Category Archives: Physiology

Op-Ed: Central Bucks should rethink Growth & Development lesson format – The Intelligencer

By Taura Kilroy| The Intelligencer

Last year, the Central Bucks School District offered the following Growth & Development lesson options: girls lesson, boys lesson, private viewing of materials or opt out.

When a transgender or non-binary student asked if they could attend the single-sex lesson of their choosing, they were told that they must learn the lesson that coincides with their physical form and not their gender identity.

This, at its core, isnt necessarily wrong. It is very important to not skip the content that pertains to ones personal organs. There is a strong case to be made that our LGBTQ+ population of students would benefit from receiving both lesson contents. But it is a sensitive topic and needs to be handled with sensitivity. The district needs to take a closer look at its policy and offerings. The way we approach this lesson needs an update to fit our ever-changing student body population.

I believe that our children should be given the option to choose the safest and most comfortable learning environment for their personal needs. What we need to do is ensure that there are enough options to accomplish the learning objective and also respect each choice.

So if a female-born student says they prefer a girls-only lesson, we need to respect that and give them a lesson with only students with the same physiology. Now if one of those students is born female and identifies as a male and this is common knowledge, they belong there. They are 100% welcome and included. And I will go far out of my way to make it known that we accept them and they deserve to be here just as much as the other female organ students in the room. The way I approach this encourages acceptance of differences.

So let's look at a more reasonable list of offerings. I would suggest:

Coed viewing of the educational video and then break-out groups for Q&A. For the breakout groups offer a coed option with one male and one female instructor, plus female only and male only options.

Private viewing of the video followed by a Q&A with a safe adult.

An opt-out option with a parent's signature that clearly states that the parent is expected to cover the topic in some form. This form would include checkboxes with reasoning for opting out and their intended method of delivery of information.

For the opt-out version, I suggest parents can check two different boxes.

1.) They can handle this topic privately at home and use a packet provided by the school as an educational guide. I would consider a follow-up call to check in and ask how it went. Ask if there was anything that they felt they didnt know how to answer that you could offer assistance with. This shows that you care and that you are holding them to their promise. It is protecting the childs right to information and promoting an encouraging environment.

2.) They can speak with a medical professional to better address specific physical needs. This option is not just reasonable for trans students but also for disabled students, students with other 504 MDE needs, or students with underlying health issues that none of us is aware of in their private life. Recognizing that some cases are very specific and may be better handled outside of the school with a professional specialist is also important.

The form should be set up with a space for the student to select their preferred lesson style first and then sent home for the parent to view and discuss which option the parent would prefer. They can change their choice at home but I believe the child's choice should be selected first so that they feel heard. The parent then signs off and returns the permission slip.

These options cover a wider variety of individual needs. The companies that produce these educational materials provide three versions of the material. They always produce both single-sex videos and a coed video of age appropriate material.

By ensuring that all students view the coed video we are sure they are all getting the same basic content. Allowing the students to choose their peer group for the Q&A is protecting their rights to privacy and providing them with options for a safe and caring environment that fits their needs.

I think these offerings protect our students' right to privacy and create a more conducive environment for learning, acceptance, sensitivity, and safety.

Taura Kilroy lives in Chalfont and is the mother of two elementary school students in the Central Bucks School District. She also 12 years experience as an Elementary Health & PE Teacher in Great Valley School District in Delaware County.

See original here:
Op-Ed: Central Bucks should rethink Growth & Development lesson format - The Intelligencer

Scientists Finally Revealed the Heartbeat of the Largest Animal in the World – Nature World News

One of the tiniest mammals in the world, the Etruscan shrew, has a heartbeat that may reach 1,500 beats per minute or 25 beats per second.

In contrast, the human heart beats slowly, only 60 to 100 times per minute.

The largest mammal to have ever lived, the blue whale, also had its heartbeat examined.

These marine monsters can reach lengths greater than two school buses, and their hearts, which weigh more than 1,000 pounds and are about the size of a couch, beat as little as twice every minute.

(Photo : Thomas Kelley/Unsplash)

When the animal dove, its heartbeat was gentle, but when it surfaced to breathe, the rate suddenly increased and reached as high as 37 beats per minute, as per Vox.

Scientists have developed a method to hear the heartbeats of wild whales in recent years.

They aren't particularly interested in monitoring these animals' health; rather, they are attempting to provide an answer to one of biology's most fundamental questions: how big can an animal grow on Earth?

The larger-than-dinosaur blue whales' heart rates suggest that heart size may be a limiting factor for body growth.

And with more sophisticated monitoring equipment, could also assist researchers in defending these marine giants from one of the ocean's most enigmatic dangers.

Larger hearts beat more slowly and replace the body's oxygen supply more slowly.

As a result, whales must spend more time at the surface to catch their breath, taking away from the limited time they have to consume a seasonal food source like krill.

These behemoths might not have enough time to eat if their hearts are too large.

Theoretically, these organs should be reaching their maximum speed when the whales come up for air if the size of their hearts is restricting them in any way.

When researchers went out to detect a blue whale's heartbeat in 2018, one of their goals was to learn this.

These creatures have two separate heart rates, according to blue whale heart rate statistics.

The whale is diving and trying to preserve oxygen, which is when the heartbeat is slow. The second happens quickly when the whale is back at the surface and its heart begins pumping quickly to resupply oxygen.

Big bodies may cause issues there, on the surface, as researchers had hypothesized.

Also Read: Why Do Dead Whales Explode? Experts Warn People to Run If They See This on the Beach

The use of animal-borne devices for physio-logging, which records physiological characteristics, is entering a new phase as a result of developments in sensor technology.

Existing datasets, however, gathered with conventional bio-loggers, like accelerometers, nevertheless hold latent eco-physiological data, as per Journals.

While IMU tags are easier and have fewer logistical restrictions, physio-logging tags with cutting-edge biomedical technology are pushing the limits of physiological field research.

These tags also give researchers access to more species and greater sample sizes.

This is crucial for species that cannot be restrained or researched in controlled environments.

In both managed care and the wild, the ballistocardiogram (BCG) has the potential to be used to monitor heart rate with accelerometers.

The sample rate should be carefully considered when reviewing the bio-logging data that has already been collected and when organizing the placement of new tags for BCG analysis.

As a general guideline, the sampling rate for signal processing should be at least twice as frequent as the phenomenon of interest.

The BCG waveform's frequency, not the heart rate, is the one that matters in this situation.

In humans, the IJK complex's power, which is the portion of the BCG waveform used to detect heartbeats, is focused between 4 and 7 Hz.

Due to their often larger bodies, marine mammals' BCG waveforms are unlikely to have a greater frequency than those of humans.

As a result, BCGs may be produced at accelerometer sampling rates as low as 10-15 Hz.

BGC technique may be used to mine existing datasets and better understand how heart rate scales with body size and other biological parameters as accelerometer tags have been used on numerous cetacean species for many decades.

Additionally, it might offer more information for applications in conservation physiology.

BCGs from gliding phases before and after controlled sonar exposure trials, for instance, could measure the body's reaction to anthropogenic disturbance.

Related Article: Rare Sight: Whale Gives Birth to a Calf Off the Coast of South Africa

2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

See the original post here:
Scientists Finally Revealed the Heartbeat of the Largest Animal in the World - Nature World News

ESIC Recruitment 2022: Check Posts, Eligibility and Walk-in Interview Details Here – StudyCafe

ESIC Recruitment 2022: Check Posts, Eligibility and Walk-in Interview Details Here

ESIC Recruitment 2022: Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Bengaluru has invited the Candidates with duly complete Applications and other documents Eligible for Appointment to the Posts of Senior Residents/Tutors (Anatomy/Physiology/Pharmacology/Forensic Medicine/Community Medicine) on 03-Years Contractual Basis. The Candidates fulfilling the Eligibility Criteria for the Post of Senior Resident(s) deem themselves Eligible for the Post, may fill up the Applications in the Specimen Application Proforma and report in the ESIC-Medical College Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Science and Research and Medical Hospital to attend Personal Interview and Document Verification. The Candidates may download the Specimen Application Format available on the Website.

There are 15 Vacancies for the Post of Senior Resident under different Branches mentioned in ESIC Recruitment 2022 *Note: Such Candidates who have already served under the Three-Years Senior Residency Scheme are NOT Eligible to reapply. The End Date for appearing in Walk-in Interviews befalls 26th August 2022.

ESIC Interview 2022: The ESIC Medical College PG Institute of Medical Science shall host on 26th August 2022 Walk-in Interviews for the Candidates within the ESIC Complex. The Candidates must carry with them duly completed Applications and other documents. The Candidates should carry with them the essential Documents while appearing for the Walk-in-Interview include, are Xerox of the Certificates and Documents; viz. i) Application Form, ii) 02 Most Recent Passport-size Photographs; iii) Matriculate Certificate (claiming the Date of Birth), iv) Masters (Post Graduation) Degree, PG Diploma; v) KMC/MCI Registration Certificate; vi) Caste-Community Certificate.

Service Tenure: Appointment to the Post of Senior Residents in ESIC Medical College and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science and Research Bangalore (ESI-PGIMSR) Model College will remain for 03-Years under the Senior Residency Scheme. Such Candidates who have already served under Three-Years Senior Residency Scheme will NOT be considered Eligible for Re-appointment. However, those who already served for One Year will be appointed for only 02 Years.

Check the Details about ESIC Senior Resident/Tutors Recruitment 2022

Name of the Organization: Employees State Insurance Corporation: 15 Vacancies

Name of the Post: Senior Resident (Anatomy/Physiology/Pharmacology/Forensic Medicine/Community Medicine) on Contractual Basis (As On 26.08.2022)

Pay Emolument: Pay Band Level-11 of Rs.67700 Plus Other Allowances As Applicable under the Government of India.

01) Senior Resident (Anatomy): 03 Vacancies

02) Senior Resident (Physiology): 03 Vacancies

03) Senior Resident (Pharmacology): 03 Vacancies

04) Senior Resident (Forensic Medicine): 02 Vacancies

05) Senior Resident (Community Medicine): 04 Vacancies

Upper Age Limit: i) General Category Candidate should not exceed (Maximum) 45 Years.ii) Relaxation in Upper Age Limit for Reserved Community Candidates.

Educational Qualification: The Applicant should have in possession Post-Graduate Diploma/DNB/MD Or M.Sc. (Medical) in the concerned Specialty for Senior Resident.

Selection Process: Selection to the Post of Senior Resident will be based on the Candidates Performance in Walk-in-Interview coupled with Document Verification to the desired Eligibility Benchmark.

Service Tenure: Post-Selection Appointment to Senior Residents Tenure remains 03 Years. The Incumbent will have to deposit Non-Interest Rs. 1.25 Lac in favor of ESIC Fund A/c No.1)

Interview Details:

ESIC Medical College And PG Institute of Medical Science & Research and Model HospitalAcademic Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010

1. Visit ESIC-MC PGIMSR Website

2. Download the Specimen Application Proforma and other Annexures. Take a Printout and Fill up the Typewritten Application,

Click Here to Read Employees State Insurance Corporations Official Notification-2022

Disclaimer: The Recruitment Information provided above is for informational purposes only. We do not provide any Recruitment guarantee. Recruitment is to be done as per the official recruitment process of the company or organization posted the recruitment Vacancy. We dont charge any fee for providing this Job Information. Neither the Author nor Studycafe nor its Affiliate(s) accepts any liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any information in this article nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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ESIC Recruitment 2022: Check Posts, Eligibility and Walk-in Interview Details Here - StudyCafe

Brewing with Hemp: A Budding New Ingredient and a Different Kind of Haze – Craft Beer & Brewing

From esteemed brewing professional Ross Koenigs comes Brewing with Hemp: The Essential Guide, the latest release from Brewers Publications, now available at your favorite book retailers.

Brewing with Hemp by Ross Koenigs, the companion book to Brewing with Cannabis: Using THC and CBD in Beer by Keith Villa Ph.D., explores the Cannabis sativa plant from a brewers perspective, focusing on how hemp (which contains less than 0.3 percent THC), hemp flavors, and cannabinoids play in beer.

Koenigs leads readers through the history, legal considerations, physiology, and ecology of hemp, while helping professional brewers and homebrewers alike understand the science of cannabis and how to best utilize the popular plant in beer.

There are many cannabis consumers who also enjoy craft beer, and Im looking forward to sharing my vision for how hemp can be additive to an already innovative industry, said Koenigs. Through Brewing with Hemp: The Essential Guide, Ill not only take readers through the process and experimentation, but Ill also share recipes and tinctures and my experience of bringing these beers to market.

The second book in the cannabis series is perfect for homebrewers, professional brewers, enthusiasts, and appreciators of the hop plants dank cousin.

Brewing with Hemp is a book for a brewing and beverage industry audience; some hemp ingredients can be added to beer, but marijuana ingredients cannot be legally added. Learn more about the legal limitations, history of cannabis, and more with expertly researched chapters covering:

Order Brewing with Hemp: The Essential Guide directly from the publisher or your favorite independent bookseller.

Ross Koenigs is the owner of Second Dawn Brewing in Aurora, Colorado. Previously, he was the brewing innovations manager for New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado, where he spearheaded the research and development of using hemp in beer when New Belgium introduced The Hemperor HPA.

Brewers Publications supports the mission of the Brewers Association by publishing books of enduring value for amateur and professional brewers, as well as titles that promote understanding and appreciation of American craft beer. With more than 65 titles to choose from, Brewers Publications is the leading publisher of contemporary and relevant brewing literature for today's craft brewers, homebrewers, and beer enthusiasts.

The rest is here:
Brewing with Hemp: A Budding New Ingredient and a Different Kind of Haze - Craft Beer & Brewing

How to find the right athletics coach for you | PERFORMANCE – World Athletics

Finding the right athletics coach for you is important, ensuring they provide advice that fits your needs and lifestyle, and help to create a positive, sustainable relationship with the sport.

But how to go about it? Heres our quick guide on finding the right coach for you.

Different coaches will be valuable for different people, so finding a coach who matches your needs will help get the most out of your athletics journey.

Some coaches may foster a group with a focus on making sessions as fun as possible. These coaches can be great when first finding your way into the sport, encouraging you to learn its disciplines and make you want to keep coming back.

If part of the reason you are taking up athletics is for the social interactions it creates, these coaches may be the best place to start.

Other coaches may have more of a focus on the performance side of athletics and be more appropriate for those who feel they already have an understanding of the sport and want further guidance on particular aspects of their event.

For those doing multiple disciplines, some may even choose to have more than one coach, with specialists guiding them for jumps, sprints and throws, though there are multi-discipline coaches that focus on all the events.

These performance-focused coaches can take many different forms, from experienced coaches to former athletes as well as those with a science-focused physiology background. Think of what sort of advice you would see as valuable and select your coach accordingly.

To gain a sense of the types of sessions run by coaches, take a look on social media as well as on club and coach websites, or even ask if you can do a trial session.

Many national athletics federations have a list of qualifications available to coaches on their websites.

See if the coach you hope to work with has any of these, as it will be a good indicator of the experience they have gained.

As well as these qualifications, World Athletics offers aneLearning platform, which provides educational courses and webinars for people within the sport, including those in key stakeholder groups such as technical officials, coaches and medical professionals. Further information can be found here.

Like people in everyday life, coaches will have different personalities. Some people like working with enthusiastic and loud coaches, valuing the support and clear instructions. Others prefer a softly-softly approach, with less-frequent but nonetheless valuable feedback.

Think about what you require in a coach.Speak to current group members already guided by your potential coach to gauge their personality and contemplate whether that would work for you.

Ensuring you are both on the same page will create a more positive, long-lasting and sustainable relationship for athlete and coach.

Appraise yourself honestly and think about what sort of role you see athletics playing in your life. If family, work and other life commitments may affect your training, make sure you find a coach that understands that. Be honest and up front with that coach when it comes to how you see the relationship working.

A good indicator of this will be finding a coach who works with other athletes with a similar lifestyle to you, and a good way of finding this out will be heading down to the track and trying out a few sessions for yourself.

For tips on finding the right athletics club for you and getting into track running, check out the advice here.

George Mallett for World Athletics

Read more:
How to find the right athletics coach for you | PERFORMANCE - World Athletics

A novel method for monitoring the ‘engine’ of pregnancy | Penn Today – Penn Today

A study published in Nature Biomedical Engineering details a novel method for imaging the placenta in pregnant patients as well as the results of a pilot clinical study. By combining optical measurements with ultrasound, the findings show how oxygen levels can be monitored noninvasively and provides a new way to generate a better understanding of this complex, crucial organ. This research was the result of a collaboration of the groups of the University of Pennsylvanias Arjun Yodh and Nadav Schwartz with colleagues from the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and was led by postdoc Lin Wang.

Schwartz describes the placenta as the engine of pregnancy, an organ that plays a crucial role in delivering nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. Placental dysfunction can lead to complications such as fetal growth restriction, preeclampsia, and stillbirth. To increase knowledge about this crucial organ, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development launched the Human Placenta Project in 2014. One focus of the program is to develop tools to assess human placental structure and function in real time, including optical devices.

For three years, the researchers optimized the design of their instrument and tested it in preclinical settings. The process involved integrating optical fibers with ultrasound probes, exploring various ultrasound transducers, and improving the multimodal technology so that measurements were stable, accurate, and reproducible while collecting data at the bedside. The resulting instrumentation now enables researchers to study the anatomy of the placenta while also collecting detailed functional information about placenta blood flow and oxygenation, capabilities that existing commercially devices do not have, the researchers say.

Because the placenta is located far below the bodys surface, one of the key technical challenges addressed by Wang, a postdoc in Yodhs lab, was reducing background noise in the opto-electronic system. Light is scattered and absorbed when it travels through thick tissues, Yodh says, and the key for success was to reduce background interference so that the small amount of light that penetrates deep into the placenta and then returns is still large enough for a high-quality measurement.

Were sending a light signal that goes through the same deep tissues as the ultrasound. The extremely small amount of light that returns to the surface probe is then used to accurately assess tissue properties, which is only possible with very stable lasers, optics, and detectors, says Yodh. Lin had to overcome many barriers to improve the signal-to-noise ratio to the point where we trusted our data.

Notably, the paper also describes the results of a pilot study where 24 pregnant patients in their third trimester were given supplemental oxygen for a short time period, creating placental hyperoxia. Using the device, the team collected measurements of the placentas oxygenated and deoxygenated blood concentrations before and during hyperoxia; the results demonstrated that the device could be used to study placental function in real time. The research also provided new insights into the relationship between blood flow and maternal vascular malperfusion, which occurs when blood flow into the placenta is impeded.

Not only do we show that oxygen levels go up when you give the mom oxygen, but when we analyze the data, both for clinical outcomes and pathology, patients with maternal vascular malperfusion did not have as much of an increase in oxygen compared to patients with normal placentas, says Schwartz. What was exciting is that, not only did we get an instrument to probe deeper than commercial devices, but we also obtained an early signal that hyperoxygenation experiments can differentiate a healthy placenta from a diseased placenta.

While the device is still in development, the researchers are currently refining their instrument to make it more user-friendly and to allow it to collect data faster. The team is also currently working on larger studies, including recently data from patients during their second trimester, and they are also interested in studying different regions of the placenta. From an instrumentation perspective, we want to make the operation more user-friendly, and then we want to carry out more clinical studies, Wang says about the future of this work. We have lots of interesting ideas.

And because there are many unanswered clinical questions about the placenta, for Schwartz the biggest potential of this work is in providing a way to start answering those questions. Without being able to study the placenta directly, we are relying on very indirect science, he says. This is a tool that helps us study the underlying physiology of pregnancy so we can more strategically study interventions that can help support good pregnancy outcomes.

The authors are Lin Wang, Jeffrey M. Cochran, Kenneth Abramson, Lian He, Venki Kavuri, Samuel Parry, Arjun G. Yodh, and Nadav Schwartz from Penn; Tiffany Ko, Wesley B. Baker, and Rebecca L. Linn from the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, and David R. Busch, previously a research associate at Penn and now at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School.

Arjun Yodh is the James M. Skinner Professor of Science in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

Nadav Schwartz is an Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Penns Perelman School of Medicine.

Lin Wang is a postdoc in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in Penns School of Arts & Sciences.

This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grants F31HD085731, R01NS113945, R01NS060653, P41EB015893, P41EB015893, T32HL007915, and U01HD087180.

Original post:
A novel method for monitoring the 'engine' of pregnancy | Penn Today - Penn Today

What is Physiology | American Physiological Society

Physiology is the study of how the human body works under normal conditions. You use physiology when you exercise, read, breathe, eat, sleep, move or do just about anything. Physiology is generally divided into ten physiological organ systems: the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the muscular ...

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What is Physiology | American Physiological Society

Lecturer in Physiology, Teaching and Leadership job with MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY – SYDNEY AUSTRALIA | 303859 – Times Higher Education

The Role

We seek a dynamic and exciting lecturer in physiology to join Macquarie Medical School in the Teaching & Leadership academic job family. You will have experience in teaching in the physiological sciences, ideally with broad expertise in reproductive, musculoskeletal or gastrointestinal physiology, immunology, pharmacology, endocrinology or anatomy.

Teaching & Leadership Academics are specialist academics who dedicate their workload contribution to Teaching, Teaching Leadership, and Service. You will contribute to units within the Bachelor of Clinical Science, Bachelor of Medical Science, and Doctor of Medicine programs through the design & delivery of tutorials, lectures and practical classes, both in person and using innovative asynchronous technologies; convening, review and development of units; designing, administering and marking assessments; participating in peer review of teaching and further educational skill development. Higher degree research supervision may also form a part of teaching-related activities in this job family. The Macquarie University Academic Job Family Framework recognises and rewards the breadth of academic work.

About Us

Macquarie is a university engaged with the real and often complex problems and opportunities that define our lives. Since our foundation 54 years ago, we have aspired to be a different type of university. Over the years, we've grown to become the centre of a vibrant local and global community. Connect with us today.

Macquarie University's Faculty of Medicine, Health, and Human Sciences builds on our aspiration to have the nation's first fully integrated Academic Health Sciences Centre under a university's leadership. It brings together the excellent work of medical and allied-health clinicians and researchers across the University and around the country, with unparalleled access to world-leading clinical resources and research facilities found only on our campus.

The Faculty offers a distinctive suite of capability-based educational programs. Macquarie Medical School is a newly formed unit that combines research excellence in the biomedical and clinical sciences and passion and innovation in our educational missions. In research, the School consists of multidisciplinary teams that span cellular and systems neuroscience, cancer, ophthalmology, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. In education we train the next generation of successful scientists and doctors to be impactful, insightful and collaborative members of society through out innovative Bachelor of Clinical Science, Bachelor of Medical Science, and MD programs.

To Apply

To be considered for this position please apply online by submitting your CV and a separate (2-3 page) document that describes how you meet each of the itemised selection criteria below.



Appointment level will be in accordance with demonstrated qualifications, skills, and experience. Please note: Applications for this position are only being accepted from Australian citizens or permanent residents or people currently residing in Australia with full working rights.

Specific Role enquiries: Associate Professor Simon McMullan at

Recruitment Enquiries: Jasmine Xia, HR Assistant at

Applications Close: Sunday 28 August 2022 AEDT 11:55 pm

If you're already part of the Macquarie Group (MQ University, U@MQ, MQ Health, MGSM), you'll need to apply through your employee Workday account. To apply for this job: Login to Workday and go to the Careers App > Find Jobs.

At Macquarie University, we are committed to providing a working environment where each individual is valued, respected and supported to progress. Our priority is to ensure culture, policies and processes are truly inclusive and that no-one is disadvantaged on the basis of their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity, gender, culture, disability, LGBTIQA+ identities, family and caring responsibilities, age, or religion. We encourage everyone who meets the selection criteria and shares Macquarie University's values of scholarship, empowerment and integrity to apply.

Learn more about our progress towards Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

See the original post:
Lecturer in Physiology, Teaching and Leadership job with MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY - SYDNEY AUSTRALIA | 303859 - Times Higher Education

Meet a Loper Graduate: Madi Stearnes reminds Lopers to work hard, but also have fun – University of Nebraska at Kearney

Post Views:732

Madi Stearnes of Omaha graduates Friday with a bachelors degree in biology with a health science emphasis. She plans to pursue a nursing degree through the accelerated UNMC program in Kearney.

What does this moment mean to you?This moment is a symbol of all the hard work and amazing times Ive had in the last five years.

How did UNK help prepare you for your future career?UNK helped me prepare by giving me resources that I learned to use during my time here and will continue to use along my path in life.

What activities/organizations were you involved in at UNK? How did that enhance your education?I played volleyball at UNK during my freshman through junior years. This helped a lot with time management and teamwork.

What was your most memorable experience at UNK?I would have to say my most memorable experience was probably when they have the booths out on campus at the beginning of the year (Blue and Gold Welcome Week) and you get to see people you havent seen all summer. It really got me excited for the upcoming school year!

Whos someone from UNK youll never forget?Paul Twigg. He was my Biology 106 professor freshman year and also my research mentor. Not only was he my research mentor, but he offered a lot of good life advice and help in many more ways than just research. For that I have to thank him.

Whats your favorite place on campus?Its got to be Bruner Hall of Science. I spent the majority of my days in that building for classes. Its also where I made a lot of friends.

Tell me about the time when you worked the hardest during your undergraduate career:Probably during my sophomore year when I was in organic chemistry and anatomy and physiology while playing volleyball. That was the year I got little sleep.

What was your favorite class?I would have to say anatomy and physiology was probably my favorite, because it doesnt just have to do with the bones, muscles, organs, etc. Its the what is it and what all can it do that I loved the most.

Who was the most influential person during your undergrad career?My best friend Lexie Trimble. We struggled, laughed, cried and had so much fun together, and today we are still the best of friends. I dont think I would have made it through without her.

What advice do you have for current and future Lopers?Study hard, but dont forget to have fun. And most importantly, if you feel like someones holding you back, let them go. There will be someone a million times better on the other side!

If you could go back in time and do something differently, what would it be?I wish I wouldnt have been so hard on myself. People make mistakes and college is hard. I wish I would have been able to tell myself that.

Read more:
Meet a Loper Graduate: Madi Stearnes reminds Lopers to work hard, but also have fun - University of Nebraska at Kearney