Should this deer be culled? The answer may not be what you think. – Clarion Ledger

Mississippi has produced some giant bucks and even a world record. Here are the top six deer on record in Mississippi by category. Brian Broom

Studies show genetics can't be controlled in wild deer populations

It's a common debate on social media.

A hunter gets a photo on a game camera that shows a deer with a spike on one side and a normal antler on the other and asks if the deer should be removed.

Many will say the buck needs to be taken to prevent the continuation of its genesinto future generations, but biologists say that's probably not the correct answer.

Many hunters feel a buck with a spike on one side should be removed from the herd to improve genetics, but biologists say that's not the case.(Photo: Special to Clarion Ledger)

"That's almost always related to some kind of injury," said Kip Adams, Quality Deer Management Association director of conservation. "It's usually not genetic.

"Most of those are injury-related. Deer just aren't genetically built to have crazy antlers like that. Most of the time, if the animal is allowed to live, he'll drop those antlers and you won't see it in future years."

However, there are times when a malformed antler caused by injury will return after antlers are shed.

"It could," Adams said. "It could be an injury to the base. If the injury is right at the base of the antler, it could recur in future years."

Adams said a serious injury to the body can also cause a recurring abnormal antler.

"Again, none of that is genetic-related," Adams said. "So, it's not passed on.

"If you remove them you're not doing anything to change the genetics of the deer herd. The only gain you're making is providing more food for the rest of the herd by removing them."

One of the causes of pedicle, or antler base damage, that seems to be more common is what has been called "dirty sheds."

Gabriel Karns, who is currently avisiting assistant professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at Ohio State University, wrote an article published by QDMA about his work examining skulls of bucks with spikes on one side.

"Most commonly, it appeared that antlers had failed to cleanly separate from the pedicles, as in normally shed antlers,and that the antler base had fractured off portions of the pedicle and sometimes even the surrounding cranium those dirtysheds I mentioned earlier," Karns wrote."Although the antlerogenic periosteum tries to heal itself in advance of the next antler growing season, the integrity of the pedicle is compromised and becomes a messy combination of intact pedicle and callus tissue.

"Picture how water flows out of the end of a garden hose, then picture what happens when you partially block the nozzle with your thumb. The blood supply and nutrient flow necessary for normal antler development is impeded leading to stunted growth and irregular antler configurations due to the animals prior injury. Complicating the issue once initial damage occurs, subsequent antler cycles tend to re-aggravate the injury, resulting in repetitive abnormal antlers."

So, a spike on one side or otherwise deformed antler is likely caused by injury, but what if it isn't? What if it really is a genetic trait? Shouldn't the buck be harvested to prevent passing along that genetic trait? You can remove him, but you're not doing anything other than putting meat in the freezer.

"It's been shown over and over that you can't alter genetics in the wild," Adams said. "A buck with big antlers can sire a buck with small antlers and vice-versa. Those antler traits aren't 100 percent inheritable."

Adams' statement is backed by a study in Texas. Wild bucks were captured andmicrochipped. Samples of DNA were taken from them and they were released. Family trees of bucks were developed through DNA samples taken over a number of years. What the researchers discovered isin the wild there is no correlation between a buck's antler size and that of its offspring.

"Don't think you're making an improvement in the deer herd from a genetic standpoint," Adams said. "Hunters don't need to concern themselves or worry about it."

Deer hunting: 'It just made a good day that much better.' Father and son double down on big bucks

Win big money: You can win a share of $1,500 in the Big Bucks Photo Contest sponsored by Van's

Please, shoot them: 12 bucks on MSU Deer Lab's most wanted list. Here's why.

ContactBrian Broomat 601-961-7225 FollowClarion LedgerOutdoors on Facebookand @BrianBroom onTwitter.

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Should this deer be culled? The answer may not be what you think. - Clarion Ledger

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