ASK THE BOARD: The Psychology of Digital Signage Content – Digital Signage Connection

How has psychology and understanding the human brain helped to inform your content approaches?

This weeks question is answered by members of the DSE Advisory BoardCONTENT COUNCIL

We subconsciously use bias all the time to make choices and navigate information we are exposed to through other people and our environment. Broadly speaking, bias is a general pattern or a tendency to think in a certain way.

DR. ELIZABETH CORNELLDirector of Internal CommunicationsFordham IT

We learned early on that, if we were to create content for an often soundless medium that audiences were usually only glancing at, we needed some insight into how to cheat the human system.

DAVE DOLEJSIAssociate Vice President Content StrategySt. Joseph Communications

The psychological/human brain stat I continually go back to is a research study conducted by statisticbrain. The study shows us that

STEVE GLANCEYVice President Business Development ScreenfeedContent

Without question, having a better understanding of the human psyche is invaluable to the way in which we produce content. It provides us with an understanding of how humans react to color and various visual cues.


Understanding human behavior is key to creating both advertising and informational content. With advertising content, theres often a need to create an emotional connection between a brand and the consumer.

JIM NISTASenior Director of Content Creation Services, Almo Pro AV

As part of our delivery of fully integrated brand experiences, my digital experience teams employ a design thinking methodology, which is founded on human-centered design. This is the process by which, before we can create content or deliver an experience, we must first understand

MARCOS TERENZIOVice President, Creative & Strategy iGotcha Media

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ASK THE BOARD: The Psychology of Digital Signage Content - Digital Signage Connection

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