Category Archives: Immunology

Immunology Service | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

The Immunology Service at CHOP provides sensitive, patient-centered care to children and young adults with immune deficiencies. Our team team works closely with your whole family to provide education about immune deficiencies, as well as comprehensive immunology therapies.

We also help connect you with other families facing similar medical challenges, so you can learn from others who understand your experiences.

Primary immune deficiency disease can present in many ways including recurrent infections, unusual infections and autoimmune diseases. Our expert staff is world renowned in the diagnosis of these diseases. Our Clinical Immunology Laboratory provides advanced diagnostic tools, which are critical to finding an accurate diagnosis for your child and beginning a treatment plan that will improve her quality of life.

Particular areas of clinical emphasis include:

Each of the nearly 150 primary immune deficiency diseases has a specific therapy. We offer the most up-to-date therapies for our patients.

Many patients can be treated with probiotics, medications and other interventions to improve their quality of life. Hospital admissions are infrequent and the emphasis is on a normal life style. We work with our Day Medicine Unit for infusion therapy and use home care to maximize time spent at home.

Our Transition Clinic supports young adults as they become more independent and their medical needs change. We emphasize management of immune deficiencies as a way of life rather than an illness that restricts opportunities.

The Immunology Service participates in longitudinal registries of patients with immune deficiencies that aim to define optimal treatments of these diseases. These studies include USIDNET, CIBMTR and PIDTC. Ongoing research efforts are focused on:

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Immunology Service | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Vaccines Conferences | Immunology Conferences | World …

Conference Series LLClook forward to welcoming all the participants across the globe to attend19thEuro Global Summit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccinationgoing to be held duringJune 19-21, 2016 in Paris, France. The conference highlights the theme Accelerating Next Generation Vaccines for Global Health covering all important aspects in Vaccines and therapeutics.

Euro Vaccines 2017conference features highly enlightening and interactive sessions to encourage the exchange of ideas across a wide range of disciplines in the field of vaccination and therapeutics. The conference includes explicit keynote talks from distinguished scientists, plenary sessions, Poster competition, Young Researcher sessions, Symposiums, Workshop and Exhibitions.

Track 1:Human Vaccines - Infectious & Non Infectious Diseases

Avaccineis an inactivated form of bacteria or virus that is injected into the body to simulate an actualinfection. Because the injected microorganisms are 'dead,' they don't cause a person to become sick. Instead, vaccines stimulate animmune responseby the body that will fight off that type of illness. It covers infectious disease targets and non-infectious disease targets. To generate vaccine-mediated protection is a complex challenge. Currently available vaccines have largely been developed empirically, with little or no understanding on how they activate theimmune system. Their early protective efficacy is primarily conferred by the induction of antigen-specific antibodies. However, there is more to antibody-mediated protection than the peak of vaccine-induced antibody titers.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 2:Vaccine Research & Development:

Vaccine Developmentis an activity that focuses on a variety of technological initiatives and applied research, which enhance and promote improved systems and practices for vaccine safety. In the past year, the unprecedentedEbola diseaseoutbreak galvanized research and industry response and as we continue to search for solutions, we must review the lessons learned in order to overcome the current challenges. Vaccines development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement. The current system for developing, testing, and regulating vaccines developed during the 20th century as the groups involved standardized their procedures and regulations.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 3:Cancer Vaccines:

Immunotherapeuticsis treatment that uses your body's own immune system to help fight cancer. Get information about the different types of immunotherapy and the types of cancer they are used to treat. The main types of immunotherapy now being used to treat cancer include:

Some types ofimmunotherapyare also sometimes called biologic therapy or biotherapy.

In the last few decades immunotherapy has become an important part of treating some types of cancer. Newer types of immune treatments are now being studied, and theyll impact how we treat cancer in the future.

Immunotherapy includes treatments that work in different ways. Some boost the bodys immune system in a very general way. Others help train the immune system to attack cancer cells specifically. Immunotherapy works better for some types of cancer than for others. Its used by itself for some of these cancers, but for others it seems to work better when used with other types of treatment.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016, Australia; 12th Euro GlobalSummit on Cancer Therapy, Sept 26-28, 2016, UK; InternationalConference and Exhibition on Pediatric Oncology, Aug 4-6, 2016, Canada; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; World;Vaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 4:HIV Vaccines:

AnAIDSvaccine does not yet exist, but efforts to develop a vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, have been underway for many years. An HIV vaccine could be effective in either of two ways. A preventive vaccine would stopHIV infectionoccurring altogether, whereas a therapeutic vaccine would not stop infection, but would prevent or delay illness in people who do become infected, and might also reduce the risk of them transmitting the virus to other people. Although a preventive vaccine would be ideal, therapeutic vaccines would also be highly beneficial. The basic idea behind allHIV vaccinesis to encourage the humanimmune systemto fight HIV.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; AnnualConference on Virulent HIV Vaccines, July 28-30, 2016 Thailand; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; HIV Research for Prevention 2016, 17-21 October, Chicago, USA; InternationalAIDS Conference2016, July 17-19, 2016, Durban, South Africa;HIV Trials Network Meeting, MAY 18-20, 2016, Washington D.C., USA;HIV Vaccines(X8), March 2024, 2016, California, USA;HIV Research for Prevention2016 (HIVR4P), October 17- 20, 2016, Chicago, USA

Track 5:Vaccines safety& Efficacy:

Vaccines are the best defense we have against serious, preventable, and sometimes deadlycontagious diseases. Vaccines are some of the safest medical products available, but like any other medical product, there may behealth risk. Accurate information about the value of vaccines as well as their possibleside-effectshelps people to make informed decisions about vaccination. The safety of vaccines is carefully monitored, starting early in the product development and continuing for as long as the vaccine is being used. Find out about what is done before and after vaccines are approved for use and what is known about the benefits and safety of specific vaccines. There is a lot of false information about vaccines safety on the Internet. This can be confusing. Discover the answers to common questions and concerns about vaccines.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 6:Vaccination for Pregnant Women:

Vaccines can help keep you and your growing family healthy. If you are pregnant or planning apregnancy, the specific vaccinations you need are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, medical conditions you may have, such as asthma or diabetes, type and locations of travel, and previous vaccinations. Benefits of vaccinating pregnant women usually outweigh potential risks when the likelihood of disease exposure is high, when infection would pose a risk to the mother or fetus, and when the vaccine is unlikely to cause harm. All women who will be pregnant (any trimester) during the flu season should be offered this vaccine. Talk to your doctor to see if this applies to you.Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis(Tdap): Tdap is recommended during pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 36 weeks' gestation, to protect baby from whooping cough.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Pregnancy Summit& Child Health, Aug 29-31, 2016, Brazil; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 7:Childhood Vaccines:

Vaccinationgiven to children is called childrenImmunization. It is currently recommended that all children receive vaccination against the infectious diseases unless the child has special circumstances, such as a compromised immune system orneurological disorders. In our mobile society, over a million people each day people travel to and from other countries, where many vaccine-preventable diseases remain relatively common. Without vaccines, epidemics of many preventable diseases could return, resulting in increased - and unnecessary - illness, disability, and death among children.

We have record or near record low levels of vaccine-preventable childhood diseases in the United States, but that does not mean these have disappeared. Many of the viruses and bacteria are still circulating in this country or are only a plane ride away. Thats why its important that children, especially infants and young children receive recommended immunizations on time.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Children Vaccines Conference, Oct 10-12, 2016 Rome, Italy; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, Chicago, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

Track 8:Vaccine Adjuvants & Delivery Technologies:

Vaccine adjuvants - is an ingredient of a vaccine that helps create a stronger immune response in the patients body. In other words, adjuvants help vaccines work better. Some vaccines made from weakened or dead germs contain naturally occurring adjuvants and help the body produce a strong protectiveimmune response. However, most vaccines developed today include just small components of germs, such as their proteins, rather than the entire virus or bacteria. These vaccines often must be made with adjuvants to ensure the body produces an immune response strong enough to protect the patient from the germ he or she is being vaccinated against. Aluminum gels or aluminum salts are vaccines ingredients that have been used in vaccines since the 1930s. Small amounts of aluminum are added to help the body build strongerimmunityagainst the germ in the vaccine. Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in nature and is present in air, food, and water. The amount of aluminum present in vaccines is low and is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Drug deliverysystems are engineered technologies for the targeted delivery and/or controlled release of therapeutic agents. Drugs have long been used to improve health and extend lives. The practice of drug delivery has changed dramatically in the last few decades and even greater changes are anticipated in the near future. Biomedical engineers have not only contributed substantially to our understanding of the physiological barriers to efficient drug deliverysuch as transport in the circulatory system and drug movement through cells and tissuesthey have contributed to the development of a number of new modes of drug delivery that have entered clinical practice. Role of vaccine delivery technologies includes rational development of vaccines, achievingimmunizationgoals, supporting best clinical practice.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 8th InternationalConference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems, March 7-9, 2016, Spain; 9th WorldDrug Delivery Summit, June 30-July 2, 2016, USA; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE;Drug Delivery CongressEurope, Germany; 13th Annual InternationalNanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium, USA;Vaccines for Children & Vaccine Preventable Disease ConferenceSouth Iselin, NJ; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA

Track 9:Immunization for Older Adults:

Vaccines are an important part of routine preventive care for older adults, but most adults dont get their vaccines as recommended. Omittingvaccinationleaves adults needlessly vulnerable to severe illnesses, long-term suffering and death from preventable infections. Vaccines are recommended for adults of all ages, they are particularly important for older persons who are at great risk of serious debilitating consequences and death frominfectious diseases. Vaccination is particularly important for individuals living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, as disease can spread easily among people in close proximity.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Geriatric Medicine Conference, Nov 17-19, 2016, USA; 3rd InternationalConference on Geriatrics & Gerontology, Aug 15-17, 2016, UK; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 10:Vaccines against Viral and Bacterial Diseases:

Most vaccines againstviral infectionare effective at preventing disease. However, they are not 100% effective for a number of reasons, reactions can occur after vaccinations.

It is difficult for many of us today to appreciate the dangers of childhood viral infections.

Most of the vaccines in use againstvirusesare very effective at preventingdisease. However, for a variety of reasons, they can fail:

The different vaccine combinations at each time point do not interfere with one another and there is no increased risk of serious side-effects when they are given at the same time.

Bacterial vaccines contain killed or attenuated bacteria that activate the immune system. Antibodies are built against that particular bacteria, and prevents bacterial infection later.

Most vaccines against bacterial infections are effective at preventing disease, reactions can occur after vaccinations. Vaccines are available againsttuberculosis,diphtheria,tetanus,pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type B,cholera, typhoid, and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia;Vaccine Summit, UK; BIT's 6th AnnualWorld Congress of Vaccine, China; 9thVaccines & ISV Congress, South Korea; WorldVaccines Congress, USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 2ndAntivirals CongressMassachusetts, United States;Vaccinology conferenceSydney Australia;Vaccines R&D conference-2015 A New Era in Vaccine Discovery Baltimore, USA; MoldovaVaccine Summit, UK;Immunotherapy and Vaccine SummitBoston, USA

Track 11:DNA Vaccines:

DNA vaccinationis a technique for protecting an animal against disease by injecting it with genetically engineered DNA so cells directly produce an antigen, resulting in a protective immunological response.

Vaccinationconsists of stimulating the immune system with an infectious agent, or components of an infectious agent, modified in such a manner that no harm or disease is caused, but ensuring that when the host is confronted with that infectious agent, the immune system can adequately neutralize it before it causes any ill effect. For over a hundred years vaccination has been effected by one of two approaches: either introducing specific antigens against which the immune system reacts directly; or introducing live attenuated infectious agents that replicate within the host without causing disease synthesize the antigens that subsequently prime theimmune system.

The field of DNA vaccination is developing rapidly. Vaccines currently being developed use not only DNA, but also include adjuncts that assist DNA to enter cells, target it towards specific cells, or that may act as adjuvants in stimulating or directing theimmune response. Ultimately, the distinction between a sophisticated DNA vaccine and a simple viral vector may not be clear. Many aspects of the immune response generated by DNA vaccines are not understood. However, this has not impeded significant progress towards the use of this type of vaccine in humans, and clinical trials have begun.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Children Vaccines Conference, Oct 10-12, 2016 Rome, Italy; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, Chicago, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

Track 12:HPV Vaccines:

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)vaccine is an inactivated (not live) vaccine which protects against four major types of HPV.

These include two types that cause about 70% of cervical cancer and two types that cause about 90% of genital warts. HPV vaccine can prevent most genital warts and most cases of cervical cancer. Protection from HPV vaccine is expected to be long-lasting. But vaccinated women still need cervical cancer screening because the vaccine does not protect against all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.

RoutineHPV Vaccination

It is important for girls to get HPV vaccine before their first sexual contact -- because they have not been exposed to HPV. For these girls, the vaccine can prevent almost 100% of disease caused by the four types of HPV targeted by the vaccine. However, if a girl or woman is already infected with a type of HPV, the vaccine will not prevent disease from that type. The vaccine is also recommended for girls and women 13 through 26 years of age who did not receive it when they were younger.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; InternationalConference on Human Papillomavirus, May 2-3, 2016, USA; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

Track 13:Tuberculosis Vaccines:

BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin (Tuberculosis Vaccines), is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. Many foreign-born persons have been BCG-vaccinated. BCG is used in many countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculousmeningitisand miliary disease. However, Tuberculosis Vaccine is not generally recommended for use in the United States because of the low risk of infection withMycobacterium tuberculosis, the variable effectiveness of the vaccine against adult pulmonary TB, and the vaccines potential interference with tuberculin skin test reactivity. The Tuberculosis Vaccine should be considered only for very select persons who meet specific criteria and in consultation with a TB expert.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; The 2016TB Summit: 21 23 June 2016, London, UK;EMBO conference Tuberculosis2016, September 19-23, 2016, Paris, France; 20th AnnualTB Conference, February 24-27, 2016, Colorado, USA; ICTT 2016 : 18th InternationalConference on Tuberculosis Therapy, February 25 - 26, 2016, London, United Kingdom; 47th Union WorldConference on Lung Health, 25-29 October 2016, Liverpool, UK; Joint 20thConference of The Union North America Region and the National TB Controllers Association, 24-27 February 2016, Colorado, USA

Track 14:Mucosal vaccines:

Mostinfectious agentsenter the body at mucosal surfaces and therefore mucosal immune responses function as a first line of defence. Protective mucosal immune responses are most effectively induced by mucosal immunization through oral, nasal, rectal or vaginal routes, but the vast majority of vaccines in use today are administered by injection. Immunisation involves the delivery of antigens to the mucosalimmune system(dispersed or organised into units such as Peyers patches in the intestine or the nasal-associated lymphoidtissuein the oropharangeal cavity). The antigen delivery systems may comprise a simple buffer solution with/without adjuvants or an advanced particulate formulation, such as liposomes or nanoparticles. The most commonly evaluated route for mucosal antigen delivery is oral, but other routes have also been explored.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Children Vaccines Conference, Oct 10-12, 2016 Rome, Italy; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, Chicago, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

Track 15:Vaccines for Vector-borne Diseases:

Vaccines that target blood-feeding disease vectors, such as mosquitoes and ticks, have the potential to protect against the many diseases caused by vector-borne pathogens.Vector-borne diseasesare among the most complex of all infectious diseases to prevent and control. Vector- borne diseases, most of which are transmitted in and around the home, are best controlled by a combination of vector control (use of public health insecticides on bednets, or by spraying), medicines and vaccines.

Historically, successful vector-borne disease prevention resulted from management or elimination of vector populations.Malariawas driven out of the USA and most of Europe in this way. Where vector control has been consistently applied in the past, the results have been dramatic, especially with early efforts to control malaria by spraying the inside surfaces of houses with insecticides. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide treated bednets have been very effective over the last 10 years and are widely regarded as one of the main contributors to the more than 1 million lives saved.

In contrast to expenditure and effort on medicine, diagnostic andvaccine development, relatively little attention was given to vector control in the past. The foresighted establishment of IVCC in 2005, with a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began the process of bringing Vector Control into the mainstream strategy for future eradication of malaria and other vector-borne diseases.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; InternationalConference on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, July 28-30, 2016, Australia; 12th Euro GlobalSummit on Cancer Therapy, Sept 26-28, 2016, UK; InternationalConference and Exhibition on Pediatric Oncology, Aug 4-6, 2016, Canada; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 16:Human Preventive& Therapeutic Vaccines:

Apreventative vaccineis administered to a person who is free of the targeted infection. By introducing a part of the virus or an inactive virus (which acts like a decoy) into the body, the immune system reacts by producing antibodies. Preventive vaccines are widely used to prevent diseases likepolio,chicken pox,measles, mumps, rubella,influenza(flu), and hepatitis A and B.

In addition to preventive vaccines, there are also therapeutic vaccines. These are vaccines that are designed to treat people who already have a disease. Some scientists prefer to refer to therapeutic vaccines as therapeutic immunogens.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 11thGlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, Sept 12-14, 2016, USA; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; NationalAdult & Influenza Immunization SummitNAIIS, May 1012, 2016; 10th ISVAnnual Vaccine Congress, Oct. 2-4, 2016, Boston, USA; WorldVaccines Congress, 10-12 April, Washington D.C., USA; 6thImmunotherapeutics Immunomonitoring ConferenceCalifornia, USA; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA

Track 17:Plant-based vaccines:

Plant-basedvaccinesare recombinant protein subunit vaccines. Ideally, the choice of plant species used to produce the selected antigen should allow for oraldrug deliveryin the form of an edible vaccine. To date, the most advanced human vaccine projects have successfully completed phase I clinical trials, andanimal vaccineprojects have given promising data in early phase trials targeting specific animal species.

The plant-based vaccine production method works by isolating a specific antigen protein, one that triggers a humanimmune responsefrom the targeted virus. A gene from the protein is transferred to bacteria, which are then used to infect plant cells. The plants then start producing the exact protein that will be used for vaccinations. The flexibility of the plant expressed vaccine system, combined with its low cost and ability to massively scale may provide vaccine protection not only to citizens of the United States, but to many parts of the world that cannot currently afford vaccines. Other uses of plant expressed vaccines including the successful creation of edible bananas that protect against the Norwalk virus.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Children Vaccines Conference, Oct 10-12, 2016 Rome, Italy; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, Chicago, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

Track 18: Veterinary vaccines:

Veterinary vaccinesare to improve the health and welfare of companion animals, increase production of livestockin a cost-effective manner, and prevent animal-to-human transmission from both domestic animals and wildlife. Several vaccine types can de distinguished among the second-generation veterinary vaccines, depending whether they are live or inactivated, according to the strain of rabies virus used and the characteristics of the cell substrate chosen for viral replication. More recently a third generation of live veterinary rabies vaccine has been developed using recombinant technology. Depending upon the expression system these vaccines are used either parenterally or orally.Oral rabies vaccinesare widely used in foxes in Europe and in racoons in the USA.

Vaccines Conferences|Immunology Conferences|World Vaccines Congress

Vaccines Conferences, June 19-21, 2017, Paris, France;Children Vaccines Conference, Oct 10-12, 2016 Rome, Italy; 13thAnnualConference on H1N1 & Influenza Vaccines, December 01-02, 2016, Chicago, USA; 14th GlobalVaccines & Vaccination Summit and Expo, December 05-06, 2016, UAE; 12th Asia Pacific GlobalSummit and Expo on Vaccines & Vaccination, November 24-25, Australia; 10thVaccine Congress, 4-7 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, USA; FDAVaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting(VRBPAC) May 11, 2016, MD, USA; WyomingImmunization Conference, May 1112, 2016, WY, USA; 14thAnnual Vaccines & Therapeutics, May 1719, 2016, Washington D.C., USA; 2016 NationalConference on Immunization Coalitions & Partnerships, May 2527, 2016, USA; Annual PennsylvaniaImmunization Conference, June 16, 2016, PA,USA

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Immunology – Wikipedia

Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that covers the study of immune systems in all organisms.[1] It charts, measures, and contextualizes the: physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and diseases; malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders (such as autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, and transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo. Immunology has applications in numerous disciplines of medicine, particularly in the fields of organ transplantation, oncology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, psychiatry, and dermatology.

Prior to the designation of immunity from the etymological root immunis, which is Latin for "exempt"; early physicians characterized organs that would later be proven as essential components of the immune system. The important lymphoid organs of the immune system are the thymus and bone marrow, and chief lymphatic tissues such as spleen, tonsils, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, adenoids, and liver. When health conditions worsen to emergency status, portions of immune system organs including the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes and other lymphatic tissues can be surgically excised for examination while patients are still alive.

Many components of the immune system are typically cellular in nature and not associated with any specific organ; but rather are embedded or circulating in various tissues located throughout the body.

Classical immunology ties in with the fields of epidemiology and medicine. It studies the relationship between the body systems, pathogens, and immunity. The earliest written mention of immunity can be traced back to the plague of Athens in 430 BCE. Thucydides noted that people who had recovered from a previous bout of the disease could nurse the sick without contracting the illness a second time. Many other ancient societies have references to this phenomenon, but it was not until the 19th and 20th centuries before the concept developed into scientific theory.

The study of the molecular and cellular components that comprise the immune system, including their function and interaction, is the central science of immunology. The immune system has been divided into a more primitive innate immune system and, in vertebrates, an acquired or adaptive immune system. The latter is further divided into humoral (or antibody) and cell-mediated components.

The humoral (antibody) response is defined as the interaction between antibodies and antigens. Antibodies are specific proteins released from a certain class of immune cells known as Blymphocytes, while antigens are defined as anything that elicits the generation of antibodies ("anti"body "gen"erators). Immunology rests on an understanding of the properties of these two biological entities and the cellular response to both.

Immunological research continues to become more specialized, pursuing non-classical models of immunity and functions of cells, organs and systems not previously associated with the immune system (Yemeserach 2010).

Clinical immunology is the study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system (failure, aberrant action, and malignant growth of the cellular elements of the system). It also involves diseases of other systems, where immune reactions play a part in the pathology and clinical features.

The diseases caused by disorders of the immune system fall into two broad categories:

Other immune system disorders include various hypersensitivities (such as in asthma and other allergies) that respond inappropriately to otherwise harmless compounds.

The most well-known disease that affects the immune system itself is AIDS, an immunodeficiency characterized by the suppression of CD4+ ("helper") T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Clinical immunologists also study ways to prevent the immune system's attempts to destroy allografts (transplant rejection).

The bodys capability to react to antigen depends on a person's age, antigen type, maternal factors and the area where the antigen is presented.[2]Neonates are said to be in a state of physiological immunodeficiency, because both their innate and adaptive immunological responses are greatly suppressed. Once born, a childs immune system responds favorably to protein antigens while not as well to glycoproteins and polysaccharides. In fact, many of the infections acquired by neonates are caused by low virulence organisms like Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas. In neonates, opsonic activity and the ability to activate the complement cascade is very limited. For example, the mean level of C3 in a newborn is approximately 65% of that found in the adult. Phagocytic activity is also greatly impaired in newborns. This is due to lower opsonic activity, as well as diminished up-regulation of integrin and selectin receptors, which limit the ability of neutrophils to interact with adhesion molecules in the endothelium. Their monocytes are slow and have a reduced ATP production, which also limits the newborn's phagocytic activity. Although, the number of total lymphocytes is significantly higher than in adults, the cellular and humoral immunity is also impaired. Antigen-presenting cells in newborns have a reduced capability to activate Tcells. Also, Tcells of a newborn proliferate poorly and produce very small amounts of cytokines like IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-12, and IFN-g which limits their capacity to activate the humoral response as well as the phagocitic activity of macrophage. Bcells develop early during gestation but are not fully active.[3]

Maternal factors also play a role in the bodys immune response. At birth, most of the immunoglobulin present is maternal IgG. Because IgM, IgD, IgE and IgA dont cross the placenta, they are almost undetectable at birth. Some IgA is provided by breast milk. These passively-acquired antibodies can protect the newborn for up to 18 months, but their response is usually short-lived and of low affinity.[3] These antibodies can also produce a negative response. If a child is exposed to the antibody for a particular antigen before being exposed to the antigen itself then the child will produce a dampened response. Passively acquired maternal antibodies can suppress the antibody response to active immunization. Similarly the response of T-cells to vaccination differs in children compared to adults, and vaccines that induce Th1 responses in adults do not readily elicit these same responses in neonates.[3] Between six and nine months after birth, a childs immune system begins to respond more strongly to glycoproteins, but there is usually no marked improvement in their response to polysaccharides until they are at least one year old. This can be the reason for distinct time frames found in vaccination schedules.[4][5]

During adolescence, the human body undergoes various physical, physiological and immunological changes triggered and mediated by hormones, of which the most significant in females is 17--oestradiol (an oestrogen) and, in males, is testosterone. Oestradiol usually begins to act around the age of 10 and testosterone some months later.[6] There is evidence that these steroids act directly not only on the primary and secondary sexual characteristics but also have an effect on the development and regulation of the immune system,[7] including an increased risk in developing pubescent and post-pubescent autoimmunity.[8] There is also some evidence that cell surface receptors on B cells and macrophages may detect sex hormones in the system.[9]

The female sex hormone 17--oestradiol has been shown to regulate the level of immunological response,[10] while some male androgens such as testosterone seem to suppress the stress response to infection. Other androgens, however, such as DHEA, increase immune response.[11] As in females, the male sex hormones seem to have more control of the immune system during puberty and post-puberty than during the rest of a male's adult life.

Physical changes during puberty such as thymic involution also affect immunological response.[12]

The use of immune system components to treat a disease or disorder is known as immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is most commonly used in the context of the treatment of cancers together with chemotherapy (drugs) and radiotherapy (radiation). However, immunotherapy is also often used in the immunosuppressed (such as HIV patients) and people suffering from other immune deficiencies or autoimmune diseases. This includes regulating factors such as IL-2, IL-10, GM-CSF B, IFN-.

The specificity of the bond between antibody and antigen has made the antibody an excellent tool for the detection of substances by a variety of diagnostic techniques. Antibodies specific for a desired antigen can be conjugated with an isotopic (radio) or fluorescent label or with a color-forming enzyme in order to detect it. However, the similarity between some antigens can lead to false positives and other errors in such tests by antibodies cross-reacting with antigens that aren't exact matches.[13]

The study of the interaction of the immune system with cancer cells can lead to diagnostic tests and therapies with which to find and fight cancer.

This area of the immunology is devoted to the study of immunological aspects of the reproductive process including fetus acceptance. The term has also been used by fertility clinics to address fertility problems, recurrent miscarriages, premature deliveries and dangerous complications such as pre-eclampsia.

Immunology is strongly experimental in everyday practice but is also characterized by an ongoing theoretical attitude. Many theories have been suggested in immunology from the end of the nineteenth century up to the present time. The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century saw a battle between "cellular" and "humoral" theories of immunity. According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular by Elie Metchnikoff, it was cells more precisely, phagocytes that were responsible for immune responses. In contrast, the humoral theory of immunity, held by Robert Koch and Emil von Behring, among others, stated that the active immune agents were soluble components (molecules) found in the organisms humors rather than its cells.[14][15][16]

In the mid-1950s, Frank Burnet, inspired by a suggestion made by Niels Jerne,[17] formulated the clonal selection theory (CST) of immunity.[18] On the basis of CST, Burnet developed a theory of how an immune response is triggered according to the self/nonself distinction: "self" constituents (constituents of the body) do not trigger destructive immune responses, while "nonself" entities (e.g., pathogens, an allograft) trigger a destructive immune response.[19] The theory was later modified to reflect new discoveries regarding histocompatibility or the complex "two-signal" activation of T cells.[20] The self/nonself theory of immunity and the self/nonself vocabulary have been criticized,[16][21][22] but remain very influential.[23][24]

More recently, several theoretical frameworks have been suggested in immunology, including "autopoietic" views,[25] "cognitive immune" views,[26] the "danger model" (or "danger theory"),[21] and the "discontinuity" theory.[27][28] The danger model, suggested by Polly Matzinger and colleagues, has been very influential, arousing many comments and discussions.[29][30][31][32]

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI), "an immunologist is a research scientist who investigates the immune system of vertebrates (including the human immune system). Immunologists include research scientists (PhDs) who work in laboratories. Immunologists also include physicians who, for example, treat patients with immune system disorders. Some immunologists are physician-scientists who combine laboratory research with patient care."[33]

Bioscience is the overall major in which undergraduate students who are interested in general well-being take in college. Immunology is a branch of bioscience for undergraduate programs but the major gets specified as students move on for graduate program in immunology. The aim of immunology is to study the health of humans and animals through effective yet consistent research, (AAAAI, 2013).[34] The most important thing about being immunologists is the research because it is the biggest portion of their jobs.[35]

Most graduate immunology schools follow the AAI courses immunology which are offered throughout numerous schools in the United States.[36] For example, in New York State, there are several universities that offer the AAI courses immunology: Albany Medical College, Cornell University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York University Langone Medical Center, University at Albany (SUNY), University at Buffalo (SUNY), University of Rochester Medical Center and Upstate Medical University (SUNY). The AAI immunology courses include an Introductory Course and an Advance Course.[37]The Introductory Course is a course that gives students an overview of the basics of immunology.

In addition, this Introductory Course gives students more information to complement general biology or science training. It also has two different parts: Part I is an introduction to the basic principles of immunology and Part II is a clinically-oriented lecture series. On the other hand, the Advanced Course is another course for those who are willing to expand or update their understanding of immunology. It is advised for students who want to attend the Advanced Course to have a background of the principles of immunology.[38] Most schools require students to take electives in other to complete their degrees. A Masters degree requires two years of study following the attainment of a bachelor's degree. For a doctoral programme it is required to take two additional years of study.[39]

The expectation of occupational growth in immunology is an increase of 36 percent from 2010 to 2020.[40] The median annual wage was $76,700 in May 2010. However, the lowest 10 percent of immunologists earned less than $41,560, and the top 10 percent earned more than $142,800, (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). The practice of immunology itself is not specified by the U.S. Department of Labor but it belongs to the practice of life science in general.[41]

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Immunology - Wikipedia

Neuroimmunology 2016| Global Meetings on Neuroimmunology … invites all the participants from all over the world to attend2ndInternationalconference on Neuroimmunology, December 01-03, 2016, Atlanta, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Thescientific sessions of Neuroimmunology-2016will focus on the current research areas includes neuroimmunological diseases, Neuroimmune interactions, its wide therapeutic aspects including the role of stem cells,Biomarkers, immune therapy along with psychiatric disorders which are most common outcomes of neuroimmunological imbalance.Neuroimmunology-2016 summonsparticipants from paramount universities, research institutions and diagnostic companies to exhibit their research expertise on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field.

Track 1:Neuroimmunology

Neuroimmunology,a branch ofimmunologythat deals especially with the interrelationships of the nervous system and immune responses and autoimmune disorders. Its deals with particularly fundamental and appliedneurobiology,neurology,neuropathology,neurochemistry,neurovirology,neuroendocrinology, neuromuscular research, neuropharmacology and psychology, which involve either immunologic methodology (e.g. immunocytochemistry) or fundamental immunology (e.g. antibody and lymphocyte assays).

Related conference

6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; 4thInternationalconference onNeurologyand therapeutics July 27-29, 2015, Rome Italy; 6thGlobalNeurologistannualMeeting on Neurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; USA; 5thWorldConference on NeurologyandTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK;5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease &DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;2ndAdolescent MedicineandChildPsychology ConferenceAugust 29- 31, 2016 Atlanta, USA; 3rdEuroPsychiatryConferenceSeptember 7-9, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2ndDepression,AnxietyandStress Management MeetingNovember 3-4, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 2ndPsychiatryandPsychiatric DisordersConference, May 02-04, 2016, Chicago, USA;PositivePsychologyConferenceJuly 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, USA;

RegionalCongressof the World Federation for Mental Health 01 Oct 2015 03 Oct 2015, Singapore; Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation,November 12-16, 2016,Dubai ,UAE;9thNeurodegenerativeConditionsResearch & Development Conference,9thSep to 9thOct ,2015, Philadelphia ,United States;CNSDiseases World Summit9th Sep 9th Nov 2015, Philadelphia, United States;Brain-ComputerInterfaces Special Sessionat CEEC,24th 25th Sep, 2015, Colchester, UK; Mozart &the Mind - This is Your Brain on Music 25th -27th Sep, San Diego, US;Mucosal ImmunologyConferenceJuly 28-29, 2016, Melbourne, Australia;Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapyConferenceuly 28-30, 2016, Melbourne, AustraliaBIT's 7thAnnual InternationalCongress ofAntibodies-2015 April 25-28, 2015 Nanjing, China;15thInternationalCongress onAnti-phospholipid Antibodies, Sep 21-24 ,2016,Istanbul, Turkey; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Ottawa, Canada; Spanish society of allergy andclinical immunology 31st annual congress2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, Budapest, Hungary ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - November 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14th Transplantation science symposium 2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia; Japanese society forimmunology 44th annual meeting2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia; Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey; Austrian society of allergology andimmunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutic &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San Diego, CA, united states; keystone symposia: cell biology andimmunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - February 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, Canada;

Track 2:Neurovirology

Neurovirologyis an interdisciplinary field which represents a melding of clinical neuroscience, virology, immunology, and molecular biology. The main focus of the field is to study viruses capable of infecting the nervous system.

Related Conference

Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;4thInternational conference andExhibition onimmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015, Houston USA;5thInternational Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26,2015 Chicago, USA;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation,November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGenomicsandPharmacogenomics Conference; September 22-24, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 5th International Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA;4th InternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, USA;8th Indo Global summit andExpo on Vaccines, Therapeutics & HealthcareNovember 02-04, 2015 HICC, Hyderabad, India; InternationalConference onHepatitisVaccinesJune 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy; InternationalConference on Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapyJuly 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; Conference for Young Scientists 2015 (CYS-2015)2125 September 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemicalMarkersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior1619 September 2015 +Lisbon, Portugal;Personalized MedicineWorld Congres; January 24-27, Silicon Valley; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergyand clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2ndinternational primary immunodeficienciescongress 2015,November 5, 2015 - november 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14th Transplantation science symposium 2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese societyfor immunology 44th annual meeting2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8thImmunotherapeutics & Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 3:Brain-Computer Interface

Brain Compter Interface is most significant and Influential research in 20th century.Hownervous system is the network of nerve cells and fibers coordinate its transmission throughout the body .The goal of this session is to understandBrain Mapping, Neuro-Informatics, Current trends in Neuroinformatics,Neural Networksand Genetic Algorithms,Neuro Sensingand Neural Prosthesis and Controlling Neurons, Circuits and Behavior. In medial and diagnostic perspective it has a wide role of execution .

Related conference:

4thInternationalconference & Exhibition onNeurologyand TherapeuticsJuly 27-29, 2015 Rome, Italy;5thWorld Congress onNeurology and TherapeuticsMarch 14-16, 2016 London, UK; International Conference onNeuro GeneticsJune 06-07, 2016 London, UK; 6thWorld Neurological ConferenceMay 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA; 5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease&DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK; 6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; 4thInternationalconference onNeurologyand therapeutics July 27-29, 2015, Rome Italy; 6thGlobalNeurologistannualMeeting on Neurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; USA;5th InternationalConference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA; The LancetNeurology Autoimmune Disorders Conference, March 26-27, 2015 Barcelona, Spain; 10th InternationalConference on Front temporalDementias31 August - 2 September 2016 Munich, Germany; 12th GlobalVaccine and Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th -22nd 2016,Dubai, UAE; World Congress and Exhibition on Antibodies ,Sep 14th 16th . Las Vegas, Nevada. USA;2nd International Conference on Innate Immunity, July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Mucosal ImmunologyConference July 28-29, 2016, Melbourne, Australia;Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapy Conferenceuly 28-30, 2016, Melbourne, AustraliaBIT's 7thAnnualInternational Congress ofAntibodies-2015 April 25-28, 2015 Nanjing, China;15thInternationalCongress onAnti-phospholipid Antibodies, Sep 21-24 ,2016,Istanbul, Turkey;Canadian society of allergyand clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergyand clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - november 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology 44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan; Australian society for immunology 45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th I mmunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;Allergy ConferencesSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;Asthma EventsSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;

Track 4:Neuro-immune interaction

Theinflammatory responseis modulated through interactions among the nervous, endocrine, andimmune systems. Intercommunication betweenimmune cellsand the autonomicnervous systemis a growing area of interest .Spatial and temporal information about inflammatory processes is relayed to the central nervous system where neuroimmune modulation serves to control the extent and intensity of theinflammation.TheCNSregulates the immune system via hormonal and neuronal pathways, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The immune system signals the CNS throughcytokinesthat act both centrally and peripherally.

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5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease & DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation, November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery,Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany;5thWorldConference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK; Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;4thInternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas; 5thInternationalConference onImmunology, Oct 24-26,2016,Chicago, USA; InternationalAllergyConference, Mar 29th 30th,2015, Valencia Spain;USA;4thInternational Conference andExhibition onImmunology, Sep 28-30, 2015, Houston,USA;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; 13thAsia Specific, Global Submit and Expo on,Vaccineand Vaccination ,November 10th12th,Brisbane ,Australia; 12thGlobalVaccineand Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th-22nd2016,Dubai, UAE;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 5:Autoimmune Neuropathies

Damage to nerves caused byautoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is a malfunction of the body's immune response which causes it to attack itself. In the cause of autoimmuneneuropathies, the immune system attacks the nerves resulting in nerve damage.Rheumatoid arthritisandlupusareautoimmune disordersthat can cause autoimmuneneuropathy.Basically itsnerve diseases from autoimmune damage.

Related Conference

Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;4thInternational conference andExhibition onimmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015, Houston USA;5thInternational Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26,2015 Chicago, USA;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation,November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGenomicsandPharmacogenomics Conference; September 22-24, 2016 Berlin, Germany; 5th International Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA;4th InternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, USA;8th Indo Global summit andExpo on Vaccines, Therapeutics & HealthcareNovember 02-04, 2015 HICC, Hyderabad, India; InternationalConference onHepatitisVaccinesJune 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy; InternationalConference on Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapyJuly 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia; Conference for Young Scientists 2015 (CYS-2015)2125 September 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemicalMarkersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior1619 September 2015 +Lisbon, Portugal;Personalized MedicineWorld Congres; January 24-27, Silicon Valley; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergyand clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2ndinternational primary immunodeficienciescongress 2015,November 5, 2015 - november 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14th Transplantation science symposium 2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese societyfor immunology 44th annual meeting2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8thImmunotherapeutics & Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 6:Neuroimmunological Infectious disease

The termneuro-immune diseaserefers to a group of complex multisymptomdiseasescharacterized by acquired deregulation of both theimmunesystemand the nervous system. Thesediseasesmost often follow aninfectiousor flu-like illness and may result in lifelong diseaseand disability.Encephalitisis defined as inflammation of thebrain. This definition means encephalitis is different frommeningitis, .Multiple sclerosisalso a big example of NeuroimmunologicalInfectious disease

Related conference

4th International Conference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, USA;8th Indo Global summit and Expo on Vaccines, Therapeutics &HealthcareNovember 02-04, 2015 HICC, Hyderabad, India; International Conference on Cancer Immunology andImmunotherapyJuly 28-30,2016 Melbourne, Australia;2nd International Conference and Exhibition onAntibodiesJuly 14-15, 2016 Philadelphia, US;InternationalAllergyConference March 29-30, 2016 Valencia, Spain;2ndInternational Conference on Brain disorderand therapeutics, October 27-29,2016, Chicago, USA;2ndInternational Conference on Neurological Disorder andStroke, April 28-30, 2016, Dubai, UAE; 2nd International Conference onParasitologyAugust 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK; GlobalNeuroscienceconference, Nov 7-9, 2016, Melbourne, Australia ;4thInternational Conference on VascularDementia,June 30- July 2, 2016, Valencia, Spain;2nd International Conference on ParasitologyAugust 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK;International Conference onHepatitisVaccines June 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy;5th International Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA; The Lancet NeurologyAutoimmune DisordersConference, March 26-27, 2015 Barcelona, Spain; 10th International Conference on FronttemporalDementias 31 August - 2 September 2016 Munich, Germany; EuropeanNeurologyconference, Sep 10-12, Amsterdam, Netherland ; 6thworldNeurologicalconference, May 19-21, 2016, San Atlanto,USA; International conference onNeurogenetics, June 6-7, London,UK;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual International Conference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 7:Neurodegenerative Disease

Neurodegenerative diseasesoccur when nervous system cells (neurons) in the brain andspinal cordbegin to deteriorate. Changes in these cells cause them to function abnormally and eventually result in the cells' demise. As neurons deteriorate, an individual may first experience relatively mild symptoms problems with coordination or remembering names. But as huge numbers ofneuronsdie, symptoms progressively worsen. In some cases, patients lose the ability to walk independently, think clearly, or generally function in the world. Ultimately, many of these diseases are fatal. Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration and or death of nerve cells.

Related conference

5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease & DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation, November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery,Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany;5thWorldConference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK; Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;4thInternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas; 5thInternationalConference onImmunology, Oct 24-26,2016,Chicago, USA; InternationalAllergyConference, Mar 29th 30th,2015, Valencia Spain;USA;4thInternational Conference andExhibition onImmunology, Sep 28-30, 2015, Houston,USA;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; 13thAsia Specific, Global Submit and Expo on,Vaccineand Vaccination ,November 10th12th,Brisbane ,Australia; 12thGlobalVaccineand Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th-22nd2016,Dubai, UAE;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 8:Blood Brain Barrier

More than 100 years ago it was discovered that if blue dye was injected into the bloodstream of an animal, that tissues of the whole body except the brain and spinal cord would turn blue. To explain this, scientists thought that a "Blood-Brain-Barrier" (BBB) which prevents materials from the blood from entering the brain existed. The BBB is semi-permeable; that is, it allows some materials to cross, but prevents others from crossing. In most parts of the body, the smallest blood vessels, called capillaries, are lined with endothelial cells. Endothelial tissue has small spaces between each individual cell so substances can move readily between the inside and the outside of the vessel. However, in the brain, theendothelial cellsfit tightly together and substances cannot pass out of the bloodstream.

Related conference

2ndInternational Conference on Brain disorderand therapeutics, October 27-29,2016, Chicago, USA;2ndInternational Conference on Neurological Disorder andStroke, April 28-30, 2016, Dubai, UAE; 2nd International Conference onParasitologyAugust 01-03, 2016 Manchester, UK; GlobalNeuroscienceconference, Nov 7-9, 2016, Melbourne, Australia ;5thNeurologyCongress March 14-16, 2016 London, UK; 5thAlzheimers diseaseandDementia ConferenceSeptember 29-Oct 1, 2016 London, UK;2ndBrainDisorders Conference October 27-29, 2016 Chicago, USA;2ndNeurological DisordersandStrokeConference April 28-30, 2016 Dubai, UAE; 4thVascular DementiaConferenceJune 30-July 2, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 4thInternational Conference on VascularDementia,June 30- July 2, 2016, Valencia, Spain; Barriers of the CNS, GordonResearchConference June 17-22, 2012 Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH; Blood Brain Barrier(BBB) Meeting March 3-5, 2016, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA;Blood Brain Barrier congress, June 10-11, 2015, westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA; 2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;International Conference on Hepatitis VaccinesJune 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy; BioMed Conference,Blood Brain Barrier, 2 Nov 2015to4 Nov 2015, Barcelona; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 9:Neuroinflammation

Allergy may be a kind of disorder of system that is susceptible in nature. Some quite common symptoms ofallergic reactionarehaptic sensation, running nose, continuous unconditioned reflex, eczema, red eyes etc. once the system of our body reacts with any harmless substances (allergens) within the atmosphere, it causes allergic reaction. The medicines of allergic reaction are in the main obtainable in type of inhalers, eye drops, skin creams, injections, pills, nasal sprays and liquids. Most of the medicines for allergic reaction are obtainable by prescription however few of them are obtainable over counters. Whenever our body is to associate degree matter it triggers your system. Henceantihistamines stop these symptoms by obstruction aminoalkane and keeping it from binding to receptors.

Related Conference

5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease & DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation, November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery,Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany;5thWorldConference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK; Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;4thInternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas; 5thInternationalConference onImmunology, Oct 24-26,2016,Chicago, USA; InternationalAllergyConference, Mar 29th 30th,2015, Valencia Spain;USA;4thInternational Conference andExhibition onImmunology, Sep 28-30, 2015, Houston,USA;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; 13thAsia Specific, Global Submit and Expo on,Vaccineand Vaccination ,November 10th12th,Brisbane ,Australia; 12thGlobalVaccineand Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th-22nd2016,Dubai, UAE;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 10:Neuropharmacology

Neuropharmacologymeans the study of drug affect on the cellular function in the nervous system. Behavioral neuropharmacology and molecular neuropharmacology are the two main branches. Behavioral neuropharmacology focus on the study of drugs affect on human behavior (neuropsychopharmacology), including the study of drug dependence and addiction affect on thehuman brain. Molecular neuropharmacology is the study of neurons and their neurochemical interactions, with the objective ofdeveloping drugsthat have beneficial effects onneurological function

Related conference

5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease & DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Internationalconference onNeurorehabitation, November 12-16, 2016, Dubai ,UAE;6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery,Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany;5thWorldConference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK; Internationalconference onAutoimmunity, Oct 13-15, 2016, Manchester ,UK;2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;4thInternationalConference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas; 5thInternationalConference onImmunology, Oct 24-26,2016,Chicago, USA; InternationalAllergyConference, Mar 29th 30th,2015, Valencia Spain;USA;4thInternational Conference andExhibition onImmunology, Sep 28-30, 2015, Houston,USA;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; 13thAsia Specific, Global Submit and Expo on,Vaccineand Vaccination ,November 10th12th,Brisbane ,Australia; 12thGlobalVaccineand Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th-22nd2016,Dubai, UAE;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 11:Applied Neurobiology

NeuropathologyandAppliedNeurobiologyis a peer-reviewed medicaljournal in the field of neuropathology. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell for the British Neuropathological Society. The journal was established in 1974 and is published bimonthly. Neurobiologyis the branch of biology that deals with nervous system functions and structures. More specifically, neurobiology focuses on the cells andtissuesof the nervous system and how they can form structures andcircuits(pathways) for controlling the body. This system includes common structures, such as the brain andspinal cord, and nerves. Neurobiology can be classified as a sub-discipline within the broader field ofphysiology.

Related conference

Neurology conference 1619 September 2015 Lisbon, Portugal; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage, 1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden; InternationalConference on CancerImmunologyand immunotherapy, July 28thto 30th, 2015, Melbourne, Australia; 6thGlobalNeurologistannualMeeting on Neurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; USA; 5thWorld Conference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK; International Conference onHepatitisVaccinesJune 16-18, 2016 Rome, Italy; International Conference on Cancer Immunology andImmunotherapyJuly 28-30,2016 Melbourne, Australia; 4th International Conference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, USA;8th Indo Global summit and Expo on Vaccines, Therapeutics &HealthcareNovember 02-04, 2015 HICC, Hyderabad, India; International Conference on Cancer Immunology andImmunotherapyJuly 28-30, 2016 Melbourne, Australia;EuropeanNeurologyconference, Sep 10-12, Amsterdam, Netherland ; 6thworldNeurologicalconference, May 19-21, 2016, San Atlanto,USA; International conference onNeurogenetics, June 6-7, London,UK;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual International Conference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior

Conference for Young Scientists 2015 (CYS-2015)2125 September 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual International Conference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; Neurology conference 1619 September 2015 Lisbon, Portugal; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage, 1416 September 2015,Lund, SwedenThe 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior1619 September 2015 +Lisbon, Portugal;Personalized MedicineWorld Congres; January 24-27, Silicon Valley; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 12:Fundamental Immunology

Immunology is the branch ofbiomedical sciencethat deals with the response of an organism to antigenic challenge and its recognition of what is self and what is not. It deals with the defense mechanisms including all physical, chemical and biological properties of the organism that help it to combat its susceptibility to foreign organisms, material, etc. Immunology deals with physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease as well as malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders like allergies, hypersensitivities,immunedeficiency, transplant rejection andautoimmunedisorders.

Related conference

2nd International Conference onInnateImmunity July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;4thInternational Conference and Exhibition onImmunologySeptember 28-30, 2015 Houston, Texas; 5thInternational Conference onImmunology, Oct 24-26,2016,Chicago, USA;InternationalAllergyConference, Mar 29th 30th,2015, Valencia Spain;USA;4thInternational Conference and Exhibition onImmunology, Sep 28-30, 2015, Houston,USA;13thAsia Specific, Global Submit and Expo on,Vaccineand Vaccination ,November 10th12th,Brisbane ,Australia; 12thGlobalVaccineand Vaccination Submitand Expo, Oct 20th-22nd2016,Dubai, UAE;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternational Conference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual International Conference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; International Conference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal;Conference for Young Scientists 2015 (CYS-2015)2125 September 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual International Conference on Neuroscience andNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; International Conference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior1619 September 2015 +Lisbon, Portugal;Personalized MedicineWorld Congres; January 24-27, Silicon Valley; Canadian society of allergy and clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergyand clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - november 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy,asthma and immunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14th Transplantation science symposium 2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology; 44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology; 45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy and clinical immunology association 22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergology and immunologyannual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th I mmunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;Autoimmunity ConferencesOctober 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UKImmunology ConferencesOctober 13-14, 2016 Manchester, UK.

Track 13:Antibody mediated disorder

Inantibody-mediatedinflammatory disease, B cells (uniquewhite blood cells) produce antibodies against the body's own structures; these are called auto-antibodies. When auto-antibodies bind to these structures, they induce unnecessary inflammation that is directed against healthy tissue. Autoantibodies directed against structures in the brain lead to irritation and swelling of brain tissue. If not treated, long standing inflammation can lead to permanent brain damage and dysfunction.

Related conference:

AntibioticsConference September 14-16, 2015 Las Vegas, USA;2ndAntibodiesConference July 14-15, 2016 Philadelphia, USA;5thImmunologyConference Oct 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA;EuropeanImmunology Conference July 21-23, 2016 Berlin, Germany;2ndInnateImmunityConference July 21-22, 2016 Berlin, Germany;AutoimmunityConference Oct 13-15, 2016 Manchester, UK;4thInternational conference & Exhibition onNeurologyand TherapeuticsJuly 27-29, 2015 Rome, Italy; 5thWorld Congress onNeurology and TherapeuticsMarch 14-16, 2016 London, UK;International Conference onNeuro GeneticsJune 06-07, 2016 London, UK; 6thWorld Neurological ConferenceMay 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA; 5thInternational Conference onAlzheimersDisease &DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Mucosal ImmunologyConference July 28-29, 2016, Melbourne, Australia;Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapyConferenceuly 28-30, 2016, Melbourne, AustraliaBIT's 7thAnnual International Congress ofAntibodies-2015 April 25-28, 2015 Nanjing, China;15thInternational Congress onAnti-phospholipid Antibodies, Sep 21-24 ,2016,Istanbul, Turkey.5th International Conference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 14:Psychoneuroimmunology

Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the interaction between psychological processes, the nervous and immune systems of the human body. To understand Psychoneuroimmunology perfectly we need to have idea on psychology,neuroscience, immunology, physiology, genetics,pharmacology,molecular biology,psychiatry, behavioral medicine, infectious diseases,endocrinology, andrheumatology. According to the research it is found that stressed animals have altered immune responses etc. Person having good thoughts will be less susceptible to diseases as their immune system will be active and fight against diseases.Depressionor bad ideas lead to alteration in the CNS activity and consequences such asapoptosisand various other immune modifications occur.

Related conference

2ndAdolescent MedicineandChildPsychology ConferenceAugust 29- 31, 2016 Atlanta, USA; 3rdEuroPsychiatryConferenceSeptember 7-9, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands; 2ndDepression,AnxietyandStress Management MeetingNovember 3-4, 2016 Valencia, Spain; 2ndPsychiatryandPsychiatric DisordersConference, May 02-04, 2016, Chicago, USA; PositivePsychologyConferenceJuly 11-12, 2016 Philadelphia, USA;6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery,Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany;4thInternational conference onNeurologyand therapeutics July 27-29, 2015, Rome Italy; 6thGlobalNeurologistannualMeeting on Neurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; USA; 5thWorld Conference on Neurology andTherapeutics, March 14-16 ,2016, London UK;5thInternational Conference onAlzheimersDisease &DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK;Eating DisordersCongressAugust 15-17, 2016 Portland, Oregon;5thAddictionResearchandTherapy ConferenceOctober 06-08, 2016 Florida, USA; 5thForensic PsychologyConference, July 18-20, 2016, Brisbane, Australia; 2ndEmergencyMentalHealthandHuman Resilience ConferenceJuly 14-15, 2016 Cologne, Germany;Dual diagnosis ConferenceJuly 21-22, 2016 Chicago, USA; 8th Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Conference; Child & AdolescentPsychiatryWorld Congress;WorldCongress and Exhibition on Antibodies,Sep 14th 16th. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA; 2ndInternationalConference onInnate Immunity,July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Neuroscience2015 October 17-21 at McCormick Place in Chicago; Annual InternationalConference on NeuroscienceandNeurobiologyResearch, 26-27 October, Bangkok, Thailand; InternationalConference onBiochemical Markersfor Brain Damage,1416 September 2015,Lund, Sweden;The 4th ChampalimaudNeuroscienceSymposium Perspectives on Social Behavior ,1619 September 2015Lisbon, Portugal; Canadian society of allergy andclinical immunology annual meeting2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada; Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - November 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan;Australian society for immunology45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th Immunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;keystone symposia:cell biology and immunology of persistent infection2016January 31, 2016 - february 4, 2016,Banff, alberta, canada;

Track 15: Clinical Neuroimmunology:Multiple Sclerosisand Related Disordersserves as an indispensable resource for physicians interested in, and dealing with, this very complex and evolving branch ofneurology. This comprehensive titleprovides an introduction to basic neuroimmunology and principles of immunotherapy and also serves as a thorough guide to immune-mediated disorders of the central and peripheralnervous system, as well as other systemic disorders with a significant neuroimmunologic component.

Related conference:

4thInternationalconference & Exhibition onNeurologyand TherapeuticsJuly 27-29, 2015 Rome, Italy;5thWorld Congress onNeurology and TherapeuticsMarch 14-16, 2016 London, UK; International Conference onNeuro GeneticsJune 06-07, 2016 London, UK; 6thWorld Neurological ConferenceMay 19-21, 2016 San Antonio, USA; 5thInternationalConference onAlzheimersDisease&DementiaSeptember 29-October 01, 2016 London, UK; 6thGlobal Neurologist annualMeeting onNeurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; 4thInternationalconference onNeurologyand therapeutics July 27-29, 2015, Rome Italy; 6thGlobalNeurologistannualMeeting on Neurologyand neurosurgery, Aug 1-3,2016, Frankfurt, Germany; USA;5th InternationalConference onImmunologyOctober 24-26, 2016 Chicago, USA; The LancetNeurology Autoimmune Disorders Conference, March 26-27, 2015 Barcelona, Spain; 10th InternationalConference on Front temporalDementias31 August - 2 September 2016 Munich, Germany; 12th GlobalVaccine and Vaccination Submit and Expo, Oct 20th -22nd 2016,Dubai, UAE; World Congress and Exhibition on Antibodies ,Sep 14th 16th . Las Vegas, Nevada. USA;2nd International Conference on Innate Immunity, July 21st 22nd,2015,Berlin ,Germany;Mucosal ImmunologyConference July 28-29, 2016, Melbourne, Australia;Cancer ImmunologyandImmunotherapy Conferenceuly 28-30, 2016, Melbourne, AustraliaBIT's 7thAnnualInternational Congress ofAntibodies-2015 April 25-28, 2015 Nanjing, China;15thInternationalCongress onAnti-phospholipid Antibodies, Sep 21-24 ,2016,Istanbul, Turkey;Canadian society of allergyand clinical immunology annual meeting 2015,October 21, 2015 - october 24, 2015,Ottawa, canada;Spanish society of allergyand clinical immunology 31st annual congress 2015,October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015,Sevilla, Spain;2nd international primaryimmunodeficiencies congress2015,November 5, 2015 - november 6, 2015,Budapest, budapest, hungery ; American college of allergy, asthma andimmunology annual meeting2015, November 5, 2015 - november 9, 2015,San antonio, united states;14thTransplantation science symposium2015,November 11, 2015 - November 13, 2015,Lorne, Australia;Japanese society for immunology 44th annual meeting 2015, November 18, 2015 - November 20, 2015, Sapporo, japan; Australian society for immunology 45th annual meeting 2015, November 29, 2015 - December 3, 2015 Canberra, Australia;Turkish national allergy andclinical immunology association22nd annual meeting 2015,November 29, 2015 - December 2, 2015,Gloria resort, bleak, Turkey;Austrian society of allergologyand immunology annual symposium 2015,December 11, 2015 - December 12, 2015 Wien, Austria;8th I mmunotherapeutics &Immunomonitoring conference2016,January 25, 2016 - January 26, 2016,San diego, ca, united states;Allergy ConferencesSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;Asthma EventsSeptember 14-15, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands;

See more here:
Neuroimmunology 2016| Global Meetings on Neuroimmunology ...

British Society for Immunology

Immunologists are scientists or clinicians who specialise in the field of Immunology. Immunology is a very broad branch of the biological sciences and is defined as the study of an organism's defence (immune) system, in both health and disease. All multicellular organisms are prey to infection or invasion. Harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites constantly seek to gain access into the body, and if successful, this can lead to a number of serious diseases.

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The complexity of immune systems generally mirrors evolutionary history; with more 'primitive' organisms possessing immune systems composed of discrete, general purpose, effector cells and molecules; whilst more 'advanced' organisms have developed organs and tissues with a specific immune purpose, whilst retaining the cellular component. A key part of Immunology involves studying how the many different organs, cells and molecules of the immune system work and interact with each other.

In broad terms, the earlier form of the immune system is known as the 'innate' immune system, and is found in a wide range of organisms (including invertebrates and primitive vertebrates); whilst the later form is known as the 'adaptive' immune system and is common to higher vertebrates (including humans). The two systems are largely integrated in these organisms.


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Immunologists work in many different areas of biomedical research, as well as in healthcare, agriculture and environmental monitoring. Because Immunology can be applied to several other scientific disciplines it impacts on many areas of conventional medicine.

Immunologists often have different job titles and their role often depends on type of organisation they work for:

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Many diseases are caused when the immune system behaves incorrectly. Immunologists try to understand how and why the immune system malfunctions and causes disease. Such diseases can be broadly classified into the following categories:

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Immunological research has helped scientists understand the potential causes of many immunological diseases, and enabled them to develop treatments and cures.

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Immunologists from developed nations are working together with countries in the developing world to help prevent and treat the major problems associated with global health/disease. These include vaccine preventable diseases, emerging infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, cancer and other neglected infectious diseases.

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British Society for Immunology

Immunology | Abcam

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We have centralized our immunology resources to help you find antibodies and reagents for your research on innate or adaptive responses, including inflammation, autoimmunity and hypersensitivities. Discover our webinars and protocol tips covering popular research tools, such as ELISA and flow cytometry.

We highlight the best markers for immunophenotyping human and mouse cells, compiled from over 250 references.

T cells are critical in understanding the regulation of the adaptive and innate immune responses. Explore our article on T cell functions and types.

B cells are responsible for generating antibodies to specific antigens. Learn how to immunophenotype the different B cell types.

Our flow cytometry resources include protocols, webinars, a fluorochrome chart and a multi-color selection tool.

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Immunology | Abcam

8th European Immunology Conference June 29-July 01, 2017 …

Conference Series invites all the participants from all over the world to attend"8th European Immunology Conference, June 29-July 01, 2017 Madrid, Spain, includesprompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

European ImmunologyConferenceis to gathering people in academia and society interested inimmunologyto share the latest trends and important issues relevant to our field/subject area.Immunology Conferencesbrings together the global leaders in Immunology and relevant fields to present their research at this exclusive scientific program. TheImmunology Conferencehosting presentations from editors of prominent refereed journals, renowned and active investigators and decision makers in the field of Immunology.European Immunology ConferenceOrganizing Committee also invites Young investigators at every career stage to submit abstracts reporting their latest scientific findings in oral and poster sessions.

Track:1Cellular Immunology

The study of the molecular and cellular components that comprise the immune system, including their function and interaction, is the central science ofimmunology. The immune system has been divided into a more primitive innate immune system and, in vertebrates, an acquired oradaptive immune system

The field concerning the interactions among cells and molecules of the immunesystem,and how such interactions contribute to the recognition and elimination of pathogens. Humans possess a range of non-specific mechanical and biochemical defences against routinely encountered bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. The skin, for example, is an effective physical barrier to infection. Basic chemical defences are also present in blood, saliva, and tears, and on mucous membranes. True protection stems from the host's ability to mount responses targeted to specific organisms, and to retain a form of memory that results in a rapid, efficient response to a given organism upon a repeat encounter. This more formal sense of immunity, termed adaptive immunity, depends upon the coordinated activities of cells and molecules of the immune system.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland

Track: 2Inflammatory/Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseasescan affect almost any part of the body, including the heart, brain, nerves, muscles, skin, eyes, joints, lungs, kidneys, glands, the digestive tract, and blood vessels.

The classic sign of an autoimmune disease is inflammation, which can cause redness, heat, pain, and swelling. How an autoimmune disease affects you depends on what part of the body is targeted. If the disease affects the joints, as inrheumatoid arthritis, you might have joint pain, stiffness, and loss of function. If it affects the thyroid, as in Graves disease and thyroiditis, it might cause tiredness, weight gain, and muscle aches. If it attacks the skin, as it does in scleroderma/systemic sclerosis, vitiligo, andsystemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), it can cause rashes, blisters, and colour changes. Many autoimmune diseases dont restrict themselves to one part of the body. For example, SLE can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, nerves, blood vessels, and more. Type 1 diabetes can affect your glands, eyes, kidneys, muscles, and more.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18th International Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; British Society for Immunology Congress, Dec 06-09, 2016, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

Track: 3T-Cells and B-Cells

T cell: A type of white blood cell that is of key importance to the immune system and is at the core of adaptive immunity, the system that tailors the body's immune response to specific pathogens. The T cells are like soldiers who search out and destroy the targeted invaders. Immature T cells (termed T-stem cells) migrate to the thymus gland in the neck, where they mature and differentiate into various types of mature T cells and become active in the immune system in response to a hormone called thymosin and other factors. T-cells that are potentially activated against the body's own tissues are normally killed or changed ("down-regulated") during this maturational process.There are several different types of mature T cells. Not all of their functions are known. T cells can produce substances called cytokines such as the interleukins which further stimulate the immune response. T-cell activation is measured as a way to assess the health of patients withHIV/AIDSand less frequently in other disorders. T cell are also known as T lymphocytes. The "T" stands for "thymus" -- the organ in which these cells mature. As opposed to B cells which mature in the bone marrow.B cells, also known asBlymphocytes, are a type of white bloodcellof the lymphocyte subtype. They function in thehumoral immunitycomponent of the adaptive immune system by secreting antibodies. Many B cells mature into what are called plasma cells that produce antibodies (proteins) necessary to fight off infections while other B cells mature into memory B cells. All of the plasma cells descended from a single B cell produce the same antibody which is directed against the antigen that stimulated it to mature. The same principle holds with memory B cells. Thus, all of the plasma cells and memory cells "remember" the stimulus that led to their formation. The maturation of B cells takes place in birds in an organ called the bursa of Fabricus. B cells in mammals mature largely in the bone marrow. The B cell, or B lymphocyte, is thus an immunologically important cell. It is not thymus-dependent, has a short lifespan, and is responsible for the production ofimmunoglobulins.It expresses immunoglobulins on its surface.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

Track: 4Cancer and Tumor Immunobiology

The tumour is an important aspect of cancer biology that contributes to tumour initiation, tumour progression and responses to therapy. Cells and molecules of the immune system are a fundamental component of the tumour microenvironment. Importantly,therapeutic strategies for cancer treatmentcan harness the immune system to specifically target tumour cells and this is particularly appealing owing to the possibility of inducing tumour-specific immunological memory, which might cause long-lasting regression and prevent relapse in cancer patients.The composition and characteristics of the tumour microenvironment vary widely and are important in determining the anti-tumour immune response.Immunotherapyis a new class ofcancer treatmentthat works to harness the innate powers of the immune system to fight cancer. Because of the immune system's unique properties, these therapies may hold greater potential than current treatment approaches to fight cancer more powerfully, to offer longer-term protection against the disease, to come with fewer side effects, and to benefit more patients with more cancer

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18th International Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; British Society for Immunology Congress, Dec 06-09, 2016, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

Track: 5 Vaccines

A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters. There are two basictypes of vaccines: live attenuated and inactivated. The characteristics of live and inactivatedvaccinesare different, and these characteristics determine how thevaccineis used. Liveattenuatedvaccinesare produced by modifying a disease-producing (wild) virus or bacteria in a laboratory.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

Track: 6Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy,also called biologic therapy, is a type of cancer treatment designed to boost the body's natural defences to fight the cancer. It uses materials either made by the body or in a laboratory to improve, target, or restore immune system function. Immunotherapy is treatment that uses certain parts of a persons immune system to fight diseases such as cancer. This can be done in a couple of ways:1)Stimulating your own immune system to work harder or smarter to attack cancer cells2)Giving you immune system components, such as man-made immune system proteins. Some types of immunotherapy are also sometimes called biologic therapy or biotherapy.

In the last few decadesimmunotherapyhas become an important part of treating some types of cancer. Newer types of immune treatments are now being studied, and theyll impact how we treat cancer in the future. Immunotherapy includes treatments that work in different ways. Some boost the bodys immune system in a very general way. Others help train the immune system to attack cancer cells specifically. Immunotherapy works better for some types of cancer than for others. Its used by itself for some of these cancers, but for others it seems to work better when used with other types of treatment.

Many different types of immunotherapy are used to treat cancer. They include:Monoclonal antibodies,Adoptive cell transfer,Cytokines, Treatment Vaccines, BCG,

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting, March 03-06, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia

Track: 7Neuro Immunology

Neuroimmunology, a branch of immunologythat deals especially with the inter relationships of the nervous system and immune responses andautoimmune disorders. It deals with particularly fundamental and appliedneurobiology,meetings onneurology,neuropathology, neurochemistry,neurovirology, neuroendocrinology, neuromuscular research,neuropharmacologyand psychology, which involve either immunologic methodology (e.g. immunocytochemistry) or fundamental immunology (e.g. antibody and lymphocyte assays).

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Track: 8Infectious Diseases and Immune System

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another.Zoonotic diseasesare infectious diseases of animals that can cause disease when transmitted to humans. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment. Signs and symptoms vary depending on the organism causing the infection, but often include fever and fatigue. Mild complaints may respond to rest and home remedies, while some life-threatening infections may require hospitalization.

Many infectious diseases, such as measles andchickenpox, can be prevented by vaccines. Frequent and thorough hand-washing also helps protect you from infectious diseases

There are four main kinds of germs:

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Track: 9Reproductive Immunology,

Reproductive immunologyrefers to a field of medicine that studies interactions (or the absence of them) between the immune system and components related to thereproductivesystem, such as maternal immune tolerance towards the fetus, orimmunologicalinteractions across the blood-testis barrier. The immune system refers to all parts of the body that work to defend it against harmful enemies. In people with immunological fertility problems their body identifies part of reproductive function as an enemy and sendsNatural Killer (NK) cellsto attack. A healthy immune response would only identify an enemy correctly and attack only foreign invaders such as a virus, parasite, bacteria, ect.

The concept of reproductive immunology is not widely accepted by all physicians.Those patients who have had repeated miscarriages and multiple failed IVF's find themselves exploring it's possibilities as the reason. With an increased amount of success among treating any potential immunological factors, the idea of reproductive immunology can no longer be overlooked.The failure to conceive is often due to immunologic problems that can lead to very early rejection of the embryo, often before the pregnancy can be detected by even the most sensitive tests. Women can often produce perfectly healthy embryos that are lost through repeated "mini miscarriages." This most commonly occurs in women who have conditions such asendometriosis, an under-active thyroid gland or in cases of so called "unexplained infertility." It has been estimated that an immune factor may be involved in up to 20% of couples with otherwiseunexplained infertility. These are all conditions where abnormalities of the womans immune system may play an important role.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18th International Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; British Society for Immunology Congress, Dec 06-09, 2016, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Taking a Place in Mainstream Oncology (C7), March 19 - 23, 2017, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Track:10Auto Immunity,

Autoimmunityis the system ofimmuneresponses of an organism against its own cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrantimmuneresponse is termed an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmunity is present to some extent in everyone and is usually harmless. However, autoimmunity can cause a broad range of human illnesses, known collectively as autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases occur when there is progression from benign autoimmunity to pathogenicautoimmunity. This progression is determined by genetic influences as well as environmental triggers. Autoimmunity is evidenced by the presence of autoantibodies (antibodies directed against the person who produced them) and T cells that are reactive with host antigens.

Autoimmune disorders

An autoimmune disorder occurs whenthe bodys immune systemattacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders.


The white blood cells in the bodys immune system help protect against harmful substances. Examples include bacteria, viruses,toxins,cancercells, and blood and tissue from outside the body. These substances contain antigens. The immune system producesantibodiesagainst these antigens that enable it to destroy these harmful substances. When you have an autoimmune disorder, your immune system does not distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. As a result, the body sets off a reaction that destroys normal tissues. The exact cause of autoimmune disorders is unknown. One theory is that some microorganisms (such as bacteria or viruses) or drugs may trigger changes that confuse the immune system. This may happen more often in people who have genes that make them more prone toautoimmune disorders.

An autoimmune disorder may result in:

A person may have more than one autoimmune disorder at the same time. Common autoimmune disorders include:

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18th International Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; British Society for Immunology Congress, Dec 06-09, 2016, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Taking a Place in Mainstream Oncology (C7), March 19 - 23, 2017, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Track: 11Costimmulatory pathways in multiple sclerosis

Costimulatory moleculescan be categorized based either on their functional attributes or on their structure. The costimulatory molecules discussed in this review will be divided into (1)positive costimulatory pathways:promoting T cell activation, survival and/or differentiation; (2)negative costimulatory pathways:antagonizing TCR signalling and suppressing T cell activation; (3) as third group we will discuss themembers of the TIM family, a rather new family of cell surface molecules involved in the regulation of T cell differentiation and Treg function.Costimulatory pathways have a critical role in the regulation of alloreactivity. A complex network of positive and negative pathways regulates T cell responses. Blocking costimulation improves allograft survival in rodents and non-human primates. The costimulation blocker belatacept is being developed asimmunosuppressivedruginrenal transplantation.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting, March 03-06, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia

Track: 12Autoimmunity and Therapathies

Autoimmunityis the system ofimmuneresponsesof an organism against its own cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrantimmuneresponse is termed an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmunity is present to some extent in everyone and is usually harmless. However, autoimmunity can cause a broad range of human illnesses, known collectively as autoimmune diseases.Autoimmune diseasesoccur when there is progression from benign autoimmunity to pathogenic autoimmunity. This progression is determined by genetic influences as well as environmental triggers. Autoimmunity is evidenced by the presence of autoantibodies (antibodies directed against the person who produced them) and T cells that are reactive with host antigens.

Current treatments for allergic and autoimmune disease treat disease symptoms or depend on non-specific immune suppression. Treatment would be improved greatly by targeting the fundamental cause of the disease, that is the loss of tolerance to an otherwise innocuous antigen in allergy or self-antigen in autoimmune disease (AID). Much has been learned about the mechanisms of peripheral tolerance in recent years. We now appreciate that antigen presenting cells (APC) may be either immunogenic or tolerogenic, depending on their location, environmental cues and activation state

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting, March 03-06, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia

Track: 13DiagnosticImmunology

Diagnostic Immunology. Immunoassays are laboratory techniques based on the detection of antibody production in response to foreign antigens. Antibodies, part of the humoral immune response, are involved in pathogen detection and neutralization.

Diagnostic immunology has considerably advanced due to the development of automated methods.New technology takes into account saving samples, reagents, and reducing cost.The future of diagnosticimmunologyfaces challenges in the vaccination field for protection against HIV and asanti-cancer therapy. Modern immunology relies heavily on the use of antibodies as highly specific laboratory reagents. The diagnosis of infectious diseases, the successful outcome of transfusions and transplantations, and the availability of biochemical and hematologic assays with extraordinary specificity and sensitivity capabilities all attest to the value of antibody detection.Immunologic methods are used in the treatment and prevention ofinfectious diseasesand in the large number of immune-mediated diseases. Advances in diagnostic immunology are largely driven by instrumentation, automation, and the implementation of less complex and more standardized procedures.

Examples of such processes are as follows:

These methods have facilitated the performance of tests and have greatly expanded the information that can be developed by a clinical laboratory. The tests are now used for clinical diagnosis and the monitoring of therapies and patient responses. Immunology is a relatively young science and there is still so much to discover. Immunologists work in many different disease areas today that include allergy, autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, transplantation, and cancer.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Track: 14Allergy and Therapathies

Although medications available for allergy are usually very effective, they do not cure people of allergies. Allergenimmunotherapyis the closest thing we have for a "cure" for allergy, reducing the severity of symptoms and the need for medication for many allergy sufferers. Allergen immunotherapy involves the regular administration of gradually increasing doses of allergen extracts over a period of years. Immunotherapy can be given to patients as an injection or as drops or tablets under the tongue (sublingual).Allergen immunotherapy changes the way the immune system reacts to allergens, by switching off allergy. The end result is that you become immune to the allergens, so that you can tolerate them with fewer or no symptoms. Allergen immunotherapy is not, however, a quick fix form of treatment. Those agreeing to allergen immunotherapy need to be committed to 3-5 years of treatment for it to work, and to cooperate with your doctor to minimize the frequency of side effects.Allergen immunotherapyis usually recommended for the treatment of potentially life threatening allergic reactions to stinging insects. Published data on allergen immunotherapy injections shows that venom immunotherapy can reduce the risk of a severe reaction in adults from around 60 % per sting, down to less than 10%. In Australia and New Zealand,venom immunotherapyis currently available for bee and wasp allergy. Jack Jumper Ant immunotherapy is available in Tasmania for Tasmanian residents. Allergen immunotherapy is often recommended for treatment ofallergic rhinitis

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Track: 15Technological Innovations inImmunology

Immunology is the branch of biomedical sciences concerned with all aspects of the immune system in all multicellular organisms. Immunology deals with physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health and disease as well as malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders like allergies, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection andautoimmune disorders.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting, March 03-06, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia

Track:16Antigen Processing

Antigen processingis an immunologicalprocessthat prepares antigensfor presentation to special cells of the immune system called T lymphocytes. It is considered to be a stage ofantigenpresentation pathways. The process by which antigen-presenting cells digest proteins from inside or outside the cell and display the resulting antigenic peptide fragments on cell surface MHC molecules for recognition by T cells is central to the body's ability to detect signs of infection or abnormal cell growth. As such, understanding the processes and mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation provides us with crucial insights necessary for the design ofvaccines and therapeutic strategiesto bolster T-cell responses.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 3rd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 2nd Autoimmunity Conference, Nov 9-10, 2017 Madrid, Spain; Integrating Metabolism and Immunity , May 29 - June 2, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Annual Meeting, March 03-06, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia

Track: 17Immunoinformatics and Systems Immunology

Immunoinformaticsis a branch ofbioinformaticsdealing with in silico analysis and modelling of immunological data and problems Immunoinformatics includes the study and design of algorithms for mapping potential B- andT-cell epitopes, which lessens the time and cost required for laboratory analysis of pathogen gene products. Using this information, an immunologist can explore the potential binding sites, which, in turn, leads to the development of newvaccines. This methodology is termed reversevaccinology and it analyses the pathogen genome to identify potential antigenic proteins.This is advantageous because conventional methods need to cultivate pathogen and then extract its antigenic proteins. Although pathogens grow fast, extraction of their proteins and then testing of those proteins on a large scale is expensive and time consuming. Immunoinformatics is capable of identifying virulence genes and surface-associated proteins.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

9thworld congress & expo on Immunology, Oct 02-04, 2017, Toronto, Canada; 3rdAntibodies and Bio Therapeutics Congress, November 02-03, 2017 Las Vegas, USA; Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18th International Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; British Society for Immunology Congress, Dec 06-09, 2016, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Taking a Place in Mainstream Oncology (C7), March 19 - 23, 2017, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Track: 18Rheumatology

Rheumatology represents a subspecialty in internal medicine and pediatrics, which is devoted to adequate diagnosis andtherapy of rheumatic diseases(including clinical problems in joints, soft tissues, heritable connective tissue disorders, vasculitis and autoimmune diseases). This field is multidisciplinary in nature, which means it relies on close relationships with other medical specialties.The specialty of rheumatology has undergone a myriad of noteworthy advances in recent years, especially if we consider the development of state-of-the-art biological drugs with novel targets, made possible by rapid advances in the basic science of musculoskeletal diseases and improved imaging techniques.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

Molecular Immunology & Immunogenetics Congress, March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy; 3nd International Congress on Neuroimmunology and Therapeutics, September 18-19, 2017 Philadelphia, USA; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand; Annual Meeting on Immunology and Immunologist, July 03-05, 2017 Malyasia, Kuala lumpur; 19thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Sept 14-17, 2017, Berlin, Germany; Modelling Viral Infections and Immunity (E1) , May 1 - 4, 2017 | Estes Park, Colorado, USA; 7thInternational Conference on Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology; 18thInternational Conference on Immunology (ICI) Dec 12-13, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

Track: 19Nutritional Immunology

Nutritional immunologyis an emerging discipline that evolved with the study of the detrimental effect of malnutrition on the immune system. The clinical and public health importance of nutritional immunology is also receiving attention. Immune system dysfunctions that result from malnutrition are, in fact, NutritionallyAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes(NAIDS). NAIDS afflicts millions of people in the Third World, as well as thousands in modern centers, i.e., patients with cachexia secondary to serious disease, neoplasia or trauma. The human immune system functions to protect the body against foreign pathogens and thereby preventing infection and disease. Optimal functioning of the immune system, both innate and adaptive immunity, is strongly influenced by an individuals nutritional status, with malnutrition being the most common cause of immunodeficiency in the world. Nutrient deficiencies result in immunosuppression and dysregulation of the immune response including impairment of phagocyte function and cytokine production, as well as adversely affecting aspects of humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Such alterations in immune function and the resulting inflammation are not only associated with infection, but also with the development of chronic diseases including cancer, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, disorders of the endocrine system andcardiovascular disease.

RelatedImmunology Conferences|Immunologists Meetings|Conference Series LLC:

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8th European Immunology Conference June 29-July 01, 2017 ...

Immunology – health. uconn .edu

Joe Ryan received the 2016 Lepow Award at the Graduate Student Research Day on June 10, 2016. This award, established in 1986 in honor of Dr. Irwin H. Lepow, a well-known faculty member, researcher and founding father of UConn Health, is given to the outstanding fourth-year student in the Biomedical Science Ph.D. Program. Joe is an M.D./Ph.D. student in the Department of Immunology under the mentorship of Dr. Adam Adler and Dr. Anthony Vella.

Immunology - health. uconn .edu

Moffitt Cancer Center: Immunology

The Immunology (IMM) Program defines the mechanisms by which tumors evade rejection by the immune system and develops strategies to thwart them. Key to the Program's success is the close integration of IMM clinical, translational, and basic scientists that facilitates rapid progression of novel immunotherapies from the bench to bedside.

The Specific Aims are:

Aim 1: Advance and translate T-cell therapies for solid tumors and hematologic malignancies. The goals of this aim are to bring laboratory and pre-clinical studies to the bedside as novel investigator-initiated clinical trials. Specific areas of focus include: (1) delivery of adoptive T cell immunotherapy using ex vivo expanded tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and genetically modified immune effector cells; (2) developing mechanistic strategies to improve adoptive cell therapy; (3) restoring and/or improving the potency of tumor-specific responses of immune checkpoint inhibitors, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi), and vaccination; and (4) defining gene expression signatures of immunotherapy responders. MCC support of efforts of IMM members includes: (i) the Immunotherapy Working Group that conceives interventional trials; (ii) a state-of-the-art, Good Manufacturing Practice-compliant, Cellular Therapy Core (CTC); and (iii) the interdisciplinary Immune and Cellular Therapy clinical service that delivers therapy. These clinical trials galvanize the IMM Program into a cohesive unit that is driven to provide highly effective, innovative and safe immunotherapies for cancer patients.

Aim 2: Define molecular and cellular mechanisms to exploit innate and adaptive immunity against cancer.The goals of this aim are to discover and develop molecular and cellular approaches to harness the immune system. Collaborative studies by the IMM Program members have led to several novel findings in this research arena. Here the specific focus of IMM members includes T-cell recruitment and suppression, natural killer (NK) cell control, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) expansion, and the ability of HDACi to modulate immune responses. The research coming from these efforts has led to several innovative cellular and small molecule approaches to interrupt these immune processes, which have been translated into clinical trials.

Aim 3: Prevent graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) while sparing graft-versus-leukemia responses after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT).The goals of this aim are to address unmet needs in human allogeneic-HCT, to prevent GVHD while preserving the transplant immunotherapy potency against leukemia and other blood cancers. The IMM Program has made a significant impact in this field, including the discovery that Th17 cells have central roles in provoking GVHD severity and in the response to standard GVHD therapy. The current focus of this research is to translate these findings for GVHD prevention by either favoring emergence of Treg or blocking Th1 and Th17 differentiation, while sparing cytotoxic T cell responses against the tumor cells. The approaches to prevent GVHD include: (1) adoptive transfer of donor Tregs specific against host minor-histocompatibility antigens (miHAs); (2) targeting the common IL-12/IL-23 p40 receptor chain; (3) targeting JAK2 or STAT3; and (4) defining gene expression signatures associated with operational tolerance following allogeneic HCT.

Immunology Department Members Program Leaders:Claudio Anasetti, MD Kenneth L Wright, PhD(Interim)

Members: Daniel Abate-Daga, PhD Claudio Anasetti, MD Scott J. Antonia, MD, PhD Amer A. Beg, PhD Brian C. Betts, MD Jason B. Brayer, MD, PhD Pearlie K. Burnette, PharmD, PhD Benjamin C. Creelan, MD Marco L. Davila, MD, PhD Julie Yin Djeu, PhD Tomar Ghansah, PhD Jongphil Kim, PhD Frederick Locke, MD Joseph Markowitz, MD, PhD Jane L. Messina, MD James Mul, I-PhD Joseph Pidala, MD, PhD Shari A. Pilon-Thomas, PhD Javier Pinilla-Ibarz, MD, PhD Brian Ruffell, PhD Amod Sarnaik, MD Hatem Soliman, MD Vernon K. Sondak, MD Sheng Wei, MD Kenneth L. Wright, PhD

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Moffitt Cancer Center: Immunology