Category Archives: Immunology

Frontiers in Immunology

The specialty sections of Frontiers in Immunology welcome submission of the following article types: Brief Research Report, Case Report, Classification, Clinical Study Protocol, Clinical Trial, Correction, Editorial, Hypothesis and Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Original Research, Perspective, Policy and Practice Reviews, Review, Systematic Review, General Commentary, Protocols, Technology Report, Data Report, Specialty Grand Challenge, Addendum and Erratum.

When submitting a manuscript to Frontiers in Immunology, authors must submit the material directly to one of the specialty sections. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Associate and Review Editors of the respective specialty section.

Articles published in the specialty sections above will benefit from the Frontiers impact and tiering system after online publication. Authors of published original research with the highest impact, as judged democratically by the readers, will be invited by the Chief Editor to write a Frontiers Focused Review - a tier-climbing article. This is referred to as "democratic tiering". The author selection is based on article impact analytics of original research published in the Frontiers specialty journals and sections. Focused Reviews are centered on the original discovery, place it into a broader context, and aim to address the wider community across all of Immunology.

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Frontiers in Immunology

Immunology – University of California, San Diego

Faculty Contacts:John Chang&Shane Crotty

The Immunology Training Area is a unique joint effort between several departments at UC San Diego and LJI: the Department of Medicine, Pathology, Biological Sciences, and the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology. The overall goal of this training area is to provide students with exceptional and rigorous training in molecular and cellular immunology. The study of the immune system uses molecular, genetic, biochemical, and developmental approaches to understand the biomedically important issues of immunity, autoimmunity, allergy, immunodeficiency, transplantation, and cancer. Moreover, studies focusing on human disease pathogenesis often lead to insight into the fundamental mechanisms by which the immune response is regulated. Many faculty research programs now bridge the disciplines of Microbiology and Immunology to probe the specific interactions between microbial virulence factors and host innate and adaptive immune defenses. In this fashion, we gain a better understanding of the fundamental pathogenesis of infectious diseases and further development of vaccines and other immunotherapies.

Immunology faculty associated with the training area study a diverse range of topics, from fundamental mechanisms of B and T lymphocyte development and differentiation; basic mechanisms of innate immune defense involving dendritic cells, macrophages, and neutrophils; immunity against microbial pathogens as well as tumors; mucosal immunity; autoimmune disease, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and the inflammatory bowel disease; and hematopoietic stem cell and organ transplantation. A guiding principle throughout their research is the use of cutting-edge technology and multi-disciplinary approaches to fundamentally address major human health issues.

The training area is tightly integrated with several other training initiatives on campus. The multidisciplinary qBio Ph.D. specializationis open to all graduate students in the BMS program. The UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation promotes training at the cutting-edge of microbiome research, biomedical engineering, and quantitative measurements and modeling.

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Immunology - University of California, San Diego

University of Washington Immunology | UW Department of …

The Department of Immunology is a basic science department within the University of Washington, School of Medicine located in Seattle.

Our mission is to advance understanding of the function of the immune system in order to enhance our ability to fight infectious disease, cancer and autoimmune disease. Basic research of all aspects of immunology is critical to this mission, as well as translational research to link our findings to the development of new therapies.

We hold diversity and inclusiveness as core values in our department and emphasize their importance throughout our research, education and practice. We strive to create a climate that fosters belonging, respect and value for all within our scientific community and the institution.


Innate and adaptive lymphocytes sequentially shape the gut microbiota and lipid metabolism.Mao K, Baptista AP, Tamoutounour S, Zhuang L, Bouladoux N, Martins AJ, Huang Y, Gerner MY, Belkaid Y, Germain RN. Nature. 2018; 554(7691):255-259. PMID: 29364878

Dendritic cell and antigen dispersal landscapes regulate T cell immunity.Gerner MY, Casey KA, Kastenmuller W, Germain RN.The Journal of experimental medicine. 2017; 214(10):3105-3122. PMID:28847868

Adaptation of commensal proliferating Escherichia coli to the intestinal tract of young children with cystic fibrosis.Matamouros S, Hayden HS, Hager KR, Brittnacher MJ, Lachance K, Weiss EJ, Pope CE, Imhaus AF, McNally CP, Borenstein E, Hoffman LR, Miller SI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 13;115(7):1605-1610. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1714373115. Epub 2018 Jan 29. PMID:29378945

Production of BMP4 by endothelial cells is crucial for endogenous thymic regeneration.Wertheimer T, Velardi E, Tsai J, Cooper K, Xiao S, Kloss CC, Ottmller KJ, Mokhtari Z, Brede C, deRoos P, Kinsella S, Palikuqi B, Ginsberg M, Young LF, Kreines F, Lieberman SR, Lazrak A, Guo P, Malard F, Smith OM, Shono Y, Jenq RR, Hanash AM, Nolan DJ, Butler JM, Beilhack A, Manley NR, Rafii S, Dudakov JA, van den Brink MRM.Sci Immunol. 2018 Jan 12;3(19). pii: eaal2736. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.aal2736. PMID: 29330161

SuppressionofluteinizinghormoneenhancesHSCrecoveryafterhematopoieticinjury.Velardi E, Tsai JJ, Radtke S, Cooper K, Argyropoulos KV, Jae-Hung S, Young LF, Lazrak A, Smith OM, Lieberman S, Kreines F, Shono Y, Wertheimer T, Jenq RR, Hanash AM, Narayan P, Lei Z, Moore MA, Kiem HP, van den Brink MRM, Dudakov JA.Nat Med. 2018 Feb;24(2):239-246. doi: 10.1038/nm.4470. Epub 2018 Jan 8. PMID: 29309056

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University of Washington Immunology | UW Department of ...

Immunology – University of Tennessee system

General Information

The immunology service provides a comprehensive array of tests to assist in the diagnosis of immune dysfunction, immune system malignancies, select infectious diseases and genetic disorders.

Bovine Pregnancy Test

The Immunology Section of the Diagnostic Laboratory Service is now a NPIP certified provider of the AGID Avian Influenza Test. As part of the Colleges effort to support animal health efforts of the State of Tennessee, the lab has completed the training and proficiency requirements to perform the test. Questions regarding sample submission for testing can be addressed to the Laboratory staff at (865) 974-5643.

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Immunology - University of Tennessee system

Immunology: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access (Immunology …

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ISBN-13: 978-0323080583

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Immunology: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access (Immunology ...

Kuby Immunology Eighth Edition –

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Kuby Immunology Eighth Edition -

Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology – School of Medicine …

Our department offers a highly interactive research environment conducive to collaborations oninterdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research projects with others in our school, university and beyond, as evidenced by extramurally-funded center and program project grants.

Our faculty direct state-of-the-art cores such as the Flow Cytometry and Sorting. Our other shared resources comprise cutting-edge equipment and technology for Advanced Microscopy, Omics (Genomics, Epigenomics, Transcriptomics and Microbiome technology) and Metabolic Profiling studies. We welcome you to visit us to see our equipment and resources first-hand.

Ourfaculty are recognized leaders in their fields. They are appointed to national and international grant-review committees, hold offices in scientific societies, organize conferences and serve on government-appointed panels and scientific journal editorial boards. They participate in teaching courses primarily for medical and graduate students, as well as for post-baccalaureate and physician assistant students.

Medical Microbiology (PAMBD650)

Aseven-credit-hour, fall semester, second-year course covering fundamental and clinical aspects of microbiology and immunology as they relate to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Infectious agents are discussed in relation to their morphology, biology, epidemiology and pathogenesis.

The role of the specific and nonspecific immune systems in defense against infection and disease, as well as in the causation of disease (immunopathogenesis), is emphasized. A section of the course is devoted to special topics in infectious diseases. Primary methods of instruction include lecture, case-based discussion/presentation, patient-oriented problem-solving exercises, clinical correlations and laboratory. Modes of assessment include departmental written multiple choice examination and an assessment of participation in problem-solving exercises, case study discussions and computer simulated laboratory exercises.

Medical Pathology (PAMB641 and PAMB 642)

A two-semester, seven-credit-hour (PAMB 641 - fall) and six-credit-hour (PAMB 642 - spring), second-year course that provides students with an understanding of the basic mechanisms of diseases, the bodys response to these diseases and the manifestation of these changes in patient signs, symptoms and tests in specific organ systems. Primary methods of instruction include lecture and small-group discussion. Modes of assessment include aNBMEsubject examination and departmental multiple choice examinations.

Basic and Clinical Immunology (MBIM710)

This graduate level course covers immune system components, including the innate and adaptive immune system, their functions and interactions. Topics on immune system dysregulation and consequences as related to disease and health are included. Current topics of interest in immunology also are covered. Overall, students will gain an advanced understanding of the immune system.

By the end of this course the student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding in:

Frontiersin Biomedical Science (MBIM730)

In this course, students learn and understand the following topics:

A minimum of 4 students is required to conduct this course.

Neoplasia (PATHO710)

In this course, students learn and understand the following topics:

A minimum of 4 students is required to conduct this course.

Topics in Advanced Immunology (MBIM700)

This course is offered in Fall and Spring semesters, primarily to graduate students who have a background in basic Immunology. The format of the course is as a journal club wherein 2-3 papers will be discussed on a weekly basis on current immunology literature that has appeared in high-impact journals likeScience, Nature, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Immunology, Cell and Immunity.

The scientific paper discussion will include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliography.One of the most important aspects of this course is to train the student to critique research and to improve the quality of their research by incorporating novel concepts and techniques.

Experimental Pathology (PATH-711)

This course is designed to provide graduate students with a fundamental biomedical knowledge base in human pathology and an introduction to the study of the disease process. Particular emphasis will be given to the etiology, pathogenesis and description of gross and microscopic pathologic patterns occurring during the progress and outcome of major human diseases and conditions.

Students will be introduced to the experimental approach of the development and subsequently effective treatment of certain diseases, through the description of animal models simulating related pathologies. With the knowledge of normal histology, and by gaining familiarity of microscopic appearances through a hands-on experience at the lab small groups, students will develop observational and descriptive skills and ultimately deepen thier understanding of the underlying mechanisms of disease. By the description of the experimental methodologies, including the murine models of various diseases, they will formulate the causative approach in the study of disease.

The research interests of our faculty fall under the following main thematic groups.

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Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology - School of Medicine ...

Amazon Best Sellers: Best Immunology

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Amazon Best Sellers: Best Immunology

What does an Immunologist do? – Sokanu

Immunology is defined as the study of an organism's defence/immune system, in both health and disease. There are many harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites constantly trying to gain access into the body, and if successful, can lead to a number of serious diseases. Immunologists work in many different areas of biomedical research, as well as in healthcare, agriculture and environmental monitoring.

Immunologists from developed nations are working together with countries in the developing world to help prevent and treat major problems associated with global health/disease. These include vaccine preventable diseases, emerging infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, cancer and other neglected infectious diseases.

Am immunologist's job and their role often depends on the type of organization they work for:

Immunologists employed by health services tend to be either qualified doctors specializing in the study of diseases (pathology) or the study of allergies. They can also be scientists with expertise in a clinical laboratory.

Immunologists employed in the pharmaceutical and bio-technical industry help develop new medical products and therapies. They generally work with other scientists to produce new products or improve existing ones.

Immunologists employed by universities work in virtually every life science department or division conducting research to increase our understanding of the immune system. They can also work as lecturers, teaching students about Immunology while still conducting their own research.

Immunologists employed within the veterinary sciences, as veterinary immunologists, research better ways of improving animal healthcare by preventing disease, and by providing treatment for those animals suffering from infections and other immunological conditions.

Many diseases are caused when the immune system behaves incorrectly. Research immunologists try to understand how and why the immune system malfunctions and causes disease. Such diseases can be broadly classified into the following three categories:

Immunodeficiency: occurs when parts of the immune system fail to respond adequately to a harmful foreign substance or organism.

Autoimmunity: occurs when the immune system attacks the very tissue it is meant to protect; due to failure of the immune system to recognize its own tissues.

Hypersensitivity: occurs when the immune system responds inappropriately (sometimes too intensely) to harmless compounds.

See more here:
What does an Immunologist do? - Sokanu

Immunology – Home | UConn Health

Immunology has wide spanning implications in treating inflammation-based disease and in maintaining human health. At UConn Health, we are at the forefront of studying the basis of immunity to pathogens and cancer while controlling inflammatory responses. Were using innovative approaches and novel tools to aid vaccine and immunotherapy development, and formulate new methods to diagnose and treat autoimmune disease.Read More About Our Accomplishments

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Immunology - Home | UConn Health