Category Archives: Emergency Medicine

Ousted WHO Official Takeshi Kasai Has Background in Emergency … – The Japan News

AP file photoTakeshi Kasai addresses the media in Manila on Oct. 7, 2019.

&The Yomiuri Shimbun

16:28 JST,March 9, 2023

Ousted World Health Organization official Takeshi Kasai is a doctor with a background in emergency medicine and an expert in infectious diseases and health crisis management.

Kasai has been dismissed from his post as director of the WHOs Western Pacific Regional Office over allegedly racist behavior, He joined the WHO after working at the then Health and Welfare Ministry.

He released a statement after allegations about racist and abusive misconduct emerged, saying that he never targeted employees of a particular nationality, although he acknowledged being hard on staff. Kasai also denied the accusation that he leaked confidential information.

Excerpt from:

Ousted WHO Official Takeshi Kasai Has Background in Emergency ... - The Japan News

Stepfather threatened emergency doctor after he killed his stepdaughter, court hears – Daily Mail

A stepfather threatened an emergency doctor when she took notes in hospital after he fatally attacked his two-year-old stepdaughter, a court heard today.

Kyle Bevan, 31, allegedly threatened Dr Nicola Drake after she took notes on their conversation at Withybush Hospital, Wales, where his two-year-old stepdaughter Lola was receiving emergency care after he attacked her.

Mr Bevan is accused of murdering the toddler after he moved in with her mother Sinead James, 30, in 2020.

Dr Drake said he threatened to rip her notes out of 'her hands' if she took 'one step' outside the family room, Swansea Crown Court heard.

She had asked Mr Bevan to give an account of what had happened to Lola on the morning of July 17, 2020.

Giving evidence, Dr Drake said she saw Lola was being managed properly so went to the family room to speak to Bevan and James.

Prosecutor Caroline Rees KC asked: 'Did Kyle Bevan ask any questions?'

Dr Drake said: 'He asked one question about who was paying for them to get to Cardiff.'

Swansea Crown Court heard the doctor asked Bevan to give an account of what had happened to Lola on the morning of July 17, 2020.

But when she started to take notes, Mr Bevan said: 'If you take one step out of this room with those notes, I'll rip them out of your hands'.

Dr Drake added: 'I advised him that it would be shared with external agencies such as social services and that I had a statutory duty, a legal duty, given how serious the injuries were.

Dr Nicola Drake was on-call at home on the morning of the alleged attack when she received a 'trauma call' about Lola James.

The court heard Dr Drake, an emergency medicine consultant, rushed to the hospital to find multiple teams working on Lola.

Lola was being treated at Withybush Hospital in Haverfordwest but was due to be transferred to Noah's Ark Children's Hospital in Cardiff.

Swansea Crown Court heard heard Bevan had been left alone with Lola at the family home when he launched a 'frenzied and extremely violent attack.'

But he failed to call an ambulance immediately and instead filmed a 'disturbing 22 second film' of seriously injured Lola as he tried to prop her up.

Mr Bevan also carried out a series of internet searches asking: 'My two year old child has just taken a bang to the head and gone all limp and snoring. What's wrong.'

The court heard Lola was found to have 101 surface injuries to her body along with a catastrophic brain injury and died four days later.

Mr Bevan was arrested by police and he claimed the family dog had pushed Lola down the stairs at the home in Haverfordwest, Wales.

Her motherSinead James, 30, told police she was asleep when Lola suffered a series of horrific injuries and claimed to have no reason to think Mr Bevan would harm her.

Mrs Rees said Mrs James knew her boyfriend had a 'nasty and violent temper' but chose to 'prioritise her relationship with him over her own daughter's physical safety.'

Expert witness Ian Simmons, a consultant paediatric ophthalmologist, said: 'It is highly unlikely the injuries would have been caused by a fall down 10 carpeted stairs.

'The most likely cause of her injuries is a form of abusive head trauma, possibly with some form of impact'

Earlier the court heard two-year-old girl screamed she 'didn't want to go home' just days before she was killed by her stepfather

Mrs James, of Neyland, Wales, denies causing or allowing the death of a child. Mr Bevan, of Aberystwyth, Wales, denies murder.

See the rest here:

Stepfather threatened emergency doctor after he killed his stepdaughter, court hears - Daily Mail

OPINION: Don’t ‘leaf’ your health to luck – Westside Eagle Observer

With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, you may be hoping for the faith, hope, love and luck often associated with the holiday. While we wish all of those for you, your health is one thing you can't "leaf" to chance.

While you may be one of those people who only go to the doctor when you're sick, there are five reasons for seeing your primary care provider that could make you pretty lucky.

Well visits can:

1. Save you money long-term. While we can't promise you a pot of gold, we can help you determine if your insurance plan covers annual wellness visits. A recent poll found between 40 and 44 percent of Americans skip medical treatments or avoid seeing a doctor when sick or injured due to cost. A quarter of the nation doesn't even have a primary care provider, though many insurance companies fully cover wellness visits. In addition, studies show that it is far more costly for a preventable disease to go unchecked.

2. Help catch disease early, when it's most treatable. According to the CDC, 70% of American deaths result from chronic disease and nearly half the nation battles heart disease, cancer, diabetes or other preventable ailments. Early detection is vital, as the earlier a disease is identified, the sooner you can begin treatment. For example, one 2021 study found up to 90% of patients could be cured of ovarian cancer if detected in Stage 1.

3. Stave off disease. Wellness visits aren't just about early detection of cancer or heart disease but a way to prevent illness. These visits are an excellent time to get up to date on vaccinations. The CDC reports that flu vaccinations in 2019 and 2020 prevented 7.5 million influenza cases, 3.7 million flu-related medical visits, 105,000 hospitalizations and 6,300 deaths. A quick inoculation can reduce the chances of a future flu-related doctor's visit by as much as 60%. This is also a good time to get boosters for covid, shingles and pneumococcal disease.

4. Save you some time. We're all busy, but making time for your well-being is essential. Well visits are about 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, waiting for an emergency means a much longer wait. U.S. News & World Report found that the nation's shortest median ER wait time was 46 minutes but the longest was 286 minutes. It doesn't take much to spare 30 minutes once a year (or every three years if you're under 50).

5. Provide peace of mind. Don't settle for Googling symptoms -- we all know the results are usually unnecessary doom and gloom instead of rainbows and leprechauns. A visit to your physician can reassure you everything is okay. You can also discuss medications, learn the cause of your insomnia or determine why you're not losing those last few pounds.

So, there's no need to get down on your hands and knees to scour the grass for a four-leaf clover. Instead, you can be proactive about your good health by scheduling regular wellness visits.

A well visit isn't just about establishing a patient's potential health risks. These appointments forge a doctor-patient relationship and allow you to create a health plan together. Schedule your well visit today by visiting Same-day appointments are often available.

About Siloam Springs Regional Hospital

Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is a licensed 73-bed facility with 42 private patient rooms. It is accredited by the State of Arkansas Department of Health Services and The Joint Commission. Some services include inpatient and outpatient surgery, emergency medicine, medical, surgical and intensive care units, obstetrics, outpatient diagnostic services and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. With more than 50 physicians on the medical staff, Siloam Springs Regional Hospital provides compassionate, customer-focused care. SSRH is an affiliate of Northwest Health, the largest health system in Northwest Arkansas. Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is located at 603 N. Progress Ave. in Siloam Springs. For more information, visit

View original post here:

OPINION: Don't 'leaf' your health to luck - Westside Eagle Observer

5 things we could do right now to ease ER overcrowding (Guest Opinion by Dr. John B. McCabe) –

John B. McCabe, M.D., FACEP, is professor/chair emeritus at Upstate Medical University. In 1987, McCabe was the only physician in Syracuse trained in emergency medicine. He was the first chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Upstate, and he practiced and taught emergency medicine in CNY for over 30 years. He has served as CEO at University Hospital and as president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. In retirement, he is the medical director for CAVAC, the Cazenovia Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps, and he volunteers as an ambulance driver, frequently bringing patients to all area hospitals.

Reporter Jim Mulders recent article (Syracuse emergency rooms are jammed, dirty and frustrating; waits are among worst in U.S., Feb. 27, 2023) and the editorial board opinion (ERs are in crisis in Syracuse and across US. When will Washington act? March 5, 2023) described the horrific state of affairs of the emergency departments in Syracuse hospitals.

Unfortunately, Mulder presented an accurate view of ERs that are overcrowded, dirty and chaotic. There are too few staff who, frustrated in their inability to deliver the care they know would be best for patients, may seem uncaring. At the same time, frustrated and angry patients are either waiting to be seen by a doctor or waiting for the hospital bed they have been promised. Patients feel lost in the system.

The inability to care for patients in a timely manner and to move them to an appropriate hospital bed, resulting in severe overcrowding, is not an ER problem. It is a problem of hospital operations and system-wide dysfunction.

There is no simple solution, nor a solution that will change things overnight. The editorial board makes the case for federal, congressional and presidential action. While reasonable, none of these levels of government will yield near-term results. Similarly, the states push for workforce development, although necessary, is the beginning of a training pathway that will take years.

Let me suggest several actions that could make a difference:

1. We could change existing state regulations to allow nursing staff to initiate appropriate diagnostic studies and basic ER treatments before evaluation by a physician. Such decision-making would be based on complaint-driven protocols, a common practice in many states. This change would allow earlier initiation of care, helping to speed patient throughput and improve waiting room conditions. Such a change should be a high priority for state lawmakers and regulators.

2. Hospitals could improve the speed and access to care by ensuring that all medical, surgical, ancillary and support services are available 24/7. With ER overcrowding, it is hard to accept that a patient in a hospital bed, ready to be discharged to home or to a long-term care facility, waits for days to receive a diagnostic study, a piece of durable medical equipment, a specialty service consultation, a home care referral or a needed pharmaceutical treatment.

The same can be said for facilities that receive patients discharged from hospitals. No patient who is ready to go to a nursing home on Friday afternoon should wait in a hospital bed until the following week for transfer.

3. Severe overcrowding does not happen suddenly. It can be anticipated. Previously, Central New York hospitals used an objective scoring system (National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score, or NEDOCS) to regularly assess the state of overcrowding in the ER. Such an objective score should be linked to a written plan that determines how hospital operations will adjust as the ER gets more and more crowded.

For instance, the number and function of social workers, discharge planners, bed supervisors, transport staff and physician staff need to change as crowding worsens. Means to alert the entire system to worsening overcrowding must result in an all-hands-on-deck approach that more quickly moves patients through the system to discharge or transfer. All hospitals should have a mechanism to communicate the status of their ERs to the public, so that patients and their physicians can make informed decisions, in real time, about going there for care.

As another example, hospitals should implement systems to efficiently move ER hallway patients to other hospital locations. While awaiting inpatient beds, such patients could be moved to defined hallway spaces on each inpatient unit. What seems better for the patients: 20 patients waiting for beds in ER hallways, or one or two patients in hallway beds, awaiting a room, on each inpatient floor?

Administrators must be prepared, at times, to make the hard decision to cancel profitable elective admissions or surgeries to free beds and ease ER overcrowding. They should be prepared to utilize preoperative, postoperative and other non-ER spaces to accommodate the overflow of ER patients.

Hospitals can change the mindset in implementing disaster plans. If 20 patients were to show up suddenly from a bus crash or a mass shooting, the disaster plan would kick in, with extra staff and resources being made immediately available to the ER. Why should the presence of 20 sick patients waiting for inpatient beds, in a congested and overrun ER, result in any less of an aggressive approach to care for them?

4. In addition, the physician community as a whole must bear some responsibility for ER overcrowding and must be a part of any viable solution. Many physicians have focused on outpatient care, not on the care of hospitalized patients. Some physicians choose not to cover the ER, as they used to, and not to provide specialty consults on hospitalized patients, as they used to.

With the emphasis on office care, physicians in the community should rethink the all-too-common response of go to the ER when their patients call with health complaints. While perhaps the easiest answer, going to the ER may not be the best approach for an individual patient, for the hospital, or for the ER staff.

Community specialists and subspecialists should recommit to being active partners in systems that deliver comprehensive and timely response for the evaluation, management and disposition of ER patients. It is unreasonable for commonly needed physician specialties, who are plentiful in the community, to be unavailable to patients in our ERs or inpatient units (as noted for GI/ endoscopy services in Mulders article).

5. The typical response of we have no money and no staff doesnt fix anything. Solutions must be found with policy change, creative staffing, innovative thinking, hard decisions, and prioritization of ER care.

This is where healthcare insurers and federal and state governments must step up. These community and civic leaders must realize that the funding decisions they make have real consequences in ER hallways and exam rooms and on the floors of hospitals and nursing homes.

As CEO, I often commented that people in CNY didnt always realize the breadth, depth and quality of medical services available locally. The current circumstances in the ERs are preventing patients from receiving this quality care in a timely manner, if at all.

Finally, as troublesome and difficult as ER overcrowding is for patients, this situation is also grossly unfair to the dedicated ER staff who struggle every day with inadequate resources and poorly functioning systems to provide care to our most needy and vulnerable populations.

It is time for a concerted effort to fix this problem for our patients and for our healthcare professionals.

Read the original post:

5 things we could do right now to ease ER overcrowding (Guest Opinion by Dr. John B. McCabe) -

Del Rios: A ‘boots on the ground’ emergency medicine physician … – University of Iowa Health Care

Marina Del Rios, MD, MS, associate professor of emergency medicine, is the recipient of this years individual Culturally Responsive Health Care Award.

Through her patient care and research, Del Rios is a champion of equity, voice, and empowerment for Black and Hispanic populations, writes Karen Cyndari, MD, PhD, a research fellow in the emergency medicine department who nominated Del Rios for the award.

In this Q&A, Del Rios shares her passion for connecting with her patients and community beyond the emergency department (ED) doors.

Marina Del Rios, MD, MS, receives the 2023 Culturally Responsive Health Care Award for an individual.

Ive always been interested in racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health care. Coming from a Latino household that was low income, I definitely have firsthand experience in the challenges of navigating the health care system.

At UIC (University of Illinois Chicago), I took an interest in cardiac arrest, which has now been in the news due to NFL football player Damar Hamlins event and shows that with prompt action lay people can save lives. Much of my work over the last ten years has been focused on disparities in cardiac arrest care and trying to activate communities so that we can increase awareness of cardiac arrest and respond when it occurs.

Now in Iowa, Im partnering with Johnson County Ambulance Services and the Rotary Kerber HeartSafe Community Campaign to train communities on bystander CPR. My current research is looking at what puts a community at riskso we can both prevent the cardiac arrest from happening by looking at different community-level social determinants of health and comorbidities that might put a community more at riskand then using that to create simulation models where we can test out interventions before implementing them in a real population. Were using data to help communities build a more effective response system for cardiac arrest that would limit the inequities that exist in incidence and survival.

There are some recipes that we know increase the chance of somebody surviving cardiac arrest. A very obvious example is bystander CPR. Those first few minutes after a cardiac arrest are critical. An average emergency medical response time is about 7 minutes and thats in a good situationin an urban place like Iowa City. If you live out in a rural county then it might be more like 15 or 20 minutes, so having lay people who are ready and willing to act is crucial to increasing that survival rate.

But at the same time, its not a one-size-fits-all recipe.

There are health systems that have implemented an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) program, or advanced critical care. That works in a place like Johnson County because our survival rates are high to start with. That means a lot of people make it to the hospital and can benefit from that intervention, but other health systems might be better off investing in more basic services to save more lives in their communities. The simulation program were developing considers local contextswhat the comorbidity in that area is, what the resources arebecause if you dont live in a community that has a university hospital then maybe youre better off investing in dispatch-assisted CPR, for example.

Marina Del Rios, MD, MS, in the Emergency Department at UI Hospitals & Clinics.

In my 15 or so years of academic career in different hospitals, Ive always made it a point to try to connect with the neighborhoods I serve. It seems counterintuitive because the emergency physician is usually more worried about the acute care issue that is in front of them but what Ive recognized is that it doesnt matter what I do in the ED; the interventions I put in place are affected by the reality of people before they even walk in through our doors.

Understanding their reality: are they going to be able to afford their medication, are they living in a reality where its going to be difficult for them to see a primary care provider, and how can I facilitate appropriate continuity of care? I think that we often just go for the disease thats in front of us, but medicine is also about the social sciences and understanding peoples social vulnerabilities.

Everyones journey is very personal. The way that I did it in Chicago was through cultural organizations that were part of my own heritage, like getting involved with the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. Here, Ive been getting to know people through some of the churches and schools. It can start with your own church or a hobbysomething that fulfills you in a different way and gives you an opportunity to connect with the community. Now that tends to keep us in our own circles, but a lot of these organizations have partnerships elsewhere, so its in those partnerships that you can branch out and get to know other people.

I always say start small. Our community is very grateful when they see academic physicians step in because theres a sense that you care for them. Giving back also helps with burnout and with your mental health.

Im surprised at how much diversity of languages there is in our city and county. Having been on the patient side with my mother-in-law who does not speak much English and finding a provider who can speak in Spanish has been very challenging. Shes very privileged that she has me and my husband who can go to appointments with her, but at times its been uncomfortable because some of the questions can be very personal. We have great translation services, but we could always use more. With the growing immigrant population in the county thats one aspect that leads to delays and barriers to care and certainly something we can work on.

The other thing that Ive really stressed with the residents is to not depend so much on family members because they very rarely translate word for word what patients are saying. They have their own interpretations, and although theyre important to have in the room for discussion, there are also some delicate questions that family members dont know about and why its so important to really involve the interpreters.

Another thing weve been trying to push in the department is giving the interpreter some context of whats happening with the patient because sometimes that also helps with how they frame questions and how they relay information. Interpreters are part of the care team too and they need to be prepared emotionally about how they engage with the patients.

See the rest here:

Del Rios: A 'boots on the ground' emergency medicine physician ... - University of Iowa Health Care