In giving themselves godlike abilities, the technocratic elites are moving towards a transhumanist future powered by their own intelligent design that could give them the divine authority to rewrite human rights as we know them.
Through gene editing, synthetic biology, and the merger of humans and technology, governments and corporations are fundamentally altering what it means to be human.
In a future where humans are no longer considered to be natural humans, what would that mean for human rights?
History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods Yuval Noah Harari
The American Declaration of Independence holds that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Rights are rights because they are considered to come from the creator they are God-given and therefore, every citizen is born with these natural rights.
Article 1 of the 1948 UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights also says that humans are born free: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ourintelligent design is going to be the new driving force of the evolution of life Yuval Noah Harari
In the era of transhumanism; however, our technocratic elites are looking to replace God, the creator with their own intelligent design.
In doing so, technocrats become the creator the higher power that endows humanity with certain rights.
In making themselves godlike through their own devices, the cyborg priesthood wouldnt have to answer to anybody.
Rules do not apply to gods. Gods are meant to be worshipped. Gods can be vengeful.
Now, the peoples elected representatives face a fateful choice: restore citizen controls of technology or surrender to the cyborg theocracy James Poulos, 2021
Unless ordinary Americans regain a hands-on mastery of our most powerful digital tools, we will become compliant posthumans or ungovernable psychotics, sacrificing what is left of our civilization and nation to vengeful new gods James Poulos, 2021
In his written testimony to Congress in December, 2021, author James Poulos observed that our technoethical elite believe that we will fully merge with our technology and become as gods.'
He added that unless ordinary Americans regain a hands-on mastery of our most powerful digital tools, we will become compliant posthumans or ungovernable psychotics, sacrificing what is left of our civilization and nation to vengeful new gods.
Pouloss message to lawmakers was clear: restore citizen controls of technology or surrender to the cyborg theocracy.
Putting technocrats in the place of God could give them the unaccountable, divine authority to redefine human rights as they see fit from their position as the creator.
You dont have to be a religious person in order to appreciate the role that the concept of God plays in the construction of human rights.
Can humans be endowed with natural rights without a higher power to endow them?
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled Hermetic Principle of Polarity, The Kybalion, 1908
The technocrats transhumanism agenda is lined with half-truths, where the promise of superhuman abilities will likely be reserved only for a select chosen class while the programmable plebs exist in a constant state of surveillance and control until they become irrelevant.
For the chosen ones, they could receive human performance enhancement that would give them the ability to never tire, think smarter, move faster, jump higher, see farther, hear better, hit harder, live longer, adapt stronger, and calculate quicker than any other human being on the planet.
For the rest of us programmable plebs, the fourth industrial revolution is already merging our physical, biological, and digital identities in order to monitor, manipulate, and reprogram our behavior.
If and when humans become fully integrated with machines on a large scale, where will the technology end and the human begin?
Eventually, they [our technoethical elite] believe, we will fully merge with our technology and become as gods' James Poulos, 2021
Its like what Obi-Wan Kenobi said about Darth Vader in Star Wars, Hes more machine now than man, twisted and evil.
Technology and bioengineering can blur the lines of who or what is responsible for a persons behavior the human, the technology, or the humans behind the technology.
This concept of who is ultimately calling the shots between humans and technology can be expanded to the notion of public-private partnerships.
For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is a founding partner of the GAVI vaccine alliance has historically given more money to the World Health Organization (WHO) than every single nation state except the US.
When it comes to WHO policy recommendations that affect billions of people around the world, whos ultimately calling the shots governments elected by the people, or unelected and unaccountable globalists with ulterior motives?
Permittinghuman enhancement could aggravate existing social or economic inequalities World Health Organization, 2021
In July, 2021 the heavily-Gates-funded WHO published a series of reports on human genome editing recommendations and governance frameworks, which acknowledge the profound ethical implications surrounding human performance enhancement.
According to the WHOs Human genome editing: a framework for governance report:
Who will own the technology that resides within us or the genes that were altered synthetically?
Will human performance enhancement be reserved only for soldiers and the elite, or will it be made available to all?
What happens when technology embedded within the human body becomes obsolete?
Can a genetically-modified soldier ever return to a normal, civilian life?
Governments, corporations, and armies are likely to use technology to enhance human skills that they need like intelligence and discipline while neglecting other human skills like compassion, artistic sensitivity, and spirituality Yuval Noah Harari
Militaries around the world are already making some of the biggest strides towards transhumanism because of the advantages their super soldiers would have over their adversaries.
In April, 2022 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) issued a broad agency announcement looking for Human Performance Enhancement solutions for military use that include:
When humans fully integrate with machines, or are otherwise genetically altered through synthetic biology, will we still be able to call ourselves Homo sapiens?
Would our natural rights endowed at birth still apply to us after we are no longer considered natural humans?
The DARPA announcement follows a November, 2021 Pentagon-sponsored RAND report on human performance enhancement that revealed the US Department of Defense was looking into adding reptilian genes that provide the ability to see in infrared, and making humans stronger, more intelligent, or more adapted to extreme environments.
What sort of advantages would a person with godlike abilities have over a natural human being?
According to the RAND report, Technological Approaches to Human Performance Enhancement, modalities for human performance enhancement (HPE) can be grouped into three principal categories:
For the US Defense and Intelligence communities, human performance enhancement offers the potential to increase strength, speed, endurance, intelligence, and tolerance of extreme environments and to reduce sleep needs and reaction timescould aid in the development of better operators.
But what is to become of these super soldiers once their tour of duty has ended?
What happens when I leave the military? Does my implant get removed? Do I get to keep my implant? Does my implant get upgraded? Military Officers concerns about neural implants
According to the session, When Humans Become Cyborgs, at the 2020 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the majority of military officers were primarily concerned about ownership and bodily integrity when it came to neural implants.
These military officers wanted to know:
Hardware may be implanted and removed from the human body without affecting the course of human evolution as long as it isnt passed down to the next generation.
Genetically modifying human biology; however, can indeed forever alter the course of what it means to be human as the alterations can be passed from parents to their children.
The ability to edit biology can be applied to practically any cell type, enabling the creation of genetically modified plants or animals, as well as modifying the cells of adult organisms including humans Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2017
Humanity can also split into several different species depending on the types of genetic engineering taking place.
Just as human performance enhancement can create indefatigable superhumans with superior immune systems, improved cognitive abilities, and enhanced digestive systems, it can just as well create a weaker class of humans by removing their God-given abilities to defend themselves against viruses, to cognitively think for themselves, or to even break-down certain foods in their bodies.
When WEF founder Klaus Schwab talks about the fourth industrial revolution as not only changing what we are doing, but changes who we are fundamentally, hes not speaking in metaphors.
Schwab is telling us that technology is becoming part of our anatomy, both above and below our skin.
Klaus Schwab, 2015:
"And you see the difference of the #4IR is it doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you. If you take #genetic editing just as an example, it's you who are changed. And, of course, this has a big impact on your identity." #mRNA
In his 2017 book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab remarked that synthetic biology will provide us with the ability to customize organisms by writing DNA.
Whats more, The ability to edit biology can be applied to practically any cell type, enabling the creation of genetically modified plants or animals, as well as modifying the cells of adult organisms including humans.
Schwab also observed that The list of potential applications is virtually endlessranging from the ability to modify animals so that they can be raised on a diet that is more economical or better suited to local conditions, to creating food crops that are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures or drought.
The science is progressing so fast that the limitations are now less technical than they are legal, regulatory and ethical Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2017
Following the logic, this means that humans can also be modified to be raised on a diet that is more economical or better suited to local conditions.
When it comes to editing human biology, Schwab argues, the science is progressing so fast that the limitations are now less technical than they are legal, regulatory and ethical.
Seeing how the unelected globalists wish to drastically reduce meat consumption worldwide, the idea of modifying humans to be raised on a steady diet of bugs and lab-grown protein while potentially making people physically ill after consuming meat would definitely help achieve that goal.
In fact, NYU professor Matthew Liao has suggested on numerous occasions that engineering humans to be intolerant or allergic to meat would serve the climate change agenda because it would cut down on greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions.
Just as some people are naturally intolerant to milk or crayfish, like myself, we could artificially induce mild intolerance to meat by stimulating our immune system against common bovine proteins Matthew Liao, TED Talk, 2013
In his 2013 TED Talk, Liao remarked, Just as some people are naturally intolerant to milk or crayfish, like myself, we could artificially induce mild intolerance to meat by stimulating our immune system against common bovine proteins.
The professor has also suggested giving hormone treatments to children, so they dont grow to be so big and tall, because being smaller is environmentally friendly and more energy efficient.
If too much of the data becomes concentrated in too few hands, humanity will split, not into classes, it will split into different species Yuval Noah Harari
Software requires updates from time-to-time.
If there were ever an agenda to normalize software upgrades for a transhumanist future, then incentivizing or coercing the general population into routinely accepting updates to their bodies in the form of booster shots would definitely fit that bill.
In order for technology to give humans godlike abilities, it requires a complete surrender of all bodily autonomy to whomever controls the data.
That same data can also be used to enslave all of humanity.
Whether intentions are noble or nefarious, the ability to hack humans requires massive biological data collection in real-time.
Biological knowledge multiplied by Computing power multiplied by Data equals the Ability to Hack Humans Yuval Noah Harari
Once enough biometric data is collected, all that is needed is a lot of computing power to figure out how to hack human beings, which means governments and corporations know more about you than you know yourself.
On one end of the spectrum, the military and anyone else who is rich and powerful enough to get their hands on the technologies can give themselves superhuman abilities.
On the opposite end, people like you and I end up with human behavior modification instead of human performance enhancement.
How did we get to this point?
Organisms are algorithms Yuval Noah Harari
The road to transhumanism starts with digital identity, which lays the technological framework to monitor and record the personal details of every individual on the planet.
From there, the data stored in interoperable digital wallets can merge with the biometric data collected in real-time from devices connected to the human body via the Internet of Bodies.
Once technology gets in-and-under the skin to collect as much intimate data about you as possible, you are well on the way to transhumanism and the beginning of what could be the worst totalitarian surveillance regime in human history.
After all the genetic editing and the technological manipulation stemming from the fourth industrial revolution, will we still be able to call ourselves human?
How much of our humanity will be left after the synthetic overwrites the organic?
If we are to split into different species, can our rights be split as well?
When the time comes, will you bow down to your technocratic, cyborg priest class in service of their AI god?
Or will you risk being made irrelevant if it means theres even the slightest chance of winning the great battle for the preservation of humankind as we know it?
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