized, to use a term that has appeared in recent theological discussions. After all, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states plainly that The human body shares in the dignity of the image of God: it is a human body precisely because it is animated by a spiritual soul. (364)

But what if 50% or 60% or 70% of conceptuses spontaneously abort? Does God ensoul all fertilized ova even though most will never develop and be born?

Some theologians have recognized the problem. The late and illustrious German theologian, Karl Rahner, once asked:

For a few centuries Catholic moral theology has been convinced that individual hominization occurs at the moment of the fusion of the gametes. Will the moral theologian still have today the courage to maintain this presupposition of many of his moral theological statements, when he is suddenly told that from the start, 50% of the fecundated female ova never reach nidification [implantation] in the uterus? Will he be able to admit that 50% of the human beings real human beings with an immortal soul and an eternal destiny do not, from the very start, get beyond the first stage of human existence? (Karl Rahner, Schriften zur Theologie, 287)

At least one theologian has responded to Rahner. The late Benedict Ashley (1915-2013) was a Dominican priest and a noted scholar. A philosopher and a theologian, Ashley was particularly interested in the junction of philosophy and science. The best known of his more than twenty books is probably Health Care Ethics: A Catholic Theological Analysis, that went through five editions. For his service to the Church he was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal by Pope John Paul II.

Ashley rejects the delayed hominization theories championed by certain theologians and, most famously, by Aquinas, himself. Aquinas did not believe that ensoulment coincides with conception. Rather, following the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, he thought that embryos are at first alive with a vegetative life. After at least 40 days of development, embryos are ready to receive a rational human soul from God. Consequently, Ashley observes, for Aquinas induced abortion before 40 days is a serious sin against nature, because it destroys an organism whose natural purpose is to be transformed into a human being, but such abortion is not, strictly speaking, homicide. This last point has been used by some Catholic political figures to suggest that if an embryo is not a person until well into pregnancy, then a pro-choice stand is at least somewhat defensible.

Father Ashley sets out to develop a Thomistic understanding of ensoulment that is compatible with modern embryology and that demonstrates that delayed ensoulment theories are incorrect. He makes a persuasive case. Aquinas reasoned that since the human soul and its body are made for each other and are correlative causes of each other as form and matter, the matter of the human body has to be in a condition of proximate preparation proportionate to the soul that God creates for it. Otherwise, we would be multiplying miracles, which good Catholic theologians are always reluctant to do.

This is a sound principle, Ashley believes, and proceeds to show that freed from medieval biology, Thomism would agree that from the moment of fertilization, the conceptus is in a condition of proximate preparation for ensoulment. The zygote has all the genetic information it needs, as well as the developmental ability, to construct a human being.

But instant ensoulment at conception doesnt necessarily mean universal hominization. To his credit, Ashley responds to the questions from Karl Rahner cited earlier. He acknowledges that fertilization is a process that often achieves only partial success. There is good evidence that in most of those cases where the fertilized ovum fails to develop into a viable fetus, this process was never normally and perfectly completed.

And then Ashley makes an admission that even couched in careful language, as it is, has a startling implication. Since I am arguing that hominization takes place at the completion of fertilization, it need not be concluded that God creates souls for all these hapless abnormal zygotes.

So, many zygotes develop for a time in the womb, but have no souls and are therefore, from a Catholic perspective, less than human? Yes, if you consistently apply the Thomistic principle that Ashley articulates: The matter of the human body must be in a condition of proximate preparation proportionate to the soul that God creates for it. If a zygote lacks chromosomes required for normal development in the womb, then it is not prepared for ensoulment.

Certainly, the Lord knows which zygotes have the chromosomes required for regular fetal development and which ones do not, which fetuses will reach the point of live birth and which ones will not. It seems plausible that the Creator would not endow with immortal souls conceptuses fated to perish in the first or fourth or tenth week of gestation.

And so is induced abortion a case of homicide in a moral sense? Perhaps. Perhaps not. There is no way of knowing in each instance whether a conceptus at one stage of development or another is ensouled. You might think that genetic testing of the pre-born would provide at least the start of an answer. Possibly it could, though chromosomal defects detectable before birth are not necessarily fatal before birth.

But is abortion gravely immoral? I believe so, in great part precisely because there is no way to be certain whether a zygote targeted for abortion is a human being or not.

Some will disagree with my assessment. They may wish to argue that God gives each fertilized ovum a soul, and that saying so is not taking a mechanistic view of ensoulment. But then what of the large number of spontaneous abortions that theologians like Karl Rahner and Benedict Ashley have seen as a challenge? Were not speaking about 5 percent of pregnancies, but instead perhaps 55% or 65% of pregnancies. This would be a difference so large that it would virtually define a new normal mode of human life. If God gives every fertilized ovum a soul, then can theology give us at least a plausible account of why so many real human beings with an immortal soul and an eternal destiny do not, from the very start, get beyond the first stage of human existence?

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Spontaneous Abortions and Moral Theology | voxnovablog - Patheos

What is 4-H? and other questions – Havelock News

Even though it has been around for over 100 years, many people are new to 4-H and do not realize what it is, what it has to offer, or how to become involved.

Randolph County 4-H reached over 21,000 youth in 2019. 4-H provides youth with a wealth of opportunities, hands on experiences and learning how to be a well-rounded citizen. With the start of a new year, now is the perfect time to get involved with 4-H!

Q: What is 4-H?

A: 4-H is the youth development program of Cooperative Extension for youth ages 5 to 18 that helps develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills. It aims to assist youth in becoming competent, contributing citizens.

Q: I dont live on a farm, how can I join 4-H?

A: All 4-H programs are open to any youth, regardless of membership in the 4-H program. Joining 4-H is as simple as enrolling in 4-H online by completing the online form. 4-H has deep roots in agriculture, as it began with corn and tomato clubs in the early 1900s. Today in addition to agriculture, 4-H involves Science/STEM, public speaking/communication, life skills, sewing, community service projects and much more.

Q: Isnt 4-H just about cows and cooking?

A: While 4-H addresses these programs, the entire program is more diverse. Nationally, 4-H has three mission mandates: citizenship (civic engagement, service, civic education, and leadership); healthy living (nutrition, fitness, and social-emotional health); and science (animal science and agriculture, consumer science, engineering, environmental science and natural resources, life science, and technology).

Q: What is the cost to join 4-H?

A: There is no fee to join 4-H. Some workshops and activities will have fees associated with them to help cover the cost of materials. 4-H is also a United Way Agency which helps allow us an opportunity to provide scholarships.

Q: When does 4-H meet?

A: 4-H is active year round. Typically, 4-H clubs have monthly meetings. In addition, there are county, district, and state level 4-H events, activities and competitions throughout the year.

Q: What is a 4-H club?

A: A 4-H club is an organized group of youth, supported by screened, adult volunteers. Randolph County 4-H has many different clubs that cover everything from livestock (chickens, beef cattle, goats, and dairy cattle), horses, sewing, community service, Cloverbuds (ages 5-7), shooting sports and more.

Q: What age can my child join 4-H?

A: Youth can join 4-H at age 5. A youths age for 4-H is determined by his or her age on Jan. 1 of the current year. You may continue to be a member of 4-H through age 18. Youth, ages 5 to 7 years old, are referred to as Cloverbuds, are non-competitive and receive participation ribbons in any activity they participate in.

Q: What does 4-H stand for?

A: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. Originally, there were only three Hs Head, Heart, and Hands. A fourth H, Hustle, was added in 1908. Hustle was changed to Health in 1911.

Q: What are the 4-H delivery modes?

A: 4-H has four main delivery modes: Community Clubs, School Enrichment, Summer Programs and Special Interest Programs. We currently have nine active 4-H Clubs. School Enrichment programs can be done in any grade level. Our curriculum comes from university-based research that has been piloted and tested thoroughly and aligns with the NC Standard Course of Study.

Some examples of our school enrichment program offerings are embryology, farm to table, Junior Master Gardener, anti-bullying, bike safety, robotics, character education, public speaking and communication, and presentations.

Randolph County 4-H also offers a summer program called Randolph County 4-H Agriventures and More. The summer program is offered for ages 5-7 and then 8 and Up. The 5-7 year old program meets at our office while the 8 and up program includes trips to farms, local businesses and other outings.

The summer program offerings are released in May and registration is online or by stopping in our office. The last delivery mode is special interest projects which might be a Quiz Bowl or Judging team for a 4-H competition.

Q: As an adult, how can I become involved with 4-H?

A: 4-H is always looking for adult volunteers! Depending on the amount of time you would like to donate you can volunteer at a single event or teach a workshop. If you want a deeper level of involvement, you can become a 4-H club leader, which is a one year, renewable commitment.

Allison Walker is the 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent. Contact her at 336-467-2927 or For more information about 4-H or NC Cooperative Extension, contact the Randolph County Extension Office at 336-318-6000 or visit

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What is 4-H? and other questions - Havelock News

In Vitro Fertilization Market 2019: Industry Analysis and Detailed Profiles of Top Industry Players AMP Center St Roch, AVA International Clinic…

The following aspects are kept into view while formulating this Global In Vitro Fertilization Market report and include the market type, organization size, availability on-premises, end-users organization type, and availability in areas such as North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. This report also discusses what technologies need to be worked on in order to incentivize future growth, the effects they will have on the market, and how they can be used. Analysis of upstream raw materials, downstream demand and current market dynamics is also performed here. This Global In Vitro Fertilization Market report provides an overview of the ABC industry which is gaining momentum in the last few years.

Global In Vitro Fertilization Market is expected to reach USD 847.8 billion by 2025, from USD 465.2 billion in 2017 growing at a CAGR of 10.0 % during the forecast period of 2018 to 2025. The upcoming market report contains data for the historic year 2016, the base year of calculation is 2017 and the forecast period is 2018 to 2025.

Global In Vitro Fertilization Market,By Product (Reagents, Equipment),Type of Cycle (Fresh Non-Donor IVF Cycles, Frozen Non-Donor IVF Cycles, Frozen Donor IVF Cycles, Fresh Donor IVF Cycles), End User (Hospitals & Research Laboratories, Cryobanks ),Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2025

Major Market Competitors/Players:

Some of the major players operating in global in- vitro fertilization market are Groupe Clinique Ambroise Par, amedes MVZ Cologne GmbH, AMP Center St Roch, AVA International Clinic Scanfert, Bangkok IVF center, Betamedics, Biofertility Center, Bloom Healthcare, Bourn Hall Fertility Center, , Cardone & Associates Reproductive Medicine & Infertility, The Center for Advanced Reproductive Services, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Cloudnine Fertility, Conceptions Reproductive Associates of Colorado, Cyprus IVF Centre, Dansk Fertilitetsklinik, EUVITRO S.L.U., , Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, Fertility First, IVF Centers Prof. Zech, Flinders Reproductive Medicine Pty Ltd, Genea Oxford Fertility Limited, IVF Spain, IVI Panama, KL Fertility & Gynaecology Centre, Lifesure Fertility and Gynaecology centre, Manipal Fertility, , Medfem Fertility Clinic, Monash IVF, OVA IVF Clinic Zurich, Procrea, RAPRUI S.r.l., SAFE FERTILITY CENTER, SANNO HOSPITAL, SIRM Fertility Clinics, Stork IVF Klinik, ARC-STER S.r.l., The Montreal Fertility Center, Thomson Medical Centre, TRIO Fertility, Virtus Health, VivaNeo, Die Kinderwunsch and among others.

Competitive Analysis:

The global In- Vitro Fertilization market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of In- Vitro Fertilization market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and South America.

Market Definition:

In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which egg from women ovary are removed and after that the egg is fertilized with a sperm in a laboratory procedure, and then the fertilized egg is transfered into the women uterus. In vitro fertilization is used in the management of female infertility. In 2018, the Cooper Companies was announce that the Cooper Surgical acquired the assets of The Life Global Group and its affiliates which is a leading provider of invitrofertilization devices. In July 2018, Merck launched new product Geri Assess 2.0.This product is useful in automatic detection of embryo and blastocyst development, improving efficiency in assessment.

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in 2016, approximately 263,577 ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) cycle was performed in US. As per the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority in 2016, more than 68,000 IVF treatments were provided in U.K. In 2016 Birth rate from IVF has been increased to 85.0% in U.K. In 2016 around 20000 childrens were born by IVF. As per the published news IVF Success Rates For Fertility Clinics in the United States in 2016 and around 263,577 ART cycle was performed in U.S. Due to the increasing rate of infertility amongst the population, patients are opting the IVF Fertilization which is fuelling the growth of market.

Major Market Drivers and Restraints:

Market Segmentation:

The global In vitro fertilization market is segmented based on product, type of cycle, end user and geographical segments.

Based on product, the market is segmented into reagents, equipment.

Based on reagents, the market is further segmented into embryo culture media, cryopreservation media, sperm processing media, OVUM processing media.

Based on equipment, the market is further segmented into imaging systems, sperm separation systems, cabinets, OVUM aspiration pumps, incubators, micromanipulator systems, gas analysers, laser systems, accessories, cryo systems, anti-vibration tables, witness systems.

Based on type of cycle, the market is segmented into fresh non-donor IVF cycles, frozen non-donor IVF cycles, frozen donor IVF cycles, fresh donor IVF cycles.

Based on end user, the market is segmented into fertility clinics & surgical centers, hospitals & research laboratories, cryobanks.

Based on geography, the market report covers data points for 28 countries across multiple geographies namely North America & South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and, Middle East & Africa. Some of the major countries covered in this report are U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and, Brazil among others

Key Developments in the Market:

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In Vitro Fertilization Market 2019: Industry Analysis and Detailed Profiles of Top Industry Players AMP Center St Roch, AVA International Clinic...

Faith and Reason in the Buckeye State – National Catholic Register

Francisco de Zurbarn (1598-1664), St. Thomas Aquinas

The natural sciences show how the world works, but sacred science shows how to reach Heaven.

Recently, the Ohio legislature debated the relationship between faith and reason with HB 164. It is called the Ohio Student Religious Liberties Act of 2019. It passed the House in a 61-31 vote and is now on its way to the state Senate. Critics have argued that HB 164 allows students to be scientifically wrong, as long as they are religiously right. Proponents of the bill have stated that it is about protecting students religious freedom: such as being able to pray on school grounds and citing Scripture in written assignments.

Ohio introduced another bill, HB 182, in November 2019, which would keep insurance companies from covering abortions. However, it also requires doctors to re-implant ectopic pregnancies, though no such procedure exists. Republican State Rep. John Becker admitted in a May 2019 interview with the Cincinnati Enquirer that when he drafted the bill, he did not consult with doctors.

Both these bills portray faith and reason as naturally at odds with each other. Fideism is faith alone, even if it is irrational. On the other hand, rationalism worships the Goddess of Reason while dismissing faith as mythical superstition. They represent two extremes in analysis.

The remedy is the Angelic Doctor, whose feast day is Jan. 28.

At the University of Naples, St. Thomas Aquinas enthusiastically studied theology and philosophy. His mentor, St. Albert the Great, taught him science. The current furor in Ohio calls to mind Aquinas wise words in the Summa Theologiae, Since Holy Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of senses, one should adhere to a particular explanation, only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it, if it be proved with certainty to be false; lest Holy Scripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers and obstacles be placed to their believing.

The Angelic Doctor, who taught at the University of Paris, followed in the footsteps of St. Paul, who appealed to the philosophers reason when he preached in Athens (Acts 17:16-33). As a voracious reader, Aquinas drew on the wisdom of Athens in the writings of Aristotle, along with the Jewish and Muslim philosophers Maimonides and Avicenna. In his lifetime, he mirrored the narrator of the Book of Wisdom, who says (Wisdom 8:2-3), I loved her (divine wisdom) and sought her from my youth, and I desired to take her for my bride, and I became enamored of her beauty. She glorifies her noble birth by living with God, and the Lord of all loves her.

The opening question of Summa Theologiae is whether any science is necessary for humanity other than philosophical science derived from reason. St. Thomas Aquinas answers, It was necessary for mans salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Firstly, indeed, because man is directed to God, as to an end that surpasses the grasp of his reason.

He continues, Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered, it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation.

For Aquinas, reason and the intellect are good, but not everything. The natural sciences show how the world works, but sacred science shows how to reach Heaven. He does not dismiss human reason. Reason complements divine revelation.

While some of Aquinas scientific views are questionable (such as the Earth remaining stationary), he was open-minded and willing to learn. St. Albert the Great instilled in him a healthy curiosity. Aquinas believed in the importance of dogma but was not dogmatic.

The Ohio bills currently subject to debate risk putting faith at odds with science and reason. When Rep. Becker wrote a May 2019 op-ed for the Cincinnati Enquirer, saying, Even if the medical journals are wrong and HB 182 allows insurance coverage for a procedure that does not yet exist, why is that a problem? ... This bill is forward-looking regarding medical advancements. Unsurprisingly, the media used Rep. Beckers op-ed to further the portrayal of pro-life legislators as ignorant, cruel men who are clueless about the female reproductive system. It contrasts with Aquinas mentor, St. Albert the Great, whose studies in embryology advanced beyond Aristotle. Faith means engagement with reason, rather than detachment from it. Aquinas opens his Summa Contra Gentiles, saying, Now all of human pursuits, that of wisdom is the most sublime, the most profitable, the most delightful.

Both theSumma Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles argue that God is truth, according to faith and reason. Aquinas, with his five proofs, shows that Aristotles Prime Mover and the biblical God are one. Faith enriches reason with divine revelation, while reason keeps faith from being blind and mythical.

The current debates in the Ohio legislature demonstrate the necessity for reasonable faith and faithful reason. Aquinas, like St. Paul, defended natural law that is written on their hearts (Romans 2:15).

In the Summa Theologiae, Aquinas declares, The natural law is a participation of the eternal law and therefore endures without change, owing to the unchangeableness and perfection of the Divine Reason, the Author of nature. For Aquinas, God was not only the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but Natures Author.

The Angelic Doctors philosophical journey inspired him to say, For perfect happiness the intellect needs to reach the very Essence of the First Cause. And thus it will have its perfection through union with God as with that object, in which alone mans happiness consists.

As Our Lord told the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:23-24), The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

See original here:
Faith and Reason in the Buckeye State - National Catholic Register

Fr O’Neill’s bold witness on behalf of the unborn child will bear fruit – The Irish News

Niall Meehan (January 17) will recognise physics and metaphysics colliding when the ethics of abortion is discussed. Einstein said: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.As a 1980s atheist teenager I favoured the pro-abortion position with a now discredited scientific theory, called Haeckels embryos, seeming to support early abortion. The study of human embryology as a medical student made me start to question the legitimacy of unrestricted abortion beyond a couple of months. The developing human form from two to three months into pregnancy cannot be denied.

Working in an obstetrics department involved scanning unborn humans; and gave me opportunity to see the developing foetus on ultrasound scan, with an obvious beating heartbeat separate from the mothers. The depth of emotional distress experienced by women suffering early pregnancy miscarriages informed me of a meaningful relationship between mother and child. A devout Catholic junior doctor housemate discussed in depth and detail the moral and scientific arguments against abortion. Donal sowed spiritual seeds which further sprouted when I went to work in the Scottish Gaeltacht as a GP.

Studying the science and ethics of abortion drew me to religious faith, and I decided to cease making NHS referrals for abortion. Many HSE GPs in the south wisely abstain from abortion involvement. NHS GPs in the north should do likewise. Amazing modern colour images on the CBRUK website instantly reveal a range of disturbing truths that pro-abortion politicians are too terrified to ever discuss. The clamour to fix exclusion zones outside abortion centres bears witnesses to the need for censorship. A CBRUK website section, The Facts-Human Development, equips ordinary people to oppose abortion using social media platforms. Knowledge is power, and we should share it.

Fr Eugene ONeill in Coalisland can have every confidence that his bold witness on behalf of the unborn child will bear fruit. St Paul tells us: Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. My friend Donal, who introduced me to the pro-life world view in depth, went on to have a very distinguished career in Irish medicine and completed Masters level degree study in medical ethics.Niall Meehan is wrong when he says: The words of men, however eminent, should be secondary to those who are pregnant.Knowledge of medicine and ethics, not a persons gender, determines their ability to give an expert opinion on the morality of abortion.


Termination of children in the womb not justifiable under any circumstances

Responding to my letter Niall Meehan cites the X case and the tragedy of Savita Hallapanavar in a further attempt to justify abortion (December 27).

It is vital to this debate to bear in mind that we are dealing with real human lives, both born and unborn.

The X case concerns an act of abuse, perpetrated against an innocent child that resulted in her becoming pregnant. So you are dealing now with two children a 13-year-old girl and an unborn boy or girl.

There were two child victims in the X case both equally innocent.

In the case of Savita Hallapanavar, the law as it stood then in Ireland provided for an abortion in her particular circumstances to save her life. Inexplicably the hospital failed her.

Pro-abortion forces have shamelessly and cynically manipulated the sad case of Savita for their purposes of the liberal abortion regime in Ireland they were demanding and have now obtained, through the repeal of the 8th amendment.

The unborn child is now entirely at the mercy of so-called choice.Let me assure Niall Meehan not just I personally but very many people in Ireland, north and south that we will never accept the deliberate termination of children in the womb as justifiable under any circumstances.

We will work ceaselessly to oppose abortion and to persuade society that intentional abortion is never a solution, never an action that should be advocated by a humane and just society.


Romantic meandering

Patrick Murphy Dissident Sinn Fin, IRA of 1970 lost great Irish opportunity (January 11) focuses on the events of the 1970s. The split a peace loving republican movement and a civil rights movement that would transform the six counties and indeed Ireland.

Where Mr Murphys article falls very short (has he a selective memory?) is the period before the 1970s.May I remind him of partition, Gerrymandering and bigotry that went before the 1970s. May I remind him of Malvern Street and Silent Valley? May I remind him of the civil rights marches that were met by such ferocity.All Mr Murphys article reflects is a finger-pointing piece targeting republicans that said no to a two-state nation led by the likes of MacGiolla. They saw the sectarian state in the raw, not through some rose-tinted glasses. There was not going to be a great Irish opportunity. What we had was a festering mess that Bernadette Devlin would say it was not a question of if but when it needed confronted.Mr Murphys romantic meandering are just that.


In the spirit of compromise

I noticed in the details of the historical and wonderful new power sharing Assembly at Stormont the British union flag will be allotted three additional days on which it can be flown from public buildings. In the spirit of compromise and equality can anyone say how many new days will be allotted to the flying of the Tricolour from these same public buildings?

COLM LONGDunmurry, Co Antrim

Call time on this mess

How can one maintain a good working relationship with a partner without mutual respect?

The new agreement in a peace process which has outlived the Troubles here is built on sand. The two main parties remain hell-bent on mocking, insulting, humouring and ridiculing each other. Add the increasing foreign influences on our respective cultures to the mix and we have a society with no moral and political fabric. Call time on this mess.


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Fr O'Neill's bold witness on behalf of the unborn child will bear fruit - The Irish News

The Facts: Women, Age and Fertility – THISDAY Newspapers


Scientific evidence shows thatin women,fertility peaks in mid 20sand starts a steep decline in mid 30s despitethisso many people still postponestarting a family.Somemodern womenwant tofocus on education,buildtheircareer,and of course some wantstable financial base, or theright manmay not be coming,so the need to wait forthe perfect partner. Whatever the reasonsfor delaying parenthood are, it is however unfortunate that the natural clock doesnt stop ticking hence the human body keeps aging inevitably.It is a fact that in todays society, inability to conceive due to age is becoming much more common because women arewaiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. Although many women are healthier in later lifeand taking better care of themselves, this doesnot stopthe natural age-related decline in fertility. Recent reports from the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) haveshown that more women are delaying childbearing at the present time than previously. This trend is expected to cause a corresponding rise in the mean age at which women first present with infertility and thisbringsusto the discussion for this week:AGE RELATED INFERTILITYas it affects both males and females.

WHAT IS AGE RELATED INFERTILITY: This is the decline in fertilitythat comeswith age, seen in bothmen and women.It is a known fact thatage relatedInfertilityaffects both sexes, its effect ishoweverseen much earlier in women than in men. Women30years and abovehave reducedquantity and qualityof eggs in their ovaries while male fertility starts to decline after 40 years when sperm quality begins to decrease. Allthese automatically increasetheriskfor chromosomal abnormalities like having too many or too few chromosomes(aneuploidy)which might result in conditions suchas,implantation failure,Down syndromeandeven higher chances ofmiscarriages. Older women are alsomorelikely to have health problems that may interfere with fertility makingpregnancy and delivery of a live birth more difficult.

The Facts: Women, Age and Fertility

Womenin their 20shave a20-25% chance of achieving pregnancy during their ovulation period. This drops to15-20% for women between the ages of 31 years and 35 years and to less than 10% for women ages 35 years and older. By 40years womentypically only havea 5% and by 45-49 years a 1%chanceof becoming pregnant without fertility treatmentper month.

Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, unlike men who typically make new sperm throughout their life. Each month many eggs begin to develop, onlyone or tworeaches maturation and eventually ovulates(releases), the others undergoa process called atresia (degeneration). This process occurs in intrauterine life(before birth), before puberty, and during a womans reproductive years, even while pregnant or on oral contraceptive.

This progressive loss of eggs over a lifespan results in low egg numbers(quantity)that resultin lower pregnancy rate beginning usually in the 40s. There is also a corresponding loss in the quality of the eggs over time. As eggs age,they becomeless able to fertilize or evenimplantnormallyand aremore likely to result in a pregnancy that miscarries.

In addition,for a variety of reasons theprocess is accelerated in somewomen whose egg quantity and quality is low at a muchyounger age e.g.those diagnosedwith Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI).

Although the average age of menopause (no remaining egg) is about 51years. The decrease in the ability to conceive due to low egg quality and quantity occurs long before,usually beginning in the 30s and becoming more pronounced in the early 40s.Womenin their late40s rarely have a spontaneous pregnancy and if so, one in three will miscarry. It is due to this sense of urgency that women 35 years and aboveshouldconsider visitingfertilityexpertsforevaluation and havetheir fertility profiling doneas soon as they suspectdifficulty becoming pregnant.

If a womans egg quality or egg number is lower than expected for her age, there may be a discoverable treatablecause.

Are thereotherfactors that can decrease ovarian functionin women apart from agesuch asEndometriosis,Severe pelvic adhesion,Previous chemotherapy or radiation,history of smoking, ovarian surgery or removal ofa portionor all of an ovaryor both, genetics (Turners syndrome)etc.

However, decreased ovarian functioncan also occur in women without these predisposing factors. The cause of an early loss of eggs in some women is sometimes not clear, but it is thought to be due togenetic factors with or without a family history of early menopause.

The rule of 3s- ifa healthy woman irrespective of age, has conceived and made it up the first trimester, her odds of the pregnancy resulting in a live birth are almost the same regardless of age. The chances of having a good outcome and a healthy baby are very high. Of course all routine testing are still recommended during prenatal care.

It isworthy ofnote that the process of egg loss happens at a predictable and steady rate even if a woman takes good care of her health and looks young physically.Both egg quantity and quality determines a womans ability to conceive and both are influenced by ageand it is important to note that pregnancy is often possible with the right combination of treatment by fertility specialists.

To be continued.

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The Facts: Women, Age and Fertility - THISDAY Newspapers

STANTON: The Pro-Abortion Democrats And Their Unscientific Roe-volution – The Daily Wire

Roe v. Wade is the essence of science denial, and it has been for nearly 50 years. Yet the 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates share a vision of America that centers around Roe and its long-debunked scientific notions about human biology.

Ever since the first Democratic presidential debates, the candidates have increasingly asserted their ferventbeliefin Roe v. Wade a fallacious decision that is based upon and perpetuates erroneous and obsolete ideas that contradict the fundamental, objective scientific facts of the biological science of human embryology. The most egregious, blatant, and disingenuous of all Roes distortionsisits central tenet that it remains a mystery when human life begins.

More, in order to completely obscure the biological truth and redefine human reproduction to satisfy their political point of view, the politicians have announced numerous policies to augment Roe, including the promise to codify this toxic source of misinformation about human development.

Roe v. Wade declares: We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines ofmedicine, philosophy, and theologyareunable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of mans knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.

Since when should those in medicine, philosophy, and theology be consulted for such a specificallybiologicalissue when they have no such academic expertise? Most philosophers and theologians have never had a graduate course in biology, much less in human embryology, and most physicians briefly learn about human embryology as part of a broader anatomy course and are not properly considered scientists. Human embryology is the study of development of the new individual from beginning to end and is the only science that specializes in when a human life starts; solely the testimonies of those biologists with doctoral degrees in human embryology should, in theory, be consulted. Yet not one human embryologist was allowed to testify during theRoelitigation.

In addition, to help rationalize the decision to reject the concept of personhood of the human embryo and fetus until viability, cited at the time to be between 24 and 28 weeks, Roe refers to ancient scientific ideas about human reproduction when it claims: There has always been strong support for the view that life does not begin until live birth. This was the belief of the Stoics.

The Stoics were a group of Greek philosophers, existing around 300 B.C.E. Are the Democratic presidential candidates endorsing the suggestion that human biology has not advanced for more than 2000 years and that it will never do so?

Among the scientific experts, there is and has long been an international consensus regarding the beginning of a human life. When a human being an individual, living member of the human species begins to exist has been known and documented for more than 100 years and was instituted in 1942 in the Carnegie Stages of Human Embryonic Development. The Carnegie Stages continue to be refined and advanced as the global standard of human embryological research, and Carnegie Stage 1 still documents human sexual reproduction.

Carnegie Stage 1 states that all sexually reproduced human beings begin to exist at the start of the process of fertilization (Carnegie Stage 1a). Human embryologists know that fertilization also initiates the continuum of human life in other words, after fertilization, the new human being does not become a different kind of thing. He or she continues to grow and develop as the same human organism throughout the rest of the embryonic period, the fetal period, and then after birth, during the subsequent stages of life.

Thus, the term human embryo or human fetus is simply the scientific name for an already-existing human being during the embryonic or fetal period of human development. Thus, for sexually reproduced human beings, personhood begins at fertilization, not at viability, first breath, or some later point that conveniently fits a popular political, social, or economic narrative.

Under the Supreme Courts current abortion jurisprudence precedent, as established in Roe v. Wade and modified/upheld in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, states are still prohibited from applying the objective scientific facts and banning abortion prior to viability. However, as medical technology has improved, Roes fetal viability threshold has moved back from 28 weeks not forward to 40 weeks as imagined by the Democratic presidential hopefuls. In the U.S., infants born at 22 weeks gestation have a nearly 25% survival rate and in Japan, the survival rate is over 30%. In Sweden, for infants younger than 22 weeks gestation, the survival rate has improved from 3.6% to 20% over the last decade.

Rather than pledging allegiance to, expanding upon, and imposing their misconceptions and Roe v. Wades absurd scientific myths on the American people, the Democratic presidential candidates should acknowledge that the immediate product of human sexual reproduction is both a human being and a human person and renounce public policies and laws that do not reflect this scientific reality.

Brooke Stanton is the CEO of Contend Projects, a registered 501(c)(3) education organization spreading the basic, accurate scientific facts about when a human life starts and the biological science of human embryology.

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STANTON: The Pro-Abortion Democrats And Their Unscientific Roe-volution - The Daily Wire

Letters to the Editor – Sherwood Park News

I am a health professional and have chaired medical research and related initiatives. My training included spending hundreds of hours in anatomy, neuroanatomy and embryology labs. Here are some observations and questions.

Science is Important. Activist Greta Thunberg has said; Listen to the scientists. Science in 2020 says the fetus is a human being. When dealing with horses or hummingbirds, biologists accept that the new being begins at fertilization. From that moment on, the organism merely unfolds the capacities that belong intrinsically to the kind of creature that it is. These same scientific facts apply to human babies. Virtually no credible professional scientist denies that life begins at conception. The embryo is biologically human. A human being.

Questions:Why are we not willing to follow the science?Why are we not listening to the science of embryology?

Doesnt Everyone Begin as an Unborn Child?At some point, every human being currently living on the planet was a living unborn child. This should be obvious and self-evident. This is not a feeling and not an opinion. Its another scientific fact.

Questions: If we were afforded to human right to live by our parent(s), why wouldnt we extend the same basic human rights and opportunity to other unborn children?

What makes you or me, or qualifies either of us, or any other person, to be the arbiter of life and death, the yes or no to the existence of another human being?

What If We Dont Like Science?If you or I dont like or care for science and believe that feelings are more important than facts, then at the very least we might consider the voice of Grammy Award-winning black hip-hop artist, Lecrae Moore. Moore publicly admitted the role he played in persuading his girlfriend to abort their child and admitted that he selfishly choose his life over hers. In his song,Good, Bad, Ugly,he says;I was too selfish with my time/Scared my dreams were not gonna survive/So I dropped her off at the clinic/That day, a part of us died.

What Kind of Culture and Community Do You Want? Lecrae is correct. The consequence of an abortion procedure is death. Another scientific fact. That is the cold forceps and needle to the brain and the suction tube reality. That ewww, gross science stuff that arts majors and journalism students studiously seem to avoid. Just like anatomy, biochemistry, physics and embryology labs. To abort the baby is not to save it. It is to kill the tiny person and to perhaps later auction off its vacuumed parts to the highest bidders.

Questions:What kind of culture and community do you want? A life culture? A death culture?What community evil is greater than taking a human life? Losing a job? Dropping out of university? A tight financial budget? Social stigma? Losing a boyfriend?

As you are aware, Canada currently has no federal law governing the abortion procedure. As we are the only civilized country without any legislation, and embryological science has confirmed the humanity of the unborn baby, MP Garnett Genuis is correct in soliciting feedback from his constituents and Canadians. He should be commended and not condemned. And for the sake of the 3.3 per cent late-term abortion figure that you quoted, our community and country desperately needs debate, legislation and regulation.

Listen to Greta. Just follow the science.

Brent Kassian

A big thanks to editor Lindsay Morey for standing up for womens rights in her editorial regarding the recent survey put out by MP Garnett Genuis. This is issue should have been put to bed yearsago and yet a few reps in the House of Commons, Geniusincluded seem hell-bent on making this a talking point. Looking at some recent polls I see that 77 per cent of Canadians support abortion rights. If thats the case then how can this be in Genuis top issues in his survey? Ive used the word survey here in quotes as I find the definition of the term to not be accurate with what came in the mail from our MP. Heavily biased answers and limited choices, along with zero chance for a respondent to add comments is hardly data gathering.

I consider the question on Genuis survey to be an attack on womens rights. The idea of controlling what a woman can do with her body is flat out, just another attempt at rolling back the clock and locking women in the mold that conservative men seem the need to have them in.

Genuis has said that people keep bringing the issue up to him. Really? When Genuis was campaigning this year and his people came to my door I asked what his main goals for his term would be if elected. Jobs. They were adamant that jobs were the number one issue. Nothing else. We spoke for about 15-20 minutes and I listened to the whole spiel. I clearly recall nothing about abortion in the conversation. The fact that Genuis has endeared himself to hardcore pro-life groups is extremely disturbing to me. Antiquated beliefs and archaic viewpoints such as those do not belong in the HoC and I certainly hope they are not what the folks of Sherwood Park believe. Having lived here almost my entire life I can say that while being, for the most part, conservative the people of this hamlet have a fairly solid streak of progressiveness on social issues.

So why does Genuis continue to beat this drum? Look at his past. Genuis was a founder of the Parents for Choice group that sought to move public education dollars to private religious schools. This was also the group that recently campaigned hard against GSAs in schools and pushed for a change of sex-ed curriculum. Put that together with the Coalition for Life group that heartily endorses him and you have a large and influential base. I would be very curious to know just how much influence these groups and their agenda have over our MP. These groups are well known to financially support, sometimes directly and sometimes by way of individual contributions, MPs who fit their ideals.

Plainly, Genuis has trouble with a separation of church and state. His constituents would be far better served if he lead with a real mandate from them in his hand than with a cross.

Joe Belohorec, Sherwood Park resident

(In the column) editor Lindsay Morey argued that Canadians in general, and the people of Sherwood Park in particular, favored legal abortion. Furthermore, she held that the government had no right to criminalize abortion after the R v Mortgentaler Supreme Court decision in 1988. Because of these two factors, she believed that her Member of Parliament, Garnett Genuis, should not be asking his constituents for input on the issue.However, she is factually wrong on both points. The latest polling indicates that Canadians are overwhelmingly uncomfortable on the current state of abortion law in Canada. Over 90 per cent of Canadians believe that sex-selective abortion should be made illegal. Approximately 60 per cent of Canadians dont support third-trimester abortions, with similarly overwhelming opposition to abortion once the pre-born child can feel the pain of being killed.Canada has no abortion law to ban any of this. Clearly Canadians do not want their politicians to shirk their duty to discuss uncomfortable moral issues. They were elected to lead, not to hide. Genuis could have ran from these issues, instead, he chose to be a leader and to get feedback from his constituents. That is what a good MP does.Finally, there is the issue of the Mortgentaler Supreme Court decision. Far from making it possible for no criminal laws to regulate abortion in the country, the court actually found that while the tangle of abortion laws that existed in 1988 was not constitutional because of technicalities, that the government had both the authority to draft criminal abortion laws. No right to abortion has ever been found to exist by our Supreme Court.All of this leads me to one last point: abortion should not be a right because it is actually a human rights violation. It is the direct and intentional killing of a pre-born human being. Biology tells us that at fertilization new organism of the species homo-sapiens comes into existence, and because all human beings have human rights, the direct and intentional killing of the pre-born must be a human rights violation. Ultimately, we should be ashamed that pre-born children can be legally tortured to death in this country, and we should have more MPs who demonstrate the leadership necessary to start regulating this trade in human blood. Stephanie Fennelly, The Wilberforce Project executive director

Kudos to The News for setting out the issues raised by MP Garnett Genuis recent survey of constituents, and highlighting the underlying bias in the survey. Just as an MP has the right to ask for input, he has a right to his personal opinion on all matters. He does not have the right, however, to hide or obscure his position from constituents, nor impose it on constituents. Conservatives did not do well in the federal election not so much because of Andrew Scheers views on abortion and civil rights, but because he was less than upfront about them and the effect his personal views would have on government policy. He could not answer a simple question honestly, because he knew that in most of the country, there would be considerable political fallout.

In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada invited Parliament to draft new laws concerning access to abortion, as they saw fit, but without violating the Constitution. To date, Parliament has been unable or unwilling to fulfill that mandate. Access to abortion is a human right. It is seen by Alberta Health Services as being a component of any womans access to a complete slate of reproductive and health services. Getting an abortion or not continues to be a decision that must be made by the woman herself, taking her own circumstances into consideration. Simply put, it is no one elses business.

It is especially not the business of a group of men who use abortion as a political crutch. #keepyourpoliticsoutofmyuterus indeed!

Genuis needs to turn his attention to matters that confront Albertans today climate action, jobs, childcare, healthcare. As the editorial said fighting lawful access to abortion will not put food on your constituents kitchen tables.

Maureen Towns, Sherwood Park resident

Read this article:
Letters to the Editor - Sherwood Park News

Study suggests sperm donation, like organs, should be allowed post-mortem – Big Think

Can, and should, dead men procreate? Yes and yes, says a recent article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

The UK is facing a sperm donor crisis. According to the article, UK sperm banks only take on a few hundred new donors per year, forcing them to import thousands of sperm samples from the U.S. and Denmark, which dominate the global market for sperm donations due to their high supply.

These countries have a high supply of sperm primarily because of laws and regulations protecting the donor's anonymity in the UK, for instance, babies born from sperm donations are permitted to contact their biological father after they turn 18, an emotional confrontation that dissuades many from donating. In fact, in a 2016 study based in the U.S., 29 percent of current donors said they would have refused to donate if they could not be anonymous.

How can we increase the supply of sperm donors while simultaneously shielding donors from a potentially life-upending confrontation and providing children with the right to know their own ancestry? Allow for post-mortem sperm donations. Men could opt-in to become sperm donors after their death, just like they do as organ donors. So long as they were collected no longer than 48 hours after death, sperm could be collected via surgery or electrical stimulation of the prostate and be frozen for later use.

"If it is morally acceptable that individuals can donate their tissues to relieve the suffering of others in 'life-enhancing transplants' for diseases," wrote the article authors, "we see no reason this cannot be extended to other forms of suffering like infertility."

As it turns out, this idea isn't all that new. The first posthumous sperm retrieval occurred in 1980 after a 30-year-old man suffered a fatal brain injury in a car accident. His family requested that his sperm be preserved, which was done through surgery soon after he had been declared dead.

There have been numerous postmortem sperm retrievals since then, but they've always existed in a legal grey area. For instance, in 1997, a UK man named Stephen Blood caught meningitis, collapsed into a coma, and died soon after. His wife, Diane Blood, had requested that doctors extract two samples of semen from Mr. Blood.

However, the UK's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority had forbidden Mrs. Blood from using those samples to become pregnant, as Mr. Blood had passed away prior to giving written consent to the procedure. In the UK posthumous sperm donation is illegal without written consent. After an appeal, Mrs. Blood was permitted to seek fertility treatment outside of the UK and later gave birth to a son.

Other countries, such as France, Germany, and Taiwan, have a full ban on posthumous fertilization. At the same time, countries like the U.S. and Belgium have no legislation on the subject whatsoever. Given the complex legal, ethical, and medical nature of posthumous fertilization, this range of legislative response is not unexpected. For example, is it ethical to collect sperm from an individual who never wanted to procreate in a country where the young population is dwindling and sperm donors are in short supply? Such is the case in many parts of the UK Is it reasonable to collect sperm from donors who have died and who are, by extension, more likely to be older and with less healthy sperm? Is the offspring of a deceased sperm donor considered to be the donor's legal heir?

These and other issues muddy the waters for countries when crafting policies around posthumous sperm donation. However, the authors of the recent Journal of Medical Ethics article argue that allowing for this procedure is at the very least ethically permissible and likely beneficial for society at large.

"The ability to reproduce matters to people and donated sperm enables many people to fulfill their reproductive desires," write the authors. "It is both feasible and morally permissible for men to volunteer their sperm to be donated to strangers after death in order to ensure sufficient quantities of sperm with desired qualities."

Related Articles Around the Web

Go here to see the original:
Study suggests sperm donation, like organs, should be allowed post-mortem - Big Think

Im in love with my wifes sister and Ive agreed to be her sperm donor – The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife has agreed I should be her sisters sperm donor so she can have the baby she longs for, but she has no idea that I am in love with her sister and have been for years.

I am 45. My wife is 41. We have two boys. My wife got pregnant both times right away, without any problems.


We have been careful to use contraception since then, as we feel our family is complete.

My sister-in-law is 37. I told her a while back how I feel about her. She said she was flattered but would never hurt her sister.

Now my wife has come up with this plan for me fathering a child with her sister, I worry where it would all lead.

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DEIDRE SAYS: You are right to worry.

There are all sorts of drawbacks to being a sperm donor without proper checks, let alone all the tangled feelings you would inevitably have here.

Be firm that this is not a sensible way for your sister-in-law to find a father for a child.

Suggest she check out the information available on sperm donation, through the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority ( Meanwhile, focus on strength-ening your marriage.

Read more here:
Im in love with my wifes sister and Ive agreed to be her sperm donor - The Sun