Dr. Garrett Wirth Giving hope to patients with personalized care and innovation – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - America News Hour) Globally, medical technology is progressing at a rapid pace and itcertainly comes as no surprise to see doctors offer people a new lease on life.Any life-threatening, daunting, or psychological problems patients may face,the healthcare professionals are trying their best to help people understand,accept, and tackle the situation. Dr. Garrett Wirth is one such doctor, who isgiving hope to trauma patients from all walks of life through his ability as a PlasticSurgeon.

Dr. Wirth, of Wirth Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach California is aBoard-Certified Plastic Surgeon who has performed over 20,000 procedures overthe illustrious course of his nearly 15 years of experience. With the help ofhis cosmetic and reconstructive skill set, he has given hope to patientsdiagnosed with cancer, burns, deformities, trauma, and much more. He strives tomake this transformation a positive experience by combining art and science.

Born in Albany, New York, Dr. Wirth completed his Bachelor's atMuhlenberg College in Allentown Pennsylvania with a Biology and a PoliticalScience minor. Towards the end of his time at Muhlenberg College, Dr. Wirth wasintrigued by the idea of pursuing high-quality research and chose to attendGraduate School at the Albany Medical College where he completed his Master'sDegree in Physiology and Cell Biology.

Armed with an impressive resume, he honed his skills further byjoining Doctor of Medicine program also at Albany Medical College where hepursued his MD degree. He started as a and then physician researching andplanning a career in Vascular Surgery before becoming acquainted with plasticsurgery.

Along with his successful training at the Albany Medical Center inGeneral Surgery, where he won the resident teaching award and was recognizedfor his leadership and teaching skills, Dr. Wirth also went on to furthertraining in Plastic Surgery at the University of California Irvine MedicalCenter. Upon completion of thistraining, he was asked, and accepted the honor to serve as a faculty member servingas a Professor of Plastic Surgery at the Aesthetic and Plastic SurgeryInstitute, University of California-Irvine Medical Center. There, he had thehonor of training and educating many healthcare professionals and students. Additionally,he has published his works in severalreputed national and international medical journals.

In 2017, Dr. Wirth established his private practice with the dream tooffer his expertise to 'one patient at a time'. At Wirth Plastic Surgery, hehelps people rediscover their confidence and achieve their aesthetic goals. Dr.Wirth firmly believes in working with his patients and truly understandingtheir needs - a philosophy that is implemented by his team as well. It is forthis reason that he is selective and works only with those patients with whomhe has a mutual understanding of the procedure and its outcome. 'It's about being a high quality team member with each person', says Dr. Wirth.

Through his private practice, his unique career path experience andhis patient-centric approach, he has become a pioneer in breast reconstruction,breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Dr. Wirth is committed to helping womenget through breast diseases and reconstruction by following a completelypatient centered approach, covering all the major aspects of the problems andsolutions. In fact, he is leading the way to develop and create a new breastconstruction invention known as Flex HD PliableMAX.He is pursuing further research in this, and many other areas to help improveas many lives as possible.

Dr. Wirth has also published a book, titled 'Personalized Breast Care- A Guide for Cosmetic Surgery, Breast Cancer, and Reconstruction' to helppeople going through breast surgery. Ithelps individuals understand anatomy, surgical and non-surgical options, howfamilyl and friends can help the person through the journey and empowers thereader with information and even questions to ask when setting up the medicaland surgical teams. In two years ofestablishing his practice in Newport Beach, his reputation as a top plasticsurgeon has only amplified, leading him to change more lives in the process. Asa leader, teacher, and a doctor, he has been able to impact lives in ways thattruly matters.

John Wilson is a freelance writer and a professional working with America News Hour as an editor. He enjoys writing about current trends and improvements in Technology & Science, Business Entertainment, Lifestyle and Sports.


Dr. Garrett Wirth Giving hope to patients with personalized care and innovation - MENAFN.COM

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