GUEST COLUMN: Society coming together to defeat this invisible threat – Wicked Local Mansfield

COVID-19 has changed the world. We have gone from living our lives as usual to a sudden new reality. A reality the country has not experienced in its history.

In an effort to keep its citizens as healthy as possible during this global pandemic, the US (along with a number of other countries) has taken sweeping measures in order to blunt the spread of the virus. These measures include social distancing (a new phrase in our vocabulary), recommendations to stay at home, discontinue travel (air, sea, train, bus, etc.) and limit contact with other people.

Major sectors of our economy have shut down and millions of people are out of work. Only essential businesses and services are allowed to stay open. It remains to be seen what the long-term impact will be but for the moment, COVID-19 has significantly changed our society

One of the major impacts of virus control is social distancing. Social distancing is the most important measure that all of us can take in order to contain the virus. As we move into uncharted waters with COVID-19, we are literally prohibited by the government to gather in crowded places.

It does make sense on the face of it as a way to reduce infection, but social distancing, as a human behavior, has a number of consequences with far-reaching effects. Things that we take for granted celebrations, milestones in life, religious ceremonies, gatherings with loved ones and friends cannot take place. Marriages, funerals, graduations, sporting events even trips to museums, restaurants, and churches are impacted at this moment as we cope with the virus. Life has changed in an extraordinary way.

One of the saving graces during this time of personal isolation is technology, specifically communication technology. In many cases, although we cannot be with our loved ones and friends in a real-time person to person, human experience, we can electronically be connected as if we were in the same room together. Smart phones, land lines, conferencing services, email, text, and instant messaging, are just some of the technologies that allow us to communicate across time and space. We can stay in touch at a moments notice.

This is very important, especially for those that are at more risk such as the elderly and infirm, for whom the virus could have deadly consequences. And because of this they do not venture out of their homes, unless it is crucial. Communication with loved ones and friends is essential, and is possible even in isolation, through technology.

Even in this era of high political passions, the virus has brought people together. In January, President Trump took quick action to put into place a travel ban specifically focused on the countries where the virus was creating havoc. The Congress, both Democrats and Republicans created and passed the largest and most comprehensive relief package in the history of the country $1 trillion, with more to come. The relief package is focused on saving the economy and supporting American workers during the economic shutdown.

Businesses of all kinds have done their part to help as they can. GM and Ford are manufacturing ventilators, Bob Kraft, owner of the Patriots, has shipped truckloads of medical supplies to New York, the Lego toy company is manufacturing 13,000 face visors per day. Even Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy has revamped up his factory to produce up to 50,000 facemasks per day. To an impressive degree, people have put their differences aside to work for the greater good.

To underscore the seriousness of the pandemic, President Trump has created the Corona Virus Response Team, led by Vice President Pence and consisting of medical and governmental personnel at the highest levels. The team has done an admirable job in an unprecedented and fluid situation. Each day the team updates the country on the status of the virus indicating the locations that are experiencing the highest rate of infection and death, discussing the medical initiatives, medicines, and technologies that have been most effective, as well as answering every question from the White House pool of reporters - Q&A sessions often lasting an hour or more each day. The administration, to its credit, has been informative and transparent in its response to the virus,

We are in uncharted waters with the coronavirus pandemic. People are suffering and dying all around the country. The economy is shut down. Americans are in lockdown and isolated in their own homes. Our culture, our way of life has been impacted to a significant degree.

No doubt there will be a lasting impact as the coronavirus moves through the USA and world. However, it is clear to see that we as a people, as a society, understand the seriousness of the situation and have come together, putting disagreements aside, and doing everything in our power to defeat this invisible threat.

Thought of the Day The purpose of human life is to show compassion and the will to help others. Albert Schweitzer - humanitarian, philosopher, and physician

Steve Nickerson is a former long-term Mansfield resident and former US Marine. The opinions he expresses are his own.

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GUEST COLUMN: Society coming together to defeat this invisible threat - Wicked Local Mansfield

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