Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions: Brown Alpert Medical School Expert LIVE at 4 PM – GoLocalProv

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Smart Health on GoLocalProv

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Dr. Dale Bond PHOTO: Warren Alpert Medical School

Studies show that only 8% of Americans who make a New Year's resolution actually keep them all year and 80% have failed by the start of February Bond, a Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at The Miriam Hospital and Brown Alpert Medical School, will talk about setting a workout habit, and when the best time to workout is.

About Bond

Bond received M.S. andPh.D. degrees in Health Promotion and Education at Purdue University and the University of Utah, respectively, and completed postdoctoral training in behavioral medicine at Brown Alpert Medical School.

His research involves twoprincipal areas: (1) assessing and intervening on energy balance behaviors and related mechanisms in the context of bariatric surgery and obesity; and (2) assessment and treatment of behavioral risk factors and comorbidities among individuals who have a migraine.

Dr. Bond has been awarded grants from NIH and other organizations to conduct prospective studies and randomized trials pursuant to advancement of these areas. He also sits on the editorial boards for multipleobesity-relatedjournals, is a member of severalAmerican Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)and Obesity Society (TOS) committees, was a recent member ofthe NIH Behavioral Interventions and Outcomes study section, and is a research mentor within the NHLBI T32 Postdoctoral Training in Cardiovascular Behavioral Medicine Program at The Miriam Hospital and Brown University.

Warren Alpert Medical School

Since granting its first Doctor of Medicine degrees in 1975, the Warren Alpert Medical School has become a national leader in medical education and biomedical research. By attracting first-class physicians and researchers to Rhode Island over the past four decades, the Medical School and its seven affiliated teaching hospitals have radically improved the state's health care environment, from health care policy to patient care.

"Smart Health" is a segment featuring experts from The Warren Alpert Medical School GoLocal LIVE.

Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions: Brown Alpert Medical School Expert LIVE at 4 PM - GoLocalProv

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