Category Archives: Physiology

Letters to the editor: School start times and constraints on housing growth – The Almanac Online

School start times are only one factor in sleep deprivation

Pushing back school start times seems to be a solution to a symptom sleep deprivation rather than a solution to a problem, not going to sleep early enough the night before.

Researchers have found the hours of sleep we get before midnight make up the most powerful phase of sleep. During this first phase of sleep the body is replenished and rejuvenated, information we take in during the day gets reorganized, and adrenaline levels and stress are reduced. It is the qualities of our sleep during this early phase that is most important and not necessarily the quantity of sleep.

Why is this an issue now? The physiology of kids hasn't changed, has it? Sure, there are the occasional night owls, but a whole generation of night owls? No, that doesn't seem right. The root cause given in the Almanac article (the Aug. 12 issue story on school start times) is a phenomenon called circadian phase delay. The Mayo clinic defines circadian phase delay as a sleep disorder. Are we concluding that a whole generation has a sleep disorder? No, that doesn't seem right either. By definition, disorders are not common.

If a whole generation is finding it hard to fall asleep at a decent hour, there must be a ubiquitous cause. Are parents too permissive and not enforcing "bedtime?" Are kids on screens well into the night? Are today's kids not tired because they are generally less active than previous generations? Are kids being given too much homework to do at night? Any or all these causes could lead to sleep deprivation.

Increasing the length of kids' sleep by a few minutes in the morning may provide incremental benefits, but they are no substitute for all the benefits that would come from increasing the quality of their sleep by making lifestyle changes allowing kids to go to bed earlier.

Geoff Brosseau

Encina Avenue, Menlo Park

How much housing is too much?

Getting away from Bob Dickinson principal arguments about the Menlo Balance initiative (in his Aug. 12 guest opinion of The Almanac), which seem to be compelling on their face, I have questions: when is appropriate to seriously limit growth? When we need to drastically ration water? When we cannot move about our neighborhoods because of all the added traffic and congestion? When police and fire responders cannot arrive in a timely fashion? When the very reasons why we moved here cease to exist?

I was born in Glendale 81 years ago. To get to the beaches in Southern California then, you drove on roads that wound through orange grooves as there were no freeways. We have lost the reasons why my parents and others moved here, why I remain here, to massive development, to sprawling planned communities which have eliminated farmlands, to commute times which now are measured in hours; more of the same is not the answer.

We should be encouraging businesses to migrate to more remote rural areas, we should remove the tax incentives for homeownership and subsidize other forms of housing, and we must create criteria to be met before we allow more well-intentioned but thoughtless plans for new housing. For every new resident, two must be asked nicely to leave.

Jeff Colflesh

North Fair Oaks

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Letters to the editor: School start times and constraints on housing growth - The Almanac Online

Medscape Interview Highlights MediPines AGM100s 99% Accuracy for Emergency Room Oxygen Therapy Decisions in COVID-19 Patients – BioSpace

YORBA LINDA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a video interview on Hot Topics in Emergency Medicine posted by Medscape, a group of emergency medicine experts and respiratory physiology thought leaders discussed a new non-invasive measurement; Oxygen Deficit, obtained from the MediPines AGM100, which demonstrated 99% clinical accuracy for supplemental oxygen therapy decisions.

The interview was moderated by Robert D. Glatter, MD (emergency medicine physician), and featured John B. West, MD, PhD (emeritus professor of medicine and physiology at UCSD School of Medicine) and W. Cameron McGuire, MD, MPH (pulmonary critical care physician and instructor at UCSD School of Medicine), as they discussed data from their recent study presented at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference 2022. The study demonstrated that Oxygen Deficit, which is a measurement of respiratory impairment, had very high predictability in two areas: 1) determining a patients need for supplemental oxygen and 2) guidance of hospital admission decisions.

Dr. McGuire stated that the predictive power of the Oxygen Deficit (OD) measurement was very high, sharing that an oxygen deficit of 40 (mmHg) or above predicted a need for supplemental oxygen at some point during that hospital course with, essentially, 99% accuracy. This discovery comes at a time when appropriate and accurate administration of oxygen therapy is crucial with the COVID-infected population.

Dr. Glatter described what he viewed as one of the biggest challenges: Obviously, silent hypoxemia or occult hypoxemia is a real issue, especially in patients with COVID-19. This is applicable with that patient population but also in other patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and other types of lung pathology.

I personally think (the technology) has a tremendous future because it is very simple to use, said Dr. West. It is very simple for the patient. Theres no arterial puncture. I can remember vividly our problems with arterial puncture during my (time) as a physician. It has the advantage of looking both at the blood side and the gas side.

The MediPines AGM100 is the worlds first and only medical device which delivers Oxygen Deficit and as a result has been growing in usage for COVID-19 and other cardiopulmonary patients. Healthcare providers are seeking a reliable, discriminative tool during times of surging respiratory patients and medical staff shortages.

We are delighted to see our innovation providing useful clinical measurements in emergency medicine in times of great need said MediPines CEO, Steve Lee. Furthermore, our proprietary technology continues to prove its powerful effectiveness and practical value in helping clinicians manage patients to better outcomes in emergency departments and throughout the continuum of patient care.

The video and transcript of the discussion can be viewed in full here:

About MediPines

MediPines is a market leader in non-invasive pulmonary gas exchange technology. The company mission is to advance respiratory medicine by providing physiology-based respiratory devices that enhance clinical effectiveness and achieve better patient outcomes. The MediPines AGM100 is an FDA-cleared, advanced pulmonary gas exchange technology that exclusively provides Oxygen Deficit, a surrogate for the alveolar to arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2), as well as blood oxygen level (gPaO2), PETCO2, and other sensitive measurements of pulmonary gas exchange. Designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an innovative and commercially available health technology for global priority diseases in its 2021 edition of the WHO Compendium of Innovative Health Technologies. Learn more at

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Medscape Interview Highlights MediPines AGM100s 99% Accuracy for Emergency Room Oxygen Therapy Decisions in COVID-19 Patients - BioSpace

What Shower Temperature Is Best For Post-Workout Recovery? – Health Digest

If you prefer hopping into a cold showerpost-workout, you may have better luck withrecovery. One 2019 study reported that cold showers can help recovery afterworking out in hot environments. During the study, researchers examined nine healthy males who performed high-intensity cycling for 45 minutes in the heat. What the researchers found was that cold showers had the ability to quickly reduce cardiac stress and lower heart rates after working out. This is because exercise in hot environments causes your blood to be shared simultaneously among your heart, skin, and muscle, points out Runner's World. And, cold water cools each of these down the fastest. But why?

Exposure to cold water is not only refreshing, but it has the opposite impact of heat. Instead, cold temperatures slow blood flow to the body because blood vessels are constricted (via Shape). This process is called vasoconstriction. According to Aaron Drogoszewski, a NASM-certified personal trainer, "This increased demand strengthens the heart and blood vessels, translating to improved circulation longer term" (via Runner's World). This reduction in blood flow from cold water immersion may also help ease soreness and limit muscle swelling and inflammation caused by working out, shares Journal of Physiology. Still, more research is needed to confirm the impact of cold showers on muscle recovery.

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What Shower Temperature Is Best For Post-Workout Recovery? - Health Digest

Dr. Harold Reetz, updated with service information | Obituaries | – Piatt County Journal-Republican

Services have been set to honor Dr. Harold Reetz, Jr., 74, of Monticello, who passed away Monday, Aug. 15. Visitation will be Monday, Sept. 12, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Monticello United Methodist Church. Funeral will follow at noon.

Harold was born in Watseka, on March 10, 1948, and grew up on his family farm in Milford. He earned his first degree in 1970, a B.S. in Ag Science/Agronomy, from the University of Illinois, where he was a proud member of the Nabor House fraternity. He then pursued graduate studies at Purdue University, earning his masters degree in Crop Physiology and Ecology in 1972, then ultimately earned a Ph. D in Crop Physiology and Ecology in 1976.

Harold met Chris Kaiser at the U of I, which was the starting point for the family that was his pride and joy. Harold and Chris married August 25, 1973, and began their life together in West Lafayette, Ind., while he finished his doctorate work. In 1982 they moved to Monticello, Ill., which became home base for his legendary career and the community where they finished raising their three kids.

His career sent him on travels around the world, and no matter how far from home he always crossed paths with people he knew. His career began at Purdue, where he was associate professor in the agronomy department. He then spent 28 years with the International Plant Nutrition Institute (formerly Potash and Phosphate Institute) where he served as Midwest Director, then became President of the Foundation for Agronomic Research and Director of External Support until his retirement in 2010. Even in retirement, he continued to advise on agronomic practices with his consulting company, Reetz Agronomics LLC.

Harold was a highly regarded member of the community, planting deep roots in Monticello through his childrens activities, serving many years as Boy Scout Troop leader and 4-H Club leader. He was the ultimate fan at any sporting event, band competition or dance performance that involved his children or grandchildren. He was passionate about education and served as a Monticello School Board Member in the 1990s and was on the State FFA Advisory Board. He was a Sunday school teacher and held leadership roles at Monticello United Methodist Church, serving as Lay Liturgist and on multiple committees, where he was an instrumental part of the visionary team that led the building project for their new church.

Harold is survived by Christine Reetz, his wife of nearly 49 years; his daughter Carrie (Doug) Walsh of Kansas City, Mo.; his sons Wes (Alisa) of Washington, Ill., and Tony (Katie) of Tolono; his sister Cheryl (Jim) Hasting of Hoopeston; his sister-in-law Vicky Reetz; and his nine grandchildren, Adrien, Zack, Isaac, Anna, Seth, Hannah, Cobie, Carli and Kaiser. He is preceded in death by his parents, Harold and Evelyn Reetz, and brother, Michael Reetz.

Services will be held on Monday, Sept. 12, to celebrate Harold and the lives he touched and the minds he influenced. Visitation will be from 10a.m. to noon, at the Monticello United Methodist Church. Funeral will follow at noon. Interment will be private.

Memorials may be made to the Monticello United Methodist Church Building Fund.

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Dr. Harold Reetz, updated with service information | Obituaries | - Piatt County Journal-Republican

Christine Kasper named the new dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing – University of Pittsburgh

Christine E. Kasper, who served the past four years as dean of the University of New Mexicos College of Nursing, has been named the new dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing after a highly competitive national search.

On Jan. 1, 2023, Kasper will replace Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, dean and Distinguished Service Professor of Nursing, whose leadership and dedication over the last 21 years have positioned Pitt Nursing as one of the top nursing schools nationwide.

Dr. Kasper has been chosen from a pool of exceptionally qualified leaders identified through a national search, said Anantha Shekhar, senior vice chancellor for the health sciences and the John and Gertrude Petersen Dean of the School of Medicine. I believe Dr. Kasper is superbly qualified to lead Pitts School of Nursing on a continued path of success, and I look forward to working with her closely.

In her role at UNM, Kasper leads a nursing college with more than 1,100 students. In the previous three years, enrollment in UNMs College of Nursing increased by 35%.

Before joining UNM, Dean Kasper served as a senior nurse executive in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Nursing Services. In that post, she advised the chief nursing officer on academics, research and policy and was a professor in the Daniel K. Inouye Graduate School of Nursing at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland.

[Pitt School of Nursing tops 2022 U.S. News & World Report online masters ranking with a perfect score]

I am mindful of the unique and essential role that a highly ranked and world-class major research university such as the University of Pittsburgh plays in its mission as a model public university serving the state, the nation and international communities, said Kasper said. The University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing has long served as one of the preeminent elite nursing schools in the country. Over its long and distinguished history, it has been a leader and innovator in the profession's education, scholarship and research.

Kasper is the current editor of the Annual Review of Nursing Research and was the founding editor of Biological Research for Nursing. She was elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nurses in 1994, elected as a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine in 1995 and elected to the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International in 2015.

She has more than 200 national and international peer-reviewed and invited publications, books and presentations to her credit.

Kasper received her undergraduate degree in nursing from the University of Evansville, a masters in nursing from Rush University and a PhD from the University of Michigan, where she studied nursing and exercise physiology. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at Rush University in physiology and biophysics, she served as a professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California, Los Angeles . She also held the M. Adelaide Nutting Research Chair at Johns Hopkins University.

Jared Stonesifer

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Christine Kasper named the new dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing - University of Pittsburgh

UTHSC-Led Team Receives $3.16 Million from National Cancer Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy Drug Development – UTHSC News – UTHSC News

A UTHSC-led team has received $3.16 million from the National Cancer Institute to develop a drug that boosts the immune system response in cancer patients to destroy tumor cells. Gabor Tigyi, MD, PhD, Harriet Van Vleet Endowment Professor in the Department of Physiology, is the lead investigator. Sue Chin Lee, PhD, associate professor in the same department, is a principal investigator.

Cancer immunotherapy is one of the hottest areas of personalized medicine that unfortunately fails in many patients because of the ways cancerous cells are able to sidestep and inhibit the bodys anti-tumor response. Dr. Lee and Dr. Tigyi have identified a key inhibitor of cytotoxic T cell activation, the killer cells that eliminate cancerous cells. Working with Corinne Augelli-Szafran, PhD, vice president of Scientific Platforms at Southern Research in Birmingham Alabama, they have designed drug candidates that Raul Torres, PhD, professor of Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Colorado, has shown overcome the blockade of tumor-killing immune cells.

We are very astonished that our grant application received a perfect 1 percentile score from the National Cancer Institute review panel. That reflects the excitement of our peers recognizing the significance of our proposal, said Dr. Tigyi, who is also the associate vice chancellor for Research, Global Cooperation, and Industry Relations. The key to our success was embedded in the complementary expertise and distinguished research track record of our team members.

Dr. Lee provided crucial preliminary data for the grant application, identifying the lead candidate compound now being used to develop the new therapeutic. Her preliminary data gathering was made possible by a 2018 CORNET award, a competitive intramural grant program funded by the UTHSC Office of Research that promotes new lines of interdisciplinary team study. In this case, the $50,000 CORNET award bolstered an academic-industry partnership between UTHSC and Southern Research, and now, four years later, has yielded a multiple principal investigator award that is worth millions.

The development of a relationship between UTHSC and Southern Research, exemplified by our joint CORNET awards, has been an exceptionally important step in developing the drug discovery and development pipeline at UTHSC, said Steve Goodman, PhD, UTHSC vice chancellor for Research. I want to congratulate Dr. Lee, Dr. Tigyi, Dr. Augelli-Szafran, and Dr. Torres on their outstanding work and the resultant multi-PI NCI grant award.


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UTHSC-Led Team Receives $3.16 Million from National Cancer Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy Drug Development - UTHSC News - UTHSC News

Which Foods Can Alter The Brain And Mood, According To Neuroscience – Nation World News

Food components and their breakdown products can modify the genetic instructions that control the physiology of the human body

loss Foods those that are consumed or the lack of consumption of certain cans affect the mood of people every day. One case that is remembered in the history of nutrition is the long sea voyages of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: sailors experienced visions of sublime food and lush fields. Finding out that they were nothing more than hallucinations after months at sea was unbearable for them. It was later discovered that the sailors suffered from scurvy, a disease that develops from a severe lack of vitamin C in the diet. Lemon juice was given as a treatment and it was effective.

Scurvy is now rare in many countries, and vitamin C, a micronutrient, can be obtained by eating fruits and vegetables. From neuroscience, efforts are being made to better understand the effect of food on brain health. according to the scientist Monica DusoAssociate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at the University of Michigan in the United States, loss food ingredient and their decomposition products can modify genetic instructions who control the physiology of the human body.

It is already known that a delicate balance of nutrients is key to brain health: deficiencies or excesses of vitamins, sugars, fats and amino acids can affect the brain and behavior in beneficial or harmful ways. it means that Consuming a complete diet, including a balanced supply of all essential vitamins and minerals, is important for brain health.

Vitamin C is important for the production and release of neurotransmitters, chemical messengers used by the brain.

In Vitamin C is important for the production and release of neurotransmitters, chemical messengers used by the brain. Without it, brain cells dont communicate with each other effectively, which can lead to hallucinations, Dr. According to Dus.

Like vitamin C, deficiencies in other vitamins and minerals can also lead to nutritional diseases that negatively affect the brain in humans. For example, Low levels of vitamin B3/niacin in the diet commonly found in meat and fish cause pellagra, a disease in which people develop dementia.

Niacin is essential for the body to convert food into energy and building blocks, protects the genetic blueprint from environmental damage, and controls the amount of certain gene products produced. In the absence of these vital processes, brain cells, that is, neurons, degenerate and die prematurely. This can lead to dementia.

Niacin is a type of B vitamin. Increasing levels of this vitamin benefits patients with neurodegenerative problems / Archive

In animal models, decreasing or blocking niacin production in the brain promotes neuronal damage and cell death. On the other hand, increasing levels of niacin have been shown to reduce the effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Huntingtons and Parkinsons. Although the results are not yet conclusive, observational studies in humans indicate that adequate levels of niacin may protect against these diseases, Dus wrote. Conversation, its funnyNiacin deficiency can cause pellagra-like effects due to excessive alcohol consumption.

Another example of how nutritional deficiencies affect brain function Its all about the element iodine, which, like niacin, must be obtained through the diet. It is naturally present in shellfish and algae, and can also be obtained through iodized salt. Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormones, signaling molecules that are important for many aspects of human biology, including growth, metabolism, appetite and sleep. Low iodine levels inhibit the production of thyroid hormones in sufficient amounts, impairing these essential physiological processes.

Iodine is particularly important for the development of the human brain. In fact, before table salt was supplemented with this mineral in the 1920s, Iodine deficiency was one of the leading causes of cognitive dysfunction worldwide. The introduction of iodized salt is believed to have contributed to the gradual increase in IQ scores over the past century.

A study in Italy led by Giovanni Ferrello showed thatPeople with drug-resistant epilepsy a condition in which brain cells fire uncontrollably can reduce the number of seizures by adopting a very low-carbohydrate diet, in which 80% to 90% of calories are derived from fat. The work was published in the journal Nutrients,

Carbohydrates are the bodys preferred source of energy. When they are not available whether from fasting or a ketogenic diet your cells get fuel by breaking down fats into compounds called ketones. Using ketones as an energy source causes profound changes in metabolism and physiology, including the levels of hormones circulating in the body, the amount of neurotransmitters produced by the brain, and the types of bacteria that live in the gut.

Researchers believe that these diet-dependent changes, particularly the increased production of brain chemicals that can calm neurons and lower levels of inflammatory molecules, may lead to a ketogenic diet to reduce the number of seizures. capacity can play a role. These changes may also explain the benefits of the ketogenic state either through diet or fasting on cognitive function and mood.

Also, it has been known from various studies that excessive levels of certain nutrients can also have harmful effects on the brain. In humans and animal models, high intakes of refined sugars and saturated fats a combination commonly found in ultra-processed foods deactivate the brain for hormonal signals known to regulate feelings of satiety and satisfaction. Promotes food intake.

A diet containing many highly-processed foods also weakens the taste system: it causes animals and humans to perceive foods as less sweet. These sensory changes can affect food choice, as well as the rewards that come with it. Dr. Ten and a team of colleagues demonstrated this change in a study published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism,

Research shows, for example, that Peoples responses to ice cream in brain regions important for taste and reward blurred when they ate it every day for two weeks. Some scientists believe that this reduction in food reward signals may increase cravings for more fatty and sugary foods, in the same way that smokers crave cigarettes.

Diets rich in fat and processed foods are also associated with reduced cognitive function and memory in humans and animal models, as well as a higher incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. However, scientists do not yet know whether these effects are due to these foods or the weight gain and insulin resistance that develop from long-term consumption of these diets.

The effect of food can also vary over time. Some can profoundly affect brain function and behavior as in hours or days while others take weeks, months or even years to take effect. For example, Eating a piece of cake changes the ketogenic, fat-burning metabolism of a person with drug-resistant epilepsy to a carbohydrate-burning metabolism, increasing the risk of seizures.

other thing, It takes weeks of sugar consumption for the brain to alter taste and reward pathways, and months of vitamin C deficiency to develop scurvy. eventually, When it comes to diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, the risk is influenced by years of dietary exposure. In combination with other genetic or lifestyle factors such as smoking.

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Which Foods Can Alter The Brain And Mood, According To Neuroscience - Nation World News

Epicore Biosystems and Denka Partner to Tackle Asia’s Dehydration Crisis Through Sweat-Sensing Wearable Technology –

Partnership launches Epicore Biosystems into the Asia market, expanding its global footprint

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --Epicore Biosystems, a digital health company developing advanced sweat-sensing wearables that provide real-time personalized health insights for hydration, stress and wellness, today announced a partnership with Denka Corporation, a Japan-based multinational technology and materials company. Under the agreement, Epicore Biosystems and Denka will collaborate on strategic initiatives to pilot and distribute Epicore's portfolio of advanced wearable hydration solutions in Japan and expand into Asia markets.

The partnership comes at a critical time as rising heatwaves continue to spread across Asia with no signs of slowing down as experts warn the world could hit a climate high by 2024. As a result, many Asia residents are experiencing excessive heat exposure and dehydration, which can have harmful effects on cognitive and physical performance, as well as physiological function. In June 2022 alone, more than 15,000 people needed hospital care across Japan. These issues are more notably visible among individuals in sports, industrial work, and military training, among others.

"As temperatures continue to rise in countries around the globe, dehydration has become a leading cause of concern," said Roozbeh Ghaffari, CEO and co-founder of Epicore Biosystems. "There is now an enormous demand to address these challenges and identify personalized solutions for tackling hydration problems before they impact long-term health. Our collaboration with Denka enables us to unlock new opportunities and address hydration challenges head-on within the Asia market."

Epicore Biosystems develops advanced wearable solutions that measure sweat biometrics and provide customized recovery insights about hydration, including sweat rate, total sweat loss, sodium chloride concentration and total sodium chloride loss all captured with an unobtrusive wearable sweat sensor, analyzed through a proprietary cloud engine, and delivered directly to the wearer through a smartphone application and cloud portal. Denka and Epicore Biosystems will first survey the needs of those within the sports and wellness industries in Asia, with plans to expand into industrial and medical applications, such as identifying dehydration and fatigue in elderly patients, soon after.

"Recent summers in Japan have been extremely hot, and countermeasures against heat stroke and dehydration are an urgent issue," said Nobuyuki Yoshino, managing executive officer at Denka. "This partnership will enable us to leverage Epicore Biosystems' wearable hydration solutions to address the needs of athletes, as well as industrial workers, who are impacted most by the rising temperatures. Through collaboration with Epicore Biosystems, we hope to contribute to solving various health issues."

Epicore Biosystems' suite of sweat-sensing wearables includes the Gx Sweat Patch created in partnership with PepsiCo and Gatorade, the Discovery Patch Sweat Collection System, and the Connected Hydration wearable hydration sensor and mobile application tailored for industrial athletes and sports.

The technology has been developed and tested with leading sports physiology labs and research hospitals, including the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, University of Connecticut Korey Stringer Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Human Health and Performance, and the Gatorade Sports Science Institute.

Denka and Epicore Biosystems' partnership officially went into effect this month with the goal to bring personalized hydration products to the Asia markets in the next 18 months.

To learn more about the company and its solutions, visit

About Denka

Denka is a chemical manufacturer headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company specializes in developing business activities on a global scale across a wide range of fields from inorganic and organic chemicals to electronic materials and pharmaceuticals. Founded in 1915, Denka has steadily continued to develop and manufacture products that contribute to the development of society by fully utilizing its unique concepts and technological capabilities. To learn more, visit

About Epicore Biosystems

Founded in 2017, Epicore Biosystems is a digital health company developing advanced sweat-sensing wearables that provide real-time personalized health insights for hydration, stress and wellness. Their clinically validated products are deployed globally and licensed by leading Fortune 500 companies, the Department of Defense and the National Institute of Health in the sports and fitness, occupational safety and clinical trials industries.

Epicore Biosystems was co-founded by leading scientists from Northwestern University's Querrey Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics. The founding team has several decades of experience launching science-backed medical wearables and consumer health products. To learn more, visit

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Epicore Biosystems and Denka Partner to Tackle Asia's Dehydration Crisis Through Sweat-Sensing Wearable Technology -

An expanded whole-cell model of E. coli links cellular physiology with mechanisms of growth rate control | npj Systems Biology and Applications -…

An expanded whole-cell model of E. coli links cellular physiology with mechanisms of growth rate control | npj Systems Biology and Applications

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An expanded whole-cell model of E. coli links cellular physiology with mechanisms of growth rate control | npj Systems Biology and Applications -...

From plant biology 2022: following the light –

As explained by the symposium chair, Prof. Andreas Madlung (University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington), summarizing the Responses to Light concurrent symposium, presented Sunday, July 10 at Plant Biology 2022, is quite challenging as, in very simple words, plants use light for many things. This blog post discusses the enlightening results shared during that sunny Sunday by the leading lights in the fields of shade avoidance, seedling establishment, and photosynthesis.

Le Thuy Do |

Respiration in the lightPlants are able to convert sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. They capture CO2 from the atmosphere to generate glucose and release O2. At night, when photosynthesis cannot occur, plants remobilize the energy stored during the day through respiration. Respiration can be simplified as the opposite of photosynthesis, where plants capture O2 and release CO2. Although respiration mostly occurs during nighttime, this process can also occur (to a lesser extent) during the day. Respiration in the light is still poorly understood as it is tricky to measure it accurately. Dr. Stephanie Schmiege, postdoctoral fellow at Michigan State University and University of Western Ontario East Lansing, explained that current tools and models used to estimate respiration in the light need serious optimization. Dr. Schmiege demonstrated that respiration in the light depends on light intensity, a parameter often not included in prediction models and tools but could be a key parameter to accurately quantify CO2 fluxes on Earth and potentially better evaluate the impact of climate change on our planet.

In addition to utilizing sunlight for photosynthesis, plants can distinguish the color composition of sunlight through photoreceptors, a set of specialized proteins that detect different wavelengths of light. During this session, we have mostly heard about phytochromes (phys), sensors of red and far red light, and the coolest photoreceptors ever discovered in plants.

Gene duplication and evolution in tomatoA wonderful talk from the chair, Prof. Andreas Madlung, focused on the evolution of phys function in tomatoes. Through evolution, the duplication of certain genes may result in the creation of pairs of genes of different functions (also called sub- or neofunctionalization). In tomatoes, two Phys B genes are known as PhyB1 and PhyB2. By using transcriptome profiling and co-expression network analysis coupled with physiological experiments, Prof. Andreas Madlung elegantly demonstrated that PhyB1 and PhyB2 in tomatoes, although showing some overlapping functions, seem to regulate distinct light-mediated responses as a result of subfunctionalization. Prof. Madlungs research is a good example of how coupling different techniques such as phylogeny and transcriptome profiling and plant physiology are essential to understanding and learning how plants use light to grow.

Regulating phytochrome-interacting factorsAt the molecular level, phys inhibit the activity of a set of transcription factors called phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) by promoting PIF phosphorylation. PIFs act as a signaling node, linking the variation of light cues with elongation responses. Although the kinases that phosphorylates PIF are well studied, little is known about the phosphatases that mediate the opposite reaction. Xingbo Cai, a Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Austin, identified two phosphatases that mediate PIF dephosphorylation and stability and are necessary to regulate hypocotyl elongation in red light.

Regulation of cell membranes by light signalsIf we think about an example of how phys shape plant physiology, the first thing popping into our minds is shade avoidance. Under a high risk of competition for light, plants trigger a set of changes in their morphology, typically enhancing the elongation of internodes and petioles, and in the case of seedlings, the hypocotyl. Prof. Christian Fankhauser (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) presented the latest results from his lab about the regulation of cell membranes by light signals. If you are going to elongate, you need more membranes, he said after showing how shade promotes lipid biosynthesis and autophagy to enhance hypocotyl elongation.


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