Automation is no longer the future, for it is the present. From autonomous home appliances to delivering food, from luggage check-ins at airports to automatic check-in at hotels, from doctors appointment booking to doctorless surgery, automation has become an integral part of our everyday living.
Customer service is no exception to automation. A survey by Gartner predicts that more than 80% of customer handling will be done by autonomous systems. The deployment of AI-powered automatic systems is not only going to benefit your customers (by enhancing customer experience) but will have a tremendous performance improvement of your agents. Agents can avail virtual assistants to go through rigorous data searches easily, saving time and effort.
Thishassle-free support system enhances customer satisfaction and reduces agentdistress. Powered by smart systems agents become even smarter and the reducedresolution time with increased accuracy saves a lot of expenditure on thesupport paradigm of your business.
Ifthis wasnt enough, virtual assistants today are backed by ArtificialIntelligence that can handle most queries on its own. So now as anorganization, you can fully automate front end support. Your back-end team canavail the required information automatically to enhance performance andaccuracy. This paves the path to AI-powered resolutions occurring in real-time.Here are 10 reasons why AI-powered automated customer support is the future:
Alot of startups dont have the resources to empower themselves with AI-backedcustomer support. Because of this organizations can produce a tremendous amountof revenue. All they need to do is to find a win-win situation while providingAI-backed customer support service.
Andthe fact that the new age businesses prefer opting for automated servicesrather than manpower-oriented services, provides the perfect timing to come upwith an AI-powered customer support center.
Itcan be developed once and delivered it to multiple organizations which makes ita revenue stream of indispensable income at a fixed investment.
Thefact that this is primal of the win-win situation which is considered as the boonof new age success for any organization itself speaks for the importance ofautomation of customer services. When combined with the tremendous bettermentit brings along for the organization acquiring the service, it brings about thebest possible mutual growth scenarios that b2b organizations thrive for. Theimplications of AI-powered automated customer support are monumental, to saythe least.
Asa customer, a company gets to enjoy the benefits of automation that may takeseveral weeks and a generous amount of expenditure. This can be availed at a fractionof the cost to build it. Also, when acquired as a service, it is available onan immediate basis.
Thesetwo factors when combined not only saves expenditure but the valuable time thatcan be utilized at developing business. As for developing business (startups),since the elementary need is business development, they will opt for such aservice any time of the year.
Soundoubtedly automated customer service is one of the best and in-demand ideasto generate revenue.
Thesuccess of apple can be credited to Steve Jobs understanding of customerrequirements. To put it exactly in his words People dont know what they wantunless you give it to them. Artificial Intelligence can bring this to realityat the customer support paradigm.
BecauseAI-powered customer support systems can track user behavior at every minor step, when powered with deep learning, these systems can predict theproblems that may be faced by your customers way before they even face it. Oneway to do this is by realizing how your brand interacts with your customers orvice versa.
Thebiggest advantage of having an automated customer support system is that it canaudit an unending list of applications and websites. When backed by artificialintelligence, an automated system can figure out the elements of distress thatmay be faced by a customer during the whole process. When realized, aresolution may be preempted before even the query is raised.
Thesesolutions may be offered with virtual assistants or added as a part of the FAQsto smoothen customer queries. This greatly enhances customer retention rates ascustomers can get pre-emptive messages about the problem they might face.Imagine having a resolution delivered to yourself about a problem you are yetto encounter! Will you ever rather choose a different service?
Mostbusinesses today have already opted for automated message delivery. Because ofthis they can provide a better customer service. As soon as a customer opts forany service, the automated system can deliver the conformation, invoice andother relevant information instantaneously.
Thisalso helps the organization by reducing the manpower that would have beeninvested in delivering messages and maintaining the customer database. Becauseof automation of messaging, organizations are now able to automate databasemanagement. Delivered messages are automatically stored in the database and canbe easily pulled out for future references.
Messagingservices have overtaken not just social media, but all digital platforms thatsend messages. Be it your cab service, hotel service, airline service, fooddelivery, or banking for that matter, they all utilize automated systems todeliver the messages, so how can you as a customer tell the difference? Well,you cannot! These messages may come from an autonomous system, but they are ascustomized as customization gets, courtesy of AI.
Thisway organizations can preserve the personalization factor of customersatisfaction even while going autonomous.
Asignificant amount of time and capital is invested in training and hiringsupport agents. One of the biggest hurdles faced by most call centers acrossall industries is staff attrition. Staff attrition is a fancy way to elaborateon the reduced strength or effectiveness of a call center that may occur due todecreased employee strength.
Thiscalls for a recurrence of the hiring and training process that requiresreinvesting in the resources already once invested in. This, when combined withthe increased customer handling time, caused because of frustrations thatdevelop in the course of elongated call, leaves a bad customer experience.
Whencompared against the automated service available at the fraction of the priceof setting up once own call center, the former is unequivocally superior. Also,even if your employees are very satisfied, there may be an alteration orrevision of the process following which the employees need to be retrained.
An AI-backed service center, however, is built to be able to cope up with thechanges (at worst, requiring minor reconfiguration). Combine all of this whilestill emancipating your workforce from the mundane tier-1 tasks, you not onlysave capital but are able to utilize your workforce at more complex problemsthat still cant be resolved without human intervention.
Whilea company needs to follow the respective government regulations in defining itscustomer support policies, it can utilize the automated counterpart of humanagents which is not bounded by any regulations. The implications of this areimmense. The most prominent of these encompasses catering to your customerseven on public holidays!
Thereis an add on advantage of time efficiency. What may require a few days for anagent to resolve can be resolved by an AI-backed automated service in a fewhours. Consequently, the brand image and brand value are greatly enhanced asthe customers feel more satisfied. When topped with the personalization of the cadreof human interaction that comes with automated customer service, it serves asthe perfect icing on the cake.
Automatedservice support backed by AI can provide the ideal service environment thatcustomers stipulate, and organizations solicit. One of the greatest advantagesof using automatic customer support is that it comes with all thepersonalization possibly available with no emotions.
Becauseemotions form an integral part of human nature, a human agent is very likely toget biased by the interaction with a customer. An automated agent, however, isdevoid of these emotions and consequently is capable of catering to customersof all varieties.
Havingsaid this, if you are wondering how then do you cater to a client that mayrequire complex reasoning that can only be provided by humans, well, AI-backedautomated systems have the option of transferring the query to a humanagent/manager shall that be the need of the hour.
Theagent/manager being backed by AI has the minutes of the issues andconsequently, the required beforehand and underlying information at fingertips.This helps them resolve the issue in minimal time possible, with little to nohassle or frustration that may come with handling all the calls from greetingsto thank you note.
Casestudies done for call computerization have shown a significant amount ofreduction in investment when compared against the outsourcing of traditionalcall centers. Outsourcing a call center itself has severe complications. This includesbut is not restricted to limited control of agent monitoring and performanceevaluation.
Ontop of it, with computerized call centers are backed by machine learning andadvanced speech recognition which also boosts the performance of your IVR(interactive voice response).
Thecustomer service paradigm is changing at a faster pace than most companiesimagined. The need to disband human interaction and the fact that most surveysnever saw this coming is exemplary of the new demands.
All of this, when combined with the millennialmentality today makes up for the best of all possible scenarios in handlingcustomers. Millennials dont like talking to a human agent. After all, we aretach-savvy. Nothing suits better to us than getting our problems resolved by aninteractive system that outperforms most humans by a significant margin.
Themost prominent factor for businesses today is adapting to the changing times.Those who dont fall prey to those who do. As a business, it is imminent togauge the requirements of not only the current customer base but also theupcoming customer base. The next generation is going to be even moreself-reliant, and hence the need to adapt to automated customer support wasnever direr.
Organizationscan track and collect customer data from a variety of platforms. This data canthen be processed by Artificial intelligence backed by machine learning, deeplearning together with big data analysis to deliver an outcome not humanlypossible.
Thisrenders personalization redefined. More understanding of human behavior can bederived from automated behavior analysis in minutes than humans can do in evenmonths.
Asimple example of this was in conventional stores. When backed by big data andmachine learning, a weird projection came out. It was to put beer next to babydiapers. This saw increased sales of beer. Upon human inspection, it turned outthat there were a lot more fathers shopping for their new babies than therewere mothers. And consequently, when you put beer next to it, they tend to buyit more often than they would otherwise.
Thisis just one example of how the understanding of human behavior derives thecapital gain of an organization and the role that automation plays in it.
Anothergreat application of automated customer service is that it provides scalabilityoptions that just cannot be matched by human agents. Lets consider a scenariowherein you are escalating your market consequently you need to cater to awider range of audiences with an increased number of customers.
UsingAI chatbots and voice responsive agents an organization can satisfy thesedemands without any significant increase in capital investment. You end up notneeding to hire agents that speak the local language and training those.
Take Away
UsingAI-powered customer service is the primal need for sustainable growth intodays day and age. The dusk of self-service customer support is set to seethe dawn of traditional call centers. Agents are already been backed by AI;they soon will be replaced by AI. This has more significance than just reducingyour expenditure as a business, it is the demand of the current and theupcoming generations.
Read the original post:
10 Reasons Why AI-Powered, Automated Customer Service Is the Future -
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