Climate has been changing on its own – Brunswick News

One of the researchers made reference in a recent article to the effects of human behavior on the planet while discussing the factors driving long-term sea level rise.

Dont get me wrong, I am a big proponent of being a good steward of the land, but it is amazing how a person can get berated for not believing in man-made global warming and stating the opinion that man is not causing the climate to change. We have politicized this issue to the extent that it is a money machine for activists and the goal of some politicians to make us believe they can save us.

When President Obama and John Kerry visited Alaska in 2015, they stated emphatically that humans are the cause of global warming. However the facts present another story. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace stated that people have lived in the Glacier Bay for 4,000 years. The glacier in Glacier Bay began retreating around 1750. By the time Captain George Vancouver arrived in 1794, the glacier still filled most of the bay but had receded for miles. According to the National Park Service, when John Muir visited in 1879, he found that the glacier had receded more than 30 miles from the mouth of the bay. By 1900, Glacier Bay was mostly ice free, long before human emissions of greenhouse gases could have any impact. In fact, natural factors have caused the climate to change for millions of years, and they will continue to do so.

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Climate has been changing on its own - Brunswick News

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