Addressing technology concerns with technology – SME10X

Challenge 1: Empathy vs. AI

Jun Wu, an industry-expert, shares her thoughts: Empathy is at the heart of ethics issues related to AI Systems. Augmented reality is only believable if that reality is as close to real as possible. Commenting on the possible solution, she says: This means that AI Systems have to mimic real human emotions. Only through real human emotions and personal data from you can AI systems augment a reality that you will believe in. With the popularity of social media applications, collecting personal data from you is no longer a problem. However, the real problem lies in modeling real human emotions. If scientists can train the AI System to mimic empathy, then scientists can train the AI System to have regard for law, order and societal values. In conjunction with developing empathy in our AI Systems, we can also place limits on our AI Systems. Same way that societal values, moral code and standard of social behavior help humans live better in society, AI Systems can be integrated in a similar way to help us instead of to hurt us. Speaking along the same lines, Jesus Mantas, Global Head of Strategy and Offerings at IBM Global Business Services, shareshis thoughts with The road to this next stage of progress begins with designing human-AI interactions that prioritize enhancing peoples humanity, not replacing it. A passionless, automatonic future would weaken what has allowed humans to survive and thrive throughout millennia. The biggest benefits of AI will be achieved by chemistry-matching of humans and AI - and in teaching AI to be more human, we will find opportunities to learn how to be more human ourselves.

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Addressing technology concerns with technology - SME10X

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