Category Archives: Neuroscience

How Does Nature Nurture the Brain? – Neuroscience News

Summary: An hour-long stroll in nature helps decrease activity in an area of the brain associated with stress processing, a new study reports.

Source: Max Planck Institute

After a 60-minute walk in nature, activity in brain regions involved in stress processing decreases.

This is the finding of a recent study by the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, published inMolecular Psychiatry.

Living in a city is a well-known risk factor for developing amental disorder, while living close to nature is largely beneficial for mental health and the brain.

A central brain region involved in stress processing, the amygdala, has been shown to be less activated during stress in people who live inrural areas, compared to those who live in cities, hinting at the potential benefits of nature.

But so far the hen-and-egg problem could not be disentangled, namely whether nature actually caused the effects in the brain or whether the particular individuals chose to live in rural or urban regions, says Sonja Sudimac, predoctoral fellow in the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience and lead author of the study.

To achieve causal evidence, the researchers from the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience examinedbrain activityin regions involved in stress processing in 63 healthy volunteers before and after a one-hour walk in Grunewald forest or a shopping street with traffic in Berlin using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

The results of the study revealed that activity in the amygdala decreased after the walk in nature, suggesting that nature elicits beneficial effects onbrain regionsrelated to stress.

The results support the previously assumed positive relationship between nature and brain health, but this is the first study to prove the causal link. Interestingly, the brain activity after the urban walk in these regions remained stable and did not show increases, which argues against a commonly held view that urban exposure causes additional stress, explains Simone Khn, head of the Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience.

The authors show that nature has a positive impact on brain regions involved in stress processing and that it can already be observed after a one-hour walk. This contributes to the understanding of how our physical living environment affects brain and mental health.

Even a short exposure to nature decreases amygdala activity, suggesting that a walk in nature could serve as a preventive measure against developing mental health problems and buffering the potentially disadvantageous impact of the city on the brain.

The results go in line with a previous study (2017,Scientific Reports) which showed thatcity dwellerswho lived close to the forest had a physiologically healthier amygdala structure and were therefore presumably better able to cope with stress.

This new study again confirms the importance for urban design policies to create more accessible green areas in cities in order to enhance citizensmental healthand well-being.

In order to investigate beneficial effects of nature in different populations and age groups, the researchers are currently working on a study examining how a one-hour walk in natural versus urban environments impactsstressin mothers and their babies.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Max Planck InstituteContact: Press Office Max Planck InstituteImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.How nature nurtures: Amygdala activity decreases as the result of a one-hour walk in nature by Sonja Sudimac et al. Molecular Psychiatry


How nature nurtures: Amygdala activity decreases as the result of a one-hour walk in nature

Since living in cities is associated with an increased risk for mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia, it is essential to understand how exposure to urban and natural environments affects mental health and the brain.

It has been shown that the amygdala is more activated during a stress task in urban compared to rural dwellers. However, no study so far has examined the causal effects of natural and urban environments on stress-related brain mechanisms.

To address this question, we conducted an intervention study to investigate changes in stress-related brain regions as an effect of a one-hour walk in an urban (busy street) vs. natural environment (forest). Brain activation was measured in 63 healthy participants, before and after the walk, using a fearful faces task and a social stress task.

Our findings reveal that amygdala activation decreases after the walk in nature, whereas it remains stable after the walk in an urban environment.

These results suggest that going for a walkin nature can have salutogenic effects on stress-related brain regions, and consequently, it may act as a preventive measure against mental strain and potentially disease.

Given rapidly increasing urbanization, the present results mayinfluence urban planning to create more accessible green areas and to adapt urban environments in a way that will be beneficial for citizens mental health.

Originally posted here:
How Does Nature Nurture the Brain? - Neuroscience News

Cravings for Fatty Foods Traced to Gut-Brain Connection – Neuroscience News

Summary: Fat entering the intestines triggers a signal that is conducted across the neurons and to the brain, driving the desire for fatty foods.

Source: Columbia University

A dieter wrestling with cravings for fatty foods might be tempted to blame their tongue: the delicious taste of butter or ice cream is hard to resist. But new research investigating the source of our appetites has uncovered an entirely new connection between the gut and the brain that drives our desire for fat.

At Columbias Zuckerman Institute, scientists studying mice found that fat entering the intestines triggers a signal. Conducted along nerves to thebrain, this signal drives a desire for fatty foods.

Published September 7, 2022, inNature, the new study raises the possibility of interfering with this gut-brain connection to help prevent unhealthy choices and address the growingglobal health crisiscaused by overeating.

We live in unprecedented times, in which the overconsumption of fats and sugars is causing an epidemic of obesity andmetabolic disorders, said first author Mengtong Li, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of the Zuckerman Institutes Charles Zuker, Ph.D., supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

If we want to control our insatiable desire for fat, science is showing us that the key conduit driving these cravings is a connection between the gut and the brain.

This new view of dietary choices and health started with previous work from the Zuker lab on sugar. Researchers found that glucose activates a specific gut-brain circuit that communicates to the brain in the presence of intestinal sugar.

Calorie-free artificial sweeteners, in contrast, do not have this effect, likely explaining why diet sodas can leave us feeling unsatisfied.

Our research is showing that the tongue tells our brain what welike, such as things that taste sweet, salty or fatty, said Dr. Zuker, who is also a professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics and of neuroscience at Columbias Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The gut, however, tells our brain what wewant, what we need.

Dr. Li wanted to explore how mice respond to dietary fats: the lipids and fatty acids that every animal must consume to provide the building blocks of life. She offered mice bottles of water with dissolved fats, including a component of soybean oil, and bottles of water containing sweet substances known to not affect the gut but that are initially attractive.

The rodents developed a strong preference, over a couple of days, for the fatty water. They formed this preference even when the scientists genetically modified the mice to remove the animals ability to taste fat using their tongues.

Even though the animals could not taste fat, they were nevertheless driven to consume it, said Dr. Zuker.

The researchers reasoned that fat must be activating specific brain circuits driving the animals behavioral response to fat. To search for that circuit, Dr. Li measuredbrain activityin mice while giving the animals fat.

Neurons in one particular region of the brainstem, the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNST), perked up. This was intriguing because the cNST was also implicated in the labsprevious discoveryof the neural basis of sugar preference.

Dr. Li then found the communications lines that carried the message to the cNST. Neurons in thevagus nerve, which links the gut to the brain, also twittered with activity when mice had fat in their intestines.

Having identified the biological machinery underlying a mouses preference for fat, Dr. Li next took a close look at the gut itself: specifically theendothelial cellslining the intestines. She found two groups of cells that sent signals to the vagal neurons in response to fat.

One group of cells functions as a general sensor of essential nutrients, responding not only to fat, but also to sugars and amino acids, said Dr. Li. The other group responds to only fat, potentially helping the brain distinguish fats from other substances in the gut.

Dr. Li then went one important step further by blocking the activity of these cells using a drug. Shutting down signaling from either cell group prevented vagal neurons from responding to fat in the intestines. She then used genetic techniques to deactivate either the vagal neurons themselves or the neurons in the cNST. In both cases, a mouse lost its appetite for fat.

These interventions verified that each of these biological steps from the gut to the brain is critical for an animals response to fat, said Dr. Li.

These experiments also provide novel strategies for changing the brains response to fat and possibly behavior toward food.

The stakes are high. Obesity rateshave nearly doubledworldwide since 1980. Today, nearlyhalf a billion peoplesuffer from diabetes.

The overconsumption of cheap, highly processed foods rich in sugar and fat is having a devastating impact on human health, especially among people of low income and in communities of color, said Dr. Zuker.

The better we understand how these foods hijack the biological machinery underlying taste and the gut-brain axis, the more opportunity we will have to intervene.

Scott Sternson, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience at University of California, San Diego, who was not involved in the new research highlighted its potential for improvinghuman health.

This exciting study offers insight about the molecules and cells that compel animals to desire fat, said Dr. Sternson, whose work focuses on how the brain controls appetite.

The capability of researchers to control this desire may eventually lead to treatments that may help combat obesity by reducing consumption of high-caloriefatty foods.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Columbia UniversityContact: Press Office Columbia UniversityImage: The image is credited to Mengtong Li / Zuker lab / Columbias Zuckerman Institute

Original Research: Closed access.Gut-brain circuits for fat preference by Mengtong Li, Hwei-Ee Tan, Zhengyuan Lu, Katherine S. Tsang, Ashley J. Chung and Charles S. Zuker. Nature


Gut-brain circuits for fat preference

The perception of fat evokes strong appetitive and consummatory responses. Here we show that fat stimuli can induce behavioural attraction even in the absence of a functional taste system. We demonstrate that fat acts post-ingestively via the gut-brain axis to drive preference for fat.

Using single-cell data, we identified the vagal neurons responding to intestinal delivery of fat, and showed that genetic silencing of this gut-to-brain circuit abolished the development of fat preference.

Next, we compared the gut-to-brain pathways driving preference for fat versus sugar, and uncovered two parallel systems, one functioning as a general sensor of essential nutrients, responding to intestinal stimulation with sugar, fat and amino acids, while the other is activated only by fat stimuli.

Lastly, we engineered animals lacking candidate receptors detecting the presence of intestinal fat, and validated their role as the mediators of gut-to-brain fat-evoked responses.

Together, these findings revealed distinct cells and receptors using the gut-brain axis as a fundamental conduit for the development of fat preference.

See more here:
Cravings for Fatty Foods Traced to Gut-Brain Connection - Neuroscience News

Unlocking the Mystery of Chemo Brain – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers have uncovered the molecular mechanisms behind cognitive deficits and brain fog associated with chemotherapy, and identified a current FDA-approved drug for multiple sclerosis that can help reduce chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairments.

Source: St Louis University

Though chemotherapy can be lifesaving, the cancer treatment often leaves patients suffering from debilitating side effects, including cognitive impairments in processing speed, memory, executive function and attention. Dubbed chemo brain, these lingering symptoms can dramatically impact patients quality of life long after they have completed their cancer treatments.

Currently, there are no FDA-approved drugs to mitigate these deficits. In breakthrough findings, renowned Saint Louis University pain researcher Daniela Salvemini, Ph.D., and her team have uncovered some of the molecular events that happen whenchemotherapydrugs cause these deficits.

More promising still, theyve found that an already-approved FDA drug designed to treat multiple sclerosis also appears to work to reduce chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment (CRCI).

A growing need

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) expects cancer survivorship to reach 21. 7 million by 2029. As survivorship advances, the need to address chemotherapys severe, long-lasting neurotoxic side effects is increasing.

CRCI is a major neurotoxic side effect of chemotherapy, affecting more than 50% of patients treated with widely usedchemotherapy drugs, including taxanes like Paclitaxel and platinum-based agents like Cisplatin. These drugs are widely used as part of standard treatment for numerous cancers, including head and neck, testicular, colon, breast, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancers.

When assessed by neuropsychological tests, up to 75% percent of patients treated with chemotherapy for cancers outside the nervous system reported cognitive deficits.

Salvemini, who is the William Beaumont professor of pharmacology and physiology and Chair of the department at Saint Louis University, says CRCI profoundly affects patient quality of life.

Our current understanding of the mechanisms underlying CRCI and their impact on cognition is limited due to the multifactorial origins of CRCI, said Salvemini, who is also director of the Henry and Amelia Nasrallah Center for Neuroscience at SLU and a fellow of the Saint Louis Academy of Science.

A better understanding of these mechanisms is essential for developing new therapies and improving survivors quality of life.

New findings

In her most recent paper, Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 Activation in the Central Nervous System Drives Cisplatin-Induced Cognitive Impairments, published Sept. 1, 2022, in theJournal of Clinical Investigation, Salvemini and her team present the first evidence that chemotherapy alters an important cellular pathway called sphingolipid metabolism in critical areas of the brain linked to cognitive function.

Salvemini notes that in the central nervous system, Cisplatin increases levels of the potent signaling molecule sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which contributes to the development of CRCI through activation of S1P receptor subtype 1 (S1PR1) on astrocytes and S1PR1-driven mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammatory processes. Mechanistically, she says the team revealed that cisplatin-induced S1P formation is mediated by the toll-like receptor 4.

Their findings bridge the gaps in understanding themolecular mechanismsunderlying CRCI and identify a novel target for therapeutic intervention with functional S1PR1 antagonists. Importantly, S1PR1 antagonists do not interfere with the efficacy of chemotherapy as they and others have shown in previous work and can also block tumor cell growth, inflammation and metastasis.

Our findings are fascinating since two functional S1PR1 antagonists are already FDA-approved for treating multiple sclerosis, Salvemini said. Repurposing these drugs to prevent CRCI would be a groundbreaking shift towards enhancing patient quality of life in cancer treatment.

In previous studies, Salvemini pioneered research on a treatment for neuropathic pain that could provide the first alternative to ineffective steroids and addictive opioids.

Work from Salveminis lab established that altered S1PR1 signaling in the centralnervous systemin response to chemotherapy also contributes to chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain, another central neurotoxicity ofcancer treatment.

This work fueled two ongoing NCIclinical trialsto test the potential use of Gilenya, a drug approved to treat multiple sclerosis, to preventneuropathic painin patients with breast cancer treated with Paclitaxel.

Our work is very translational, Salvemini said. We try to understand the mechanisms at themolecular level, identify the targets, work with our chemists to make new drugs to target that specific pathway, test it, and then take the necessary steps to move along this compound until it is ready to be studied in a clinical trial.

Author: Press OfficeSource: St Louis UniversityContact: Press Office St Louis UniversityImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 activation in the central nervous system drives cisplatin-induced cognitive impairment by Silvia Squillace et al. Journal of Clinical Investigation


Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 activation in the central nervous system drives cisplatin-induced cognitive impairment

Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is a major neurotoxicity affecting more than 50% of cancer survivors. The underpinning mechanisms are mostly unknown, and there are no FDA-approved interventions.

Sphingolipidomic analysis of mouse prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, key sites of cognitive function, revealed that cisplatin increased levels of the potent signaling molecule sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and led to cognitive impairment. At the biochemical level, S1P induced mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of NOD-, LRR-, and pyrin domaincontaining protein 3 inflammasomes, and increased IL-1 formation.

These events were attenuated by systemic administration of the functional S1P receptor 1 (S1PR1) antagonist FTY720, which also attenuated cognitive impairment without adversely affecting locomotor activity. Similar attenuation was observed with ozanimod, another FDA-approved functional S1PR1 antagonist.

Mice with astrocyte-specific deletion ofS1pr1lost their ability to respond to FTY720, implicating involvement of astrocytic S1PR1. Remarkably, our pharmacological and genetic approaches, coupled with computational modeling studies, revealed that cisplatin increased S1P production by activating TLR4.

Collectively, our results identify the molecular mechanisms engaged by the S1P/S1PR1 axis in CRCI and establish S1PR1 antagonism as an approach to target CRCI with therapeutics that have fast-track clinical application.

Original post:
Unlocking the Mystery of Chemo Brain - Neuroscience News

Luke co-authors book and several papers on counseling – St. Bonaventure

Sep 08, 2022

Dr. Chad Luke, associate professor of counselor education, is the co-author of a recently published book and several papers.

The book, "Career-Focused Counseling: Integrating Culture, Development, and Neuroscience," co-authored with Dr. Melinda M. Gibbons of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, integrates neuroscience into the practice of counseling for work-related concerns. (Link to book)

Luke also co-authored the following papers:

Read the original:
Luke co-authors book and several papers on counseling - St. Bonaventure

Neuroscience Market Competitive Strategies and Forecast up to 2031 – Taiwan News

The latest market survey reports predict that the global Neuroscience market will display excellent growth and record an admirable CAGR during the forecast period of the study i.e. 2022 to 2032. Here we have outlined the Neuroscience Market based on extensive research regarding the major trends in the world. These industries are the highest-earning worldwide and grow quickly. In the next few years, this market has the potential to scale up by billions of dollars. One of the primary drivers expected to drive Neuroscience market growth is the increased demand for Neuroscience among businesses.

The researchers compile the necessary information that enlightens the CXOs about the current growth opportunities in a specific market and enables them to make the most of the opportunities. Specially, while talking about a major shift during the pandemic period, COVID-19 has been a terrible global public-health crisis that has affected nearly every industry. The industrys growth will slow down in the future. Our ongoing research allows us to include COVID-19 topics in our research framework. The report provides insight into COVID-19, including changes in consumer behavior and buying patterns, rerouting and dynamics of current market forces and government intervention. The COVID-19 market impact is being examined, estimated, forecasted, and analyzed in the most recent study.

Learn how tensions between China and Taiwan Might affect your industry; request for Sample Report:


1. Future Trends in the Neuroscience Market to 2032

2. Cumulative Implication of COVID-19 & Cumulative Implication of Russia-Ukraine War In 2022

3. Market snapshot (Global Market Size + Largest Segment + Fastest growth + Growth Rate in %)

4. Market Dynamics [Drivers of Restraint and Opportunities]

5. Market Statistics and Figures

6. Conclusion

Lets take a glimpse of it one after the other

As the world is moving forward to liberalization, privatization, and globalization, international commerce and perhaps corporate activity has grown worldwide. A high degree of competition exists among market players operating in the global Neuroscience market. The market is dominated by a few major players and it is moderately consolidated. As well as new entrants in the Neuroscience market. It focuses on recent mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, partnerships, licensing agreements, brand promotions, and product launches. Key manufacturers operating in the global market are:

Doric Lenses IncGE HealthcareSiemens Healthineers Laserglow TechnologiesMightex SystemsPrizmatixKendall Research Systems LLCNoldus Information TechnologyMed Associates IncPhoenix Technology GroupNeuroNexus

What is New for 2022?

Global competitiveness and key competitor percentage market shares

Market presence across multiple geographies

Complimentary updates for one year

Market: Segmentation Table

Product Type

Whole Brain ImagingNeuro-microscopyElectrophysiologyNeuro-functional analysisNeuro-proteomic analysisNeuro-cellular manipulationNeuro-biochemical assaysStereotaxic surgeriesAnimal behavior

Application Insights

InstrumentationData analysis and servicesConsumables

Get in touch with our analysts here to know more about global Neuroscience market trends and drivers:

Regional Insights

North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Rest of APAC)

South America (Brazil and the Rest of South America)

The Middle East and Africa (UAE, South Africa, Rest of MEA)


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the size of the Worldwide Neuroscience market?

Q2. How has the Neuroscience market evolved over the past four years?

Q3. Which are the major companies in the Neuroscience market?

Q4. What are some prevailing market dynamics in the Neuroscience market?

Q5. Which region, among others, possesses more significant investment opportunities in the near future?

Q6. What will the Asia-Pacific Neuroscience market be?

Q7. What are the strategies opted by the leading players in this market?

Q8. What are the essential key challenges, opportunities and improvement factors for market players?

Q9. What are the segments of Neuroscience market?

Q10.What is the sales forecast for Neuroscience Market?

TOC Highlights:


This segment provides opinions of key participants, an audit of Neuroscience industry, market outlook across key regions, financial services, and various challenges faced by Neuroscience market. It briefly introduces the global Neuroscience market. This section depends on the Scope of the Study and Report Guidance.

Executive Summary

It elaborated market outlook by segmentation in Neuroscience market. In addition, it also represents the market snapshot covered in the report.

Neuroscience Market Dynamics [driving factors +restraining factors + recent trends]

This section comprises current market dynamics in the Neuroscience market. Such as key driving factors, major opportunities areas, restraining factors, & recent trends in Neuroscience market. It also includes SWOT analysis and Porters five force analysis. This help to identify the key growth factors and challenges in the Neuroscience market.

Global Neuroscience market Analysis, Opportunity and Forecast

This chapter comprises the current scenario of the Global Neuroscience market, including forecast estimation for 2023-2032.

Geographic Analysis

This section has covered in-depth regional market share analysis and carefully scrutinized it to understand its current and future growth, development, and demand scenarios for this market.

Covid-19 Impact

This section briefly describes the positive and negative impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Global Neuroscience Market.

Pricing Analysis

This chapter provides price point analysis by region and other forecasts.

Competitive Landscape

It includes major players in the Neuroscience market. Moreover, it also covers the detailed company shares analysis in the report based on their products demand and market served, the number of products, applications, regional growth, and other factors.

Research Methodology

The research methodology chapter includes the following main facts,


Secondary Research

Primary Research


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Commercial Car Driving Recorder Market Recent Trends | Geographic, Financial Highlights Analysis till 2031

Originally posted here:
Neuroscience Market Competitive Strategies and Forecast up to 2031 - Taiwan News

How to Deal With Sleep Problems During Heat Waves – Neuroscience News

Summary: Many people experience sleep problems during hotter weather. Researchers address ways in which we can help to get a good nights sleep during hot weather.

Source: Wiley

With heatwaves occurring more frequently, investigators from the European Insomnia Network recently explored how outdoor nighttime temperature changes affect body temperature and sleep quality.

Their review of the literature, which is published in theJournal of Sleep Research, indicates that environmental temperatures outside the thermal comfort can strongly affect human sleep by disturbing the bodys ability to thermoregulate.

The authors note that certain groupssuch as older adults, children, pregnant women, and individuals with psychiatric conditionsmay be especially vulnerable to the sleep disruptive effects of heatwaves.

They also offer several coping methods adapted from elements of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.

It is important to keep the bedroom below 25 degrees Celsius (77F ): 19 degrees Celsius (66F ) is the ideal.

Sleep is known to become more shallow and less recuperating if the room temperature is too warm. Use a fan instead of air conditioning, if possible, said corresponding author Ellemarije Altena, Associate Professor at the University of Bordeaux, in France.

A lukewarm shower or foot bath before sleep can help to cool down and regulate body temperature during sleep. Plan physical activities only in the morning, when it is cooler, and drink a lot of water during the day to help the body cool down during the night.

Alcohol both dehydrates and disrupts sleep, so limit those cold summer beers during heat waves. Keep a regular sleep schedule as much as possible, particularly for children.

Author: Dawn PetersSource: WileyContact: Dawn Peters WileyImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.How to deal with sleep problems during heatwaves: practical recommendations from the European Insomnia Network by Ellemarije Altena et al. Journal of Sleep Research


How to deal with sleep problems during heatwaves: practical recommendations from the European Insomnia Network

Heatwaves are occurring more frequently and are known to affect particularly night-time temperatures.

We review here literature on how night-time ambient temperature changes affect body temperature and sleep quality. We then discuss how these temperature effects impact particularly vulnerable populations such as older adults, children, pregnant women, and those with psychiatric conditions.

Several ways of dealing with sleep problems in the context of heatwaves are then suggested, adapted from elements of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, with more specific advice for vulnerable populations. By better dealing with sleep problems during heatwaves, general health effects of heatwaves may be more limited.

However, given the sparse literature, many links addressed in this review on sleep problems affected by temperature changes should be the focus of future research.

Read this article:
How to Deal With Sleep Problems During Heat Waves - Neuroscience News

Dragons and Brain Evolution – Neuroscience News

Summary: Researchers created a molecular atlas of the bearded dragons brain and compared it to the mouse brain. Findings reveal, contrary to popular belief, mammalian brains consist of an ancient reptilian brain supplemented with new mammalian features. Both reptilian and mammalian brains evolved their own clade-specific neuron types and circuits from a common ancestral set.

Source: Max Planck Institute

These days, dragons are keepingGame of Thronesfans on their toes. But they are also providing important insights into vertebrate brain evolution, as revealed by the work of Max Planck scientists on the brain of the Australian bearded dragonPogona vitticeps.

Vertebrate evolution took a major turn 320 million years ago when early tetrapods (animals with four limbs) transitioned from water to land, eventually giving rise to three major clades: the reptiles, the birds (an offshoot of the reptilian tree) and the mammals. Because of common ancestry, the brains of all tetrapods share a similar basal architecture established during early development.

Yet, how variations on this common Bauplan contributed to clade-specific attributes remains unclear.

Neuroscientists at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt tackled this question by generating a molecular atlas of the dragon brain and comparing it with one from mice.

Their findings suggest that, contrary to popular belief that a mammalian brain consists of an ancient reptilian brain supplemented with new mammalian features, both reptilian and mammalian brains evolved their own clade-specific neuron types and circuits, from a common ancestral set.

Neurons are the most diverse cell types in the body. Their evolutionary diversification reflects alterations in the developmental processes that produce them and may drive changes in the neural circuits they belong to, says Prof. Gilles Laurent, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research who led the new study published inScience.

For example, distinct brain areas do not work in isolation, suggesting that the evolution of interconnected regions, such as the thalamus and cerebral cortex, might in some way be correlated.

Also, a brain area in reptiles and mammals that derived from a common ancestral structure might have evolved in such a way that it remains ancestral in one clade today, while it is modern in the other.

Conversely, it could be that both clades now contain a mix of common (ancient) and specific (novel) neuron types. These are the sorts of questions that our experiments tried to address, Laurent adds.

While traditional approaches to compare developmental regions and projections in the brain do not have the necessary resolution to reveal these similarities and differences, Laurent and his team took a cellular transcriptomic approach.

Using a technique called single-cell RNA sequencing that detects a large fraction of the RNA molecules (transcriptomes) present in single cells, the scientists generated a cell-type atlas of the brain of the Australian bearded dragonPogona vitticepsand compared it to existing mouse brain datasets.

Transcriptomic comparisons reveal shared classes of neuron types

We profiled over 280,000 cells from the brain of Pogona and identified 233 distinct types of neurons, explains David Hain, graduate student in the Laurent Lab and co-first author of the study.

Computational integration of our data with mouse data revealed that these neurons can be grouped transcriptomically in common families, that probably represent ancestral neuron types, says Hain.

In addition, he found that that most areas of the brain contain a mix of common (ancient) and specific (novel) neuron types, as shown in the figure below.

Graduate student Tatiana Gallego-Flores used histological techniques to map these cell types throughout the dragon brain and observed (among other) that neurons in the thalamus could be grouped in two transcriptomic and anatomical domains, defined by their connectivity to other regions of the brain.

Because these connected regions have had different fates in mammals and in reptiles, one of these regions being highly divergent, comparing the thalamic transcriptomes of these two domains proved to be very interesting. Indeed, it revealed that transcriptomic divergence matched that of the target regions.

This suggests that neuronal transcriptomic identity somewhat reflects, at least in part, the long-range connectivity of a region to its targets.

Since we do not have the brains of ancient vertebrates, reconstructing the evolution of the brain over the past half billion years will require connecting together very complex molecular, developmental, anatomical and functional data in a way that is self-consistent. We live in very exciting times, because this is becoming possible, concludes Laurent.

Author: Irina EpsteinSource: Max Planck InstituteContact: Irina Epstein Max Planck InstituteImage: The image is credited to Max Planck Institute for Brain Research / G. Laurent

Original Research: Closed access.Molecular diversity and evolution of neuron types in the amniote brain by Gilles Laurent et al. Science


Molecular diversity and evolution of neuron types in the amniote brain

The existence of evolutionarily conserved regions in the vertebrate brain is well established. The rules and constraints underlying the evolution of neuron types, however, remain poorly understood.

To compare neuron types across brain regions and species, we generated a cell type atlas of the brain of a bearded dragon and compared it with mouse datasets.

Conserved classes of neurons could be identified from the expression of hundreds of genes, including homeodomain-type transcription factors and genes involved in connectivity.

Within these classes, however, there are both conserved and divergent neuron types, precluding a simple categorization of the brain into ancestral and novel areas.

In the thalamus, neuronal diversification correlates with the evolution of the cortex, suggesting that developmental origin and circuit allocation are drivers of neuronal identity and evolution.

See the original post:
Dragons and Brain Evolution - Neuroscience News

Circadian Rhythm Disruption Found to Be Common Among Mental Health Disorders – Neuroscience News

Summary: Circadian rhythm disruption is a psychopathological factor shared by a broad range of mental illnesses.

Source: UC Irvine

Anxiety, autism, schizophrenia and Tourette syndrome each have their own distinguishing characteristics, but one factor bridging these and most other mental disorders is circadian rhythm disruption, according to a team of neuroscience, pharmaceutical sciences and computer science researchers at the University of California, Irvine.

In an article published recently in the Nature journalTranslational Psychiatry, the scientists hypothesize that CRD is a psychopathology factor shared by a broad range of mental illnesses and that research into its molecular foundation could be key to unlocking better therapies and treatments.

Circadian rhythms play a fundamental role in all biological systems at all scales, from molecules to populations, said senior authorPierre Baldi, UCI Distinguished Professor of computer science. Our analysis found that circadian rhythm disruption is a factor that broadly overlaps the entire spectrum of mental health disorders.

Lead authorAmal Alachkar, a neuroscientist and professor of teaching in UCIs Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, noted the challenges of testing the teams hypothesis at the molecular level but said the researchers found ample evidence of the connection by thoroughly examining peer-reviewed literature on the most prevalent mental health disorders.

The telltale sign of circadian rhythm disruption a problem with sleep was present in each disorder, Alachkar said.

While our focus was on widely known conditions including autism, ADHD and bipolar disorder, we argue that the CRD psychopathology factor hypothesis can be generalized to other mental health issues, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, food addiction and Parkinsons disease.

Circadian rhythms regulate our bodies physiological activity and biological processes during each solar day. Synchronized to a 24-hour light/dark cycle, circadian rhythms influence when we normally need to sleep and when were awake.

They also manage other functions such as hormone production and release, body temperature maintenance and consolidation of memories. Effective, nondisrupted operation of this natural timekeeping system is necessary for the survival of all living organisms, according to the papers authors.

Circadian rhythms are intrinsically sensitive to light/dark cues, so they can be easily disrupted by light exposure at night, and the level of disruption appears to be sex-dependent and changes with age. One example is a hormonal response to CRD felt by pregnant women; both the mother and the fetus can experience clinical effects from CRD and chronic stress.

An interesting issue that we explored is the interplay of circadian rhythms and mental disorders with sex, said Baldi, director of UCIsInstitute for Genomics and Bioinformatics. For instance, Tourette syndrome is present primarily in males, and Alzheimers disease is more common in females by a ratio of roughly two-thirds to one-third.

Age also is an important factor, according to scientists, as CRD can affect neurodevelopment in early life in addition to leading to the onset of aging-related mental disorders among the elderly.

Baldi said an important unresolved issue centers on the causal relationship between CRD and mental health disorders: Is CRD a key player in the origin and onset of these maladies or a self-reinforcing symptom in the progression of disease?

To answer this and other questions, the UCI-led team suggests an examination of CRD at the molecular level using transcriptomic (gene expression) and metabolomic technologies in mouse models.

This will be a high-throughput process with researchers acquiring samples from healthy and diseased subjects every few hours along the circadian cycle, Baldi said.

This approach can be applied with limitations in humans, since only serum samples can really be used, but it could be applied on a large scale in animal models, particularly mice, by sampling tissues from different brain areas and different organs, in addition to serum. These are extensive, painstaking experiments that could benefit from having a consortium of laboratories.

He added that if the experiments were conducted in a systematic way with respect to age, sex and brain areas to investigate circadian molecular rhythmicity before and during disease progression, it would help the mental health research community identify potential biomarkers, causal relationships, and novel therapeutic targets and avenues.

This project involved scientists from UCIs Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Department of Computer Science, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, and Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics; as well as UCLAs Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience and Goodman-Luskin Microbiome Center.

Funding: The National Institutes of Health provided financial support.

Author: Brian BellSource: UC IrvineContact: Brian Bell UC IrvineImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.The hidden link between circadian entropy and mental health disorders by Pierre Baldi et al. Translational Psychiatry


The hidden link between circadian entropy and mental health disorders

The high overlapping nature of various features across multiple mental health disorders suggests the existence of common psychopathology factor(s) (p-factors) that mediate similar phenotypic presentations across distinct but relatable disorders.

In this perspective, we argue that circadian rhythm disruption (CRD) is a common underlying p-factor that bridges across mental health disorders within their age and sex contexts.

We present and analyze evidence from the literature for the critical roles circadian rhythmicity plays in regulating mental, emotional, and behavioral functions throughout the lifespan.

A review of the literature shows that coarse CRD, such as sleep disruption, is prevalent in all mental health disorders at the level of etiological and pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical phenotypical manifestations.

Finally, we discuss the subtle interplay of CRD with sex in relation to these disorders across different stages of life.

Our perspective highlights the need to shift investigations towards molecular levels, for instance, by using spatiotemporal circadian omic studies in animal models to identify the complex and causal relationships between CRD and mental health disorders.

Follow this link:
Circadian Rhythm Disruption Found to Be Common Among Mental Health Disorders - Neuroscience News

Repeated Concussions Can Thicken the Skull – Neuroscience News

Summary: Repeat concussions thicken the structure of skull bones. Researchers theorize the thickening of the skull may occur as the body attempts to better protect the brain from subsequent damage.

Source: Monash University

New research has found that repeated concussions can thicken the structure of skull bones. Previous studies have shown damage to the brain following concussion, but have not looked at the brains protective covering.

A Monash-led study published in the journalScientific Reportsby Associate Professor Bridgette Semple from the Monash Universitys Central Clinical School Department of Neuroscience, found that repeated concussions resulted in thicker, denser bones in the skull.

It is unclear whether this thickening of the skull is a good thing or a bad thing. In theory, a thicker skull is a stronger skull, suggesting that this may be the bones attempt to protect the brain from subsequent impacts.

This is a bit of a conundrum, Associate Professor Semple said. As we know, repeated concussions can have negative consequences forbrain structureand function. Regardless, concussion is never a good thing.

The team hopes that the microstructural skull alterations caused byconcussionare now considered by researchers in the field to better understand how concussions affect the whole body.

Concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury, and repeated concussions have been linked to long-term neurological consequences.

Most studies focus on understanding how thesehead injuriesaffect the brain and its functionbut they largely ignore the overlying skull bones that protect the brain.

Although bones are considered a mostly structural component of the human body, bones are in fact active living tissues that can respond to applied mechanical forces.

Study collaborator Professor Melinda Fitzgerald, from Curtin University and the Perron Institute in Western Australia, has previously shown that repeated concussive impacts lead to subtle problems with memory, and evidence of brain damage.

In this new study, high-resolution neuroimaging and tissue staining techniques were used in a pre-clinical model, and revealed an increase in bone thickness and density, in close proximity to the site of injury.

We have been ignoring the potential influence of the skull in how concussive impacts can affect the brain, Associate Professor Semple said.

These new findings highlight that the skull may be an important factor that affects the consequences of repeated concussions for individuals.

Future studies are planned, with collaborator and bone expert Professor Natalie Sims from St Vincents Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, to understand if a thickened skull resulting from repeated concussions alters the transmission of impact force through theskulland into the vulnerablebraintissue underneath.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Monash UniversityContact: Press Office Monash UniversityImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.Localized, time-dependent responses of rat cranial bone to repeated mild traumatic brain injuries by Larissa K. Dill et al. Scientific Reports


Localized, time-dependent responses of rat cranial bone to repeated mild traumatic brain injuries

While it is well-established that bone responds dynamically to mechanical loading, the effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) on cranial bone composition are unclear.

We hypothesized that repeated mTBI (rmTBI) would change the microstructure of cranial bones, without gross skull fractures.

To address this, young adult female Piebald Viral Glaxo rats received sham, 1, 2or 3closed-head mTBIs delivered at 24h intervals, using a weight-drop device custom-built for reproducible impact.

Skull bones were collected at 2 or 10weeks after the final injury/sham procedure, imaged by micro computed tomography and analyzed at predetermined regions of interest. In the interparietal bone, proximal to the injury site, modest increases in bone thickness were observed at 2weeks, particularly following 2and 3mTBI.

By 10weeks, 2mTBI induced a robust increase in the volume and thickness of the interparietal bone, alongside a corresponding decrease in the volume of marrow cavities in the diplo region. In contrast, neither parietal nor frontal skull samples were affected by rmTBI.

Our findings demonstrate time- and location-dependent effects of rmTBI on cranial bone structure, highlighting a need to consider microstructural alterations to cranial bone when assessing the consequences of rmTBI.

See the original post:
Repeated Concussions Can Thicken the Skull - Neuroscience News

Similarity Between Schizophrenia and Dementia Discovered for the First Time – Neuroscience News

Summary: Study reveals striking similarities in both behaviors and neuroanatomical changes between people with schizophrenia and behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia.

Source: Max Planck Institute

Researchers have, for the first time, compared schizophrenia and frontotemporal dementiadisorders that are both located in the frontal and temporal lobe regions of the brain.

The idea can be traced back to Emil Kraepelin, who coined the term dementia praecox in 1899 to describe the progressive mental and emotional decline of young patients. His approach was quickly challenged, as only 25% of those affected showed this form of disease progression.

But now, with the help of imaging and machine learning, scientists have found the first valid indications of neuroanatomical patterns in the brain that resemble the signature of patients with frontotemporal dementia.

It is rare that scientists in basic research go back to seemingly obsolete findings that are more than 120 years old. In the case of Nikolaos Koutsouleris and Matthias Schroeter, who are researchers and physicians, this was even a drive.

Its about Emil Kraepelin, founder of the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry (MPI) as well as the psychiatric hospital of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), and his term dementia praecox, coined in 1899.

This was his definition foryoung adultswho increasingly withdraw from reality and fall into an irreversible, dementia-like state. Kraepelin lived to see his concept refuted.

By the beginning of the 20th century, experts were beginning to use the term schizophrenia for these patients, since the disease does not take such a bad course in all persons concerned.

Kraepelin had the idea of a frontotemporal disease, he assumed that the reason for the sometimes-debilitating course of the patients is located in the frontal and temporal lobe areas of the brain. Thats where personality,social behaviorand empathy are controlled.

But this idea was lost as no pathological evidence for neurodegenerative processes seen in Alzheimers Disease was found in the brains of these patients, says Koutsouleris, who works at Kraepelins places of work, the MPI and LMU.

He continues: Ever since I became a psychiatrist, I wanted to work on this question. Fifteen years later, with sufficientlylarge data sets, imaging techniques andmachine learningalgorithms, the professor had the tools at hand to potentially find answers.

He had found the right partner in Matthias Schroeter, who studies neurodegenerative diseases, specifically frontotemporal dementias, at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

Similarities between schizophrenia and frontotemporal dementia

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), especially the behavioral variant (bvFTD), is difficult to recognize in its early stages because it is often confused with schizophrenia. Thus, the similarities are obvious: in sufferers of both groups, personality as well as behavioral changes occur.

An often dramatic development for affected persons and relatives sets in. Since both disorders are located in the frontal, temporal and insular regions of the brain, it was obvious to compare them directly as well.

They seem to be on a similar symptom spectrum, so we wanted to look for common signatures or patterns in the brain, Koutsouleris says, describing his plan.

With an international team, Koutsouleris and Schroeter used artificial intelligence to train neuroanatomical classifiers of both disorders, which they applied to brain data from different cohorts.

The result, just published in the journalJAMA Psychiatry, was that 41% of schizophrenia patients met the classifiers criteria for bvFTD.

When we saw this in schizophrenic patients as well, it rang a bellindicating a similarity between the two disorders, Koutsouleris and Schroeter recall.

The research team found that the higher the patients bvFTD score, which measured the similarity between the two disorders, the more likely they were to have a bvFTD-like phenotype and the less likely they were to improve their symptoms over two years.

A 23-year-old patient does not recover

I just wanted to know why my 23-year-old patient with onset symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive deficits, had not improved at all, even after two years, while another who started out just as bad was continuing his education and had found a girlfriend. Again and again, I saw these young people who did not recover at all, Koutsouleris says.

When the researchers also checked the correlations in high-risk patients such as the 23-year-old, they found confirmation at the neuroanatomical level of what Kraepelin had been the first to decisively describe: no improvement whatsoever in the condition of some patients, quite the opposite.

Similar neuronal structures were affected, in particular the so-called default mode network and the salience network of thebrain, responsible for attention control, empathy and social behavior, showed volume decreases in the gray matter area that houses the neurons. In bvFTD, certain neurons (von Economo neurons) perish; in schizophrenia, these neurons are also altered. This was reflected by the neuroanatomical score: after one year, it had doubled in these severely affected persons.

As a comparison, the scientists had also calculated the Alzheimers score using a specific classifier and did not find these effects there.

This means that the concept of dementia praecox can no longer be completely wiped away; we provide the first valid evidence that Kraepelin was not wrong, at least in some of the patients, Schroeter says.

Today, or in the near future, this means that experts will be able to predict which subgroup patients belong to.

Then intensive therapeutic support can be initiated at an early stage to exploit any remaining recovery potential, Koutsouleris says.

In addition, new personalized therapies could be developed for this subgroup that promote a proper maturation and connectivity of the affected neurons and prevent their progressive destruction as part of the disease process.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Max Planck InstituteContact: Press Office Max Planck InstituteImage: The image is credited to Koutsouleris

Original Research: Closed access.Exploring Links Between Psychosis and Frontotemporal Dementia Using Multimodal Machine Learning by Nikolaos Koutsouleris et al. JAMA Psychiatry


Exploring Links Between Psychosis and Frontotemporal Dementia Using Multimodal Machine Learning


The behavioral and cognitive symptoms of severe psychotic disorders overlap with those seen in dementia. However, shared brain alterations remain disputed, and their relevance for patients in at-risk disease stages has not been explored so far.


To use machine learning to compare the expression of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) patterns of behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), Alzheimer disease (AD), and schizophrenia; estimate predictability in patients with bvFTD and schizophrenia based on sociodemographic, clinical, and biological data; and examine prognostic value, genetic underpinnings, and progression in patients with clinical high-risk (CHR) states for psychosis or recent-onset depression (ROD).

Design, Setting, and Participants

This study included 1870 individuals from 5 cohorts, including (1) patients with bvFTD (n=108), established AD (n=44), mild cognitive impairment or early-stage AD (n=96), schizophrenia (n=157), or major depression (n=102) to derive and compare diagnostic patterns and (2) patients with CHR (n=160) or ROD (n=161) to test patterns prognostic relevance and progression. Healthy individuals (n=1042) were used for age-related and cohort-related data calibration. Data were collected from January 1996 to July 2019 and analyzed between April 2020 and April 2022.

Main Outcomes and Measures

Case assignments based on diagnostic patterns; sociodemographic, clinical, and biological data; 2-year functional outcomes and genetic separability of patients with CHR and ROD with high vs low pattern expression; and pattern progression from baseline to follow-up MRI scans in patients with nonrecovery vs preserved recovery.


Of 1870 included patients, 902 (48.2%) were female, and the mean (SD) age was 38.0 (19.3) years. The bvFTD pattern comprising prefrontal, insular, and limbic volume reductions was more expressed in patients with schizophrenia (65 of 157 [41.2%]) and major depression (22 of 102 [21.6%]) than the temporo-limbic AD patterns (28 of 157 [17.8%] and 3 of 102 [2.9%], respectively). bvFTD expression was predicted by high body mass index, psychomotor slowing, affective disinhibition, and paranoid ideation (R2=0.11). The schizophrenia pattern was expressed in 92 of 108 patients (85.5%) with bvFTD and was linked to theC9orf72variant, oligoclonal banding in the cerebrospinal fluid, cognitive impairment, and younger age (R2=0.29). bvFTD and schizophrenia pattern expressions forecasted 2-year psychosocial impairments in patients with CHR and were predicted by polygenic risk scores for frontotemporal dementia, AD, and schizophrenia. Findings were not associated with AD or accelerated brain aging. Finally, 1-year bvFTD/schizophrenia pattern progression distinguished patients with nonrecovery from those with preserved recovery.

Conclusions and Relevance

Neurobiological links may exist between bvFTD and psychosis focusing on prefrontal and salience system alterations. Further transdiagnostic investigations are needed to identify shared pathophysiological processes underlying the neuroanatomical interface between the 2 disease spectra.

Read this article:
Similarity Between Schizophrenia and Dementia Discovered for the First Time - Neuroscience News