Letters: Student loans, OSU’s name and restoring unity in the USA – The Columbus Dispatch

Letters to the Editor| The Columbus DispatchCollege students should be responsible, pay off loans

There is talk circulating that some in the new administration want to forgive student loan debt. Really!

My family was not "dirt poor," but we were poor. When I started college in 1958 they did not have student loan programs and tuition assistance programs like today. I had to work while attending college, 32 hours weekly during the school year and 40 hoursIn the summer.

On Mondays and Thursdays, I went in at 3 p.m.and got off the next morning at 2 a.m.,followed by 8 a.m.classes. I survived and carried a 3.22 GPA (out of 4.0). By working, I missed the card parties, the drinking at local pubs, the tennis and golf matches, etc. Instead, I learned valuable life lessons regarding financial management and how to take care of myself.

Many kids today have an entitlement mentality and think the world owes them everything. Put everything on the "tab" and pay later. To those I say: "you reap what you sow." You run up the tab, you pay for it. It is called being responsible.

James A. Gambert, Pickerington

Here is the answer for Buckeyes who don't know why theTheis capitalized.

When I enrolled atOhio State Universityin 1954 (tuition was $75/quarter, season football tickets $18),we had a fraternityalumni adviser named Tom Johnson.Johnsonalsowas stadium announcer for OSU football games.

EverySaturday when the band came down thenorth ramp and into formation at thenorth goal post,Johnsonwould announce "Ladies and gentlemen,TheOhio State University marching band!!"

Thus, TheOhio State University.

Robert Leftwich, West Chester

Seventy million people voted for Donald Trump.This country is not just divided, but dangerously divided. The Democrats need to stop celebrating the win and start thinking about what they need todoto change some minds.

Susan Miller, Columbus

Public policy change requires more than three-word catch phrases. Calling for public policy change invites clever phrases suitable for media moments. However, these phrases often mask the complexity of real change and undermine real change.

Nancy Reagans Just say no! campaign sounded like a good idea but failed because public policy related to drug abuse is more complicated than three words. Trickle-downeconomics sounds good in theory but has never worked because the economy and human behavior are more complicated than three words. In this context, I am concerned about defund thepolice.

I am horrified by the racist abuse and killings by police and policing culture locally and nationwide. I strongly agree we need to include social workers, crisis intervention specialists, educatorsand other nonpolice resources in our public safety strategies. However, if someone steals my car, I dont want a crisis intervention specialist trying to find it.

If I see a car speeding the wrong way on a busy street, Im not going to call a social worker to stop it. Defunding police sounds like an easy solution to a complicated problem. It also has the effect of polarizing the community. We need to increase funding for prevention activities, crisis intervention, treatment, civilian review of police,police culture changeand more.

We also need public participation in creating and monitoringthoughtful policies that reflect best practices of public health, safety andinclusion.

Chris Kloth, Columbus

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Letters: Student loans, OSU's name and restoring unity in the USA - The Columbus Dispatch

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