Pete Buttigieg Slams Pro-Lifers: They Ignore Science and Just Want to Punish Women –

Pro-abortion Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg blasted pro-life laws during a campaign swing in Alabama this week. He attacked the pro-life legislators behind a law the state legislature approved this year that would protect women and unborn children from abortion.

In May, Gov. Kay Ivey signed a bill that bans abortion in Alabama. But, during a roundtable discussion with abortion activists and Democrat voters, Buttigieg went after the pro-life lawmakers behind the bill, falsely claiming they ignore science and just want to punish women.

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Buttigieg criticized the law, saying the legislature was ignoring science, criminalizing abortion, and punishing women. The mayor said as president he would prevent state-level interference with abortion access and work to abolish the Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of medical fund to pay for abortions. At a Fox News event around the time of the Alabama ban, Buttigieg said I trust women to draw the line on abortion, a line he repeated on Monday.

The law in question clearly doesnt ignore science since human life clearly begins at conception and a developing baby in the womb is just that, a baby. In fact a study by scientists earlier this year proves human life begins at conception.

To quote just one authoritative human embryology textbook: Human development begins at fertilisation when a sperm unites with an oocyte [ovum] to form a single cell zygote. This highly specialised, totipotent cell marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual. (Moore, K.L., Persaud, T.V.N. & Torchia, M.G. (2015).The developing human: clinically oriented embryology(10th ed.).

The Alabama abortion ban also does not punish women. The law in question only punishes abortionists who violate the statute by killing unborn children in abortions.

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Moreover, the Alabama abortion ban was sponsored by a woman and was signed into law by another woman. State Representative Terri Collins, a woman, helped sponsor the bill. Governor Kay Ivey, also a woman, signed the bill into law. In a statement, Gov. Ivey prioritized not only the protection of life, but also the enhancement of life.

She urged members to find the best ways possible to foster a better Alabama in all regards, from education to public safety, exposing the lie that pro-lifers only care about the unborn. We must give every person the best chance for a quality life and a promising future.

And the citizens of Alabama, including women, are pro-life on abortion. According to Pew Research Center data from 2014, 58 percent of Alabama adults wanted abortion illegal in all or most cases. Forty-nine percent of those were men and 51 percent were women.

Meanwhile, in 2018, Alabama voters men and women approved a statewide amendment saying unborn babies have a right to life. Voters said yes by a 60-40 margin. The vote came despite the Planned Parenthood abortion business spending $1.5 million to defeat it.

Pete Buttigieg can support abortion if he thinks killing babies is a good thing, but hes not entitled to make up his own facts. The truth is his pro-abortion position is at odds with science, and women.

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Pete Buttigieg Slams Pro-Lifers: They Ignore Science and Just Want to Punish Women -

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