Assistant Professor in Stem Cell Biology or Regenerative Biology job with University of California, Irvine | 312638 – The Chronicle of Higher…

Assistant Professor in Stem Cell Biology or RegenerativeBiology

Applications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position at thelevel of Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental andCell Biology. We seek candidates with an interest in stem cell orregeneration biology, broadly defined. Applicants should pursueresearch in the major areas of interest of the department,including, but not limited to developmental biology, stem celland/or niche biology, regeneration and cancer stem cells. Prioritywill be given to candidates whose research will benefit frominterdisciplinary collaborations, interactions with members of thedepartment (, andfrom affiliation with campus centers and institutes.

The successful applicant is expected to conduct a vibrant researchprogram, contribute to the teaching and service missions of theUniversity of California, and share our commitment to diversity,equity and inclusion. Please send a curriculum vitae, 3-pagesummary of research accomplishments and goals, 1-page statement ofteaching and mentoring experience and philosophy, 1-page statementhighlighting past and/or potential contributions to diversity,equity and inclusion, and at least three letters of reference viathe online recruitment URL: Evaluation criteria for the research, teaching, and diversitystatements are provided at the online recruitment URL. Applicationscompleted by March 7, 2021 will be granted full consideration. Anyquestions about the suitability of an applicant for thisopportunity can be directed to the search chair, Peter

The UCI School of Biological Sciences is recognized as a nationalleader in the development of programs designed to increase theparticipation of underrepresented groups in the biomedical sciencesand is firmly committed to the ideals of equity, diversity, andinclusion (, UCIis an Hispanic-Serving Institution, an Asian American and NativeAmerican Pacific Islander Serving Institution, and a chartermember of the AAAS SEA Change initiative that supportsinstitutional efforts to increase access and success for students,faculty and staff from groups marginalized in STEMM ( are available to meet the needs of dual-career academicpartners. Faculty are eligible for subsidized housing and aMortgage Origination Program. UC Irvine ( is located 10 minutes fromthe coast (,is consistently ranked among the nations top 10 publicuniversities, and has recently been designated the #1 universitydoing the most for the American dream. The city of Irvine is hometo excellent parks, schools, entertainment opportunities, and adiverse citizenry.

The University of California, Irvine is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusiveexcellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration foremployment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexualorientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age,protected veteran status, or other protectedcategories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy. A recipientof an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity, UCI is responsive to theneeds of dual career couples, supports work-life balance through anarray of family-friendly policies, and is dedicated to broadeningparticipation in higher education.

The University of California is committed to creating andmaintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application,and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors throughacademic excellence, where all individuals who participate inUniversity programs and activities can work and learn together in asafe and secure environment, free of violence, harassment,discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. With thiscommitment, as well as a commitment to addressing all forms ofacademic misconduct, UC Irvine conducts institutional referencechecks for candidate finalists to whom the department or otherhiring unit would like to extend a formal offer of appointment intoLadder Rank Professor or Professor of Teaching series, at all ranks(i.e., assistant, associate, and full). The institutional referencechecks involve contacting the administration of the applicantsprevious institution(s) to ask whether there have beensubstantiated findings of misconduct that would violate theUniversitys Faculty Code of Conduct. To implement this process, UCIrvine requires all candidates of Ladder Rank Professor orProfessor of Teaching series, at all ranks (i.e., assistant,associate, and full) to complete, sign, and upload the formentitled Authorization to Release Information into AP RECRUIT aspart of their application. If the candidate does not include thesigned authorization to release information with the applicationmaterials, the application will be considered incomplete. As withany incomplete application, the application will not receivefurther consideration. Although all applicants for facultyrecruitments must complete the entire application, only finalists(i.e., those to whom the department or other hiring unit would liketo extend a formal offer) considered for Ladder Rank Professor orProfessor of Teaching series, at all ranks (i.e., assistant,associate, and full) positions will be subject to institutionalreference checks.

REQUIREMENTS Curriculum Vitae Cover Letter Three letters of Reference Statement of Research Three pages.1. One page describing the significance and impact of your graduateand postdoctoral research.2. Two pages providing a plan for your future independent researchprogram that indicates how your research program will synergizewith the research environment at UCI (see e.g., Statement of Teaching One page.1. Describe any experience teaching/lecturing toundergraduates/graduate students or other populations and mentoringothers.2. Explain your teaching philosophy and describe how you willengage in teaching strategies that are effective in diversepopulations. Statement of Contributions to Diversity( One page.1. Indicate how you have demonstrated awareness of the issues facedby historically underrepresented or economically disadvantagedgroups and the benefits of a diverse and inclusive faculty.2. Provide evidence (if any) of your track record and success inactivities aimed at reducing barriers in education or research forunderrepresented or disadvantaged groups.3. Detail your specific plans (if any) to contribute through campusprograms, new activities, or through national or off-campusorganizations.

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Assistant Professor in Stem Cell Biology or Regenerative Biology job with University of California, Irvine | 312638 - The Chronicle of Higher...

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