Examining the ethics of scientific discovery – Cupertino Today

Posted By: Staff WriterNovember 18, 2019

With artificial intelligence and genetic engineeringcontinuing to shape the future of scientific innovation and discovery,questions about the ethical implications only seem to get more complicated.

Additionally, CRISPR a tool for DNA sequencing and geneediting is bringing new technological changes and advancements in a rapidlyshifting landscape.

A panel discussion at Stanford University later thisweek, moderated by Russ Altman a professor of Bioengineering, Genetics,Medicine, Biomedical Data Science and Computer Science at the university, seeksto discuss how AI and CRISPR are influencing these ethical quandaries and howthey might influence the evolutionary process.

The two panelists for the free, sold-out event areleaders in the field. Jennifer Doudna, a professor of chemistry and molecularand cell biology at UC Berkeley, helped discover CRISPR-Cas9. Fei-Fei Li is acomputer science professor at Stanford in the universitys Institute forHuman-Centered Artificial Intelligence. She previously worked at the schoolsAI Lab and at Google.

The Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligenceis hosting for forum at Stanfords CEMEX Auditorium, 655 Knight Way. It is setfor Tuesday, November 19, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

While the event has sold out of pre-registration tickets,limited general admission will be available at the site. It will also belivestreamed.

To see more details, click here.

To watch the livestream, click here.

Originally posted here:
Examining the ethics of scientific discovery - Cupertino Today

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