Pastor Rick Sams: Before it’s too late – News – The Review – The-review

The classic Rozin Dixie Cup Experiment is a study of human behavior. It starts with having a volunteer simply swallow their own saliva. As we said as kids, "easy peasy." Then have this same person spit into a sterile Dixie cup. Next ... you tell them to ... wait for it DRINK IT.

It doesnt matter that only seconds prior, when the saliva was in her mouth, swallowing it was no problem. But now it becomes a gross loogie when you ask her to drink it from the Dixie cup.

Heres another childish phrase from our playground. If someone said something mean, we would demand: "You take that back!" But just like saliva, once out of your mouth, its hard to take back. We cant just reel in spoken words like some big fish.

Any words youve said to your father (or any male role model) over the years you wish you could take back? How about words you wish youd said, but now its too late. Hes gone you cant express or take back anything.

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life ... how good is a timely word ... good news gives health to the bones." (Proverbs 15:4,23, 30)

Let this little poem guide you this Fathers Day ... and every day.

Before its too late

If you have a tender message, Or a loving word to say,

Do not wait till you forget it, But whisper it today.

The tender word unspoken, The letter never sent,

The long forgotten messages, The wealth of love unspent,

For these some hearts are breaking, For these some loved ones wait;

So show them that you care for them, Before its too late.

Frank Herbert Sweet

Rick Sams is pastor emeritus of Alliance Friends Church.

Originally posted here:
Pastor Rick Sams: Before it's too late - News - The Review - The-review

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