Category Archives: Physiology

These are the real benefits of running, according to the science –

A runners body can come in all shapes and sizes, but the benefits of running remain the same for everyone. So, if youre thinking about kicking your run to the curb side now the weather has turned. dont!

Whether you stick with your outdoor run and yield the extra benefits of training in colder temperatures, or start looking into the best treadmill (opens in new tab) you can buy, studies show that in the long-term, running can improve longevity of life by lowering your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and resting heart rate. But theres more. For those who really want to deep-dive into the physiological technicalities, heres why running really is one of the best forms of exercise.

The term feel the burn is generally associated with hard working muscles during a workout. Youve probably felt it during a particularly gruelling session. Your body breaks down glucose to be used as energy and a by-product of this process is lactic acid. The harder you work, the more lactate accumulates until eventually you cant get rid of it quick enough.

This is known as your lactate threshold and there have been lots of studies - such as this one, published in the Journal of Physiology (opens in new tab) - that show the importance and role of anaerobic threshold in endurance sports.

A higher lactate threshold (aka anaerobic threshold) will allow for a faster, more sustainable running pace, says Jim Pate, Senior Physiologist at Marylebone Health (opens in new tab).

Jim Pate

Jim Pate is the senior physiologist and lab manager at the Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP). He specializes in cardiopulmonary exercise testing and heads up all of CHHPs exercise physiology services. He also lectures at UCL, as well as carrying out research at the university. Before joining CHHP, Jim not only worked in the NHS but also spent some time working at Everest Base Camp on the Extreme Everest Expedition, looking at how extreme conditions affect performance, survival and longevity.

When running at lower intensities, the primary component the body needs and uses to produce the energy is oxygen. This aerobic process is efficient but also relatively complex and can become overloaded or backed up, as energy demand rises with exercise intensity.

There will be a point where a second energy production system begins to make a contribution and this is the anaerobic system. This system produces energy rapidly without oxygen, but it is also inefficient, burning cellular fuel more quickly and producing the by-products: lactate and lactic acid.

From a running performance point of view, the shift to inefficient energy production results in an unsustainable system that will ultimately lead to fatigue. However, a higher lactate threshold is trainable and the best way to improve it is to train at, or around, lactate threshold intensity with working intervals significantly longer than recovery intervals.

Put simply, VO max is the maximum (max) rate (V) of oxygen (O) your body is able to consume and use during one minute of exercise. A higher VO max means youre in good shape physically and if youre looking to improve yours, running can help.

It has been shown that running at specific intensities for certain periods of time can actually improve your VO max, says Jonny Kibble, head of exercise and physical activity at Vitality (opens in new tab).

Johnny Kibble

Johnny Kibble is an experienced health and well-being coach, with a background in sports science. He currently works with Vitality, a UK health insurance company, where he leads physical activity workshops. In his spare time, he competes in 5ks, 10ks, triathlons and half marathons.

VO max is measured in millilitres of oxygen per kilogram of bodyweight per minute ml/kg/min. It is generally considered the gold standard measure of cardiovascular fitness the higher it is, the longer you can potentially exercise for, at any given intensity.

While it can be impacted by numerous genetic factors, such as age and sex (men will generally have a higher VO max than women due to muscle mass and haemoglobin levels), the good news is, everyone can improve theirs.

Research from the Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise Journal (opens in new tab) shows that running at 90-95% of maximum heart rate for four minutes followed by four minutes of resting at 70% max heart rate, four times round (for a specific time period) increased participants VO max by an average of 7.2 per cent (2).

According to Kibble, on top of improving your running performance, a high VO max could also make everyday tasks easier to perform.

Another study in the Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise Journal (opens in new tab) showed that climbing a set of stairs can cost around 33.5ml/kg/min of our VO max, which could be a sedentary individuals maximal capacity (27 - 40ml/kg/min), he explains. By improving this, it means we may find it easier to perform everyday tasks, which is particularly important as we grow older due to our VO max levels declining with age.

VO max can also play a huge part in prevention and, according to research from Frontiers in Bioscience (opens in new tab), is the strongest independent predictor of future life expectancy in both healthy and cardio-respiratory diseased individuals.

Lacing up and pounding the pavement can often be thought of as detrimental to joints and knees. However, research shows that running can in fact, be good for bone health.

Running is often perceived as bad for joints, in particular the knees and hips, and too much high impact exercise can damage bone and may cause long-term problems such as stress fractures, says Lindsy Kass, Principal Lecturer in Sport, Health and Exercise at the University of Hertfordshire (opens in new tab).

Kass is a Principal Lecturer on the BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Degree Programme at the University of Hertfordshire. She is a Registered Nutritionist and an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science. Kass has worked at the University of Hertfordshire for over 15 years and is a Fellow of the Teaching and Learning Academy. Her work includes research into carbohydrate and protein sport drinks, looking at the effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure and exercise and, most recently, she was the lead investigator on a large study looking at the effect of the Covid lockdown on exercise and eating habits.

However, there is much evidence (opens in new tab) to show that impact exercise such as running can actually help with bone formation and bone density, and reduce the effect of osteoporosis. In one study published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation (opens in new tab), long-distance runners were evaluated to establish change in bone properties using ultrasound and biochemical markers, to determine bone strength and bone formation markers. The male and female runners, aged 30-49 years ran an average of 48.6km per week, with an average frequency of 4.4 times per week. No significant difference was found in bone strength for either the males or females across all age groups meaning there was no decrement in bone strength when running long distances.

However, there was a significant improvement in blood serum markers of osteocalcin, which is a marker of bone formation, for both males and females across all age groups. This shows that bone formation may be improved with distance running, by stimulating osteoclasts. This supports the view that bone density is reliant on the forces acting on the bone in this case, the impact to the legs from running.

For those over 50, worried about osteoporosis, dont even think about switching to a non-resistance training modality. Research in the journal Osteoporosis International (opens in new tab) found that older runners had higher bone mineral density than swimmers of the same age. This suggests that moderate impact activities are better for maintaining skeletal integrity with age.

Struggling with that afternoon deadline? Cant make an important life decision? The answer might lie in a quick run.

A study by the University of Tsukuba in Japan (opens in new tab) last year showed that ten minutes of moderate-intensity running increases local blood flow to the parts of the brain that plays an important role in controlling mood and executive functions, says Elisabeth Philipps, a Clinical Neuroscientist and spokesperson for supplement brand FourFive (opens in new tab).

Elisabeth Philipps

Elisabeth Philipps is a clinical neuroscientist specializing in the endocannabinoid system. She has authored many articles on CBD, clinical neuroscience and health. One of her main strengths is being able to translate complex and dense scientific research into accessible written and presented content.

In such a short time, to see a mental improvement in brain function is really positive and should help spur people to enjoy daily exercise however long they have.

In the study, researchers found that just a short session increased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex so it could benefit everything from focus, memory, planning, organization, and even impulse decision making.

So, what does this mean in real life? Moderate intensity running can be worked out using fancy heart rate monitoring, but more simply you can do the talk test which for moderate intensity means you can comfortably talk whilst running at a pace for 10 minutes, she adds.

This might take a bit of training and working up to this level but even just getting moving and brisk walking, especially with some hills or inclines involved helps into improve brain blood flow and boost your happy hormones, as well as trigger endocannabinoid synthesis which releases bliss molecule anandamide to help you feel good. Running and walking outdoors is best - fresh air and nature really boosts mental health. In fact, the runner's high is not an endorphins release, as previously thought but the body releasing anandamide, an endocannabinoid produced in the body, which makes us feel great.

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These are the real benefits of running, according to the science -

Are Cold Showers Healthier Than Hot Ones? Science Is Weighing In! – Twisted Sifter

Even if all of the scientists in the world were able to agree that a cold shower was better for your health, Im not sure all that many people would make the switch after all, theres just something nice about a nice, warm spray, right?

If youre curious what the answer is and why, though, just keep reading.

First off, lets talk about the different ways hot and cold showers affect our bodies.

According to an analysis presented at the 2018 Joint International Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis and Computing and Control for the Water Industry, most people prefer hot showers specifically, showers between the temperatures of 104 and 106 degrees F.

Hot showers are obviously nicer and more relaxing, and numerous studies have shown that showering before bed can help us sleep better by relieving body tension and stress. In addition, the hot water relieves muscle fatigue and may even lessen the pain associated with long-term conditions like osteoarthritis.

The bodys blood vessels expand when exposed to heat, which means immersion in warm water can improve arterial stiffness and improve circulation, even improving blood flow among people with chronic heart failure.

That said, dermatologist Sejal Shah reminds us that hot showers are not all good.

Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils leading to dry, itchy skin and eventually eczema. Similarly, hot water can strip the hair of its natural oils, causing it to be drier.

And that ability to lower blood pressure? Dr. Hassan Makki says its not a positive for everyone.

I must have heard a similar story at least a dozen times; a person is taking a hot shower, feels lightheaded and wakes up in a pool of blood from a head injury.

Hot showers, it turns out, are a prime place for those events called vasovagal syncopes to happen.

The heat has already caused a lot of the blood to be shifted to the superficial tissues (a mechanism the body uses to cool down). With less blood available in the tank so to speak, even a slight dip in blood pressure can cause syncope.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, cold showers have a reputation for being good for calming untoward urgesand there is some scientific data to support the claim that theyre good for your health.

There are several studies that point to an immune-boosting effect, which may or may not have something to do with the sympathetic nervous systemwhich is connected to our fight-or-flight reflex.

Lindsay Bottoms, a Reader in Exercise and Health Physiology at the University of Hertfordshire, explained more in The Conversation.

When this is activated, such as during a cold shower, you get an increase in the hormone noradrenaline. This is what most likely causes the increase in heart rate and blood pressure observed when people are immersed in cold water, and is linked to the suggested health improvements.

Cold showers also improve circulation, but when the water stops and your body has to work harder to warm itself back up.

Which is also why cold showers can help increase your metabolism. Some believe this, along with the idea that brown fat is activated by cold temperatures and stored around the shoulders and neck, also has some believing cold showers could promote weight loss.

Bottoms also explained that some are positive cold showers have mental benefits as well.

There is a school of thought that cold water immersion causes increased mental alertness. A cold shower may also help relieve symptoms of depression. A proposed mechanism is that, due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which may have an anti-depressive effect.

Health and water expert Glen Coulson warns that there are also drawbacks.

Submerging in freezing cold water could cause the body to go into cold-water shock. That could cause a number of reactions, from hyperventilation to heart attacks.

So, should you take a hot shower or a cold one, if improving your health is your ultimate goal?

The best answer, says dermatologist Carl Thornfeldt, is somewhere in the middle.

The best solution is to take a warm, tepid shower and then finish off with cold rinse for the last few seconds to still reap the rewards of the cold water.

You definitely dont want to take a cold shower if youre coming in from a super hot day, because your body is working hard to stabilize its temperature on its own and the cold water will just throw it off.

It is always recommended to have a lukewarm shower rather than indulging a cold one.

I dont know about you, but they dont have to tell me twice.

The rest is here:
Are Cold Showers Healthier Than Hot Ones? Science Is Weighing In! - Twisted Sifter

Cardiovascular physiology-changes with aging – PubMed

With aging there are changes in the cardiovascular system, which result in alterations in cardiovascular physiology. The changes in cardiovascular physiology must be differentiated from the effects of pathology, such as coronary artery disease, that occur with increasing frequency as age increases. The changes with age occur in everyone but not necessarily at the same rate, therefore accounting for the difference seen in some people between chronologic age and physiologic age. The changes in the cardiovascular system associated with aging are a decrease in elasticity and an increase in stiffness of the arterial system. This results in increased afterload on the left ventricle, an increase in systolic blood pressure, and left ventricular hypertrophy, as well as other changes in the left ventricular wall that prolong relaxation of the left ventricle in diastole. There is a dropout of atrial pacemaker cells resulting in a decrease in intrinsic heart rate. With fibrosis of the cardiac skeleton there is calcification at the base of the aortic valve and damage to the His bundle as it perforates the right fibrous trigone. Finally there is decreased responsiveness to beta adrenergic receptor stimulation, a decreased reactivity to baroreceptors and chemoreceptors, and an increase in circulating catecholamines. These changes set the stage for isolated systolic hypertension, diastolic dysfunction and heart failure, atrioventricular conduction defects, and aortic valve calcification, all diseases seen in the elderly.

See more here:
Cardiovascular physiology-changes with aging - PubMed

Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology job with UNIVERSITY OF THE SUNSHINE COAST – UNISC | 310457 – Times Higher Education

Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology

About the opportunity

We have an exciting opportunity available for a high-achieving, innovative, and resourceful Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology to join ourSchool of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Sippy Downs, Sunshine Coast.

UniSC is a premier sporting destination with nationally-accredited facilities and support from leading health and sports scientists. High performing champions train side-by-side with beginners in a supportive sports community that drives excellence. Find out more

You will contribute meaningfully to the discipline through engaging and effective teaching practices. You will develop productive industry and community relationships that benefit the students, community and UniSC. Additionally, you will contribute to the research profile in the area of Clinical Exercise Physiology within the school by participating in research activities and developing or maintaining an active research profile.

You will:

About UniSC

As one of Australias fastest growing universities, UniSC is ripe with opportunities for passionate, skilled and determined leaders who want to make an impact in higher education.

We are one of the most respected universities in Australia for our teaching quality, as acknowledged by our five-star rating in the Good Universities Guide - a title we have held for 16 consecutive years.

On the world stage, we are a recognised global leader when it comes to sustainability principles. In the 2021 Times Higher Educations Impact Rankings, UniSC was ranked as third in the world for our research, outreach and stewardship when it comes to conserving and protecting life underwater. For life on the land, we were ranked fifth both titles a welcome recognition of our work in these specialty areas of research and stewardship.

The standings come alongside the Australian Research Councils recognition of UniSC as a producer of world-class research in 26 areas, including environmental impact, mental and medical health, technology, and human behaviour.

UniSCs impact in national and international research continues to be fast-growing and, since 2013, we have more than tripled our annual research income to $26 million.

While these results are impressive, they are just the start of our story. We are young, agile and determined to become Australias premier regional university.

We warmly encourage you to join us on this journey.

About you

You contribute to a positive and engaging academic environment, enabling excellence for both staff and students. Your well-developed interpersonal skills and exceptional written and verbal communication enable you to successfully deliver a superior student experience to a diverse student cohort. You collaborate cohesively and share your expertise to contribute to the ongoing success of the schools teaching and research outcomes.

You will possess:

At UniSC, we have a genuinecommitment to diversity and inclusion and strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and people of all cultures, genders, abilities, and experiences. Should you require additional support, phone+61 7 5430 2830.


For a confidential discussion about this opportunity,please contact:

Dr Nicole Masters

Acting Head of SchoolSchool of Health and Behavioural Sciences

07 5459


Please apply byMidnight, Monday 17 October 2022

All applications must be lodged through our website, by visiting

A completed application includes:

Benefits of working at UniSC

UniSC is a community which recognises and embraces diversity among our staff, students and community partnerships. We provide an inclusive environment where each person feels they belong and are respected, connected and empowered.

UniSC is a proud recipient of the prestigious Athena SWAN Bronze Award, granted as part of theScience in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE)initiativewhich aimsto address and improve gender equity in the science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM)disciplines. Attaining an award is recognition of our ongoing commitment to improving gender equity and ensuring that women from diverse backgrounds, as well as underrepresented groups, are best positioned to reach their full potential.

UniSC offers career enhancement opportunities such as professional development and specialised leadership and management programs. We are an inclusive employer offering flexible work options, extensive and generous leave options and a 36.25 hour working week for our professional staff. For more information, visit our website/

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Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology job with UNIVERSITY OF THE SUNSHINE COAST - UNISC | 310457 - Times Higher Education

Just 6% of sport science research focuses on female athletes –

This is the message from Dr Sam Moss, senior lecturer in Sport & Exercise Sciences at Chester University and performance nutritionist at Gatorade Sports Science Institute, speaking to NutraIngredients ahead of her on-stage presentation at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit next week.

Dr Moss will provide an overview of the research that has currently been conducted into female physiology, demonstrating the huge blind spots that need to be address.

Research studies are more difficult in women and more expensive on account of their menstrual cycles creating more complexity. But we cannot continue to apply male results to females as they have completely unique physiological challenges.

A key health concern for female athletes is the dominance of RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport) which essential means the athlete isnt consuming enough energy to meet all their physiological demands. And this is startlingly prevalent.

In fact, Dr Moss says research indicates that 47% of female athletes are at risk of RED-S (Ackerman et al. 2019) and the health consequences of this are wide-ranging, from basic loss of energy and weakened immune function to impacts on bone density, resting metabolic rate and the menstrual cycle. And more health impacts are continuing to be discovered.

When Moss led a study into athletes in womens football they discovered that just 23% of athletes had optimal energy availability to meet their general physiological and training needs. They found that the main reason for this was poor availability in their training environment.

In mens football you might have someone there making up their protein and carb shakes before and after training but those sorts of provisions are limited for women.

There are also a lot of negative associations with carbs so theres around education also.

Many of the women have only just turned professional so have never had a nutritionist before and its really hard to break down internal beliefs they have held throughout their lives.

Of course a clear physical difference between males and females is the menstrual cycle which has a huge impact on womens physiological needs.

Dr Moss says the research into the impacts is growing but there is still a huge amount not known.

For example, it is known that during the luteal phase of the cycle (the time of ovulation, about 14 days before menstruation) energy demand increases by up to 300 calories per day and during this phase the body can find it more difficult to extract stored carbs.

This has led some researchers to hypothesise that women need more carbs during this period, while others have concluded that they would be better off with protein as the body might be able to make better use of this. The fact is the research is sparse and, therefore, inconclusive.

Dr Moss will detail all of these issues in her presentation on day three of the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit which takes place in Amsterdam next week (Oct 5-7).

There is still time to get your space at the event. For more information and to register, please clickHERE.

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Just 6% of sport science research focuses on female athletes -

Governor Abbott Announces $1.7 Million TWC Job Training Grant To Workforce Solutions Cameron – Office of the Texas Governor

September 28, 2022 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott today announced a $1.7 million Skills Development Fund grant from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to Workforce Solutions Cameron, in partnership with DHR Health. The job training grant will benefit more than 5,000 new and current health care workers in theWorkforce Solutions Cameron area by providing skills training, ensuring retention, and promoting career advancement opportunities for nurses.

"Texas' medical workforce is essential to the health and well-being of communities across our state," said Governor Abbott. "The State of Texas continues creating opportunities to bolster our health care workforce and support the dedicated nurses and medical professionals who provide crucial patient care. I thank the Texas Workforce Commission for ensuring health care workers at DHR Health in Cameron County have the training and tools needed to advance in their careers and help keep their fellow Texans healthy."

This grant allows DHR Health the opportunity to upskill its existing workforce and support the Nurse Career Ladder pathway, said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. Texas Skills Development Fund Grant Program is an important tool hospitals have to retain and advance the careers of medical professionals in their local communities.

The grant will provide technical training in high-demand skills for occupations in medical and health services. Trainings will include anatomy and physiology courses, case management skills, stroke and tomography education, radiology, pediatric, psychiatric, and trauma nursing skills.

TWC's Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez presented the grant at a ceremony today at DHR Health.

The Skills Development Fund grant program has provided training opportunities in partnership with more than 4,700 employers to upgrade or support the creation of more than 410,000 jobs throughout Texas since the programs inception in 1996.

See the article here:
Governor Abbott Announces $1.7 Million TWC Job Training Grant To Workforce Solutions Cameron - Office of the Texas Governor

Aptar and Fluidda partner to ease inhaled drug regulatory pathway –

The partnership will be centered on Aptar Pharmas subsidiary, Nanopharm, and its SmartTrack platform that provides an alternative bioequivalence regulatory pathway for US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for generic orally inhaled generic products (OIDPs).

The SmartTrack platform is used for the development of generic OIDPs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), with the company offering design and formulation development services through the integrated solution.

Fluiddas in silico platform, FRI (functional respiratory imaging), is able to produce quantitative predictions of regional drug deposition in disease state lungs using computational fluid dynamics.

Through the data gathered by the platform, drug developers can understand the availability and activity of the drug at the site of action in the lungs, alongside Nanopharms physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model platform and in vitro data.

Aptar acquired Nanopharm in 2019, as part of a strategy to expand its services and partner with pharma companies earlier in the drug development process. The parent company is a contract research and development organization focused on orally inhaled and nasal drug products (OINDPs).

A spokesperson for Aptar explained more about the recent partnership to Outsourcing-Pharma, Fluiddas offering (FRI) is an in silico (i.e. computer based) technology that allows Nanopharm to input data from their SmartTrack platform into their computer models to predict where and how much of the drug will deposit in the lungs of patients, and is tailored to the lung physiology of patients with different diseases because it uses real high resolution CT scans of patients e.g. asthma patients have different lung physiology than Pulmonary arterial hypertension patients.

The collaboration itself sees Nanopharm enter into exclusive agreement with Fluidda. According to the spokesperson, this means that Fluidda no longer contracts directly with pharma companies or with other service providers to provide bioequivalence for OINDPs using its FRI technology.

The companies stated that the first potential approval of an OIDP using the alternative bioequivalence approach is pending, and should it prove successful then Nanopharm expects demand for the companies collective service to accelerate.

Companies have to currently perform comparative clinical endpoint studies and the endpoints are indirect measures of efficacy (FEV-1 measurements). These cost tens of millions of dollars and take a lot of time, and usually fail. They fail, not necessarily because the products are not equivalent, but because there is so much patient variability in terms of their disease state/lung physiology, and importantly also because they all use the devices differently, and this has a significant impact on their performance, the spokesperson outlined, when asked on regulatory challenges for pharma companies working in the space. Such challenges could potentially be bypassed if a product can be approved on the data gathered from a bioequivalence study.

Beyond being able to provide a report on bioequivalence, the SmartTrack service can also help companies to understand the transition to lower global warming potential propellants for pressurized metered dose inhalers (PMDIs). This includes being able to understand deposition and dissolution in the lungs, which could be tested prior to undertaking clinical studies.

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Aptar and Fluidda partner to ease inhaled drug regulatory pathway -

Studying yeast DNA in space may help protect astronauts from cosmic radiation – The Conversation

Nuclear fusion reactions in the sun are the source of heat and light we receive on Earth. These reactions release a massive amount of cosmic radiation including x-rays and gamma rays and charged particles that can be harmful for any living organisms.

Life on Earth has been protected thanks to a magnetic field that forces charged particles to bounce from pole to pole as well as an atmosphere that filters harmful radiation.

During space travel, however, it is a different situation. To find out what happens in a cell when travelling in outer space, scientists are sending bakers yeast to the moon as part of NASAs Artemis 1 mission.

Read more: Artemis 1: how this 2022 lunar mission will pave the way for a human return to the Moon

Cosmic radiation can damage cell DNA, significantly increasing human risk of neurodegenerative disorders and fatal diseases, like cancer. Because the International Space Station (ISS) is located in one of two of Earths Van Allen radiation belts which provides a safe zone astronauts are not exposed too much. Astronauts in the ISS experience microgravity, however, which is another stress that can dramatically change cell physiology.

As NASA is planning to send astronauts to the moon, and later on to Mars, these environmental stresses become more challenging.

Read more: Twins in space: How space travel affects gene expression

The most common strategy to protect astronauts from the negative effects of cosmic rays is to physically shield them using state-of-the-art materials.

Several studies show that hibernators are more resistant to high doses of radiation, and some scholars have suggested the use of synthetic or induced torpor during space missions to protect astronauts.

Another way to protect life from cosmic rays is studying extremophiles organisms that can remarkably tolerate environmental stresses. Tardigrades, for instance, are micro-animals that have shown an astonishing resistance to a number of stresses, including harmful radiation. This unusual sturdiness stems from a class of proteins known as tardigrade-specific proteins.

Under the supervision of molecular biologist Corey Nislow, I use bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to study cosmic DNA damage stress. We are participating in NASAs Artemis 1 mission, where our collection of yeast cells will travel to the moon and back in the Orion spacecraft for 42 days.

This collection contains about 6,000 bar-coded strains of yeast, where in each strain, one gene is deleted. When exposed to the environment in space, those strains would begin to lag if deletion of a specific gene affects cell growth and replication.

My primary project at Nislow lab is genetically engineering yeast cells to make them express tardigrade-specific proteins. We can then study how those proteins can alter the physiology of cells and their resistance to environmental stresses most importantly radiation with the hope that such information would come in handy when scientists try to engineer mammals with these proteins.

When the mission is completed and we receive our samples back, using the barcodes, the number of each strain could be counted to identify genes and gene pathways essential for surviving damage induced by cosmic radiation.

Yeast has long served as a model organism in DNA damage studies, which means there is solid background knowledge about the mechanisms in yeast that respond to DNA-damaging agents. Most of the yeast genes playing roles in DNA damage response have been well studied.

Despite the differences in genetic complexity between yeast and humans, the function of most genes involved in DNA replication and DNA damage response have remained so conserved between the two that we can obtain a great deal of information about human cells DNA damage response by studying yeast.

Furthermore, the simplicity of yeast cells compared to human cells (yeast has 6,000 genes while we have more than 20,000 genes) allows us to draw more solid conclusions.

And in yeast studies, it is possible to automate the whole process of feeding the cells and stopping their growth in an electronic apparatus the size of a shoe box, whereas culturing mammalian cells requires more room in the spacecraft and far more complex machinery.

Such studies are essential to understand how astronauts bodies can cope with long-term space missions, and to develop effective countermeasures. Once we identify the genes playing key roles in surviving cosmic radiation and microgravity, wed be able to look for drugs or treatments that could help boost the cells durability to withstand such stresses.

We could then test them in other models (such as mice) before actually applying them to astronauts. This knowledge might also be potentially useful for growing plants beyond Earth.

See the original post:
Studying yeast DNA in space may help protect astronauts from cosmic radiation - The Conversation

Andre Balian ’23 Is On Call for the Columbia Community – Columbia College

Andre Balian 23 (he/him/his), a neuroscience and behavior major from Princeton, N.J., stays busy on campus as a member of the Columbia University Emergency Medical Service. CUEMS is a student-operated, New York State-certified, basic-life support volunteer ambulance corps that provides free emergency medical care to the Columbia community 24 hours a day. Balian joined the corps in his sophomore year and has been passionate about the work ever since. We spoke with him recently to learn more about him and his work with this important service.

What is your favorite part about being involved in CUEMS?One of my favorite parts is that I get to ensure the safety and health of students, faculty and employees on campus and in the Morningside community. When we get called, its probably because the patient is having a really bad day, so giving them the help that they need is really fulfilling. My other favorite part is the people Ive met on the corps; theyve become some of my best friends.

How much time do you spend with CUEMS?We have 12-hour shifts, and Ill work two to four a week, but we can do as few as one 12-hour shift every other week. To stay fresh we also have hourlong weekly trainings. The time commitment depends on how much you want to put into it, and that translates to how much you get out of it. I like to put a lot into it.

Whats been your favorite class at the College, and why?Either physiology or organic chemistry. In physiology, I had a great group of friends actually from CUEMS; we reviewed weekly case studies and tried to diagnose the patient. It was great to be with my friends just doing what we do, but in class. I also learned a lot about really interesting physiological body processes.

What do you like to do outside of class?Im a big sports guy; they are kind of my release. I play volleyball, soccer, basketball, tennis and squash. I also like to work out and hang out with friends.

How do you take advantage of being in New York City?Columbia is the best hybrid situation you get a school in a city but in its own isolated area. When I want to experience the city, all I have to do is walk down Broadway or Amsterdam or get on the 1 train and everything I need is right there. But when I want to feel like Im at a college in the middle of nowhere, I can do that sitting on campus

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Andre Balian '23 Is On Call for the Columbia Community - Columbia College

Post-Acute Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on the Cardiac Autonomic Fun | IJGM – Dove Medical Press


SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection was first reported in China in late December 2019. It has quickly escalated to become a global pandemic causing a catastrophic effect on the world. Cases are increasing all around the world, and the number of people infected reached hundreds of millions, with about 6 million deaths in the first quarter of 2022 worldwide.1,2

Recently, many reports showed a long-term effect of COVID infection that could extend beyond the active disease and the respiratory system. Disturbance in sleep, concentration impairment, fatigue, and palpitations are part of the long-lasting effect of COVID-19 (also known as LONG COVID).3 Post-COVID-19 syndrome is a group of symptoms that affect various body systems after being acutely infected by COVID-19. The symptoms can last longer than 12 weeks after COVID-19 infection, which cannot otherwise be explained alternatively.4 The development of post-COVID-19 syndrome is higher following severe acute illness, but it may develop after mild and moderate acute COVID-19.5,6

A wide spectrum of body dysfunctions has been linked to the chronic effect of COVID-19 infection, including disturbed lung function, endothelitis, thromboembolism, kidney failure, gastrointestinal impairment, mood changes, cognitive disturbances, and hyperglycemia without diabetes mellitus.7 Cardiovascular complication such as myocardial ischemia, infarction, myocarditis, and cardiac arrhythmias are noticeable sequelae of COVID-19 infection, with different suggested pathophysiological mechanisms involving direct damage to the circulatory system due to binding of viruses to angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2 receptors (ACE2), and systemic inflammation.8 However, the consequence of COVID-19 infection on the autonomic regulation of the heart remains unclear.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a key role in the regulation of the cardiac rhythm.9 Heart rate variability (HRV), cardiovascular autonomic reflex test (CART), andbaroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) are non-invasive assessment tools for the autonomic nervous system functions.10,11 Specifically, HRV aids in the evaluation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, reflecting dysautonomia and sympathovagal balance.12

Dysautonomia is commonly recognized as a failure in the functions of the autonomic nervous system that can include various symptoms and signs such as fatigue, postural hypotension, changes in blood pressure, arrhythmias, and bladder and bowel function impairment.13 Dysautonomia following viral infections is not uncommon; many viral infections could cause dysautonomia including HIV, mumps, EBV, HBV as well as Coxsackie B virus.14 Recent reports link dysautonomia with COVID-19 infection.15 Involvement of the nervous system occurs probably by direct viral invasion, synaptic spread, or through the blood. Additionally, immunological damage, vascular damage, and hypoxia due to COVID-19 pneumonia, are proposed pathogenic mechanisms for COVID-19 neurological manifestations.16

Orthostatic hypotension (OH) and postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) have been reported in the post-acute phase of COVID-19 infection.17 Another recent questionnaire-based cross-sectional study found that post-COVID autonomic disturbances are mostly manifested as orthostatic hypotension, gastrointestinal disturbances, and secretomotor abnormalities.18 Additionally, Adler et al reported a reduction in the HRV among post-COVID patients 3 and 6 months after recovery, which may increase the cardiovascular risk among post-COVID survivors.19 In contrast, parasympathetic overactivity with increased HRV was found after 12 weeks from the acute COVID-19 infection.20 Cardiovascular dysautonomia was also detected in about 15% of recently recovered COVID-19 patients (within 3045 days), with a significantly lower HRV compared to healthy controls.21 Autonomic nervous system dysfunction has also been revealed during the early phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a significant reduction in HRV, BRS, and high incidence of orthostatic hypotension, indicating significant cardiovascular risk.22

However, there is a paucity of research on the chronic sequelae of COVID-19 infection on cardiac ANS functions. Thus the current study aimed to evaluate the post-acute impact of COVID-19 infection on cardiac autonomic nervous system functions, using cardiovascular reflex tests (CARTs), heart rate variability (HRV), and cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity (cBRS).

This was a comparative cross-sectional observational study carried out in the physiology departments laboratories at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), College of Medicine, Saudi Arabia, in the period between November 7, 2021, and March 14, 2022. The study population was divided into two groups: controls (n=31) who neither tested positive nor had a history of COVID-19 before, and post-COVID patients (n=28) who tested positive PCR for COVID-19 at least 3 months before recruitment. We determined the sample size based on previous studies with comparable outcomes, where the sample size ranged from 2519 to 15222 participants.

Confirmation of COVID infection is based on positive testing of SARS-CoV-2 unique viral sequencing by using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR).23

Subjects were excluded if they had: severe acute illness needing hospitalization, nervous system disorders (eg, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism, polyneuropathy, and Guillain-Barr syndrome), heart disease (eg, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, ischemic or congestive diseases), alcoholism, liver disease, malignancies, inflammatory diseases, renal diseases, or taking anti-hypertensive treatments.

Over the recruitment period, the medical records of COVID-19 patients in King Fahad University Hospital (KFUH) were reviewed and those fulfilling the inclusion criteria were contacted to do the autonomic function tests in our physiology laboratory.

The study followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki,24 and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IRB-UGS-2021-01-391). Informed written consent was obtained from every participant.

Experimental data was obtained by measuring (1) the baseline cardiovascular autonomic activity through heart rate variability (HRV), (2) cardiovascular reactivity through cardiovascular reflex tests (CARTs), and (3) cardiac baroreceptor reflex sensitivity through determination of baroreceptor sensitivity (cBRS).

After an initial rest of 5 minutes in a supine position on a tilt table, resting HR and BP were measured with SPOT vital sign monitor (NY 13153). The subjects were properly strapped to the tilt table and hooked up to an 8 channel Powerlab 8/35 system (ADInstrumennts, Australia) for continuous recording of ECG, respiratory rate and finger arterial blood pressure. Single lead ECG was recorded by attaching two ECG electrodes on both shoulders through ECG box and bio-amplifier (ADInstruments, Australia). Respiratory rate was monitored through the respiratory belt (ADInstruments, Australia). Continuous finger arterial BP waveform was recorded through Finometer Pro (FMS, Amsterdam, Netherlands) that was adjusted against the brachial cuff BP. The pressure signal was fed to the PowerLab for recording. After a stabilization rest period of 5 minutes, baseline recording was done for 5 minutes.

Analysis of HRV was done through the software LabChart Pro (V. 8.1.13) and HRV module. The following HRV parameters were analyzed in time-domain: SDRR (standard deviation RR intervals) reflecting overall HRV, RMSSD (root mean square of successive differences of RR intervals), and pRR50 (percentage of successive RR intervals that are different by at least 50 msec). Both RMSSD and pRR50 provide information about parasympathetic function. The frequency domain parameters that were analyzed included total power (TP), which represents the overall total HRV, low-frequency (LF) and very low-frequency (VLF) bands indicating the sympathetic activity, high-frequency band (HF) to reflect parasympathetic activity, and LF/HF ratio to demonstrate the sympathetic-parasympathetic balance.12 Frequency domain HRV parameters LF and HF were computed both as absolute values (ms2) and in normalized units. To control for the possible confounding effect of respiration on HRV parameters, respiratory rate was measured via a respiratory belt.22

Heart rate response to deep breathing, Valsalva maneuver and head-up tilt (HUT) were used to assess the parasympathetic function. Diastolic blood pressure responses to HUT and sustained isometric handgrip (IHG) were used to assess the sympathetic function.

Participants were asked to complete six respirations in one minute under guidance of the examiner, whereby they had to inhale deeply for 5 seconds and exhale fully for 5 seconds in a smooth and continuous manner completing one respiratory cycle in 10 seconds. The differences between the highest and lowest HR during deep breathing was calculated. In addition, the ratio of maximum RR interval during expiration to minimum RR interval during inspiration (E:I ratio) was also calculated.10,11

The participants were instructed to exhale into a large dial aneroid sphygmomanometer, and were coached to keep the pressure at 40 mmHg for 15 seconds. The maneuver was performed thrice by every participant, with an intervening rest period of 2 minutes. The longest RR interval in the Phase IV and the shortest RR interval during the late Phase II of VM were identified from the ECG recording to calculate the Valsalva ratio.10,11

After a resting period of lying down in supine position for 5 minutes, the table was tilted to 70 degrees and maintained for 5 minutes in this position. The table was tilted back and remained in supine position for another 5 minutes (Figure 1). The change in the heart rate was expressed as a ratio of the fastest heart rate (shortest RR interval) around the 15th beat to the slowest HR (longest RR interval) around the 30th beat after the head-up tilt.10,11

Figure 1 Heart rate response and blood pressure changes during head-up tilt procedure in post-acute COVID-19 patient; 20-year-old male, complained of headache, general fatigue, and subjective postural hypotension.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were noted in the supine position as baseline measurements. Readings were taken again after 12 minutes after the tilt at 70 degrees (Figure 1).25,26

After determining the maximum voluntary contraction with isometric force transducer, the participants were instructed to maintain the isometric handgrip for 3 minutes, during which the blood pressure was continuously recorded.10,11

An HR variation equal to or greater than 15 bpm or an expiratory/inspiratory ratio (E:I) of greater than or equal to 1.21 during DB were taken as normal. Similarly, a Valsalva ratio (VR) of equal to or greater than 1.21 was taken as normal. An HR response in the form of 30:15 R-R ratio of equal to or greater than 1.04 to HUT was taken as normal. An increase of DBP equal to or greater than 10 mmHg in response to sustained IHG was considered normal. Either no drop or a drop of less than 20 mmHg in SBP and/or a drop of less than 10 mmHg in DBP in response to HUT at 70 degrees tilt within 2 minutes were taken as normal. Any fall in SBP or DBP in response to HUT greater than the above-mentioned values were taken as postural or orthostatic hypotension (OH).27,28 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) was diagnosed if patients had an HR increase of 30 beats per minute (bpm) or HR above 120 bpm following the HUT in the absence of orthostatic hypotension.29 Results of CART were labeled as normal if no abnormal findings were detected, with parasympathetic dysfunction if 2 out of the 3 tests of the parasympathetic component were abnormal, with sympathetic dysfunction when 1 of the 2 tests of the sympathetic component test was abnormal, and with combined dysfunction when there is 1 abnormal test from each domain.30,31

Cardiac baroreflex sensitivity (cBRS) is used as an index to evaluate the autonomic nervous system function. A reduction in the cBRS indicates cardiac autonomic dysfunction.32,33 Cardiac BRS was calculated offline by noting the instantaneous changes in heart rate in response to spontaneous changes in arterial BP with software PRVBRS provided by FMS (The Netherlands) using cross-correlation method.34 The correlation between beat to beat systolic BP and inter-beat interval was measured in a sliding 10-s window, with delays of 0 to 5 s for interval. The program selects the delay with the greatest significant positive correlation and the slope and the delay are recorded as one BRS value. BRS readings were averaged over at least 25 min except in deep breathing, where the maneuver itself was for 1 min only.34,35 The BRS data was displayed and analyzed with dedicated Beatscope software version 1.1a. The inbuilt return-to-flow and height correction features enhanced the reliability and accuracy of Finometer recordings.36

Data were presented as mean standard deviation (SD), median with interquartile range (IQ), or number (percent) where appropriate.Distribution of the data was tested using ShapiroWilk test of normality.Comparisons between groups were done using unpaired t-test and MannWhitney U-test for normal and non-normal distributed variables, respectively. Proportions were compared using the chi-square test. Comparison of the percent changes of different study variables between groups was done using ANCOVA with the baseline value as a covariate. Data was analyzed using SPSS 28.0 software; a P-value of <0.05 was considered significant.

Fifty-nine subjects participated in this study. Both groups were matched in age (p=0.88), gender (p=0.99), and BMI (p=0.14). There were non-significant differences in the baseline heart rate (p=0.28), respiratory rate (p= 0.74), SBP (p=0.93), and DBP (p=0.66) between control and post-COVID groups. The median follow-up time of post-COVID subjects was 24 weeks (range 38 months). All subjects in both groups were vaccinated and without any comorbidities. The severity of illness among post-COVID group revealed 19 (68%) with mild and 9 (32%) with moderate acute illness based on the National Institute of Health (NIH) classification.37 (Table 1).

Table 1 Demographic and Baseline Characteristics of Study Population

Heart rate variability measurements (TP, LF, HF, LF/HF, LFnu, SDRR, RMSSD, and pRR50) were low in the post-COVID group, although statistically non-significant. Similarly, the cBRS measurements showed lower values in the post-COVID group, but did not reach a level of significance (Table 2).

Table 2 Comparison of HRV Measurements and cBRS Between Groups

Orthostatic hypotension (OH) was demonstrated in 39.3% of post-COVID-19 participants in comparison to 3.2% of the control subjects, (p<0.001). Similarly, significant abnormal blood pressure response to the handgrip test was observed in the post-COVID group compared to the controls (73.1% vs 16.1%, respectively, p <0.001). Additionally, abnormal heart-rate response to HUT was higher in the post-COVID group (35.7%) compared to 12.9% in the controls (p=0.04) (Table 3). However, none of our subjects fulfilled the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) diagnosis criteria.

Table 3 Comparison of Abnormal CART Results in Post-COVID Patients Compared to Control Group

Isolated sympathetic dysfunction was reported in most post-COVID participants (71.4%) compared to controls (16.1%), (p <0.001); no isolated parasympathetic dysfunction was demonstrated in either group. However, a combined autonomic dysfunction was reported in 7.1% of post-COVID patients (Table 4). Cumulatively, about 85.7% of the post-COVID patients had at least one abnormal CART test in comparison with 35.5% within the control group (p <0.001) (data not shown).

Table 4 Distribution of Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, and Combined Autonomic Dysfunction Between Groups

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed a significant decrease from the baseline value after the HUT compared to the corresponding increase observed in the control group (p <0.001). Heart rate showed an increase during HUT in both groups, without significant difference (p=0.06) (Table 5).

Table 5 Comparison of % Change in Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate During Head-Up Tilting (HUT)

In the present study, the post-COVID group showed evidence of dysautonomia indicated by sympathetic dysfunction in response to cardiovascular challenges, thus suggesting changes in the autonomic control of cardiac function. Although the baseline HRV parameters and cardiac BRS were numerically lower in post-COVID group, this did not reach statistical significance. The CARTs demonstrated altered autonomic reactivity in some tests. There was a higher incidence of orthostatic hypotension in post-COVID patients compared to controls, and there was a significantly reduced diastolic blood pressure response to isometric handgrip test. Although the post-COVID group showed significantly abnormal heart rate response to head-up tilt, none of them fulfilled the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) diagnosis criteria.

Autonomic dysfunction has been described following several viral infections.14 HIV infection is associated with a reduction in the heart rate variability, and several autonomic manifestations including urinary system, gastrointestinal, secretomotor, pupillomotor, sleep, and male sexual function.38 Orthostatic hypotension and urinary dysfunction have been also described in mumps.39 Varicella zoster reactivation from autonomic ganglia could cause intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Rabies could also cause excessive salivation, piloerection, and photophobia. Furthermore, autonomic dysfunction may happen in acute viral encephalitis, herpes simplex, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, and coxsackie B virus.14

Both acute and delayed neurologic manifestations have been reported after SARS-CoV-2 infection. The receptors of SARS-CoV-2 are expressed in the central nervous system. The virus could spread directly through the cribriform plate and olfactory bulb, or through trans-synaptic invasion. Encephalitis, demyelination, neuropathy, and stroke are known complications of COVID-19.40 Additionally, autonomic dysfunction has emerged as a complication of COVID-19 infection; several case reports and observational studies revealed dysautonomia in association with SARS-CoV-2 infection.15,41 Dysautonomia in COVID-19 patients may manifest as labile blood pressure, postural hypotension, bladder dysfunction, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and impotence.42 The mechanisms of COVID-19-related dysautonomia are complex. SARS-CoV-2 can cause direct autonomic tissue damage, exaggerated immune response (innate and adaptive), and inflammation.43 During the cytokine storm, sympathetic stimulation induces the release of pro-inflammatory mediators, while parasympathetic activation elicits an anti-inflammatory response. Furthermore, an association between dysautonomia and the neurotropism of SARS-CoV-2 has been reported.44

Assessment of cardiac autonomic function can be carried out by specific tests and maneuvers on the cardiac sympathovagal system. Cardiovascular reflex tests (CART) involve a group of maneuvers that test both components of ANS (sympathetic and parasympathetic) separately.10 The current study reported postural hypotension in 39.3% of the post-COVID group during the blood pressure response to head-up tilt maneuver. Additionally, abnormal blood pressure response to the handgrip test was observed in about 73.1% of post-COVID patients. These two CART components reflected an impairment of the cardiac sympathetic function. Parasympathetic cardiac activity was also affected, as 35.7% of post-COVID patients showed abnormal heart rate response to the head-up tilt procedure. However, no postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) was found in our cohort. Similar findings were reported by a recent study that included 180 post-COVID patients. Subjects were evaluated by active stand test between 4weeks and 9months from COVID-19 onset and orthostatic hypotension (OH) was diagnosed in 13.8% of the patients; none showed postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS).17 Another recent study in young adult post-COVID patients showed sympathetic over-activity and lower values of parasympathetic activity as evaluated by HRV measurement; these changes were modulated by body mass index (BMI).45 Furthermore, a study by Marques et al revealed a reduction in HRV with increased sympathetic modulation, and a decrease in parasympathetic modulation in long COVID.46 Cardiac autonomic dysfunction has also been reported during the early stage of COVID-19 diseases. Milovanovic et al showed sympathetic dysfunction with orthostatic hypotension in about 46.3%, and abnormal handgrip tests in about 94.4% of post-COVID patients. In addition, parasympathetic dysfunction was illustrated by abnormal heart rate response to the Valsalva maneuver and deep breathing.22

HRV is a tool that is commonly used to assess sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation of the autonomic nervous system, and it is a significant marker of dysautonomia.47 HRV is composed of a low-frequency band (LF), high-frequency band (HF), and very low-frequency band (VLF). The sympathetic and parasympathetic activity of the heart is reflected by LF, and considered an indicator of sympathovagal balance. HF assesses the parasympathetic activity of the heart, reflecting the vagal-mediated modulation.12 In our study, we found a non-significant reduction in TP, LF, HF, LF/HF, LFnu, SDRR, RMSSD, and pRR50 in the COVID-19 group. In contrast, a recent study involved 50 post-acute COVID subjects 20 weeks after recovery and found a decrease in the time domain measurements (SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, RMSSD, pNN50) and frequency domain measurements (TP, VLF, LF, HF, and HFnu) in the post-acute COVID group compared to control subjects.48 Additionally, Milovanovic et al found significantly lower results in HF, and LF in COVID-19 patients during the early phase of COVID-19 infection.22 Furthermore, another study showed orthostatic hypotension in 13.04%, and POTS in 2.17%; heart rate variability (RMSSD) was significantly lower in post-COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls (p=0.01).21

Body mass and level of physical activity were found to affect the autonomic function of post-COVID-19 patients; higher BMI post-COVID subjects demonstrated more dysautonomia in comparison with normal BMI controls. In addition, physically inactive post-COVID participants revealed more autonomic dysfunction compared to active controls.45 These results showed that dysautonomia associated with COVID-19 is potentially influenced by level of physical activity and BMI. Since post-COVID patients in the current study had almost normal BMI, this might explain why the observed reduction in HRV was not significant.

Baroreceptor sensitivity is crucial in assessing cardiac autonomic nervous function. It is measured by analyzing the spontaneous beat-to-beat changes of arterial blood pressure and heart rate; a reduction in BRS indicates dysautonomia.32,33 In our study, we showed a non-significant decrease of baroreceptor sensitivity in the post-COVID-19 group. In contrast, another study reported a significant reduction in mean baroreceptor sensitivity during the early phase of post-COVID-19 infection.22 This difference could be attributed to the difference in the time of autonomic function evaluation of post-COVID patients; the current study evaluated the post-acute effect post-COVID infection, while Milovanovic et al studied a group of active COVID-19 infections. This is in line with the finding that dysautonomia is more obvious following the acute stage of the viral illness,39,41 and could improve in time, either spontaneously or with treatment.49 In a recent study, heart rate recovery (HRR) following exercise cessation improved significantly 6 months after COVID infection.50 In addition, many factors could affect the development of dysautonomia following COVID-19 infection, including BMI, level of physical activity,45 and degree of inflammatory response.43

Due to the cross-sectional design, it was difficult to conclude that a causal relationship exists between COVID-19 and dysautonomia. Additionally, the local restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult to recruit more subjects, which resulted in a relatively small sample size and may explain the non-statistically significant null findings of HRV and cBRS reported by this study. However, our results provide additional insights into the extent of cardiac autonomic dysfunction post-COVID-19 in a relatively young population.

The results of the present study are suggestive of altered cardiovascular reactivity as a post-acute sequela of COVID-19 infection, with a pronounced incidence of postural hypotension. However, this finding still needs future experimental studies with a larger sample size investigating the mechanism of ANS involvement during the active infection as well as after COVID-19 recovery.

LFnu, low frequency normalized unit; HFnu, high frequency normalized unit; TP, total power; LF, low frequency; HF, high frequency; LF/HF, low frequency/high frequency ratio; SDRR, standard deviation of RR intervals; RMSSD, root mean square of successive RR interval differences; pRR50, percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50ms; cBRS, cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity; CART, cardiovascular reflex test.

There is no funding to report.

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

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Original post:
Post-Acute Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Infection on the Cardiac Autonomic Fun | IJGM - Dove Medical Press