Category Archives: Physiology

Salk Institute mourns the loss of Nobel Laureate Roger Guillemin, distinguished professor emeritus – Salk Institute

February 23, 2024

Considered the father of neuroendocrinology, Guillemin died February 21 at age of 100

LA JOLLASalk Distinguished Professor Emeritus Roger Guillemin, recipient of the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and neuroendocrinology pioneer, died on February 21, 2024, in Del Mar, California at the age of 100.

We are incredibly saddened to learn of Rogers passing, says Salk President Gerald Joyce. He leaves a remarkable legacy at Salk and around the world. His brilliance, commitment, and passion for discovery brought forth some of the last centurys most significant advances in our knowledge of the human brain. He was a cherished colleague and mentor to many. I personally mourn his loss and know I speak for the entire Salk community when I say our world is less bright without him in it.

Guillemin joined Salk in 1970 to head the newly established Laboratories for Neuroendocrinology. He and his group discovered somatostatin, which regulates the activities of the pituitary gland and the pancreas. Somatostatin is used clinically to treat pituitary tumors. He was among the first people to isolate endorphins, brain molecules that act as natural opiates, and his work with cellular growth factors (FGFs) led to the recognition of multiple physiological functions and developmental mechanisms.

Guillemin played a key role in discovering the brains role in regulating hormones, substances that act as chemical messengers between different parts of the body and regulate bodily functions. While scientists had long believed that the brain ultimately controlled the function of hormone-producing endocrine glands, there had been scant evidence to prove exactly how it did so.

After meticulous study of materials harvested from 1.5 million sheep brains, Guillemin and his team made a breakthrough. They discovered releasing hormones, produced in small quantities in the hypothalamus of the brain. These are delivered to the adjacent pituitary gland, which in turn is triggered to release its own hormones that are dispersed through the body. Guillemin and Andrew Schally separately extracted a sufficient amount of one releasing hormone to determine its structure in 1969. They subsequently were able to produce it with chemical methods.

Their work would lead them to the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, shared also with Rosalyn Yalow for a separate but related discovery, for discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brain.

This breakthrough resulted in the identification of a molecule called TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone), which ultimately controls all the functions of the thyroid gland. In the following years, he and his colleagues isolated other molecules from the hypothalamus that control all functions of the pituitary glandfor instance, GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), a hypothalamic hormone that causes the pituitary to release gonadotropins, which in turn trigger the release of hormones from the testicles or ovaries. This discovery led to advancements in the medical treatment of infertility and is also used to treat prostate cancer.

Guillemin was born in Dijon, the capital of Frances Burgundy region, on January 11, 1924. He entered medical school at the Universit de Bourgogne in 1943, receiving his MD from the Facult de Mdecine in Lyon (then under the same academic administration as his university in Dijon) in 1949. Although he enjoyed learning about medicine and would practice it for several years before committing to research full-time, much of Guillemins youth and college experience was wrought with challengesnot the least of which was the German occupation of France. Dark years of no fun these were, he wrote.

Earning his Doctor in Medicine required the composition and defense of a dissertation, something that Guillemin looked forward to doing. I had always been interested in endocrinology, said Guillemin. [An MD thesis] was usually pro forma. I decided, however, to write a dissertation that I would enjoy, hopefully on some work I could perform in a laboratory. A challenge to his desire to conduct research was a dearth of lab access. There was no laboratory facility of any sort in Dijon, except for gross anatomy.

In a fortuitous turn of events, Hans Selye was lecturing in Paris. Selye was a fellow pioneer of endocrinology, and an eager Guillemin made the journey to hear him speak. A few months later, Guillemin said, I was in Selyes newly created Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the Universit de Montral. Guillemin would go on to earn his PhD in physiology, with a special focus on experimental endocrinology, from the university in 1953.

Shortly after completing his PhD, Guillemin became an assistant professor of physiology at the University of Baylor College of Medicine. Once there, he began to pursue the identity of the chemical mediators of hypothalamic origin, which were primary suspects for controlling pituitary function in the brain.

Guillemin was a mentor to many future leaders in endocrinology and medical research while at Baylor, including Catherine and Jean Rivier and Wylie Vale, who would all follow Guillemin to Salk in 1970 and themselves become professors there.

In addition to the 1977 Nobel Prize, Guillemin was the recipient of numerous accolades for his work. These included the Gairdner International Award, the Dickson Prize, the Passano Award, the Lasker Award, and the Presidents National Medal of Science, presented to him by then-President Jimmy Carter. He was also an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences (1974) and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1976). Guillemins native France recognized his contributions to science and health by naming him a Commander in the Legion of Honour, the countrys highest order of merit. He served as the Salk Institutess interim president from October 2007 to February 2009.

For all of his accomplishments, Guillemin was always quick to point out the contributions of the many people who worked alongside him. I have had the extraordinary privilege to work with wonderful collaborators, some so much more knowledgeable in their own field than I was (or still am), all full of enthusiasm and sharing the common ethics of science, he wrote as he reflected on achieving the Nobel Prize.

When asked in a September 2017 interview with the La Jolla Light what his philosophy in life was, Guillemin responded, Help people. I really wanted to be a physician [and] I knew all my efforts would be to help people.

Up until his last few years of life, Guillemin was an active member of the La Jolla, California community and was an avid collector of French and American paintings and sculptures, as well as Papuan and pre-Columbian pottery.

Guillemin is survived by his five daughters, one son, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He was pre-deceased by his wife, Lucienne, a talented musician, who died at the age of 100 in 2021, after the couple was married for 69 years. Guillemin died on her birthday.

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Salk Institute mourns the loss of Nobel Laureate Roger Guillemin, distinguished professor emeritus - Salk Institute

Bacterial architects build the biofilm structures –

Bacterial biofilms are multicellular structures that are encased in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances and that have been linked to chronic infections in clinical settings. Previous studies have suggested that the distinct anatomy of biofilms affects the access for individual cells to resources, which in turn influences metabolic activity and survival within biofilms. In addition, the biofilm anatomy has been linked to antimicrobial susceptibility. However, how cells are arranged within biofilm structures, the genetic determinants of this arrangement and physiological importance of such patterns have not been well understood. In this study, Dietrich, Dayton and colleagues report that Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells form striations that are packed lengthwise across the biofilm and that this physical arrangement affects substrate uptake and distribution across the biofilm, as well as susceptibility to antimicrobial treatment.

Next, the authors carried out experiments to uncover the genetic determinants of the cellular arrangements within a biofilm at the microscale. To this end, they screened mutants that lacked crucial regulators of biofilm formation and physiology. Microscopy images of mixed biofilms of each mutant revealed that the vast majority of the mutants exhibited the striated cellular arrangement phenotype similar to that of the wild type. However, the analysis also showed that some biofilms had alterations to this lengthwise packing phenotype, and the authors found three additional phenotypes bundled, disordered and clustered. Specifically, cells defective in the production and function of the type IV pilus formed bundled biofilms, which suggests that an extendable and retractable pilus is required for the formation of the striations seen for wild-type biofilms. Moreover, cells lacking certain global gene expression regulators or cells with defects in O-antigen biosynthesis gave rise to the disordered phenotype. Finally, mutant cells that produced lipopolysaccharide without the O-antigen attached produced the clustered phenotype.

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Bacterial architects build the biofilm structures -

I’m a professor of physiology – here are 15 ways cyclists can avoid winter illness – CyclingWeekly

There are certain nagging questions in cycling that have a tendency to generate conflicting opinions and a confusing array of different views. In this ASK THE EXPERT series from Cycling Weeklys print edition, we seek to clear up confusion by seeking out the experts best qualified to provide, if not the final word, then at least authoritative advice supported by verified expertise.

Neil Walsh, a professor of physiology at Liverpool John Moores University, has been researching strategies to avoid immune suppression and infection among athletes for the past two decades. In this feature he answers our questions about immune health, how to avoid illness and how to stay healthy.

Firstly, what do we mean by immune health?

We would typically talk about resistance to infections how likely you are to pick up common colds and flu. What underpins this is immune defence, the barriers your body puts up, from your skin, to antibodies in your saliva and tears, which provide the first line of defence. The second line of defence are immune cells; and the third line of defence is the acquired immune system, which produces antibodies, responding to infectious organisms youve contracted before.

Does training hard compromise your immune system?

Interestingly, if youd asked me that question 10 years ago, Id have given you a different answer. We used to think that heavy exercise zapped the immune system and that the few hours after exercise were an open window for infections to get a foothold. But in the last 10 years, weve come around to the thinking that endurance athletes generally have very good immune systems. They have three common colds a year on average, which is very normal, and there is scant evidence that they are ever clinically immune-suppressed.

Is it OK to train with a cold?

Cyclists should employ common sense around this question. I still recommend the neck check: if you get up in the morning and have below-the-neck symptoms fatigue, inflammation, soreness, cough, etc you should not exercise until you feel better. There is good evidence that if you exercise with systemic symptoms below the neck, you are liable to protract the infection and make it worse.

1. Try to avoid sick people, e.g. crowded, poorly ventilated spaces.

2. Ensure good hand hygiene and get vaccinated.

3. Avoid self-inoculation try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth.

4. Do not train or compete with below-the-neck symptoms.

5. Monitor and manage both physical and psychosocial stresses.

6. Carefully calibrate training stress by increasing it in increments.

7. Avoid very long rides in favour of higher intensity.

8. Plan recovery or adaptation week every second or third week.

9. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night.

10. Eat a well-balanced diet and be sure to avoid chronic low energy availability.

11. Match energy intake to expenditure; avoid crash dieting.

12. Ensure adequate protein intake (1.21.6g/kg body mass/day).

13. Take 1,000IU/day vitamin D3 from autumn to spring.

14. At the onset of a cold, take zinc acetate lozenges (75mg/day).

15 Consider taking a daily probiotic.

Source: Recommendations to maintain immune health in Athletes by Neil P. Walsh, European Journal of Sport Science

If exercise doesnt suppress the immune system, what does?

We know now that the things that make athletes more susceptible to infection are largely the same as in non-athletes. These include psychological stress, high levels of anxiety, poor sleep, poor hygiene, and long-haul travel. Autumn is the peak period for colds, while January is peak flu season. Riders need to think about their lifestyle in a holistic way, limiting their exposure to pathogens.

What practical steps can riders take to avoid illness?

Stop touching your nose, your eyes and your mouth something Ive said to the best cycling teams in the world. Get the basics right: good hygiene, not training when youre sick, and not returning to training until youve been free of symptoms for a day or two.

Hygiene includes regularly disinfecting bidons, right?

Yes, thats a really good point. Bottle hygiene is well worth considering. A poorly cleaned bottle is a really great place to grow pathogens! Wash them thoroughly after every use, and soak in a weak disinfectant solution such as Milton sterilising fluid from time to time.

Does exercise help maintain the immune system?

Yes, when you exercise regularly, you create an anti-inflammatory environment. Of course, sometimes you need inflammation for example, a runny nose or cough are signs of the immune system doing its job but you need a balance between the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory sides of the immune system. Cyclists tend to have less body fat, and thats good news because some of the immune cells in fat produce inflammatory cytokines. Individuals with excess fat are more pro-inflammatory, which is implicated in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. Having better fitness and less fat means less inflammation.

Is eating too little or being too thin also a risk to immune health?

This is an extremely complicated area, with a really weird paradox. Patients with anorexia nervosa seem to be protected from infections until they get to the advanced stages of the condition as though the immune system is protected. Its an area that requires more research, but it is not clear-cut that limiting caloric intake harms the immune system in the short term.

What are the key nutritional considerations? Should we be taking any supplements?

The key thing is to ensure youre eating enough protein. This isnt usually an issue provided youre eating a mixed, balanced diet. In the winter, when we cant produce enough vitamin D from sunlight, taking a supplement is strongly advised. At the first sign of a common cold, zinc lozenges seem to shorten the period of symptoms, as well as their severity. Dont take zinc longer-term, though, unless you have a deficiency. There is some evidence that daily probiotics can have an immune benefit, while echinacea can be effective in people with weakened immune systems.

What have we learnt from Covid, in terms of social distancing and mask wearing?

Its difficult knowing where to draw the line. Avoiding being around sick people helps to reduce transmission. Hand-washing, not touching your face again, these basics are definitely worthwhile. We know that athletes are vulnerable to picking up illnesses during long-haul travel, which is mostly down to exposure. Masks seem to be more effective at preventing you from passing on a virus, rather than the other way around.

The full version of this article was published in the 18th January 2024 print edition of Cycling Weekly magazine. Subscribe online and get the magazine delivered to your door every week.

Continued here:
I'm a professor of physiology - here are 15 ways cyclists can avoid winter illness - CyclingWeekly

Understanding how natural genetic variation contributes to adaptive responses to low oxygen – News-Medical.Net

Humans are still evolving, and Tatum Simonson, PhD, founder and co-director of the Center for Physiological Genomics of Low Oxygen at University of California School of Medicine, plans to use evolution to improve healthcare for all.

Her latest research, which was published February 9, 2024 in Science Advances, reveals that a gene variant in some Andean people is associated with reduced red blood cell count at high altitude, enabling them to safely live high in the mountains in low-oxygen conditions. Simonson's UC San Diego lab is applying those findings toward understanding whether there may be a genetic component to why some people with sleep apnea or pulmonary diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) fare better than others.

There are people with COPD who breathe a lot and maintain a higher oxygen saturation. Others with the same disease don't breathe as much, and their oxygen saturation is low. Researchers suspect there may be genetic differences underlying this variation, similar to the variation we find in pathways important for oxygen sensing and responses underlying natural selection at high altitude."

Tatum Simonson, PhD, founder and co-director of the Center for Physiological Genomics of Low Oxygen at University of California School of Medicine

Our cells need oxygen to survive. When there isn't enough in the environment, our bodies produce extra red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body. Too many red blood cells, however, create a dangerous condition called excessive erythrocytosis (EE), which makes the blood viscous, which could lead to stroke or heart failure.

Her previous research showed that many mountain-dwelling Tibetans exposed to low-oxygen situations are born with innate mechanisms that protect them from poor outcomes at high altitude, including the overproduction of red blood cells. Part of this is due to changes in the regulation of the EPAS1 gene, which lowers hemoglobin concentrations by regulating the pathway that responds to changing oxygen levels. Advances in genetics have shown that modern Tibetans received this genetic advantage from their ancestors who mixed with archaic humans living in Asia tens of thousands of years ago-;a unique evolutionary history confined to this population.

For her latest research, Dr. Simonson, who is also the John B. West Endowed Chair in Respiratory Physiology and associate professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine & Physiology at UC San Diego School of Medicine, zoomed in on the EPAS1 region of the genome. She and her team focused on a mutation in the gene that is present in some people living in the Andes but is absent in all other human populations. When they scanned whole Andean genomes, they found a pattern surrounding this variant suggesting that the genetic change, which alters only a single amino acid in the protein product, happened by chance, relatively recently (from 9,000 to 13,000 years ago), and spread very quickly through hundreds of generations within the Andean population.

Similar to Tibetans, the EPAS1 gene is associated with lower red blood cell count in Andeans who possess it. However, the researchers were surprised to find that the variant works in a completely different way from the Tibetan version of the gene; rather than regulating its levels, the Andean variant changes the genetic makeup of the protein, altering the DNA in every single cell.

"Tibetans have, in general, an average lower hemoglobin concentration, and their physiology deals with low oxygen in a way that doesn't increase their red blood cells to excessively high levels. Now we have the first signs of evidence that Andeans are also going down that path, involving the same gene, but with a protein-coding change. Evolution has worked in these two populations, on the same gene, but in different ways," said Simonson.

This study exemplifies a current approach in research that connects genetic targets of natural selection with complex disease genes-;understanding, for example, how natural genetic variation contributes to adaptive and maladaptive responses to low oxygen, as this study reveals.

In Simonson's lab, that means figuring out what downstream target genes are being turned on in response to low oxygen, among other things. Said Simonson, "This paper shows one gene associated with one particular phenotype, but we think there are many different genes and components of oxygen transport involved. It's just one piece of that puzzle, and could provide researchers with information relevant to other populations."

Simonson and her team are working with Latino populations in San Diego and El Centro, California, as well as Tijuana and Ensenada, Mexico, taking them to high altitudes and recording their breathing while awake and asleep. They're cross-referencing their findings with publicly available databases to determine whether the findings they've made in Andeans are also found in local Latinos who may share some genetic variants with the Andeans.

"In precision medicine, it's important to recognize variation in genetic backgrounds, specifically in historically understudied populations," Simonson said. "If we can find some shared genetic factors in populations in an extreme environment, that may help us understand aspects of health and disease in that group and groups more locally. In that way, this study aims to push research forward, and towards comprehensive personalized medicine approaches in clinics here in San Diego."

Co-authors of the study include: Elijah S. Lawrence, Wanjun Gu, James J. Yu, Erica C. Heinrich, Katie A. O'Brien, Carlos A. Vasquez, Quinn T. Cowan , Patrick T. Bruck , Kysha Mercader, Mona Alotaibi, Tao Long, James E. Hall, Esteban A. Moya, Marco A. Bauk, Jennifer J. Reeves, Mitchell C. Kong, Rany M. Salem, Keolu P. Fox, Atul Malhotra, Frank L. Powel, Mohit Jain and Alexis C. Komor at UC San Diego, Ryan J. Bohlender, Hao Hu and Chad D. Huff at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Cecilia Anza-Ramirez, Gustavo Vizcardo-Galindo , Jose-Luis Macarlupu , Rmulo Figueroa-Mujca, Daniela Bermudez, Noemi Corante and Francisco C. Villafuerte at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Eduardo Gaio at Universidad de Braslia, Veikko Salomaa and Aki S. Havulinna at Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and Andrew J. Murray at Cambridge University and Gianpiero L. Cavalleri at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

This study was funded, in part, by the National Institutes of Health (Grants R01HL145470 [TSS] and T32HL134632 [JEH]), Geographic Society Explorer Award, and John B West Endowment in Respiratory Physiology (TSS), Wellcome Trust Award 107544/Z/15/Z (FCV), Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No 890768 (KAO), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Ford Foundation Fellowship (CAV), National Science Foundation Grant No DGE-2038238 (PTB), Research Corporation for Science Advancement through Cottrell Scholar Award 27502 (ACK), Science Foundation Ireland 12/IP/1727 (GLC), Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research and Juho Vainio Foundation (VS), and Academy of Finland (ASH).


Journal reference:

Lawrence, E. S., et al. (2024). FunctionalEPAS1/HIF2Amissense variant is associated with hematocrit in Andean highlanders.Science Advances.

Continued here:
Understanding how natural genetic variation contributes to adaptive responses to low oxygen - News-Medical.Net

‘From slow visual feedback to real-time plant physiology’ – global indoor farming news

Visual feedback of the plant structure is too slow for real-time optimization of the growing climate. Gardin measures photosynthesis, the most fundamental physiological process in the plant that is directly related to the assimilation of sugars for growth says Julian Godding, Lead data scientist at Gardin, a UK agritech.

Measuring photosynthesis in growing environments Growers are constantly trying to understand how the environment affects their plants and respond quickly to mitigate variability and achieve production targets. However, visual feedback from plants is slow - taking days or even weeks to materialize. This severely limits the potential for data-driven growing since several variables may impact the crop within that period. Chlorophyll fluorescence monitors the photosynthetic activity of the plant and is a powerful technique that has been used in plant research for decades.

However, deployment in commercial farms has been limited because of high costs, a lack of automation and a gap in technical knowledge. It is well known that photosynthesis is the fundamental process in plant growth, making the technique a good indicator of how the growing environment is impacting plant productivity. Gardins novel chlorophyll fluorescence sensor is designed for use in commercial farms. It uses advanced optical engineering to autonomously measure hundreds of plants throughout the day and employs algorithms to deliver interpretable insights to growers.

Real-time plant feedback Over the past two years, Gardin has been undertaking research funded by InnovateUK in partnership with the Advanced Plant Centre, hosted at the James Hutton Institute, and Intelligent Growth Solutions. The project explored the potential for chlorophyll fluorescence to be used as a technique for plant-driven optimization in CEA.

Whether due to the outdoor climate in a greenhouse or the impact of microclimates in indoor farms, growth environments for food production are constantly changing. Small changes in temperature and humidity can have a significant impact on plant outcomes, affecting yield and quality; and making it harder for growers to meet their targets Tevan et al, 2021 - The left side image shows an RGB capture of the plant canopy, right side image shows a thermal capture of the same plants. The brighter color indicates a higher temperature.

For the first time, Gardins sensors have enabled us to remotely explore plant activity in an industrial setting. This invention has been a significant milestone in our quest to optimize recipe development and is crucial for creating the optimal plant environment, says Csaba Hornyik, Senior Plant Scientist at Intelligent Growth Solutions.

Until now, growers could not measure the effect of the climate on plant physiology in real-time and at scale using cost-effective sensors, instead having to rely on visual parameters such as height, with limited resolution and flexibility.

Gardin's technology gives growers access to quantified measurements of plant photosynthesis, enabling a new method of growing that uses plant-driven insights to achieve better results. Julian explains that in most other industries, there is an obsession with measuring product quality. However, in agriculture, growers often rely on indirect indicators like temperature and humidity, as plant physiology is hard to measure accurately at scale. Gardin aims to bridge this gap and establish a growth method based on direct feedback from the plants."

Moustakas et al, 2022

By linking the climate to the plants, Gardin aims to consolidate all environmental variables into simple plant insights that enable rapid optimization of the growing environment and validating this approach was one of the key aims of the research. To achieve this, the photosynthetic activity of several species was measured in a controlled indoor growth environment with artificial lighting.

More than fifty batches of plants were grown with different light intensities while maintaining the same overall climate but with the presence of microclimates. The fertigation strategy was adjusted at one point, and there were variations in germination density. This reflects the reality of production environments - continuous improvement was a great test for the ability of chlorophyll fluorescence to flexibly monitor plants under different conditions and clearly distinguish their photosynthetic performance.

The results showed Gardins measurements of photosynthetic efficiency correlating well with the fresh weight (kg/m2/annum) and productivity (kg/m2/kWh) of each batch of plants. In other words, Gardin's photosynthesis measurements could effectively explain 50% of the variability in productivity across hundreds of kilos of plant product using a simple metric that is generalizable for any cultivar. This capability to directly measure plant productivity is a step change in agriculture, accelerating the grower feedback loop from weeks to mere minutes. Moreover, Gardin's capacity to measure across a broad canopy area assures growers that they are optimizing their entire farm's productivity and quality.

In addition, the James Hutton Institute conducted a nutritional analysis to study the impact on food quality. In an exciting development, it was discovered that basil plants with lower stress levels, as measured by the Gardin sensor, had lower concentrations of estragole - a carcinogenic and genotoxic compound that causes an unfavorable aniseed taste.

These exciting findings underscore the significance of reducing plant stress events in growing environments to the benefit of consumers. The project is an elegant illustration of what can be achieved by using Gardins real-time metrics as an optimization parameter - were very excited to see more and more growers adopt them to improve the productivity of their farm. The James Hutton brings experience to the complex task of plant nutritional analysis and allowed us to make novel discoveries linking the growing environment to the nutritional content of leafy greens. notes Fabrizio Ticchiarelli, Lead Biologist at Gardin.

Plant driven growing Gardin Pulse is a farm management product designed for commercial growers. It serves as a tool for rapidly optimizing growing environments with confidence. Proprietary analytics provide instant insight into farm performance, visualizing the impact of a changing environment and enabling rapid testing of different climate strategies to achieve the best results. With energy prices currently a key concern of growers, Gardin Pulse offers a solution for growers to determine energy savings strategies with optimal lighting and heating control for the plants.

Julian Godding, Lead data scientist at Gardin will be presenting 'Plant Computer: the next generation of greenhouse cultivation' at the Startup Arena Hall 5.1 at the Fruit Logistica this week.

For more information: Gardin

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'From slow visual feedback to real-time plant physiology' - global indoor farming news

The Future of Space Biology, Physiology, and Medicine: Exploring the Effects of Gravity on Human Cells – Medriva

Understanding the Effects of Gravity on Human Cells

Space biology, space physiology, and space medicine are rapidly evolving fields that hold the key to our future in space. As we dream of establishing human colonies on the Moon and Mars, it is crucial to understand how the human body adapts to different levels of gravity. The proposed research activities aim to fill the gaps in our knowledge of how cells adapt to microgravity, partial gravity (on the Moon and Mars), and hypergravity.

The research involves studying mechano-biological coupling mechanisms and exploring tissue-like responses to gravity alterations using 3D models. The effects of gravity on cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, and stress response are also areas of focus. A key aspect of the research is investigating the interplay between altered gravity and space radiation. The studies will be conducted using various platforms such as the International Space Station (ISS), parabolic flights, centrifuges, and on-ground systems.

One of the challenges in space medicine is the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during spaceflight. A study highlighted in Nature discusses the use of ultrasound for venous assessment and venous thrombosis screening in spaceflight. The study emphasizes the need to establish the validity of venous ultrasound for the diagnosis of DVT during spaceflight and the challenges in diagnostic accuracy and management studies.

Microgravity related changes may confound the diagnosis of DVT, and the effect of venous interventions to reverse them needs to be identified. The study calls for future research to account for microgravity related changes, evaluate the individual effect of venous interventions, and adopt Earth-based venous ultrasound standards.

A similar study published in the National Library of Medicine also highlights the challenges of diagnosing and managing DVT in space. The study developed an appropriateness tool following expert panel discussions but found that spaceflight venous ultrasound did not meet all appropriateness criteria compared to terrestrial standards.

The Human Biology News page on ScienceDaily provides updates on the latest research activities and findings in human biology, including space physiology, space medicine, and space biology. Following such resources can help us stay updated with the progress in this field.

As we move closer to becoming a multi-planetary species, understanding the effects of altered gravity on human biology, physiology, and medicine is crucial. The proposed research activities aim to add to our knowledge in these areas and help us prepare for a future in space. The challenges in diagnosing and managing health conditions in space underline the need for continued research and development in space medicine.

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The Future of Space Biology, Physiology, and Medicine: Exploring the Effects of Gravity on Human Cells - Medriva

Master of Science in Medical Physiology program admissions open office hour – The Daily | Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve University students are invited to join the Master of Science in Medical Physiology program for a virtual admissions open office hour Thursday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m.

Samantha Baker, director of admissions, will be available to answer questions about admissions, curriculum, enrichment experiences, life in Cleveland, student successes and more. This is a drop-in style session; there will not be a formal presentation.

Get more information.

Originally posted here:
Master of Science in Medical Physiology program admissions open office hour - The Daily | Case Western Reserve University

The Impact of GATAD2B Mutations on Brain Function and Development – Medriva

The Impact of GATAD2B Mutations on Brain Function and Development

One of the fundamental aspects of understanding neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities is to explore the underlying genetic factors. A gene that has been drawing attention in recent years is GATAD2B. This gene is implicated in brain development and physiology, and mutations in it can lead to profound effects, particularly on cognitive function.

A recent study, focusing on the role of GATAD2B, utilized a mouse model with an inactivating mutation in Gatad2b. The research findings indicated that mutant Gatad2b mice exhibited behavioral and learning abnormalities similar to the human phenotype. These abnormalities were accompanied by abnormal cortical development and gene expression patterns, suggesting that GATAD2B mutations result in abnormal epigenetic transcriptional regulation of corticogenesis, thereby leading to intellectual disability.

Several scientific techniques were employed to understand the role and impact of GATAD2B mutations on brain development. Quantitative PCR was used to assess Gatad2b expression levels in the brain of mice, and Western blot analysis was performed to detect the Gatad2b protein. These techniques were coupled with histological analysis and behavioral tests to evaluate cognitive function in the mutant mice.

Furthermore, the research employed single-cell RNA sequencing to identify shared cell states across different samples. It also conducted gene ontology enrichment analysis to gain insights into the pathogenesis mechanisms associated with GATAD2B haploinsufficiency. The study included a detailed description of the experimental procedures and ethical considerations, ensuring the integrity of the scientific process.

The findings of this study contribute significantly to the understanding of GATAD2B and its implications for brain function and development. The observation of abnormal cortical development and gene expression in mutant mice provides valuable insights into the potential pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning neurodevelopmental disorders associated with GATAD2B mutations.

This research also highlights the potential of GATAD2B as a therapeutic target for neurological disorders. Given its role in regulating gene expression and its impact on cognitive function, targeting GATAD2B could pave the way for innovative therapies in neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities.

For more information on the role of GATAD2B in brain development and physiology, you may refer to these resources:

They provide detailed information on the role of GATAD2B in brain development, its function in regulating gene expression, and its impact on neurodevelopmental disorders.

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The Impact of GATAD2B Mutations on Brain Function and Development - Medriva

Influence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Hypoxia on AF: A Pulmonary Physiological Perspective – Physician’s Weekly

The following is a summary of SleepDisordered Breathing, Hypoxia, and Pulmonary Physiologic Influences in Atrial Fibrillation, published in the November 2023 issue of Cardiology by Heinzinger et al.

In this study, using a substantial clinical cohort, researchers investigated the link between sleep-disordered breathing, sleep-related hypoxia, and atrial fibrillation (AF) development. The relationship between sleep-related hypoxia, pulmonary physiology, and their contributions to the onset of AF remains ambiguous, prompting the comprehensive analysis. Their retrospective cohort comprised patients undergoing sleep studies at Cleveland Clinic between January 2, 2000, and December 30, 2015. Using Cox proportional hazards models, they assessed various parameters, including apnea-hypopnea index, oxygen saturation levels, and end-tidal carbon dioxide about incident AF, adjusting for multiple factors. The cohort of 42,057 individuals, with a median age of 50.7 years and diverse demographic characteristics, saw 4.6% developing AF within 5 years. Elevated apnea-hypopnea index, reduced oxygen saturation levels, and increased carbon dioxide were associated with heightened AF risk. Specifically, a 10-unit increase in the apnea-hypopnea index led to a 2% higher risk, while similar changes in oxygen saturation levels were linked to a 6% to 30% increased AF risk.

After considering spirometry factors, sleep-related hypoxia remained significantly associated with incident AF, indicating a substantial role in AF development independent of pulmonary physiological impairment. These findings underscore the substantial impact of sleep-related hypoxia on AF incidence, highlighting its significance even when accounting for pulmonary physiological factors.


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Influence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Hypoxia on AF: A Pulmonary Physiological Perspective - Physician's Weekly

MBRSC to host International Society for Gravitational Physiology meeting –

Abstract submission is now open for the 43rd International Society for Gravitational Physiology Meeting, which will be hosted in the UAE from May 26-31, 2024.

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) is set to host the 43rd International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP) Meeting for the first time ever in the Arab world. Scheduled to be held from May 26-31, 2024, at the Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU), the event will bring together eminent scientists, representatives from space agencies, young researchers, as well as students.

The meeting aims to foster an exchange of knowledge on the biological and physiological effects of gravity on living organisms. The meeting will not only serve as a collaborative platform, but also be utilised to announce new research and educational opportunities in the field.

Salem Humaid AlMarri, Director General, MBRSC, said: Hosting the 43rd ISGP Meeting is a significant milestone in our continuous efforts to foster knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration. This event aligns perfectly with our commitment to enhancing the understanding of space and its impact on life. By bringing together leading experts in gravitational physiology, we aim to further the boundaries of space science research and education, contributing substantially to the local and global scientific community. We are grateful to our partners at MBRU for partnering on this event. The university has collaborated on numerous projects, including on experiments for astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi during his historic mission aboard the International Space Station. It is through such collaborations that we can truly unlock the potential of space and its profound effects on human health, driving innovation and discovery in the space sector. We look forward to gaining new insights into the world of gravitational science through this meeting and hope it fosters a culture of scientific excellence and exploration, ultimately contributing to the progress of humanity and our understanding of the universe.

Dr Amer Sharif, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Health and President of MBRU, added: We are proud to be part of the 43rd ISGP meeting which will be held at MBRU. This event is an excellent opportunity for our students, to learn, network and gain insights into the impact of gravity on physiological processes and enhance their understanding of human health in different gravitational environments. Such scientific events perfectly align with our missions at MBRU and Dubai Health. Our integrated academic health system places a strong emphasis on lifelong learning, as we are very much committed to ensuring that our learners are fully equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the local and global scientific community, ultimately advancing health for humanity. We are very thankful to our friends at the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre who afforded this opportunity to our students, which is truly unique as it is the first meeting of its kind in the Arab world. We look forward to the insightful discussions, learnings and new research that will emerge from this gathering.

The ISGP association, established in 1979, has a rich history of promoting scientific knowledge on gravitys effects on living organisms and encouraging public and academic interest in this field. Hosting the event in the UAE symbolises the growing stature of the nation in the international science community, providing an opportunity for the UAE science community to engage with global experts, promote the latest findings, including those of Sultan AlNeyadis research projects during his six-month mission on the International Space Station (ISS), as well as the opportunity to highlight the countrys participation in Analog simulation missions.

Pr.Marc-Antoine Custaud, President of ISGP, stated: We are very pleased to announce that our 43rd annual ISGP meeting will be held in Dubai and hosted by MBRSC. This will be an important event for all international researchers working in the field of space physiology, providing a wonderful opportunity to meet each other. The meeting is already shaping up to be a great success.

Abstract submissions for the 43rd ISGP Meeting are now open, while registrations will be opened in February 2024.

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MBRSC to host International Society for Gravitational Physiology meeting -