How to set a goal to save more money this year – The Boston Globe

If you want to save more money, please know there isnt just one perfect way. Instead, find what works for you. Heres how in four steps:

1) Make a list of all the actions you might take to save money. Youre not committing to any of theseyoure just making a list. Be creative and have fun. Try to come up with 15 items.

2) Put a star by each item that would be effectivethe action would lead to more savings. Dont think about if you want to do the action, just think about impact.

3) Now shift gears and be realistic. Circle each item on your list you could get yourself to do. Youll see most of the items you circle will be easy.

4) Finally, find all the items with both stars and circles. I call those golden behaviors. You focus on those, and you forget the rest.


BJ Fogg founded the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and teaches industry innovators about human behavior. He is the author of the new book Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything, and has created the Tiny Habits Academy to help people around the world. Send comments to

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How to set a goal to save more money this year - The Boston Globe

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