Category Archives: Physiology

Emognition dataset: emotion recognition with self-reports, facial expressions, and physiology using wearables | Scientific Data –

Ethics statement

The study was approved by and performed in accordance with the guidelines and regulations of the Wroclaw Medical University, Poland; approval no. 149/2020. The submission to the Ethical Committee covered, among others, participant consent, research plans, recruitment strategy, data management procedures, and GDPR issues. Participants provided written informed consent, in which they declared that they (1) were informed about the study details, (2) understand what the research involves, (3) understand what their consent was needed for; (4) may refuse to participate in the research at any time during the research project; (5) had the opportunity to ask questions of the experimenter and receive answers to those questions. Finally, participants gave informed consent to participate in the research, agreed to be recorded during the study, and consented to the processing of their personal data to the extent necessary for the implementation of the research project, including sharing their psycho-physiological and behavioral data with other researchers.

The participants were recruited via a paid advertisement on Facebook. Seventy people responded to the advertisement. We have excluded ten non-Polish speaking volunteers. An additional 15 could not find a suitable date, and two did not show up for the scheduled study. As a result, we collected data from 43 participants (21 females) aged between 19 and 29 (M=22.37, SD=2.25). All participants were Polish.

The exclusion criteria were significant health problems, use of drugs and medications that might affect cardiovascular function, prior diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, or BMI over 30 (classified as obesity). We asked participants to reschedule if they experienced an illness or a major negative life event. The participants were requested (1) not to drink alcohol and not to take psychoactive drugs 24hours before the study; (2) to refrain from caffeine, smoking, and taking nonprescription medications for two hours before the study; (3) to avoid vigorous exercise and eating an hour before the study. Such measures were undertaken to eliminate factors that could affect cardiovascular function.

All participants provided written informed consent and received a 50 PLN (c.a., $15) online store voucher.

We used short film clips from databases with prior evidence of reliability and validity in eliciting targeted emotions19,20,21,22,23. The source film, selected scene, and stimulus duration are provided in Table 1.

We used two types of self-assessment for manipulation checks that accounted for discrete and dimensional approaches to emotions. For the discrete approach, participants reported retrospectively, using single-item rating scales, on how much of the targeted emotions they had experienced while watching the film clips21. The questionnaire was filled in electronically with a tablet, see Fig.1a. It included nine items corresponding to the selected stimuli. Each emotion-related scale ranged from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely). The questionnaire was modeled after the instruments used in previous studies with similar methodology24,25,26,27.

The English version of the self-reports used in the study: (a)questionnaire for discrete emotions; (b)questionnaire for valence, arousal, and motivation. The original Polish version can be found in the Supp. Mat. Fig 3.

For the dimensional approach, participants reported retrospectively, using single-item rating scales, on how much valence, arousal, and motivation they experienced while watching the film clips. The 3-dimensional emotional self-report was collected with the Self-Assessment Manikin SAM28. The SAM is a validated nonverbal visual assessment developed to measure affective responses. Participants reported felt emotions using a graphical scale ranging from 1 (a very sad figure) to 9 (a very happy figure) for valence, Fig.1b; and from 1 (a calm figure) to 9 (an agitated figure) for arousal, Fig.1b. We also asked participants to report their motivational tendency using a validated graphical scale modeled after the SAM29, i.e., whether they felt the urge to avoid or approach while watching the film clips, from 1 (figure leaning backward) to 9 (figure leaning forward)30, Fig.1b. The English versions of the self-reports used in the study are illustrated in Fig.1.

The behavioral and physiological signals were gathered using three wearable devices and a smartphone:

An EEG headband Muse 2 equipped with four EEG electrodes (AF7, AF8, TP9, and TP10), accelerometer (ACC), and gyroscope (GYRO). The data was transmitted to a smartphone in real-time using the Mind Monitor ( application. At the end of each day, data from the smartphone was transferred to the secure disk;

A wristband Empatica E4 monitoring blood volume pulse (BVP), interbeat interval (IBI), electrodermal activity (EDA), acceleration, and skin temperature (SKT). The Empatica E4 was mounted on the participants dominant hand. The device was connected wirelessly via Bluetooth to the tablet using a custom-made Android application with Empatica E4 link SDK module31. The data was streamed in real-time to the tablet and after the study to the secure server. The signals obtained with the Empatica E4 were synchronized with the stimuli presented on the tablet;

A smartwatch Samsung Galaxy Watch SM-R810 providing heart rate (HR), peak-to-peak interval (PPI), raw BVP the amount of reflected LED light, ACC, GYRO, and rotation data. A custom Tizen application was developed and installed on the watch to collect and store data locally. At the end of each day, data was downloaded to the secure disk;

A smartphone Samsung Galaxy S20+5G recording participants upper-body head, chest, and hands. The footage also included a small mirror reflecting the tablet screen to enable later synchronization with stimuli. At the end of each day, recordings were moved to the encrypted offline disk.

The Muse 2 has lower reliability than medical devices but sufficient for nonclinical trial settings32. It has been successfully used to observe and quantify event-related brain potentials33, as well as to recognize emotions34. The Empatica E4 has been compared with a medical electrocardiograph (ECG), and proved to be a practical and valid tool for studies on HR and heart rate variability (HRV) in stationary conditions35. It was also likewise effective as the Biopac MP150 in the emotion recognition task36. Moreover, we have used the Empatica E4 for intense emotion detection with promising results in a field study37,38. The Samsung Watch devices were successfully utilized (1) to track the atrial fibrillation with an ECG patch as a reference39, and (2) to assess the sleep quality with a medically approved actigraphy device as a baseline40. Moreover, Samsung Watch 3 performed well in detecting intense emotions41.

Additionally, a 10.4-inch tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 was used to guide participants through the study. A dedicated application was developed to instruct the participants, present stimuli, collect self-assessments, as well as gather Empatica E4 signals, and synchronize them with the stimuli.

The sampling rate of the collected signals is provided in Table2. The devices and the experimental stand are illustrated in Fig.2.

Devices used to gather the physiological data and the experimental stand.

The study was conducted between the 16th of July and the 4th of August, 2020. It took place in the UX Wro Lab - a laboratory at the Wrocaw University of Science and Technology. Upon arrival, participants were informed about the experimental procedure, Fig.3. They then signed the written consent. The researcher applied the devices approximately five minutes before the experiment so that the participants could get familiar with them. It also enabled a proper skin temperature measurement. From this stage until the end of the experiment, the physiological signals were recorded. Next, participants listened to instructions about the control questionnaire and self-assessments. The participants filled out the control questionnaire about their activity before the experiment, e.g., time since the last meal or physical activity and wake-up time. Their responses are part of the dataset.

The experiment procedure.

The participants were asked to avoid unnecessary actions or movements (e.g., swinging on the chair) and not to cover their faces. They were also informed that they could skip any film clip or quit the experiment at any moment. Once the procedure was clear to the participants, they were left alone in the room but could ask the researcher for help anytime. For the baseline, participants watched dots and lines on a black screen for 5minutes (physiological baseline) and reported current emotions (emotional baseline) using discrete and dimensional measures. The main part of the experiment consisted of ten iterations of (1) a 2-minute washout clip (dots and lines), (2) the emotional film clip, and (3) two self-assessments, see Fig.3. The order of film clips was counterbalanced using a Latin square, i.e., we randomized clips for the first participant and then shifted by one film clip for each next participant so that the first film clip was placed as the last one.

After the experiment, participants provided information about which movies they had seen before the study and other remarks about the experiment. Concluding the procedure, participants received the voucher. The whole experiment lasted about 50minutes, depending on the time spent on the questionnaires.

Empatica E4 was synchronized with the stimuli out-of-the-box using a custom application and Empatica E4 SDK. Samsung Watch and Muse 2 devices were synchronized using accelerometer signals. All three devices were placed on the table, which was then hit with a fist. The first peak in the ACC signal was used to find the time shift between the devices, Fig.4. All times were synchronized to the Empatica E4 time.

The time difference between the devices used in the study identified by recording the ACC signal when devices were moved according to the synchronization procedure.

Each device stored data in a different format and structure. We unified the data to JSON format and divided the experiment into segments covering washouts, film clips, and self-assessment separately. We provide the raw recordings from all used devices. Additionally, we performed further preprocessing for some devices/data and provide it alongside the raw data.

For EEG, the raw signal represents the signal filtered with a 50Hz notch frequency filter, which is a standard procedure to remove interference caused by power lines. Besides the raw EEG, the Mind Monitor application provides the absolute band power for each channel and five standard frequency ranges (i.e., delta to gamma, see Table2). According to the Mind Monitor documentation, these are obtained by (1) using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to compute the power spectral density (PSD) for frequencies in each channel, (2) summing the PSDs over a frequency range, and (3) taking the logarithm of the sum, to get the result in Bels (B). The Mind Monitor documentation presents details

The processing of BVP signal from the Samsung Watch PPG sensor consisted of subtracting the mean component, eight-level decomposition using Coiflet1 wavelet transform, and then reconstructing it by the inverse wavelet transform based only on the second and third levels. Amplitude fluctuations were reduced by dividing the middle value of the signal by the standard deviation of a one second long sliding window with an odd number of samples. The final step was signal normalization to the range of [1,1].

The upper-body recordings were processed with the OpenFace toolkit42,43,44 (version 2.2.0, default parameters) and Quantum Sense software (Research Edition 2017, Quantum CX, Poland). The OpenFace library provides facial landmark points and action units values, whereas Quantum Sense recognizes basic emotions (neutral, anger, disgust, happiness, sadness, surprise) and head pose.

Some parts of the signals were of lower quality due to the participants movement or improper mounting. For example, the quality of EEG signal can be investigated using Horse Shoe Indicator (HSI) values provided by the device, which represent how well the electrodes fit the participants head. For video clips, OpenFace provides information about detected faces with their head pose per one frame. We have not removed low-quality signals so that users of the dataset can decide how to deal with them. Any data-related problems that we identified are included in the data_completeness.csv file.

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Emognition dataset: emotion recognition with self-reports, facial expressions, and physiology using wearables | Scientific Data -

Proteins in Saliva Could Aid in COVID-19 Detection and Predict Severe Illness – University of Utah Health Sciences

Apr 05, 2022 3:00 PM

Author: Julie Kiefer,

Reprinted with permission from the American Physiological Society.

Researchers have identified a family of proteins that is significantly elevated in the saliva of patients hospitalized with COVID-19. The proteins, known as ephrin ligands, could potentially serve as a biomarker to help doctors identify patients who are at risk for serious illness.

Ephrins are detectable in saliva samples and could serve as adjunct markersto monitor COVID-19 disease progression, said study author Erika Egal, DVM, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Patrice Mimche, PhD, in the Department of Pathology at University of Utah Health in Salt Lake City. We can collect saliva without harm or discomfort for most patients, which can reveal patient responses to COVID-19 and potentially guide care.

Egal presented the findings at the American Physiological Society annual meeting during the Experimental Biology (EB) 2022 meeting, held in Philadelphia April 25.

For the study, researchers analyzed saliva samples collected from patients admitted to the University of Utah Hospital emergency department with respiratory symptoms. Sixty-seven of the patients tested positive for COVID-19 while 64 patients did not. They found that the presence of ephrin ligands in saliva was strongly associated with the diagnosis of severe COVID-19.

Researchers said the study findings could help shed light on the biological processes involved in severe reactions to COVID-19 infection. Previous studies suggest ephrins play a role in injury and inflammation. The scientists say more research is needed to determine whether ephrin concentrations are linked with a higher likelihood of hospitalization, critical illness or death. In addition, as new viral variants emerge, it can be difficult to tell whether existing COVID-19 tests are able to accurately detect infections involving new variants. Looking for ephrins in saliva could offer a simple, non-invasive way to provide corroborating evidence when there is inconsistency between test results and the clinical picture, Egal said.

Saliva is packed with information beyond detecting the COVID-19 infection itself, said Mimche. We demonstrate that immune cells, cytokines and soluble proteins can be reliably measured from saliva samples. Our findings provide a starting point for investigations looking into causal pathways between infection and bad medical outcomes.

The research was overseen by Mimche in collaboration with Theodore Liou, MD and My N. Helms, PhD, from the Department of Internal Medicine at University of Utah Health, as part of a multidisciplinary project to better understand the biology of SARS-CoV-2 and how it causes serious COVID-19 infections.


About Experimental Biology 2022

Experimental Biology (EB) is the annual meeting of five scientific societies bringing together thousands of scientists and 25 guest societies in one interdisciplinary community. With a mission to share the newest research findings shaping clinical advances, EB offers an unparalleled opportunity to tap into the latest research in anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology, investigative pathology, pharmacology and physiology.The Experimental Biology 2022 meeting will be held April 25 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in

About the American Physiological Society (APS)

Physiology is a broad area of scientific inquiry that focuses on how molecules, cells, tissues and organs function in health and disease. The American Physiological Society connects a global, multidisciplinary community of more than 10,000 biomedical scientists and educators as part of its mission to advance scientific discovery, understand life and improve health. The Society drives collaboration and spotlights scientific discoveries through its 16 scholarly journals and programming that support researchers and educators in their work.

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Proteins in Saliva Could Aid in COVID-19 Detection and Predict Severe Illness - University of Utah Health Sciences

When coronary imaging and physiology are discordant, how best to manage coronary lesions? An appraisal of the clinical evidence – DocWire News

This article was originally published here

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2022 Apr 4. doi: 10.1002/ccd.30186. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Discordant physiology and anatomy may occur when nonsevere angiographic stenosis has positive physiology as well as the opposite situation.

AIM: To underline the reasons behind the discrepancy in physiology and anatomy and to summarize the information that coronary imaging may add to physiology.

METHODS: A review of the published literature on physiology and intravascular imaging assessment of intermediate lesions was carried out.

RESULTS: The limitations of angiography, the possibility of an underlying diffuse disease, the presence of a grey zone in both techniques, the amount of myocardial mass that subtends the stenosis, and plaque vulnerability may play a role in such discrepancy. Intracoronary imaging has a poor diagnostic accuracy compared to physiology. However, it may add information about plaque vulnerability that might be useful in deciding whether to treat or not a certain lesion.

CONCLUSIONS: Coronary revascularization is recommended for patients with ischemia based on physiology. Intracoronary imaging adds information on plaque vulnerability and can help on the decision whether to revascularize or not a lesion.

PMID:35373887 | DOI:10.1002/ccd.30186

Excerpt from:
When coronary imaging and physiology are discordant, how best to manage coronary lesions? An appraisal of the clinical evidence - DocWire News

University Lecturer, Nutrition, Nutritional Physiology job with UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI | 288689 – Times Higher Education

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry invites applications for the position of


starting on 1.9.2022 or by mutual agreement.

The University of Helsinki is the largest university in Finland, which seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity. We are one of the best multidisciplinary universities in the world and our community of c. 8 000 employees offers wide ranging career development opportunities in teaching and research as well as in specialist and other support positions.

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is located on the Viikki campus. The mission of the faculty is to promote the sustainable use of renewable natural resources through scientific research and research-based teaching. We focus on agricultural and forest sciences, food and nutrition, microbiology, as well as on economics and management. We cover the full natural resource chain from farm to fork, the entire field of forest sciences from soil chemistry to marketing, as well as the environmental effects of related activities. Graduates from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry are versatile experts in biosciences and business, able to meet the needs of both the business sector and society at large.

The Department of Food and Nutrition is one of the six units of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The department provides research based education at higher level in Finland and is responsible for BSc and MSc Programmes in Food Sciences and MSc Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour. The department is also responsible for the teaching of chemistry at the faculty. The connections to food industry are active and good.

There are ca 80 research and teaching staff at the department, some of whom work on external funding. In Food Sciences, yearly around 60 new undergraduates start in the BSc programmes and 90 in the MSc programmes. In total 40 new students start annually in the Human Nutrition and Food Related Behaviour Masters programme. Teaching is also given in the Molecular Biosciences BSc programme. The number of PhD students in the department is ca


The field of the position is Nutrition (Nutritional Physiology). The position requires command of the physiological and molecular mechanisms of diet in maintaining health and preventing chronic diseases. The appointee should possess expertise in the methods of experimental nutrition research. The duties of the university lecturer include substance-related teaching for both the Masters programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour and the Bachelors programmes at the Viikki campus (, supervision of theses, participation in doctoral training, and development of teaching in the field of the position together with the other academic staff. To successfully attend to the duties of the position, the appointee should be active in research within the field.


According to the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, an appointee to the position of university lecturer shall hold an applicable doctoral degree and be able to provide high-quality teaching based on research and to supervise theses and dissertations. When assessing the qualifications of applicants for the position of university lecturer attention shall be paid to scientific publications and other research results of academic value, teaching experience and pedagogical training, the ability to produce learning material, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a teaching demonstration.

To successfully attend to the duties of the position, appointees must have excellent English language skills. According to the University Decree, university lecturers must also be fluent in the Finnish language. In addition, university lecturers should be proficient if Swedish. Foreign citizens, non-native Finnish citizens or citizens who have not been educated in the Finnish or Swedish language may be exempted from this requirement without a separate application. Although the languages of instruction are English and Finnish, applicants without Finnish language competence are warmly encouraged to apply. It is however, expected that the appointee will acquire sufficient Finnish language skills to teach courses and perform administrative duties within three years after her/his appointment. Sufficient language skills required are at least level 4 based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with 6 levels Support for language studies is offered.


We offer an interesting opportunity to work in a diverse research environment. At the faculty you will carry out research-based teaching at the highest level in the field in Finland and have the opportunity to take part in internationally valued, first-class research activities. The position is also an opportunity to develop your own professional skills in a multidisciplinary work community. Your work will be supported by the research and teaching staff of the department and the faculty as well as the administrative and technical staff at Viikki campus.

The salary will be based on levels 5-7 of the requirements level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. Monthly gross salary for a university lecturer varies between 3 400 and 5 000 euros depending on the appointees qualifications and experience. Occupational health care services and standard Finnish pension benefits are provided for University employees. There is a six-month trial period for the position.


Applicants are requested to enclose with their applications a SINGLE PDF file that includes the following documents in English:

Applications with the above attachments must be submitted in a single PDF file, which is named: nutritionphysiology_lastname_firstname

Other attachments are not required. The candidate profile of the recruitment system does not need to be filled in with the information that is already in the application attachment. However, please fill in the questionnaire in the system.

For more detailed instructions, please see

External applicants: Please submit your application using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the link Apply for the position.

Internal applicants: Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application via SAP Fiori at (choose Recruitment > Job Postings)

The deadline for applications is 25.4.2022.

More about working at the University of Helsinki

Why Finland is a great place to live and work

The University of Helsinki welcomes applicants from a variety of genders, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, and minorities.

Due date

25.04.2022 23:59 EEST

University Lecturer, Nutrition, Nutritional Physiology job with UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI | 288689 - Times Higher Education

Study demonstrates the benefits of strawberry extract consumption in delaying the production of Alzheimer’s-associated beta-amyloid protein in a…

Research focused on the bioactive components of the strawberry variety Romina has shown the ability of this food to delay -amyloid protein-induced paralysis, reduce amyloid- aggregation and prevent oxidative stress in the experimental model Caenorhabditis elegans.

In addition, the study verified the richness of the strawberry extract used in the study in terms of its content in phenolic compounds (mainly ellagic acid and pelargonidin-3-glucoside) and minerals (K, Mg, P and Ca).

The Romina strawberry variety stands out for its high adaptability to non-fumigated soils and open field cultivation in climatic conditions from the Adriatic to central-northern Europe and for its resistance to diseases, in addition to being recognized for its nutritional quality and early ripening.

The authors of the study point out that, despite the health benefits of strawberry intake, information on the relationship of this fruit with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, is limited.

The research was led by the following authors: Mara D. Navarro-Hortal, Jose M. Romero-Mrquez y Jose L. Quiles (Department of Physiology, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology ''Jos Mataix", Biomedical Research Center, University of Granada), Adelaida Esteban-Muoz (Department of Nutrition and Bromatology, University of Granada), Cristina Sanchez-Gonzalez, Juan Llopis and Lorenzo Rivas-Garca (Department of Physiology, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology ''Jos Mataix", Biomedical Research Center, University of Granada; Centro de Investigacin Deporte y Salud), Danila Cianciosi (Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University), Francesca Giampieri and Maurizio Battino (Department of Clinical Sciences, Universit Politecnica delle Marche) Sandra Sumalla-Cano (Food, Nutritional Biochemistry and Health Research Group, European University of the Atlantic).

The full article is available in the following link.

Case study


Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa cv. Romina) methanolic extract attenuates Alzheimers beta amyloid production and oxidative stress by SKN-1/NRF and DAF-16/FOXO mediated mechanisms in C. elegans


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Study demonstrates the benefits of strawberry extract consumption in delaying the production of Alzheimer's-associated beta-amyloid protein in a...

Provost Tammy Evetovich named interim chancellor of UW-Platteville – University of Wisconsin System


MADISON, Wis.University of Wisconsin System Interim President Michael J. Falbo today named Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Tammy Evetovich as interim Chancellor of UW-Platteville. Evetovich will begin that position June 1.

Evetovich replaces Dennis J. Shields, who is departing to become President of the Southern University System and Chancellor of Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge. Shields has been the Chancellor at UW-Platteville since 2010.

We will miss Chancellor Shields, who has been a true asset to UW-Platteville, but I am confident in Provost Evetovich and the universitys leadership team, Falbo said.

Evetovich has served as the provost and vice chancellor of Academic Affairs at UW-Platteville since June 2020. During this time, she led the universitys transition to alternative learning methods due to the COVID-19 pandemic and spearheaded an academic strategic plan that guides the university as it continues to provide high-quality education.

I am honored and humbled to carry on the rich legacy at UW-Platteville as interim chancellor, Evetovich said. From my first interactions with students, faculty, staff, and alumni, I quickly learned how special this place is and admired the deep commitment to learning so valued by the entire UW-Platteville community. Our hands-on approach to education has contributed greatly to strong student outcomes and makes our graduates valuable additions to the workforce. I look forward to continuing that pioneer attitude and creating momentum towards building even more student-focused initiatives.

Prior to arriving in southwest Wisconsin, Evetovich served more than 20 years in a variety of leadership roles at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska. She was Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences and a department chair and professor in the Department of Health, Human Performance, and Sport. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in biology and masters degree and Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of NebraskaLincoln.

Download a high-resolution photo.

The University of Wisconsin System serves approximately 165,000 students. Awarding nearly 37,000 degrees annually, the UW System is Wisconsins talent pipeline, putting graduates in position to increase their earning power, contribute to their communities, and make Wisconsin a better place to live. Nearly 90 percent of in-state UW System graduates stay in Wisconsin five years after earning a degree with a median salary of more than $66,000. The UW System provides a 23:1 return on state investment. UW System universities also contribute to the richness of Wisconsins culture and economy with groundbreaking research, new companies and patents, and boundless creative intellectual energy.

Continued here:
Provost Tammy Evetovich named interim chancellor of UW-Platteville - University of Wisconsin System

CM wants Swat vet varsitys groundbreaking – The News International

PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Mahmood Khan on Friday directed the officials to complete all the prerequisites for groundbreaking of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Swat.

He issued the directive while chairing a meeting on the establishment of the varsity in Swat here, said an official handout. Minister for Livestock Mohibullah Khan, Secretary Livestock Muhammad Israr Khan and other relevant officials attended the meeting.

Briefing the participants about various aspects of the project, it was told that the university would be established in Chota Kalam.

It would span over 263 kanals of land with an estimated cost of Rs8 billion.

The university will provide education and research facilities to students in 20 different departments of three faculties.

About the proposed departments in the university, it was informed that Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Fisheries, Wildlife, Biochemistry and Biotechnology departments would be established under the Biosciences Faculty.

Nine different departments, including Pathology, Microbiology, Medicine, Surgery and Pet Sciences would be established Under the Faculty of Veterinary Science.

Under the Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, five departments including Animal Nutrition, Livestock Management, Poultry Sciences, Breeding and Genetics and the Department of Meat and Dairy Technology would be established.

It was added that the relevant institutions of the Livestock and Dairy Development Department would be linked to the proposed university as outreach centres.

Touching upon the proposed building for the university, it was informed that the building would include administration and academic blocks, an education centre, four boys hostels, one girls hostel, accommodation for faculty and staff, teaching and research centres and other allied facilities.

The chief minister termed the establishment of the proposed university a need of the region as he felt that existing universities offered limited programmes in veterinary education while the demand was much higher.

He hoped the establishment of the proposed university would not only provide quality education and research facilities to the students interested in this field but also would prove to be a milestone for the development of livestock and other related fields.

Mahmood Khan directed the officials concerned to determine the priorities in the construction of the proposed university and formulate various packages for the purpose.

Read the rest here:
CM wants Swat vet varsitys groundbreaking - The News International

The dogs of Science Hall Tone Madison –

What does all of this signify? To try to answer that question, we need to consider three sets of facts we have on hand. First, there are the rooms themselves, with their dog cages, windowless chambers, ceiling ventilation and soundproof construction. Second, we know that medical research was being conducted in the building at this time and that Medical School labs were close by on the fourth floor. Third, there is the historical context to consider. In April of 1917, a few months before these renovation plans were drafted, the United States had declared war on Germany and entered the First World War. An immediate concern was poison gas, which Britain, France, and Germany were all using as a chemical weapon. By mid-1917, the federal government and the War Department had launched a war gas research program that eventually enrolled hundreds of scientists from universities and private labs across the country. From the very beginning, researchers employed animals, especially dogs, as experimental subjects.

The first use of poisonous gas in the First World War was a German chlorine gas attack against British troops in April of 1915. The British, initially outraged, soon decided to fight fire with fire and an arms race escalated quickly, as historian Jeffrey Allan Johnson detailed in a 2017 paper. When the U.S. entered the war two years later, the chemical arsenal of the combatants had grown to include asphyxiants like phosgene, lung irritants like chloropicrin (also spelled chlorpicrin), various compounds of arsenic and cyanide, and blistering agents (vesicants) like mustard gas.

Like Britain and France, the United States adopted a bellicose stance upon entering the war. An editorial in the December 1917 issue of the American magazine Illustrated World, quoted in a 1969 PhD thesis by historian and chemist Daniel Patrick Jones, observed,

Chemical knowledge of destructive substances is not limited to the German mind or German textbooks. There are among us chemists who can meet them upon their own ground and go them one better in devilish inventiveness if it is so desired.

After declaring war in April of 1917, the U.S. government quickly launched a program focused on large-scale gas production and the creation of new gasses and methods of delivery. By the end of the war in November of 1918, less than two years later, the U.S. was producing twice as much poison gas as Britain, France, and Germany combined. Gas production in the U.S. had grown to encompass at least 10 facilities. The Army's main chemical warfare plant, Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, had more than 10,000 workers at peak production, according to the Army's own accounting in The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory To Field. Other plants included repurposed commercial chemical factories in Ohio, New York, Michigan, and Connecticut. At full capacity, this network of plants was capable of producing over 4,000 tons of poison gas per month, including chlorine, phosgene, chloropicrin, mustard gas, and lewisite, the latter being a U.S. innovation. Theo Emery chronicles this explosion of chemical-weapons research in the 2017 book Hellfire Boys.

When the war was over almost 11,000 tons of gas had been produced domestically. The Army's First Gas Regiment reached the front lines in the spring of 1918 and deployed thousands of gas shells and canisters against the German Army. But as this was already late in the war, gas use by U.S. forces never matched its domestic production levels, let alone its planned capacity. In fact, despite soaring domestic production levels, the U.S. Army did not employ any domestically produced gas in the war, relying instead on British and French weapons, according to a Department of Defense history of U.S. chemical warfare. If the war had continued into 1919, the U.S. and its allies were prepared to use their stockpiles in massive gas attacks, including aerial bombardments, against Germany, Jeffrey Allan Johnson claims. At the end of the war, these plans were abandoned. Emery details how hundreds of tons of surplus gas in barrels and artillery shells were simply dumped into the ocean.

The rapidity with which production facilities were established led to a problem: injuries to plant workers resulting from accidental exposure to toxic chemicals. At the Edgewood plant in Maryland, Emery writes in Hellfire Boys, there were 279 casualties in one month alone in 1918. Much of the impetus behind the war gas research program was to protect the workers in gas production facilities, and the Army's Chemical Warfare Service history cites this as a major focus of the research effort at the University of Wisconsin.

Despite its obvious military applications, it was the Bureau of Mines in the Department of the Interior that initially coordinated chemical warfare research in the United States. This made sense, because the Bureau was already involved in research on mine gasses and self-contained breathing devices. In early 1917, the Director of the Bureau of Mines, Vannoy Manning, offered the Bureau's services to the War Department for chemical warfare research. He made this offer through the National Research Council, which had been formed in 1916 under the National Academy of Sciences. During the war the Council's Military Committee acted as an intermediary between the Army, which posed research problems, and scientists at universities, who carried out the work, Daniel Patrick Jones notes in his 1969 UW-Madison PhD thesis.

In April of 1917, with a declaration of war imminent, the Council's Military Committee added a Subcommittee on Noxious Gases chaired by Manning. The Subcommittee was charged with conducting research into the generation of toxic gasses and developing antidotes to them. The Subcommittee's subsequent plan for research gave the Bureau of Mines its authority to conduct chemical warfare research.

Staff of the research program initially included several engineers and chemists from the Bureau of Mines, as well as Dr. Yandell Henderson, Professor of Physiology at Yale University and a consultant with the Bureau of Mines. Henderson was put in charge of medical research including

physiological investigations of gas masks, pharmacological gassing experiments on men and on animals, pathological gross and microscopic study of gassed animals, and pathological chemistry of disorders of gassed animals. ( p. 17)

Henderson set up a makeshift lab under the bleachers on the baseball field at Yale to begin gas experiments on animals, Emery writes in Hellfire Boys. Apparently the demand for test animals was so great that even the dog pounds in New Haven could not keep up, and Henderson's team sent out requests to the mayors of cities up and down the east coast to round up stray animals. Eventually Henderson became Director of the Toxicology, Therapeutic, Pathological and Physiological divisions at Yale, which accounted for over 40 military personnel and almost 20 civilian employees. Like other universities, Yale was eager to contribute to the war effort by supplying lab space and releasing faculty from their teaching duties, according to a Yale-published history of this period.

With scientists and lab space in short supply, the Subcommittee on Noxious Gases was granted authority to accept offers of assistance from scientists in the private sector and universities. Manning probed for interest by conducting a nationwide census of chemists that eventually received over 22,000 responses, Emery writes. The census was conducted with the assistance of the American Chemical Society, a strong advocate for the involvement of chemists in the war effort and one of the groups that successfully lobbied the government to continue chemical warfare research after the war ended.

By the end of 1917, the Bureau of Mines had obtained the aid of labs in three industrial companies, three government agencies, and 21 universities. The list of universities eventually included Bryn Mawr, Catholic, Chicago, Clark, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, MIT, Ohio State, Princeton, Wisconsin, and Yale, according to Bureau of Mines records from that time. This cooperation was possible, in part, because the field of chemistry in Europe and the U.S. was highly industrialized and marked by a well-developed academic-industrial network. This in turn was the result of the academic-industrial symbiosis that evolved out of the chemical dye industry, which ironically was dominated by German interests, even in the U.S.

An important partner for the Bureau of Mines was American University in Washington, D.C., which had offered its buildings and grounds for free to the Army for the duration of the war. American became the main center of chemical warfare research in the United States. By late 1917, research facilities had been constructed at American, including kennels to hold over 700 dogs. Researchers across the country, including Henderson at Yale, transferred their experimental equipment and animals to American University for the duration of the war.

By September of 1917, students and professors at the University of Wisconsin had begun researching safety measures for workers at gas-production facilities. The University's role in this area became more formalized in February of 1918, when the factory protection section of the Gas Defense Service was created to study the chronic effects of exposure to war gasses, and test protective devices and therapeutic treatments. (Figure 6)

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The dogs of Science Hall Tone Madison -

CALS 2022 Summer Term courses that have limited or no prerequisites and fulfill breadth requirements CALS News –

Summer Term courses are a great way for UW undergraduates to get aheador stay on trackin their studies. They are also open to students enrolled at other universities, high school students and the general public. Below are some 2022 Summer Term courses from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences that have no prerequisites and are open to all interested learners. These courses also fulfill breadth requirements such as Biological Science, Physical Science, Social Science and Humanities.

For more information about Summer Term, tuition and a full list of available courses, visit See more information about CALS courses on the CALS 2022 Summer Term page.

AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECONOMICS/AGRONOMY/INTER-AG/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 350: World Hunger and MalnutritionHunger and poverty in developing countries and the United States. Topics include: nutrition and health, population, food production and availability, and income distribution and employment.May 23 June 19Credit: 3Breadth: Biological Science

AGROECOLOGY/AGRONOMY/ENTOMOLOGY/ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES/COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 103: Agroecology: An introduction to the Ecology of Food and AgricultureAgroecology has blossomed across the world in recent decades as not only a science, but also a practice, and a movement. Employ the multiple disciplines and perspectives that Agroecology affords to analyze our agricultural and food systems wihin a broader context of dynamic social and ecological relationships.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

AGRONOMY/ENTOMOLOGY/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 203: Introduction to Global HealthIntroduces students to global health concepts through multidisciplinary speakers dedicated to improving health through their unique training. It targets students with an interest in public health and those who wish to learn how their field impacts their global issues.June 13 July 10Credits: 3Breadth: Social Science

ANIMAL SCIENCES/DAIRY SCIENCES 101: Introduction to Animal SciencesAn overview of animal sciences covering anatomy, physiology, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, management, animal welfare, and behavior of domesticated animals. Food animals are emphasized to discuss their contributions to humans.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

ANIMAL SCIENCES 200: The Biology and Appreciation of Companion AnimalsA systematic coverage of many of the animals (including birds) that humans keep as their social companions. The classification, nutritional requirements, environmental considerations, reproductive habits, health, legal aspects and economics of companion animals and their supportive organizations.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

ANIMAL SCIENCES 240: Ancient Animals and PeoplesProvides an introduction to human and animal relationships from prehistory to the present. Examines how animals have influenced social and economic structures of past societies, with a focus on the advent of domestication. Explores the cultural and economic changes that domestication has had on human societies, as well as the behavioral, genetic, and morphological changes that this process had on once wild animals. Emphasizes the methods used to retrace human-animal interactions, drawing on cross-cultural examples from anthropology, ethnozoology, archaeology, history, and genetics.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science, Social Science

BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 310: Project Economics & Decision AnalysisEvaluation techniques for research, development & engineering projects. Covers the time value of money and other cash-flow concepts, capital budgeting, economic practices and techniques used to evaluate and optimize decisions, and research & development project portfolio management techniques.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Social SciencePrerequisites: MATH 113, 114, or (MATH 171 and 217)

BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 367: Renewable Energy SystemsLearn about the state-of-the-art in renewable energy applications including biomass for heat, electric power and liquid fuels as well as geo-energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. Practice engineering calculations of power and energy availability of renewable energy sources and learn about requirements for integrating renewable energy sources into production, distribution and end-use systems.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Physical SciencePrerequisites: MATH 112, 114, 217, or graduate/professional standing

COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 140: Introduction to Community and Environmental SociologySociological examination of the linkages between the social and biophysical dimensions of the environment. Key topics include community organizing, local food systems, energy transitions, environmental justice, resource dependence, and sustainable development. Gateway to advanced courses in sociology.July 18 August 14Credits: 4Breadth: Social Science

COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY/FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 248: Environment, Natural Resources and SocietyIntroduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives.May 23 June 19Credits: 3Breadth: Social Science

COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIOLOGY 260: Latin America: An IntroductionLatin American culture and society from an interdisciplinary perspective; historical developments from pre-Columbian times to the present; political movements; economic problems; social change; ecology in tropical Latin America; legal systems; literature and the arts; cultural contrasts involving the US and Latin America; land reform; labor movements; capitalism, socialism, imperialism; mass media.May 23 June 19Credits: 3 4Breadth: Social Science

ENTOMOLOGY 201: Insects and Human CultureImportance of insects in humans environment, emphasizing beneficial insects, disease carriers, and agricultural pests that interfere with humans food supply. Environmental problems due to insect control agents.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

ENTOMOLOGY 205: Our Planet, Our HealthAn introduction to the multiple determinants of health, global disease burden and disparities, foundational global health principles, and the overlap between ecosystem stability, planetary boundaries, and human health. Explore the core fundamentals of global health scholarship, including but not limited to infectious disease, sanitation, and mental health, and also consider ecological perspectives on these issues through the lens of planetary boundaries. Attention is placed on how human-mediated global change (e.g. climate change, biodiversity loss, land-use patterns, geochemical cycling, agricultural practice) impacts human health and the ecosystem services we depend on. An overview of pertinent issues in sustainability science and planetary health discourse, including the Anthropocene and resilience to understand and critically assess global trends.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

FOOD SCIENCE 120: Science of FoodRelationship between food, additives, processing and health. How foods are processed.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

FOOD SCIENCE 150: Fermented Food and Beverages: Science, Art and HealthExplores the science behind fermented food and beverages, popularized by brewing, winemaking and breadmaking at home and in retail. Introduces the scientific principles that underlie food and beverage processing through fermentation. Covers how basic sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology influence the process and desired outcomes when fermenting vegetables, milk, fruit, and grains.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 110: Living with Wildlife Animals, Habitats and Human InteractionsA general survey course of wildlife and wildlife conservation for non-majors. Basic characteristics and management of wildlife populations and habitats. Human perceptions and interactions with wildlife. Current issues in wildlife management and conservation.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

FOREST AND WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 248: Environment, Natural Resources, and SocietyIntroduces the concerns and principles of sociology through examination of human interaction with the natural environment. Places environmental issues such as resource depletion, population growth, food production, environmental regulation, and sustainability in national and global perspectives.May 23 June 19Credits: 3Breadth: Social Science

GENETICS 133: Genetics in the NewsThe science of genetics is at the heart of many issues facing our society, and as such, genetics is often in the news. Explores the underlying genetics and methodologies to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind the headlines so that we can make more informed decisions as citizens.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

HORTICULTURE 350: Plants and Human WellbeingPlants provide not only the foundation of food, clothing, and shelter essential for human existence, but also some of the key raw materials for transcendence and abstraction through music, art, and spirituality. Since antiquity, we have co-evolved with plants and their derivative products, with each exerting a domesticating force on the other. It is, for example, impossible to think of our modern life without its plant-based accompaniments in the form of cotton, sugar, bread, coffee, and wood. Yet they are so ubiquitous we may forget they all derive from plants discovered, domesticated, bred, and farmed for millennia in a never-ending pursuit to improve our wellbeing. Major points of intersection between plants and human wellbeing will be explored from a horticultural point of view by highlighting a plant or group of plants that represent a primary commodity or resource through which humans have pursued their own aims and explore effects and impacts on human society.June 20 August 14Credits: 2Breadth: Biological Science

LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION 212: Introduction to Scientific CommunicationWriting effective science digests, proposals, newsletters, and trade magazine articles for agriculture, natural resources, health and science-related topics.June 20 August 14Credits: 3General education: Communication Part BPrerequisites: Satisfied Communications A requirement

LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION 251: Science, Media and SocietyIntroduction to communication at the intersection of science, politics and society; overview of the theoretical foundations of science communication and their relevance for societal debates about science and emerging technologies across different parts of the world.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Humanities, Social Science

LIFE SCIENCES COMMUNICATION 350: Visualizing Science and TechnologyIntroduction to the basic principles in the visual communication of science information. Principles of design, perception, cognition as well as the use of technologies in the representation of science in the mass media will be explored through illustrated lectures and written critique.July 5 August 7Credits: 3Breadth: Humanities, Social SciencePrerequisites: Satisfied Communications A requirement or graduate/professional standing

MICROBIOLOGY 100: The Microbial WorldPrimarily for non-science majors. Roles of microorganisms and viruses in nature, health, agriculture, pollution control and ecology. Principles of disease production, epidemiology and body defense mechanisms. Biotechnology and the genetic engineering revolution.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

MICROBIOLOGY 101: General MicrobiologySurvey of microorganisms and their activities; emphasis on structure, function, ecology, nutrition, physiology, genetics. Survey of applied microbiologymedical, agricultural, food and industrial microbiology. Intended to satisfy any curriculum which requires introductory level microbiology.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological SciencePrerequisites: CHEM 103, 108, 109, or 115. Not open to students with credit for MICROBIO 303.

MICROBIOLOGY 102: General Microbiology LaboratoryCovers techniques and procedures used in general microbiology, including cultivation, enumeration, aseptic techniques, physiology and selected applications.June 20 August 14Credits: 2Breadth: Biological SciencePrerequisites: MICROBIO 101, 303 or concurrent enrollment. Not open to students with credit for MICROBIO 304.

NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES 132: Nutrition TodayNutrition and its relationship to humans and their biological, social, and physical environment; current issues and concerns that affect the nutritional status of various population groups.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

PLANT PATHOLOGY 123: Plants, Parasites and PeopleThe course will explore the interaction between society and plant-associated microbes. Topics include: the Irish potato famine, pesticides in current agriculture, role of economics and consumer preference in crop disease management and the release of genetically engineered organisms.June 20 August 14Credits: 3Breadth: Biological Science

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CALS 2022 Summer Term courses that have limited or no prerequisites and fulfill breadth requirements CALS News -