Category Archives: Physiology

New Human Physiology Ch 21 –

This Chapter is written following discussions with my colleague, Leif Vanggaard, MD, Arctic Institute, Copenhagen.

Study Objectives

To define body core and body shell, heat balance, heat exchange (conduction, conversion, evaporation and radiation), hyperthermia, hypothermia, mean body temperature, heat capacity, and thermal steady state.

To describe fever (pyrogens), benignant and malignant hyperthermia, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat stroke, sun stroke, and hypothermia.

To describe radiation sickness.

To calculate one thermal variable, when relevant variables are given.

To explain the concepts heat exchange, thermogenesis by food and shivering, the human temperature control system and its function at different environmental temperatures.

To use the above concepts in problem solving and case histories.


Newtons law of cooling: The dry heat loss is proportional to the temperature difference between the human body (shell) and the surroundings.

The total energy of a system is conserved in an interaction, not the kinetic energy or the mass (Einstein). If the mass changes during an interaction, there is a resultant change in kinetic energy, so that the total energy remains constant. Heat energy is proportional to molecular movement rates heat energy equals movement.

Stefan-Boltzmanns rule: The higher the temperature of an object, the more it radiates. The energy radiated from an object is proportional to the fourth power of its Kelvin temperature. The energy radiating from an object and received by the human body is proportional to the temperature difference between the object and the skin (see Eq. 21-4). This is because human life implies relatively small temperature gradients.


Body core consists of the thermoregulated deeper parts of the body and the proximal extremity portions of warm-blooded animals including man.

Body shell refers to those outer parts of the body (skin and subcutaneous tissue) that change temperature at cold exposure.

Conductance changes of the shell are used as a measure of skin bloodflow.

Conductive heat loss describes a direct transfer of heat energy by contact between two bodies of different temperature (eg, skin and objects).

Convective heat loss is defined as the heat loss by contact between the surface (skin) and a moving medium (air or water).

Evaporative heat loss is defined as the heat loss by evaporation from the body surface or lungs.

Fever occurs when the core temperature of the body is raised above normal steady state levels. The body reacts as if it is too cold. Fever implies a disorder resulting in shivering combined with vasoconstriction, headache, dedolation, and general discomfort (eg, malaria).

Heat flow is defined as energy exchanged due to a temperature difference. Heat flow is transmitted along a temperature gradient.

Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to produce a temperature increase for a given amount of substance.

Heat energy balance in a resting person is a condition, where the heat production is equal to the heat loss. Thus the body temperature is constant and the heat storage is zero (thermal steady state). Usually, there is no internal heat energy flux between body core and shell.

Hyperthermia is an increase in core temperature above normal.

Hypothermia refers to a clinical condition with a lowered core temperature (below 35 oC).

Mean body temperature is defined according to Eq. 21-1 (see end of Chapter).

Non-shivering thermogenesis is a rise in metabolism, which is not related to muscular activity (shivering or exercise).

Insensible perspiration (leakage of the skin) is the small cutaneous evaporation loss, which is unrelated to sweat gland function.

Insulation refers to resistance to heat transfer.

Radiative heat loss is a transfer of heat energy between 2 separate objects at different temperature. Heat energy is transferred via electromagnetic waves (photons). This heat transfer does not require a medium, and the temperature of any intervening medium is immaterial.

Shell temperature is the temperature of the outer parts of the body (measured on the skin surface) and related to cold environments.

Shivering is a reflex myogenic response to cold with asynchronous or balanced muscle contractions performing no external work.

Specific heat capacity is the relationship between heat energy exchanged per weight unit of a substance and the corresponding temperature change. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 and of the human body (blood and tissues) 3.49 kJ kg-1 oC-1, respectively. The specific heat capacity of atmospheric air is 1.3 kJ (m3)-1 oC-1.

Temperature is the measurement of heat energy content.


This paragraph deals with

1. The temperatures of the body, 2. Body responses to cold, 3. Body responses to heat, 4. Emotional sweating, 5. Metabolic Rate and environmental temperature, 6. Temperature control, 7. The human thermo-control system, and 8. Thermoregulatory effectors.

1. The temperatures of the body

The human body consists of a peripheral shell and a central core (Fig. 21-1). The heat content (H or enthalpy) of the human body is reflected by its temperature. By definition a thermometer only measures the temperature of the thermometer, so its location is essential. The mean core temperature is 37 oC in healthy adults at rest, but small children have larger diurnal variations.

The skin is the main heat exchanger of the body. The skin temperature is determined by the core temperature and by the environment (temperature, humidity, air velocity). Thus the shell temperature is governed by the needs of the body to exchange heat energy.

Fig. 21-1: Heat transfers, body cores and shells temperatures of a naked person standing in cold and warm air, respectively.

The shell temperature is measured on the skin surface and at the hands and feet to approach the room temperature of 19oC in a person standing in a cold room for hours (Fig. 21-1, left). The shell temperature is several degrees lower than the temperature in the central core. The limbs have both a longitudinal and a radial temperature gradient. The shell temperature and the size of the shell vary with the environmental temperature and the termal state of the person. A naked person, standing on a cold floor in 19oC air has a small core and a thick shell compared to the same person in a warm environment (Fig. 21-1). The shell temperature of the skin and distal extremities is difficult to evaluate. The best estimate is measurement of the infrared heat radiation flux with a radiometer.

The core temperature is the rather constant temperature in the deeper parts of the body and in the proximal extremity portions (see the red stippled lines of Fig. 21-1). However, the core temperature may vary several Centigrades between different regions depending on the cellular activity. The brain has a radial temperature gradient between its deep and superficial parts. In a sense, the temperature of the mixed venous blood represents an essential core temperature.

The rectal temperature

A high core temperature is found to be constant in the rectum about 10-15 cm from the anus. When measuring the rectal temperature a standard depth of 5-10 cm is used clinically. The venous plexus around the rectum communicate with the cutaneous blood in the anal region. The rectal temperature falls when the feet are cold, because cold blood passes the rectum in the veins from the legs for the same reason. The rectal temperature rises during heavy work involving the legs.

Parents should be advised to measure the rectal temperature in disease suspect children. The rectal temperature is a reliable estimate of the core temperature in resting persons.

Sublingual (oral) or axillary temperatures are unreliable measures of the core temperature - often more than half a degree lower than the rectal temperature.

The cranial temperature (tympanic and nasal)

The main control of temperature is performed by the anterior hypothalamus, which has a high bloodflow. Within the cranium the hypothalamus lies over the Circle of Willis, which supplies it with blood, and close to the cavernous sinus which drains it. Hypothalamus elicits heat loss responses when stimulated by heat. The tympanic membrane and areas in the nasal cavity (the anterior ethmoidal region, part of the sphenoid sinus) are supplied with blood from the internal carotid artery just like the hypothalamus. These cranial locations then serve as a substitute for the measurement of the inaccessible hypothalamic temperature.

Intake of 250 g of ice releases an abrupt fall in the nasal temperature in a warm person, whereas the change in rectal temperature is smaller and delayed (Fig. 21-2). The cranial core temperature is more dynamic than the rectal.

Fig. 21-2: Intake of ice reduces the temperature in a warm person resting at 45oC.

In sports and in surgical hypothermia dynamic measurements of core temperature are essential. The cranial temperature is often preferred. During forceful movements the thermistor may be displaced. In such situations an oesophageal location is applied at heart level. This is an approximative measure of the temperature of the mixed venous blood of the right heart located close to the thermistor.

The mean body temperature is defined according to Eq. 21-1. The storage of heat energy in the body can be calculated according to its heat capacity (3.49 kJ* kg-1*oC-1), the body weight (kg) and the change in mean body temperature in the period (Eq. 21-2).

According to the first law of thermodynamics, the storage of heat energy equals the metabolic energy change minus the heat loss (Eq. 21-3). Quantification of thermodynamics in humans is possible using equations 21-1 to 21-7 (later in this chapter).

The body is in heat energy balance, when the storage is zero. However, the core temperature may change with internal fluxes of heat energy between core and shell without storage or loss of heat energy at a constant activity.

Venous blood draining active muscles and the liver is likely to be warmer than pulmonary venous blood, since this has undergone evaporative cooling in the alveoli. A patient with high fever can be in thermal steady state, with a high constant heat production, if both core- and shell-temperatures are constant, and no internal energy flux occurs.

Warm-blooded animals, homeotherms such as humans, can change their metabolism in order to keep their heat production equal to the heat loss. Such animals have a temperature control system and thereby maintain a rather constant core temperature. Warm-blooded animals live with the advantage of an unchanged cell activity and temperature in their core. However, the human core temperature falls during the oestrogen phase of the menstrual cycle and during sleep (circadian rhythm). The lowest temperature is between 18 at night and 6 oclock in the morning (Fig. 21-3). The temperature cycle is part of the circadian periodicity. Our biological clock seems to be synchronised with the rotation of the globe. Also meals, light and temperature plays a role.

Ovulation releases a sharp rise in morning temperature. Progesterone effects seem to explain the higher temperature in the last phase of the menstrual cycle (Fig. 21-3).

Fig. 21-3: Variations of the core temperature during 24 hour (above), and variations related to phases of the menstrual cycle (below).

Cold-blooded animals (poikilotherms) live with a behavioural temperature rhythm, but have no autonomic temperature control. The core- and shell-temperatures vary with the environment and the cellular activity. Reptiles, premature and low weight-premature newborn babies are cold-blooded. These babies have no thermoregulation (see later). However, their capacity for heat production is 5-10 times as great per unit weight as that of adults.

Humans have a warm-blooded (homeothermic) coreand a cold-blooded (poikilothermic) shell in a cold environment.

Persons exposed to general anaesthesia, alcohol, and certain drugs lose the autonomic thermoregulation. Cold-blooded animals must live with varying core and shell temperature, whereby the rate of their cellular activities varies with the surrounding temperature (Fig. 21-4).

Fig. 21-4: The body core temperature and the environmental body temperature for a warm-blooded animal (cat) and a cold-blooded animal (lizard).

a) Convection. The convective heat loss is calculated by Eq. 21-7. A healthy person in sports clothes experiences thermal comfort at three times the resting metabolic rate (3 MET), when the surrounding temperature is 20oC, the humidity is 50% and the wind velocity is 0.5 m*s-1.

Diving (water has a high thermal conductivity) illustrates the importance of conduction andconvection in heat energy transfer.

The dry diving suit excludes water from contact with the skin and traps low-conductance air in insulating clothing worn inside the watertight sealing.

The wet suit traps water next to the skin but prevents its circulation. The water is warmed through contact with the skin, and the high insulation of the foam rubber wet diving suit, with its many pockets of trapped air, minimises the rate of heat energy loss to the surrounding water. Air is a poor heat conductor and thus a good insulator. During deep diving high pressures compress these air pockets and thus reduce the insulation properties of wet diving suits.

b) Radiation describes a transfer of energy between objects in the form of electromagnetic waves (photons). This includes ultraviolet and visible (sun light) radiation from the outside and from the body infrared or warm heat radiation.

Radiative heat transfer can be calculated for a naked person according to Eq. 21-4.

When the skin temperature (Tskin) is less than the temperature of the surrounding objects, heat is gained by radiation.

At wintertime, heat can be lost through a window glass by radiation from the body to the cold environment irrespective of the room temperature. This is because the skin temperature is higher than the outside temperature.

c) Conduction. Sitting on a cold stone is a typical example of conduction loss, just as standing on a cold floor (Fig. 21-1). Conduction heat can also be gained, although it is really possible to walk on glowing coals with speed and a thick epidermal horn layer.

d) Evaporative heat loss- see sweat secretion below.

2. Body-responses to cold

Cutaneous vasoconstriction lowers skin temperature, and thereby reduces the conductive-convective heat loss that is determined by the temperature gradient from the skin surface to the environment. Cutaneous vasoconstriction directs the peripheral venous blood back to the body core through the deep veins and the commitant veins. These veins are located around the arteries with warm blood, so that the venous blood receives part of the heat energy from the arterial blood - so-called counter current heat exchange (Fig. 21-5). The vasoconstriction is so effective, that the bloodflow through the arterio-venous anastomoses in the fingers and toes can fall to below one percent of the flow at normal temperature. The cooling of the shell is immediate, and the size of the shell increases (Fig. 21-1). Obviously, the shell is large for a naked person in cold air. The resistance vessels of the hands may open periodically to nourish the tissues, but the high viscosity of the cold blood can endanger the tissue nutrition and result in trench foot.

The arterio-venous shunts of the hands and feet are closed, so the bloodflow to the limbs is a nutritive minimum.

The deep arteries and veins of the limbs lie in parallel, so the arterial bloodflow loses heat to the incoming venous blood partially surrounding the arteries (Fig. 21-5). This is a typical counter-current heat exchange. In a cold environment, where vasoconstriction and heat exchange produces cold extremities, the total insulation is increased at the expense of reduced neuromuscular efficiency.

Fig. 21-5: Counter-current exchange in a human arm conserving heat energy in a cold climate (left). Superficial venous cooling ribs eliminate heat energy in a warm climate (right).

In a warm climate the high bloodflow of the extremities ensures an optimal temperature of the deeper structures (eg, the neuromuscular system). The temperature of the arterial blood is maintained (Fig. 21-5, right) and the arterio-venous anastomoses are wide open conveying warm blood to the superficial veins. The superficial veins also act as cooling ribs and transfer large amounts of heat to the skin surface, where it is eliminated from the body by convection, conduction and evaporation (Fig. 21-5, right).

Shivering is a reflex myogenic response to cold with asynchronous or balanced muscle contractions elicited from the hypothalamus via cutaneous receptors. The activity in agonist and antagonist muscles balance, so there is no external work. Without outside work, all energy is liberated as metabolic heat energy. Heat production is also increased by thyroid gland activity and by release of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla.

External work, such as running, is helpful in maintaining body temperature when feeling cold. Cold increases the motivation for warm-up exercises and illustrates the voluntary, cortical (feedforward influence) on temperature homeostasis. The core temperature increases proportionally to the work intensity during prolonged steady state work (Fig. 21-6). The mean skin temperature falls with increasing work intensity at 20oC, because the sweat evaporation cools the skin.

Fig. 21-6: Muscular and oesophageal temperature during steady state exercise. The levels of exercise range from zero to 100% of the maximum oxygen uptake.

The temperature in the active muscles determines the level of the rectal temperature. Following marathon rectal temperatures of more than 41oC have been measured and heat strokes have occurred. A marathon is even more difficult to accomplish in warm, humid environments and strong sun may cause sunstroke (see later).

People may adapt to prolonged exposure to cold by increasing their basal metabolic rate up to 50% higher than normal. This metabolic adaptation is found in Inuits (Eskimos) and other people continuously subject to cold.

The environmental temperature, where we maintain our autonomic temperature control, is in the range of zero to 45oC. Below and above this range we adapt to the environment by behaviour (adding or removing clothing, warm or cold bath, sun or shadow). A core temperature above 44oC starts protein denaturation in all cells and is incompatible with life. Below 32oC humans lose consciousness and below 28oC the frequency of malignant cardiac arrhythmias is increasing, ending with ventricular fibrillation and death at a core temperature below 23 oC (Fig. 21-7).

Fig. 21-7: Environmental temperature variations and temperature control. Lack of vital signs in the clinic (respiration, heart rate, EEG) must not be taken as death. Treatment must be instituted until death signs are developed.

3. Body-responses to heat

Sweat secretion. Three million sweat glands produce sweat at a rate of up to 2 litres per hour or more during exercise in extreme warm conditions. If not compensated by drinking, such high sweat rates lead to circulatory failure and shock. Sweat resembles a dilute ultrafiltrate of plasma. Healthy humans cannot maintain their body temperature, if the environmental air reaches body temperature and the air is saturated with water vapour. Primary sweat is secreted as an isosmotic fluid into the sweat duct, and subsequent NaCl reabsorption results in the final hypo-osmotic sweat. Thermal sweating is abolished by atropine, proving that the postganglionic fibres are cholinergic. Cholinergic drugs provoke sweating just as adrenergic agonists do. Evaporation of water on the body surface eliminates 2428-2436 J g-1 at mean shell temperatures of 30-32oC. Evaporation of a large volume of sweat per time unit (Vsweat) implies a substantial loss of heat according to Eq. 21-5.

Normally, the skin temperature falls with increasing work intensity, because the sweat evaporation cools the skin (Fig. 21-6). Danger occurs when the average skin temperature and the body core temperature converge towards the same value.

Condensation of water on the skin gains heat energy, which is stored in the body. This is what happens in a Sauna.

Vasodilatation of skin vessels in warm environments results in increased cardiac output. The arterio-venous anastomoses in the hands and feet are open, and the bloodflow can rise up to at least 10 folds. The shell is minimal, when a naked person is in warm air (Fig. 21-1, right). The skin bloodflow, mainly in the extremities, determines the amount of heat energy, which is carried from the body core to be lost on the surface. The heat energy is transported from the large body core to the skin by convection in the blood. A substantial part of the heat energy is lost through the superficial veins of the extremities acting as cooling ribs (Fig. 21-5). The blood of the superficial veins is thus arterialized, when the person is warm.

A piece of steak has the same composition as human skin but of course no blood flow and no sweat evaporation. Thus the steak will be cooked at an air temperature that humans can survive. A person can stay in a room with dry air at 128oC for up to 10 min during which time the steak is partially cooked.

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New Human Physiology Ch 21 -

Anatomy and Physiology – McGraw Hill Education

Glossary Click here to go to Prefixes and Suffixes.

Most of the words in this glossary are followed by a phonetic spelling that serves as a guide to pronunciation. The phonetic spellings reflect standard scientific usage and can be easily interpreted following a few basic rules.

abduction (ab-dukshun) The movement of a body part away from the axis or midline of the body; movement of a digit away from the axis of the limb.

ABO system The most common system of classification for red blood cell antigens. On the basis of antigens on the red blood cell surface, individuals can be type A, type B, type AB, or type O.

absorption (ab-sorpshun) The transport of molecules across epithelial membranes into the body fluids.

accessory organs (ak-sesuo-re) Organs that assist with the functioning of other organs within a system.

accommodation (ua-komuo-dashun) A process whereby the focal length of the eye is changed by automatic adjustment of the curvature of the lens to bring images of objects from various distances into focus on the retina.

acetabulum (asue-tabyuu-lum) A socket in the lateral surface of the hipbone (os coxa) with which the head of the femur articulates.

acetone (asue-t=on) A ketone body produced as a result of the oxidation of fats.

acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) (asue-tl, ua-setl) A coenzyme derivative in the metabolism of glucose and fatty acids that contributes substrates to the Krebs cycle.

acetylcholine (ACh) (ua-setl-kol=en) An acetic acid ester of choline-a substance that functions as a neurotransmitter in somatic motor nerve and parasympathetic nerve fibers.

acetylcholinesterase (ua-setl-kolu1-nestue-r=as) An enzyme in the membrane of postsynaptic cells that catalyzes the conversion of ACh into choline and acetic acid. This enzymatic reaction inactivates the neurotransmitter.

Achilles tendon (ua-kil=ez) See tendo calcaneous.

acid (asid) A substance that releases hydrogen ions when ionized in water.

acidosis (asu1-dosis) An abnormal increase in the H+ concentration of the blood that lowers the arterial pH to below 7.35.

acromegaly (akro-megua-le) A condition caused by the hypersecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland after maturity and characterized by enlargement of the extremities, such as the nose, jaws, fingers, and toes.

actin (aktin) A protein in muscle fibers that together with myosin is responsible for contraction.

action potential An all-or-none electrical event in an axon or muscle fiber in which the polarity of the membrane potential is rapidly reversed and reestablished.

active immunity (u1-myoonu1-te) Immunity involving sensitization, in which antibody production is stimulated by prior exposure to an antigen.

active transport The movement of molecules or ions across the cell membranes of epithelial cells by membrane carriers. An expenditure of cellular energy (ATP) is required.

adduction (au-dukshun) The movement of a body part toward the axis or midline of the body; movement of a digit toward the axis of the limb.

adenohypophysis (adn-o-hi-pofu1-sis) The anterior, glandular lobe of the pituitary gland that secretes FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), GH (growth hormone), and prolactin. Secretions of the adenohypophysis are controlled by hormones produced by the hypothalamus.

adenoids (adue-noidz) The tonsils located in the nasopharynx; pharyngeal tonsils.

adenylate cyclase (ua-denl-it sikl=as) An enzyme found in cell membranes that catalyzes the conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP and pyrophosphate (PP1). This enzyme is activated by an interaction between a specific hormone and its membrane receptor protein.

ADH Antidiuretic hormone; a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary that acts on the kidneys to promote water reabsorption; also known as vasopressin.

ADP Adenosine diphosphate; a molecule that together with inorganic phosphate is used to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

adrenal cortex (ua-drenal korteks) The outer part of the adrenal gland. Derived from embryonic mesoderm, the adrenal cortex secretes corticosteroid hormones (such as aldosterone and hydrocortisone).

adrenal medulla (mue-dulua) The inner part of the adrenal gland. Derived from embryonic postganglionic sympathetic neurons, the adrenal medulla secretes catecholamine hormones-epinephrine and (to a lesser degree) norepinephrine.

adrenergic (adreu-nerjik) A term used to describe the actions of epinephrine, norepinephrine, or other molecules with similar activity (as in adrenergic receptor and adrenergic stimulation).

adventitia (adven-tishua) The outermost epithelial layer of a visceral organ; also called serosa.

afferent (afer-ent) Conveying or transmitting to.

afferent arteriole (ar-tire-=ol) A blood vessel within the kidney that supplies blood to the glomerulus.

afferent neuron (nooron) See sensory neuron.

agglutinate (ua-glootn-=at) A clump of cells (usually erythrocytes) formed as a result of specific chemical interaction between surface antigens and antibodies.

agranular leukocytes (ua-granyuu-lar loo kuo-s1=tz) White blood cells (leukocytes) that do not contain cytoplasmic granules; specifically, lymphocytes and monocytes.

albumin (al-byoomin) A water-soluble protein produced in the liver; the major component of the plasma proteins.

aldosterone (al-doster-=on) The principal corticosteroid hormone involved in the regulation of electrolyte balance (mineralocorticoid).

alimentary canal The tubular portion of the digestive tract. See also gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).

allantois (ua-lanto-is) An extraembryonic membranous sac involved in the formation of blood cells. It gives rise to the fetal umbilical arteries and vein and also contributes to the formation of the urinary bladder.

allergens (aler-jenz) Antigens that evoke an allergic response rather than a normal immune response.

allergy (aler-je) A state of hypersensitivity caused by exposure to allergens. It results in the liberation of histamine and other molecules with histaminelike effects.

all-or-none principle The statement of the fact that muscle fibers of a motor unit contract to their maximum extent when exposed to a stimulus of threshold strength.

allosteric (aluo-sterik) A term used with reference to the alteration of an enzyme's activity as a result of its combination with a regulator molecule. Allosteric inhibition by an end product represents negative feedback control of an enzyme's activity.

alveolar sacs (al-veuo-lar) A cluster of alveoli that share a common chamber or central atrium.

alveolus (al-veuo-lus) 1.An individual air capsule within the lung. The alveoli are the basic functional units of respiration. 2.The socket that secures a tooth(tooth socket).

amniocentesis (amne-o-sen-tesis) A procedure in which a sample of amniotic fluid is aspirated to examine suspended cells for various genetic diseases.

amnion (amne-on) A developmental membrane surrounding the fetus that contains amniotic fluid.

amphiarthrosis (amfe-ar-throsis) A slightly movable articulation in a functional classification of joints.

amphoteric (am-fo-terik) Having both acidic and basic characteristics; used to denote a molecule that can be positively or negatively charged, depending on the pH of its environment.

ampulla (am-poolua) A saclike enlargement of a duct or tube.

ampulla of Vater (Fuater) See hepatopancreatic ampulla.

anabolic steroids (anua-bolik steroidz) Steroids with androgenlike stimulatory effects on protein synthesis.

anabolism (ua-nabuo-lizem) A phase of metabolism involving chemical reactions within cells that result in the production of larger molecules from smaller ones; specifically, the synthesis of protein, glycogen, and fat.

anaerobic respiration (an-ua-robik respu1-rashun) A form of cell respiration involving the conversion of glucose to lactic acid in which energy is obtained without the use of molecular oxygen.

anal canal (anal) The terminal tubular portion of the large intestine that opens through the anus of the GI tract.

anaphylaxis (anua-fu1-laksis) An unusually severe allergic reaction that can result in cardiovascular shock and death.

anastomosis (ua-nastuo-mosis) An interconnecting aggregation of blood vessels or nerves that form a network plexus.

anatomical position (anua-tomu1-kal) An erect body stance with the eyes directed interior, the arms at the sides, the palms of the hands facing interior, and the fingers pointing straight down.

anatomy (ua-natuo-me) The branch of science concerned with the structure of the body and the relationship of its organs.

androgens (andruo-jenz) Steroids containing 18 carbons that have masculinizing effects; primarily those hormones(such as testosterone) secreted by the testes, although weaker androgens are also secreted by the adrenal cortex.

anemia (ua-neme-ua) An abnormal reduction in the red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, or hematocrit, or any combination of these measurements. This condition is associated with a decreased ability of the blood to carry oxygen.

angina pectoris (an-jinua pektuo-ris) A thoracic pain, often referred to the left pectoral and arm area, caused by myocardial ischemia.

angiotensin II (anje-o-tensin) An 8-amino-acid polypeptide formed from angiotensin I(a 10-amino-acid precursor), which in turn is formed from cleavage of a protein(angiotensinogen) by the action of renin(an enzyme secreted by the kidneys). Angiotensin II is a powerful vasoconstrictor and a stimulator of aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex.

anions (ani-onz) Ions that are negatively charged, such as chloride, bicarbonate, and phosphate.

antagonist (an-taguo-nist) A muscle that acts in opposition to another muscle.

antebrachium (ante-brake-em) The forearm.

anterior (ventral) Toward the front; the opposite of posterior, or dorsal.

anterior pituitary (pu1-toou1-ter-e) See adenohypophysis.

anterior root The anterior projection of the spinal cord, composed of axons of motor neurons.

antibodies (antu1-bod=ez) Immunoglobin proteins secreted by B lymphocytes that have transformed into plasma cells. Antibodies are responsible for humoral immunity. Their synthesis is induced by specific antigens, and they combine with these specific antigens but not with unrelated antigens.

anticodon (antu1-kodon) A base triplet provided by three nucleotides within a loop of transfer RNA that is complementary in its base-pairing properties to a triplet(the codon) in mRNA. The matching of codon to anticodon provides the mechanism for translating the genetic code into a specific sequence of amino acids.

antigen (antu1-jen) A molecule that can induce the production of antibodies and react in a specific manner with antibodies.

antigenic determinant site (an-tu1-jenik) The region of an antigen molecule that specifically reacts with particular antibodies. A large antigen molecule may have a number of such sites.

antiserum (antu1-sirum) A serum that contains specific antibodies.

anus (anus) The terminal opening of the GI tract.

aorta (a-ortua) The major systemic vessel of the arterial system of the body, emerging from the left ventricle.

aortic arch The superior left bend of the aorta between the ascending and descending portions.

apex (apeks) The tip or pointed end of a conical structure.

aphasia (ua-fazhua) Defects in speech, writing, or in the comprehension of spoken or written language caused by brain damage or disease.

apneustic center (ap-noostik) A collection of nuclei(nerve cell bodies) in the brain stem that participates in the rhythmic control of breathing.

apocrine gland (apuo-krin) A type of sweat gland that functions in evaporative cooling. It may respond during periods of emotional stress.

aponeurosis (apuo-noo-rosis) A fibrous or membranous sheetlike tendon.

appendix A short pouch that attaches to the cecum.

aqueous humor (akwe-us) The watery fluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye.

arachnoid mater (ua-raknoid) The weblike middle covering(meninx) of the central nervous system.

arbor vitae (arbor vite) The branching arrangement of white matter within the cerebellum.

arm (brachium) The portion of the upper extremity from the shoulder to the elbow.

arrector pili muscle (ah-rektor pihle) The smooth muscle attached to a hair follicle that, upon contraction, pulls the hair into a more vertical position, resulting in "goose bumps."

arteriole (ar-tire-=ol) A minute arterial branch.

arteriosclerosis (ar-tire-o-sklue-rosis) Any one of a group of diseases characterized by thickening and hardening of the artery wall and in the narrowing of its lumen.

arteriovenous anastomoses (ar-tire-o-venus ua-nastuo-mos=ez) Direct connections between arteries and veins that bypass capillary beds.

artery (artue-re) A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.

arthrology (ar-throluo-je) The scientific study of the structure and function of joints.

articular cartilage (ar-tikyuu-lar kartu1-lij) A hyaline cartilaginous covering over the articulating surface of the bones of synovial joints.

articulation (ar-tikyuu-lashun) A joint.

arytenoid cartilages (arue-tenoid) A pair of small cartilages located on the superior aspect of the larynx.

ascending colon (kolon) The portion of the large intestine between the cecum and the hepatic flexure.

association neuron (nooron) A nerve cell located completely within the central nervous system. It conveys impulses in an arc from sensory to motor neurons; also called interneuron or internuncial neuron.

astigmatism (ua-stigmua-tizem) Unequal curvature of the refractive surfaces of the eye (cornea and/or lens), so that light entering the eye along certain meridians does not focus on the retina.

atherosclerosis (athue-ro-sklue-rosis) A common type of arteriosclerosis found in medium and larger arteries in which raised areas within the tunica intima are formed from smooth muscle cells, cholesterol, and other lipids. These plaques occlude arteries and serve as sites for the formation of thrombi.

Anatomy and Physiology - McGraw Hill Education

Physiology of dinosaurs – Wikipedia

Note: In this article "dinosaur" means "non-avian dinosaur," since most experts regard birds as an advanced group of dinosaurs.

The physiology of dinosaurs has historically been a controversial subject, particularly thermoregulation. Recently, many new lines of evidence have been brought to bear on dinosaur physiology generally, including not only metabolic systems and thermoregulation, but on respiratory and cardiovascular systems as well.

During the early years of dinosaur paleontology, it was widely considered that they were sluggish, cumbersome, and sprawling cold-blooded lizards. However, with the discovery of much more complete skeletons in western United States, starting in the 1870s, scientists could make more informed interpretations of dinosaur biology and physiology. Edward Drinker Cope, opponent of Othniel Charles Marsh in the Bone Wars, propounded at least some dinosaurs as active and agile, as seen in the painting of two fighting "Laelaps" produced under his direction by Charles R. Knight.[1]

In parallel, the development of Darwinian evolution, and the discoveries of Archaeopteryx and Compsognathus, led Thomas Henry Huxley to propose that dinosaurs were closely related to birds.[2] Despite these considerations, the image of dinosaurs as large reptiles had already taken root,[1] and most aspects of their paleobiology were interpreted as being typically reptilian for the first half of the twentieth century.[3] Beginning in the 1960s and with the advent of the Dinosaur Renaissance, views of dinosaurs and their physiology have changed dramatically, including the discovery of feathered dinosaurs in Early Cretaceous age deposits in China, indicating that birds evolved from highly agile maniraptoran dinosaurs.

The study of dinosaurs began in the 1820s in England. Pioneers in the field, such as William Buckland, Gideon Mantell, and Richard Owen, interpreted the first, very fragmentary remains as belonging to large quadrupedal beasts.[4] Their early work can be seen today in the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, constructed in the 1850s, which present known dinosaurs as elephantine lizard-like reptiles.[5] Despite these reptilian appearances, Owen speculated that dinosaur heart and respiratory systems were more similar to that of a mammal than a reptile.[4]

In the late 1960s, similar ideas reappeared, beginning with John Ostrom's work on Deinonychus and bird evolution.[6] His student, Bob Bakker, popularized the changing thought in a series of papers beginning with The superiority of dinosaurs in 1968.[7] In these publications, he argued strenuously that dinosaurs were warm-blooded and active animals, capable of sustained periods of high activity. In most of his writings Bakker framed his arguments as new evidence leading to a revival of ideas popular in the late 19th century, frequently referring to an ongoing dinosaur renaissance. He used a variety of anatomical and statistical arguments to defend his case,[8][9] the methodology of which was fiercely debated among scientists.[10]

These debates sparked interest in new methods for ascertaining the palaeobiology of extinct animals, such as bone histology, which have been successfully applied to determining the growth-rates of many dinosaurs.

Today, it is generally thought that many or perhaps all dinosaurs had higher metabolic rates than living reptiles, but also that the situation is more complex and varied than Bakker originally proposed. For example, while smaller dinosaurs may have been true endotherms, the larger forms could have been inertial homeotherms,[11][12] or that many dinosaurs could have had intermediate metabolic rates.[13]

The earliest dinosaurs were almost certainly predators, and shared several predatory features with their nearest non-dinosaur relatives like Lagosuchus, including: relatively large, curved, blade-like teeth in large, wide-opening jaws that closed like scissors; relatively small abdomens, as carnivores do not require large digestive systems. Later dinosaurs regarded as predators sometimes grew much larger, but retained the same set of features. Instead of chewing their food, these predators swallowed it whole.[14]

The feeding habits of ornithomimosaurs and oviraptorosaurs are a mystery: although they evolved from a predatory theropod lineage, they have small jaws and lack the blade-like teeth of typical predators, but there is no evidence of their diet or how they ate and digested it.[14]

Features of other groups of dinosaurs indicate they were herbivores. These features include:

Sauropods, which were herbivores, did not chew their food, as their teeth and jaws appear suitable only for stripping leaves off plants. Ornithischians, also herbivores, show a variety of approaches. The armored ankylosaurs and stegosaurs had small heads and weak jaws and teeth, and are thought to have fed in much the same way as sauropods. The pachycephalosaurs had small heads and weak jaws and teeth, but their lack of large digestive systems suggests a different diet, possibly fruits, seeds, or young shoots, which would have been more nutritious to them than leaves.[14]

On the other hand, ornithopods such as Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon and various hadrosaurs had horny beaks for snipping off vegetation and jaws and teeth that were well-adapted for chewing. The horned ceratopsians had similar mechanisms.[14]

It has often been suggested that at least some dinosaurs used swallowed stones, known as gastroliths, to aid digestion by grinding their food in muscular gizzards, and that this was a feature they shared with birds. In 2007 Oliver Wings reviewed references to gastroliths in scientific literature and found considerable confusion, starting with the lack of an agreed and objective definition of "gastrolith". He found that swallowed hard stones or grit can assist digestion in birds that mainly feed on grain but may not be essentialand that birds that eat insects in summer and grain in winter usually get rid of the stones and grit in summer. Gastroliths have often been described as important for sauropod dinosaurs, whose diet of vegetation required very thorough digestion, but Wings concluded that this idea was incorrect: gastroliths are found with only a small percentage of sauropod fossils; where they have been found, the amounts are too small and in many cases the stones are too soft to have been effective in grinding food; most of these gastroliths are highly polished, but gastroliths used by modern animals to grind food are roughened by wear and corroded by stomach acids; hence the sauropod gastroliths were probably swallowed accidentally. On the other hand, he concluded that gastroliths found with fossils of advanced theropod dinosaurs such as Sinornithomimus and Caudipteryx resemble those of birds, and that the use of gastroliths for grinding food may have appeared early in the group of dinosaurs from which these dinosaurs and birds both evolved.[15][16]

When laying eggs, female birds grow a special type of bone in their limbs between the hard outer bone and the marrow.[17] This medullary bone, which is rich in calcium, is used to make eggshells, and the birds that produced it absorb it when they have finished laying eggs.[18] Medullary bone has been found in fossils of the theropods Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus and of the ornithopod Tenontosaurus.[18][19]

Because the line of dinosaurs that includes Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus diverged from the line that led to Tenontosaurus very early in the evolution of dinosaurs, the presence of medullary bone in both groups suggests that dinosaurs in general produced medullary tissue. On the other hand, crocodilians, which are dinosaurs' second closest extant relatives after birds, do not produce medullary bone. This tissue may have first appeared in ornithodires, the Triassic archosaur group from which dinosaurs are thought to have evolved.[18]

Medullary bone has been found in specimens of sub-adult size, which suggests that dinosaurs reached sexual maturity before they were full-grown. Sexual maturity at sub-adult size is also found in reptiles and in medium- to large-sized mammals, but birds and small mammals reach sexual maturity only after they are full-grownwhich happens within their first year. Early sexual maturity is also associated with specific features of animals' life cycles: the young are born relatively well-developed rather than helpless; and the death-rate among adults is high.[18]

From about 1870 onwards scientists have generally agreed that the post-cranial skeletons of many dinosaurs contained many air-filled cavities (postcranial skeletal pneumaticity, especially in the vertebrae. Pneumatization of the skull (such as paranasal sinuses) is found in both synapsids and archosaurs, but postcranial pneumatization is found only in birds, non-avian saurischian dinosaurs, and pterosaurs.

For a long time these cavities were regarded simply as weight-saving devices, but Bakker proposed that they were connected to air sacs like those that make birds' respiratory systems the most efficient of all animals'.[9]

John Ruben et al. (1997, 1999, 2003, 2004) disputed this and suggested that dinosaurs had a "tidal" respiratory system (in and out) powered by a crocodile-like hepatic piston mechanism muscles attached mainly to the pubis pull the liver backwards, which makes the lungs expand to inhale; when these muscles relax, the lungs return to their previous size and shape, and the animal exhales. They also presented this as a reason for doubting that birds descended from dinosaurs.[20][21][22][23][24]

Critics have claimed that, without avian air sacs, modest improvements in a few aspects of a modern reptile's circulatory and respiratory systems would enable the reptile to achieve 50% to 70% of the oxygen flow of a mammal of similar size,[25] and that lack of avian air sacs would not prevent the development of endothermy.[26] Very few formal rebuttals have been published in scientific journals of Ruben et al.'s claim that dinosaurs could not have had avian-style air sacs; but one points out that the Sinosauropteryx fossil on which they based much of their argument was severely flattened and therefore it was impossible to tell whether the liver was the right shape to act as part of a hepatic piston mechanism.[27] Some recent papers simply note without further comment that Ruben et al. argued against the presence of air sacs in dinosaurs.[28]

Researchers have presented evidence and arguments for air sacs in sauropods, "prosauropods", coelurosaurs, ceratosaurs, and the theropods Aerosteon and Coelophysis.

In advanced sauropods ("neosauropods") the vertebrae of the lower back and hip regions show signs of air sacs. In early sauropods only the cervical (neck) vertebrae show these features. If the developmental sequence found in bird embryos is a guide, air sacs actually evolved before the channels in the skeleton that accommodate them in later forms.[29][30]

Evidence of air sacs has also been found in theropods. Studies indicate that fossils of coelurosaurs,[31]ceratosaurs,[28] and the theropods Coelophysis and Aerosteon exhibit evidence of air sacs. Coelophysis, from the late Triassic, is one of the earliest dinosaurs whose fossils show evidence of channels for air sacs.[30]Aerosteon, a Late Cretaceous allosaur, had the most bird-like air sacs found so far.[32]

Early sauropodomorphs, including the group traditionally called "prosauropods", may also have had air sacs. Although possible pneumatic indentations have been found in Plateosaurus and Thecodontosaurus, the indentations are very small. One study in 2007 concluded that prosauropods likely had abdominal and cervical air sacs, based on the evidence for them in sister taxa (theropods and sauropods). The study concluded that it was impossible to determine whether prosauropods had a bird-like flow-through lung, but that the air sacs were almost certainly present.[33] A further indication for the presence of air sacs and their use in lung ventilation comes from a reconstruction of the air exchange volume (the volume of air exchanged with each breath) of Plateosaurus, which when expressed as a ratio of air volume per body weight at 29ml/kg is similar to values of geese and other birds, and much higher than typical mammalian values.[34]

So far no evidence of air sacs has been found in ornithischian dinosaurs. But this does not imply that ornithischians could not have had metabolic rates comparable to those of mammals, since mammals also do not have air sacs.[35]

Three explanations have been suggested for the development of air sacs in dinosaurs:[32]

Calculations of the volumes of various parts of the sauropod Apatosaurus' respiratory system support the evidence of bird-like air sacs in sauropods:

On this basis, Apatosaurus could not have had a reptilian respiratory system, as its tidal volume would have been less than its dead-space volume, so that stale air was not expelled but was sucked back into the lungs. Likewise, a mammalian system would only provide to the lungs about 225184=41liters of fresh, oxygenated air on each breath. Apatosaurus must therefore have had either a system unknown in the modern world or one like birds', with multiple air sacs and a flow-through lung. Furthermore, an avian system would only need a lung volume of about 600liters while a mammalian one would have required about 2,950liters, which would exceed the estimated 1,700liters of space available in a 30-ton Apatosaurus chest.[36]

Dinosaur respiratory systems with bird-like air sacs may have been capable of sustaining higher activity levels than mammals of similar size and build can sustain. In addition to providing a very efficient supply of oxygen, the rapid airflow would have been an effective cooling mechanism, which is essential for animals that are active but too large to get rid of all the excess heat through their skins.[35]

The palaeontologist Peter Ward has argued that the evolution of the air sac system, which first appears in the very earliest dinosaurs, may have been in response to the very low (11%) atmospheric oxygen of the Carnian and Norian ages of the Triassic Period.[37]

Birds have spurs called "uncinate processes" on the rear edges of their ribs, and these give the chest muscles more leverage when pumping the chest to improve oxygen supply. The size of the uncinate processes is related to the bird's lifestyle and oxygen requirements: they are shortest in walking birds and longest in diving birds, which need to replenish their oxygen reserves quickly when they surface. Non-avian maniraptoran dinosaurs also had these uncinate processes, and they were proportionately as long as in modern diving birds, which indicates that maniraptorans needed a high-capacity oxygen supply.[38][39]

Plates that may have functioned the same way as uncinate processes have been observed in fossils of the ornithischian dinosaur Thescelosaurus, and have been interpreted as evidence of high oxygen consumption and therefore high metabolic rate.[40]

Nasal turbinates are convoluted structures of thin bone in the nasal cavity. In most mammals and birds these are present and lined with mucous membranes that perform two functions. They improve the sense of smell by increasing the area available to absorb airborne chemicals, and they warm and moisten inhaled air, and extract heat and moisture from exhaled air to prevent desiccation of the lungs.

John Ruben and others have argued that no evidence of nasal turbinates has been found in dinosaurs. All the dinosaurs they examined had nasal passages that were too narrow and short to accommodate nasal turbinates, so dinosaurs could not have sustained the breathing rate required for a mammal-like or bird-like metabolic rate while at rest, because their lungs would have dried out.[20][20][21][41][42] However, objections have been raised against this argument. Nasal turbinates are absent or very small in some birds (e.g. ratites, Procellariiformes and Falconiformes) and mammals (e.g. whales, anteaters, bats, elephants, and most primates), although these animals are fully endothermic and in some cases very active.[43][44][45][46] Other studies conclude that nasal turbinates are fragile and seldom found in fossils. In particular none have been found in fossil birds.[47]

In 2014 Jason Bourke and others in Anatomical Record reported finding nasal turbinates in pachycephalosaurs.[48]

In principle one would expect dinosaurs to have had two-part circulations driven by four-chambered hearts, since many would have needed high blood pressure to deliver blood to their heads, which were high off the ground, but vertebrate lungs can only tolerate fairly low blood pressure.[35] In 2000, a skeleton of Thescelosaurus, now on display at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, was described as including the remnants of a four-chambered heart and an aorta. The authors interpreted the structure of the heart as indicating an elevated metabolic rate for Thescelosaurus, not reptilian cold-bloodedness.[49] Their conclusions have been disputed; other researchers published a paper where they assert that the heart is really a concretion of entirely mineral "cement". As they note: the anatomy given for the object is incorrect, for example the alleged "aorta" is narrowest where it meets the "heart" and lacks arteries branching from it; the "heart" partially engulfs one of the ribs and has an internal structure of concentric layers in some places; and another concretion is preserved behind the right leg.[50] The original authors defended their position; they agreed that the chest did contain a type of concretion, but one that had formed around and partially preserved the more muscular portions of the heart and aorta.[51]

Regardless of the object's identity, it may have little relevance to dinosaurs' internal anatomy and metabolic rate. Both modern crocodilians and birds, the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, have four-chambered hearts, although modified in crocodilians, and so dinosaurs probably had them as well. However such hearts are not necessarily tied to metabolic rate.[52]

No dinosaur egg has been found that is larger than a basketball and embryos of large dinosaurs have been found in relatively small eggs, e.g. Maiasaura.[53] Like mammals, dinosaurs stopped growing when they reached the typical adult size of their species, while mature reptiles continued to grow slowly if they had enough food. Dinosaurs of all sizes grew faster than similarly sized modern reptiles; but the results of comparisons with similarly sized "warm-blooded" modern animals depend on their sizes:[54][55]

Tyrannosaurus rex showed a "teenage growth spurt":[56][57]

A 2008 study of one skeleton of the hadrosaur Hypacrosaurus concluded that this dinosaur grew even faster, reaching its full size at the age of about 15; the main evidence was the number and spacing of growth rings in its bones. The authors found this consistent with a life-cycle theory that prey species should grow faster than their predators if they lose a lot of juveniles to predators and the local environment provides enough resources for rapid growth.[58]

It appears that individual dinosaurs were rather short-lived, e.g. the oldest (at death) Tyrannosaurus found so far was 28 and the oldest sauropod was 38.[56] Predation was probably responsible for the high death rate of very young dinosaurs and sexual competition for the high death rate of sexually mature dinosaurs.[59]

Scientific opinion about the life-style, metabolism and temperature regulation of dinosaurs has varied over time since the discovery of dinosaurs in the mid-19th century. The activity of metabolic enzymes varies with temperature, so temperature control is vital for any organism, whether endothermic or ectothermic. Organisms can be categorized as poikilotherms (poikilo changing), which are tolerant of internal temperature fluctuations, and homeotherms (homeo same), which must maintain a constant core temperature. Animals can be further categorized as endotherms, which regulate their temperature internally, and ectotherms, which regulate temperature by the use of external heat sources.

"Warm-bloodedness" is a complex and rather ambiguous term, because it includes some or all of:

Large dinosaurs may also have maintained their temperatures by inertial homeothermy, also known as "bulk homeothermy" or "mass homeothermy". In other words, the thermal capacity of such large animals was so high that it would take two days or more for their temperatures to change significantly, and this would have smoothed out variations caused by daily temperature cycles. This smoothing effect has been observed in large turtles and crocodilians, but Plateosaurus, which weighed about 700 kilograms (1,500lb), may have been the smallest dinosaur in which it would have been effective. Inertial homeothermy would not have been possible for small species nor for the young of larger species.[35] Vegetation fermenting in the guts of large herbivores can also produce considerable heat, but this method of maintaining a high and stable temperature would not have been possible for carnivores nor for small herbivores or the young of larger herbivores.[61]

Since the internal mechanisms of extinct creatures are unknowable, most discussion focuses on homeothermy and tachymetabolism.

Assessment of metabolic rates is complicated by the distinction between the rates while resting and while active. In all modern reptiles and most mammals and birds the maximum rates during all-out activity are 10 to 20 times higher than minimum rates while at rest. However, in a few mammals these rates differ by a factor of 70. Theoretically it would be possible for a land vertebrate to have a reptilian metabolic rate at rest and a bird-like rate while working flat out. However, an animal with such a low resting rate would be unable to grow quickly. The huge herbivorous sauropods may have been on the move so constantly in search of food that their energy expenditure would have been much the same irrespective of whether their resting metabolic rates were high or low.[62]

The main possibilities are that:[35]

Dinosaurs were around for about 150 million years, so it is very likely that different groups evolved different metabolisms and thermoregulatory regimes, and that some developed different physiologies from the first dinosaurs.

If all or some dinosaurs had intermediate metabolisms, they may have had the following features:[35]

Robert Reid has suggested that such animals could be regarded as "failed endotherms". He envisaged both dinosaurs and the Triassic ancestors of mammals passing through a stage with these features. Mammals were forced to become smaller as archosaurs came to dominate ecological niches for medium to large animals. Their decreasing size made them more vulnerable to heat loss because it increased their ratios of surface area to mass, and thus forced them to increase internal heat generation and thus become full endotherms. On the other hand, dinosaurs became medium to very large animals and thus were able to retain the "intermediate" type of metabolism.[35]

Armand de Ricqls discovered Haversian canals in dinosaur bones, and argued that they were evidence of endothermy in dinosaurs. These canals are common in "warm-blooded" animals and are associated with fast growth and an active life style because they help to recycle bone to facilitate rapid growth and repair damage caused by stress or injuries.[63] Dense secondary Haversian bone, which is formed during remodeling, is found in many living endotherms as well as dinosaurs, pterosaurs and therapsids. Secondary Haversian canals are correlated with size and age, mechanical stress and nutrient turnover. The presence of secondary Haversian canals suggests comparable bone growth and lifespans in mammals and dinosaurs.[64] Bakker argued that the presence of fibrolamellar bone (produced quickly and having a fibrous, woven appearance) in dinosaur fossils was evidence of endothermy.[9]

However, as a result of other, mainly later research, bone structure is not considered a reliable indicator of metabolism in dinosaurs, mammals or reptiles:

Nevertheless, de Ricqls persevered with studies of the bone structure of dinosaurs and archosaurs. In mid-2008 he co-authored a paper that examined bone samples from a wide range of archosaurs, including early dinosaurs, and concluded that:[71]

Endotherms rely highly on aerobic metabolism and have high rates of oxygen consumption during activity and rest. The oxygen required by the tissues is carried by the blood, and consequently blood flow rates and blood pressures at the heart of warm-blooded endotherms are considerably higher than those of cold-blooded ectotherms.[72] It is possible to measure the minimum blood pressures of dinosaurs by estimating the vertical distance between the heart and the top of the head, because this column of blood must have a pressure at the bottom equal to the hydrostatic pressure derived from the density of blood and gravity. Added to this pressure is that required to move the blood through the circulatory system. It was pointed out in 1976 that, because of their height, many dinosaurs had minimum blood pressures within the endothermic range, and that they must have had four-chambered hearts to separate the high pressure circuit to the body from the low pressure circuit to the lungs.[73] It was not clear whether these dinosaurs had high blood pressure simply to support the blood column or to support the high blood flow rates required by endothermy or both.

However, recent analysis of the tiny holes in fossil leg bones of dinosaurs provides a gauge for blood flow rate and hence metabolic rate.[74] The holes are called nutrient foramina, and the nutrient artery is the major blood vessel passing through to the interior of the bone, where it branches into tiny vessels of the Haversian canal system. This system is responsible for replacing old bone with new bone, thereby repairing microbreaks that occur naturally during locomotion. Without this repair, microbreaks would build up, leading to stress fractures and ultimately catastrophic bone failure. The size of the nutrient foramen provides an index of blood flow through it, according to the Hagen-Poiseuille equation. The size is also related to the body size of animal, of course, so this effect is removed by analysis of allometry. Blood flow index of the nutrient foramen of the femurs in living mammals increases in direct proportion to the animals' maximum metabolic rates, as measured during maximum sustained locomotion. Mammalian blood flow index is about 10 times greater than in ectothermic reptiles. Ten species of fossil dinosaurs from five taxonomic groups reveal indices even higher than in mammals, when body size is accounted for, indicating that they were highly active, aerobic animals. Thus high blood flow rate, high blood pressure, a four-chambered heart and sustained aerobic metabolism are all consistent with endothermy.

Dinosaurs grew from small eggs to several tons in weight relatively quickly. A natural interpretation of this is that dinosaurs converted food into body weight very quickly, which requires a fairly fast metabolism both to forage actively and to assimilate the food quickly.[75] Developing bone found in juveniles is distinctly porous, which has been linked to vascularization and bone deposition rate, all suggesting growth rates close to those observed in modern birds.

But a preliminary study of the relationship between adult size, growth rate, and body temperature concluded that larger dinosaurs had higher body temperatures than smaller ones had; Apatosaurus, the largest dinosaur in the sample, was estimated to have a body temperature exceeding 41C (106F), whereas smaller dinosaurs were estimated to have body temperatures around 25C (77F)[76] for comparison, normal human body temperature is about 37C (99F).[77]Sund-Levander, Mrtha; Forsberg, Christina; Wahren, Lis Karin (2002). "Normal oral, rectal, tympanic and axillary body temperature in adult men and women: a systematic literature review". Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 16 (2): 122128. doi:10.1046/j.1471-6712.2002.00069.x. PMID12000664. Based on these estimations, the study concluded that large dinosaurs were inertial homeotherms (their temperatures were stabilized by their sheer bulk) and that dinosaurs were ectothermic (in colloquial terms, "cold-blooded", because they did not generate as much heat as mammals when not moving or digesting food).[76] These results are consistent with the relationship between dinosaurs' sizes and growth rates (described above).[54][55] Studies of the sauropodomorph Massospondylus and early theropod Syntarsus (Megapnosaurus) reveal growth rates of 3kg/year and 17kg/year, respectively, much slower than those estimated of Maiasaura and observed in modern birds.[64]

The ratio of the isotopes 16O and 18O in bone depends on the temperature the bone formed at: the higher the temperature, the more 16O. Barrick and Showers (1999) analyzed the isotope ratios in two theropods that lived in temperate regions with seasonal variation in temperature, Tyrannosaurus (USA) and Giganotosaurus (Argentina):[78]

Barrick and Showers concluded that both dinosaurs were endothermic but at lower metabolic levels than modern mammals, and that inertial homeothermy was an important part of their temperature regulation as adults. Their similar analysis of some Late Cretaceous ornithischians in 1996 concluded that these animals showed a similar pattern.[79]

However this view has been challenged. The evidence indicates homeothermy, but by itself cannot prove endothermy. Secondly, the production of bone may not have been continuous in areas near the extremities of limbs in allosaur skeketons lines of arrested growth ("LAGs"; rather like growth rings) are sparse or absent in large limb bones but common in the fingers and toes. While there is no absolute proof that LAGs are temperature-related, they could mark times when the extremities were so cool that the bones ceased to grow. If so, the data about oxygen isotope ratios would be incomplete, especially for times when the extremities were coolest. Oxygen isotope ratios may be an unreliable method of estimating temperatures if it cannot be shown that bone growth was equally continuous in all parts of the animal.[35]

Bakker argued that:[80]

This argument was criticized on several grounds and is no longer taken seriously (the following list of criticisms is far from exhaustive):[81][82]

Dinosaurs' limbs were erect and held under their bodies, rather than sprawling out to the sides like those of lizards and newts. The evidence for this is the angles of the joint surfaces and the locations of muscle and tendon attachments on the bones. Attempts to represent dinosaurs with sprawling limbs result in creatures with dislocated hips, knees, shoulders and elbows.[83]

Carrier's constraint states that air-breathing vertebrates with two lungs that flex their bodies sideways during locomotion find it difficult to move and breathe at the same time. This severely limits stamina, and forces them to spend more time resting than moving.[84]

Sprawling limbs require sideways flexing during locomotion (except for tortoises and turtles, which are very slow and whose armor keeps their bodies fairly rigid). However, despite Carrier's constraint, sprawling limbs are efficient for creatures that spend most of their time resting on their bellies and only move for a few seconds at a timebecause this arrangement minimizes the energy costs of getting up and lying down.

Erect limbs increase the costs of getting up and lying down, but avoid Carrier's constraint. This indicates that dinosaurs were active animals because natural selection would have favored the retention of sprawling limbs if dinosaurs had been sluggish and spent most of their waking time resting. An active lifestyle requires a metabolism that quickly regenerates energy supplies and breaks down waste products which cause fatigue, i.e., it requires a fairly fast metabolism and a considerable degree of homeothermy.

Additionally, an erect posture demands precise balance, the result of a rapidly functioning neuromuscular system. This suggests endothermic metabolism, because an ectothermic animal would be unable to walk or run, and thus to evade predators, when its core temperature was lowered. Other evidence for endothermy includes limb length (many dinosaurs possessed comparatively long limbs) and bipedalism, both found today only in endotherms.[85] Many bipedal dinosaurs possessed gracile leg bones with a short thigh relative to calf length. This is generally an adaptation to frequent sustained running, characteristic of endotherms which, unlike ectotherms, are capable of producing sufficient energy to stave off the onset of anaerobic metabolism in the muscle.[86]

Bakker and Ostrom both pointed out that all dinosaurs had erect hindlimbs and that all quadrupedal dinosaurs had erect forelimbs; and that among living animals only the endothermic ("warm-blooded") mammals and birds have erect limbs (Ostrom acknowledged that crocodilians' occasional "high walk" was a partial exception). Bakker claimed this was clear evidence of endothermy in dinosaurs, while Ostrom regarded it as persuasive but not conclusive.[9][87]

A 2009 study supported the hypothesis that endothermy was widespread in at least larger non-avian dinosaurs, and that It was plausibly ancestral for all dinosauriforms, based on the biomechanics of running.[88]

There is now no doubt that many theropod dinosaur species had feathers, including Shuvuuia, Sinosauropteryx and Dilong (an early tyrannosaur).[89][27][90] These have been interpreted as insulation and therefore evidence of warm-bloodedness.

But impressions of feathers have only been found in coelurosaurs (which includes the ancestors of both birds and tyrannosaurs), so at present feathers give us no information about the metabolisms of the other major dinosaur groups, e.g. coelophysids, ceratosaurs, carnosaurs, sauropods or ornithischians.

In fact the fossilised skin of Carnotaurus (an abelisaurid and therefore not a coelurosaur) shows an unfeathered, reptile-like skin with rows of bumps.[91] But an adult Carnotaurus weighed about 1 ton, and mammals of this size and larger have either very short hair or naked skins, so perhaps the skin of Carnotaurus tells us nothing about whether smaller non-coelurosaurid theropods had feathers.

Skin-impressions of Pelorosaurus and other sauropods (dinosaurs with elephantine bodies and long necks) reveal large hexagonal scales, and some sauropods, such as Saltasaurus, had bony plates in their skin.[92] The skin of ceratopsians consisted of large polygonal scales, sometimes with scattered circular plates.[93] "Mummified" remains and skin impressions of hadrosaurids reveal pebbly scales. It is unlikely that the ankylosaurids, such as Euoplocephalus, had insulation, as most of their surface area was covered in bony knobs and plates.[94] Likewise there is no evidence of insulation in the stegosaurs. Thus insulation, and the elevated metabolic rate behind evolving them, may have been limited to the theropods, or even just a subset of theropods.

Dinosaur fossils have been found in regions that were close to the poles at the relevant times, notably in southeastern Australia, Antarctica and the North Slope of Alaska. There is no evidence of major changes in the angle of the Earth's axis, so polar dinosaurs and the rest of these ecosystems would have had to cope with the same extreme variation of day length through the year that occurs at similar latitudes today (up to a full day with no darkness in summer, and a full day with no sunlight in winter).[95]

Studies of fossilized vegetation suggest that the Alaska North Slope had a maximum temperature of 13C (55F) and a minimum temperature of 2C (36F) to 8C (46F) in the last 35million years of the Cretaceous (slightly cooler than Portland, Oregon but slightly warmer than Calgary, Alberta). Even so, the Alaska North Slope has no fossils of large cold-blooded animals such as lizards and crocodilians, which were common at the same time in Alberta, Montana, and Wyoming. This suggests that at least some non-avian dinosaurs were warm-blooded.[95] It has been proposed that North American polar dinosaurs may have migrated to warmer regions as winter approached, which would allow them to inhabit Alaska during the summers even if they were cold-blooded.[96] But a round trip between there and Montana would probably have used more energy than a cold-blooded land vertebrate produces in a year; in other words the Alaskan dinosaurs would have to be warm-blooded, irrespective of whether they migrated or stayed for the winter.[97] A 2008 paper on dinosaur migration by Phil R. Bell and Eric Snively proposed that most polar dinosaurs, including theropods, sauropods, ankylosaurians, and hypsilophodonts, probably overwintered, although hadrosaurids like Edmontosaurus were probably capable of annual 2,600km (1,600mi) round trips.[98][99]

It is more difficult to determine the climate of southeastern Australia when the dinosaur fossil beds were laid down 115to105 million years ago, towards the end of the Early Cretaceous: these deposits contain evidence of permafrost, ice wedges, and hummocky ground formed by the movement of subterranean ice, which suggests mean annual temperatures ranged between 6C (21F) and 5C (41F); oxygen isotope studies of these deposits give a mean annual temperature of 1.5C (34.7F) to 2.5C (36.5F). However the diversity of fossil vegetation and the large size of some of fossil trees exceed what is found in such cold environments today, and no-one has explained how such vegetation could have survived in the cold temperatures suggested by the physical indicators for comparison Fairbanks, Alaska presently has a mean annual temperature of 2.9C (37.2F).[95] An annual migration from and to southeastern Australia would have been very difficult for fairly small dinosaurs in such as Leaellynasaura, a herbivore about 60 centimetres (2.0ft) to 90 centimetres (3.0ft) long, because seaways to the north blocked the passage to warmer latitudes.[95] Bone samples from Leaellynasaura and Timimus, an ornithomimid about 3.5 metres (11ft) long and 1.5 metres (4.9ft) high at the hip, suggested these two dinosaurs had different ways of surviving the cold, dark winters: the Timimus sample had lines of arrested growth (LAGs for short; similar to growth rings), and it may have hibernated; but the Leaellynasaura sample showed no signs of LAGs, so it may have remained active throughout the winter.[100] A 2011 study focusing on hypsilophodont and theropod bones also concluded that these dinosaurs did not hibernate through the winter, but stayed active.[101]

Some dinosaurs, e.g. Spinosaurus and Ouranosaurus, had on their backs "sails" supported by spines growing up from the vertebrae. (This was also true, incidentally, for the synapsid Dimetrodon.) Such dinosaurs could have used these sails to:

But these were a very small minority of known dinosaur species. One common interpretation of the plates on stegosaurs' backs is as heat exchangers for thermoregulation, as the plates are filled with blood vessels, which, theoretically, could absorb and dissipate heat.[102]

This might have worked for a stegosaur with large plates, such as Stegosaurus, but other stegosaurs, such as Wuerhosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus and Kentrosaurus possessed much smaller plates with a surface area of doubtful value for thermo-regulation. However, the idea of stegosaurian plates as heat exchangers has recently been questioned.[103]

Endothermy demands frequent respiration, which can result in water loss. In living birds and mammals, water loss is limited by pulling moisture out of exhaled air with mucous-covered respiratory turbinates, tissue-covered bony sheets in the nasal cavity. Several dinosaurs have olfactory turbinates, used for smell, but none have yet been identified with respiratory turbinates.[104]

Because endothermy allows refined neuromuscular control, and because brain matter requires large amounts of energy to sustain, some speculate that increased brain size indicates increased activity and, thus, endothermy. The encephalization quotient (EQ) of dinosaurs, a measure of brain size calculated using brain endocasts, varies on a spectrum from bird-like to reptile-like. Using EQ alone, coelosaurs appear to have been as active as living mammals, while theropods and ornithopods fall somewhere between mammals and reptiles, and other dinosaurs resemble reptiles.[104]

A study published by Roger Seymour in 2013 added more support to the idea that dinosaurs were endothermic. After studying saltwater crocodiles, Seymour found that even if their large sizes could provide stable and high body temperatures, the crocodiles' ectothermic metabolisms provided less endurance and only 14% of the muscle power of a similar sized mammal. Seymour reasoned that dinosaurs would have needed to be endothermic since they would have needed powerful muscles and endurance to compete with and dominate mammals throughout the Mesozoic era.[105][106]

It appears that the earliest dinosaurs had the features that form the basis for arguments for warm-blooded dinosaursespecially erect limbs. This raises the question "How did dinosaurs become warm-blooded?" The most obvious possible answers are:

Crocodilians present some puzzles if one regards dinosaurs as active animals with fairly constant body temperatures. Crocodilians evolved shortly before dinosaurs and, second to birds, are dinosaurs' closest living relatives but modern crocodilians are cold-blooded. This raises some questions:

Modern crocodilians are cold-blooded but can move with their limbs erect, and have several features normally associated with warm-bloodedness because they improve the animal's oxygen supply:

So why did natural selection favor these features, which are important for active warm-blooded creatures but of little apparent use to cold-blooded aquatic ambush predators that spend most of their time floating in water or lying on river banks?

It was suggested in the late 1980s that crocodilians were originally active, warm-blooded predators and that their archosaur ancestors were warm-blooded.[84] More recently, developmental studies indicate that crocodilian embryos develop fully four-chambered hearts firstthen develop the modifications that make their hearts function as three-chambered under water. Using the principle that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, the researchers concluded that the original crocodilians had fully 4-chambered hearts and were therefore warm-blooded and that later crocodilians developed the bypass as they reverted to being cold-blooded aquatic ambush predators.[111][112]

More recent research on archosaur bone structures and their implications for growth rates also suggests that early archosaurs had fairly high metabolic rates and that the Triassic ancestors of crocodilians dropped back to more typically "reptilian" metabolic rates.[71]

If this view is correct, the development of warm-bloodedness in archosaurs (reaching its peak in dinosaurs) and in mammals would have taken more similar amounts of time. It would also be consistent with the fossil evidence:

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Physiology of dinosaurs - Wikipedia

Recent Articles | Physiology | The Scientist Magazine

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What is physiology? | Physiological Society

Physiology is the study of how molecules, cells and organs interact to form a whole being. The work of Physiological Society Members, advancing our knowledge of biological systems, is essential to the development of new treatments for disease.Since The Society's foundation in 1876, our membership has included more than 20 Nobel Prize winners from Ivan Pavlov to Andrew Huxley. The scientists who make up The Society have made many key discoveries, ranging from how our nervous system works,how our cells divide andthe way in which our reflexes alter our behaviour. These have advanced our knowledge of biological systems and helped in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and heart disease.

As well as supporting those active in physiology research, we also work to inspire the next generations of physiologists; working with teachers, lecturers and students to help highlight physiology as a relevant, engaging career choice. The Society's presence at public events such as science fairs and media promotion of the research it publishes in its journals, also aim to raise the profile of physiology and highlight its relevance to everyday life.

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What is physiology? | Physiological Society

Physiology – Wikipedia

Physiology (; from Ancient Greek (physis), meaning "nature, origin", and - (-logia), meaning "study of"[1]) is the scientific study of the normal function in living systems.[2] A sub-discipline of biology, its focus is in how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system.[3] Given the size of the field, it is divided into, among others, animal physiology (including that of humans), plant physiology, cellular physiology, microbial physiology (microbial metabolism), bacterial physiology, and viral physiology.[3] The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to those who make significant achievements in this discipline by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In medicine, a physiologic state is one occurring from normal body function, rather than pathologically, which is centered on the abnormalities that occur in animal diseases, including humans.[4]

Physiological studies date back to ancient civilizations of India[5][6] and Egypt alongside anatomical studies, but did not utilize dissection or vivisection.[7]

The study of human physiology as a medical field dates back to at least 420BC to the time of Hippocrates, also known as the "father of medicine."[8] Hippocrates incorporated his belief system called the theory of humours, which consisted of four basic substance: earth, water, air and fire. Each substance is known for having a corresponding humour: black bile, phlegm, blood and yellow bile, respectively. Hippocrates also noted some emotional connections to the four humours, which Claudis Galenus would later expand on. The critical thinking of Aristotle and his emphasis on the relationship between structure and function marked the beginning of physiology in Ancient Greece. Like Hippocrates, Aristotle took to the humoral theory of disease, which also consisted of four primary qualities in life: hot, cold, wet and dry.[9] Claudius Galenus (c. ~130200AD), known as Galen of Pergamum, was the first to use experiments to probe the functions of the body. Unlike Hippocrates though, Galen argued that humoral imbalances can be located in specific organs, including the entire body.[10] His modification of this theory better equipped doctors to make more precise diagnoses. Galen also played off of Hippocrates idea that emotions were also tied to the humours, and added the notion of temperaments: sanguine corresponds with blood; phlegmatic is tied to phlegm; yellow bile is connected to choleric; and black bile corresponds with melancholy. Galen also saw the human body consisting of three connected systems: the brain and nerves, which are responsible for thoughts and sensations; the heart and arteries, which give life; and the liver and veins, which can be attributed to nutrition and growth.[10] Galen was also the founder of experimental physiology.[11] And for the next 1,400 years, Galenic physiology was a powerful and influential tool in medicine.[10]

Jean Fernel (14971558), a French physician, introduced the term "physiology".[12]

In 1858, Joseph Lister studied the cause of blood coagulation and inflammation that resulted after previous injuries and surgical wounds. He later discovered and implemented antiseptics in the operating room, and as a result decreases death rate from surgery by a substantial amount.[4][13]

In 1891, Ivan Pavlov performed research on "conditional reflexes" that involved dogs' saliva production in response to a plethora of sounds and visual stimuli.[13]

In the 19th century, physiological knowledge began to accumulate at a rapid rate, in particular with the 1838 appearance of the Cell theory of Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. It radically stated that organisms are made up of units called cells. Claude Bernard's (18131878) further discoveries ultimately led to his concept of milieu interieur (internal environment), which would later be taken up and championed as "homeostasis" by American physiologist Walter B. Cannon in 1929. By homeostasis, Cannon meant "the maintenance of steady states in the body and the physiological processes through which they are regulated."[14] In other words, the body's ability to regulate its internal environment. It should be noted that, William Beaumont was the first American to utilize the practical application of physiology.

The Physiological Society was founded in London in 1876 as a dining club The American Physiological Society (APS) is a nonprofit devoted to fostering education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the physiological sciences. The Society was founded in 1887 with 28 members.

In the 20th century, biologists became interested in how organisms other than human beings function, eventually spawning the fields of comparative physiology and ecophysiology.[15] Major figures in these fields include Knut Schmidt-Nielsen and George Bartholomew. Most recently, evolutionary physiology has become a distinct subdiscipline.[16]

In 1920, August Krogh won the Nobel Prize for discovering how, in capillaries, blood flow is regulated.[13]

In 1954, Andrew Huxley and Hugh Huxley, alongside their research team, discovered the sliding filaments in skeletal muscle, known today as the sliding filament theory.[13]

Initially, women were largely excluded from official involvement in any physiological society. The American Physiological Society, for example, was founded in 1887 and included only men in its ranks.[citation needed] In 1902, the American Physiological Society elected Ida Hyde as the first female member of the society.[citation needed] Hyde, a representative of the American Association of University Women and a global advocate for gender equality in education,[17] attempted to promote gender equality in every aspect of science and medicine.

Soon thereafter, in 1913, J.S. Haldane proposed that women be allowed to formally join The Physiological Society, which had been founded in 1876.[citation needed] On 3 July 1915, six women were officially admitted: Florence Buchanan, Winifred Cullis, Ruth C. Skelton, Sarah C. M. Sowton, Constance Leetham Terry, and Enid M. Tribe.[18] The centenary of the election of women was celebrated in 2015 with the publication of a book "Women physiologists: centenary celebrations and beyond for The Physiological Society ISBN 978-0-9933410-0-7.

Prominent women physiologists include:

There are many ways to categorize the subdiscplines of physiology:[27]

Human physiology seeks to understand the mechanisms that work to keep the human body alive and functioning,[3] through scientific enquiry into the nature of mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of humans, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed. The principal level of focus of physiology is at the level of organs and systems within systems. The endocrine and nervous systems play major roles in the reception and transmission of signals that integrate function in animals. Homeostasis is a major aspect with regard to such interactions within plants as well as animals. The biological basis of the study of physiology, integration refers to the overlap of many functions of the systems of the human body, as well as its accompanied form. It is achieved through communication that occurs in a variety of ways, both electrical and chemical.[citation needed]

Much of the foundation of knowledge in human physiology was provided by animal experimentation. Physiology is the study of function and is closely related to anatomy which is the study of form and structure. Due to the frequent connection between form and function, physiology and anatomy are intrinsically linked and are studied in tandem as part of a medical curriculum.[28]

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What is Physiology | Human Physiology | Understanding Life …

Physiology is the science of life. It is a broad science which aims to understand the mechanisms of living, from the molecular basis of cell function to the integrated behaviour of the whole body.

Research in physiology helps us to understand how the body works; it also helps us to realise what goes wrong in disease and to identify new treatments for disease.

Physiology forms an integral part of pre- and post-16 biology education, and can also be studied at university either as a stand-alone discipline or as part of an integrated degree, such as biomedical sciences. For more information about career paths in physiology, please visit the careers section of this website.

Pre-16, the study of physiology focuses primarily on how the body moves, and the structure and function of some of the major organ systems (including the cardiovascular and respiratory systems). Post-16, the study of physiology leans more towards the understanding of physiological processes such as homeostasis and excretion.

A degree in physiology will build on the knowledge and understanding developed at school/college: it will explore selected topics in greater detail and provide a holistic view of how the different cells, tissues, organs and systems of the body are integrated. Physiologists - scientists who have chosen to explore physiology as a career will continue to build on the knowledge they have gained during their degree and advance the science of life within an area of particular interest to them. It is important to highlight, however, that physiologists do not work in isolation: the sharing of information between scientists around the world is essential to continue developing our understanding of how the body works.

Physiology is an experimental science that underpins the biological and clinical sciences; it is key to the detection, prevention and treatment of disease. Without an understanding of basic physiology, progress made in other areas such as the sequencing of the human genome is limited because every biological advance must ultimately be related to the behaviour of the whole organism.

The Physiological Society recognises the importance of using animals in research in order to gain further knowledge of disease mechanisms in both animal and human diseases. We appreciate that this can be a difficult topic to understand and teach and have therefore developed supporting resources designed to address this area specifically.

To hear what physiology means to our members, listen to the podcasts available in our resources section.

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The University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine, posts the position of a Professorship (W3) for vegetative Physiology as per the requirements outlin...

La Crosse, WI Academic year salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Biology Department

The Department of Biology in the College of Science and Health at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse (UWL) invites applications for an academi...

Durham, North Carolina, USA NIH scale Rawls Lab

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We seek highly motivated applicants to study native and recombinant ligand-gated ion channels using electrophysiology and fluorescence microscopy

Atlanta, Georgia, USA Competitive salaries at the corresponding faculty rank EMORY UNIVERSITY - Physiology search

Applications are invited for one Tenure Track Faculty position at the level of Associate or Full Professor in the Department of Physiology at Emory...

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Are you a creative microbiologist who excels at working collaboratively and pushing disciplinary boundaries? Then we want to hear from you. The Col...

San Marcos, California Commensurate with experience California State University San Marcos-Biology

The Department of Biological Sciences at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) is pleased to be seeking applications for a tenure-track As...

Providence, Rhode Island (US) Salary and benefits will be commensurate with NIH guidelines. Brown University, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Postdoctoral Research Associate: Biology of Metals An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Tom Bartnikas in the D...

St. Paul, Minnesota (US) Undisclosed College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota

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Paris, France (FR) Highly attractive packages to match the experience of the candidate will be provided Institut Pasteur

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Paris, France (FR) Undisclosed Institut Pasteur

... launched an international call for a junior* research group studying the gut host and microbiome homeostasis ...

Manhattan, Kansas Associate Level: includes competitive salary and start-up funding The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Kansas State University

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EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Plant Ecologist The Department of Biology invites applications for a tenure-track position in Plant Ecology at the leve...

Stevens Point, Wisconsin Negotiable. With full health and pension benefits. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

The Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is offering a tenure-track, nine-month faculty position in Human Physiology.

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Physiology | Animal Science

General areas of research in physiology include factors affecting gonadal development (ovarian and testis) and sex differentiation, factors affecting embryo development and reproductive hormone research, and genes regulating egg and sperm function. Undergraduate employment opportunities include maintaining mice and rate colonies including daily care, dissections of rats and mice, in vitro fertilization of mice, genotyping mice to determine if they carry the trans-gene, jobs in pig physiology, general lab work, and aiding with blood collection in cattle, artificial insemination, ultrasonography, palpation, and estrus detection. Recent and ongoing research includes:

Faculty members at Animal Science will be glad to help you with any questions you might have.

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