Letters to the editor – Pamplin Media Group

It is disappointing that Rep. Bentz joined effort to challenge election results

It is disappointing that Rep. Bentz joined effort to challenge election results

It is more than disappointing that our 2020-elected representative for Oregon's Second U.S. Congressional District, Cliff Bentz, abdicated his newly sworn oath to perpetuate the Trump lie that the 2020 election was rigged.

Mr. Bentz, just hours following the Capitol invasion by a Trump-incited mob, continued to affirm the myth that Trump really won, and deny the reality of a free and fair election. Unfortunately, Mr. Bentz was not alone in this, being joined by 147 of his Republican congressional colleagues. This is one of the deplorable events contributing to the infamy of the day.

Mr. Bentz has cited several issues for his objection to certification of Pennsylvania Electoral votes. Factually, all of his issues had already been addressed by Pennsylvania election officials or adjudicated through Pennsylvania courts or rejected as meritless by the U.S. Supreme Court. Pennsylvania Electors accepted the results.

So is this an error in judgment by Mr. Bentz or a self-serving attempt to glam onto Trump's fading coattails for political gain? What is clear is that it is not an action in support of the Truth. It is not an action of Leadership that will serve to discourage disruptive actions by Trump believers who cling to the Lie that is blatantly obvious to Mr. Bentz and his fellow Congressional Objectors.

Sen. Mitt Romney made an appeal to colleagues following the Jan 6 mob incursion into the US Capitol. The message was simple: 'Speak the Truth.' No lies, no subterfuge, no innuendo, no spin, no denial, and no silent abdication of Leadership. It would be well if Mr. Bentz and other Congressional representatives would take this advice and put it to action.

Donald Fisher

Powell Butte

Rep. Bentz should not have disputed Pennsylvania presidential votes

On Jan. 3, Cliff Bentz, representing Oregon's second district, was sworn in to the House of Representatives. Listening to the dog whistle on Jan. 6, he joined 137 other Republicans who chose to challenge the Electoral College votes from Pennsylvania. Apparently Cliff did not care 50 lawsuits challenging the legality of the election had already been dismissed, some by judges appointed by Trump. The Supreme Court even refused to hear the cases.

Cliff stated he had consulted with lawyers and constituents before taking the huge leap to embarrass Oregon. Even Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr said there was no evidence of fraud. Cliff states Pennsylvania was not following its election laws. The Pennsylvania GOP and the Democratic governor agreed to all changes.

Cliff was concerned about the ballots received late. Those ballots (approximately 10,000) were set aside and never counted. Cliff admitted later he did not know they had not been counted.

After the event of Jan. 6, in interviews given to OregonLive, OPB and The Malheur Enterprise, he gave arrogant and snide condescending answers to questions and did not think Trump instigated the tragedy.

Cliff should try learning the facts instead of following Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Greene, Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell.

Fred Carlson


Trump should accept that he lost the presidential election

Having taught psychology at Crook County High School for 11 years, I learned more about human behavior and psychological disorders than all my college psych classes. Many of my psych students went on to obtain psychology degrees.

Me, I developed an understanding of human behavior and mental disorders, learning much more teaching than my college endeavors.

Losing the recent election has sent the occupant of the White House off the deep end, losing his grip on reality, developing a mean spirit unworthy of his high office. He has displayed the epitome of the poorest loser, discarding the veil of political, social and moral standards, determined to remain in the White House in spite of having handily lost the 2020 election, creating a totally unrealistic disavowal of the recent legitimate election results.

Every four to eight years, depending upon the length of a president's term of office, a survey of university professors of U.S. history are requested to rank the quality of all American presidents from George Washington to the present. Historians will label the present president's administration as the worst in America's history.

Believe it or not, his mental capacity and mental balance have deteriorated, so he is unable to accept the reality of having lost the election. If one tells a lie often enough, people will believe it, and his avid followers do just that. The psychological problem is that he truly believes his lies and manipulations, thus creating major damage to our democracy for many years to come.

Dick Phay


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Letters to the editor - Pamplin Media Group

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