Category Archives: Family Medicine

Letters to the editor: ‘I wonder if the main stumbling block might be doctors themselves.’ The right to a family doctor, plus … – The Globe and Mail

Place blame

Re A young life in Gaza, shattered (Opinion, April 6): The account of Nada and her family in Gaza is a tragedy.

It is a tragedy for that family. Equally it is a tragedy because there are thousands of innocent Palestinian families just like Nadas who have similar experiences, cannot get wounds healed or access health care, have lost their homes, family members and futures.

But Nada is not alone in not forgiving. Many people outside of Gaza will not forgive, either.

Roger Emsley Delta, B.C.

The life of Nada before Oct. 7, 2023, as a student with a bright future living a fairly prosperous life in a modern apartment in Gaza City, is contrasted to her present nightmarish existence. Its shocking.

However, I fail to comprehend who she blames. Had the events of Oct. 7 not occurred, there would be no grudge to bear.

David Sacoransky Toronto

Re Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians? (Opinion, April 6): Ask First Nations if they signed on to the Charter. If the answer is no, then deference should be given to Indigenous peoples determining their own path.

The Charter is characterized as an altruistic, unchangeable, perfect set of rights for all peoples. But it is interpreted, and I would not presume that to be done in the best manner for another group, especially First Nations.

Supreme Court Justice Malcolm Rowe, as the only dissenter on this point, seems to have got it right.

Jason New Foothills County, Alta.

First Nations that successfully negotiate self-government treaties should be free to bring themselves under the jurisdiction of the Charter.

But one of the purposes of Section 25 seems to be ensuring that the constitutional underpinnings adopted by a First Nation are of its choosing, not necessarily reflective of the values of its colonizers. In other words, the Charter cannot be used to invalidate or detract from the rights of Indigenous peoples, even when those rights are different from Canadians. (The right to an Indigenous fishery comes to mind.)

Why should First Nations not be entitled to the same rights as Canadians? Canadians do not have the right, for example, to govern Quebec when they live in British Columbia. More importantly, a First Nation may decide it wants a different type of rights-and-freedoms regime.

Does colonialism keep us from seeing that possibility?

Brenda Taylor Surrey, B.C.

Re Its time for Canadians to have the right to a family doctor (Opinion, April 6): I would vote for any party committed to implementing primary health care that mirrors the structure of public education systems. However, I wonder if the main stumbling block might be doctors themselves.

It would mean abandoning family practices as sole proprietorships. All physicians would become civil servants. There would be greater accountability for patient loads and hours worked. Team-based models would be required, not optional.

On the other hand, it would address a common complaint among family doctors that, as small business owners, they spend too much time on administration. It would mean more time with patients.

But would they give up the power that accompanies running the show? I would hope so, for the greater good.

Michael Brooks Burlington, Ont.

Kudos to doctor Jane Philpott for her interesting idea. Her model might contribute to solving unnecessary waiting times and rationing Canadian experiences related to failures of primary care governance.

Many Canadian public schools are successful, partly because they have parent-teacher associations and other elements of local participation and governance.

Several years ago, the Nova Scotia Co-operative Council suggested a series of local health co-operatives, governed and managed by local boards. They would have maintained the principle of universality and negotiated salaries and revenue with members, staff and governments.

Unfortunately, both the federal and provincial governments rejected the idea. They preferred to continue the failing model of centralized governance and management.

David Zitner MD, Halifax

The year I was president of the Ontario College of Family Physicians, the provincial government introduced family health teams.

As a member of a team, I witnessed the excitement as medical students watched the renaissance of our specialty. We attracted many young, talented family physicians. The percentage of students choosing this career increased dramatically.

But that was almost 20 years ago. Subsequent governments felt teams were too expensive and a moratorium resulted. Now students mainly see overwhelmed physicians working in non-teams. Recent government announcements have added a small number of new teams that will hardly undo the damage of years of complacency.

Our residency matching process witnessed an abrupt decrease in those choosing family medicine. Teams cannot exist without a physician or nurse practitioner to lead them.

Although I applaud doctor Jane Philpotts ideas, it may well be that our governments have done too little, too late.

Val Rachlis MD, Toronto

As a family physician of 40 years, I appreciate doctor Jane Philpotts eloquent call to action.

The research of doctor Barbara Starfield has shown that investment in primary care was associated with improved system quality, equity and efficiency. Yet in Canada, there is inadequate financial support for primary care practices which provide access to the health system, preventive care, diagnosis and management of disease.

In my role of training future physicians, I hear them speak of their moral dilemma regarding family practice. They want to serve their communities, yet worry about the double debt from medical training and running private offices, as the costs of these have risen sharply.

We should redesign the system together, to meet the urgent needs of our population. Who will have the courage to fund primary care adequately?

Cleo Mavriplis MD Ottawa

Re No kids? No problem: How Canadas child-free and cash-rich couples are spending their time and money (Report on Business, April 6): The people presented all seem solely focused on themselves.

Does the money saved let them support charities? Does the additional leisure time let them become more engaged in their communities?

Are these choices good for Canada? Are these the citizens of the future?

Perhaps immigration is the cure to find people who really care.

Grant Swanson Oakville, Ont.

Fyodor Dostoevsky writes that the soul is healed by being with children. I guess that is one type of healing which DINKs mostly sacrifice.

Paul Thiessen Vancouver


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Letters to the editor: 'I wonder if the main stumbling block might be doctors themselves.' The right to a family doctor, plus ... - The Globe and Mail

WellSpan Health opens new health center at Penn National Golf Club, expanding access to care for patients in Franklin … – WellSpan Health

As part of its ongoing commitment to expanding access to care, WellSpan Health opened a new health center in eastern Franklin County on Monday that offers an array of primary and specialty care practices at one convenient location. The WellSpan Health Center at Penn National is located off the main entrance of the Penn National Golf Club at 8131 Spyglass Hill Drive in Fayetteville.

We are proud to offer an integrated healthcare facility including a variety of services in fields like primary care, imaging, laboratory, and rehabilitation services all at one spot, said Niki Hinckle, senior vice president of WellSpans west region. In furthering WellSpans vision to be a trusted healthcare partner, this health center improves access to care for patients in this growing area of Franklin County.

The 15,000 square feet health center is the new home for the WellSpan Family Medicine Penn National practice, formerly the family medicine practice located in nearby Mont Alto. The center will also include rehabilitation, podiatry, and laboratory services, with the ability to expand and meet future healthcare needs.

With this expanded level of care and treatment now available, patients will have access to doctors and advanced practice clinicians that are specialists in preventative care, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses through primary care services. The family medicine practice is accepting new patients.

Patients can also receive timely and precise results with access to convenient lab services close to home. Additionally with an active community like Penn National, there will now be rehabilitation services to help local patients achieve maximum, functional independence and regain their preferred lifestyle as quickly as possible after an injury or illness. Furthermore, if adults or children experience foot or ankle disorders or diseases, patients will be met with experts to help support their diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

The new facility is conveniently located just off the Anthony Highway and is easy to access for residents of the growing Penn National community and those in the Mont Alto, Fayetteville, and Waynesboro area.

In celebration of the opening of the WellSpan Health Center at Penn National, the community is invited to an open house on Saturday, March 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Attendees can meet members of the WellSpan team, tour of the new facility, and enjoy light refreshments and giveaways.

For more information on services offered at WellSpan Health Center at Penn National and across the area, visit

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WellSpan Health opens new health center at Penn National Golf Club, expanding access to care for patients in Franklin ... - WellSpan Health

Transforming Diversity of a Family Medicine Residency Program – University of Utah School of Medicine

Jos E. Rodrguez, MD, and Kirsten Stoesser, MD were recently published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) for their journal article Transforming Diversity of a Family Medicine Residency Program.

The NEJM featured the article as part of a series of case studies to offer perspectives of various initiatives to address discrimination in medicine and health care.

The full article is available to subscribers.

Listen to the publicly available interview with Jos Rodrguez, MD on an intervention aimed at recruiting a diverse class into a family medicine residency program.

See the original post here:

Transforming Diversity of a Family Medicine Residency Program - University of Utah School of Medicine

Tuition-free medical schools alone won’t fix diversity problems – STAT – STAT

Medical students at Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City gathered last week to hear a life-changing announcement: Ruth Gottesman revealed she would be donating $1 billion, ensuring no student at Einstein will pay tuition ever again.

Leadership at Albert Einstein School of Medicine celebrated the donation as a means to attract a more diverse student body. Improving diversity in the nations physician workforce is a public health imperative. Forty years of affirmative action policies were unable to compensate for the devastating impact of the 1910 Flexner Report, which led to the mass closure of medical schools that admitted Black students, and an estimated loss of 35,000 Black physicians into the field. Despite the urgency of improving diversity in our physician workforce, the number of applicants from Black, Hispanic, and other underrepresented groups in medicinebeing admitted to medical school has decreased in the United States. Black/African American, low-family income, and first-generation students are less likely to be admitted to M.D.-Ph.D. programs, despite being as qualified or more qualified than other applicants. In trying to explain these gaps, as well as the shortage of students interested in entering primary care, experts often point to the high cost of medical school. But the truth is more complicated than that. Simply going tuition-free cannot address entrenched issues of racial and socioeconomic disparities in medical school admissions.

New York University School of Medicine announced at its 2018 White Coat Ceremony that it would become tuition-free. The change was similarly hailed as beneficial for expanding student body diversity and the primary care workforce. While the number of applications to NYUs medical school increased by 47% between 2018 and 2019 and applications from students from underrepresented groups rose by 102%, the percentage of matriculants at NYU who identified as Black/African American has averaged just below 11% between 2019 and 2022, down from 14% in 2017.

NYUs matriculating student MCAT range narrowed from 506-528 in the 2017-2018admissions cycle to 516-527 in the 2022-2023 admissions cycle, and their accepted GPA range narrowed from 3.45-4.0 to 3.62-4.0 in the same time frame. Thanks at least in part to this increased selectivity, their U.S. News and World Report Ranking rose from No. 11 in 2018 to No. 3 in 2019. In addition, no students in NYU Grossman School of Medicines inaugural tuition-free class, who matriculated in fall 2018 and graduated in 2022, matched into family medicine. Three students from the class that matriculated in fall 2019 matched into family medicine in 2023, and the number of students matching into pediatrics decreased from 10 in 2022 to six in 2023.

Tuition-free medical school has also been suggested as an intervention to improve the financial diversity of medical school matriculants, which may contribute to increased enrollment by people from groups underrepresented in medicine. A study found that between 2017 and 2019, one-quarter of student doctors reported a family income in the top 5% of income earners, while the percentage of students from the lowest household income quintile has never exceeded 5.5%.

Relieving the burden of student loan repayment does nothing to address the link between wealth and medical school admissions in the United States. Applicants reporting a family income of less than $50,000 are 48% less likely than applicants reporting a family income of $200,000 or greater to be accepted into an M.D. program, most likely because medical school admissions policies heavily favor wealthy applicants. Wealth facilitates applicants participation in unpaid activities such as shadowing, volunteering, and clinical research, while family income is linked to success in college admissionsand on the MCAT. After NYU became tuition-free, the percentage of students who self-reported as financially disadvantaged fell from 12% in 2017 to 3% in 2019 and has remained between 3% and 7% since.

Relief from student loan debt for medical students should be celebrated. However, absent any additional interventions it is unlikely to substantially improve the racial, ethnic, and financial diversity of our physician workforce. The nullification of affirmative action policies in the United States presents an additional challenge, but not an insurmountable one, as is evidenced by the University of California at Davis success in achieving representation that matches or exceeds the United States population. (California has prohibited state institutions from using race or ethnicity for admissions decisions since 1996.) The UC-Davis admissions committee focuses on socioeconomic disadvantage, which is deeply interwoven with race in the United States through centuries of racial violence and disenfranchisement.

Addressing racial bias and socioeconomic disadvantage will require a shift away from traditional admissions metrics. Medical schools could deemphasize the MCAT, an exam known to favor white, wealthy applicants, or prioritize applications from community college graduates, a cohort of diverse students with a high prevalence of intention to work with underserved communities. Because the process of applying to medical school unfolds over several years, the expansion of pathway programs for students from underrepresented groups is essential to provide mentorship, networking opportunities, and academic support to counteract the interpersonal discrimination that adversely affects students of color. (Pre-medical students from underrepresented backgrounds, for instance, experience greater discouragement from their pre-health advisors than their white counterparts.) As gatekeepers to the profession, medical school admissions committees and pre-health advisers must confront their own biases and embrace a holistic admissions approach that considers hardshipsexperienced by applicants.

These interventions will require not only a financial investment on the part of medical schools but also an investment in changing perceptions of what it means to be a qualified applicant.

One of us is now a resident physician, and the other is currently in medical school. We are thrilled for the students at Albert Einstein School of Medicine who will benefit from Ruth Gottesmans generosity. But as people celebrate, we hope they will realize that there is no single fix even one as significant as free tuition for the complex issues of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in medical school admissions.

Tricia Pendergrast, M.D., is a resident physician in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Michigan. Jared E. Boyce, ScM, is an M.D.-Ph.D. candidate in the Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

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Tuition-free medical schools alone won't fix diversity problems - STAT - STAT

Smart Creates Interactive Program to Increase Access to Healthcare, STEM-Related Fields | Newsroom – UNC Health and UNC School of Medicine

Danae Smart, MD, MS, second-year family medicine resident at the UNC School of Medicine, created Healthcare Sparks to inspire the next generation to consider professions in healthcare and related fields.

CHAPEL HILL, NC Danae Smart, MD, MS, noticed a disparity in many pre-college-aged students access to healthcare and STEM-related fields early in her time in medical school at Loma Linda University in California. In response, Smart, now a second-year resident at UNC Family Medicine, created Healthcare Sparks at the end of her first year of medical school to encourage professionals in training to engage with middle and high school students with the goal of sparking their interest in medicine and related scientific fields.

Smart emphasizes the need for representation in healthcare, stating,I believe there must be more diversity in healthcare. Lack of resources and lack of exposure to black and brown healthcare professionals are two barriers that inhibit minority students from pursuing health careers, barriers which Healthcare Sparks addresses.

The program, initially supported through the Healthy Neighborhood Projects program at Loma Linda, began with an afterschool enrichment program in San Bernadino and included many children coming from households of incarcerated parents. The sessions were led by medical students and explored basic anatomy and physiology concepts reinforced with educational games, using an interactive Healthcare booklet that Smart has now published.

Starting her residency at UNC Family Medicine, Smart hoped to expand the program to more institutions, noting the positive feedback from students.

I conducted a survey at the US Dream Academy in San Bernadino, and all of the respondents reported learning more about science and being more interested in health careers since starting Healthcare Sparks, Smart said. Feedback at Culbreth Middle School in Chapel Hill was similar, with students noting the session was better than they expected, and that they didnt know a science lesson would be so enjoyable.

With the use of the published Healthcare Sparks book and video resources available on the website, the goal is to have more professionals in training who can lead the learning sessions.

Ultimately, I hope Healthcare Sparks inspires students to pursue health careers and creates mentorship opportunities for volunteers who decide to start the program at their institutions, Smart said. I want students to see providers who look like them and to know they can achieve whatever goals they aspire to.

To learn more about the program, watch this video and visit

Media contact: Reid Johnson, Communications Director, UNC Family Medicine

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Smart Creates Interactive Program to Increase Access to Healthcare, STEM-Related Fields | Newsroom - UNC Health and UNC School of Medicine

NJ Doctor Practices the ‘Art’ of Primary Care with Patients – Hackensack Meridian Health

When family medicine doctorAmelia Pawaroo-Balram, M.D., was still in high school, she was considered a budding artist skilled at drawing and painting, who won awards in local competitions. Her parents thought she would follow that creative path in college, but she surprised them by saying, Im going to study medicine.

Born in New York, she grew up in Montville, New Jersey, with her parents, who are from Guyana, South America. With ancestors from India, she completed her academic studies at St. Matthews University School of Medicine Grand Cayman, and her residency at St. Josephs University Medical Center in Paterson, New Jersey.

Dr. Pawaroo-Balram began her practice withHackensack Meridian Health in September 2023, and is now affiliated withHackensack University Medical Center.

Because of my international background, I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds, and I can assimilate into different scenarios. I like working as a team with my patients to achieve a common goal. Just like my patients, I get excited when the information comes together perfectly to achieve that.

Spending time with my 5-year-old daughter, Madisonwho is going on age 20is such a joy. Shes into art, as well. She told me she wants to be a doctor because then she can work with me!

I fund the Wi-Fi at an orphanage in Guyana. When my daughter grows out of her clothes, I pack them up and send them there, too. I used to send baby bottlesI mean, I had 20 at one time, and I think of someone there who has none, and how important that one thing is to them. I want to continue to remain grounded, and this helps me.

Bill Gates. His story is so inspiring: dropping out of college, then starting Microsoft and doing so well as a global business leader and philanthropist. He used his creativity to mold technology, and its a big reason why we are where we are with tech today. I have a ton of questions for him!

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

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NJ Doctor Practices the 'Art' of Primary Care with Patients - Hackensack Meridian Health

Mommy Minute: What to keep in your medicine cabinet – Yahoo! Voices

We keep all sorts of things in our medicine cabinets but whats really essential to have on hand?

Neha Vyas, MD, family medicine physician for Cleveland Clinic, said adhesive bandages are a must, but if theyre always falling off, you may want to try the liquid kind.

They actually make liquid bandages, which are really good for those cuts that are somewhat annoying and dont seem to hold very well with the adhesive bandages, said Dr. Vyas. They seem to hold up under water much better than the adhesive bandages.

Its also a good idea to have some type of pain reliever in your medicine chest.

And if youre prone to achy muscles, pain relieving patches may be useful.

Antacids can come in handy for the occasional bout with heart burn, upset stomach or diarrhea.

For itchy insect bites, hydrocortisone cream may provide relief.

Speaking of itch, people who suffer from allergies will want to stock up on some antihistamines.

Those are great to have around if you have the seasonal allergies, or right as youre starting to develop a respiratory infection and you have that runny nose or the sneezing, or the itchy, watery eyes, Dr. Vyas explained.

She recommends checking your medicine cabinet every six months to toss and replace expired items.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to ABC27.

The rest is here:

Mommy Minute: What to keep in your medicine cabinet - Yahoo! Voices

Open House Held Thursday at Knoxville Hospital and Clinics – KNIA KRLS Radio

An open house was held Thursday at Knoxville Hospital and Clinics for the new Don and Margaret Long Infusion Center and Weiler Specialty Clinics.

The community came out to the hospital to celebrate the first phase of the $21 million expansion project. The Weiler Foundation Specialty Clinics, home to 24 visiting specialists, is located on the east side of the hospital and shares a waiting room with the Dr. Earl J. McKeever Clinic for family medicine. The Don & Margaret Long Infusion Center, located on the south side of the hospital, provides private treatment spaces featuring 12 treatment chairs with room for loved one support. Knoxville Hospital and Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid says he was excited to see the communitys response to the effort.

People really wanted to have an open house. We were able to open this project about a month earlier than expected, so it kind of threw some of the original planning into a little bit of chaos when it came to, how do we do an open house when were already open? The community has been really flexible picking a good day that is good from a patient activity perspective. Its been a great turnout and we just love having people come see what we do.

The next phase of the construction project will focus on the Emergency Department, with work expected to begin this month.

Here is the original post:

Open House Held Thursday at Knoxville Hospital and Clinics - KNIA KRLS Radio

Will $1 Billion Given to a Bronx Medical School Improve the Boroughs Health? – The New York Times

For Trevor Barker, a first-year student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, the $1 billion gift from a longtime former professor that will eliminate tuition at the medical school could well be life-changing.

Mr. Barker works two campus jobs and sends money home to his mother in California. He had expected to graduate hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. But the free tuition has made him ponder new options for his career.

I hadnt really been able to consider family medicine, but I might want to, he said.

Family medicine doctors do everything from delivering babies to caring for older people usually in underserved communities. Mr. Barker said he might consider practicing medicine in the Bronx, even though doctors there generally earn less.

The billion-dollar donation by Dr. Ruth Gottesman made national news last week for its generosity and because of her life story. It also resonated because it did not go to a school in Manhattan, where top medical and educational institutions are regularly feted with gifts from billionaires.

Instead her gift went to the only medical school in the poorest and unhealthiest county in New York State: Einstein, a well-regarded medical school with over 1,000 students that is affiliated with a major hospital, Montefiore Medical Center. Almost immediately, doctors and health experts began to consider what effect it would have on health care in a borough with high rates of chronic diseases like diabetes and asthma, and with relatively few primary care physicians.

Dr. Gottesmans gift is intended to help Einstein and its medical students and encourage more lower-income students to apply to medical school. It might also encourage students like Mr. Barker to practice medicine in the borough. And some health care experts and doctors were optimistic that the boon to Einstein would be felt beyond the campus, with a trickle-down effect that would eventually improve health care across the Bronx.

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Will $1 Billion Given to a Bronx Medical School Improve the Boroughs Health? - The New York Times

Five Questions to Consider to Maintain Your 2024 Health Goals – McLaren Health Care

January 05, 2024

Author: McLaren Flint

The new year brings about peoples collective resolutions, aiming to improve an aspect of their individual lives.

One of the most popular resolutions is health.

Countless people have resolved to better themselves and their overall general health through increased exercise, more conscious food choices, and the avoidance of some bad habits.

While you are setting your goals and cementing your commitment to them, set yourself up for lasting success by considering these five questions, and discussing them with your primary care provider.

What is the current state of your health?

Knowing your vital stats (such as blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol, body mass index, etc.) is a great way to establish a baseline. This will allow you to create specific goals and track your progress.

What would you like to do?

Do you want to lose weight or body fat? Improve your diet? A persons general health is a vague subject. Increase your chances for success by clearly defining what youd like to improve upon.

Don't try to make big changes right away, said Heather Werlinger, certified family medicine nurse practitioner at McLaren Flint-Community Medical Center. Start with one small change. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight, instead of trying to rearrange your entire normal diet and exercise routine, start by reducing your portion size. Instead of eating out for lunch, start packing a lunch. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. After you have implemented these changes for 3-4 weeks and they become a habit, then add more. This will help to make long term change by creating healthy habits.

What is your plan for achieving this goal?

Will you start exercising more or adjust your diet? Choose a path that best fits your routine and personality to create healthy habits that will create lasting success.

Keep a journal to track your progress, said Werlinger. Get your family involved so you can do it together. Make regular appointments with your health care provider so they can help keep you on track. I love it when patients come in and we can celebrate removing a blood pressure medication because they have lost weight.

Are your expectations realistic?

Its easy to say youll run 10 miles a day, but will you stick to it day in and day out? Is it even possible to lose 30 pounds in 30 days? Unrealistic expectations will ultimately lead to discouragement, prompting the abandonment of goals and any resolve to achieve them. Consult your doctor to set realistic expectations and reasonable timelines.

Joyce John, certified nurse practitioner at McLaren-Flint Grand Blanc Community Medical Center says being specific when setting goals and setting well defined goals that are concrete rather than broad, can help keep your expectations realistic. For example, instead of choosing a broad goal of "I want to exercise more, a more specific goal would be to walk 20 minutes a day. Its important to set reasonable, realistic, and attainable goals to prevent discouragement.

What is your motivation?

The steps taken to improve your general health are positive life changes, but what is your true motivation? Are you doing this for your family? To feel physically better? To feel mentally better? Know why youre striving after these goals, and remind yourself of it often.

It is all about creating healthy habits, said Werlinger. If you make small changes slowly, they eventually add up to bigchanges. Remember, you didn't get where you are overnight, you are not going to fix it overnight.

If you are in need of a primary care provider, visit us online at

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Five Questions to Consider to Maintain Your 2024 Health Goals - McLaren Health Care