Psychological Facts about Human Behavior – Psych Lens

The psychological facts about human behavior that you might not know.

Human behavior is more complicated than you think. It is shaped by many instrumental factors that you may not aware of.

If you wonder how and why a person acts as he/she does, today youll learn the different factors that affect behavior. Here are the psychological facts about human behavior that you might not know.

High testosterone level could lead an individual to find pleasure in others irritation. Those who have a high level of this hormone tend to enjoy others agitation.

People who have the lower level of self-esteem engage in a stereotyping act or discrimination. Most of their victims are those who are better than them in a certain aspect of life. Humiliation boosts their self-esteem.

Someones making decision considers the presence of others. In fact, an individual may make favorable or good decision in a group than when no one is around. People being watched tend to behave accordingly.

People who committed undesirable acts tend to reshape moral standards. A robber, for instance, may perceive that stealing is good.

In most cases, we perceive someone who looks attractive and honest as trustworthy and sincere. While in fact, in some instances, the contrary is true. Appearance plays an important role in behavior.

Successful people are mostly considered as intelligent.

Most people who face hard challenges tend to do nothing. This may be the reason why most people are not successful.

These psychological facts about human behavior affect almost all of us. These concepts may have no significant effect on your life. But in extreme cases, they shape your attitude and behavior.

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Psychological Facts about Human Behavior - Psych Lens

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