Roy Exum: Sheriff Candid On Riots – The Chattanoogan

In a conversation with Jim Hammond on Thursday, Hamilton Countys sheriff for the past 15 years, told me the rioting that has swept across America in the past two weeks is absolutely unprecedented. It is the worst sampling of unchecked criminal behavior I have ever witnessed. I cant believe what my eyes tell me I am seeing. And as a lifelong devotee of history and human behavior, this is exactly the recipe Hitler used to take over Germany just before World War II.

For the record, the county sheriffs department is a Constitutional office. To defund Hammonds department and other sheriff departments across the United States would take an Act of Congress.

But, sheriff, the rowdies say they are going to recall you vote you out of office -- if you fail to comply. Let them try. And wish em luck, he said candidly. That is never going to happen. I was on WGOW earlier this morning and every caller was pro-law enforcement. This movement to defund police is absolutely wrong. In the 15 years I have held office, I can count on one hand the instances where race has been a factor in an arrest. I can also tell you in Hamilton County black-white policing is not a problem we even worry about. In the proper enforcement of law, every soul is the same.

A current poll on asks, Should the City Council take money from the police budget and put it into social programs? At 8 oclock last night, 2,737 who responded answered with a resounding no by an 82-18 percent margin.

Unfortunately, this has become a Black Lives Matter issue and my office has always taken the stance that crime has no color. We have never, and we will not ever, arrest anyone because of race. I was looking at our county jail census the other day and we had 158 whites and 156 blacks. It is roughly the same at Silverdale where a larger population of county detainees are held. There is no racial disparity.

One of lifes most true facts is that in every population or area of business, the great majority are law-abiding, God-fearing people who contribute mightily to our community. We are charged, very seriously, to keep all of them safe in every way, said the sheriff, but even before the Bible was written, we find that a small percentage in any specific group is not nice.

There are a few white people, black people, men, women, teenagers, doctors, teachers, firemen news media, too who are bad. Less than 10 percent, who take up 90 percent of the good peoples time, effort and patience. Its true. What I find is worse, than all, are bad cops, Hammond pointed to each of the 40 years hes worn a badge. I take the responsibly of hiring who I believe are the right people very personal.

Right now, there are approximately 1 million law enforcement officers in our nation. More and more of them come from the military; a huge number are college graduates. Most have families, children of their own, and the only thing that each has in common is that they love peace, and will perform whatever it takes to insure that American ideal.

Several weeks ago I am afraid a white police officer, using a method of control that certainly wasnt proper, resulted in the death of a black man. Wait again, crime doesnt come in a color yet the incident touched off a terrible phenomena that was quickly fanned into a race issue. The death could have happened between two white people, two black people, or with the black man on top. Instead, it touched off total havoc, our government leaders on every level reacted terribly, and now The Black Lives Matter crowd wants to 'profile' every officer, defund every police department across America, and create a vicious criminal atmosphere where police suddenly have not enough funding 'to protect and serve.'

How bad is it? Our County Commission could take a vote on anything in the sheriffs department and it would be a purely racist show of hands six conservative ones versus three liberal ones. To me, very personally, that is one of the most hurtful things for me to watch because my oath is to protect all nine commissioners, completely and fairly, but because I am a white law enforcement officer well, it breaks your heart, said Hammond, who has announced his retirement in the next election cycle, two years from now. Because of the protests and our riots, my overtime surplus is spent. I am having to go before the County Commission and ask for $50,000 more thats the bill right now and the vote will be 6-3 by nine people I admire very much.

In other words, compassion, the benefit of the doubt, the slow down, okay? days are over. Hate is now the true word among the The Legion of the Miserable who have as their cornerstone the steadfast vow to pull any and all down. Then, as Hitler so adroitly accomplished, made these inessentials the first he slaughtered. Follow the script, and be ever vigilant.

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