Children of the pandemic: How will kids be shaped by the coronavirus crisis? – Science Magazine

By Joel GoldbergApr. 30, 2020 , 11:15 AM

Sciences COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center.

Health professionals face a massive challenge in responding to the coronavirus. Child psychologists are no exception as they deal with mental crises in children caused by the pandemics upheaval. Some scientists see the outbreak asa natural experimenta time when a real-life event can be used to track and study changes in everything from ecosystems to human behavior. Events such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, China, have already helped mental health researchers see how young people typically react during a crisis. Now, two studiesone in Toronto andanother in Baltimorewill monitor the emotions and behaviors of children and teens through this pandemic. What they reveal may teach parents and other adults how to help children in later waves of the coronavirusor during the next major crisis.

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Children of the pandemic: How will kids be shaped by the coronavirus crisis? - Science Magazine

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