The U.S. Isn’t in a Second Wave of Coronavirus The First Wave Never Ended – Discover Magazine

After sustained declines in the number of COVID-19 cases over recent months, restrictions are starting toease across the U.S. Numbers of new cases are falling or stable at low numbers in some states, but theyare surging in many others. Overall, the U.S. is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of new cases a day, and by late June, had surpassed the peak rate of spread in early April.

When seeing these increasing case numbers, it is reasonable to wonder if this is thedreaded second wave of the coronavirus a resurgence of rising infections after a reduction in cases.

The U.S. as a whole is not in a second wave because the first wave never really stopped. The virus is simply spreading into new populations or resurging in places that let down their guard too soon.

Seven day rolling average of number of people confirmed to have COVID-19, per day, as of June 29, 2020. Johns Hopkins university doesn't provide reliable data for March 12 and March 13. (Credit: Johns Hopkins CSSE via the Conversation)

A wave of an infection describes a large rise and fall in the number of cases. There isnt a precise epidemiological definition of when a wave begins or ends.

But with talk of asecond wave in the news, as anepidemiologist and public health researcher, I think there are two necessary factors that must be met before we can colloquially declare a second wave.

First, the virus would have to be controlled and transmission brought down to a very low level. That would be the end of the first wave. Then, the virus would need to reappear and result in a large increase in cases and hospitalizations.

Many countries inEurope and Asia have successfully ended the first wave.New ZealandandIcelandhave also made it through their first waves and are now essentially coronavirus-free, with very low levels of community transmission and only a handful of active cases currently.

In the U.S., cases spiked in March and April and then trended downward due to social distancing guidance and implementation. However, the U.S. never reduced spread to low numbers that were sustained over time. Through May and early June, numbers plateaued atapproximately 25,000 new cases daily.

We have left that plateau. Since mid-June, cases have been surging upwards. Additionally, the percentage of COVID-19 tests that are returning positiveis climbing steeply, indicating that the increase in new cases is not simply a result of more testing, but the result of an increase in spread.

As of writing this, new deaths per dayhave not begun to climb, but some hospitals intensive care units haverecently reached full capacity. In the beginning of the outbreak, deaths often lagged behind confirmed infections. It is likely, as Anthony Fauci, the nations top infectious-disease specialist said on June 22, thatdeaths will soon follow the surge in new cases.

Looking at U.S. numbers as a whole hides what is really going on. Different states are invastly different situations right nowand when you look at states individually, four major categories emerge.

Places where the first wave is ending: States in the Northeast and a few scattered elsewhere experienced large initial spikes but were able to mostly contain the virus and substantially brought down new infections.New Yorkis a good example of this.

Places still in the first wave: Several states in the South and West see Texas and California had some cases early on, but are now seeing massive surges with no sign of slowing down.

Places in between: Many states were hit early in the first wave, managed to slow it down, but are either at a plateau likeNorth Dakota or are now seeing steep increases likeOklahoma.

Places experiencing local second waves: Looking only at a state level, Hawaii, Montana and Alaska could be said to be experiencing second waves. Each state experienced relatively small initial outbreaks and was able to reduce spread to single digits of daily new confirmed cases, but are now all seeing spikes again.

The trends arent surprising based on how states have been dealing with reopening. The virus will go wherever there are susceptible people and until the U.S. stops community spread across the entire country, the first wave isnt over.

Men wearing masks outside the U.S. Army hospital in Fort Porter, New York, during the 1918 flu pandemic. The images and memories we preserve from COVID-19 are still to be determined. (Credit: Everett Historical/Shutterstock)

It is possible though at this point it seems unlikely that the U.S. could control the virus before a vaccine is developed. If that happens, it would be time to start thinking about a second wave. The question of what it might look like depends in large part on everyones actions.

The1918 flu pandemicwas characterized by a mild first wave in the winter of 1917-1918 that went away in summer. After restrictions were lifted, people very quickly went back to pre-pandemic life. But a second, deadlier strain came back in fall of 1918 and third in spring of 1919. In total,more than 500 million people were infectedworldwide and upwards of50 million diedover the course of three waves.

It was the combination of a quick return to normal life and a mutation in the flus genome that made it more deadly that led to the horrific second and third waves.

Thankfully, the coronavirus appears to be much moregenetically stablethan the influenza virus, and thus less likely to mutate into a more deadly variant. That leaves human behavior as the main risk factor.

Until avaccine or effective treatment is developed, the tried-and-true public health measures of the last months social distancing,universal mask wearing, frequent hand-washing and avoiding crowded indoor spaces are the ways to stop the first wave and thwart a second one. And when there are surges like what is happening now in the U.S., further reopening plans need to be put on hold.

Melissa Hawkins is a professor of public health and director of the Public Health Scholars Program at American University. This story originally appeared on The Conversation. Read the original article.

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The U.S. Isn't in a Second Wave of Coronavirus The First Wave Never Ended - Discover Magazine

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