Category Archives: Neuroscience

Rethinking Reminiscence: Theater’s Ageism Dilemma Unveiled – Neuroscience News

Summary: A new study highlights the unintended ageist outcomes of Applied Theater, specifically reminiscence theater, which risks reducing older adults to mere storytellers of the past, overshadowing their current identities and contributions.

The research calls attention to how these practices, despite their positive intentions, may inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes and neglect the present lives and agency of participants. To combat this, the study introduces an Anti-Ageism Praxis (AAP) framework focusing on co-creation, present responses, and challenging stereotypes, aiming to foster more ethical and inclusive applied theatre practices that truly value older adults voices and experiences.

Key Facts:

Source: University of Surrey

Imagine your grandmothers life story distilled into a performance, applause washing over her as strangers dissect her past. Sounds heart-warming, doesnt it? Not so fast, warns a new study from the University of Surrey.

The study found that Applied Theater practices, particularly reminiscence theater, could encourage ageism. This happens when we only see older adults as sources of stories from the past and forget to listen to their current thoughts, opinions, and hopes for the future.

Reminiscence theater is a form of interactive drama in which older adults share memories and experiences through dialogue, storytelling, and creative activities.

The study, led byDr Georgia Bowersfrom the Guildford School of Acting, has shown that unconscious biases and assumptions can lead practitioners to unknowingly reinforce negative stereotypes about older adults. This can be particularly evident in reminiscence theatre, where focusing on extracting memories risks neglecting participants present experiences and agency.

Dr Georgia Bowers, Lecturer and Programme Leader of Applied and Contemporary Theatre BA (Hons) at the Guildford School of Acting and lead author of the study, said:

Its crucial to acknowledge that ageism exists within even well-intentioned practices like applied theatre. While reminiscence theatre offers valuable benefits, it can become problematic if we dont prioritize co-creation, shared power, and a focus on participants present responses to their memories.

The research proposes a new Anti-Ageism Praxis (AAP) framework to address these concerns. AAP emphasizes:

Dr Bowers continued:

This research opens important conversations about ethical practice in applied theatre. The proposed AAP framework offers a valuable guide for practitioners to ensure older adults are central to the work and their voices are truly heard.

The research demonstrates the University of Surreys contribution towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Particularly: SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 10 (Reduce Inequalities).

Author: Georgina Gould Source: University of Surrey Contact: Georgina Gould University of Surrey Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access. Invading Capitalist Ageism in Applied Theatre through Anti-Ageism Praxis by Georgia Bowers. Performance Research


Invading Capitalist Ageism in Applied Theatre through Anti-Ageism Praxis

This article highlights how in the UK ageism derives from invasive and pervasive capitalist practices, where our cultural understanding of being old is driven by institutional exit from the labour market.

The article explores how ageism has bled into applied theatre practices and problematizes the widespread use of reminiscence theatre as an ageist methodology, as it restricts older peoples experiences to the past.

Issues of power between the facilitator and practitioner are also explored by questioning the exclusive nature of reviewing and editing older peoples personal recollections and who determines what memories have creative value.

This article advocates that the field must now fracture away from reminiscence models and instead I propose an Anti-Ageism Praxis (AAP), which functions as a resistance against the invasion of capitalist informed ageism and oppressive ageist theatrical engagement. Instead, AAP places emphasis on shared power, co-collaboration, being present and creating theatre that is informed by real time moments, feelings and thoughts.

The rest is here:
Rethinking Reminiscence: Theater's Ageism Dilemma Unveiled - Neuroscience News

PTSD: Virtual Reality and Magnetic Stimulation Provide Relief – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers demonstrated promising results for PTSD treatment in military veterans by combining brain stimulation with virtual reality exposure therapy. The clinical trial showed significant reductions in PTSD symptoms among participants who received low electrical current brain stimulation during virtual reality sessions designed to simulate warzone experiences.

This innovative approach, which outperformed traditional exposure therapy in both efficacy and participant retention, represents a novel method of addressing the complex challenge of treating PTSD. The study underscores the potential of integrating neuroscientific interventions with psychological therapy to enhance treatment outcomes for individuals struggling with PTSD, offering new pathways for recovery.

Key Facts:

Source: Brown University

Combining two treatments could be a promising option for people, especially military veterans, whose lives are negatively affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study shows.

In a clinical trial conducted among U.S. military veterans at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center, participants who received brain stimulation with a low electrical current during sessions of virtual reality exposure reported a significant reduction in PTSD symptom severity.

The results were reportedon March 6 inJAMA Psychiatry.

Study author Noah Philip, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Universitys Warren Alpert Medical School, said the findings are exciting considering existing challenges in treating patients with PTSD.

This is a different and innovative way of approaching treatment where were combining the best aspects of psychotherapy, neuroscience and brain stimulation to help people get better, said Philip, who leads mental health research at the Providence V.A. Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology.

Theres a lot of promise here, and that offers hope.

PTSD is a common psychiatric disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts and recollections, avoidance of trauma-related stimuli, hyperarousal and disturbed mood, the study noted. Initial PTSD treatments often include trauma-focused exposure therapy and medication.

Yet PTSD is particularly difficult to treat in military veterans, Philip said. Medications have significant adverse effects, and exposure therapy can be difficult to tolerate, since it involves describing highly traumatic experiences repeatedly. Up to 50% of patients drop out of traditional exposure therapy, and others decline to even start it.

For the study, Philip, whose background is in psychiatric research of brain simulation, teamed up with Mascha van t Wout-Frank, an associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior (research) at the Warren Alpert Medical School who studies the effect of non-invasive brain stimulation on fear extinction, or learning that things that are regarded as harmful can actually be safe and can therefore become tolerable.

Through exposure therapy, the brain is reprocessing the trauma, and learning that even though the traumatic experience was dangerous, the memories of the traumatic experience, as well as the thoughts and feelings that are conjured up by those memories, are not dangerous they are safe, said van t Wout-Frank, an investigator at the V.A. Providence Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology.

This results in a decline in conditioned fear response.

A leading theory of PTSD posits that the effectiveness of exposure as a therapy is impaired due to ineffective top-down control of the brains amygdala by the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and other brain regions. Affected individuals thus have impaired safety learning and memory, which in healthy people is supported by intact brain function, van t Wout-Frank said.

Transcranial direct current stimulation, which involves administering a constant, low, pain-free electrical current to a part of the brain, is well-suited to potentially augment trauma-focused exposure therapy, van t Wout-Frank said. The non-invasive current may boost neural activity, facilitating top-down control by the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to improve safety learning.

The research team decided to combine transcranial direct current stimulation with virtual reality exposure, which provides a highly immersive sensory experience including visual, tactile and even olfactory stimuli to simulate real-world environments.

To test the combined treatment, the researchers expanded a previous pilot study to conduct a larger, more robust, double-blind study of 54 U.S. military veterans with chronic PTSD. Participants were randomly assigned to receive transcranial direct current stimulation or a sham experience that provided some sensation but not a significant amount or duration of electrical current.

In the patients receiving transcranial direct current stimulation, a low (2 milliamp) amount of electricity was targeted to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during six 25-minute sessions of standardized warzone virtual reality exposure, delivered over two to three weeks.

Participants in the active transcranial direct current stimulation group reported a superior reduction in self-reported PTSD symptom severity at one month.While all participants had meaningful reductions in PTSD symptoms (attributed to the VR procedure), active transcranial direct current stimulation significantly accelerated psychological and physiological adjustment to the virtual reality events between sessions compared with the sham treatment patients.

In the experiment, the virtual reality was generalized to include trauma-inducing elements, but didnt replicate any one participants personal experience.

It can be difficult for patients to talk about their personal trauma over and over, and thats one common reason that participants drop out of psychotherapy, Philip said. This VR exposure tends to be much easier for people to handle.

In just two weeks, the combination of electric stimulation plus VR treatment accelerated a process that happens normally during prolonged exposure therapy, but usually takes around 12 weeks to show effects.

Whats more, Philip added, the effects continued to build over time.

What we found was that people continued to get better after they were done with the treatment, and we started seeing the biggest effects one month later, Philip said.

The team is continuing to review the study results to better understand how the treatment caused brain changes over time. Future studies would explore a larger group of study participants, a longer follow-up time, and perhaps even the effects of re-treatment.

Other Brown researchers involved with this study included Amanda R. Arulpragasam, M. Tracie Shea and Benjamin D. Greenberg.

Funding: This studywas supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (I01 RX002450, I50 RX002864)

Author: Corrie Pikul Source: Brown University Contact: Corrie Pikul Brown University Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access. Virtual Reality and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial by Noah Philip et al. JAMA Psychiatry


Virtual Reality and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common psychiatric disorder that is particularly difficult to treat in military veterans. Noninvasive brain stimulation has significant potential as a novel treatment to reduce PTSD symptoms.


To test whether active transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) plus virtual reality (VR) is superior to sham tDCS plus VR for warzone-related PTSD.

Design, Setting, and Participants

This double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted among US military veterans enrolled from April 2018 to May 2023 at a secondary care Department of Veterans Affairs hospital and included 1- and 3-month follow-up visits. Participants included US military veterans with chronic PTSD and warzone-related exposure, recruited via referral and advertisement. Patients in psychiatric treatment had to be on a stable regimen for at least 6 weeks to be eligible for enrollment. Data were analyzed from May to September 2023.


Participants were randomly assigned to receive 2-mA anodal tDCS or sham tDCS targeted to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, during six 25-minute sessions of standardized warzone VR exposure, delivered over 2 to 3 weeks.

Main Outcomes and Measures

The coprimary outcomes were self-reported PTSD symptoms, measured via the PTSD checklist forDSM-5(PCL-5), alongside quality of life. Other outcomes included psychophysiological arousal, clinician-assessed PTSD, depression, and social/occupational function.


A total of 54 participants (mean [SD] age, 45.7 [10.5] years; 51 [94%] males) were assessed, including 26 in the active tDCS group and 28 in the sham tDCS group. Participants in the active tDCS group reported a superior reduction in self-reported PTSD symptom severity at 1 month (t=2.27,P=.02; Cohend=0.82). There were no significant differences in quality of life between active and sham tDCS groups. Active tDCS significantly accelerated psychophysiological habituation to VR events between sessions compared with sham tDCS (F5,7689.8=4.65;P<.001). Adverse effects were consistent with the known safety profile of the corresponding interventions.

Conclusions and Relevance

These findings suggest that combined tDCS plus VR may be a promising strategy for PTSD reduction and underscore the innovative potential of these combined technologies.

Trial Registration Identifier:NCT03372460

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PTSD: Virtual Reality and Magnetic Stimulation Provide Relief - Neuroscience News

The Partisan Morality Divide: When Politics Shapes Right and Wrong – Neuroscience News

Summary: In todays polarized political climate, a recent study uncovers a stark divide in moral judgment based on political affiliation, revealing a complex interplay between personal beliefs and political loyalty.

Researchers found that individuals are more lenient towards the misdeeds of political allies while adopting a punitive stance towards opponents, a phenomenon that challenges the notion of universal moral standards. This discrepancy is attributed to the evolutionary need for group success, which allows moral boundaries to flex in the face of political competition.

The study, based on four independent samples, also highlights that ingrained antipathy towards political outgroups exacerbates this divide, suggesting that deeply rooted political biases significantly influence moral judgment and ethical behavior.

Key Facts:

Source: Neuroscience News

In the fervent arena of politics, where the clash of ideologies often reaches fever pitch, a groundbreaking study sheds light on the intricate dance between moral judgment and political affiliation.

At the heart of this exploration lies a provocative question: Why do similar transgressions elicit starkly different reactions based on political loyalty?

The Fluidity of Moral Judgment in Political Contexts

The study, conducted across four independent samples, reveals a fascinating phenomenon: individuals exhibit a marked tendency to be more forgiving of the transgressions committed by those within their political camp, while simultaneously adopting a punitive stance towards their political adversaries.

This partisan morality, as it has been dubbed, not only challenges the notion of universal moral standards but also uncovers the deep-seated biases that influence ethical behavior in the political realm.

An Evolutionary Perspective on Morality and Politics

The researchers propose an evolutionary framework to explain this malleable moral landscape. According to their hypothesis, moral valuesoften considered as nonnegotiable pillars of right and wrongmay, in fact, serve a more adaptive purpose.

The study suggests that moral boundaries are inherently flexible, shaped by the evolutionary need to ensure the success of ones ingroup. In the competitive environment of politics, where the stakes of ingroup versus outgroup rivalry are high, this flexibility allows for a loosening of moral constraints to serve the interests of the ingroup.

The Role of Ingroup Antipathy

A critical finding of the study is the role of ingroup antipathyinternalized dislike of the outgroupin driving the partisan morality divide. Individuals with a strong aversion to their political outgroups were found to be more willing to deviate from their personal moral values in political situations.

This insight provides a compelling explanation for the often observed moral hypocrisy in politics, where loyalty to ones political group can override core ethical principles.

Implications for Political Polarization

The implications of these findings are profound, particularly in the context of increasing political polarization. The study highlights how deeply ingrained political biases can influence moral judgment, potentially exacerbating divisions and eroding bipartisan norms.

As politics becomes more about winning at all costs, the study raises important questions about the impact of partisan morality on democratic processes and the fabric of society.

A Closer Look at the Study

The studys methodology involved a systematic examination of moral behavior and tolerance, both in personal and political contexts, across four independent samples.

The researchers employed a range of measures, including moral foundations theory and the Motivation to Express Prejudice Scale, to investigate the relationship between moral judgment and political affiliation.

Their analysis revealed consistent support for the hypothesis that people are more likely to engage in and tolerate immoral behavior in the political realm compared to the personal realm.

Moral Judgment: Trait-Like or Context-Dependent?

The fluidity of moral judgment observed in the study challenges traditional conceptions of morality as a stable, trait-like attribute. Instead, the findings suggest that moral judgment and behavior are highly context-dependent, influenced by the salient features of the decision-making environment. This raises intriguing questions about the nature of moral values and their application across different spheres of life.

The Adaptive Function of Morality

At its core, the study posits that morality evolved as a solution to the challenges of social living, requiring a balance between individual self-interest and group cooperation. The selective application of moral values in group-competitive environments, such as politics, can be understood as an adaptive response to these challenges.

This perspective offers a fresh lens through which to view the complexities of moral judgment in the modern political landscape.

A Call for Further Research

While the study provides compelling evidence for the existence of partisan morality, it also underscores the need for further research to explore the nuances of this phenomenon.

Future studies could delve deeper into the individual and group-level variations in moral judgment, as well as the potential for interventions to mitigate the impact of political biases on ethical behavior.

Navigating the Partisan Morality Divide

As society grapples with the implications of the partisan morality divide, the study serves as a timely reminder of the power of political biases to shape our perceptions of right and wrong. In an era of heightened polarization, understanding the interplay between moral judgment and political affiliation is more critical than ever.

By shedding light on the adaptive roots of morality and the role of ingroup antipathy, this research offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities for fostering a more inclusive and ethically grounded political discourse.

Author: Neuroscience News Communications Source: Neuroscience News Contact: Neuroscience News Communications Neuroscience News Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access. Politics makes bastards of us all: Why moral judgment is politically situational by Kyle Hull et al. Political Psychology


Politics makes bastards of us all: Why moral judgment is politically situational

Moral judgment is politically situationalpeople are more forgiving of transgressive copartisans and more likely to behave punitively and unethically toward political opponents. Such differences are widely observed, but not fully explained.

If moral values are nonnegotiable first-principle beliefs about right and wrong, why do similar transgressions elicit different moral judgment in the personal and political realm?

We argue this pattern arises from the same forces intuitionist frameworks of moral psychology use to explain the origins of morality: the adaptive need to suppress individual behavior to ensure ingroup success.

We hypothesize ingroups serve as moral boundaries, that the relative tight constraints morality exerts over ingroup relations loosen in competitive group environments because doing so also serves ingroup interests.

We find support for this hypothesis in four independent samples and also find that group antipathyinternalized dislike of the outgrouppushes personal and political moral boundaries farther apart.

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The Partisan Morality Divide: When Politics Shapes Right and Wrong - Neuroscience News

Biological Sciences Professor Terrence Sejnowski Wins Brain Prize – University of California San Diego

Professor Terrence Sejnowski, Department of Neurobiology, School of Biological Sciences, and Salk Institute.

It is inconceivable to imagine modern brain sciences without the concomitant development of computational and theoretical neuroscience, says Professor Richard Morris, chair of The Brain Prize Selection Committee. These three scientists have applied novel and sophisticated approaches from physics, mathematics and statistics to study the brain. They have developed vital tools for the analysis of highly complex datasets acquired by modern-day experimental neuroscientists.

The three prize winners have also proposed conceptual frameworks for understanding some of the brains most fundamental processes, such as learning, memory, perception and how the brain generates maps of the external world. They have also provided crucial new insights into what may go awry in several devastating disorders of the nervous system, such as epilepsy, Alzheimers disease and schizophrenia. In addition, their scientific achievements have paved the way for the development of brain-inspired artificial intelligence, one of the emerging and transformational technologies of our time.

Sejnowski, a distinguished professor in the UC San Diego Department of Neurobiology, head of Salks Computational Neurobiology Laboratory and holder of the Frances Crick Chair, has helped shape the fields of neuroeconomics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, psychology and artificial intelligence. In 1985, while at Johns Hopkins University, he collaborated with computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton to invent the Boltzmann machine, the first algorithm to solve the problem of learning in multilayered neural networks. It remains the most biologically plausible of all subsequent learning algorithms for artificial neural networks.

I am incredibly honored to receive the 2024 Brain Prize, says Sejnowski. Im proud that this award recognizes the remarkable computational advances being made by computer scientists and neuroscientists to our understanding of brain function.

Soon after announcing the Boltzmann machine, Sejnowski created NETtalk, a computer program that, like the human brain, was able to learn how to turn written text into speech. Not only was this an astounding engineering accomplishment, but it also marked a major cultural milestone as it raised new challenges for philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science.

Sejnowski also helped develop the first unsupervised learning algorithm for independent component analysis, which is now a mainstay in brain imaging. In addition, he has shown that sleep spindles (brain wave patterns during nonrapid eye movement sleep) are not synchronous across the cortex, as previously believed, but instead create circular traveling waves.

Sejnowski has received numerous other awards, including being named the 2024 Scientist of the Year by the ARCS Foundation of San Diego, winning the Gruber Prize in Neuroscience, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Frank Rosenblatt Award, Neural Network Pioneer Award, Hebb Prize and Wright Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering, and National Academy of Inventors.

About the Brain Prize:

The Brain Prize is the worlds largest neuroscience research prize, and it is awarded each year by the Lundbeck Foundation. The Brain Prize recognizes highly original and influential advances in any area of brain research, from basic neuroscience to applied clinical research. Recipients of The Brain Prize may be of any nationality and work in any country in the world. Since it was first awarded in 2011, The Brain Prize has been awarded to 47 scientists from 10 different countries. Brain Prize recipients are presented with their award by His Royal Highness, King Frederik of Denmark, at a ceremony in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.

Adapted from a Salk Institute release

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Biological Sciences Professor Terrence Sejnowski Wins Brain Prize - University of California San Diego

Pioneering work in computational and theoretical neuroscience is awarded the world’s largest brain research prize –


The Lundbeck Foundation has announced the recipients of The Brain Prize 2024, the worlds largest award for outstanding contributions to neuroscience. This years award recognizes the pioneering work of three leading neuroscientists Professor Larry Abbott at Columbia University (USA), Professor Terrence Sejnowski at the Salk Institute (USA), and Professor Haim Sompolinsky at Harvard University (USA) and the Hebrew University (Israel).

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Credit: The Lundbeck Foundation

Theoretical and computational neuroscience permeates neuroscience today and is of increasingly growing importance. The winners of The Brain Prize 2024 have made pioneering contributions to these scientific areas by uncovering some of the principles that govern the brains structure, function, and the emergence of cognition and behaviour.

The Brain Prize 2024 worth DKK 10 million (1.3 million) is awarded to: Larry Abbott (USA), Terrence Sejnowski (USA), and Haim Sompolinsky (Israel/USA) for their Foundational work in Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience.

Chair of The Brain Prize Selection Committee, Professor Richard Morris, explains the reasoning behind this years award:

It is inconceivable to imagine modern brain sciences without the concomitant development of computational and theoretical neuroscience. The three scientists have applied novel and sophisticated approaches from physics, mathematics, and statistics to study the brain. They have developed vital tools for the analysis of highly complex datasets acquired by modern day experimental neuroscientists.

The three prize winners have also proposed conceptual frameworks for understanding some of the brains most fundamental processes such as learning, memory, perception and how the brain generates maps of the external world. They have also provided crucial new insights into what may go awry in several devastating disorders of the nervous system, such as epilepsy, Alzheimers disease, and schizophrenia. In addition, their scientific achievements have paved the way for the development of brain-inspired artificial intelligence, one of the emerging and transformational technologies of our time.

On behalf of the Lundbeck Foundation, CEO Lene Skole extends her warmest congratulations to each of the three Brain Prize recipients:

Their pioneering research has created trailblazing knowledge and paved the way for other scientists to better understand critical brain functions, also in relation to diseases. It aligns fully with our purpose of bringing discoveries to lives. Each of their scientific endeavours began in the 70s, and their determination, courage and persistence over decades should serve as inspiration for other scientists, and indeed be rewarded.


The human brain consists of approximately 100 billion neurons connected by trillions of synaptic connections. Every function the brain performs relies on the flow of information through these staggeringly complex networks of neurons. A fundamental goal of neuroscience is to understand how these networks are wired together, and how the patterns of neural activity within them give rise to cognition and behaviour. The sheer complexity of the brain means that understanding its language requires theoretical and computational approaches.

Theoretical and computational neuroscience uses mathematics, computer science, theoretical analysis, and abstractions of the brain to understand the principles that govern its structure, how it processes information, generates behaviour, and gives rise to cognitive abilities as perception, imagination, intelligence, the formation of knowledge, memory, problem-solving, decision-making, and the production of language. The field has laid the foundations for the development of AI - one of the most revolutionary developments in modern science.


Find out more see the information pack of The Brain Prize 2024 >>

About The Brain Prize

The Brain Prize is the worlds largest neuroscience research prize, and it is awarded each year by the Lundbeck Foundation. The Brain Prize recognises highly original and influential advances in any area of brain research, from basic neuroscience to applied clinical research. Recipients of The Brain Prize may be of any nationality and work in any country in the world. Since it was first awarded in 2011, The Brain Prize has been awarded to 47 scientists from 10 ten different countries. The Brain Prize recipients are presented with their award by His Royal Highness, King Frederik of Denmark, at a ceremony in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.

About the Lundbeck Foundation

The Lundbeck Foundation is an enterprise foundation encompassing a comprehensive range of commercial and philanthropic activities all united by its strong purpose; Bringing Discoveries to Lives. The Foundation is the long-term and engaged owner of several international healthcare and medtech companies Lundbeck, Falck, ALK, Ellab, and Ferrosan Medical Devices and an active investor in business, science and people through its commercial investments in the financial markets; in biotech companies based on Danish research and through philanthropic grants to science talents and programmes in Danish universities. The Foundations philanthropic grants amount to more than DKK 500m annually primarily focusing on the brain including the worlds largest personal prize awarded in neuroscience, The Brain Prize.

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For media enquiries and more information please contact:

Martin Meyer | Director of the Brain Prize | Lundbeck Foundation

Anne Sophie Tnnesen | Sr Communications Partner | Lundbeck Foundation

Business Wire, Inc.

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Pioneering work in computational and theoretical neuroscience is awarded the world's largest brain research prize -

Substance Abuse Beyond Dopamine and Impulsivity – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers shed new light on why some individuals are more vulnerable to substance abuse than others, focusing on the relationship between impulsivity, dopamine production, and cocaine use. Through a study on rats, they discovered that impulsivity predicts cocaine consumption not through dopamine production capacity but possibly through the control of its release.

This groundbreaking work challenges the conventional belief that regular cocaine use diminishes the brains ability to produce dopamine, suggesting that the mechanisms of vulnerability to drug abuse are more complex than previously thought.

Key Facts:

Source: University of Geneva

Why do some people who try drugs struggle with substance abuse while others dont? This question has long puzzled scientists.

A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) explored the complex interplay between personality traits and brain chemistry. The scientists studied the role of impulsivity and the production of dopamine the so-called happiness hormone in influencing the risk of cocaine abuse.

These results, published ineNeuro, offer new keys to understanding vulnerability to drug abuse, which could lead to the development of more targeted interventions for people at risk.

When a person consumes an addictive drug, his or her dopamine release surges, creating a high feeling. With repeated drug use, this dopamine release drops, potentially driving the person to increase drug consumption. This mechanism varies between individuals, with some showing a greater propensity to consume the drug while others dont. However, the reasons for these differences are unknown.

Cocaine does not affect dopamine production capacity

In a recent study, a UNIGE team explored the complex interaction between different impulsive behaviors, the production of dopamine and the use of drugs, more specifically cocaine. Does an impulsive personality increase the vulnerability to drug abuse? Does an impulsive individual produce more or less dopamine?

To find out, the scientists studied two groups of rats, one made up highly impulsive individuals, the other of less impulsive ones. These animals were trained to self-administer cocaine at a dose that triggers dopamine neuroadaptations without harming their health.

Scientists first trained the animals in a gambling task to measure two impulsive behaviors: impulsive action the inability to control automatic actions and risky decision-making the acceptance of more risk when making decisions.

Scientists then measured the level of dopamine synthesis using a non-invasive neuroimaging technique before and after cocaine intake in the two groups of rats. They found that impulsive action, but not risky decision-making, predicted a greater number of cocaine injections and faster cocaine use.

However, we observed that there was no difference in the capacity to produce dopamine between the highly impulsive and less impulsive animals. In other words, impulsivity and vulnerability to cocaine abuse might not be linked to dopamine production, but to mechanisms controlling its release, explains Ginna Paola Uruea-Mndez, PhD. student in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Basic Neurosciences in the Faculty of Medicine at the UNIGE, and first author of the study.The team then assessed repeated cocaine use and its impact on dopamine levels in the two groups of rodents.

Until now, the idea that regular cocaine consumption could reduce the ability to produce dopamine was accepted. Our results contradict this assumption as both populations of rats retained the same capacity to produce dopamine, despite chronic consumption, explains Nathalie Ginovart, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Basic Neurosciences at the UNIGE Faculty of Medicine, who led this research.

Identifying other mechanisms

These results suggest dopamine synthesis is probably not the main driver of impulsivity or vulnerability to cocaine use. They also contradict the hypothesis that cocaine use may directly reduce the capacity to produce dopamine.

This work represents a significant advance in research into the risk of drug abuse. It opens the door to exploring other mechanisms that could explain individual vulnerability to drugs.

This variation in vulnerability could be linked to differences in the relative reactivity of dopaminergic neurons, so that certain stimuli, including drugs, are more salient for more impulsive animals, say the researchers. The team is currently continuing its research to assess how mechanisms controlling dopamine neuron reactivity influence vulnerability to abuse drugs.

Author: Antoine Guenot Source: University of Geneva Contact: Antoine Guenot University of Geneva Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access. Decoupling Dopamine Synthesis from Impulsive Action, Risk-Related Decision-Making, and Propensity to Cocaine Intake: A Longitudinal [18F]-FDOPA PET Study in Roman High- and Low-Avoidance Rats by Ginna Paola Uruea-Mndez et al. eNeuro


Decoupling Dopamine Synthesis from Impulsive Action, Risk-Related Decision-Making, and Propensity to Cocaine Intake: A Longitudinal [18F]-FDOPA PET Study in Roman High- and Low-Avoidance Rats

Impulsive action and risk-related decision-making (RDM) are two facets of impulsivity linked to a hyperdopaminergic release in the striatum and an increased propensity to cocaine intake.

We previously showed that with repeated cocaine exposure, this initial hyperdopaminergic release is blunted in impulsive animals, potentially signaling drug-induced tolerance.

Whether such dopaminergic dynamics involve changes in dopamine (DA) synthesis as a function of impulsivity is currently unknown.

Here, we investigated the predictive value of DA synthesis for impulsive action, RDM, and the propensity to take cocaine in a rat model of vulnerability to cocaine abuse. Additionally, we assessed the effects of cocaine intake on these variables.

Rats were tested sequentially in the rat Gambling Task (rGT) and were scanned with positron emission tomography and [18F]-FDOPA to respectively assess both impulsivity facets and striatal DA synthesis before and after cocaine self-administration (SA).

Our results revealed that baseline striatal levels of DA synthesis did not significantly predict impulsive action, RDM, or a greater propensity to cocaine SA in impulsive animals.

Besides, we showed that impulsive action, but not RDM, predicted higher rates of cocaine taking. However, chronic cocaine exposure had no impact on DA synthesis, nor affected impulsive action and RDM.

These findings indicate that the hyper-responsive DA system associated with impulsivity and a propensity for cocaine consumption, along with the reduction in this hyper-responsive DA state in impulsive animals with a history of cocaine use, might not be mediated by dynamic changes in DA synthesis.

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Substance Abuse Beyond Dopamine and Impulsivity - Neuroscience News

Dal study of football players sheds light on how concussions affect the brain – Yahoo Canada Sports

The study led by researchers at Dalhousie University uses Riddell SpeedFlex helmets equipped with sensors to measure head impacts and detect concussions. (CBC - image credit)

Neuroscience researchers atDalhousie Universityare investigating how head impacts lead to injuriesin football players.

One of their preliminary findings is that it isn't the intensity of a single hit that can lead to concussions or trauma-like symptoms, it's the accumulation of small hits suffered during practice or games, saidAlon Friedman, a co-author ontheir recently published study.

"It's not necessary that we have to treat a concussion itself," he said. "The concussion is an outcome of many, many small injuries that you had throughout the season and you didn't even feel about them."

Their findings lend support to the idea that head impacts can cause dysfunction in the blood-brain barrier, which helps shield the brain from salts, proteins and toxins in the blood. When it's impacted, leakage can occur, causing changes in the brain function and structure, which can result in cognitive decline or emotional and movement problems.

Friedman said the effects of the leakage dependon what part of a player's head is impacted, sincethe brain hasvarious networksof nerve cells that control things like behaviour, mood and movement.

Alon Friedman is a professor of neuroscience at Dalhousie University. (Submitted by Alon Friedman)

One of Friedman's co-authors isCasey Jones,a former Dalhousie Tiger football player and coach, and the current resident physician in the university's department of emergency medicine.

"My goals as a past athlete and coach and someone who's been really involved with football my whole life is, 'how can we make our game safer?'" Jones said. "What are aspects of our game that we can, you know, reduce impacts to the head?"

Previous research on deceased athletes with a history of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a brain disorder caused by repeated head trauma, has found evidence of changes inthe blood-brain barrier, Jones said.

Story continues

"Not everyone after a concussion will have problems in the future, actually most people, most individuals after concussion will heal and will be fine," Friedman said.

But in some cases, people are susceptible mild head injuries, he said,and it's important to identify those who are at risk and who coulddevelop complications in the future, Friedman said.

Their study, which was led by researchers at Dalhousie andpublished in Januaryin the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, involved 60 football players.Eight had suffereda clinically diagnosed concussion, and five of them underwent an assessmentto gage leakage in the blood-brain barrier.

High-tech helmets

Theyused Riddell SpeedFlex helmets that are equipped with sensors to measure head impacts and detect concussions.

One of the benefits of using thehelmets, Jones said, is that they can continue to provide data days after an impact, showing any lingering effects.

Friedman said a previous study on traumatic brain injuries, conducted in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, found that 60 per cent of cases with blood-brain-barrier dysfunction had healed three months later. The remaining cases had not and were likely to worsen, he said.

Although the current study is a pilot project, Jones is optimistic that their work willcontinue, although access to funding, technology and players are challenges.

Friedman said their findings suggest it's important to identify players who are susceptible to mild head injuries and risk developing complications in future.

"If we can identify them early, then we can treat them before they develop the severe complications."


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Dal study of football players sheds light on how concussions affect the brain - Yahoo Canada Sports

Hebrew University’s Haim Sompolinsky awarded prestigious Brain Prize for pioneering neuroscience research – The Times of Israel

Prof. Haim Sompolinsky of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is awarded the Brain Prize for 2024, the largest and most prestigious international prize for brain research. The prize is awarded annually by the Lundbeck Foundation of Denmark.

Sompolinsky, who is also affiliated with Harvard University, is a physicist and pioneer in the field of theoretical and computational neuroscience, particularly in the study of neural circuit dynamics in the brain. His research has significantly contributed to understanding how neural circuits process and encode information, map the external world and participate in learning and memory.

Sompolinsky shares the annual prize totaling 1.3 million euros with Prof. Larry Abbott of Columbia University and Prof. Terrence Sejnowski of the Salk Institute, who are also widely recognized for their groundbreaking work in computational and theoretical neuroscience, which applies physics, mathematics, and statistics as tools for studying the brain and how it functions.

Its a very satisfactory and personal honor for me to receive this award. More so, it is a fantastic recognition of the important contribution of radical computational science at the heart of brain science. This would not have been the case decades ago, he tells The Times of Israel.

His Royal Highness King Frederik of Denmark, will present the Brain Prize medals to the winners at a ceremony in Copenhagen on May 30.

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Hebrew University's Haim Sompolinsky awarded prestigious Brain Prize for pioneering neuroscience research - The Times of Israel

Harvard neuroscientist Haim Sompolinsky awarded Brain Prize – EurekAlert


Haim Sompolinsky, professor in residence in molecular and cellullar biology and physics at Harvard.

Credit: Anthony Tulliani for the Kempner Institute at Harvard

Haim Sompolinsky, Professor in Residence in Harvards Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Department of Physics, has received theBrain Prizefor his pioneering contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience.

Considered the worlds most prestigious prize for neuroscience research, the Brain Prize 2024 is shared by Sompolinsky, Larry Abbott of Columbia University, and Terrence Sejnowski of the Salk Institute. All three scientists have helped uncover key principles governing the brains structure, function, and the emergence of cognition and behavior, according to the Lundbeck Foundation in Denmark, which awards the annual recognition.

Richard Morris, chair of the Brain Prize Selection Committee, explained the reasoning behind this years awardees.

It is inconceivable to imagine modern brain sciences without the concomitant development of computational and theoretical neuroscience, Morris said. The three scientists have applied novel and sophisticated approaches from physics, mathematics, and statistics to study the brain. They have developed vital tools for the analysis of highly complex datasets acquired by modern-day experimental neuroscientists.

Director of the Swartz Program in Theoretical Neuroscience at Harvards Center for Brain Science and Associate Faculty in the Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Sompolinsky has spent his career developing new theoretical approaches to computational neuroscience. His research has helped establish a deeper understanding of neural processes through rigorous conceptual frameworks found in physics.

Among his most important foundational work is the establishment and theoretical understanding of models of neuronal circuit function, including circuits for long-term memory and recall, as well as elucidating the brains delicate balance between opposing forces orchestrated by excitatory and inhibitory neurons.

The brain is an intrinsically dynamic organ thats whats fascinating about it, Sompolinsky said. Think about sleep, dreaming, wandering thoughts, creative actions in arts or sciences, problem-solving. The theory gives us a framework for conceptualizing, quantifying, and studying the link between circuit dynamics and these types of functionalities in the brain.

Over the last 10 years, Sompolinsky has been captivated by advances in artificial intelligence technologies. His current research focuses on deep learning, language models, and reasoning models in artificial neural network settings. His goal is to adapt these models to be biologically plausible, using them to test new theories about how the brain works.

For the first time in the history of the science of intelligence, we have artificial neural networks with strong similarities to the architecture and operation of the brain, Sompolinsky said. We have distributed, experience-dependent processing with amazing cognitive functions that are similar in many ways to human cognition. For me, this is a game changer, and this is where I am working at the interface between AI and neuroscience.

Venkatesh Murthy, the Paul J. Finnegan Family Director of the Center for Brain Science, said, There are few who lay the foundation for a growing field, but thats what Sompolinsky has done for theoretical neuroscience. He brought approaches from physics to understand various ways a network of neurons can interact, which has led to an understanding of how brains can store and retrieve memories, how a brain knows which direction its head is pointing, and how a proper balance between excitatory and inhibitory neurons can be maintained in our brains. Now, he is bringing his customary rigorous physics approaches (and his unbounded energy) to bear on the many exciting puzzles in high-level animal cognition, as well as to the startlingly sophisticated AI models such as ChatGPT. His presence at Harvard has been transformative to many communities here.

Before joining the faculty of Harvard in 2022, Sompolinsky spent most of his academic career as a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he is now emeritus. His Ph.D. is from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and his first appointment at Harvard was as a physics postdoctoral researcher in 1982, working with Professor Bert Halperin.

Sompolinsky was the 2022 recipient of the Gruber Neuroscience Prize and was elected a fellow of the Israel Physical Society that same year. He is a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a former recipient of the EMET Prize in Life Sciences-Brain Research.

The Brain Prize 2024 comes with an award of 1.3 million to be shared by the three recipients.

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Harvard neuroscientist Haim Sompolinsky awarded Brain Prize - EurekAlert