Category Archives: Neuroscience

Vigil Neuroscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:VIGL) Expected to Announce Earnings of -$0.63 Per Share – Defense World

Brokerages expect Vigil Neuroscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:VIGL Get Rating) to announce earnings per share (EPS) of ($0.63) for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Zero analysts have provided estimates for Vigil Neurosciences earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is ($0.74) and the highest is ($0.57). The company is scheduled to announce its next quarterly earnings report on Monday, January 1st.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that Vigil Neuroscience will report full-year earnings of ($2.81) per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from ($3.30) to ($2.45). For the next year, analysts forecast that the firm will post earnings of ($3.65) per share, with EPS estimates ranging from ($4.05) to ($3.02). Zacks earnings per share averages are an average based on a survey of research analysts that follow Vigil Neuroscience.

Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ:VIGL Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, May 12th. The company reported ($0.58) earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts consensus estimates of ($0.55) by ($0.03).

A number of institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the business. Artal Group S.A. bought a new stake in Vigil Neuroscience in the first quarter worth about $7,882,000. Rock Springs Capital Management LP bought a new stake in Vigil Neuroscience in the first quarter worth about $3,318,000. Deep Track Capital LP bought a new stake in Vigil Neuroscience in the first quarter worth about $2,736,000. Vanguard Group Inc. bought a new stake in Vigil Neuroscience in the first quarter worth about $2,708,000. Finally, BlackRock Inc. bought a new stake in Vigil Neuroscience in the first quarter worth about $2,135,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 39.39% of the companys stock.

Shares of NASDAQ VIGL opened at $3.39 on Friday. Vigil Neuroscience has a fifty-two week low of $2.18 and a fifty-two week high of $18.27. The companys 50-day moving average is $4.66.

Vigil Neuroscience Company Profile (Get Rating)

Vigil Neuroscience, Inc, a microglia-focused company, engages in the development of disease-modifying therapeutics for patients, caregivers, and families affected by rare and common neurodegenerative diseases. Its lead product candidate is VGL101, a fully human monoclonal antibody (mAb) that is designed to activate triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) which is in Phase I for the treatment of adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia, as well as for the treatment of cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy and alzheimer's disease.

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Vigil Neuroscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:VIGL) Expected to Announce Earnings of -$0.63 Per Share - Defense World

The Perils of Perfectionism – Neuroscience News

Summary: While theres nothing wrong with having high personal standards, perfectionists often feel as though their achievements and successes are never good enough. Perfectionism increases the risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and several other mental health disorders.

Source: Particle

WA researchers aim to help teen girls feel better in their bodies with an online program targeting perfectionism, which has been linked to depression, anxiety and eating disorders.

TheOvercoming Perfectionismstudy uses cognitive behavior therapy to challengeperfectionistic thinking.

This way of thinking is aknown risk factorfor depression, anxiety and eating disorders.

Australians are experiencing deteriorating mental health since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers hope the free online program can helpteenage girlsimprove their state of mind and well-being.

The problem with perfectionism

Clinical psychologist and Curtin University Ph.D. student Amy OBrien is leading the research.

She says theres nothing wrong with havinghigh standardsand being driven to succeed.

But perfectionism can make us feel like were never good enough regardless of how high we score on a test or how well we perform on the sporting field. Thats unhelpful and takes a toll on our self-esteem.

Were not trying to lower peoples standards or stop them from achieving great things, says Amy.

We just want them to have self-esteem that comes from other places, not just based on whether they achieve good results or not.

The shadow pandemic

Mental illness symptoms have increased across the board since the start of the pandemic.

The World Health Organization estimates COVID-19 triggered a25% increase in anxiety and depressionwith young people and women bearing the brunt.

InsideOut, Australias national research institute for eating disorders,foundeating disorder symptoms increased significantly during the first wave of the pandemic. This was coupled with difficulty accessing treatment.

Amy says relationships are key in our livesparticularly for teenagers.

Its a really important developmental step when they differentiate from their family and they start to rely on their peer groups as big influences, she says.

So the fact that weve all been driven online I think definitely is playing into things.

Instagram versus reality

We know that eating disorders have existed long before TV and the internet, says Amy.

But certainly I think the number of images that were exposed to online and all the filters and the photoshopping is warping, maybe, our perspective of normal.

Onsocial media, were constantly comparing ourselves to other peoples best moments.

Thats really going to make ourself-esteemtake a dip, particularly if were prone to having perfectionistic standards for ourselves, says Amy.

Cutting through inequality

When it comes to treating anxiety and depression, online programs can bealmost as effectiveas face-to-face services.

Amy believes this is the first online program to treat perfectionism in people at risk of eating disorders.

She says online treatments can cut through inequality in accessingmental healthservices, particularly for people living in rural or remote communities.

Thereal-world applicationsreally excite me, says Amy.

If we can get good evidence that shows this is effective, then its one more resource for the people who might struggle to access help.

Amy is currently recruiting participants for the Overcoming Perfectionism study. To find out more,

Author: Michelle WheelerSource: ParticleContact: Michelle Wheeler ParticleImage: The image is in the public domain

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The Perils of Perfectionism - Neuroscience News

This Illusion, New to Science, Is Strong Enough to Trick Our Reflexes – Neuroscience News

Summary: The highly dynamic, new expanding hole optical illusion can be perceived by 86% of people. The illusion is so good at deceiving the brain, it causes pupillary dilation as though we are walking into a darkened room.

Source: Frontiers

Have a look at this image. Do you perceive that the central black hole is expanding, as if youre moving into a dark environment, or falling into a hole?

If so, youre not alone: a new study shows that this expanding hole illusion, which is new to science, is perceived by approximately 86% of people.

Dr. Bruno Laeng, a professor at the Department of Psychology of the University of Oslo and the studys first author, said, The expanding hole is a highly dynamic illusion: The circular smear or shadow gradient of the central black hole evokes a marked impression of optic flow, as if the observer were heading forward into a hole or tunnel.

Optical illusions arent mere gimmicks without scientific interest: Researchers in the field of psychosociology study them to better understand the complex processes ourvisual systemuses to anticipate and make sense of the visual worldin a far more roundabout way than a photometer device, which simply registers the amount of photonic energy.

In the new study, published inFrontiers in Human Neuroscience, Laeng and colleagues show that the expanding hole illusion is so good at deceiving our brain that it even prompts a dilation reflex of the pupils to let in more light, just as would happen if we were really moving into a dark area.

Pupil reflex depends on perception, not necessarily reality

Here we show based on the new expanding hole illusion that that thepupilreacts to how we perceive lighteven if this light is imaginary like in the illusionand not just to the amount of light energy that actually enters the eye.

The illusion of the expanding hole prompts a corresponding dilation of the pupil, as it would happen if darkness really increased, said Laeng.

Laeng and colleagues explored how the color of the hole (besides black: blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, yellow, or white) and of the surrounding dots affect how strongly we mentally and physiologically react to the illusion.

On a screen they presented variations of the expanding hole image to 50 women and men with normal vision, asking them to rate subjectively how strongly they perceived the illusion.

While participants gazed at the image, the researchers measured their eye movements and their pupils unconscious constrictions and dilations.

As controls, the participants were shown scrambled versions of the expanding hole image, with equal luminance and colors, but without any pattern.

The illusion appeared most effective when the hole was black. Fourteen percent of participants didnt perceive any illusory expansion when the hole was black, while 20% didnt if the hole was in color. Among those who did perceive an expansion, the subjective strength of the illusion differed markedly.

The researchers also found that black holes promoted strong reflex dilations of the participants pupils, while colored holes prompted their pupils to constrict. For black holes, but not for colored holes, the stronger individual participants subjectively rated their perception of the illusion, the more their pupil diameter tended to change.

Minority not susceptible

The researchers dont yet know why a minority seem unsusceptible to the expanding hole illusion. Nor do they know whether othervertebrate species, or even nonvertebrate animals with camera eyes such as octopuses, might perceive the sameillusionas we do.

Our results show that pupils dilation or contraction reflex is not a closed-loop mechanism, like a photocell opening a door, impervious to any other information than the actual amount of light stimulating the photoreceptor. Rather, the eye adjusts to perceived and even imagined light, not simply to physical energy. Future studies could reveal other types of physiological or bodily changes that can throw light onto how illusions work, concluded Laeng.

Author: Press OfficeSource: FrontiersContact: Press Office FrontiersImage: The image is credited to Laeng, Nabil, and Kitaoka

Original Research: Open access.The Eye Pupil Adjusts to Illusorily Expanding Holes by Laeng, Nabil, and Kitaoka. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience


The Eye Pupil Adjusts to Illusorily Expanding Holes

Some static patterns evoke the perception of an illusory expanding central region or hole.

We asked observers to rate the magnitudes of illusory motion or expansion of black holes, and these predicted the degree of dilation of the pupil, measured with an eye tracker.

In contrast, when the holes were colored (including white), i.e., emitted light, these patterns constricted the pupils, but the subjective expansions were also weaker compared with the black holes.

The change rates of pupil diameters were significantly related to the illusory motion phenomenology only with the black holes.

These findings can be accounted for within a perceiving-the-present account of visual illusions, where both the illusory motion and the pupillary adjustments represent compensatory mechanisms to the perception of the next moment, based on shared experiences with the ecological regularities of light.

See more here:
This Illusion, New to Science, Is Strong Enough to Trick Our Reflexes - Neuroscience News

How Wisdom, Resilience and Mastery Work Together to Boost Well-Being in Old Age – Neuroscience News

Summary: Wisdom helps strengthen resilience and mastery to reduce stress and increase well-being, improving a persons ability to better handle later-life adversity and age-related loss.

Source: University of Florida

Its not just wisdom that gives some people a sense of well-being as they age.

A new study shows that while wise people tend to be more satisfied with their lives,wisdomalso works to strengthenresilienceand mastery to reduce stress and enable a person to better handle late life adversity and aging-related losses.

Understanding how wisdom, resiliency and mastery work together to improve a persons subjective well-being later in life is important given common challenges of aging, from death of loved ones and close friends to impaired health and mobility, said Monika Ardelt, lead author and a sociology professor at the University of Florida. It is also important because traits that mark wisdom, resiliency and mastery can be taught.

The study was publishedin the German journalPraxis Klinische Verhaltensmedizin und Rehabilitation(Practice of Clinical Behavioral Medicine and Rehabilitation). Dilip V. Jeste of the University of California, San Diego, is the co-author.

The researchers used data on 994 adults from the Successful AGing Evaluation study conducted in California to assess the interplay between resilience, mastery, perceived stress and wisdom and response to adverse life events. The average age of those studied was 77.

Wisdom was assessed using a three-dimensional model Ardelt developed, which incorporates cognitive, reflective and compassionate dimensionsan interest in lifes deeper meaning and acceptance of lifes uncertainties; being able to perceive events from multiple perspectives; and having sympathetic love and compassion for others.

Resiliency was defined asolder adults perceived ability to bounce back after adversity and their sense of mastery or control over their environment, life and future.

Not everyone gets wiser as they get older, Ardelt said.

A person has to be interested in the deeper meaning of life, open to perceiving things from different perspectives and have an intellectual humility about the fact that there is so much more to know. The really important part is learning from experiences and not everybody is learning from their experiences.

The study found that wisdom in old age tends to enhance resilience and a sense of mastery and to reduce perceptions of stress directly and indirectly through greater resilience and mastery.

Those who scored high in wisdom also tended to be more resilient and to have a stronger sense of mastery over their lives. And these three characteristics might reinforce each other, leading to greater wisdom, resilience and mastery as adverse events are encountered and overcome.

This suggests that coping skills, focusing on silver linings during stressful events while trying to learn from the experience, and feeling in control of ones life might be possible pathways from wisdom to well-being through a reduction in stress, the researchers said in the article.

Ardelt said the study adds to research on subjective well-being in later life and emphasizes the importance of wisdom-related therapy in old age.

It is good to be wise, Ardelt said. Old age is hard, but we can cultivate wisdom in people so they have the tools, along with resilience and mastery, to minimize stress and maintain a sense of well-being when crisis hits.

Author: Press OfficeSource: University of FloridaContact: Press Office University of FloridaImage: The image is credited to University of Florida

Original Research: Open access.Wisdom as a Resiliency Factor for Subjective Well-Being in Later Life by Monika Ardelt & Dilip V. Jeste. Practice of Clinical Behavioral Medicine and Rehabilitation


Wisdom as a Resiliency Factor for Subjective Well-Being in Later Life

Objectives. Research has shown that wisdom tends to be positively associated with subjective well-being (SWB) in later life, especially if older adults encounter physical or social hardship. Yet, the role of resiliency in the wisdom and well-being relationship has not been investigated. We extended our earlier study that investigated the buffering effect of wisdom on the inverse relationship between adverse life events and SWB(Ardelt & Jeste, 2018) to analyze whether resiliency mediates the association between three-dimensional wisdom and SWB by reducing stress.

Method. A structural equation path model was employed, using data from the Successful AGing Evaluation (SAGE) study of 994 adults between the ages of 51 and 99 years (M = 77, SD = 12). Wisdom was assessed as an integration of cognitive, reflective, and compassionate (affective) dimensions, resiliency as resilience and a sense of mastery and control, and SWB as a latent variable with mental health, happiness, and life satisfaction as effect indicators.

Results. Resilience, mastery, and perceived stress fully mediated the positive association between wisdom and SWB.

Discussion. Wisdom seems to strengthen resilience, mastery, and equanimity during the later years of life, which helps older adults to maintain a sense of well-being despite aging-related losses. The study indicates that wisdom is a valuable psychological resource in old age.

Here is the original post:
How Wisdom, Resilience and Mastery Work Together to Boost Well-Being in Old Age - Neuroscience News

Black Girls Commonly Have Negative Experiences Related to Their Natural Hair – Neuroscience News

Summary: Many young Black girls face bullying, teasing, and unwanted touching of their natural hair by other youngsters. This has a negative effect on body image. Researchers address strategies to promote positive body image in young Black women and girls.

Source: Arizona State University

Teasing and unwanted hair touching are just some of the negative experiences Black girls go through because of their hair, according to a new study.

Research from the Arizona State University Department of Psychology shows how prevalent it is for young Black girls to have negative experiences related to their hair. The study, which is the first to examine hair satisfaction in young Black girls, was published in the journal Body Image.

Negative experiences related to hair are normative for young Black girls. Even girls as young as 10 years old reported negative experiences because of their hair, said Marisol Perez, associate professor of psychology at ASU and senior author on the paper.

These experiences are a form of stereotyping that can occur among youth related to hair, however, there is very little existing literature documenting the hair-related experiences of Black youth. We are trying to make sure their voices are heard.

This study was motivated by recentexamplesof Black youth being suspended fromschool, threatened with punishment or not permitted to participate in extracurricular activities because of their hair.

These situationsand other examples of regulating people, including adults, based on the appearance of their hair has inspiredadvocacyfrom nongovernmental organizations and corporations alike toexpand protectionagainst discrimination in schools and the workplace to include hair differences.

Hair is such an integral part of who we are: it serves as an extension of our identities and how we presentourselves to the world. Being told that how you express yourself is wrong or having to fit that expression into limited standards of what is deemed appropriate can come with shame and can lead to internal conflicts such as depression or low self-esteem, said Layla Ismael, an undergraduate student at ASU and a co-author on the paper.

Good hair

The research team worked with community organizations to recruit participants. In total, the study included 105 girls aged 1015 years old who identified as Black or African American. The girls answered a series of open-ended questions about satisfaction with their natural hair, social comparisons of hair, bullying or teasing because of their hair and pressure to wear their hair a certain way.

When the girls were asked to define good hair, the most common answers included descriptions like long, flowy, wavy, soft and straight. Bad hair was described as short, nappy and hard to comb through.

The most common response to the question about where the criteria for good or bad hair comes from was how the media portrays Black models and celebrities with hair that has been chemically altered to be straight or wavy. The second most common response was receiving negative feedback about natural Black hair at school.

Employees in school settings play an important role in how Black girls perceive their hair. The girls were impacted both by negative comments and by the absence of positive statements. For example, if a girl chemically straightens her hair, she might get positive comments, but nothing is said when she wears her hair naturally, Perez said.

The absence of positive statements contributed to the negative reinforcing messages.

Verbal teasing, unwanted hair touching

Between 1454% of the girls reported verbal teasing or bullying because of their hair, starting in preschool or kindergarten.

The prevalence of verbal teasing or bullying was dwarfed by touching girls hair without permission. Touching of hair without permission was reported by 78% of 10-year-olds, 50% of 11-year-olds, 81% of 12-year-olds, 65% of 13-year-olds and 70% of 14-year-olds.

Having an understanding of what Black kids go through is important, even for something that might seem trivial like hair, said Mel Holman, an ASU graduate student and a co-author on the paper.

This study shows different types of discrimination and microaggressions that young kids might go through that are not recognized by others because people think its just hair.

Time to do better

The research team also asked the girls what they do when they have a negative experience because of their hair. The answers included thinking positive thoughts, such as how they love themselves and their natural hair, and relying on their family for support.

Parents can teach their children to love themselves for who they are and encourage them to wear their hair out naturally or in braids, Holman said.

Parents can tell their kids it is not OK when other people want to touch your hair without your permission, it is not OK when people say things about your hair that makes you uncomfortable. Parents can tell their kids it is OK to say, It makes me uncomfortable.'

Perez added that parents can also role model wearing natural hair and complimenting it. Parents reinforcing natural hair in themselves and in their kids is a powerful message for youth that can increase their body confidence.

Though the girls demonstrated resilience with their answers about thinking positive thoughts after negative hair-related experiences, Perez said that is not enough.

These girls should not have to be resilient. We all need to do a better job celebrating natural hairin the media, in school settings and in the beauty industry, which financially benefits from girls and women thinking they need to alter theirhair.

Author: Press OfficeSource: Arizona State UniversityContact: Press Office Arizona State UniversityImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Closed access.Examination of hair experiences among girls with Black/African American identities by Taryn Henning et al. Body Image


Examination of hair experiences among girls with Black/African American identities

Negative hair experiences can impact psychological well-being and are an integral part of development through childhood, adolescence, and beyond. The current study utilized a mixed-methods approach to capture the lived experiences of girls relating to their hair.

Participants were 105 girls between the ages of 1015 years old recruited via social media, email, and social organizations with Black/African American, or biracial communities. Satisfaction with natural hair, perceived bullying and teasing relating to hair, social comparisons, and pressure from family and friends were assessed.

Approximately, 22% of 10-year olds, 14% of 11-year olds, 54% of 12-year olds, 35% of 13-year olds, and 32% of 14-year olds reported experiencing hair related teasing. Engaging in hair comparison with models/celebrities in the media and peers was significantly associated with less hair satisfaction. Similarly, girls that reported greater frequency of hair-related teasing also had significantly lower scores on hair satisfaction.

Finally, having friends who like ones natural hair was significantly associated with higher hair satisfaction scores. Black/African American girls and their experiences around hair have been largely neglected in psychology and body image research, and more research on this topic is required to gain a better understanding of the role it plays in developing young girls.

See the original post:
Black Girls Commonly Have Negative Experiences Related to Their Natural Hair - Neuroscience News

Neuroscience and health research in Canada – Open Access Government

Canadas health research investment agency, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) know well that research can change lives. As such, CIHR works with researchers and partners to support innovations and discoveries that strengthen Canadas healthcare systems and improve the health of individuals. Created in 2000, CIHR provides leadership to health researchers and trainees across the country, through the work of its 13 Institutes. (1)

The 13 Institutes have a common objective to achieve the basic mandate of CIHR, as the CIHR Act puts it: The objective of CIHR is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.

Certainly, the 13 CIHR Institutes build upon and promote Canadas solid track record of excellence in research. (2) A fitting example of this is the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), who in a nutshell are supportive of research that enhances not only neurological health, but also mental health, vision, hearing, and cognitive functioning and to lower the burden of related disorders by means of prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems plus palliation. (3)

Certainly, the INMHA contributes to the CIHR mandate with an inspiring vision of science described on their website as excellent, but also, innovative and ethically responsible, plus well-supported. Their work encompasses all aspects of nervous system and mental health research and clinical translation that results in quality healthcare, and respects the diversity of culture and values of all Canadians, INMHA explain.

Of course, cutting-edge Canadian-led research should lead to new knowledge about the sociocultural and biological processes beneath neurologic, addiction disorders and mental health, but also promote optimal healthcare, quality of life and outcomes, INMHA state when describing their bold mission. (4)

CIHR always aligns health research funding that reflects changes in how health opportunities and issues are identified, addressed and understood. Certainly, for INMHA, this means strategic funding is mobilised to cater for some of the most urgent brain and mental health needs of the Canadian people. Such an approach, of course, builds a sustainable and solid foundation for researchers to respond to knowledge gaps and work towards nothing less than the greatest global impact of Canadian neuroscience.

When it comes to INMHA-funded research, the commitment is clearly one to support the best quality in science, as well as advocating scientific rigour in Canadian neuroscience, for example, towards the best possible neurological health for all people in Canada. (5) In the words of Dr Samuel Weiss Scientific Director, CIHR-INMHA, INMHA is committed to supporting the highest-quality science and advanced methodologies, and championing scientific rigour in Canadian neuroscience, mental health and addiction research as a means to promote optimal neurological health and mental wellness for all Canadians. (6)

Its interesting to note here that together with Dr Fritz Sladeczek in 1985, Dr Weiss discovered the metabotropic glutamate receptor which today is a significant target for for pharmaceutical research and development for neurological disease therapies. In 1992, Dr Weiss pioneered neural stem cells in the brains of adult mammals, health research in Canada that led to fresh perspectives for brain cell replacement and repair, plus experimental, novel therapeutic strategies concerning brain cancer. (7)

The INMHA Strategic Plan helps to guide and define the INMHAs major health research initiatives and as such, several meetings with the scientific community and INMHA members were set up to discuss the opportunities, issues and interests and in various fields of research and training that CIHR work on. (8) When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared over two years ago, the INMHA Strategic Plan 2020-2022 was delayed (the plan before that covered the years from 2012-2017).

Added to the aforementioned delay, it became apparent that Canadians were collectively experiencing a traumatic event, which would result in substantial mental health implications that need attention. As such, CIHR spearheaded, with the leadership of INMHAs, a COVID-19 and Mental Health Initiative. This proactive response to provide urgent knowledge and evidence to support decision-making throughout the mental health responses to the pandemic is a collaboration with Health Canada (HC), the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and five additional CIHR Institutes, the INMHA website details.

Certainly, the NMHA Strategic Plan 2020-2022 will further develop its strategy for supporting Canadian neuroscience research. Lets finish with the words of Dr Samuel Weiss, who says that when supporting competitions for brain and mental health research funding, this is where INMHA can have the most impact and generate the greatest return on investment in the near term, while simultaneously establishing a firm base of support for Canadian neuroscience to grow and contribute internationally. (9)


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Neuroscience and health research in Canada - Open Access Government

Shedding New Light on Human Brain Organization – Neuroscience News

Summary: A new map of the human brain reveals cells, receptors, and gene activity change along the same boundaries.

Source: Human Brain Project

Specific cellular, molecular and gene expression patterns in brain areas are linked to function, but their precise relationships remain largely unknown.

New findings by scientists at the Human Brain Project (HBP) shed light on these relationships and enable a more comprehensive understanding of human brain organisation.

The HBP researchers conducted a study that targeted three levels of cortical organisation: cytoarchitecture, neurotransmitter receptor architecture and neurotransmitter receptor gene expression.

The study elucidates principles of human brain organisation across the visual, auditory, somatosensory and motor functional systems, going beyond the simplified view of a mosaic of areas forming the neocortex.

The results were published in the journal Neuroimage.

To reveal the different properties of functional systems, and how brain areas within a functional system differ with respect to the processing hierarchy from primary to higher associative, the team analysed cytoarchitectonic and receptorarchitectonic data of the Julich Brain Atlas a three-dimensional multimodal atlas of the human brain and compared the data with transcriptomic data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas.

Bridging the gaps between different levels of brain organisation is one of the biggest challenges in neuroscience today. In the Julich Brain Atlas we can do it systematically. It integrates the data and is an invaluable tool, says Daniel Zachlod, first author of the study.

The researchers investigated the relationship of neurotransmitter receptor densities with their corresponding genes in 15 cytoarchitectonic areas of the visual, auditory, somatosensory and motor systems. They analysed differential gene expression within brain areas of each of those functional systems.

We found that the receptor architecture and gene expression patterns within a functional system change in a systematic way, in correspondence to increasing complexity of information processing, explains HBP Scientific Director Katrin Amunts, who is last author of the study.

The study demonstrates a method to unravel structure-function relationships by using the multilevel Julich-Brain Atlas to bridge the different scales of brain organisation.

Previous studies had already indicated the relevancy of receptor gene expression for the functional differentiation of the brain in rodents, but data on the human brain is much sparser and more fragmented.

The authors of the present study argue that it is mandatory to extend such studies to the human brain, in order to better understand the healthy brain, as well as pathogenesis of brain disorders with alterations in neurotransmitter systems.

Author: Helen MendesSource: Human Brain ProjectContact: Helen Mendes Human Brain ProjectImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.Combined analysis of cytoarchitectonic, molecular and transcriptomic patterns reveal differences in brain organization across human functional brain systems by Daniel Zachlod et al. NeuroImage


Combined analysis of cytoarchitectonic, molecular and transcriptomic patterns reveal differences in brain organization across human functional brain systems

Brain areas show specific cellular, molecular, and gene expression patterns that are linked to function, but their precise relationships are largely unknown.

To unravel these structure-function relationships, a combined analysis of 53 neurotransmitterreceptor genes, receptor densities of six transmitter systems and cytoarchitectonic data of the auditory, somatosensory, visual, motor systems was conducted.

Besides covariation of areal gene expression with receptor density, the study reveals specific gene expression patterns in functional systems, which are most prominent for the inhibitory GABAAand excitatory glutamatergicNMDA receptors.

Furthermore, gene expression-receptor relationships changed in a systematic manner according to information flow from primary to higher associative areas.

The findings shed new light on the relationship of anatomical, functional, and molecular andtranscriptomicprinciples of cortical segregation towards a more comprehensive understanding of human brain organization.

View original post here:
Shedding New Light on Human Brain Organization - Neuroscience News

Research Associate / Research Assistant in Neuroscience job with FLINDERS UNIVERSITY | 296177 – Times Higher Education

About Flinders

Our bold vision, captured in our Strategic Plan: making a Difference: The 2025 Agenda, is to be internationally recognised as a world leader in research, an innovator in contemporary education, and the source of Australias most enterprising graduates.

To realise this ambition, we recently made a significant organisation change to a six College structure with a professional staff and services alignment.

We recognise the key to our success is exceptional people and were seeking an outstanding individual to join the team of our transformed university.

Employment Type:

Fixed Term (Fixed Term)

Position Summary

Availability:Fixed-term until December 2024 | Full-Time

Compensation Grade:Research (Academic) Level AorHigher Education Officer Level 5

Salary Range:$78,340 - $94,938 p.a. (Level A)or$74,270 - $81,966 p.a. (HEO5)

Reporting To:Head of laboratory; Professor Damien Keating

The Research Associate will undertake research in the discipline of Human Physiology under the direction of the Chief Investigator, Professor Damien Keating. In working with Chief Investigator and research team, the incumbent will assist in leading the design and execution of the research project. Our research focuses on elucidating the role of the gut brain axis in regulating higher brain functions.

The incumbent may assist in leading students involved in the research Project, according to the Universitys policies, practices and standards.

Key Position Responsibilities

The Research Associate/Research Assistant in the Molecular and Cellular Physiology Laboratory in the Human Physiology discipline is accountable for:

Assisting in the planning, design and implementation of research projects, including:- Design, completion and analysis of laboratory experiments- Preparing research-related documentation- Liaising with research collaborators and key stakeholders

Key Position Capabilities

For more information regarding the position, or to have a confidential discussion, please contact: Professor Damien Keating

Note for Applicants: You will be required to specify in your application which career pathway you intend to apply for - Academic (Level A) or Professional (HEO5).

Information for Applicants:

You are required to provide a suitability statement of no more than three pages, addressing the key capabilities of the position as outlined above. In addition, you are required to upload your CV.

A valid National Police Certificate which is satisfactory to the University will also be required before the successful applicant can commence in this position.

We are seeking to increase the diversity to improve equal opportunity outcomes for employees, and therefore we encourage female applicants, people with a disability and/or from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders descent to apply.

Please note, late applications and applications sent via agencies will not be accepted.

Applications Close 11:59 pm:

20 Jun 2022

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Research Associate / Research Assistant in Neuroscience job with FLINDERS UNIVERSITY | 296177 - Times Higher Education

Investigating Links Between Facial Recognition and Alzheimer’s Disease – Neuroscience News

Summary: Study evaluates whether problems in facial processing and recognition in Alzheimers disease are a result of memory impairment or visual processing deficits.

Source: KTU

In recent years Alzheimers disease has been on the rise throughout the world and is rarely diagnosed at an early stage when it can still be effectively controlled.

Using artificial intelligence, KTU researchers conducted a study to identify whether human-computer interfaces could be adapted for people with memory impairments to recognize a visible object in front of them.

Rytis Maskelinas, a researcher at the Department of Multimedia Engineering at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), considers that the classification of information visible on the face is a daily human function: While communicating, the face tells us the context of the conversation, especially from an emotional point of view, but can we identify visual stimuli based on brain signals?

The visual processing of the human face is complex. Information such as a persons identity or emotional state can be perceived by us, analysing the faces. The aim of the study was to analyse a persons ability to process contextual information from the face and detect how a person responds to it.

Face can indicate the first symptoms of the disease

According to Maskelinas, many studies demonstrate that brain diseases can potentially be analysed by examining facial muscle and eye movements since degenerative brain disorders affect not only memory and cognitive functions, but also the cranial nervous system associated with the above facial (especially eye) movements.

Dovil Komolovait, a graduate of KTU Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, who co-authored the study, shared that the research has clarified whether a patient with Alzheimers disease visually processes visible faces in the brain in the same way as individuals without the disease.

The study uses data from an electroencephalograph, which measures the electrical impulses in the brain, says Komolovait, who is currently studying for a masters degree in Artificial Intelligence program at the Faculty of Informatics.

In this study, the experiment was performed on two groups of individuals: healthy and affected by Alzheimers.

The brain signals of a person with Alzheimers are typically significantly noisier than in a healthy person, says Komolovait, emphasizing that this correlates with a reason which makes it more difficult for a person to focus and be attentive when experiencing the symptoms of Alzheimers.

Photos of peoples faces were shown during the study

The study selected a group of older people made up of women over 60 years of age: Older age is one of the main risk factors for dementia, and since the effects of gender were noticed in brain waves, the study is more accurate when only one gender group is chosen.

During the study, each participant performed experiments lasting up to an hour, during which the photos of human faces are shown.

According to the researcher, these photos were selected according to several criteria: in the analysis of the influence of emotions, neutral and fearful faces are shown, while analysing the familiarity factor, known and randomly chosen people are indicated to the participants of the study.

In order to understand whether a person sees and understands a face correctly, the participants of the study were asked to press a button after each stimulus to indicate whether the face shown is inverted or correct.

Even at this stage, an Alzheimers patient makes mistakes, so it is important to determine whether the impairment of the object is due to memory or vision processes, says the researcher.

Inspired by real-life interactions with Alzheimers patients

Maskelinas reveals that his work with Alzheimers disease started with his collaboration with the Huntingtons Disease Association, which opened his eyes to what these many neurodegenerative diseases really look like.

The researcher also had direct contact with Alzheimers patients: I saw that the diagnosis is usually confirmed too late when the brain is already irreversibly damaged. Although there is no effective cure for this disease, the process can be paused and sustained by gaining some healthy years of life.

Today, we can see how human-computer interaction is adapted to alleviate the life of people with physical disabilities. Controlling a robotic hand by thought or a paralysed person writing a text by imagining letters is not a new concept. Still, trying to understand the human brain is probably one of the most challenging tasks remaining today.

In this study, the researchers worked with the data from the standard electroencephalograph equipment, however, Maskelinas emphasises that in order to create a practical tool, it would be better to use data gathered from invasive microelectrodes, which can more accurately measure the activity of neurons. This would increase the quality of the AI model substantially.

Of course, in addition to the technical requirements, there should be a community environment focused on making life easier for people with Alzheimers disease. Still, in my personal opinion, after five years, I think we will still see technologies focused on improving physical function, and the focus on people affected by brain diseases in this field will only come later, says Maskelinas.

According to the masters student Komolovait, a clinical examination with the help of colleagues in the field of medicine is necessary, therefore this stage of the process would take a lot of time: If we want to use this test as a medical tool, a certification process is also needed.

Author: Aldona TuurSource: KTUContact: Aldona Tuur KTUImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: The findings will be presented in Life

Excerpt from:
Investigating Links Between Facial Recognition and Alzheimer's Disease - Neuroscience News

What Oxytocin Can Tell Us About the Evolution of Human Prosociality – Neuroscience News

Summary: Study sheds new light on the genetics underlying possible social differences between modern humans, our ancestors, and other primate species.

Source: University of Barcelona

Modern humans are characterized by their prosociality, a broad term that encompasses intraspecies empathy, social tolerance, cooperation and altruism.

These facets of social cognition have been associated with variations in the oxytocin and vasotocin genes (OT and VT) and their receptors (OTR and VTR).

To shed light on the genetic basis of this behavior, scientists from the University of Barcelona (UB) and Rockefeller University carried out a new study comparing the available genomic sequences of these genes between modern humans, non-human primate species (e.g., chimpanzees, bonobos, and macaques) and, for the first time, archaic humans, using all the available genomes of Neanderthals and Denisovans.

In the study, published in the journalComprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, the researchers identified several sites in which modern humans differed from both archaic humans and non-human primates, and others where both modern and archaic humans differed from non-human primates.

We used an interdisciplinary approach to understand the evolution of hominid prosociality through the lens of the oxytocin and vasotocin receptors, where we combined evidence from modern and archaic genomics, population genetics, transcriptomics, and behavioral and neuroscientific studies, among other methods.

These results can shed light on the genetics underlying possible sociality differences identified between modern humans and archaic humans, as well as the similarities between the modern human and bonobo social behavior, said first author Constantina Theofanopoulou.

This research is part of her doctoral thesis carried out under the co-supervision of Cedric Boeckx, ICREA researcher at the Institute of Complex Systems at the UB (UBICS) and Erich D. Jarvis, professor at Rockefeller University.

Variants unique to modern humans in more than 70% of the population

Considering the evidence on modern human prosociality and on the involvement of the oxytocin and vasotocin genes in social behaviors, the researchers hypothesized that the evolution of these genes might elucidate the genetic basis of the evolution of hominin prosociality.

With this aim in mind, the study explored the differences between modern humans, archaic humans and non-human primates in polymorphic heterozygous sites in the human genome locations where at least two alternative sequences are found in a population.

Past studies that compared the entire modern human genome with the Neanderthal or the chimpanzee genomes have focused on changes that are fixed or nearly fixed in modern humans.

This has led to them identifying sites where, for example, all Neanderthals had Adenine (one of the four nucleotides that with guanine, cytosine and thymine form the DNA) and nearly all modern humans (say, 98%) have Guanine.

In this study, we searched for differences on locations where, by definition, not all modern humans share the same nucleotide, namely on polymorphic sites, where for example, 70% of the modern human population has Adenine and 30% Cytosine, adds Theofanopoulou.

The researchers identified five sites in the oxytocin and vasotocin receptors where modern humans are unique in one of their two (or more) variants compared to archaic humans and non-human primates, and which are at the same time found in more than 70% of the modern human population. Next, they conducted functional and frequency analyses to establish whether the variants are relevant.

They performed a range of analyses on the five sites and found that some of the variants are highly functional, indicating that they have an effect on the molecular function of the proteins activated by these genes.

The researchers also found that these sites are encountered in genome regions that are active in the brain, particularly in the cingulate gyrus, a brain region involved in social cognition-relevant pathways.

Moreover, all these sites have been associated in other studies with a plethora of social behaviors or social deficits, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), aggression, and so on.

These findings may help to explain some of the social differences between modern humans and what we presume to know about the social behaviors of Neanderthals and Denisovans.

For example, they might be relevant to the smaller social groups attributed to Neanderthals and Denisovans or to the decreased modern human androgenization. They might also be relevant to a different social structure, i.e., Neanderthals have been linked to a polygynous social structure and a higher level of malemale competition than most contemporary modern human populations, says Constantina Theofanopoulou.

Variants present only in modern and archaic humans

The study also found two sites on the oxytocin receptor under a positive selection in modern and archaic humans: that is to say, modern and archaic humans showed a variant that was not present in any other non-human primate. This means that these sites are found in very high percentages in the modern human population (in this case, more than 85%).

These same sites have also been associated with a great many social behaviors or deficits, and one of them was predicted to be a highly functional site in their regulation analyses.

The sites that are unique in both us and archaic humans versus non-human primates can elucidate the genetic underpinnings of the progressive social tolerance needed for the intensive cultural transmission of technological innovations (e.g., fire use) in the evolution of humankind, as well as for the reduced aggression indicated by several markers in early hominid evolution, such as the reduction of male canine size and the accelerated demographic success, adds Theofanopoulou.

Convergent sites with bonobos

Lastly, the researchers found three sites where modern humans and bonobos, a primate species that shows convergence of prosocial behaviors with humans, have the same nucleotide.

The convergent sites in modern humans and bonobos could be insightful for understanding the posited similarities in prosociality, social tolerance and cooperation between us and bonobos, and the differences of both compared to chimpanzees.

For example, bonobos outperform chimpanzees on tasks relevant to social causality or theory of mind and are more attentive to the face and eyes, suggestive of higher empathic sensitivity, notes the researcher.

All the sites identified in this study have also been independently associated with disorders that include social deficits, such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Understanding developmental disorders through evolutionary lenses can aid into us achieving what we call an evo-devo (evolutionary and developmental biology) understanding of these disorders. If indeed ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, then deciphering our evolutionary trajectory may shed light to new genetic spots for clinical research that might, in turn, lead to earlier disorder diagnosis, highlights Constantina Theofanopoulou.

Future research in larger sample sizes

The next step in this research would be to test these results in larger sample sizes. This objective, as Theofanopoulou says, is easier to achieve in non-human primates such as chimpanzees and bonobos, but is more difficult in the case of Neanderthals or Denisovans, since obtaining access to more archaic genomes depends on archaeological finds, among other factors.

Another step is to widen the scope of the research and include more genes of the oxytocin pathway, or other genes highlighted in human evolution, such as dopamine, concludes the researcher.

Author: Rosa MartnezSource: University of BarcelonaContact: Rosa Martnez University of BarcelonaImage: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Open access.Oxytocin and vasotocin receptor variation and the evolution of human prosociality by Constantina Theofanopoulou et al. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology


Oxytocin and vasotocin receptor variation and the evolution of human prosociality

Modern human lifestyle strongly depends on complex social traits like empathy, tolerance and cooperation. These diverse facets ofsocial cognitionhave been associated with variation in theoxytocin receptor(OTR) and its sister genes, the vasotocin/vasopressin receptors (VTR1A/AVPR1AandAVPR1B/VTR1B).

Here, we compared the available genomic sequences of these receptors between modern humans, archaic humans, and 12 non-human primate species, and identified sites that show heterozygous variation in modern humans and archaic humans distinct from variation in other primates, and for which we could find association studies with clinical implications.

On these sites, we performed a range of analyses (variant clustering,pathogenicityprediction, regulation,linkage disequilibriumfrequency), and reviewed the literature on selection data in different modern-human populations.

We found five sites with modern human specific variation, where the modern human allele is the major allele in the global population (OTR: rs1042778, rs237885, rs6770632;VTR1A: rs10877969;VTR1B: rs33985287). Among them, variation in theOTR-rs6770632 site was predicted to be the most functional.

Two alleles (OTR: rs59190448 and rs237888) present only in modern humans and archaic humans were putatively under positive selection in modern humans, with rs237888 predicted to be a highly functional site.

Three sites showedconvergent evolutionbetween modern humans and bonobos (OTR: rs2228485 and rs237897;VTR1A: rs1042615), withOTR-rs2228485 ranking highly in terms of functionality and reported to be under balancing selection in modern humans (Schaschl, 2015) [1].

Our findings have implications for understanding hominid prosociality, as well as the similarities between modern human and bonobo social behavior.

More here:
What Oxytocin Can Tell Us About the Evolution of Human Prosociality - Neuroscience News