Were you born on June 30th? Then your sun sign is Cancer in Western astrology. A sun sign is only one small part of your natal astrological chart, but it has become the most popular part of astrology because it is easiest to determine. Sun signs are based on the dates the sun moves through certain constellations each year. These dates are relatively the same year after year, so anyone born between June 21 and July 20 is also a Cancer.
The other aspects of astrology, such as your Moon sign, Mercury sign, or Venus sign, are determined by the exact time and place of your birth. The planets closest to the sun are known are your personal planets because they are different for each person.
The outer planets like Pluto and Saturn, are the same for every person in a generation. Because of their longer orbits, they can sometimes take years to move through signs. However, each person has these planets placed in a different house in the astrological chart, which still gives them differing meanings for their life and personality even if they have the same sign as their peers.
The zodiac sign Cancer is represented by the crab. This is a great symbol for Cancers for many reasons.
June 30 birthdays are in the first decan of Cancer. A decan is a smaller section of an astrological sign that takes up about 10 days. The first decan of Cancer is from June 21-July 1. Those born during this time are classic Cancers. They are quite romantic, love their families, and can be quite creative.
Cancer is the only sign to be ruled by The Moon, and only one of two zodiac signs to be ruled by a luminary instead of a planet. The other one is Leo, which is ruled by The Sun. Cancers relationship to the moon is somewhat different from other signs relationships to their planets, simply because the moon is so much closer and we are deeply connected to it here on Earth.
The Moon has a direct effect on our Earths tides. Humans have used the phases of the moon to help us tell time for thousands of years. In the English language, several words that relate to periods of about a month are derived from words relating to the moon. For example, the words month and menstrual are related to The Moon. Throughout history, people have also thought The Moon has different effects on human behavior leading to words like lunacy and lunatic.
Cancers emotional nature may be related to The Moon. Cancers can seem, to others, to have random mood shifts that dont make much sense to others. However, they can be related to the changing phases of The Moon and the other astrological aspects of The Moon as it orbits our planet.
The Moon also deals with empathy and intuition. Because of this, Cancers are strong in both of these traits. A healthy Cancer can empathize with other people but still maintain their own identity. An unbalanced Cancer may become overly identified with other peoples feelings and get confused about what feelings belong to other people and what belongs to themselves.
Because of their connection to the moon, Cancers are also so intuitive that they can seem to be psychic. Never try to lie to a Cancer because they will probably simply sense that youre lying. However, as previously mentioned, this can lead them to get upset when their friends and family dont read their mind.
fabio oliveira2020/Shutterstock.com
All water signs are deeply emotional and intuitive, but in different ways. The other two water signs are Scorpio and Pisces. People tend to think water signs are total emotional softies. However, you only have to think of the element water to know that is not true. Water can trickle pleasantly through a stream, or stall in a river to create the perfect swimming hole. However, it can also rage and cause great destruction. Additionally, water is so powerful that over thousands of years it carves canyons and creates shorelines. All this is to say: dont underestimate a water sign.
Water signs also love stability. For Cancers, this can result in long-term partnerships, loyal friendships, living in the same home for a while, and having the same job in a traditional setting for quite some time. However, this can also mean that when things are not stable they can become more fragile than other people who deal with change more easily.
Every sign of the zodiac is either fixed, mutable, or cardinal. Each of the four elements, water, air, fire, and earth, represents three signs. Each of the three aspects fixed, mutable, and cardinal, represents four signs. So, each element has one fixed sign, one mutable sign, and one cardinal sign.
Cardinal signs like Cancer come at the start of each season. Because of this, they are considered the leaders of the zodiac. They are trendsetters and love to come up with innovative ideas. Cancers cardinal nature may be more under-the-radar than the others because of their watery nature. However, its simply that their leadership qualities may not appear in the things that we value most in our current societys structure. They are more likely to take the lead in spiritual, emotional, and home pursuits.
People born on June 30th have both the number 3 and the number 9 as part of their important numbers. The number 3 comes from the day of the 30th. So, they share this number with people born on the 30th of any month. Number 3s can be funny and social. To others they can appear to be irresponsible, but they always handle their affairs. Its just that they never think anything is so serious to get super worried about it.
The number 9 comes from the month (6) and the day (30th). The number 9 encompasses a bit of the qualities from all of the other numbers in numerology. It is the last number because in numerology you always simplify any double or triple digits down to a single number. So, people with this number in their life are often flexible and adaptable. They can learn multiple strategies for how to deal with a problem and use the one that works best for the situation.
Each of the birthstones for the month of June fit well into Cancers ethos. There are three choices:
Pearl and moonstone both look like the moon, which Cancer has such a deep connection with. Alexandrite is a mystical rare gem that changes color depending on what type of light shines on it.
Each sign in the zodiac has stereotypical personality traits. However, its important not to pre-judge people based on these ideas. You can use them to explain someones behavior, but they show up quite differently in different people. When unbalanced, any sun signs more challenging traits can come out. When they have worked on themselves, any signs more easeful traits can be present. Also, what is a challenging trait for one person, may be a desirable one for someone else. For example, Cancers love of staying at home could be challenging for an adventure oriented sign like Aries or Gemini, but a dream for another comfort loving sign like Taurus. All this is to say, these traits are just stereotypes. Let a Cancer show you who they are before you assume anything about them!
Like all water signs, Cancers feel deeply. They are also quite sensitive. They may not take kindly to good-natured teasing or constructive criticism. Because of this, Cancers need to learn that things arent always personal. Learning to take criticism, especially in work and school, can help Cancers become happier and more well-adjusted people.
For all their emotions, Cancers tend to retreat into their shells when they are in their feels, rather than expressing them. Part of this is a desire to avoid confrontation, and part of this is that Cancers forget that people arent as psychic and intuitive as they are. They expect their people to read their minds. This can lead to passive-aggressive behaviors where Cancers drop hints that they are upset, but never really say what is bothering them. Additionally, as the emotional world is the realm in which Cancers feel most comfortable, they can forget that there is a conflict or issue to deal with. They can focus on their feelings and dig into them, even wallowing, rather than sorting things out.
Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com
Cancer, especially those in the first decan, has a special interest in family. In our modern world, this doesnt have to mean their family of origin. It can be a family of choice. They love to nurture and care for their family members. June 30th Cancers may have a special interest in fertility or having their own children because the first decan is ruled by Venus. This also ties into their love of home, which is often where their family is located.
Cancers are loyal friends, family members, and romantic partners. It is hard to get into their inner circle, but once youre there, a Cancer will have a hard time letting you go. Their home can become a center for the friend group, and they love hosting for those who are important to them. However, there are some challenging aspects to this loyalty that can develop. Cancers are so nurturing and loyal that they can forget about their own needs in a relationship. This can lead them to overextend themselves, leading to resentment in the long-term, especially if their nurturing is not reciprocated.
Cancers also have a tendency to hold onto objects, in addition to people. This can lead to a comfortable but cluttered home.
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com
Cancers love stability so they may prefer traditional employment versus being self-employed. They do well in jobs where they can nurture others such as childcare, nursing, mental healthcare, and teaching. However, there are also some unconventional ways that they can show their nurturing nature through their work such as becoming a financial planner, interior designer, or office manager. Cancers can also put their amazing intuition to work as an esoteric practitioner such as a tarot reader or astrologer.
If youre looking for a committed relationship, then something with a Cancer is right up your alley. However, if you want something casual, then Cancers desire for loyalty, stability, and commitment will probably send you running for the hills. Cancers are super romantic and prefer to be in long-term relationships. They make great partners, and can build an amazing home and family with someone who wants the same thing.
Because of their loyalty to their partners and friends, Cancers can easily overlook problematic aspects of their partners. On the one hand, this can be a good thing. They are not likely to break up with someone over small behaviors that annoy them. On the other hand, when it comes to more serious topics like disrespect or even abuse, a Cancer can stay in a relationship for way too long.
Additionally, because they value loyalty and longevity so much, they are likely to stay friends with their exes. New partners may feel jealous of these friendships.
Cancers are possibly most compatible with Scorpios and Tauruses. Scorpios feel just as deeply as Cancers, and may even feel more deeply. They also love commitment and are looking for a true soul connection in their relationships. Tauruses are equally stable and huge fans of comfort. A home built by a Cancer/Taurus relationship is going to be very cushy and inviting!
Fire signs might be least compatible with Cancers. Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo love adventure and might not stay in the same place long enough for a Cancers liking.
The symbol of the crab comes from an ancient Greek myth. The star of the myth is Heracles, the Greek version of Hercules. The Greek goddess Hera hated Heracles because he is the result of an affair between her husband, Zeus, and the mortal princess Alcmene. His existence reminded her of Zeus constant wandering from their relationship. So, when Heracles was fighting a nine-headed hydra, she sent a giant crab to mess with him. Unfortunately for Hera and luckily for Heracles, he easily killed the beast. So, Hera immortalized the crab in the stars as a constellation.
The Moon was also an important symbol in Greek mythology. Selene, the goddess of The Moon, was a romantic deity who was also very family oriented, just like Cancer. She had more than 50 children! She was also associated with intuition and psychic visions.
More here:
June 30 Zodiac: Sign, Traits, Compatibility and More - AZ Animals
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