Category Archives: Neuroscience
Neuroscience Says 3 Simple Steps Can Turn Disappointment and Stress Into Success and Fulfillment (and Boost Your Emotional Intelligence) – Inc.
Golf: neuroscience reveals the secrets of better putting new study – The Conversation
The Neuroscience Behind Video: Why Video is the Most Effective Marketing Channel – StreamTV Insider
Building an autism research registry: Q&A with Tony Charman – The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives
Building an autism research registry: Q&A with Tony Charman The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives
Adjusting Proteins Increases Ozempics Effectiveness – Neuroscience News
Summary: Adjusting melanocortin proteins in the brain enhances the effectiveness of GLP-1 diabetes and weight-loss drugs. By inhibiting MC3R or activating MC4R, mice showed increased sensitivity to these drugs, leading to more significant weight loss and reduced feeding without additional side effects.
This discovery could improve treatment outcomes for patients using GLP-1 drugs. Further research and clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings in humans.
Key Facts:
Source: University of Michigan
A network of proteins found in the central nervous system could be harnessed to increase the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of popular diabetes and weight-loss drugs, according to new research from the University of Michigan.
The study, appearing today in theJournal of Clinical Investigation, focused on two proteins called melanocortin 3 and melanocortin 4 found primarily on the surface of neurons in the brain that play a central role in regulating feeding behavior and maintaining the bodys energy balance.
Melanocortin 3 and melanocortin 4 impact everything from sensing long-term energy stores to processing signals from the gut regarding short-term fullness, or satiety, said U-M physiologistRoger Cone, who led the study.
The class of drugs known as GLP-1 agonists, which includes semaglutides (e.g., Ozempic) and tirzepatides (e.g., Mounjaro), have received substantial attention recently for their effectiveness in treating not only type 2 diabetes, but also obesity, heart disease and potentially addiction. They work by mimicking a natural hormone that the gut produces when it is full, triggering the brain to reduce feeding behavior.
So the obvious question for us was: How do these GLP-1 drugs, which work by manipulating satiety signals, function when we prime the melanocortin system? said Cone, professor of molecular and integrative physiology at the U-M Medical School and director of the U-M Life Sciences Institute where his lab is located.
Working in mouse models, Cone and his colleagues tested the effects of several hormones that reduce food intake. They compared the results in normal mice with mice that genetically lacked the MC3R protein, in mice that were given chemicals to block the activity of MC3R, and in mice that were given a drug to increase the activity of MC4R. (Because MC3R is a natural negative regulator of MC4R, meaning it decreases the activity of MC4R, blocking MC3R and increasing MC4R activity has similar effects.)
In all cases, Naima Dahir, first author of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow in Cones lab, and colleagues found that adjusting the melanocortin systemeither by inhibiting MC3R or increasing MC4R activitymade the mice more sensitive to GLP-1 drugs and other hormones that affect feeding behavior.
The mice that were given a GLP-1 drug in combination with an MC4R agonist or MC3R antagonist showed up to five times more weight loss and reduced feeding than mice receiving only the GLP-1 drugs.
We found that activating the central melanocortin system hypersensitizes animals to the effects of not just GLP-1s, but to every anti-feeding hormone we tested, Cone said.
The researchers also measured activity in parts of the brain thought to trigger nausea in response to GLP-1 drugs and observed no increased activation when GLP-1 drugs were combined with alterations to the melanocortin system. In contrast, priming of the melanocortin neurons significantly increased GLP-1 drug activation of neurons in hypothalamic feeding centers in the brain.
The findings indicate that pairing the existing GLP-1 drugs with an MC4R agonist could increase sensitivity to the desired effects of the drugs by up to fivefold, without increasing unwanted side effects.
Ultimately, this approach could enable patients who are sensitive to the side effects to take a lower dose, or could improve the results in patients who have not responded to the existing drug dosages. Further drug development and clinical testing are needed before this can occur.
While this research has been conducted only in mouse models, Cone is optimistic that the results will translate well to humans.
The melanocortin system is highly conserved in humans, he said. Everything weve observed in the mouse over the past decades studying these proteins has also been found in humans, so I suspect that these results would also be translatable to patients.
This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and Courage Therapeutics.
Study authors are: Naima Dahir, Yijun Gui, Yanan Wu, Alix Rouault, Savannah Williams, Luis Gimenez, Stephen Joy, Anna K. Mapp and Roger Cone, University of Michigan; Patrick Sweeney, University of Illinois; and Tomi Sawyer, Courage Therapeutics.
Author: Morgan Sherburne Source: University of Michigan Contact: Morgan Sherburne University of Michigan Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News
Original Research: Open access. Subthreshold activation of the melanocortin system causes generalized sensitization to anorectic agents in mice by Roger Cone et al. JCI
Subthreshold activation of the melanocortin system causes generalized sensitization to anorectic agents in mice
The melanocortin-3 receptor (MC3R) regulates GABA release from agouti-related protein (AgRP) nerve terminals and thus tonically suppresses multiple circuits involved in feeding behavior and energy homeostasis.
Here, we examined the role of the MC3R and the melanocortin system in regulating the response to various anorexigenic agents.
The genetic deletion or pharmacological inhibition of the MC3R, or subthreshold doses of an MC4R agonist, improved the dose responsiveness to glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) agonists, as assayed by inhibition of food intake and weight loss.
An enhanced anorectic response to the acute satiety factors peptide YY (PYY3-36) and cholecystokinin (CCK) and the long-term adipostatic factor leptin demonstrated that increased sensitivity to anorectic agents was a generalized result of MC3R antagonism.
We observed enhanced neuronal activation in multiple hypothalamic nuclei using Fos IHC following low-dose liraglutide in MC3R-KO mice (Mc3r/), supporting the hypothesis that the MC3R is a negative regulator of circuits that control multiple aspects of feeding behavior.
The enhanced anorectic response inMc3r/mice after administration of GLP1 analogs was also independent of the incretin effects and malaise induced by GLP1 receptor (GLP1R) analogs, suggesting that MC3R antagonists or MC4R agonists may have value in enhancing the dose-response range of obesity therapeutics.
Read more from the original source:
Adjusting Proteins Increases Ozempics Effectiveness - Neuroscience News
Low-Calorie Diets Harm Athletes Performance and Health – Neuroscience News
Summary: Female athletes consuming only half their caloric needs for 14 days experienced significant drops in performance and muscle mass. This low energy availability also weakened their immune systems.
The harmful effects couldnt be reversed by short-term refeeding, highlighting the risks of weight loss practices in sports. The findings emphasize the need for awareness and better support for athletes.
Key Facts:
Source: University of Copenhagen
Whether selected to swim, row or run in the Olympics, or gearing up to ride in the Tour de France, achieving the right weight has been a focal point of many elite athletes for decades. It could be to look lean and mean in a swimsuit or jersey, or to qualify for a certain weight category. But there is also a belief that losing weight enhances performance.
As such, it is a widespread phenomenon among athletesespecially inendurance sportslike running, swimming, cycling and rowingto reduce theirdietary intakein the run-up to competition.
It is particularly problematic among female endurance athletes. Many athletes focus heavily on weight in their respective sports. Consequently, they tend to go into short-term, but intense periods of weight loss with the expectation of performing better, says Professor Ylva Hellsten of the University of Copenhagens Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports.
She and Ph.D. student Jan Sommer Jeppesen are two of the researchers behinda new studyon the effects of low energy availability amongfemale athletes.
The paper is published in the journalRedox Biology.
We know that the phenomenon of not eating enough is associated with many things that are harmful to healthincluding missed periods, compromised bone health and changes in metabolism. But there is still plenty that we dont know. As such, we investigated some of the possible consequences more closely, says Jeppesen, who is the studys lead author.
For the study, the researchers recruited twelve female triathletes, all of whom had a normal energy intake. During one part of the trial, the athletes were given enough calories for 14 days, after which their performance was tested. The same athletes also went through a 14-day period during which they consumed only about 50% of their energy needs while sticking to their normal intensive training schedule.
During the period with insufficient calories, athletes lost an average of roughly 4% of their body weight, about half of which was muscle mass. And they experienced a loss in performance:
The fourteen days of insufficient food intake reduced their performance by 7.7% in a 20-minute time trial on a bike, which is quite significant. And during a more intense short-term test, their performance slid by as much as 18%. So there is no doubt that this practice greatly impairs ones performance as an athlete, even over shorter periods of time, says Jeppesen.
In addition to sports performance, the researchers examined the effects on athletes immune function.
Among other things, we saw that insufficient energy intake was associated with increased systemic stress. The athletes had a large increase in cortisol, a stress hormone, and a dramatically increased stress level in immune cells. This suggests that there is a quite severe impact on several aspects of the immune system if one doesnt eat enough. This may potentially contribute to athletes being more exposed to illness, says Jeppesen.
The researchers hope that the results of the study will help create more awareness of the phenomenon.
Many coaches continue to pressure athletes to lose weight. For many years, it has been a part of the culture in the sports worldand remains so. We need to shed light on the phenomenon and ask critically: What are we actually doing to our athletes both physically and psychologically? says Hellsten.
Team Denmark, the Danish elite sport organization, welcomes the new research results with open arms.
It focuses on a really important topic and challenges the attitude that lighter is always better. The theory and culture remains prevalent in many sports. I experience many athletes who trim their weight in the weeks leading up to a competition, but without understanding the consequences of doing so, says Majke Jrgensen, a sports nutritionist and manager at Team Denmark.
She sees the results as useful knowledge that can support a message that Team Denmark has been trying to promote:
My experience is that elite athletes and coaches are curious, but need research that backs up any critiques of the phenomenon. Here, the fact that thetest subjectsare actual athletes is a major strength, so that the results can be transferred to the athletes and coaches that Team Denmark supports.
We will use these results to support what we are already trying to communicate, both when we sit down with athletes one-on-one, as well as during workshops and presentations in these types of contexts, says Jrgensen.
After fourteen days of low energy availability (LEA), the athletes underwent a three-day refeeding period as part of the trial, during which they were provided plenty to eat.
We had expected that the three days of enough food would restore their performanceand maybe even improve itbut there was absolutely no effect. Their performance was just as degraded as prior to the three days. This tells us that the negative effects cannot be reversed by quickly replenishing energy stores, which is a strategy used by many athletes, says Jeppesen.
According to the research literature, men tend to be more resilient when it comes to insufficient energy intake.
Based upon the rather limited research in this area, it seems that men are able to tolerate reduced energy intake before it affects us negatively. This indicates that women in particular are a vulnerable population in this respect, says Jeppesen.
The gender difference is partly due to the fact that low energy availability can cause a womans estrogen levels to drop drastically. Since estrogen protects the circulatory system, muscles and bones, etc., estrogen loss has extensive effects on a womans physiology.
Hellsten points out that theharmful effectsof not eating enough for long periods of time, especially in women, can therefore also be lifelong.
Author: Ylva Hellsten Source: University of Copenhagen Contact: Ylva Hellsten University of Copenhagen Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News
Original Research: Open access. Low energy availability increases immune cell formation of reactive oxygen species and impairs exercise performance in female endurance athletes by Ylva Hellsten et al. Redox Biology
Low energy availability increases immune cell formation of reactive oxygen species and impairs exercise performance in female endurance athletes
The effects of low energy availability (LEA) on the immune system are poorly understood. This study examined the effects of 14 days of LEA on immune cell redox balance and inflammation at rest and in response to acute exercise, and exercise performance in female athletes.
Twelve female endurance athletes (age: 26.83.4yrs, maximum oxygen uptake (O2max): 55.25.1 mLmin1kg1) were included in a randomized, single-blinded crossover study. They were allocated to begin with either 14 days of optimal energy availability diet (OEA, 522kcalkg fat free mass (FFM)1day1) or LEA diet (222kcalkg FFM1day1), followed by 3 days of refueling (OEA) with maintained training volume. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated, and plasma obtained at rest before and after each dietary period. The PBMCs were used for analysis of mitochondrial respiration and H2O2emission and specific proteins. Exercise performance was assessed on cycle by a 20-min time trial and time to exhaustion at an intensity corresponding to 110%O2max).
LEA was associated with a 94% (P=0.003) increase in PBMC NADPH oxidase 2 protein content, and a 22% (P=0.013) increase in systemic cortisol. LEA also caused an alteration of several inflammatory related proteins (P<0.05). Acute exercise augmented H2O2emission in PBMCs (P<0.001) following both OEA and LEA, but to a greater extent following LEA. LEA also reduced the mobilization of white blood cells with acute exercise. After LEA, performance was reduced in both exercise tests (P<0.001), and the reduced time trial performance remained after the 3 days of refueling (P<0.001).
14 days of LEA in female athletes increased cortisol levels and had a pronounced effect on the immune system, including increased capacity for ROS production, altered plasma inflammatory proteome and lowered exercise induced mobilization of leukocytes. Furthermore, LEA resulted in a sustained impairment in exercise performance.
More here:
Low-Calorie Diets Harm Athletes Performance and Health - Neuroscience News
Reflective Thinking Boosts Teen Brain Resilience to Violence – Neuroscience News
Summary: Teens who engage in transcendent thinking can counteract the negative effects of violence exposure on brain development. This type of thinking involves considering broader ethical and societal implications of social issues.
The study showed that such reflective thinking leads to brain growth even in teens from high-violence communities. These findings emphasize the importance of fostering reflective thinking skills in adolescents.
Key Facts:
Source: USC
These latest findings from CANDLE (USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education) researchers show that teens who think about social issues and violence in more reflective ways show greater resilience to the effects of violence exposure on their brain development.
The study was published in theJournal of Research on Adolescence.
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang and a team of CANDLE researchers have found that teens who engage in more transcendent thinking, that is thinking that moves beyond reacting to the specifics of social situations to also consider broader ethical, personal and societal implications, can counteract the negative impacts exposure to violence has on theirbrain development.
The study built onan earlier oneby Immordino-Yang that showed the disturbing link between adolescents exposure to violence in their community and their brain development.
In both studies, MRI brain scans of teens who grew up in communities with high levels of violenceshowed thinner cortex in parts of the brain that are involved in feeling stress and pain as well as motivation, judgment and emotional processing.
This new study confirms these links exist even in older teens, around age 1618 when they witness violence, but also offers a possible antidote. The 55 participants were all from low socioeconomic status backgrounds and lived in urban settings. The teens were asked about their exposure to community violence and underwent two MRI brain scans, one at the beginning of the study and one two years later.
At the time of the initial scans, participants also watched mini-documentaries about teens in compelling situations and discussed their reactions in a recorded interview which was later assessed for transcendent thinking.
The final MRI scans showed that the more a teen had engaged in transcendent thinking, the greater the brain growth in various areas across the two years, including those areas most impacted by the violence.
The findings suggest that teens transcendent thinking may be helping them to counteract the effect of exposure to violence on their brain development.
These findings reveal that as adolescents work to contextualize and make sense of the violence they are exposed to, this complex thinking builds resilience and thus grows their brains despite the violence they witness.
When the teens were able to reflect on such things as why violence happens and what can be done to get to the root of the problems, they showed a form of neural resilience in theiranterior cingulate cortex, among other regions.
Let me be clearwe found that witnessing community violence and crime, even in older teens, was associated with key regions of their brain losing volume over time. In effect, witnessing violence made regions of their brains shrink a bit, which is a pattern seen in people suffering from PTSD and in soldiers deployed to war, said Immordino-Yang.
At the same time, the kids were not passively being impactedwhen they showed us that they were thinking hard about why these things happen, and what could be done to make the world better for everyone involved, this kind of thinking grew their brain volume in these same brain regions. Violence was bad for them, but transcendent and civically oriented thinking was a kind of antidote, neurologically speaking.
The study builds on a body of research spearheaded by Immordino-Yang that investigates the effects of transcendent thinking on adolescent brain development. A recentlandmark studypublished by Immordino-Yang showed that transcendent thinking in adolescents can predict future brain growth and that this brain growth, in turn, predicts life satisfaction when youth transition to adulthood.
Immordino-Yangs teams findings underline the vulnerability of adolescents in communities impacted by high levels of violence while also emphasizing the importance of fostering skills like transcendent thinking in teens.
These skills cannot only helpteensmake sense of the violence they witness but also help them counteract the negative impact of thisviolenceon their developing brains.
Author: Kianoosh Hashemzadeh Source: USC Contact: Kianoosh Hashemzadeh USC Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News
Original Research: Open access. Transcendent thinking counteracts longitudinal effects of midadolescent exposure to community violence in the anterior cingulate cortex by XiaoFei Yang et al. Journal of Research on Adolescence
Transcendent thinking counteracts longitudinal effects of midadolescent exposure to community violence in the anterior cingulate cortex
Adolescence involves extensive brain maturation, characterized by social sensitivity and emotional lability, that co-occurs with increased independence. Mid-adolescence is also a hallmark developmental stage when youths become motivated to reflect on the broader personal, ethical, and systems-level implications of happenings, a process we term transcendent thinking.
Here, we examine the confluence of these developmental processes to ask, from a transdisciplinary perspective, how might community violence exposure (CVE) impact brain development during mid-adolescence, and how might youths dispositions for transcendent thinking be protective?
Fifty-five low-SES urban youth with no history of delinquency (32 female; 27 Latinx, 28 East Asian) reported their CVE and underwent structural MRI first at age 1418, and again 2years later.
At the studys start, participants also discussed their feelings about 40 minidocumentaries featuring other teens compelling situations in a 2-h private interview that was transcribed and coded for transcendent thinking.
Controlling for CVE and brain structure at the start: (1) New CVE during the 2-year inter-scan interval was associated with greater gray matter volume (GMV) reduction over that interval in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a central network hub whose reduced volume has been associated with posttraumatic stress disorder, and across multiple additional cortical and subcortical regions; (2) participants transcendent thinking in the interview independently predicted greater GMV increase during the 2-year inter-scan interval in the ACC.
Findings highlight the continued vulnerability of mid-adolescents to community violence and the importance of supporting teens dispositions to reflect on the complex personal and systems-level implications and affordances of their civic landscape.
Go here to read the rest:
Reflective Thinking Boosts Teen Brain Resilience to Violence - Neuroscience News
Neuroscience Says Olympians Like Simone Biles Use the Autopilot Trick to Achieve Peak Performance. So Can You – Inc.
What well-being is (and isnt), according to neuroscience – Big Think
Cultivating your own well-being does not mean getting rid of discomfort, according to neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang.
Immordino-Yang is a professor of education, psychology, and neuroscience at the University of Southern California, and she has spent years researching what makes one well.
Turns out, true well-being comes from balance and flexibility, not just from filling your life with positive experiences. Immordino-Yang suggests a few practical tips for maintaining this balance, such as prioritizing quality relationships, monitoring our social media usage, and engaging in activities that bring joy and reflection.
We cant fully eradicate suffering, but we can accept it and choose to grow through it. By welcoming healthy levels of discomfort and taking agency over our own activities and habits, we can achieve wellness as it was meant to be achieved as a state of being, not a destination.
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang:Often we think about well-being as the absence of disease, the absence of mental illness, the absence of strife. But neuroscience and developmental social science help us understand that the origins of well-being are really about balance. It's about an ability and a flexibility to manage oneself. Well-being is both a capacity and a state.
The brain data really help us understand the contributions to that capacity and state. A concept like well-being is not applied to a person; it's conjured within the person by their own actions and dispositions of mind. This shifts the way in which we support a person in developing well-being and becoming well.
I think there are practical things that you can do to support your own well-being strategically. Prioritizing the quality of the relationships that you have with the people around you, whom you care about. Setting yourself up to have control over certain kinds of social media use, certain kinds of scrollingthese addictive things that suck you into a pattern of wanting more and pull you out of a space where you can reflect and just sort of be.
Construct meaningful stories about how that's happening and what that feels like. Privilege the things that you really enjoy doing with the people you really enjoy being with. Taking the time to reflect and think about what it's all for, and then enact that. Giving to others and being engaged with otherswe reap back the benefits of that.
Here is the original post:
What well-being is (and isnt), according to neuroscience - Big Think