Category Archives: Organic Chemistry

Both Global and U.S. Chemical Production Trended Higher in March – American Chemistry Council

WASHINGTON (May 4, 2023) According to the American Chemistry Council (ACC), the Global Chemical Production Regional Index (Global CPRI) rose by 0.7% in March following a 0.2% increase in February. In the U.S., the U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index (U.S. CPRI) rose 2.6% in March. Both indices are measured on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis to reduce month-to-month volatility.

In the U.S., the 2.6% gain in March reflects a bump in chemical production that followed a tough Q4. Producers were challenged at the end of the year by customer destocking and winter-weather related disruptions, she added.

Global Chemical Production by Country/Region, Percentage Change(Seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving average)

Global Chemical Production by Segment, Percentage Change(Seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving average)

The Global CPRI measures the production volume of the chemical industry for 55 key nations, sub-regions, and regions, all aggregated to the world total. While most data are seasonally adjusted at source, some are adjusted using the U.S. Census Bureaus X-12 model to present data comparable to the United States. In a few cases, ACC creates indices of production based on actual production data weighted according to industry structure. The index uses the total value added as a proxy for individual country weights to arrive at the total. This method accounts for the changes in each countrys share relative to global production, which is more reflective of ever-changing global production dynamics.

The Global CPRI measures production activity generally consistent with the overall industry nomenclature of NAICS 325 (less pharmaceuticals) and the EU NACE 20 industries. The index measures the production of soaps and detergents, personal care products, fertilizers, and other downstream products in addition to measuring inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals, plastic resins, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, adhesives and sealants, coatings, and other specialty chemicals. Production of pharmaceuticals is excluded.

U.S. Chemical Production Regional Index, Percentage Change(Seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving average)

The U.S. CPRI was developed to track chemical production activity in seven regions of the United States. The U.S. CPRI is based on information from the Federal Reserve, and as such, includes monthly revisions as published by the Federal Reserve.

The U.S. CPRI includes the most recent Federal Reserve benchmark revision released on March 28, 2023. To smooth month-to-month fluctuations, the U.S. CPRI is measured using a three-month moving average. The reading in March reflects production activity during January, February, and March.

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) represents the leading companies engaged in themultibillion-dollarbusiness of chemistry. ACC members apply the science of chemistry to make innovative products, technologies and services that make people's lives better, healthierandsafer.ACC is committed to improved environmental, health, safety and security performance through Responsible Care; common sense advocacy addressing major public policy issues; and health and environmental research and product testing. ACC members and chemistry companies are among the largest investors in research and development, and areadvancing products, processes and technologies to address climate change, enhance air and water quality, and progress toward a more sustainable, circular economy.

Stay up-to-date and engaged with the latest industry-related news.

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Both Global and U.S. Chemical Production Trended Higher in March - American Chemistry Council

What Does This Asteroid Mean for Origin of Life? – Discovery Institute

Photo: Asteroid Ryugu, by Stuart Rankin, via Flickr (cropped).

Recently, chemical composition data were obtained from samples retrieved by theJapanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 that was landed in two locations on the asteroid (162173) Ryugu. In December 2020 Hayabusa2 successfully returned to Earth with its precious pristine samples, uncontaminated by residues from Earth (except maybe some metallic material originating from the collection device). Published inScience, early analysis of organic compounds extracted from the collected samples included significantly racemic mixtures of several amino acids, indicating that these samples were relatively free of Earthly contamination from biopolymers.1(All proteins in life are made of racemically pure L-amino acids.) Prior analysis of meteorites could not boast of such purity uncontaminated by Earths biological products.

Therefore, these Ryugu samples appear to be our first chance to examine which organic compounds may be produced in a prebiotic setting in our solar system. In addition, we dont have to rely on uncertain estimates of the conditions on Earth when the solar system was forming. Asteroids containing significant amounts of carbon, never visited by extraterrestrials like us, may provide a reasonable idea of what abiotic chemistry can produce.

A recent article inNature Communicationsreported that uracil, one of the nucleobases found in RNA, was identified in these pristine Ryugu samples.2For those who place their bets on the RNA world hypothesis, this is a significant finding, at least in their opinion. They finally have evidence that at least one of the nucleobases of RNA has been discovered outside of Earth, thus, they say, upholding the notion that our biochemistry could have been seeded from outer space!AsLive Sciencesummarizes, After becoming trapped on asteroids like Ryugu, these molecules may have eventually hitched a ride to Earth via meteorite impacts, where they sparked the first stirrings of life in primordial oceans.

This may be our earliest chance to remark on valid data of prebiotic chemicals free of Earthly contamination. So it would be logical to consider first the initial chemical analysis described inScienceto broadly classify all organic compounds, identified using two sensitive analytical methods. Concerning the building blocks of life, they found several amino acids, but all in racemic mixtures. This is precisely what chemists predict. It is extremely difficult to produce optically pure compounds from smaller compounds. The chemistry of mirror-imaged compounds is exactly the same, differing only in the spatial orientation of covalently bonded atoms (analogous to your right and left hands being equivalent). Life only uses one of these chemical forms to make proteins, RNA, DNA, complex carbohydrates and many lipids.

On Ryugu just some of the simplest amino acids were detected, including glycine, D/L-alanine, D/L-serine, and D/L-valine, along with other amino acids not used to build proteins (Fig. 1). These results agree well with the earlier experiments by Stanley Miller and others where simple organic structures were readily produced in prebiotic simulations. However, over eight amino acids with more complex critical functional groups have still not resulted among the various permutations of prebiotic reactions tested. Its not just dealing with racemic mixtures that confounds the supporters of abiogenesis, but how to form those more elaborate amino acids whose side chains play critical roles in the activity and structure of all proteins.

The chemical analysis also reported thousands of organic compounds, classified in multiple groups, that may or may not be found in the context of living organisms. If a primordial soup were to originate from this mixture, any biomolecules would have to contend with a myriad of possible side reactions with a variety of reactive compounds competing for the rights to produce a biopolymer. Would the situation be different if the asteroid material were to simply seed the Earth with these needed building blocks? The competing contaminants still far outnumber the biologically relevant molecules.

Lets consider whether the prospects are better if we take the RNA route. Uracil was clearly identified from Ryugu. The engineering threshold to form nucleotides, the building blocks for RNA, is much higher than that for proteins. The core unit to which nucleobases and phosphate are bound is the 5-carbon sugar D-ribose. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how carbohydrates may have originated in an abiotic environment.3The challenges to integrate D-ribose into nucleotides abiotically can be summarized as three major chemical barriers. 1) Abiotic production of five-carbon sugars will yield four chemically equivalent stereoisomers in both the D and L forms, thus resulting in eight stereoisomers at approximately equal levels (Fig. 2A). How does D-ribose get selected through random chemistry without even considering that longer chain sugars will also be present? 2) Ribose can interconvert from an open-chain form to a six-membered ring structure (pyranose form) or to a five-membered ring (furanose), both of which present as alpha and beta configurations at carbon 1 (Fig. 2B). At equilibrium the pyranose form comprises 80 percent while the furanose form is 20 percent of the ribose. RNA uses the furanose form, so how does this minor component win out in any abiotic reactions? 3) Nitrogen at position 1 of uracil needs to be bonded with carbon 1 of D-ribose in a beta configuration through a thermodynamically unfavored reaction. How can this reaction occur abiotically?

While the first two conundrums are most often sidestepped by those upholding the RNA-world philosophy, the latter reaction is not an impossible task so we will consider how life manages this feat. Most cells can salvage RNA or DNA building blocks normally obtained nutritionally following digestion. The liberated nucleobases can be coupled using D-ribose charged with a pyrophosphate group at carbon 1 in the alpha configuration. Notice the specificity life uses where neither the beta configuration nor the pyranose ring form will work for this reaction. This substrate permits a specifically oriented approach by the appropriate nitrogen of the nucleobase, directed completely by the respective enzyme, to effect displacement of pyrophosphate. This results in the nucleobase bonding to carbon 1 in the beta configuration (Fig. 2C). The release of pyrophosphate fulfills the thermodynamic requirements of this elaborate reaction.

Attempts have been made to carry out this reaction under purportedly abiotic conditions. These efforts led to some ingenious planning to devise new chemical synthetic schemes involving electrospray of microdroplets containing D-ribose, phosphate, and nucleobases.4Researchers provide evidence proposing how the microdroplets might make this reaction more thermodynamically favored. Its feasible for all four nucleotides to be made via this route.

But this report did not address the other serious concerns already discussed. They used pure D-ribose, not a mixture of sugars as would be expected prebiotically, and minimally not D/L-ribose. The alpha/beta configuration of the products, or their ring structures, were not indicated (most likely resulting in mixtures of all possible products). It thus becomes difficult to evaluate the relevance of this reaction to producing biologically viable RNA building blocks. Finally, the yields of desired products by this mechanism were low, at 2.5 percent or less. While the attempt to produce RNA building blocks via an abiotic mechanism is to be applauded, this still falls far short of what life needs to get started from the complex mixture of organic compounds present in a prebiotic world.

Readers are encouraged to investigate further to more fully understand the difficult issues involved in forming life using undirected organic chemistry alone. Chemist Dr. James Tour at Rice University, for one, has addressed abiogenesis including in discussions on hisYouTube channel. See also his chapter in the freely downloadable bookScience and Faith in Dialogue.

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What Does This Asteroid Mean for Origin of Life? - Discovery Institute

4 faculty members inducted into National Academy of Sciences for … – UCLA Newsroom

Four UCLA professors are among the 120 newly elected members of the National Academy of Sciences,which also chose 23 new international members for 2023.

One of the highest honors a scientist can achieve, academy membership celebrates ongoing illustrious original research. The UCLA faculty members who were honored this year are Miguel Garca-Garibay, Leonid Kruglyak, Gary Segura and Min Zhou.

Distinguished professor of chemistry and biochemistry

Garca-Garibay, who serves as dean of the UCLA College Division of Physical Sciences and senior dean of the UCLA College, is one of the worlds foremost authorities in reactive intermediates, solid-state organic chemistry, photochemistry, green chemistry and crystalline molecular machines. In addition to serving on the editorial boards of the Journal of Organic Chemistry, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry and Crystal Growth & Design, he was an associate editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society for nine years. Garca-Garibay completed two terms in the Chemical Sciences Roundtable of the National Academies, has been named a fellow of theAmerican Chemical Society,and is a member of theMexican Academy of Sciencesand theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Dillervon Furstenberg Family Professor of Human GeneticsDistinguished professor of human genetics and biological chemistry

Kruglyak studies the genetic basis of heritable traits to understand how changes at the level of DNA are shaped by molecular and evolutionary forces, and how such changes lead to the observable differences among individuals within a species. AHoward Hughes Medical Institute investigatorand member of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences, he also serves on the board of reviewing editors at Science magazine, the editorial board of PLoS Genetics, the advisory board of bioRxiv and the scientific advisory council for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.

Professor of public policy, political science and Chicana/o studies

Segura examines issues of political representation and social cleavages, the domestic politics of wartime public opinion and the politics of Americas growing Latino minority. In addition to briefing high-ranking political officials, he was one of the principal investigators of the American National Edition Studies in 2012 and 2016 as well as the Latino National Survey in 2006. During his tenure asdean of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairsfrom 2017 to 2022, Segura co-founded theLatino Policy and Politics Initiative, which later became theLatino Policy & Politics Institute. He is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Walter and Shirley Wang Professor of U.S./China Relations and CommunicationsDistinguished professor of sociology and of Asian American studies

Zhous research includes acclaimed work on immigrant transnationalism, ethnic language media, Chinese diasporas and urban sociology. The inaugural chair of the UCLA Department of Asian American Studies from 2001 to 2005, Zhou has been the director of theUCLA Asia Pacific Centersince 2016. She is a member of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences and the co-editor of the Journal of Chinese Overseas. Among her numerous previous awards are the2020 Contribution to the Field Awardand the2017 Distinguished Career Awardfrom the American Sociological Association.

Including the new honorees, there are now 2,565 active members of the academy, as well as 526 international members.

The academy was established by an Act of Congress signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863; it is a private, nonprofit society dedicated to furthering science in the U.S. and beyond. Its distinguished members are charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology.

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4 faculty members inducted into National Academy of Sciences for ... - UCLA Newsroom

Science-First Skincare Company Michal Morrison Secures Exclusive World-Wide License of Proprietary STEM6 Molecule, Supported by Over 25 Years of…

AUSTIN, Texas, May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Science-first skincare companyMichal Morrison Inc., has officially received an exclusive world-wide license to use the revolutionary STEM6 molecular technology in skincare.

Michal Morrison

STEM6, a new superpower metamolecule , marks a new era of biomimetic skincare. A scientific breakthrough in the beauty industry, STEM6 is a new composition of matter that supports the skin's stem cell signaling pathway to awaken the millions of cells responsible for healthy-looking skin. As a result, skin is healthier, more radiant, and visibly rejuvenated.

Based on 25 years of stem cell science, the exclusive STEM6 technology was discovered by Dr. Fuqiang Ruan, an innovative scientist with a doctorate in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, and stem cell scientist Dr. Michael Kahn, Professor of Cancer Biology and Molecular Medicine at the Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope. Michal Morrison Inc. was founded by Austin-based entrepreneur Michal Ann Morrison. Michal's passion for a 'science first approach to skincare' became her inspiration to create a product with novel technology and unparalleled efficacy.

Genesis Molecular Technologies Inc., an affiliate organization of Michal Morrison Inc, received the notice of allowance (NOA) from the United States Patent and Trademark Office on March 7, 2023. The patent relates generally to modulation of the Wnt/-catenin pathway in mammalian cells and tissues, and more particularly to novel CREB binding protein (CBP)/-catenin inhibitors and the cosmetic, and therapeutic uses thereof (e.g., in dermatological applications for skin, hair and nails), and methods of making the disclosed exemplary compounds.

Michal Morrison's inaugural hero product, Genesis STEM6 Molecular Serum, is the first and only bioserum with the patented STEM6 molecule. This molecular superpower uses your biology's inherent potential to extend cell longevity for healthier-looking skin.

Story continues

The STEM6 molecule is exclusively available in Michal Morrison products. Genesis STEM6 Molecular Serum is available in a premium recyclable glass bottle for $175, or for $140 through a two-month subscription program.

For additional information and interview requests please contact:Creative Media Marketing at

ABOUT MICHAL MORRISON, INC.: Michal Morrison, Inc. is a science-first skincare company established in stem cell science and supported by its novel STEM6 molecular technology. Founded by Michal Morrison in 2022, the company will premiere the first and only bioserum with the STEM6 molecule - Genesis STEM6Molecular Serum. Michal Morrison products are available online

Michal Morrison


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Science-First Skincare Company Michal Morrison Secures Exclusive World-Wide License of Proprietary STEM6 Molecule, Supported by Over 25 Years of...

Tetrahydrocanniboic Acid (THCA): Legal Until You Heat It, Maybe – American Council on Science and Health

Nowhere is the silliness of our drug laws more evident than in the case oftetrahydrocannabinolicacid (THCA). The chemical, one of about a dozen found in hemp and marijuana, has no psychotropic activity, so it's legal, right?

Yes. Also no. And maybe. Hope that was helpful.

These are all correct, thanks to the tortuous, often conflicting, labyrinth of arbitrary laws that make up the mess that is called (but maybe not with a straight face) our "drug policy." There really isn't any semblance of policy regulating marijuana products. It's more like a dart board with the numbers missing, something I'll be writing about at a later date. Here's a tease.

Yeah, thisreally clears things up. Source: VIAA Hemp


THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary intoxicant of cannabis. It remains classified as Schedule I by the geniuses at the DEA, the same category as heroin and illicit fentanyl. [Emphasis mine]

Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote.

Source: DEA Drug Scheduling

Seriously? Marijuana is in the same category as heroin? In what universe does this make sense?

Since state laws are all over the place I'm not going to try to make "sense" of them but feel free to do so yourself...

Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.As of April 2023

THCA(Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid)

Rather than getting bogged down in that mess, I'm going to discuss one cannabis component that is of particular interest:Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. Why is it interesting? Three reasons:

"[A]controlled substance analogue is a substance which is intended for human consumption and is structurally or pharmacologically substantially similar to or is represented as being similar to a Schedule I or Schedule II substance.."

Source: DEA Drug Scheduling

Be forewarned. It's time for...

Decarboxylation of-ketoacids(masochists only, please)

Usually, when you heat things, including most chemicals,they just get hot. But not in this case.

Decarboxylation oftetrahydrocanniboicacid forms 9-delta-THC

When THCA is heated, for example in hell, the carboxylic acid (yellow arrow), breaks down, losingCO2, andleaving in its place a hydrogen atom. This is a well-known reaction in organic chemistry, which is called thedecarboxylation of a-ketoacid a fact that will be thoroughlyuseless in your life, no matter how long you live. Here's the standard example:

OK, that's just peachy, but if you look at the structure of THCAthere isn't any -keto acid, right? So how can heating the damn stuff make it turn into THC??

Just another reason why people hate organic chemistry

Organic chemistry is simply a set of rules. Once you learn them you've got it down, right? No. Not right. This is because there are rules about rules, some of which are obvious. Many are not. Here's one that isn't.

But before you look, please remove the following items from your home so you won't be tempted to use them.

Don't say I didn't warn you.For crazy bastardsanyonewho made it this far...

Phenol (left) can exist in two forms interchangeable forms.Theenol form (left) predominates, but there is also a teensy bit ofketo form (left) in there too, which just happens to be a -keto acid. This explains why THCAcan undergo decarboxylation when heated.

THCA in its enol and keto forms. Note that the keto form is a poorly-disguised beta-keto acid, which means that it loses carbon dioxide upon heating. It does, giving the keto form of THC, which immediately rearranges to THC.

This mercifully ends The Dreaded Chemistry Lesson From Hell. I doubt many of you are mourning this development, but don't blame me. You asked. (1)

It might be time to break out the THCA. Just remember to heat it.


1) I'm not kidding. I do get requests from more than a few people to do these wretched articles. No accounting for taste. After all, some people love kale.

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Tetrahydrocanniboic Acid (THCA): Legal Until You Heat It, Maybe - American Council on Science and Health

Fast evaluation of the adsorption energy of organic molecules on … –

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UArizona will recognize seven outstanding graduating seniors at … – University of Arizona News

University Communications


Seven graduating University of Arizona seniors will be honored during Commencement for their extraordinary accomplishments in the classroom and beyond.

The university's 159th Commencement ceremony will be held at Arizona Stadium on Friday, May 12, at 7:30 p.m. A full schedule and more information about this year's ceremony are available on the Commencement website.

Nominated by faculty and peers, this year's seven student award winners were selected based on their determination, notable achievements and positive contributions to their families and communities.

Ryan Ellsworth is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in communication, with a minor in criminology. Originally from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, Ellsworth received an associate degree in liberal arts from Pima Community College before attending UArizona.

Raised among military veterans, Ellsworth said he has always wanted to serve his country for a purpose greater than himself. He is deeply involved in the Air Force ROTC program, which helps students earn a degree and commission as officers in the Air Force. He also works full time for Campus Recreation. Thanks to his busy schedule, Ellsworth often wakes up at 4 a.m. for ROTC events, to complete schoolwork throughout the day, and go to work.

Ellsworth is a recipient of the Air Force In-College Scholarship and received Air Force ROTC honor and warrior awards. He also was named Cadet of the Semester in fall 2019.

Following graduation, Ellsworth will attend combat systems officer training in Pensacola, Florida, and intends to pursue a master's degree.

Jessica Plaza Rodrguez is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in family studies and human development and a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with an emphasis in Hispanic literature. Originally from Mexico City, Plaza Rodrguez moved to Tucson five years ago to reunite with her family and find better opportunities.

As a first-generation student and immigrant, Plaza Rodrguez had to learn a new language and understand a new culture, and she faced other barriers when she arrived at the university. During her time at UArizona, she worked for the Immigrant Student Resource Center, helping fellow students with immigrant backgrounds navigate the university and developing communication strategies to ensure those who needed the center's services could find and access them. Plaza Rodrguez has interned for the Colibr Center for Human Rights, supporting a campaign called "Cuntos Ms?" that raised funds for DNA kits to help identify and honor those who have died trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Plaza Rodrguez now works at the YWCA as a program coordinator, helping facilitate programs and provide resources for people of Latin American descent. She is also a research assistant and translator for a project called AZHEALTHTXT, a bilingual health information-sharing platform led by the UArizona Center for Rural Health.

Plaza Rodrguez has been honored with several scholarships and awards, including a Wildcat Distinction Award and the Ruth Reed Cowden Scholarship. She was also named to the Dean's List with Distinction. After graduation, Plaza Rodrguez is interested in attending law school and becoming an immigration attorney.

Mikah Wesley Rosanova is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in law, with minors in music and gender and women's studies. Rosanova, who uses the pronoun they, is from Flagstaff.

During their time at the University of Arizona, Rosanova has focused on helping and finding opportunities for students with marginalized backgrounds and identities. As a lead resident assistant, Rosanova encouraged first-year students to become engaged and invested in their well-being and advocated for LGBTQ+ residents, working with the UArizona LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Housing and Residential Life to improve programming, resources and education. As a PATH mentor, Rosanova supported first-year students in the W.A. Franke Honors College and contributed to the college's equity initiatives.

Rosanova completed several creative writing independent studies, as well as a first-year project focused on lived experience with hormone replacement therapy. Rosanova participated in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Consortium's Summer Research Institute, working with Suzanne Dovi, a professor in the School of Government and Public Policy, to investigate the effects of transphobia and misogyny on research practices. Rosanova's honors thesis focuses on gender non-conforming communities and trans-competent research practices.

Rosanova was named to the Dean's List with Distinction and has received several awards, including the David G. Hastings B.A. in Law Scholarship, the Wildcat Distinction Award and Returning Resident Assistant of the Year. Following graduation, Rosanova plans to pursue a doctorate in political theory and gender studies, with plans to work with nonprofit organizations that support marginalized communities.

Kristijan Barnjak is graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, politics, economics and law, a Bachelor of Arts in economics, and a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy with an emphasis in ethics. Barnjak was raised in Seaford, New York.

Barnjak found community at St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center, on the university's campus, during his freshman year, and eventually became a student minister and served on the center's outreach committee. Barnjak joined the Daily Wildcat news desk in spring 2020 as a reporter covering the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the university's efforts to mitigate COVID-19. He later served as news editor and copy editor and was appointed editor-in-chief during the fall 2022 semester. Barnjak has been a resident assistant at rbol de la Vida dorm since fall 2021. He became a lead resident assistant his senior year and was inducted into Rho Alpha Sigma, a national honorary for resident assistants.

Barnjak's honors thesis focused on state anti-boycott laws passed in reaction to boycotts of the firearm and energy companies as part of corporate environmental, social and governance initiatives.

Barnjak was awarded the Gerald J. Swanson Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence in Economics his junior and senior years. He received the Ancient Greek Language Summer Scholarship from the Department of Religious Studies and Classics to study ancient Greek during summer 2021. Barnjak will attend law school following graduation and hopes to work as an antitrust attorney for the Department of Justice.

Hillary Schiff is graduating summa cum laude with honors with a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and a Bachelor of Arts in French. She was born in Australia and grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Interested in a career in science, Schiff began researching allergic asthma drug development in the lab of Scott Boitano, a professor in the College of Medicine Tucson, in the spring of her first year. The work resulted in published research, on which Schiff was the lead author, and served as the basis of her honors thesis. Schiff also has a passion for mentorship and communication. During her sophomore year, she became a general chemistry preceptor as well as a Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry peer mentor. She also worked as a news reporter for the Daily Wildcat.

Schiff's decision to pursue medicine was shaped by her experiences volunteering in the Tucson community. Initially inspired by witnessing her grandmother's health struggles, she continues to see her grandmother in the patients she serves. Schiff spends her Sundays volunteering at the WORKship project at Z Mansion, an outreach program serving the local population experiencing homelessness. Through the Patient Experience Internship Program, part of the university's A Center, she also volunteered at Banner University Medical Center Tucson, working alongside health care professionals to ensure patient comfort.

Schiff is a recipient of the Galileo Circle Scholarship and was named to the Dean's List with Distinction. Following graduation, Schiff will pursue a medical degree at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.

Vanessa Addison is graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry. She is passionate about biomedical science and health education and wants to spend her career increasing health literacy and providing aid to medically underserved communities.

Driven by her love for science and service, Addison interned as a first-year student with the Fight4HER campaign to advocate on Capitol Hill for affordable health. She volunteers regularly at the Sister Jose Women's Homeless Shelter and started a social media campaign to raise awareness about the homeless crisis in Tucson. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Addison served as an EMT to help vaccinate students and Tucson residents. She also worked in an addiction rehabilitation clinic.

In 2021, Addison began researching in the lab of Ross Buchan, associate professor of molecular and cellular biology. Her efforts to understand the molecular mechanisms underpinning amyotrophic lateral sclerosis served as the basis of her honors thesis, several award-winning posters, two research grants and contributions to a scientific publication. She is committed to enhancing inclusivity in science, technology, engineering and math and has served as a preceptor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ambassador, peer mentor, organic chemistry tutor and a tutor at the university's SALT Center.

Addison is the 2023 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Outstanding Senior and has been honored with the Ronald Gonzalez Wildcat Spirit Award, Michael A. Wells Scholarship, Arizona Distinction Award, Highest Academic Distinction, Warner Scholarship, Black and Kletz Scholarship, and a Franke Honors Research Endowment. She was crowned the 2022 Homecoming queen. Addison will attend medical school in the fall.

Elizabeth Grace Hala'ufia is graduating summa cum laude with honors with a Bachelor of Science in neuroscience and cognitive science and a minor in biochemistry. Born in Marana, Hala'ufia is a track and field student-athlete.

Hala'ufia is a 2019 alumna of the UArizona BIO5 Institute KEYS Summer Research Program, which gives high school students opportunities to work in labs with university bioscience researchers. Working alongside Daniela Zarnescu, a former UArizona faculty member who studies neurodegeneration, Hala'ufia contributed to research on modeling dementia-relevant phenotypes in fruit flies. Hala'ufia also spent a summer at Johns Hopkins University testing several viruses' abilities to treat autism spectrum disorder. She now works in the lab of Arthur Riegel, an associate professor of pharmacology.

Hala'ufia has also worked as supplemental instruction leader in organic chemistry and physics as part of the THINK TANK's Supplemental Instruction program, which lets students help their peers in difficult courses. She has also offered been a preceptor for biochemistry and neurophysiology courses.

Hala'ufia has received the Marana Unified School District 2340 Scholarship, Wildcat Distinction Award, Vivien Thomas Scholars Initiative Fellowship, Maximizing Access to Research Careers Training Award and Pac-12 All-Academic Honors. Hala'ufia will pursue a doctorate in neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, with the goal of conducting neurological disease research that leads to life-saving therapies.


UArizona will recognize seven outstanding graduating seniors at ... - University of Arizona News

Bemidji State’s Matthew Fabian reflects on challenges, changes … – The Bemidji Pioneer

BEMIDJI No matter what happens in his life, Matthew Fabian is able to count his blessings.

Throughout seemingly impossible circumstances over the past three years, Fabian has never lost sight of his goals and on May 5, will accept his diploma from Bemidji State University having majored in chemistry.

This comes after he earned his degree in biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology last spring with summa cum laude honors.

After graduation, he plans to make time for the simple things many people may take for granted.

As of right now, my summer plans are to start driving again, do some fishing, decompress and figure out the path and direction that I can be the most productive in, Fabian said.

Fabian came to BSU in 2018 after graduating from Pequot Lakes High School.

He had an initial interest in becoming a doctor, though his aspirations started changing at the tail end of his sophomore year at BSU. Fabian started developing headaches in mid-March 2020 right as the coronavirus pandemic took hold of the world.

It was about the time when all of the universities shut down and everybody had to move back home because of COVID, Fabian recalled. I thought at first (the headaches) were because of stress, moving back and transitioning to online classes. Finals happened and I thought, Well, thats just normal. Everybodys stressed during finals. But they kept getting worse and worse.

The headaches continued through July 2020 when Fabian started developing nausea. His mother brought him to the emergency room a week before he was meant to start classes for the fall 2020 semester and underwent a CT scan.

Fabian noted that as a baby, he had sagittal craniosynostosis, a condition that affects the skull.

There have been reports of people who were my age that had surgery as a baby to correct (the condition) having recurring head pain many years after the fact, he said.

However, nobody expected the CT scan results that would seemingly change the trajectory of Fabians college experience and life in general.

After the scan, the doctor came back into the room with big eyes saying the helicopter would be there in 15 minutes to bring me to St. Cloud as I had a mass on my brain stem and fourth ventricle.

Because of COVID restrictions, nobody could accompany Fabian to St. Cloud. I was airlifted for surgery that night without my parents, Fabian added.

Once in St. Cloud, doctors successfully removed Fabians brain tumor. However, he would experience a stroke the day after this surgery.

The surgery was a success, but from that, I suffered a stroke. Among other things, the stroke took away the ability for me to move my right side, swallow and I developed double vision, Fabian explained.

Around this time, doctors inserted an external ventricular drain to relieve pressure in hopes his brain could start absorbing fluids on its own. Days later, he would develop double-lunged pneumonia.

Fabian was soon on the rebound, however, as he rehabilitated in the hospital over the following three weeks. He started relearning how to walk around the time he was sent to Mayo Clinic to begin seven weeks of radiation treatment followed by six months of chemotherapy.

Because of changes in the MRIs and fear of relapse, I was scanned monthly for seven months, Fabian explained. Many scares, but all were determined to be markings from surgery and treatment.

Fabian earned the OK to return to BSU after he completed chemotherapy in April 2021. His return came with its own set of challenges as he recovered from the side effects of his treatments.

As the school year started, I had major chemo fog, fatigue and hearing loss from the chemo and processing, retention and learning struggles from brain trauma due to surgery, the stroke and treatment, he said. (It was) a very tough year with parts I dont even really remember.

With the support of BSUs biology and chemistry departments, however, Fabians return was a little bit easier to navigate.

They have gone over and above in helping me and understanding some of my struggles, even allowing me to take Zoom appointments with Mayo oncology doctors in their offices during school days, he added.

Fabian is currently scanned every three months and will remain on that schedule for the next couple of years. He will continue to be monitored throughout his life with check-ins from various doctors.

While it hasnt been easy, Fabian has remained active in campus life and demonstrated that he is more than whats happened to him.

He aided the BSU Trap Club during its inaugural invitational trap shoot in 2018 by shooting a 98 out of 100 in his first event, helping the club to secure its win against three other collegiate teams.

Fabian found success in a national trap shooting tournament in high school, as well.

As a team, our high school finished 19th in the nation, he detailed. As an individual, I finished in the top 400 in the nation.

Because of inner ear damage, he is unable to shoot but has been fulfilling a role with the club to ramp up its operations this past semester and potentially host tournaments once fall comes around.

Fabian is currently undecided in terms of a future career but has an interest in volunteering at his high school this summer. He was a teachers assistant for organic chemistry and anatomy and physiology classes at BSU, leading him to consider the teaching field as a potential career path.

He also builds fishing poles, a pastime he picked up from his dad who used to be a fishing guide.

In high school, I did that a little bit. When I was recovering, I couldnt do a whole lot else, Fabian said, so I really got into it then. Its really cool to catch a fish with a rod that you made.

With the summer to look forward to, he continues to navigate his new normal.

There are a lot of things that are different now, but slowly, Ive been learning to adapt and to do things differently, Fabian left off, to make things easier based on the new me.

Bemidji State will hold three graduation ceremonies at the Sanford Center on Friday, May 5, one for each college. Each ceremony is also available via livestream on BSU's social media pages.

A ceremony for the College of Arts, Education and Humanities will take place at 9 a.m. Graduates from the College of Business, Mathematics and Science will be recognized at noon. The College of Individual and Community Health will have its ceremony at 3 p.m.

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Bemidji State's Matthew Fabian reflects on challenges, changes ... - The Bemidji Pioneer

Mithra and the University of Lige Secure Proof-of-Concept for Novel Manufacturing Process of Estetrol – Yahoo Finance UK

Mithra Pharmaceuticals

Collaboration demonstrates Mithras commitment to innovation and sustainable drug supply in Womens Health

Liege, Belgium, 04 May 2023 7:30 CEST Mithra (Euronext Brussels: MITRA), a company dedicated to Womens Health, today announces that through a collaboration with researchers from the University of Liges Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis (CiTOS), proof-of-concept has been demonstrated for a novel manufacturing process of a key estetrol intermediate.

Estetrol (E4), Mithras core asset, is a natural estrogen with potential applications across multiple therapeutic fields including Womens Health (contraception and menopause). After successfully launching the first estetrol-based product in 2021, the contraceptive pill Estelle, Mithra continued to work towards innovation in manufacturing aimed at reducing cost of goods and potential environmental impact through the removal of a metal catalyst in the production process.

The Mithra and CiTOS teams have developed a novel, intensified manufacturing methodology to improve robustness and productivity while ensuring a limited environmental footprint. The new metal-free process is based on the thermolysis of a key sulfoxide derivative of estrone. Early proof of concept for this novel methodology was published in the peer-reviewed industry journal Reaction Chemistry & Engineering earlier this year here.

Mithra and CiTOS will continue their development work, with initial commercial production by a CDMO using the enhanced manufacturing process expected in 2026/27.

David H Solomon, Chief Executive Officer of Mithra, commented: Mithras collaboration with CiTOS demonstrates our commitment to innovation and sustainable drug supply in womens health. With the mass production of estetrol integral to our daily activities, we are always looking at ways we can enhance the manufacturing process. This particular method allows us to produce estetrol at scale to meet increased demand while also delivering reduced cost of goods.

Story continues

Jean-Christophe Monbaliu, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Lige, added: With this novel methodology we are able to yield about 1kg of the estetrol intermediate every three hours in just our pilot setup. If we applied these metrics to an industrial estetrol production setup, a forecast of several tons is achievable with minimal global footprint.


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About Mithra

Mithra (Euronext: MITRA) is a Belgian biotech company dedicated to transforming Womens Health by offering new choices through innovation, with a particular focus on contraception and menopause. Mithras goal is to develop products offering better efficacy, safety and convenience, meeting womens needs throughout their life span. Mithra explores the potential of the unique native estrogen estetrol in a wide range of applications in women health and beyond. After having successfully launched the first estetrol-based product in 2021, the contraceptive pill Estelle, Mithra is now focusing on its second product Donesta, the next-generation hormone therapy. Mithra also offers partners a complete spectrum of solutions from early drug development, clinical batches and commercial manufacturing of complex polymeric products (vaginal ring, implants) and complex liquid injectables and biologicals (vials, pre-filled syringes or cartridges) at its technological platform Mithra CDMO. Active in more than 100 countries around the world, Mithra has an approximate headcount of 230 staff members and is headquartered in Lige, Belgium.

ESTELLE, DONESTA and MYRING are registered trademarks of Mithra Pharmaceuticals or one of its affiliates.

Important information

The contents of this announcement include statements that are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the words "believes", "estimates," "anticipates", "expects", "intends", "may", "will", "plans", "continue", "ongoing", "potential", "predict", "project", "target", "seek" or "should", and include statements the Company makes concerning the intended results of its strategy. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. The Company's actual results may differ materially from those predicted by the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, except as may be required by law.


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Mithra and the University of Lige Secure Proof-of-Concept for Novel Manufacturing Process of Estetrol - Yahoo Finance UK

Day in the Life of an Engineering Manager: Sahara Becker – All … – Society of Women Engineers

I graduated in 2018 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a BS degree in Chemical Engineering. I really loved my chemistry and organic chemistry classes in high school which prompted me to study chemical engineering in college. My path to my current role is not traditional. Throughout my college experience, I had multiple internships in the chemical industry, but after graduation, I instead took a job as a software engineer, which eventually led me to become the security operations manager for my company.

In college I was a part of the Society of Women Engineers and the outreach coordinator for my RPI SWE section. SWE gave me a lot of leadership opportunities that I did not have through my general coursework in college. It also provided me with a network of women going through similar experiences as myself being a minority in our classes. I am now able to leverage this network to help find jobs and I have a community to return to every year at our annual conference.

In college, I had five internships and did research on campus. While most of my college experiences were in the chemical industry as opposed to software development or cybersecurity, I still learned a lot about myself, which led me to where I am now. I did several internships at SABIC, at a location that manufactures plastic, one internship at GE in rural Tennessee where they manufactured busway (an alternative to wire for conducting electricity), and one internship at ExxonMobil with the environmental remediation team at their headquarters. I went into each of these experiences not knowing what to expect and I had to move all over the country for them. I went in with an open mind and I learned that I am a calculated risk taker and that sometimes the best opportunities and projects are the ones you dont plan for yourself. I also learned that real world experiences will never be like the textbook problems I encountered in my classes. Instead, the most valuable thing that contributes to success is being open to learning new things and the creative mindset I use when approaching problems.

In one particularly shaping experience at SABIC, I was tasked with managing the scheduling of projects for a large plant shutdown (many maintenance tasks and projects cant be done while the plastic manufacturing lines are up and running). This was a large responsibility and through that assignment, I gained experience managing contractors. I knew after that assignment that I wanted to manage a team one day. All these experiences led me to take the risk and switch career fields after I graduated when I was offered a position as a software engineer. Despite not knowing much about software, I knew I could learn and I knew that I had the right mindset to approach any problem I encountered in that new field.

I knew that I wanted to be an engineering manager because I knew that the visions and aspirations I had for making change at a company exceeded my ability to complete individually. I knew that I would need a team to help me and that I would need to delegate tasks in order to maximize my contributions. In my internships and my role as an engineer at McMaster-Carr, I had the opportunity to manage contractors for the projects I worked on. This gave me leadership experience that helped me successfully transition into management. While working at McMaster-Carr I got an MBA and a Masters degree in Information Technology Management part time from Indiana Universitys Kelley School of Business. I was promoted into management while I was in the middle of the MBA program.

Currently, I am the cybersecurity operations manager at McMaster-Carr. I manage a team of engineers that work to make sure our companys computing environment is secure and protected against cyberattacks. We remediate vulnerabilities (flaws in software or hardware that can potentially allow an attacker to get into our systems) and we investigate potential attacks. On a typical workday, I am having check-ins with my engineers to make sure I am up to date on their assignments. I am also communicating to other software development and infrastructure teams at the company to ask for their assistance in remediating vulnerabilities that affect their systems. As a manager, I am also responsible for communicating the benefits and progress of my team to the broader company so I am often meeting with my boss and others in leadership to share the impact of our work.

Prior to becoming the security manager, I had several engineering roles on various software development and infrastructure projects and then I became the tech support manager for our California branch. Through each of these experiences, I learned new things about technology that have been useful to me as I continue my career. The tech support manager role was particularly shaping for me as it was my first experience as a manager. In that role, I managed a call center and email queue with on-site cases as well as remote support cases. We supported a wide variety of software and hardware so I had to learn how to use my network within the company to help solve the tough problems. I also learned to communicate with a broad variety of teams as our tech support organization serves our warehouses and corporate teams.

My company, McMaster-Carr, is an industrial supply company that aims to be the complete source for any industrial need. We sell over 500,000 products and we are best known for our massive yellow and green catalog that engineers love to peruse so they can discover new things that help them solve whatever problem theyre working on. Check out this video Mythbusters Adam Savage made about our catalog: McMaster-Carr is unique in that we often hire based on capability to learn and not current skill. We value teaching and learning and have a training program that helps new employees get quickly up to speed with technology and coding. Thats how I was hired with a background in chemical engineering for a job in software engineering. So many of the lead engineers at my company that I look up to have backgrounds in non-technical fields like Economics, English, and Philosophy. This allows us to have a variety of perspectives on each of our projects so we can come up with creative solutions.

My favorite part of being an engineering manager is helping my team achieve their fullest potential. I like to understand each persons professional and personal goals and help them work toward them. When a person is feeling valued and supported by their manager, they do better work, and that is good for both them and the company.

If I can give any student some advice it would be to not let anyone tell you that you cant achieve your goals and know that the ability to learn is a superpower that will propel you in your career. If you are unsure what type of engineering you want to pursue, dont worry, you can always pivot from the choice you make. The most valuable thing you get out of an engineering degree is the problem solving mindset and that is transferable to any job!

Written by Emily Tacopina: Emily is a Consultant Engineer at FM Global. Emily graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

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Day in the Life of an Engineering Manager: Sahara Becker - All ... - Society of Women Engineers