Category Archives: Neuroscience

Opinion: Neuroscience needs a revolution – Science X

First part of a proposed spatiotemporal hierarchy in which Orch OR-mediated consciousness can occur, starting here inward from the level of neurons: From left to right, a cortical pyramidal neuron showing internal networks of mixed polarity microtubules, a network of mixed polarity microtubules, a single microtubule, a row of tubulins within a microtubule with schematic display of collective dipoles among pi electron resonance rings. Belowfrequency dynamics at relevant scales. Credit: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience (2022). DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.869935

The underlying premise in neuroscience is that the brain is a complex computer of simple neurons, each relying solely on membrane potentials and synaptic transmissions (based on the 1950s Hodgkin-Huxley model neuron).

But neuroscience can't account for consciousness, cognitive binding, real-time conscious action or memory, nor treat Alzheimer's or brain trauma, and totally precludes the plausibility and consideration of frequently-reported non-local aspects of consciousness. The underlying premise of simple neurons is wrong, and is an absolute insult to actual neurons.

Single cell organisms behave purposefully using their cytoskeletal microtubules to sense and navigate. Microtubules (MTs) are self-assembling cylindrical polymers of "tubulin" protein which in neurons organize synapses, encode memory and process information (tubulin is the brain's most prevalent protein). Evidence now suggests psychedelics, antidepressants and anesthetics act on microtubules inside neurons, rather thanor in addition tomembrane receptors and ion channels.

Whereas neuronal membranes and channels operate in frequencies in hertz to 102 hertz (cycles per second), microtubules and tubulins collectively resonate inside neurons at deeper, faster scales over 12 orders of magnitude in fractal-like patterns in hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz and terahertz ranges (as shown by Anirban Bandyopadhyay group at NIMS in Japan). Like notes and chords resonate in music, quantum vibrations and state reductions can entangle and interfere across frequencies in the braina "quantum orchestra."

The Penrose-Hameroff "Orch OR" theory suggests brain microtubules "orchestrate" quantum state objective reductions ("OR") into full rich conscious experience. Mainstream "neuroscientific" consciousness theories (IIT, GNW, HoT, PC/RP) use membrane-only simple neurons (emulated in AI) which may be suitable only for non-conscious algorithmic functions"zombie neurons." To find consciousness, and treat mental and cognitive disorders, neuroscience must look inward to deeper, faster quantum processes in microtubules inside brain neurons.

Related research is published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience.

More information:Stuart Hameroff, Consciousness, Cognition and the Neuronal CytoskeletonA New Paradigm Needed in Neuroscience, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience (2022). DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.869935

Provided by University of Arizona

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Opinion: Neuroscience needs a revolution - Science X

Top 5 Neuroscience Articles of the Week: What You Need to Know – Neuroscience News

Summary: Dive into this weeks top neuroscience news articles and discover groundbreaking discoveries that are reshaping our understanding of the human brain.

Source: Neuroscience News

Welcome to another week of intriguing neuroscience news! Were taking a closer look at the top five neuroscience articles of the week, ranging from potential nutritional interventions in Alzheimers disease to the secrets of the human genome. Join us as we delve into these fascinating findings and explore what they mean for our understanding of the brain and overall human health.

In a fascinating study, researchers observed a surge of gamma wave activity linked to consciousness in the dying brains of comatose patients. This groundbreaking discovery provides early evidence of consciousness during the final moments of life, shedding light on the enigma of near-death experiences.

A systematic review of 38 studies suggests that nutritional interventions, such as the Mediterranean diet, ketogenic diet, omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, and probiotics, can potentially slow Alzheimers progression and enhance cognitive function. These findings emphasize the power of nutrition in supporting brain health and combating cognitive decline.

Researchers have discovered striking similarities between AI systems and human brains when processing speech signals. This breakthrough could help us understand the inner workings of AI systems and potentially develop more advanced AI technologies that better mimic human cognition.

A recent study reveals that individuals who attended higher-quality high schools performed better in cognitive function tests later in life, emphasizing the importance of improving educational standards. This research highlights the long-lasting impact of high school education quality on lifelong cognitive health.

A groundbreaking study analyzed DNA sequences from 240 mammalian species to uncover the genetic basis behind extraordinary traits in certain species and enhance our understanding of the functional parts of the human genome. These findings pave the way for advancements in our understanding and treatment of conditions like cancer.

From exploring the mysteries of consciousness in dying brains to the potential of nutrition in slowing down Alzheimers disease, this weeks top neuroscience news articles have presented us with a wealth of fascinating discoveries. They have not only expanded our understanding of the human brain but also opened doors for better treatments and preventive measures in various health-related fields.

As we continue to unlock the secrets of the human genome and develop advanced AI systems that mimic human cognition, were reminded of the limitless possibilities that the world of neuroscience has to offer.

These groundbreaking findings highlight the importance of ongoing research in the field, as we strive to improve our understanding of the brain and work towards a healthier future for all.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the world of neuroscience as we continue to explore the captivating and ever-evolving realm of the human brain.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Neuroscience NewsContact: Press Office Neuroscience NewsImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

See the rest here:
Top 5 Neuroscience Articles of the Week: What You Need to Know - Neuroscience News

AI in Education: Students’ Views on Chatbots and Cheating – Neuroscience News

Summary: A new study reveals student attitudes toward artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. The majority of the 6,000 students surveyed expressed positive views toward AI tools like ChatGPT, with more than a third using them regularly. They credit these tools for improving academic writing and overall language skills.

However, ambiguity exists around the ethical use of these tools, especially during exams 62% view this as cheating.

Despite their optimism about AI, students expressed anxiety due to the lack of clear guidance on the responsible use of AI in their learning environments. Yet, an overwhelming majority oppose a ban on AI tools in education. Notably, AI was also highlighted as a valuable aid for students with disabilities.

Key Facts:

Source: Chalmers University

Students in Sweden are positive towards AI tools such as ChatGPT in education, but 62 percent believe that using chatbots during exams is cheating. However, where the boundary for cheating lies is highly unclear.

This is shown in a survey from Chalmers University of Technology, the first large-scale European study to investigate students attitudes towards artificial intelligence in higher education.

I am afraid of AI and what it could mean for the future.Dont worry so much! Keep up with the development and adapt your teaching for the future.ChatGPT and similar tools will revolutionize how we learn, and we will be able to come up with amazing things.

These are three out of nearly two thousand optional comments from thesurvey which almost 6,000 students in Sweden recently participated in.

The students express strong, diverse, and in many cases emotionally charged opinions, says Hans Malmstrm, Professor at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science at Chalmers University of Technology. He, together with his colleagues Christian Sthr and Amy Wanyu Ou, conducted the study.

More than a third use ChatGPT regularly

A majority of the respondents believe that chatbots and AI language tools make them more efficient as students and argue that such tools improve their academic writing and overall language skills.

Virtually all the responding students are familiar with ChatGPT, the majority use the tool, and 35 percent use the chatbot regularly.

Lack guidance opposed a ban

Despite their positive attitude towards AI, many students feel anxious and lack clear guidance on how to use AI in the learning environments they are in. It is simply difficult to know where the boundary for cheating lies.

Most students have no idea whether their educational institution has any rules or guidelines for using AI responsibly, and that is of course worrying. At the same time, an overwhelming majority is against a ban on AI in educational contexts, says Hans Malmstrm.

No replacement for critical thinking

Many students perceive chatbots as a mentor or teacher that they can ask questions or get help from, for example, with explanations of concepts and summaries of ideas. The dominant attitude is that chatbots should be used as an aid, not replace students own critical thinking.

Or as one student put it: You should be able to do the same things as the AI, but it should help you do it. You should not use a calculator if you dont know what the plus sign on it does.

Aid in case of disabilities

Another important aspect that emerged in the survey was that AI serves as an effective aid for people with various disabilities. A student with ADD and dyslexia described how they had spent 20 minutes writing down their answer in the survey and then improved it by inputting the text into ChatGPT: Its like being color blind and suddenly being able to see all the beautiful colors.

Giving students a voice

The researchers have now gathered a wealth of important information and compiled the results in an overview report.

We hope and believe that the answers from this survey will give students a voice and the results will thus be an important contribution to our collective understanding of AI and learning, says Christian Sthr, Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science at Chalmers.

More about the study

Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey on use and views among university students in Sweden was conducted in the following way:The researchers at Chalmers conducted the survey between 5 April and 5 May, 2023. Students at all universities in Sweden could participate. The survey was distributed through social media and targeted efforts from multiple universities and student organisations. In total, the survey was answered by 5,894 students.

Summary of results:

Author: Mia Hallerd PalmgrenSource: Chalmers University of TechnologyContact: Mia Hallerd Palmgren Chalmers University of TechnologyImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: The closed-access research Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden by Hans Malmstrm et al can be viewed on the Chalmers University of Technology website.


Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden

5,894 students from across Swedish universities were surveyed about their use of and attitudes towards AI for learning purposes, both about chatbots (such ChatGPT) and other AI language tools (such as Grammarly).

1,707 survey respondents offered individual comments, adding thoughts and reflections about the effective and ethical use of AI in higher education.

Overall, most students are positive towards the use of chatbots and other AI-language tools in education; many claim that AI makes them more effective as learners.

Almost all the respondents are familiar with ChatGPT (but typically not with other chatbots); more than a third use ChatGPT regularly. Students knowledge and usage of other AI-language tools, particularly language translation tools, is widespread.

More than half of the respondents express concern about the impact of chatbots in future education; concerns about other types of AI-language tools are much less pronounced.

More than sixty percent believe that the use of chatbots during examination is cheating; this is not the case for other AI-language tools. However, a majority of students is against the prohibition of AI in education settings.

Most students do not know if their educational institutions have rules or guidelines regarding the responsible use of AI; one in four explicitly says that their institution lack such rules or guidelines.

More here:
AI in Education: Students' Views on Chatbots and Cheating - Neuroscience News

Urbanization Boosts Brain Size in Modern Dog Breeds – Neuroscience News

Summary: Modern dog breeds, which are genetically farther from wolves, have relatively larger brain sizes compared to ancient breeds. The increase in brain size is not related to the specific roles or life history characteristics of the breeds, indicating that its likely influenced by urbanization and a more complex social environment.

The study revealed that the further a dog breed is genetically distant from wolves, the larger its relative brain size becomes.

This study provides new insight into the rapid evolution and diversity within the dog species, possibly due to their adaptation to human environments and social complexity.

Key Facts:

Source: ELTE

Modern dog breeds that are genetically more distant from wolves have a relatively larger brain size compared to ancient breeds that are thousands of years old, according to the findings of Hungarian and Swedish researchers.

The increase in brain size cannot be attributed to the roles or life history characteristics of the breeds, suggesting that it is likely influenced by urbanization and a more complex social environment.

Even today, the known four hundred dog breeds have developed relatively quickly and exhibit great diversity, making them a treasure trove for researchers interested in rapid changes within a species.

Scientists have long been curious about the factors that affect brain size because the human brain is unusually large in comparison to body size.Comparing the various dog breeds can help answer some questions.

Is there a correlation between brain size and the specific tasks for which a breed was bred?

Are there differences, for example, between lap dogs and hunting dogs? Or is it more influenced by life expectancy and the challenges of offspring rearing?What we know for certain is thatthinking and cognitive processes require a lot of energy, and maintaining a larger brain is costly.

Lszl Zsolt Garamszegi,an evolutionary biologist at the Ecological Research Centre in Hungary, has been studying the evolution of brain size for a long time.

The brains of domesticated animals can be up to twenty percent smaller than those of their wild ancestors. The likely reason for this is that the lives of domesticated species are simpler compared to those of their wild counterparts. In the safe environment provided by humans, there is no need to fear predator attacks or hunt for food.

Therefore, there is no need to sustain the energetically costly large brain, and the freed-up energy can be directed towards other purposes, such as producing more offspring, which is important for domesticated animals, she said.

Niclas Kolm, at Stockholm University, focuses on brain evolution and the link between variation in brain morphology and behavior.

Different dog breeds live in varying levels of social complexity and perform complex tasks, which likely require a larger brain capacity.

Therefore, we hypothesize that the selective pressures on the brain can vary within the dog species, and we may find differences in brain size among breeds based on the tasks they perform or their genetic distance from wolves.

This is the first comprehensive study regarding the brain size of different dog breeds, and its preparation took several decades.

Tibor Csrg, a senior research fellow at the Department of Anatomy, Cell and Developmental Biology at Etvs Lornd University (ELTE), has been collecting skulls for decades. CT scans of the skulls were performed by Medicopus Nonprofit Ltd. in Kaposvr.

Based on the CT images, veterinarianKlmn Czeibertreconstructed the brains and determined their exact volume. This invaluable collection was complemented by the Canine Brain and Tissue Bank, operated by ELTE for the past seven years, which enabled the verification of brain volumes calculated from skull images using actual brains. In the end, data was gathered from 865 individuals representing 159 dog breeds, with 48 specimens representing wolves.

According to the results published in the journalEvolution,wolves have an average brain volume of 131 cm3, associated with an average body weight of 31 kg. In the case of dogs in a similar weight category, the brain volume is only about three-quarters of that, approximately 100 cm3.

This confirms that domestication has also led to a decrease in brain size in dogs. However, what surprised researchers is that the further a dog breed is genetically distant from wolves, the larger its relative brain size becomes.

Contrary to expectations, the original role of the breeds, average litter size, and life expectancy are independent of brain size.

The domestication of dogs began approximately twenty-five thousand years ago, but for ten thousand years, dogs and wolves did not differ in appearance. Many ancient breeds, such as sled dogs, still resemble wolves today.

However, the transition to settlement, agriculture, pastoralism, and the accumulation of wealth offered various tasks for dogs, requiring guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, and even lap dogs.

A significant portion of the distinct-looking breeds known today has only emerged since the industrial revolution, primarily in the last two centuries, as dog breeding has become a kind of hobby, saysEnik Kubinyi, a senior research fellow at the Department of Ethology at ELTE.

The results show that the breeding of modern dog breeds has been accompanied by an increase in brain size compared to ancient breeds. We couldnt explain this based on the tasks or life history characteristics of the breeds, so we can only speculate about the reasons.

Perhaps the more complex social environment, urbanization, and adaptation to more rules and expectations have caused this change, affecting all modern breeds.

These findings are supported by research indicating that ancient breeds known for their independence are less attentive to human cues and bark less, thus exhibiting differences in visual and acoustic communication compared to modern breeds.

Funding: The study was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences via a grant to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (grant no. PH1404/21) and National Brain Programme 3.0 (NAP2022-I-3/2022), and by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (grant no. 2019-2.1.11-TT-2020-00109) and Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2021-04476).

Author: Sara BohmSource: ELTEContact: Sara Bohm ELTEImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.Evolution of relative brain size in dogsno effects of selection for breed function, litter size, or longevity by Lszl Zsolt Garamszegi et al. Evolution


Evolution of relative brain size in dogsno effects of selection for breed function, litter size, or longevity

Domestication is a well-known example of the relaxation of environmentally based cognitive selection that leads to reductions in brain size. However, little is known about how brain size evolves after domestication and whether subsequent directional/artificial selection can compensate for domestication effects.

The first animal to be domesticated was the dog, and recent directional breeding generated the extensive phenotypic variation among breeds we observe today.

Here we use a novel endocranial dataset based on high-resolution CT scans to estimate brain size in 159 dog breeds and analyze how relative brain size varies across breeds in relation to functional selection, longevity, and litter size. In our analyses, we controlled for potential confounding factors such as common descent, gene flow, body size, and skull shape.

We found that dogs have consistently smaller relative brain size than wolves supporting the domestication effect, but breeds that are more distantly related to wolves have relatively larger brains than breeds that are more closely related to wolves.

Neither functional category, skull shape, longevity, nor litter size was associated with relative brain size, which implies that selection for performing specific tasks, morphology, and life history does not necessarily influence brain size evolution in domesticated species.

See the rest here:
Urbanization Boosts Brain Size in Modern Dog Breeds - Neuroscience News

Eye-Opening Drug Discovery May Help Treat Age-Related Macular … – Neuroscience News

Summary: 350 million people worldwide are believed to suffer from blinding diseases including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

Researchers have discovered small-molecule drugs that could be used to treat age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinitis pigmentosa. The drugs, called stress resilience-enhancing drugs (SREDs), slowed or halted the progression of retinopathies in animal models by inhibiting cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.

Key Facts:

Source: UC Irvine

In a University of California, Irvine-led study, researchers have discovered small-molecule drugs with potential clinical utility in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP).

The study, titled, Stress resilience-enhancing drugs preserve tissue structure and function in degenerating retina via phosphodiesterase inhibition, was published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In this study, we introduce a new class of therapeutics called Stress Resilience-Enhancing Drugs (SREDs) for the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions, specifically the worlds leading causes of blindness in age-related and inheritedretinal diseases, said Krzysztof Palczewski, Ph.D., Donald Bren Professor of Ophthalmology at the UCI School of Medicine and corresponding author on the study.

Through selective, pharmacological inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases, our prototypical SREDs slowed or halted the development and progression of retinopathies in a number of genetic and environmental animal models.

Today, approximately 350 million people worldwide suffer from debilitating vision loss caused by either AMD or DR, and a large majority of these cases (>90%) have only minimally effective or notreatment optionsavailable. These chronic, progressive retinal diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa, arise from genetic and environmental disruptions of cellular and tissue stability.

Such disruptions accumulate with repeated exposures to stress over time, leading to progressive visual impairment and, in many cases, legal blindness.

Despite decades of research, therapeutic options for the millions of patients suffering from these disorders remain severely limited, especially for treating earlier stages of disease when the opportunity to preserve the retinal structure and visual function is greatest.

To address this urgent, unmet medical need, the researchers in this study innovated a systems pharmacology platform that leverages state-of-the-art disease modeling and characterization to identify novel, mechanism-based therapies that mitigate disease at the root cause.

The SRED therapeutic intervention enhanced resilience to acute and chronic forms of stress in the degenerating retina, thus preserving tissue structure and function across multiple models of age-related or inherited retinal disease.

Taken together, these findings exemplify a systems pharmacology approach todrug discoveryand development, revealing a new class of therapeutics with potential clinical utility in the treatment or prevention of the most common causes of blindness.

SREDs represent a promising strategy for patients and clinicians to combat disease in earlier stages with superior efficacy over the current standard of care, augmenting the arsenal of ophthalmic medications presently available in anti-angiogenics, corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), said lead author Jennings Luu, MD/Ph.D. Doctoral Fellow of Pharmacology in the Medical Scientist Training Program at Case Western Reserve University and Visiting Scholar at University of California, Irvine.

Ultimately, it is our expectation that SREDs will someday serve as a standard of care for human aging, effectively providing patients the means to diminish suffering from debilitating ailments for which there currently exist no viabletherapeutic options, thereby extending human lifespan and healthspan irrespective of disease etiology.

Predicated in part on the discoveries highlighted in this publication, Luu and Palczewski have co-founded a seed-stage startup pharmaceutical company,Hyperion Therapeutics, Inc., which aims to commercialize theintellectual propertyassociated with their recent discoveries and introduce to the market new therapeutic agents for the treatment or prevention of AMD, DR, RP, and other progressive, incurable blinding diseases.

The Company was recently awarded first place in the Morganthaler-Pavey Startup Competition hosted by the Veale Institute for Entrepreneurship and has additionally partnered with UCI Beall Applied Innovation in the Wayfinder Incubator Program; through this strategic alliance, Luu and Palczewski are serving as co-investigators on a newly awarded Proof of Product grant, which will support the advancement of their pipeline therapies toward clinical trials and eventual commercialization.

Author: Press OfficeSource: UC IrvineContact: Press Office UC IrvineImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Closed access.Stress resilience-enhancing drugs preserve tissue structure and function in degenerating retina via phosphodiesterase inhibition by Jennings C. Luu et al. PNAS


Stress resilience-enhancing drugs preserve tissue structure and function in degenerating retina via phosphodiesterase inhibition

Chronic, progressive retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and retinitis pigmentosa, arise from genetic and environmental perturbations of cellular and tissue homeostasis. These disruptions accumulate with repeated exposures to stress over time, leading to progressive visual impairment and, in many cases, legal blindness.

Despite decades of research, therapeutic options for the millions of patients suffering from these disorders remain severely limited, especially for treating earlier stages of pathogenesis when the opportunity to preserve the retinal structure and visual function is greatest.

To address this urgent, unmet medical need, we employed a systems pharmacology platform for therapeutic development. Through integrative single-cell transcriptomics, proteomics, and phosphoproteomics, we identified universal molecular mechanisms across distinct models of age-related and inherited retinal degenerations, characterized by impaired physiological resilience to stress.

Here, we report that selective, targeted pharmacological inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs), which serve as critical regulatory nodes that modulate intracellular second messenger signaling pathways, stabilized the transcriptome, proteome, and phosphoproteome through downstream activation of protective mechanisms coupled with synergistic inhibition of degenerative processes.

This therapeutic intervention enhanced resilience to acute and chronic forms of stress in the degenerating retina, thus preserving tissue structure and function across various models of age-related and inherited retinal disease.

Taken together, these findings exemplify a systems pharmacology approach to drug discovery and development, revealing a new class of therapeutics with potential clinical utility in the treatment or prevention of the most common causes of blindness.

Here is the original post:
Eye-Opening Drug Discovery May Help Treat Age-Related Macular ... - Neuroscience News

New Antidepressant Reduces Stress and Depression With Low Side … – Neuroscience News

Summary: Scientists developed a potential anti-depressant drug that exhibits anti-stressing and anti-depressant effects with minimal side effects. The drug, KNT-127 quickly acts on the patient without inducing resistance.

Researchers found that KNT-127 administration during and after extreme psychological stress significantly improved social interaction and reduced inflammation in the hippocampus.

Key Facts:

Source: Tokyo University of Science

Depression due to psychological stress affects millions of people worldwide. However, most of the existing anti-depressant drugs are slow, prone to development of resistance, and have severe side effects, demanding the need for more effective treatment options.

Delta opioid receptors (DOPs) are known to play a key role in the development of depression and similar diseases. Previous studies have revealed that DOP agonists (substances that bind DOPs instead of the regular compound and cause the same effect) have improved efficacy and lower side effects than most existing anti-depressant drugs.

Recent studies have identified KNT-127 as a potent DOP agonist with significant anti-depressant activity, quick action, and minimal side effects. However, the underlying mechanism of action is not well understood.

To this end, Prof. Akiyoshi Saitoh, Mr. Toshinori Yoshioka, Jr. Associate Prof. Daisuke Yamada, and Prof. Eri Segi-Nishida, at the Tokyo University of Science, along with Prof.Hiroshi Nagase from the University of Tsukuba, set out to assess the therapeutic and preventive effects of KNT-127 in a mouse model with depression.

The findings of this study were published in the journalNeuropharmacology.

Explaining the motivation behind their study, Prof. Saitoh explains, We previously discovered that delta-opioid receptor (DOP) agonists may quick action and have a low risk of side effects compared to existing drugs. Thus, we have been working on their clinical development as a new treatment strategy for depression.

In this study, we attempted to elucidate the mechanism of antidepressant-like effects of KNT-127, a selective DOP agonist, in a mouse model of depression.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, hippocampal neurogenesis, and neuroinflammation are regarded as the major factors in the processes leading to the development of depression. Thus, understanding the effect of KNT-127 on the above parameters was crucial towards decoding its underlying working principle.

To this end, Prof. Saitoh and team created the depression mouse model called chronic vicarious social defeat stress (cVSDS) mice, by exposing five-week-old male mice to extreme psychological stress for 10 minutes per day, repeated for 10 days. Next, KNT-127 was given to the mice both during (10 days) and after (28 days later) the stress period, to assess its efficacy.

They observed that prolonged administration of KNT-127 during (anti-stress effect) and after stress (anti-depressant effect) period, significantly improved social interaction and levels of serum corticosterone (a hormone secreted under stress in mice) in cVSDS mice.

Moreover, KNT-127 administration during stress, suppressed stress-induced newborn neuronal death in the hippocampus, rather than increasing neurogenesis, or the formation of new neurons.

In contrast, when administered after stress, KNT-127 did not affect newborn neuron survival rate at all. Furthermore, unlike conventional antidepressants, KNT-127 did not affect neurogenesis even under stress-free conditions.

Psychological stress increases the number of microglia and activated microglia in the brains of cVSDS mice. Interestingly, under both models of delivery, KNT-127 suppressed microglial activation and hence reduced inflammation in the hippocampus.

In a nutshell, during and post stress period, KNT-127 prevents neuronal inflammation and reduces newborn neuronal death without affecting neuron formation to exert anti-stress and anti-depressant-like effects, respectively.

However, further research is warranted for better insights regarding DOP agonists and the mechanism underlying their anti-depressant effects.

The anti-stress effect of KNT-127 may offer added benefits for patients during treatment. Prof. Saitoh elaborates, Patients with depression often have to face situations where they cannot avoid stressful environments, even during treatment. Therefore, we believe that the additional anti-stress effect during the treatment period has important clinical significance.

Prof. Saitoh concludes by sharing their vision for the future, We expect that the successful clinical development of DOP agonists will greatly broaden the options for the treatment of depression in the future.

Funding: This work was supported by the Cyclic Innovation for Clinical Empowerment as part of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) [grant number 17pc0101018h0001].

Author: Hiroshi MatsudaSource: Tokyo University of ScienceContact: Hiroshi Matsuda Tokyo University of ScienceImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.KNT-127, a selective delta opioid receptor agonist, shows beneficial effects in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of a chronic vicarious social defeat stress mouse model by Akiyoshi Saitoh et al. Neuropharmacology


KNT-127, a selective delta opioid receptor agonist, shows beneficial effects in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of a chronic vicarious social defeat stress mouse model

Delta opioid receptors(DOPs) play an important role in depression and other mood disorders. However, little is known about the underlying physiological mechanisms.

The hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis, adult hippocampalneurogenesis, andneuroinflammationare regarded as key pathophysiological factors in depression.

In this study, we investigated the influence of DOP activation on those factors in a valid animal model of depression, chronic vicarious social defeat stress (cVSDS) mice. cVSDS mice (male C57BL/6J mice) were produced following a 10-day exposure to witness of social defeat stress, and each evaluation was performed more than 28 days after the stress period.

Repeated administrations to cVSDS mice with a selective DOP agonist, KNT-127, both during (10 days) and after (28 days) the stress period respectively improved their decreased social interactionbehaviorsand increased serumcorticosteronelevels. When administered during the stress period, KNT-127 suppressed decreases in the hippocampal newborn neuron survival rate in cVSDS mice.

Moreover, in both administration paradigms, KNT-127 reduced the number of Iba-1- and CD11b-positive cells in the subgranular zone and thegranule celllayer of the hippocampaldentate gyrus, indicating a suppression of cVSDS-induced microglial overactivation.

These results suggest that KNT-127 acts over the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis and regulatesneurogenesisandneuroinflammationresulting in anti-stress effects, and the antidepressant-like effects of the DOP agonist are implicated in the suppression of the neuroinflammation.

This study presents a new finding on the effects of repeated DOP activations on the pathophysiological states of depression.

Original post:
New Antidepressant Reduces Stress and Depression With Low Side ... - Neuroscience News

Cannabis Use Disorder Linked to Increased Schizophrenia Risk in … – Neuroscience News

Summary: Young men who suffer from cannabis use disorder are more likely to develop schizophrenia, according to a new study.

The study analyzed health records data of over 6 million people in Denmark and discovered a strong association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia. 30% of cases of schizophrenia among men aged 21-30 may be prevented by treating cannabis use disorder.

Effective treatments for both conditions are available, making it imperative to expand prevention, screening, and treatment for people who experience mental illnesses associated with cannabis use.

Key Facts:

Source: NIH

Young men with cannabis (marijuana) use disorder have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia, according to a study led by researchers at the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health.

The study, published inPsychological Medicine(link is external),analyzed detailed health records data spanning 5 decades and representing more than 6 million people in Denmark to estimate the fraction of schizophrenia cases that could be attributed to cannabis use disorder on the population level.

Researchers found strong evidence of an association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia among men and women, though the association was much stronger among young men. Using statistical models, the study authors estimated that as many as 30% of cases of schizophrenia among men aged 21-30 might have been prevented by averting cannabis use disorder.

Cannabis use disorderandschizophreniaare serious, but treatable, mental disorders that can profoundly impact peoples lives. People with cannabis use disorder areunable to stop using cannabis despite it causing negative consequences in their lives. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, and the symptoms of schizophrenia can make it difficult to participate in usual, everyday activities. However, effective treatments are available for both cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia.

The entanglement of substance use disorders and mental illnesses is a major public health issue, requiring urgent action and support for people who need it, said NIDA Director and study coauthor Nora Volkow, M.D.

As access to potent cannabis products continues to expand, it is crucial that we also expand prevention, screening, and treatment for people who may experience mental illnesses associated with cannabis use.

The findings from this study are one step in that direction and can help inform decisions that health care providers may make in caring for patients, as well as decisions that individuals may make about their own cannabis use.

Previous studies indicate that rates of daily or near daily cannabis use, cannabis use disorder, and new schizophrenia diagnoses are higher among men than women, and that early, frequent cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia.

However, few studies have examined differences in the relationship between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia across different sex and age groups at the population level.

To address this research gap, investigators analyzed data from nationwide health registers in Denmark, which included health records data from more than 6.9 million people who were aged 16-49 at some point between 1972 and 2021.

Using these nationally representative longitudinal data, the researchers investigated how the associations between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia varied by different sex and age groups, and how these differences changed over time.

Although there are many risk factors associated with schizophrenia, in this study, researchers sought to estimate the proportion of all schizophrenia cases that may be attributed to cannabis use disorder specifically, across sex and age groups at the population level.

The study team estimated that 15% of cases of schizophrenia among men aged 16-49 may have been avoided in 2021 by preventing cannabis use disorder, in contrast to 4% among women aged 16-49.

For young men aged 21-30, they estimated that the proportion of preventable cases of schizophrenia related to cannabis use disorder may be as high as 30%.

The authors emphasize that cannabis use disorder appears to be a major modifiable risk factor for schizophrenia at the population level, particularly among young men.

This study also adds toexisting evidencesuggesting that the proportion of new schizophrenia cases that may be attributed to cannabis use disorder has consistently increased over the past five decades.

The authors note that this increase is likely linked to the higher potency of cannabis and increasing prevalence of diagnosed cannabis use disorder over time.

Increases in the legalization of cannabis over the past few decades have made it one of the most frequently used psychoactive substances in the world, while also decreasing the publics perception of its harm.

This study adds to our growing understanding that cannabis use is not harmless, and that risks are not fixed at one point in time, said Carsten Hjorthj, Ph.D., lead author of the study and associate professor at the Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark and at the University of Copenhagen.

The authors note that further research is needed to examine potential differences in the potency and frequency of cannabis consumption between young men and women, and to examine the mechanisms underlying the higher vulnerability of young men to the effects of cannabis on schizophrenia.

The association of cannabis potency with cannabis use disorder andpsychosismay help inform public health guidelines; policies on cannabis sales and access; and efforts to effectively prevent, screen for, and treat cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia.

Author: NIDA Press OfficeSource: NIHContact: NIDA Press Office NIHImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.Association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia stronger in young males than in females by Nora Volkow et al. Psychological Medicine


Association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia stronger in young males than in females


Previous research suggests an increase in schizophrenia population attributable risk fraction (PARF) for cannabis use disorder (CUD). However, sex and age variations in CUD and schizophrenia suggest the importance of examining differences in PARFs in sex and age subgroups.


We conducted a nationwide Danish register-based cohort study including all individuals aged 1649 at some point during 19722021. CUD and schizophrenia status was obtained from the registers. Hazard ratios (HR), incidence risk ratios (IRR), and PARFs were estimated. Joinpoint analyses were applied to sex-specific PARFs.


We examined 6 907 859 individuals with 45 327 cases of incident schizophrenia during follow-up across 129 521 260 person-years. The overall adjusted HR (aHR) for CUD on schizophrenia was slightly higher among males (aHR = 2.42, 95% CI 2.332.52) than females (aHR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.892.17); however, among 1620-year-olds, the adjusted IRR (aIRR) for males was more than twice that for females (males: aIRR = 3.84, 95% CI 3.434.29; females: aIRR = 1.81, 95% CI 1.532.15). During 19722021, the annual average percentage change in PARFs for CUD in schizophrenia incidence was 4.8 among males (95% CI 4.35.3;p< 0.0001) and 3.2 among females (95% CI 2.53.8;p< 0.0001). In 2021, among males, PARF was 15%; among females, it was around 4%.


Young males might be particularly susceptible to the effects of cannabis on schizophrenia. At a population level, assuming causality, one-fifth of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting CUD. Results highlight the importance of early detection and treatment of CUD and policy decisions regarding cannabis use and access, particularly for 1625-year-olds.

Cannabis Use Disorder Linked to Increased Schizophrenia Risk in ... - Neuroscience News

Shared Genetic Defects in ALS and FTD: New Insights Into … – Neuroscience News

Summary: Some patients with ALS/motor neuron disease (MND) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) carry the same rare genetic defects that cause other neurodegenerative diseases. These defects, known as short tandem repeat expansions, are the cause of more than 20 neurodegenerative diseases including spinocerebellar ataxias and myotonic dystrophy.

The study suggests a shared risk factor and mechanism that cause nerves to die in different neurodegenerative diseases, which may lead to shared therapeutic strategies in the future.

Key Facts:

Source: Macquarie University

New research has discovered that some patients with ALS/motor neuron disease (MND) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) carry the same rare genetic defects that cause other neurodegenerative diseases.

Researchers from the Macquarie University MND Research Centre and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research have identified the defects in the genomes of some people with non-inherited, or sporadic, ALS and FTD.

ALS/MND results in the death of the neurons, or motor nerves, connecting the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. These are the cells that control our ability to move, breathe and swallow. The disease is progressive and eventually fatal.

FTD also causes the death of neurons in part of the brain, resulting in a range of progressive symptoms such as memory loss, unusual behavior, personality changes and communication problems. It is the same form of dementia with which actor Bruce Willis was recently diagnosed, and unlike older-onset dementia, it tends to affect people under 65.

The majority of cases in both diseases about 90 percent in the case of MND and 60-70 percent in FTD are sporadic, with the rest occurring in families.

These gene defects, known as short tandem repeat expansions, are the cause of more than 20 neurodegenerative diseases including spinocerebellar ataxias and myotonic dystrophy. This Australian study has been the most comprehensive assessment of these gene defects in ALS and FTD patients worldwide.

Macquarie University Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Lyndal Henden says the findings were a surprise.

We found almost 18 percent of sporadic ALS and FTD patients carried a DNA repeat expansion thought to be involved in other degenerative diseases, she says.

Finding this genetic connection between ALS and FTD offers a fresh opportunity to uncover common risk factors for neuron death, and it will have implications for understanding both diseases.

Macquarie University Associate Professor Kelly Williams directed the study, and says the team suspected there could be some overlap with other diseases, but not to such an extent.

This suggests shared risk factors among these diseases, shared mechanisms that cause nerves to die and perhaps shared therapeutic strategies in the future, she says.

While the causes of sporadic ALS and FTD remain unknown, this is an important step in a long-term effort to identify the risk factors for developing one of these diseases.

Work can now begin to understand how these shared repeat expansions contribute to neuron death.

Thestudy, published in the latest edition of the journalScience Advances, is the culmination of 10 years of research that could not have been possible without the cooperation of patients with ALS and FTD, who have donated biological samples for DNA at both Macquarie University and the University of Sydney.

Author: Georgia GowingSource: Macquarie UniversityContact: Georgia Gowing Macquarie UniversityImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.Short tandem repeat expansions in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia by Lyndal Henden et al. Science Advances


Short tandem repeat expansions in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia

Pathogenic short tandem repeat (STR) expansions cause over 20 neurodegenerative diseases. To determine the contribution of STRs in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), we used ExpansionHunter, REviewer, and polymerase chain reaction validation to assess 21 neurodegenerative disease-associated STRs in whole-genome sequencing data from 608 patients with sporadic ALS, 68 patients with sporadic FTD, and 4703 matched controls.

We also propose a data-derived outlier detection method for defining allele thresholds in rare STRs. ExcludingC9orf72repeat expansions, 17.6% of clinically diagnosed ALS and FTD cases had at least one expanded STR allele reported to be pathogenic or intermediate for another neurodegenerative disease.

We identified and validated 162 disease-relevant STR expansions inC9orf72(ALS/FTD),ATXN1[spinal cerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1)],ATXN2(SCA2),ATXN8(SCA8),TBP(SCA17),HTT(Huntingtons disease),DMPK[myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1)],CNBP(DM2), andFMR1(fragile-X disorders).

Our findings suggest clinical and pathological pleiotropy of neurodegenerative disease genes and highlight their importance in ALS and FTD.

Read the rest here:
Shared Genetic Defects in ALS and FTD: New Insights Into ... - Neuroscience News

Global Genomic Diversity: Unveiling the New Pangenome Reference – Neuroscience News

Summary: The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium has released a comprehensive collection of human genome sequences that captures remarkable diversity across global populations.

The new pangenome reference includes 94 distinct genome sequences from 47 individuals, with plans to increase this to 700 sequences from 350 people by mid-2024.

This expanded reference will better represent the genetic diversity of the human species and help reduce health disparities in genomic analyses. It also introduces over 100 million new DNA bases, and can more accurately identify larger genomic variants.

Key Facts:

Source: NIH

Researchers have released a new high-quality collection of reference human genome sequences that captures substantially more diversity from different human populations than what was previously available.

The work was led by the international Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, a group funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health.

The new pangenome reference includes genome sequences of 47 people, with the researchers pursuing the goal of increasing that number to 350 by mid-2024. With each person carrying a paired set of chromosomes, the current reference actually includes 94 distinct genome sequences, with a goal of reaching 700 distinct genome sequences by the completion of the project.

The work, appearing in the journalNature, is one of several papers published today by consortium members.

A genome is the set of DNA instructions that helps each living creature develop and function. Genome sequences differ slightly among individuals. In the case of humans, any two peoples genomes are, on average, more than 99% identical.

The small differences contribute to each persons uniqueness and can provide insights about their health, helping to diagnose disease, predict outcomes and guide medical treatments.

To understand these genomic differences, scientists create reference human genome sequences for use as a standard a digital amalgamation of human genome sequences that can be used as a comparison to align, assemble and study other human genome sequences.

The original reference human genome sequence is nearly 20 years old and has been regularly updated as technology advances and researchers fix errors and discover more regions of the human genome.

However, it is fundamentally limited in its representation of the diversity of the human species, as it consists of genomes from only about 20 people, and most of the reference sequence is from only one person.

Everyone has a unique genome, so using a single reference genome sequence for every person can lead to inequities in genomic analyses, said Adam Phillippy, Ph.D., senior investigator in the Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch within NHGRIs Intramural Research Program and a co-author of the main study.

For example, predicting a genetic disease might not work as well for someone whose genome is more different from the reference genome.

The current reference human genome sequence has gaps that reflect missing information, especially in areas that were repetitive and hard to read.

Recent technological advances such as long-read DNA sequencing, which reads longer stretches of the DNA at a time, helped researchers fill in those gaps to create thefirst complete human genome sequence.

This complete human genome sequence, released last year as part of the NIH-funded Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium, is incorporated into the current pangenome reference. In fact, many of the T2T researchers are also members of the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium.

Using advanced computational techniques to align the various genome sequences, the researchers constructed a new human pangenome reference with each assembly in the pangenome covering more than 99% of the expected sequence with more than 99% accuracy. It also builds upon the previous reference genome sequence, adding over 100 million new bases, or letters in DNA.

While the previous reference genome sequence was single and linear, the new pangenome represents many different versions of the human genome sequence at the same time. This gives researchers a wider range of options for using the pangenome in analyzing other human genome sequences.

By using the pangenome reference, we can more accurately identify larger genomic variants called structural variants, said Mobin Asri, a Ph.D. student at the University of California Santa Cruz and co-first author of the paper.

We are able to find variants that were not identified using previous methods that depend on linear reference sequences.

Structural variants can involve thousands of bases. Until now, researchers have been unable to identify the majority of structural variants that exist in each human genome using short-read sequencing due to the bias of using a single reference sequence.

The human pangenome reference will enable us to represent tens of thousands of novel genomic variants in regions of the genome that were previously inaccessible, said Wen-Wei Liao, a Ph.D. student at Yale University and co-first author of the paper.

With a pangenome reference, we can accelerate clinical research by improving our understanding of the link between genes and disease traits.

The total cost of supporting the work of the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium is projected to be about $40 million over five years, which includes efforts to create the human pangenome reference, improve DNA sequencing technology, operate a coordinating center, conduct outreach and create resources for the research community to use the pangenome reference.

Many of the individuals whose genomes were sequenced for constructing the new human pangenome reference were originally recruited as part of the1,000Genomes Project, a collaborative and international effort funded in part by NIH that aimed to improve the catalog of genomic variants in diverse populations.

Because the human pangenome reference is a work in progress, researchers from the international Human Pangenome Reference Consortium continue to add more genome sequences to increasingly improve the quality of the pangenome reference.

Basic researchers and clinicians who use genomics need access to a reference sequence that reflects the remarkable diversity of the human population. This will help make the reference useful for all people, thereby helping to reduce the chances of propagating health disparities, said Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., NHGRI director.

Creating and enhancing a human pangenome reference aligns with NHGRIs goal of striving for global diversity in all aspects of genomics research, which is crucial to advance genomic knowledge and implement genomic medicine in an equitable way.

In line with this effort, the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium includes an embedded ethics group that is working to anticipate challenging issues and help guide informed consent, prioritize the study of different samples, explore possible regulatory issues pertaining to clinical adoption, and work with international and Indigenous communities to incorporate their genome sequences in these broader efforts.

Institutions involved in theHuman Pangenome Reference Consortium may be found on the projects main page.

Author: Sarah BatesSource: NIHContact: Sarah Bates NIHImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.A draft human pangenome reference by Wen-Wei Liao et al. Nature


A draft human pangenome reference

Here the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium presents a first draft of the human pangenome reference. The pangenome contains 47 phased, diploid assemblies from a cohort of genetically diverse individuals.

These assemblies cover more than 99% of the expected sequence in each genome and are more than 99% accurate at the structural and base pair levels.

Based on alignments of the assemblies, we generate a draft pangenome that captures known variants and haplotypes and reveals new alleles at structurally complex loci.

We also add 119million base pairs of euchromatic polymorphic sequences and 1,115 gene duplications relative to the existing reference GRCh38. Roughly 90million of the additional base pairs are derived from structural variation.

Using our draft pangenome to analyse short-read data reduced small variant discovery errors by 34% and increased the number of structural variants detectedper haplotype by 104% compared with GRCh38-based workflows, which enabled the typing of the vast majority of structural variant alleles per sample.

See original here:
Global Genomic Diversity: Unveiling the New Pangenome Reference - Neuroscience News

Increased Long-Covid Risk for Those With Sleep Apnea – Neuroscience News

Summary: The risk of developing long COVID symptoms may be significantly increased in adults with sleep apnea, according to a new study.

This increased risk persisted even when controlling for other factors known to contribute to long COVID, such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and hospitalization at the time of initial COVID infection. Notably, the link between sleep apnea and long COVID was not observed in children when other risk factors were accounted for.

This research underlines the importance of early COVID treatment and symptom vigilance in sleep apnea patients.

Key Facts:

1 Adults with sleep apnea have a significantly increased risk of developing long COVID symptoms, according to a study by the National Institutes of Healths RECOVER Initiative and NYU Langone Health.

2 The increased risk for long COVID in adults with sleep apnea persisted even when accounting for factors such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and initial COVID hospitalization.

3 In contrast to the patterns seen in adults, the contribution of sleep apnea to the risk of long COVID was not significant in children when controlled for other risk factors.

Source: NYU Langone

Sleep apnea may significantly increase the risk for long COVID in adults, according to a study led by theNational Institutes of Healths RECOVER Initiativeand supported by NYU Langone Health as home to the efforts Clinical Science Core (CSC).

As ofApril 2023,more than 100 million Americans had been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. As of April the U.S.Governments Household Pulse survey estimated that about 6 percent of U.S. adults are experiencingsymptoms associated with long COVID, including brain fog, fatigue, depression, and sleep problems.

Past studies have shown that patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) tend to have more severe illness when initially infected with COVID-19. OSA affects about1 in 8adults but is often underdiagnosed.

To better understand links between sleep apnea and long-term COVID symptoms, the research team reviewed data across three RECOVER research networks of patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 between March 2020 and February 2022, according to their health records.

Two networks included adult patients the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet) with 330,000 patients and the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) with 1.7 million patients. The third patient cohort in the study analysis included the pediatric-focused network PEDSnet, made up of 102,000 children.

Published online on May 11 in the journalSleep,this study found that a prior diagnosis of sleep apnea in the PCORnet group came with a 12 percent increase in risk for long-term symptoms months after patients initial infections.

In the N3C patient group, in which patients had higher levels of other chronic conditions than those in PCORnet, sleep apnea came with a 75 percent increase in risk for long COVID compared to those without sleep apnea.

The observed increases in risk for long COVID in adults with sleep apnea remained significant even when the research team accounted for obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and hospitalization at the time of their initial COVID infection, all known to independently contribute to risk for long COVID.

The researchers hypothesize that the differences in the percentage increases in long COVID risk between the study groups may be further explained by variations indefinitionsof long COVID, study populations, and in analysis methods of patient records, across the large study.

In contrast to the patterns seen in adults, the contribution of sleep apnea to the risk of long COVID disappeared in children when the researchers controlled for other risk factors, including obesity.

A strength of the work is that the link between sleep apnea and long COVID persisted regardless of how the researchers in our study defined long COVID or gathered data,says senior study author Lorna Thorpe, PhD, MPH, Professor and Director of the Division of Epidemiology at NYU Langone Health.

She is also co-lead of efforts to understand long COVID using electronic health record networks for the RECOVER CSC at NYU Langone.

This study is the first collaboration of this focus and scale to find that adults with sleep apnea are at greater risk for long COVID.

RECOVERResearching COVID to Enhance Recoveryis dedicated to understanding why some people develop long-term symptoms following a COVID infection, and how to detect, treat, and prevent long COVID. As the CSC, NYU Langone Health is charged with integrating research activities of clinical sites around the country.

Theres still so much to uncover about long COVID, but this study will inform clinical care by identifying patients that should be watched more closely, says corresponding author Hannah Mandel, a senior research scientist for the electronic health record studies arm of the RECOVER CSC at NYU Langone Health.

People with sleep apnea who get infected with COVID should seek early treatment, pay attention to their symptoms, and keep up with their vaccinations to lower the risk of infection in the first place.

Interestingly, in the N3C study group, long COVID risk was higher among women with sleep apnea compared to men with sleep apnea.

Investigators identified an 89% increased likelihood for having long COVID in women, compared to a 59% increased chance for men.

The reasons for this are not clear, butwomenwith diagnosed sleep apnea in their medical records may have more severe conditions than men, in part because women with sleep apnea tend to go undiagnosed with OSA for longer.

Funding: The study was funded by RECOVER (OT2HL161847) and received additional support from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (UL1TR002494).

For more information on RECOVER, visit

Author: Gregory WilliamsSource: NYU LangoneContact: Gregory Williams NYU LangoneImage: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.Risk of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with pre-coronavirus disease obstructive sleep apnea diagnoses: an electronic health recordbased analysis from the researching coronavirus disease to enhance recovery initiative by Lorna Thorpe et al. SLEEP


Risk of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection associated with pre-coronavirus disease obstructive sleep apnea diagnoses: an electronic health recordbased analysis from the researching coronavirus disease to enhance recovery initiative

Study Objectives

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been associated with more severe acute coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) outcomes. We assessed OSA as a potential risk factor for Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC).


We assessed the impact of preexisting OSA on the risk for probable PASC in adults and children using electronic health record data from multiple research networks. Three research networks within the REsearching COVID to Enhance Recovery initiative (PCORnet Adult, PCORnet Pediatric, and the National COVID Cohort Collaborative [N3C]) employed a harmonized analytic approach to examine the risk of probable PASC in COVID-19-positive patients with and without a diagnosis of OSA prior to pandemic onset. Unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) were calculated as well as ORs adjusted for age group, sex, race/ethnicity, hospitalization status, obesity, and preexisting comorbidities.


Across networks, the unadjusted OR for probable PASC associated with a preexisting OSA diagnosis in adults and children ranged from 1.41 to 3.93. Adjusted analyses found an attenuated association that remained significant among adults only. Multiple sensitivity analyses with expanded inclusion criteria and covariates yielded results consistent with the primary analysis.


Adults with preexisting OSA were found to have significantly elevated odds of probable PASC. This finding was consistent across data sources, approaches for identifying COVID-19-positive patients, and definitions of PASC. Patients with OSA may be at elevated risk for PASC after SARS-CoV-2 infection and should be monitored for post-acute sequelae.

Increased Long-Covid Risk for Those With Sleep Apnea - Neuroscience News