35 Research Paper Topics on Human Behavior – A Research Guide

Human behavior is what defines pretty everything in our life. Our psychology, our social strategies, everything that we consider fully our choice can be described in terms of human behaviour science. From the one hand human behaviour is one of the most studied things we know we had all the human history to research and experiment. But from the other hand there are still so many unknown, controversial or outright paradoxical things in it that its very tempting to fill one of the blank spaces with personal research.


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To write a truly great research paper you have to answer some questions to yourself. First one is: are you more interested in human behaviour when human is alone or in a big group? Group behaviour usually drastically differs from the individual one: psychologists and sociologists even have a separate branch of their subjects to describe it. Individual behaviour is less predictable and much harder to analyze and process, because every human is unique, but studying it is much more rewarding.

The second question is: how much the subject of your research depends on cultural context? The dilemma of nature versus nurture isnt solved yet, but one human traits are universal for everyone of for a certain type of people, but others are highly variable due to the culture and family the person is raised in. It is not an easy question to answers and usually the answer is combination of innate psychological traits and their response to the outer cultural dogmas.

The third question is: is what your studying a healthy trait or a pathologic one? This question differs from one about norm: for example in modern society it is almost normal to develop neurosis and depression as a response to excessive stress, but it is definitely not healthy. Does the subject of your research helps people develop, feel better in long terms and enhance their connection to reality or not?

After answering these questions you are ready to narrowing the broad topic of human behaviour to one subject. Feel free to look through our sample topics to get inspiration!

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35 Research Paper Topics on Human Behavior - A Research Guide

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