Stunning imagery on display in 2020 ASCB Image and Video Contest – Newswise

Newswise The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) hosted its second image and video contest, and we could not be more delighted with all entries that were submitted this year. We received 55 submissions in total, and they represent some of the most stunning cell biology visualizations and imaging techniques you can imagine.

Congratulations to the winners (see below) of the 2020 Cell Bio Image & Video Contest! Click here to see a video of all the winning images and videos.

Entries were judged by members of the ASCB Public Information Committee. Choosing winners was a difficult task. They looked for striking images that feature any aspect of cell biological research, including light and electron micrographs, movies, images of gels or other assays, data visualization, and computer simulations. Submissions were either still images or short (up to 15 seconds) videos. Click to see a gallery of all the submissions here.

Image Winners

1st place (tie) Aidan Fenix, University of Washington: Through the Worm Hole

1st place (tie) James Hayes and Dylan Burnette, Vanderbilt University: The Incredible Hulk of Cells: The Cardiac Myocyte

1st place (tie) Nilay Taneja, Vanderbilt University: Human Cardiac Myocyte

2nd place Dylan Burnette, Vanderbilt University: Actin Filaments, Mitochondria, and Golgi Apparatus

3rd place James Hayes and Dylan Burnette, Vanderbilt University: Natures Disco Ball

Video Winners

1st place Andrew Moore, Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Actin Dynamics in an Interphase HeLa Cell

2nd place Grace Hsu and Janet Iwasa, University of Utah: TRIM5 Forming a Lattice around HIV Capsid

3rd place Dylan Burnette, Vanderbilt University: Actin Filaments in a Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Z Series

Stunning imagery on display in 2020 ASCB Image and Video Contest - Newswise

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